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TM-6027 , UAS 2017 ; Nama / NIM :

Give a clear and short answer of the questions belows:

No Questions Your Answer must be written here Weight

1 What is the objective of using GLCC

equipment ?

2 What is the liquid inlet preference into Gun obtain best separation between
produced oil and water. 10

3 What factors (two) that can reduce efficiency of

Gas Flotation unit application.

4 If you find increasing in Oxygen in water

flowline of a water flooding system, what
should you do to handle such a problem? 10

5 What is function of boiler in a Glycol

Dehydration system ?

6 What are the 5 equipments which should be

installed in water injection system, when the
injected water is obtained from a river. 10

7 What are disadvantages (2) of Gas Flotation


TM-6027 , UAS 2017 ; Nama / NIM :

8 What are the 3 weaknesses of Glycol

Dehydration operation.

9 What are the 3 important parameters that must

be fulfilled by the injected water to be injected
in to oil reservoir. 10

10 What are the 3 important factors

(specifications) of oil phase that will be
transported using a pipelines. 10

11 Known that a pump head has a value of 240 ft,

What is discharge pressure of this pump in
psi? 10

12 What are 2 factors that can reduce efficiency

of a Hydrocyclone operation.

13 What are 3 factors that could reduce efficiency

of a two-phase separator operation.

14 What are the 4 factors that could increase

value of NPSH Available ? (Read PUMP)

15 What factors that could affect the toll fee

value? (4 factors)
TM-6027 , UAS 2017 ; Nama / NIM :

16 Is there any way to reduce the toll fee value?

(2 ways)

17 What are the factors (3 factors) that can

increase pressure of liquid flow in pipeline

18 Why are your reasons to select Methanol in

preventing Hydrate Formation in a gas flow
pipelines system

19 Why water should be removed from the gas

flow, before entering a transmission pipelines.
(please write 4 factors)

20 What are the advantages of using TEG in Gas



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