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ĐỀ LUYỆN HSG – 2010 – 2011

Practice 1
(Time allowed: 180 minutes)
A. LISTENING. (15 points)
You are going to hear a radio news broadcast. You will hear the news headlines, followed by the
news in details. Read the questions 1 – 15.
For questions 1 -4, fill in the missing word in each headline.
For the questions 5 – 15 tick whether the statements are true or false.
I. Headlines:
1. Fire follows ……………….chemical factory explosion.
2. Serious ……………. crash in South Wales.
3. Narrow escape from …………… ash.
4. 16-year-old gets award as most promising ………………… .
II. True or false.
5. The explosion occurred outside High town. ….. ….
6 Only two people were injured in the blast. ….. ….
7 500 residents had to go to emergency rest centres until the next morning. ….. ….
8 The coach was carrying the Cardiff football team. ….. ….
9 After the crash, some roads in the area were closed to traffic. ….. ….
10 Special equipment was needed to lift the wreckage. ….. ….
11 Yesterday a B. B. Jumbo jet had a narrow escape. ….. ….
12 One of the planes exploded when loading. ….. ….
13 An emergency landing took place in that area 6 weeks ago. ….. ….
14 Twelve awards went to the film. ….. ….
15 Susan had not been a film star before. ….. ….
B. PHONETICS (5 points)
Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question.
16. A. obvious B. notorious C. credulous D. numerous
17. A. dialect B. diagram C. diagonal D. diamond
18. A. Europe B. monument C. province D. minority
19. A. obsolete B. complete C. compete D. deplete
20. A. consent B. obstinacy C. condolence D. equality
I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. (15 points)
21. The greater ................. increase in population, the harder it is for people to find adequate housing.
A. of B. is the C. the D. is of the
22. As soon as you buy a car, it starts falling in ..................
A. cost B. worth C. value D. price
23. – “Thank you very much for your lift” – “ …………………!” 1
A. That was all I could do B. I see C. Delighted I was able to help D.
Thank you.
24. Since they aren't answering their telephone, they................... left
A. must have B. should have C. need have D. can have
25. She ..................... $ 20 out of the bank every Monday.
A. pulls B. draws C. moves D. removes
26. The thief was .......................... to six months' imprisonment.
A. given B. sent C. sentenced D. changed
27. “Would you rather have wine or coke?” – “…………….”
A. It doesn’t matter B. No problem C. Sure D. None, please.
28. Houses in big cities are expensive because land is in ................... supply.
A. short B. brief C. little D. slight
29. He's not very sensible as far as money ................... are concerned.
A. matters B. objects C. things D. aspects
30. He considers shares to be a good ...................... investment.
A. long-time B. long-term C. long-age D. long-run
31. There's no point in telephoning him. He's certain ..................... by now.
A. to leave B. to have left C. left D. having left
32. – “………………..” – “Thank you.”
A. What a nice house! B. Thanks for coming C. Please help me with this D. Sorry
33. Giving up smoking is just one of the ways to ..................... heart disease.
A. push off B. put off C. ward off D. throw off
34. The windows don't fit very well and this makes the room awfully .....................
A. airy B. draughty C. breezy D. ventilated
35. –“May I go out?” – “ ……………….”
A. Go ahead B. It doesn’t matter C. You may D. Be quick
II. Supply the correct form of the word provided in brackets in each sentence. (10 points)
36. Doubts about the government’s policies are being expressed even by people who have been ………..
of the government in the past. ( SUPPORT)
37. Paul is directly …………….. for the efficient running of the office. (RESPONSIBILITY)
38. Women often lose …………… when they stop work to have a baby. (CONFIDENT)
39. Students are expected to be quiet and ………… in the classroom. (OBEDIENCE)
40. Children need to feel …………… in order to do well at school. (SECURITY)
41. I’ve always thought of Jo as a very ……………… person. He is very helpful and always thinks about
what other people feel. (CARE)
42. The English have a reputation for being ………………… . (RESERVE)
43. Attempts are being made to ………….. the problem of waste disposal. (SOLUTION)
44. He wrote a book about the ……………… tricks of his ten-year-old daughter. (MISCHIEF)
45. If you are ………………. to fly at night, you can get a much cheaper ticket. (WILL)
III. From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not 2
correct. (5 points)
46. A good exercise program helps teach people to avoid the habits that might shorten the lives.
47. Forgery, in law, is the fabrication or altering of a written document with the intent to deceive or
48. Since rats are destructive and may carry disease, therefore many cities try to exterminate them.
49. In that age of computers, it is difficult to imagine how tedious the work of accountants and clerks
have been in the past.
50. Made up of more than 150 member countries, the organization known as the United Nations were
after World War II to preserve international peace and security.
C. READING (20 points)
I. Read the passage and then decide which word (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space. (10 points)
Rock carving suggest that Stone Age people were hunting whales for food as early as 2200 B.C. Such (1)
________ hunting is still practiced today in a number of (2) ________ including the Inuit people of
Greenland and North America.
Whaling became big business from the seventh century as the (3) ________ for whalebone and whale oil
rose, and humpback and sperm whales were hunted in (4) ________ large numbers. But just as stocks of
these species began to fall, the explosive harpoon-gun was (5) ________. This weapon, together with the
development of steam-power ships, (6) ________ the whalers to hunt the fast-moving fin and blue
In 1905 the whaling (7) ________ moved to the waters of Antarctica. The introduction of massive factory
ships enabled the whales to be processed at sea. As a result, the blue whale had (8) ________ disappeared
by the 1950s. In 1946 the International Whaling Commission was established to maintain the declining
whale populations. Quotas were (9) ________ but these were often (10)________ and numbers continued
to fall. Hunting of many species continued until 1986 when the IWC finally responded to international
pressure and a ban on commercial whaling was introduced.
51. A. survival B. essential C. basic D. subsistence 3
52. A. groups B. societies C. races D. nationalities
53. A. demand B. desire C. request D. reliance
54. A. repeatedly B. frequently C. continually D. increasingly
55. A. invented B. discovered C. assembled D. applied
56. A. managed B. employed C. enabled D. empowered
57. A. lines B. troops C. staff D. fleets
58. A. virtually B. possibly C. uniquely D. commonly
59. A. made B. set C. placed D. done
60. A. refused B. denied C. ignored D. exempted
II. Read the following passage carefully, then choose the ONE best answer to each question.
Water scarcity is fast becoming one of the major limiting factors in world crop production. In many
areas, poor agricultural practices have led to increasing desertification and the loss of formerly arable
lands. Consequently, those plants species that are well adapted to survival in dry climates are being
looked at for an answer in developing more efficient crops to grow on marginally arable lands.
Plants uses several mechanisms to ensure their survival in desert environments. Some involve purely
mechanical and physical adaptations, such as the shape of the plant’s surface, smaller leaf size, and
extensive root systems. Some of the adaptations are related to chemical mechanisms. Many plants, such
as cacti, have internal gums and mucilages which give them water-retaining properties. Another chemical
mechanism is that of the epicuticular wax layer. This wax layer acts as an impervious cover to protect the
plant. It prevents excessive loss of internal moisture. It also protects the plant from external aggression,
which can come from inorganic agents such as gases, or organic agents which include bacteria ant plant
Researchers have proposed that synthetic waxes with similar protective abilities could be prepared
based on knowledge of desert plants. If successfully developed, such a compound could be used to greatly
increase a plant’s ability to maintain health in such adverse situations as inadequate water supply, limited
fertilizers availability, attacked by pets, and poor storage after harvesting.
61.This passage deals mainly with
A. desertification B. decreasing water supply
C. factors limiting crop production D. developing efficient plants
62. The word “arable” is closest in meaning to
A. fertile B. parched C. barren D. marsh
63. Which of the following is a mechanical or physical mechanism that desert plants use?
A. The plant’s shape B. The small root system
C. The vast leaf size D. The high water system
64. The word “extensive” is closest in meaning to
A. spongy B. shallow C. widespread D. comprehensive
65. Which is one of the ways in which the epicuticular wax protects the plant?
A. It helps the plant to avoid excessive moisture intake B. It helps the plant to attack
C. It releases gases against plant pets. D. It guards against bacteria. 4
66. The word “it” refers to
A. another chemical mechanism B. the epicuticular wax layer
C. an impervious plantlike cover D. the loss of internal moisture
67. The word “aggression” is closest in meaning to
A. attack B. agitation C. conditions D. surroundings
68. What is an example of an inorganic agent that may attack plants?
A. Bacteria B. Insects C. Gas D. Pets
69. It can be inferred that synthetic simulated waxes
A. have not been developed yet B. have not succeeded
C. have been determined to be impervious to organic and inorganic agents.
D. have the quality of causing bacteria.
70. All of the following are examples of an adverse situation for crops except
A. inadequate water B. insufficient fertilize C. pest aggression D. proper storage
D. WRITING (30 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. (10 points)
71. People say that the president wanted to be a film star.
-> The president is ……………………………………………………………. .
72. In the unlikely event of a fire, please do not use the lift.
-> Should …………………………………………………………………….. .
73. It’s impossible for them to have found him in that jungle.
-> He …………………………………………………………………………. .
74. I am very much looking forward to seeing my great grandson for the first time.
-> What …………………………………………………………………………. .
75. If you want to save your eyesight, we must operate immediately.
-> Only by ………………………………………………………………………… .
76. It was his own fault that he lost his job. He was lat for work every morning.
-> If …………………………………………………………………………………. .
77. Attendances at the exhibition have been down this year.
-> The exhibition ……………………………………………………………….. .
78. I’m more interested in the people than the job.
-> It’s not the ………………………………………………………………….. .
79. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.
-> The excuse ………………………………………………………………………………….. .
80. Although Johnny Brax drives carefully on public roads, he is a terror on the race track.
-> Johnny Brax is a …………………………………………………………………………… .
II. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one in italics. (10 points)
81. The train came suddenly to a stop and some passengers were injured.
A. Coming suddenly to a stop, some passengers were injured.
B. Coming suddenly to a stop, the train made some passengers injured.
C. Suddenly stopping running, some passengers were injured. 5
D. Suddenly stopped, some passengers injured themselves.
82. No sooner had Alice registered for the course than she received the scholarship.
A. As soon as Alice registered for the course, she received the scholarship.
B. Registering for the course helped Alice receive the scholarship.
C. Alice registered for the course soon after receiving the scholarship.
D. Rather than receive the scholarship, Alice registered for the course.
83. No one but you and me knows who the robber was.
A. Only you know who the robber was. B. Only I know who the robber was.
C. Only one knows who the robber was. D. Only you and I know who the robber was.
84. The sport of skiing owes much development to the Norwegians.
A. The sport of skiing depends a lot on the Norwegians for it development.
B. The sport of skiing developed due to the Norwegians.
C. The sport of skiing owes much of its development to the Norwegians.
D. The sport of skiing is developed since the Norwegians.
85. The fare of my airline ticket costs more than the hotel.
A. The fare of my airline ticket costs more than the hotel does.
B. The fare of my airline ticket costs more than any hotel.
C. The fare of my airline ticket costs more than the price of the hotel.
D. The fare which I paid for my airline ticket was more than the hotel.
86. The critics were bore with the play while I found it absorbing.
A. The critics were bored with the play which I found it absorbing.
B. The critics were bored with the play, therefore, I found it absorbing.
C. The critics were bored with the play so I found it absorbing.
D. The critics were bored with the play but I found it absorbing.
87. I wish my English were fluent enough to go for the interview.
A. My English were too fluent to go for the interview. B. My English is fluent enough to go for the
C. If only my English were fluent enough for me to go for the interview.
D. My English were fluent enough and I could go for the interview.
88. William runs faster than any boys in his class.
A. No one in William’s class can run as fast as him. B. William is the quickest boy in his class.
C. William is running faster than anyone else in his class. D. William runs the fastest in his school.
89. I’d prefer to go swimming rather than go surfing.
A. Swimming is more interesting. B. I like going swimming to going surfing.
C. I would like to go swimming, not go surfing. D. Swimming is better than surfing, in my opinion.
90. In order to settle the matter, I will accept their suggestion.
A. To settle the matter, you should accept their suggestion.
B. Settling the matter, I accept their suggestion.
C. I will accept their suggestion in case the matter is settled.
D. I will accept their suggestion to settle the matter. 6
III. Write a paragraph (100 – 120 words) about either the advantages or disadvantages of
computers. ( 10 points)

KEYS TO ĐỀ LUYỆN HSG – 2010 – 2011

Practice 1
(Time allowed: 180 minutes)
A. LISTENING. (15 points)
You are going to hear a radio news broadcast. You will hear the news headlines, followed by the
news in details. Read the questions 1 – 15.
For questions 1 -4, fill in the missing word in each headline.
For the questions 5 – 15 tick whether the statements are true or false.
I. Headlines:
1. Fire follows …large…………….chemical factory explosion.
2. Serious …coach…………. crash in South Wales.
3. Narrow escape from …volcanic………… ash.
4. 16-year-old gets award as most promising …actress……………… .
II. True or false.
T F 7
5. The explosion occurred outside High town. -> in ….. …*.
6 Only two people were injured in the blast. -> no one ….. …*.
7 500 residents had to go to emergency rest centres until the next morning. *….. ….
8 The coach was carrying the Cardiff football team. -> a party of football fans ….. …*.
9 After the crash, some roads in the area were closed to traffic. *….. ….
10 Special equipment was needed to lift the wreckage. …*.. ….
11 Yesterday a B. B. Jumbo jet had a narrow escape. -> A. A. ….. …*.
12 One of the planes exploded when loading. -> its engines ….. …*.
13 An emergency landing took place in that area 6 weeks ago. …*.. ….
14 Twelve awards went to the film. ….*. ….
15 Susan had not been a film star before. …..* ….
B. PHONETICS (5 points)
Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question.
16. A. obvious B. notorious C. credulous D. numerous
17. A. dialect B. diagram C. diagonal D. diamond
18. A. Europe B. monument C. province D. minority
19. A. obsolete B. complete C. compete D. deplete
20. A. consent B. obstinacy C. condolence D. equality
I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.
21. The greater ................. increase in population, the harder it is for people to find adequate housing.
A. of B. is the C. the D. is of the
22. As soon as you buy a car, it starts falling in ..................
A. cost B. worth C. value D. price
23. – “Thank you very much for your lift” – “ …………………!”
A. That was all I could do B. I see C. Delighted I was able to help D.
Thank you.
24. Since they aren't answering their telephone, they................... left
A. must have B. should have C. need have D. can have
25. She ..................... $ 20 out of the bank every Monday.
A. pulls B. draws C. moves D. removes
26. The thief was .......................... to six months' imprisonment.
A. given B. sent C. sentenced D. changed
27. “Would you rather have wine or coke?” – “…………….”
A. It doesn’t matter B. No problem C. Sure D. None, please.
28. Houses in big cities are expensive because land is in ................... supply.
A. short B. brief C. little D. slight
29. He's not very sensible as far as money ................... are concerned.
A. matters B. objects C. things D. aspects
30. He considers shares to be a good ...................... investment. 8
A. long-time B. long-term C. long-age D. long-run
31. There's no point in telephoning him. He's certain ..................... by now.
A. to leave B. to have left C. left D. having left
32. – “………………..” – “Thank you.”
A. What a nice house! B. Thanks for coming C. Please help me with this D. Sorry
33. Giving up smoking is just one of the ways to ..................... heart disease.
A. push off B. put off C. ward off D. throw off
34. The windows don't fit very well and this makes the room awfully .....................
A. airy B. draughty C. breezy D. ventilated
35. –“May I go out?” – “ ……………….”
A. Go ahead B. It doesn’t matter C. You may D. Be quick
II. Supply the correct form of the word provided in brackets in each sentence. (10 points)
36. Doubts about the government’s policies are being expressed even by people who have been ………..
of the government in the past. ( SUPPORT) - > SUPPORTERS
37. Paul is directly …………….. for the efficient running of the office. (RESPONSIBILITY) ->
38. Women often lose …………… when they stop work to have a baby. (CONFIDENT) ->
39. Students are expected to be quiet and ………… in the classroom. (OBEDIENCE) -> OBIDIENT
40. Children need to feel …………… in order to do well at school. (SECURITY) -> SECURE
41. I’ve always thought of Jo as a very ……………… person. He is very helpful and always thinks about
what other people feel. (CARE) -> CARING
42. The English have a reputation for being ………………… . (RESERVE) -> RESERVED
43. Attempts are being made to ………….. the problem of waste disposal. (SOLUTION) -> SOLVE
44. He wrote a book about the ……………… tricks of his ten-year-old daughter. (MISCHIEF) ->
45. If you are ………………. to fly at night, you can get a much cheaper ticket. (WILL) -> WILLING
III. From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not
correct. (10 points)
46. A good exercise program helps teach people to avoid the habits that might shorten the lives.
47. Forgery, in law, is the fabrication or altering of a written document with the intent to deceive or
48. Since rats are destructive and may carry disease, therefore many cities try to exterminate them.
49. In that age of computers, it is difficult to imagine how tedious the work of accountants and clerks
must 9
have been in the past.
50. Made up of more than 150 member countries, the organization known as the United Nations were
after World War II to preserve international peace and security.
C. READING (35 points)
I. Read the passage and then decide which word (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space. (10 points)
Rock carving suggest that Stone Age people were hunting whales for food as early as 2200 B.C. Such (1)
________ hunting is still practiced today in a number of (2) ________ including the Inuit people of
Greenland and North America.
Whaling became big business from the seventh century as the (3) ________ for whalebone and whale oil
rose, and humpback and sperm whales were hunted in (4) ________ large numbers. But just as stocks of
these species began to fall, the explosive harpoon-gun was (5) ________. This weapon, together with the
development of steam-power ships, (6) ________ the whalers to hunt the fast-moving fin and blue
In 1905 the whaling (7) ________ moved to the waters of Antarctica. The introduction of massive factory
ships enabled the whales to be processed at sea. As a result, the blue whale had (8) ________ disappeared
by the 1950s. In 1946 the International Whaling Commission was established to maintain the declining
whale populations. Quotas were (9) ________ but these were often (10)________ and numbers continued
to fall. Hunting of many species continued until 1986 when the IWC finally responded to international
pressure and a ban on commercial whaling was introduced.
51. A. survival B. essential C. basic D. subsistence
52. A. groups B. societies C. races D. nationalities
53. A. demand B. desire C. request D. reliance
54. A. repeatedly B. frequently C. continually D. increasingly
55. A. invented B. discovered C. assembled D. applied
56. A. managed B. employed C. enabled D. empowered
57. A. lines B. troops C. staff D. fleets
58. A. virtually B. possibly C. uniquely D. commonly
59. A. made B. set C. placed D. done
60. A. refused B. denied C. ignored D. exempted
II. Read the following passages carefully, then choose the ONE best answer to each question
Water scarcity is fast becoming one of the major limiting factors in world crop production. In many
areas, poor agricultural practices have led to increasing desertification and the loss of formerly arable 10
lands. Consequently, those plants species that are well adapted to survival in dry climates are being
looked at for an answer in developing more efficient crops to grow on marginally arable lands.
Plants uses several mechanisms to ensure their survival in desert environments. Some involve purely
mechanical and physical adaptations, such as the shape of the plant’s surface, smaller leaf size, and
extensive root systems. Some of the adaptations are related to chemical mechanisms. Many plants, such
as cacti, have internal gums and mucilages which give them water-retaining properties. Another chemical
mechanism is that of the epicuticular wax layer. This wax layer acts as an impervious cover to protect the
plant. It prevents excessive loss of internal moisture. It also protects the plant from external aggression,
which can come from inorganic agents such as gases, or organic agents which include bacteria ant plant
Researchers have proposed that synthetic waxes with similar protective abilities could be prepared
based on knowledge of desert plants. If successfully developed, such a compound could be used to greatly
increase a plant’s ability to maintain health in such adverse situations as inadequate water supply, limited
fertilizers availability, attacked by pets, and poor storage after harvesting.
1. This passage deals mainly with
A. desertification B. decreasing water supply
C. factors limiting crop production D. developing efficient plants
2. The word “arable” is closest in meaning to
A. fertile B. parched C. barren D. marsh
3. Which of the following is a mechanical or physical mechanism that desert plants use?
A. The plant’s shape B. The small root system
C. The vast leaf size D. The high water system
4. The word “extensive” is closest in meaning to
A. spongy B. shallow C. widespread D. comprehensive
5. Which is one of the ways in which the epicuticular wax protects the plant?
A. It helps the plant to avoid excessive moisture intake B. It helps the plant to attack
C. It releases gases against plant pets. D. It guards against bacteria.
6. The word “it” refers to
A. another chemical mechanism B. the epicuticular wax layer
C. an impervious plantlike cover D. the loss of internal moisture
7. The word “aggression” is closest in meaning to
A. attack B. agitation C. conditions D. surroundings
8. What is an example of an inorganic agent that may attack plants?
A. Bacteria B. Insects C. Gas D. Pets
9. It can be inferred that synthetic simulated waxes
A. have not been developed yet B. have not succeeded
C. have been determined to be impervious to organic and inorganic agents.
D. have the quality of causing bacteria.
10. All of the following are examples of an adverse situation for crops except
A. inadequate water B. insufficient fertilize C. pest aggression D. proper storage 11
D. WRITING (30 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. (10 points)
1. People say that the president wanted to be a film star.
-> The president is said to have wanted to be a film star .
2. In the unlikely event of a fire, please do not use the lift.
-> Should there be a fire, please do not use the lift.. .
3. It’s impossible for them to have found him in that jungle.
-> He can’t have been found in that jungle .
4. I am very much looking forward to seeing my great grandson for the first time.
-> What I am very much looking forward to is seeing my great grandson for the first time .
5. If you want to save your eyesight, we must operate immediately.
-> Only by operating immediately can we save your eyesight..
6. It was his own fault that he lost his job. He was lat for work every morning.
-> If he hadn’t been late for work every morning, he wouldn’t have lost his job..
7. Attendances at the exhibition have been down this year.
-> The exhibition has not been so well attended this year .
8. I’m more interested in the people than the job.
-> It’s not the job I’m interested in: it’s the people.
9. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.
-> The excuse for the declaration of war was the defence of their territorial rights.
10. Although Johnny Brax drives carefully on public roads, he is a terror on the race track.
-> Johnny Brax is a is a careful driver on public road but a terror on the race track. .
II. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one in italics. (10 points)
1. The train came suddenly to a stop and some passengers were injured.
A. Coming suddenly to a stop, some passengers were injured.
B. Coming suddenly to a stop, the train made some passengers injured.
C. Suddenly stopping running, some passengers were injured.
D. Suddenly stopped, some passengers injured themselves.
2. No sooner had Alice registered for the course than she received the scholarship.
A. As soon as Alice registered for the course, she received the scholarship.
B. Registering for the course helped Alice receive the scholarship.
C. Alice registered for the course soon after receiving the scholarship.
D. Rather than receive the scholarship, Alice registered for the course.
3. No one but you and me knows who the robber was.
A. Only you know who the robber was. B. Only I know who the robber was.
C. Only one knows who the robber was. D. Only you and I know who the robber was.
4. The sport of skiing owes much development to the Norwegians.
A. The sport of skiing depends a lot on the Norwegians for it development.
B. The sport of skiing developed due to the Norwegians.
C. The sport of skiing owes much of its development to the Norwegians. 12
D. The sport of skiing is developed since the Norwegians.
5. The fare of my airline ticket costs more than the hotel.
A. The fare of my airline ticket costs more than the hotel does.
B. The fare of my airline ticket costs more than any hotel.
C. The fare of my airline ticket costs more than the price of the hotel.
D. The fare which I paid for my airline ticket was more than the hotel.
6. The critics were bore with the play while I found it absorbing.
A. The critics were bored with the play which I found it absorbing.
B. The critics were bored with the play, therefore, I found it absorbing.
C. The critics were bored with the play so I found it absorbing.
D. The critics were bored with the play but I found it absorbing.
7. I wish my English were fluent enough to go for the interview.
A. My English were too fluent to go for the interview. B. My English is fluent enough to go for the
C. If only my English were fluent enough for me to go for the interview.
D. My English were fluent enough and I could go for the interview.
8. William runs faster than any boys in his class.
A. No one in William’s class can run as fast as him. B. William is the quickest boy in his
C. William is running faster than anyone else in his class. D. William runs the fastest in his school.
9. I’d prefer to go swimming rather than go surfing.
A. Swimming is more interesting. B. I like going swimming to going surfing.
C. I would like to go swimming, not go surfing. D. Swimming is better than surfing, in my opinion.
10. In order to settle the matter, I will accept their suggestion.
A. To settle the matter, you should accept their suggestion.
B. Settling the matter, I accept their suggestion.
C. I will accept their suggestion in case the matter is settled.
D. I will accept their suggestion to settle the matter.
III. Write a paragraph (100 – 120 words) about either the advantages or disadvantages of
computers. ( 10 points)

ĐỀ LUYỆN HSG – 2010 – 2011

Practice 2 13
(Time allowed: 180 minutes)
A. LISTENING. (15 points)
Listen to a telephone conversation. Look at the questions 1- 15 and fill in the missing details on the
envelope in which the box office puts the caller’s tickets. You will hear the piece twice.

Day: (1) Date: (2) Time: (3)

…………………………. ………………………. …………………………

Title of the play: (4) ………………………………performed by the local (5)



Stalls Stalls

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A
15 29 30
C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 C
15 29 30
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
15 29 30

D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 D
15 29 30
F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 F
15 29 30
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
H ……. H
15 29 30

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
15 29 30

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
15 29 30

Circle Circle

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A
15 29 30
C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 C
15 29 30
……. 14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
15 29 30

D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (9) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 D
15 29 30
E £ E
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ……. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
15 29 30


Row: (10) ……………………… Numbers: (11)


For Mr. (12) ……………………………………………………………. .

Tel. No. Townville (13) ……………………………………………….. .
To be collected before: Day: (14) …………………………………. . Time: (15)
……………………………….. .

B. PHONETICS (5 points)
Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question.
16. A. furniture B. actual C. detective D. consonant
17. A. responsible B. positive C. solution D. exciting
18. A. dependent B. different C. interest D. crocodile
19. A. diplomatic B. destination C. artificial D. memorial
20. A. willingness B. violence C. diplomat D. millionaire
I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. (15 points)
21. It seem to be your boss who is ………………. fault in this case.
A. under B. at C. with D. for
22. I’ll be kind to her ……………. she decides to leave me.
A. in case B. so that C. for fear that D. lest
23. ………………., the catfish is prized for its taste.
A. With ugly look B. As ugly looking C. Ugly looking as it is D. As it is ugly looking
24. –“What a lovely you have!” - “ …………………” 15
A. No problem B. I think so C. Thank you. Hope you will drop in. D. Of course not.
It’s not costly.
25. –“Who broke the window?” – “ …………………”
A. I am B. Sorry to hear that C. I did. Excuse me D. I did. Sorry.
26. – “Janet, make us some tea, will you?” – “……………………”
A. No, I won’t B. Sorry, I don’t C. Don’t worry. Go ahead D. I can’t. I’m afraid.
27. – “Would you mind moving your bag from the seat?” – “……………………….”
A. Yes, I would like. B. Don’t mention it C. Oh, sorry D. You shouldn’t say that
28. “I didn’t get the job!” – “……………………”
A. Good heavens! B. Bless you! C. That’s brilliant! D. Never mind, better luck next time!
29. Mr. Gump supposes, …………………., that he will retire at 60.
A. like most people did B. as most of people C. like most people do D. as do most
30. Children can be difficult to teach because of their short attention ……………… .
A. limit B. duration C. span D. time
31. It really gets me …………….. having to work so much overtime.
A. up B. on C. by D. down
32. …………………., I would give a party.
A. Were she to come next month B. She were to come next month
A. If she come next month D. Should she come next month
33. The parcel I sent you ………………… by now.
A. is supposed to arrive B. should arrive C. should have arrived
D. would arrive
34. You are too old to carry on working. It’s time you called it a …………….. .
A. year B. month C. week D. day
35. On the battle field ………………………… .
A. the tanks lay B. did the tanks lie C. lay the tanks D. lied the
II. Supply the correct form of the word provided in brackets in each sentence. (10 points)
36. It’s …………………….. when people won’t believe things that are obviously true. (FURY)
37. This statue ……………. The soldiers who died in the war. (MEMORY)
38. The world champion was ……………. by a younger Russian challenger. (THRONE) 16
39. …………….., we could still win, but it’s not very likely. (THEORY)
40. Newts, frogs and toads are ………………………. Animals. (AMPHIBIAN)
41. They never dare to leave their only child …………….. for even a moment. (ATTEND)
42. The place where you can wash your clothes with coin-operated washing machines is called …. .
43. They live in a remote area, ……………………… except by car. (ACCESS)
44. He was taken to court for …………………… . (PAY)
45. Many countries have agreed on the …………………… treaty. (ARM)
III. From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not
correct. (10 points)
46. If the (A) water level had (B)raised any (C) higher, the dam would (D) probably have broken.
47. (A) As soon as 8000 B.C, people (B)began to experiment (C) with methods of helping (D) the sick.
48. (A) The Concorde can fly (B) across the Atlantic without re-fueling and (C) carrying 11 tons of (D)
49. The problem of (A) inadequate salaries for teachers (B) not only exists in a smaller (C) communities
but also (D) in large cities.
50. The American soprano Mary Gardour, (A) who had one of the greatest operatic voices of her (B) era,
retired (C) at the height of (D) the career.
C. READING (20 points)
I. Read the passage and then decide which word (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space. (10 points)
Fun and Games
Do you think computer games are just for kids? Then you should think again. You might be
surprised to learn that the games industry now makes more money than Hollywood. (51) ……………….
A family buy a new PC, all they really want to do is to play games.
It is (52) ……………. Surprising that video gaming has become one of the most popular (53)
…………… of entertainment today. A good game is like a good film; it will hold your (54) ……………,
(55) ……………… your imagination and play with your emotions.
The big difference, however, is that watching a movie is a passive (56) ………………. You have
no say in how the (57) …………. Develops or which characters dominate the story. With computer
games, you direct the action and that is (58) ………………. Makes them so exciting. Finding the (59)
……………….. game is likely to signal the beginning of a lasting love affair with the interactive world of
It is wrong to think of gaming as something simply for children and teenagers. In fact, the (60)
……………. Growth area of the market is the 25-35 age group. 17
51. A. As soon as B. As well as C. As far as D. As long as
52. A. whatever B. no C. hardly D. barely
53. A. makes B. means C. sorts D. forms
54. A. feelings B. attention C. breath D. control
55. A. hold B. capture C. grasp D. clutch
56. A. pastime B. action C. passion D. fun
57. A. event B. content C. account D. plot
58. A. thing B. which C. what D. part that
59. A. accurate B. right C. complete D. proper
60. A. broadest B. widest C. biggest D. farthest
II. Read the following passages carefully, then choose the ONE best answer to each question (10
Supernovas are the most powerful and spectacular outbursts known in nature. What is called a Type
II supernova is due to the collapse of a massive star, at least eight times as massive as the sun, that has
used up its main nuclear fuel and produced a nickel-iron core. When this core can no longer support the
pressure of the star’s outer layer, it collapses to form a neutron star of immense density. Over 2,500
million tons of neutron star packed into a matchbox. Its temperature is around 100,000 million degrees
centigrade. Multitudes of neutrons are produced in the collapsed star, which pass directly through the star
into space, and this release of neutrons causes the core to respond with a shock wave that moves outward.
When it meets the material that is falling inward, the result is a catastrophic explosion. Sometimes most
of the star’s material is blown away, leaving only a small, incredibly dense remnant that may be a neutron
star or, in extreme cases, a black hole.
A supernova is often more than 500 million times as luminous as the sun. A supernova remnant
(SNR) may be detectable as a pulsar, an example of which is the Crab Nebula, known to be a remnant of
the supernova observed in the year 1054. The 1987 supernova in the Large Cloud of Magellan had a low
peak luminosity by supernova standards, only about 250 million times that of the sun. As its brightest the
supernova shone as a star between magnitudes 2 and 3, even though it was 170,000 light-years away.
61. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The heat of supernovas B. The formation and power of a supernova
C. The role of shock waves in a supernova D. The density of a neutron star.
62. The word “it” refers to ……………….. .
A. core of the collapsed B. neutron star C. shock wave D.
catastrophic explosion
63. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about the 1987 supernova? 18
A. It was the brightest supernova B. It was brighter than the sun
C. It shone as a star between magnitudes 3 and 4 D. It had the lowest peak
64. The word “detectable” is closest in meaning to ……………… .
A. assumed B. known C. perceptible D. audible
65. Which of the following words can best be substituted for “remnant”?
A. characteristic B. relic C. specter D. remainder
66. The author of this passage is most likely ……………… .
A. an astronomer B. an economist C. a mathematician D. a botanist
67. The word “multitudes” is closest in meaning to ………………….. .
A. small numbers B. groups C. lots D. temperatures
68. The word “luminous” is closest in meaning to ………………….. .
A. powerful B. bright C. hot D. distant
69. What can be inferred from the passage about supernovas?
A. They sometimes result in a black hole B. The sun is a remnant of a supernova
C. They occur when two stars collide D. They only happen to pulsars
70. According to the passage, what marks the beginning of a supernova?
A. The neutrons of a star become very dense B. A massive star uses up its main nuclear fuel
C. A star has grown too big D. A star is born.
D. WRITING (30 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. (10 points)
71. “You’ve done really well to pass your driving test so quickly” -> She congratulated
72. This is the first time that I have seen an eclipse of the sun.-> Never
……………………………………………… .
73. No situation is more depressing than being unemployed.-> Being
…………………………………………………. .
74. If you should get caught doing this. You will go to prison. -> Were
75. I admit he’s clever, but I don’t think he’ll solve this problem.-> However
…………………………………………. . 19
76. The thinking is that he has been targeted to succeed the president.-> He is
………………………………….. .
77. The house collapsed because of faulty building work. -> It was
…………………………………………………… .
78. They are not going to reach an agreement before it’s too late.-> By the time
……………………………………. .
79. Many people died because of the lack of medical facilities. -> It
…………………………………………………. .
80. He managed to complete the sculpture although his eyesight was failing.-> Despite
……………………………. .
II. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one in italics. (10 points)
81. Cocaine will destroy more people and the environment as it spreads to other countries.
A. Cocaine spreads to other countries after destroying people and the environment.
B. Spreading to other countries, cocaine will destroy more people and environment.
C. Cocaine destroys more countries with people and environment.
D. Cocaine will spread to countries and destroy the environment.
82. The clouds covered the moon so thickly that we couldn’t find our way back to the cottage.
A. We couldn’t find our way back to the cottage because the clouds covered the moon thickly.
B. The clouds were too thick to find their way back to the cottage.
C. The moon was covered so thickly that it couldn’t find the way out.
D. The way back to the cottage couldn’t be found as the clouds were so thickly covered.
83. Colour is an important facet of nature, influencing the life of almost every creature.
A. Influencing the life of almost every creature in nature, colour is important.
B. As important as every creature in nature, colour influences every facet of nature.
C. Colour, which is an important facet of nature, influences the life of almost every creature.
D. Colour influences the life of almost every important creature in a facet of nature.
84. She feels happy because of her coming birthday party.
A. Her coming birthday party makes her happy. B. Because she was born, she feels happy.
C. She feels happy to come to a birthday party. D. Her birthday party will happily come.
85. Only with careful environmental planning can we protect the world in which we live.
A. Careful environmental planning protects the world we live in.
B. We can protect the world we live in only with careful environmental planning. 20
C. Protecting the world we live in, we plan the environment carefully.
D. Planning the environment carefully, we can protect the world in which we live.
86. My brother and I dressed as quickly as we could, but we missed the school bus and were late for
school today.
A. My brother and I were late for school because we dressed too quickly.
B. My brother and I dressed quickly but we were late for school because we missed the school bus.
C. My brother and I missed the school bus so we were late for school.
D. My brother and I could dress quickly but could not be in time for school.
87. Doing more than checking out books, the city librarian must help to plan puppet shows for children.
A. Checking out more books than puppet shows is what the city librarian must do.
B. The city librarian checks out books and puppets for children in the city.
C. Helping to plan puppet shows for children is the main duty of the city librarian, not checking out of
D. The librarian must help to plan puppet shows for children in addition to checking out of books.
88. If you are disappointed with an inexpensive bicycle, then save your money for a more expensive
A. You should save up to buy a more expensive bicycle if your inexpensive one disappoints you.
B. An inexpensive bicycle is disappointing, so buy an expensive one.
C. A more expensive bicycle saves you so much money, so don’t buy an inexpensive model.
D. You’d better buy an inexpensive bicycle to save more money.
89. You should take regular exercises in stead of sitting in front of the television all day.
A. Sitting in front of the television all day and taking exercises are advisable.
B. Don’t take regular exercises, just sit in front of the television all day in stead.
C. Sitting in front of the television all day helps you take regular exercises.
D. Taking regular exercises is better than sitting in front of the television all day.
90. Who made you work so hard yesterday?
A. Why did you work so hard yesterday? B. What made you work so hard yesterday?
C. Who forced you to work so hard yesterday? D. How could you work so hard yesterday?
III. Write a paragraph (150 – 200 words) about the important of family in a person’s life. ( 10
KEYS TO ĐỀ LUYỆN HSG – 2010 – 2011
Practice 2 21
(Time allowed: 180 minutes)
A. LISTENING. (15 points)
Listen to a telephone conversation. Look at the questions 1- 15 and fill in the missing details on the
envelope in which the box office puts the caller’s tickets. You will hear the piece twice.

Day: (1) Date: (2) Time: (3)

…………………………. ………………………. …………………………

Title of the play: (4) ………………………………performed by the local (5)




A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A
15 29 30
C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 C
£ …….
15 29 30

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
15 29 30

D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 D
15 29 30
F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 F
15 29 30
£ …….
H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 H
15 29 30

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
15 29 30

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
15 29 30


A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A
15 29 30
(8) 22
C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 C
15 29 30

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
15 29 30

D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (9) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 D
15 29 30
E £ ……. E
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
15 29 30


Row: (10) ……………………… Numbers: (11) ………………………………..

For Mr. (12) ……………………………………………………………. .

Tel. No. Townville (13) ……………………………………………….. .
To be collected before: Day: (14) …………………………………. . Time: (15)
……………………………….. .

B. PHONETICS (5 points)
Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question.
16. A. furniture B. actual C. detective D. consonant
17. A. responsible B. positive C. solution D. exciting
18. A. dependent B. different C. interest D. crocodile
19. A. diplomatic B. destination C. artificial D. memorial
20. A. willingness B. violence C. diplomat D. millionaire
I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. (15 points)
21. It seem to be your boss who is ………………. fault in this case.
A. under B. at C. with D. for
22. I’ll be kind to her ……………. she decides to leave me.
A. in case B. so that C. for fear that D. lest
23. ………………., the catfish is prized for its taste.
A. With ugly look B. As ugly looking C. Ugly looking as it is D. As it is ugly looking
24. –“What a lovely house you have!” - “ …………………” 23
A. No problem B. I think so C. Thank you. Hope you will drop in. D. Of course not.
It’s not costly.
25. –“Who broke the window?” – “ …………………”
A. I am B. Sorry to hear that C. I did. Excuse me D. I did. Sorry.
26. – “Janet, make us some tea, will you?” – “……………………”
A. No, I won’t B. Sorry, I don’t C. Don’t worry. Go ahead D. I can’t. I’m afraid.
27. – “Would you mind moving your bag from the seat?” – “……………………….”
A. Yes, I would like. B. Don’t mention it C. Oh, sorry D. You shouldn’t say that
28. “I didn’t get the job!” – “……………………”
A. Good heavens! B. Bless you! C. That’s brilliant! D. Never mind, better luck next
29. Mr. Gump supposes, …………………., that he will retire at 60.
A. like most people did B. as most of people C. like most people do D. as do most
30. Children can be difficult to teach because of their short attention ……………… .
A. limit B. duration C. span D. time
31. It really gets me …………….. having to work so much overtime.
A. up B. on C. by D. down
32. …………………., I would give a party.
A. Were she to come next month B. She were to come next month
A. If she come next month D. Should she come next month
33. The parcel I sent you ………………… by now.
A. is supposed to arrive B. should arrive C. should have arrived
D. would arrive
34. You are too old to carry on working. It’s time you called it a …………….. .
A. year B. month C. week D. day
35. On the battle field ………………………… .
A. the tanks lay B. did the tanks lie C. lay the tanks D. lied the
II. Supply the correct form of the word provided in brackets in each sentence. (10 points)
51. It’s …infuriating.. when people won’t believe things that are obviously true. (FURY)
52. This statue ……commemorate………. the soldiers who died in the war. (MEMORY) tuong niem 24
53. The world champion was ……dethroned………. by a younger Russian challenger. (THRONE) phe
truat ngoi vi
54. …Theoretically………….., we could still win, but it’s not very likely. (THEORY)
55. Newts, frogs and toads are ……amphibious………………….animals. (AMPHIBIAN)
56. They never dare to leave their only child ……unattended……….. for even a moment. (ATTEND)
57. The place where you can wash your clothes with coin-operated washing machines is called …
laundrette/ laundromat. . (LAUNDRY)
58. They live in a remote area, …inaccessible…………………… except by car. (ACCESS)
59. He was taken to court for ……non- payment……………… . (PAY)
60. Many countries have agreed on the …disarmamemt………………… treaty. (ARM)
III. From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not
correct. (10 points)
61. If the (A) water level had (B)raised any (C) higher, the dam would (D) probably have broken. ->
62. (A) As soon as 8000 B.C, people (B)began to experiment (C) with methods of helping (D) the sick.
-> by
63. (A) The Concorde can fly (B) across the Atlantic without re-fueling and (C) carrying 11 tons of (D)
64. The problem of (A) inadequate salaries for teachers (B) not only exists in a smaller (C) communities
but also (D) in large cities.
65. The American soprano Mary Gardour, (A) who had one of the greatest operatic voices of her (B) era,
retired (C) at the height of (D) the career. -> her
C. READING (20 points)
I. Read the passage and then decide which word (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space. (10 points)
Fun and Games
Do you think computer games are just for kids? Then you should think again. You might be surprised to
learn that the games industry now makes more money than Hollywood. (51) …………. A family buy a
new PC, all they really want to do is to play games.
It is (52) ………surprising that video gaming has become one of the most popular (53) ………… of
entertainment today. A good game is like a good film; it will hold your (54) ……………, (55) …………
your imagination and play with your emotions.
The big difference, however, is that watching a movie is a passive (56) …. You have no say in how the
(57) …… develops or which characters dominate the story. With computer games, you direct the action
and that is (58) ……. makes them so exciting. Finding the (59) ……. game is likely to signal the
beginning of a lasting love affair with the interactive world of make-believe. 25
It is wrong to think of gaming as something simply for children and teenagers. In fact, the (60) ……….
growth area of the market is the 25-35 age group.
51. A. As soon as B. As well as C. As far as D. As long as
52. A. whatever B. no C. hardly D. barely
53. A. makes B. means C. sorts D. forms
54. A. feelings B. attention C. breath D. control
55. A. hold B. capture C. grasp D. clutch
56. A. pastime B. action C. passion D. fun
57. A. event B. content C. account D. plot
58. A. thing B. which C. what D. part that
59. A. accurate B. right C. complete D. proper
60. A. broadest B. widest C. biggest D. farthest
II. Read the following passages carefully, then choose the ONE best answer to each question (10
Supernovas are the most powerful and spectacular outbursts known in nature. What is called a Type II
supernova is due to the collapse of a massive star, at least eight times as massive as the sun, that has used
up its main nuclear fuel and produced a nickel-iron core. When this core can no longer support the
pressure of the star’s outer layer, it collapses to form a neutron star of immense density. Over 2,500
million tons of neutron star packed into a matchbox. Its temperature is around 100,000 million degrees
centigrade. Multitudes of neutrons are produced in the collapsed star, which pass directly through the star
into space, and this release of neutrons causes the core to respond with a shock wave that moves outward.
When it meets the material that is falling inward, the result is a catastrophic explosion. Sometimes most
of the star’s material is blown away, leaving only a small, incredibly dense remnant that may be a neutron
star or, in extreme cases, a black hole.
A supernova is often more than 500 million times as luminous as the sun. A supernova remnant (SNR)
may be detectable as a pulsar, an example of which is the Crab Nebula, known to be a remnant of the
supernova observed in the year 1054. The 1987 supernova in the Large Cloud of Magellan had a low peak
luminosity by supernova standards, only about 250 million times that of the sun. As its brightest the
supernova shone as a star between magnitudes 2 and 3, even though it was 170,000 light-years away.
61. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The heat of supernovas B. The formation and power of a supernova
C. The role of shock waves in a supernova D. The density of a neutron star.
62. The word “it” refers to ……………….. .
A. core of the collapsed B. neutron star C. shock wave D.
catastrophic explosion
63. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about the 1987 supernova? 26
A. It was the brightest supernova B. It was brighter than the sun
C. It shone as a star between magnitudes 3 and 4 D. It had the lowest peak
64. The word “detectable” is closest in meaning to ……………… .
A. assumed B. known C. perceptible D. audible
65. Which of the following words can best be substituted for “remnant”?
A. characteristic B. relic C. specter D. remainder
66. The author of this passage is most likely ……………… .
A. an astronomer B. an economist C. a mathematician D. a botanist
67. The word “multitudes” is closest in meaning to ………………….. .
A. small numbers B. groups C. lots D. temperatures
68. The word “luminous” is closest in meaning to ………………….. .
A. powerful B. bright C. hot D. distant
69. What can be inferred from the passage about supernovas?
A. They sometimes result in a black hole B. The sun is a remnant of a supernova
C. They occur when two stars collide D. They only happen to pulsars
70. According to the passage, what marks the beginning of a supernova?
A. The neutrons of a star become very dense B. A massive star uses up its main nuclear fuel
C. A star has grown too big D. A star is born.
D. WRITING (30 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. (10 points)
71. “You’ve done really well to pass your driving test so quickly” -> She congratulated me on passing my
driving test so quickly.
72. This is the first time that I have seen an eclipse of the sun.-> Never before have I seen an eclipse of
the sun.
73. No situation is more depressing than being unemployed.-> Being unemployed is the most depressing
situation .
74. If you should get caught doing this. You will go to prison. -> Were you to get caught doing this, you
would go to prison.
75. I admit he’s clever, but I don’t think he’ll solve this problem.-> However clever he may be, I don’t
think he’ll solve this problem.
76. The thinking is that he has been targeted to succeed the president.-> He is thought to have been
targeted to succeed the president. 27
77. The house collapsed because of faulty building work. -> It was faulty building work that caused the
building to collapsed of the building .
78. They are not going to reach an agreement before it’s too late.-> By the time they reach an agreement,
it will be too late
79. Many people died because of the lack of medical facilities. -> It was the lack of medical facilities that
cause the death of many people/ many people to die.
80. He managed to complete the sculpture although his eyesight was failing.-> Despite his failing
eyesight, he managed to complete the sculture .
II. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one in italics. (10 points)
81. Cocaine will destroy more people and the environment as it spreads to other countries.
A. Cocaine spreads to other countries after destroying people and the environment.
B. Spreading to other countries, cocaine will destroy more people and environment.
C. Cocaine destroys more countries with people and environment.
D. Cocaine will spread to countries and destroy the environment.
82. The clouds covered the moon so thickly that we couldn’t find our way back to the cottage.
A. We couldn’t find our way back to the cottage because the clouds covered the moon thickly.
B. The clouds were too thick to find their way back to the cottage.
C. The moon was covered so thickly that it couldn’t find the way out.
D. The way back to the cottage couldn’t be found as the clouds were so thickly covered.
83. Colour is an important facet of nature, influencing the life of almost every creature.
A. Influencing the life of almost every creature in nature, colour is important.
B. As important as every creature in nature, colour influences every facet of nature.
C. Colour, which is an important facet of nature, influences the life of almost every creature.
D. Colour influences the life of almost every important creature in a facet of nature.
84. She feels happy because of her coming birthday party.
A. Her coming birthday party makes her happy. B. Because she was born, she feels happy.
C. She feels happy to come to a birthday party. D. Her birthday party will happily come.
85. Only with careful environmental planning can we protect the world in which we live.
A. Careful environmental planning protects the world we live in.
B. We can protect the world we live in only with careful environmental planning.
C. Protecting the world we live in, we plan the environment carefully.
D. Planning the environment carefully, we can protect the world in which we live. 28
86. My brother and I dressed as quickly as we could, but we missed the school bus and were late for
school today.
A. My brother and I were late for school because we dressed too quickly.
B. My brother and I dressed quickly but we were late for school because we missed the school bus.
C. My brother and I missed the school bus so we were late for school.
D. My brother and I could dress quickly but could not be in time for school.
87. Doing more than checking out books, the city librarian must help to plan puppet shows for children.
A. Checking out more books than puppet shows is what the city librarian must do.
B. The city librarian checks out books and puppets for children in the city.
C. Helping to plan puppet shows for children is the main duty of the city librarian, not checking out of
D. The librarian must help to plan puppet shows for children in addition to checking out of books.
88. If you are disappointed with an inexpensive bicycle, then save your money for a more expensive
A. You should save up to buy a more expensive bicycle if your inexpensive one disappoints you.
B. An inexpensive bicycle is disappointing, so buy an expensive one.
C. A more expensive bicycle saves you so much money, so don’t buy an inexpensive model.
D. You’d better buy an inexpensive bicycle to save more money.
89. You should take regular exercises in stead of sitting in front of the television all day.
A. Sitting in front of the television all day and taking exercises are advisable.
B. Don’t take regular exercises, just sit in front of the television all day in stead.
C. Sitting in front of the television all day helps you take regular exercises.
D. Taking regular exercises is better than sitting in front of the television all day.
90. Who made you work so hard yesterday?
A. Why did you work so hard yesterday? B. What made you work so hard yesterday?
C. Who forced you to work so hard yesterday? D. How could you work so hard yesterday?
III. Write a paragraph (150 – 200 words) about the important of family in a person’s life. ( 10
points) 29
A. LISTENING. (15 points)
You will listen to a conversation about some customs in some countries. Listen and do the tasks that

I. Complete the table below:

Festival Chusok Setsubun St. Anthony’s Day

Country (1) ………………….. (2) (3) ……………………


Date (4) ………………… (5) ……………………. (6) ……………………

II. Mark True (T) or False (F):

7. On Chusok, people often thank their ancestors for a happy year.
8. On Chusok people often have go to their ancestors’ graves and do some clean up.
9. Setsubun is a time to give thank to the new harvest.
10. On Setsubun, people often throw dried beans around their home.
11. On Setsubun, people often try to take better care of their pets.
12. On St. Anthony’s Day, animals are dressed up and taken to church.
13. St. Anthony’s day is a time to celebrate the beginning of spring.
14. On Setsubun, people eat rice cakes.
15. People can ask for protection of their animals on St. Anthony’s Day.
B. Phonetics (5 points)
Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question.
1. A. essential B. attention C. appearance D. photograph
2. A. education B. comparative C. receptionist D. appropriate
3. A. dominate B. business C. employee D. grandchildren
4. A. traditional B. appliances C. complicated D. convenience
5. A. significant B. integration C. conversation D. independence
I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. (15 points)
1. He set on alarm clock for five o’clock and the other for five past so as to ……….. that he did not
A. assure B. ensure C. insure D. reassure 31
2. The son and the moon are often ……….. in poetry.
A. personified B. personalized C. personal D. privatized
3. The ceiling fans were on but unfortunately they ……….. the hot, humid air.
A. stirred up B. poured through C. turned into D. cut back
4. The tension was becoming unbearable, …….. I wanted to scream.
A. therefore B. and C. but D. then
5. It looks ………… the game will be cancelled ……….the rain stops.
A. like/ unless B. that/ as long as C. as/ for fear that D. as if/ unless
6. “………?” “Sorry, he has gone to Japan. But he will be back in two days.”
A. Who is Jack B. May I speak to Jack C. How is Jack today D. What’s
wrong with Jack
7. “Can I get some chalk for you, Mr. Smith? “………”
A. Not at all B. With pleasure C. No problem D. That’s very nice of you
8. “ It’s kind of you to give me a ride to the station?” “ ………….”
A. Not at all. It was a pleasure B. never mind C. It doesn’t matter D. Don’t mention it
9. “ Hello, may I speak to John Smith?” “……………….”
A. I’m John Smith B. My name is John Smith C. John Smith is me D. This is John Smith
10. . “ …………?” “ I’d like to see that red dress.”
A. What do you like B. do you want anything C. What can I do for you D. What will you do
11. It’s imperative that this letter …………….. immediately.
A. were sent B. sent C. be sent D. send
12. Most people in cities should …….. cycling instead of using cars.
A. rely on B. take up C. set up D. get round to
13. ………….further rioting to occur, the government would be forced to use its emergency powers.
A. Should B. Did C. Were D. Had
14. I was astonished that he turned down the job – I ……………….. it would have been ideal for him.
A. have thought B. would have thought C. am thinking D. had been thinking
15. It turned out that we …….. rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.
A. hadn’t B. should have C. needn’t have D. mustn’t
II. Supply the correct form of the word provided in brackets in each sentence. (10 points)
1. ………….is the ongoing process that deepens and broadens the relationships and interdependence
among countries. (globe)
2. These students voluntarily spent their summer vacations helping the ………… . (advantage)
3. What happened to Harold? I find his behavior quite…………. . (comprehend)
4. The cost of …………… to the show is reasonable. (admit) 32
5. ………….., there are black holes in space. (theory)
6. ………… parked cars usually get a ticket and sometimes towed away. (legal)
7. It seems ………… to change the timetable so often. (logic)
8. It was a long, slow film. I nearly died of …………… . (bore)
9. He suffered from constant ………………… . (sleep)
10. I’ll always remember that journey – it was an ………….. experience. (forget)
III. From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not
correct. (5 points)

1. To (A)make out the lost time, we (B)booked a (C)direct flight from California (D)to New York.
2. Among the (A)earliest telescopes (B) were Galilean telescopes, modeled after the simple
instrument (C) built by Galileo, the first person (D) having used telescopes to study the stars and

3. It was (A) her(B) who suggested that he (C) go to New York in order (D) to get a direct flight.
4. Malnutrition (A) is a major cause of death (B) in those countries where the cultivation of rice (C)
have been impeded by (D) recurrent drought.

5. Isabella (A)danced in her (B)bare feet and wore loose-fitting (C)clothing garments that allowed
her (D)freedom of movement.
C. READING (20 points)
I. Read the passage and then decide which word (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space. (10 points)
Reports that the government is about to (1) …………….. the go ahead to plans for the building of a new
run away at London’s Gatwick airport have angered local residents and raised fears of increased noise and
exhaust pollution. The (2) ……….plans also include permission for additional night flight and will (3)
……………. the compulsory purchase of farmland, as well as the demolition of a number of private
homes. According to sources close to the Ministry of Transport, the government is known to be concerned
by the increasing (4) …………. of traffic at London Heathrow, where there are no plans for further
runaways in the foreseeable (5) …………….. . Gatwick is widely (6) …… a better (7) ……….for
expansion than London’s third airport, Stansted, which is still suffers from poor transport links. A
spokesperson for the Keep Gatwick Quiet association, (8) ……………. up of local people, accused the
government of going back on promises made before the General Election. “We were told then that the
airport authority had no (9) …………. of building another runaway, and we believe that the government
has duty to (10) …………..its pledges.” Prominent figures in the government are also believed to be
concerned at the news, although the Prime Minister, interviewed last night, is quoted as saying that
reports were ‘misleading’. However, he would not give an assurance that plans for building a runaway
had definitely been rejected.
1. A. sign B. make C. give D. approve 33
2. A. controversial B. debatable C. notorious D. doubtful
3. A. involve B. concern C. assume D. need
4. A. sum B. size C. volume D. length
5. A. years B. period C. time D. future
6. A. regarded B. believed C. felt D. held
7. A. potential B. outlook C. prospect D. likelihood
8. A. made B. set C. brought D. taken
9. A. desire B. intention C. wish D. objective
10. A. bear out B. count on C. pull off D. stand by
II. Read the following passages carefully, then choose the ONE best answer to each question (10
The principle of use and disuse states that those parts of organisms’ bodies that are used grow larger.
Those parts that are not tend to whither away. It is an observed fact that when you exercise particular
muscles, they grow. Those that are never used diminish. By examining a man’s body, we can tell which
muscles he uses and which he does not. We may even be able to guess his profession or his recreation.
Enthusiasts of “body-building” cult make use of the principle of use and disuse to build their bodies,
almost like a piece of sculpture, into whatever unnatural shape is demanded by fashion in this peculiar
minority culture. Muscles are not the only parts of the body that respond to use in this kind of way. Walk
barefoot and you acquire harder skin on your soles. It is easy to tell a farmer from a bank teller by looking
at their hands alone. The farmer’s hands are horny, hardened by long exposure to rough work. The
teller’s hands are relatively soft. The principle of use and disuse enable animals to become better at the
job of surviving in their world, progressively better during their lifetime as a result of living in that world.
Humans, through direct exposure to sun light, or lack of it, develop a skin color which equips them better
to survive in the particular local conditions. Too much sunlight is dangerous. Enthusiastic sunbathers with
very fair skins are susceptible to skin cancer. Too little sunlight, on the other hand, leads to vitamin-D
deficiency and rickets. The brown pigment melanin which is synthesized under the influence of sunlight
make a screen to protect the underlying tissues from the harmful effects of further sunlight. If a suntanned
person moves to a less sunny climate, the melanin disappears, and the body is able to benefit from what
little sun there is. This can be represented as an instance of the principle use and disuse: skin goes brown
when it is used, and fades to white when it is not.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. How principle of use and disuse change people’s concepts of themselves.
B. The way in which people change themselves to conform to fashion.

C. The changes that occur according to the principle of use and disuse.
D. The effects of the sun on the principle of use and disuse. 34
2. The phrase “whither away” is closest in meaning to:
A. split B. rot C. perish D. shrink
3. The word “those” refers to …………. .
A. organisms B. bodies C. parts D. muscles
4. According to the passage, men who body build …………….. .
A. appear like sculptures B. change their appearance
C. belong to strange cults D. are very fashionable
5. From the passage, it can be inferred that the author views body building …………. .
A. with enthusiasm B. as an artistic form
C. with scientific interest D. of doubtful benefit
6. The word “horny” is closest in meaning to ……………. .
A. firm B. strong C. tough D. dense
7. From the passage, it can be inferred that the principle of use and disuse enable organisms to……
A. change their existence B. automatically benefit
C. survive in any conditions D. improve their lifetime
8. The author suggests that melanin……………. .
A. is necessary for the production of vitamin D B. is beneficial in sunless climates
C. helps protect fair-skinned people D. is a synthetic product
9. In the passage the author mentions sun tanning as an example of …………….. .
A. humans improving their local condition. B. humans surviving in adverse condition.
C. humans using the principle of use and disuse. D. humans running the risk of skin cancer.
10. The word “susceptible” could be best replaced by ………….. .
A. condemned B. vulnerable C. allergic D. suggestible
E. Writing: I. Choose the best option to complete the sentences. (10 points)
1. George belongs to the ………………………. .
A. class of the upper middle B. upper middle class
C. class from the center up D. high medium class
2. Jane changed her major from French to business, ……………………… .
A. with hopes to be able easier to locate employment B. hoping she can easier get a job.
C. with the hope for being able to find better a job. D. hoping to find a job more easily.
3. He has received several scholarships …………………………………. . 35
A. not only because of his artistic but his academic ability.
B. for both his academic ability as well as his artistic.
C. because of his academic and artistic ability.
D. as resulting of his ability in the art and the academy.
4. Of the two new workers, one is experienced and ………….. .
A. the others are not B. another is experienced C. the other is not D. other lacks
5. Deep in the Rio Beck area of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula ………………… .
A. does a 1,250-year-old pyramid lie B. a 1,250-year-old pyramid lie
C. lies a 1250 -year-old pyramid D. is a 1,250-year-old pyramid lying
6. ………………………., Luxor did not reach preeminence until about 2,000 B.C.
A. Many centuries earlier it was founded B. The city founded centuries earlier
C. Although founded many centuries earlier D. Founding the city centuries earlier
7. ……………….. often serve as places of public entertainment and festivals, they can also be places
where people can find peace and solitude.
A. Even though city parks B. City parks C. City parks that D. There are city parks which
8. Harvey will wash the clothes, …………………………………. .
A. iron the shirts, prepare the meal, dusting the furniture
B. ironing the shirts, preparing the meal, and dusting the furniture
C. iron the shirts, prepare the meal, and dust the furniture
D. to iron the shirts, prepare the meal, and dust the furniture
9. The doctor insisted that his patient ………………………. .
A. that he not work to hard for three month B. take it easy for three months
C. taking it easy for three months D. to take some vacations for three months
10. Captain Henry, ……………….., crept slowly through the under bush.
A. being remote from the enemy B. attempting to not encounter the enemy
C. trying to avoid the enemy D. not involving himself in the enemy
II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. (10 points)
1. “What a lovely new Ao dai you are wearing, Mai” said her friend. -> Mai’s friend
………………………………… . 36
2. It would have been a super weekend if it hadn’t been for the weather. -> But
……………………………….. .
3. We weren’t surprised by his success. -> It came ……………………………………………………………. .
4. It’s a waste of time to try and explain anything to Tony. -> It’s not
…………………………………………………… .
5. Not having heard the weather forecast, John was surprised by the snow. -> As
…………………………………. .
6. With the exception of Maggie’s husband, everyone is here. -> Apart ………………………………………..
7. I am absolutely sure he took the money on purpose. -> He couldn’t
……………………………………………. .
8. His disabilities did not prevent him from sailing around the world. -> Despite the fact
……………………….. .
9. Her success went beyond her expectation. -> Never
had…………………………………………………………… .
10. You didn’t think carefully enough before you decided. -> You ought
…………………………………………….. .
III. Write a paragraph about 150 words to develop this topic sentence: (10 points)
Some Vietnamese family traditions have been lost in the nuclear family nowadays.
….. 37
Keys: Đế khảo sát hsg
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A
Vocabulary and grammar.
i. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. D
8. A 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. C
ii. 1. Globalization 2. disadvantaged 3. incomprehensible 4. admission 5. Theoretically
6. illegally 7. illogical 8. boredom 9. sleeplessness 10. unforgetable
III. 1. A. make up for 2. D. to have used 3. A. she 4. C. has been 5. garments
C. Reading:
I. 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. D
6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. D
II. 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. D
6. C 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. B
D. Writing:
I. Choose the best option to complete the sentences.
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. B
8. C 9. B 10. C

1. Mai’s friend complimented her on her lovely new Ao dai./ Mai’s friend praised her for
her lovely new Ao dai.

2. 2. But for the weather, it would have been a super weekend.. the weeken would have
been super.

3. It’s not worth trying to explain anything to Tony.

4. It came as no surprise to us that he was/ had been successful.
5. As John hadn’t heard the weather forecast, he was surprised by the snow.

6. Apart from Meggie’s husband, everyone is here. 38
7. He couldn’t possibly have taken the money by mistakes/ chance/ accident/ coincidence.
8. Despite the fact that he was disabled, he managed to sail around the world.
9. Never had she expected that she was so successful.
10. You ought to have thought more carefully before you decided.

ĐỀ LUYỆN HSG – 2010 – 2011

A. LISTENING. (15 points)
I. Listen to the first recording twice:
Circle the best answer.
1. This is …………. .
A. a survey B. an interview C. a face-to-face conversationD. a small talk
2. The people talking ……………….. .
A. are co-workers B. are friends C. do not know each other D. teacher and student
3. They are ……………… .
A. in an office B. at an airport C. at a hotel D. at school
Complete the information on the form.

Missing Baggage Details

Flight number: (4) ………………… . From: (5) ……………….…
Passenger Name: (6) ………………… . Mr./ Ms. (7) …………….
Number of Bags: (8) ……………….. .Phone (9) ………………….
Local Address: (10) …………………………………………….…..

II. Listen to the second recording and answer the questions:

1. Where was Bill Daniel’s office in Chicago?
2. Why couldn’t they go down when the building was on fire?
3. How was he rescued?
……………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….
4. What disaster did Martha survive? ………………………………….…..
………………………………………………………………… .
5. What did she see people doing when the disaster happened?
Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question. 39
1. A. education B. authority C. achievement D. environment
2. A. historian B. certificate C. academic D. curriculum
3. A. algebra B. general C. disruptive D. competence
4. A. access B. behave C. final D. video
5. A. scientific B. systematic C. particular D. independent
I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. (15 points)
1. When he woke up, he realized that the things he had dreamt about could not ……….. have happened.
A. possibly B. likely C. certainly D. potentially
2. - “Do you think the book is expensive?” - “Yes, it’s not ………… what we paid for it.”
A. worthy B. worth of C. worth D. valuable
3. The new system didn’t ………….. expectations.
A. catch up with B. bring about C. come across D. come up to
4. They are going to make …………… excursion next month.
A. a two-week B. two-week C. two weeks’ D. a two-week’s
5. This is a very important decision. All our lives are …………………….. stake.
A. on B. out C. at D. out
6. I reckon Martin is ………… of a nervous breakdown.
A. in charge B. under suspicion C. on the verge D. indicative
7. It had been announced that the proposed new office block …………….. because of the current
economic situation.
A. will not be now built B. will now not be built C. will not now be built D. now
will not be built
8. …….20th century, technological advances expanded the definition of the book to include audio books
and electronic books or e-books.
A. In the mid- and late B. In mid-and late C. Mid- and late D. Middle and
9. His life style was ………… that everyone knew he was rich.
A. so much B. such C. so D. like
10. He uses a stick ……………. It would be hard for him to walk.
A. in case B. for fear that C. without which D. without it
11. “Shall we have a drink when you finish your talk?” “…………..”
A. No, you can’t B. All right C. You’re welcome D. You needn’t do that
12. . “……………………….” “Thanks, I will”
A. Wish you a happy journey. B. Give my best wishes to your parents
C. Thank you for your help. D. You got the first prize. Congratulation!
13. . “I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning.”
“……………! You must be careful next time.” 40
A. Take care B. Excuse me C. What a pity D. You’re welcome
14. “Hi, Bob. How’s your family?” “……………..”
A. Fine, thank you B. It’s a big one
C. Not at all D. They’re having breakfast
15. “ Could you come, please? I want some help.” “……………”
A. Yes, I couldB. You’re welcome C. Sure, I’m coming now D. That’s right
II. Supply the correct form of the word provided in brackets in each sentence. (10 points)
1. I was annoyed at his …………… to co-operate. (REFUSE)
2. The book doesn’t say much about prices, but it is very …………. about everything else.
3. The noise …………… as the plane got father away. (LESS)
4. He lost in the election because he was a weak and …………… leader. (DECIDE)
5. I couldn’t help it. The accident was ………….. . (AVOID)
6. She was ………………knowledgeable about the history of China. (EXTREME)
7. He was very …………….. when his cat was run over. (SET)
8. Jackson had another violent ………….with the referee. (AGREE)
9. Many people were buried …………. after the earthquake. (LIVE)
10. She studied ……………… at university. (ECONOMY)
III. From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not
correct. (5 points)
1. We insist on (A)you (B) leaving the meeting (C) before any (D)further outburst.
2. Nine of (A) every ten people in the world (B) lives in the country (C) in which they (D) were
3. (A)It is necessary that the doctor (B) will sign all the (C) copies, not just the (D) top one.
4. Please send me the (A)smallest, most (B)recently published, and (C)less expensive dictionary that
you have (D)available.
5. The (A)carefulness with which she (B)prepared the thesis was (C)evident to the (D) committee.
I. Read the passage and then decide which word (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space. (10 points)
Earthquakes are amongst the most (1) …………….natural disasters. They usually (2) …………
without any warning and result in a great (3) ……………… of life and an enormous demolition of
buildings. Additionally, they may cause devastating landslides or create gigantic tidal waves which, in
fact, are colossal walls of water smashing into seashores with such force that they are (4) ………… of
destroying coastal cities. However, the (5) ………… majority of fatalities and serious injuries come (6)
…………when buildings (7) ……………. .
Most frequently, the earthquakes lasts 30 to 60 seconds, so usually there is no time to avert the
mortal upshot once the shaking starts. The savage forces of an earthquake trigger off a complex chain (8)
…………… in the building structure when it is shaken, lifted, pushed or pulled. A building’s height, its
shape and construction materials are the most significant (9) ……………… deciding about the survival
or collapse of the structure and, consequently, about the life or death of its (10) ………………. .
1. A. destruction B. destructive C. destroying D. destroyed 41
2. A. assault B. beat C. strike D. attack
3. A. fatality B. loss C. harm D. waste
4. A. potential B. conceivable C. capable D. possible
5. A. wide B. broad C. full D. vast
6. A. in B. about C. over D. on
7. A. collapse B. jumble C. destroy D. demolish
8. A. activity B. motion C. progress D. reaction
9. A. factors B. phenomena C. points D. ingredients
10. A. settlers B. citizens C. inhabitants D. burghers
II. Read the following passage carefully, then choose the ONE best answer to each question (10
Foot racing is a popular activity in the United States. It is seen not only as a competitive sport but
also as a way to exercise, to enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded people, and to donate money to a
good cause. Though serious runners may spend months training to compete, other runners and walkers
might not train at all. Those not competing to win might run in an effort to beat their own time or simply
to enjoy the fun and exercise. People of all ages, from those of less than one year (who may be pushed in
strollers) to those in their eighties, enter into this sport. The races are held on city streets, on college
campuses, through parks, and in suburban areas, and they are commonly 5 to 10 kilometers in length.

The largest footrace in the world is the 12-kilometer Bay to Breakers race that is held in San
Francisco every spring. This race begins on the east side of the city near San Francisco Bay and ends on
the west side at the Pacific Ocean. There may be 80,000 or more people running in this race through the
streets and hills of San Francisco. In the front are the serious runners who compete to win and who might
finish in as little as 34 minutes. Behind them are the thousands who take several hours to finish. In the
back of the race are those who dress in costumes and come just for fun. One year there was a group of
men who dressed like Elvis Presley, and another group consisted of firefighters who were tied together in
a long line and who were carrying a fire hose. There was even a bridal party, in which the bride was
dressed in a long white gown and the groom wore a tuxedo. The bride and groom threw flowers to
bystanders, and they were actually married at some point along the route.
1. The main purpose of this passage is to
A. encourage people to exercise B. describe a popular activity
C. make fun of runners in costume D. give reasons for the popularity of footrace
2. The word "activity" is most similar to which of the following?
A. pursuit B. motion C. pilgrimage D. expectation
3. The word "camaraderie" could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. games B. companionship C. jokes D. views
4. The phrase "to a good cause" could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. for an award B. to reward the winner
C. for a good purpose D. to protect a wise investment
5. Which of the following is NOT implied by the author?
A. Footraces appeal to a variety of people.
B. Walkers can compete for prizes.
C. Entering a race is a way to give support to an organization. 42
D. Running is a good way to strengthen the heart.
6. The word "beat" as used in line 6 could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. incline B. overturn C. outdo D. undermine
7. As used in the passage the word "strollers" refers to
A. cribs B. wheelchairs C. wagons D. carriages
8. In what lines does the author give reasons for why people enter footraces?
A. Foot racing . . . and exercise. B. People of all ages . . . in length.
C. The largest . . . 34 minutes. D. Behind them . . . a fire hose.
9. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?
A. Some runners looked like Elvis Presley. B. Some runners were ready to put out a fire.
C. Some runners were participating in a wedding. D. Some runners were serious about winning.
10. Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage?
A. chronological order B. specific to general
C. cause and result D. statement and example
I. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one in italics. (10 points)
1. “Is it raining outside?” said Mum.
A. Mum told me if it was raining outside. B. Mum wanted to know it was raining outside or not.
C. Mum asked me if it was raining outside. D. Mum wanted to know whether it was raining outside.
2. They stayed for hours, which tired us.
A. We are tired from their staying for hours. B. That they stayed for hours made us tired.
C. Staying for hours with us them tired. D. We were tired so they stayed for hours.
3. Take advantage of every chance to practise English if you want to make progress.
A. To make progress in English, practise every chance.
B. Every chance to practise English is an Advantage to you.
C. Practise English whenever possible if you want to make progress.
D. The advantage of practising English is the progress of every chance.
4. He took the food eagerly because he had eaten nothing since dawn.
A. He had eaten nothing since dawn although he took the food eagerly.
B. having eaten nothing since dawn, he took the food eagerly.
C. He had eaten something before but he took the food eagerly.
D. The food was taken at dawn and he had nothing to eat then.
5. However hard you work, you will never be promoted.
A. Although you work very hard, you will never be promoted.
B. You will be promoted here because you work hard.
C. You don’t work hard. However, you will be promoted.
D. No matter how you work, you will never be promoted.
6. Unlike my friends, I prefer an independent life. 43
A. I prefer an independent life but my friends do not.
B. I am different from my friends because I don’t like an independent life.
C. I don’t like my friends to live an independent life.
D. My friends prefer an independent life but I don’t.
7. He last met his old classmate s two years ago.
A. Two years have passed and he has met his classmates recently.
B. He hasn’t met his old classmates since two years.
C. His classmates and he didn’t meet two years ago.
D. It is two years since he last met his old classmates.
8. You can borrow this book as long as you return it within two weeks.
A. Borrow this book within two weeks.
B. I want to borrow this book within two weeks if possible.
C. You can borrow this book provided that you return it within two weeks.
D. As long as you borrow this book, I will return it soon.
9. You won’t have a seat unless you book in advance.
A. If you don’t book in advance, you can have a seat. B. If you book in advance, you will have a seat.
C. Have a seat and read a book. D. Although you don’t book in advance, you will have a seat.
10. There’s no point in persuading him to change his optional subject.
A. There’s no use to persuade him to change his optional subject.
B. You should persuade him to change his optional subject.
C. It’s a waste of time persuading him to change his optional subject.
D. It is unnecessary to change his optional subject.
II. Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed
before it. (10 points)
1. They believe the students were educated in Canada.
-> The students ……………………………… .
2. I really like her voice but not her choice of songs.
-> Much as …………………………………. .
3. Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test.
-> As long as ……………………………. .
4. You think that fat people are always jolly, but you are wrong.
-> Contrary ………………………. .
5. Thanks to his aunt’s legacy of $10,000 he was able to buy the house he wanted.
-> Had his ……..
6. This pudding can be cooked in its tin.
-> You don’t have to ……………………………….. .
7. Phillips’s inability to make decisions dates from his accident. 44
-> Ever ………………………… .
8. “Please don’t drive so fast!” Ann begged her boy friend.
-> Ann pleaded ……………………… .
9. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect.
-> But for his command ………………………………………………………. .
10. Please check for the damage before signing the contract.
-> Don’t …………………………….. .
III. Write a paragraph (150 words) about some of the traditions and customs of your own country or of
another that you know.
The end
Try your best. Practice makes perfect!

ĐỀ LUYỆN HSG – 2010 – 2011

A. LISTENING. (15 points)
Listen to the first recording, a radio program. Mark the statements (T) or false (F).
1. ……..The reporter’s first name is Sandra.
2……… The reporter’s family name is Johnson.
3. …….. Dan remembers disco music.
4. …….. A blue mood ring show anger.
5. ……..Dan thinks he may have a smile button.
6. ……..Skateboards are not popular nowadays.
7. ……..People got into fights trying to buy Cabbage Patch dolls.
8. ……..The reporter never had a Cabbage Patch dolls. 45
Listen to the second recording and answer the questions.
9. Why is education so important in Japan?
10. “Children must do well at school” Why?
11. At what age do they start to work hard?
12. What do they do in class?
13. What do they do in the evening?
14. Do they have long holiday?
15. How do they spend their weekends and holidays?
Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question.
1. A. appliance B. ancestor C. ancestry D. absolute
2. A. innocent B. criminal C. reaction D. specialist
3. A. predict B. surgeon C. salary D. perfect
4. A. suspect ion B. facilitate C. convey D. separate
5. A. ambitious B. assemble C. equivalent D. vacancy
I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. (15 points)
1. Marine reptiles are among the few creatures that are known to have possible life span greater than ….. .
A. man B. the man C. the one of the man’s D. that of man
2. They go to the seaside ……………. they should be disturbed by the noise of the city.
A. in order that B. so that C. for D. lest
3. …………..that she burst into tears.
A. Such was angry girl B. So angry she was C. She was angry so D. Her anger was such
4. On ………….. he had won, he jumped for joy.
A. telling B. he was told C. being told D. having told
5. The company has to …………. ways of reducing costs.
A. take in B. think over C. work out D. look out
6. She takes great pride ………… her work.
A. in B. of C. on D. with
7. …………… that he passes all his exams first time, he’ll be qualified in under four years.
A. Considering B. Assuming C. Hoping D. Speculating
8. I got everyone in the family ……………… Jane’s birthday card before I sent it to her. 46
A. sign B. signed C. to sign D. having signed
9. Are there any household chores for …………… men are better ………than women?
A. whose/ suited B. which/ suit C. that/ suit D. which/ suited
10. If he’s in trouble, it’s his own fault, I personally wouldn’t ……….a finger to help him.
A. lift B. turn C. bend D. raise
11. “What is Johnson’s family like?” “……….”
A. His family is just like me B. They all like sports and games
C. Oh, it’s really a big one D. They are all warm-hearted and helpful
12. . “Could you look after my baby while I’m away?” “…………..”
A. With pleasure B. It’s doesn’t matter C. That’s all right D. Thank you
13. A. “I’m sorry” – B. “ …………………….”
A. No problem B. Don’t be sorry again C. You’re welcome D. It doesn’t matter
14. “…………………?.” “ yes, a bit cold, though.”
A. Cold weather isn’t it? B. Bad weather, don’t you think
C. Freezing, isn’t it D. Nice day, isn’t it
15. “ How are things going with you?” “…………”
A. Quite well, thank you B. Don’t ask me the problem.
C. Good, and you? D. Please to tell you
II. Supply the correct form of the word provided in brackets in each sentence. (10 points)
1. His busy schedule made him completely …………. to his students. (ACCESS)
2. He works for UNESCO in a purely …………role. (ADVICE)
3. ……………, he survived the crash without injury. (MIRACLE)
4. Video recorders have ………….. my life. (REVOLUTION)
5. Are there any …………… rivers left in the world? (POLLUTE)
6. They were brought up to behave in a …………….way in public. (CIVILIZATION)
7. Her words are totally ………; therefore we could not make out what she really meant to say.
8. Incredibly one car in five is left …………………. . (LOCK)
9. She is training to become a …………. . (BEAUTY)
10. Standing among so many strangers, the frightened child began to sob ………. . (CONTROL)
III. From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not
correct. (5 points)
1. (A)Wealthy people have always desired (B) and wear precious stones because (C) their beauty is
2. The tongue is the (A)principle organ (B)of taste, and (C) is crucial for chewing, (D) swallowed,
and speaking.
3. (A)Some conifers, (B) that is, (C) tree that have cones, (D) are able to thrive on poor, thin soil.
4. You should know (A) by now that I cannot (B) stand it when my steak is not (C) cooked properly 47
as I always have mine (D) well-made.
5. I didn’t mean (A)offending her, but she (B) took my comments (C) amiss and now will not talk
(D) to me.
D. Reading
I. Read the passage and then decide which word (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space. (10 points)
(1)…………. of the garbage we produce everyday is a major problem in cities around the world. In
the United States, over 160 million tons of garbage are produced every year. Ten per cent is recycled,
the per cent is burned, and the rest is put in landfills. But finding (2) ………….for new landfills is
becoming more difficult. A city that has solved this problem in an unusual way is Michida, in Tokyo,
Japan. They have developed a totally new (3) ……………to garbage disposal. The (4) ………… to
the operation is public cooperation. Families must divide their garbage into six categories:
1. Garbage that can be easily burned (that is, combustible garbage), such as kitchen and garbage trash.
2. Noncombustible garbage, such as small electrical appliances, plastic tools and plastic toys.
3. Products that are poisonous or that (5) ……………..pollution, such as batteries and fluorescent
4. Bottles and grass containers that can be recycled.
5. Metal containers that can be recycled.
6. Large item, such as furniture and bicycles.
The items in category 1 to 5 are collected (6) ………….. different days. (Large items are collected
upon request). Then the garbage is taken to a center that looks like a clean new office building or
hospital. Inside the center, special equipment is used to sort and (7) the garbage. Almost everything
can be reused: garden or kitchen trash become fertilizer; combustible garbage is burned to (8)
…………….electricity; metal containers and bottles are recycled; and old furniture, clothing, and
other useful items are cleaned, repaired, and resold cheaply or given away. The work provides (9)
……………. for handicapped persons and gives them (10) ………… to learn new skills.
Nowadays, officials from cities around the world visit Machida to see whether they can use some of
these ideas and techniques to solve their own garbage disposal problems.
1. A. Disposing B. Dealing C. Contriving D. Ridding
2. A. land B. soil C. earth D. position
3. A. method B. process C. technique D. approach
4. A. answer B. solution C. key D. way
5. A. produce B. generate C. originate D. cause
6. A. on B. in C. by D. over
7. A. process B. create C. manipulate D. mould
8. A. cause B. exit C. produce D. emit
9. A. positions B. careers C. situation D. employment
10. A. time B. moment C. occasion D. chance
II. Read the following passage carefully, then choose the ONE best answer to each question (10
As heart disease continues to be the number-one killer in the United States, researchers have
become increasingly interested in identifying the potential risk factors that trigger heart attacks. High-fat 48
diets and "life in the fast lane" have long been known to contribute to the high incidence of heart failure.
But according to new studies, the list of risk factors may be significantly longer and quite surprising.
Heart failure, for example, appears to have seasonal and temporal patterns. A higher percentage of
heart attacks occur in cold weather, and more people experience heart failure on Monday than on any
other day of the week. In addition, people are more susceptible to heart attacks in the first few hours after
waking. Cardiologists first observed this morning phenomenon in the mid-1980, and have since
discovered a number of possible causes. An early-morning rise in blood pressure, heart rate, and
concentration of heart stimulating hormones, plus a reduction of blood flow to the heart, may all
contribute to the higher incidence of heart attacks between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M.
In other studies, both birthdays and bachelorhood have been implicated as risk factors. Statistics
reveal that heart attack rates increase significantly for both females and males in the few days
immediately preceding and following their birthdays. And unmarried men are more at risk for heart
attacks than their married counterparts. Though stress is thought to be linked in some way to all of the
aforementioned risk factors, intense research continues in the hope of further comprehending why and
how heart failure is triggered.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. risk factors in heart attacks B. seasonal and temporal patterns of heart attacks
C. cardiology in the 1980s D. diet and stress as factors in heart attacks
2. In line 3, the word "potential" could best be re-placed by which of the following?
A. harmful B. primary C. unknown D. possible
3. The word "trigger" as used in line 3 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. involve B. affect C. cause D. encounter
4. Which of the following could best replace the word "incidence" as used in line 5?
A. increase B. rate C. chance D. factor
5. The word "temporal" means
A. affected by B. of a certain date C. expected D. regularly
6. The phrase "susceptible to" could best be replaced by
A. aware of B. affected by C. accustomed D. prone to
7. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a possible cause of many heart attacks?
A. decreased blood flow to the heart B. increased blood pressure
C. lower heart rate D. increase in hormones
8. The word "phenomenon" in line 14 refers to which of the following?
A. habit B. illness C. occurrence D. activity

9. The word "implicated" in line 21 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. indicated B. disregarded C. investigated D. discovered
10. Which of the following does the passage infer?
A. We now fully understand how risk factors trigger heart attacks.
B. We recently began to study how risk factors trigger heart attacks.
C. We have not identified many risk factors associated with heart attacks.
D. We do not fully understand how risk factors trigger heart attacks.
I. Choose the best option to complete the sentences. (10 points)
1. All scientists follow the same basic research principles as they pose questions, consider possible
answers, and …………….. . 49
A. with gathering evidence B. evidence is gathered C. evidence gathers there D. gather evidence
2. The grand Canyon, ……………., is located in Northwestern Arizona.
A. one of the eight wonders of the world B. having the eighth wonder of the world
C. is one of the world’s eight wonder D. is one of the eight wonders of the world.
3. … that increasing numbers of compact-disc players will be bought by consumers in the years to come.
A. They are anticipated B. In anticipation C. Anticipating D. It is anticipated
4. According to the conditions of my scholarship, after finishing my degree ……………. .
A. my education will be employed by the university
B. employment will be given to me by the university
C. the university will employ me
D. I will be employed by the university.
5. Only after food has been dried and canned ……………………………. .
A. that it should be stored for later consumption. B. should it be stored for later consumption.
C. should be stored for later consumption. D. it should be stored for later consumption.
6. The fact that space exploration has increased dramatically in the past thirty years ………….. .
A. is an evidence of us wanting to know more of our solar system.
B. indicates that we are very eager to learn all we can about our solar system
C. how we want to learn more about the solar system.
D. is pointing to evidence of our intention to know a lot more about what is called our solar system.
7. California relies heavily on income from fruit crops, and …………….. .
A. Florida also B. Florida as well C. Florida too D. so does Florida
8. The chairman requested that ………………….. .
A. the members studied more carefully the problem
B. the members study the problem more carefully
C. with more carefulness the problem could be study.
D. the problem was more carefulnessly studied
9. This car has many features including ………………….. .
A. stereo, safety devices, air condition, and it saves gas.
B. good music, safe devices, air conditioning, and gas
C. stereo, safety devices, air conditioned, and good gas
D. stereo, safety devices, air conditioning, and low gas mileage.
10. Public television stations are different from commercial stations ………………. .
A. because they receive money differently and different types of shows.
B. for money and programme types.
C. in the areas of funding and programming
D. because the former receives money and has programs differently from the later.
II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. (10 points) 50
1. It was wrong of you to scare your mother like that.
-> You oughtn’t ………………………………………………………………………. .
2. “I never told anyone about your scheme,” he said.
-> He denied …………………………………………………………………………… .
3. I didn’t realise how much he was influenced by his brother.
-> I didn’t realise the extent …………………………………………………………… .
4. Although he was tired, he agreed to play tennis.
-> Tired ………………………………………………………………………………… .
5. Ann was afraid the neighbours would despise her for not having a washing machine.
-> Ann was afraid the neighbours would look ………………………………………………….. .
6. It is in my opinion that there is no advantage in further discussion.
-> As I see ………………………………………………………………………………………… .
7. The manager is not to be disturbed.
-> On no account ………………………………………………………………………………….. .
8. Although the dog appeared harmless, it was in fact, quite dangerous.
-> Contrary ………………………………………………………………………………………… .
9. If only you had tried harder, you might have passed the exam.
-> If only you had made ………………………………………………………………………………. .
10. I wonder if you could possibly open the door for me?
-> Would you ………………………………………………………………………………….?
III. Write a passage in about 200 words about the following topic: (10 pts)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Parents are the best teachers.”Use
specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 51
ĐỀ LUYỆN HSG – 2010 – 2011
Practice 5
A. Listening(15 points)
I. Listen to people discussing plans for the weekend. Tick the letter representing the phrase that
describes their plans.
1. Lisa
A. meet a friend at the pool B. go out on a date C. go out with Cathy
2. Kim
A. go to a movie B. go to a football gameC. meet some friend
3. Kate
A. meet friends at the airport B. go to a party C. go to Mary’s house
4. Jeff
A. study for exams B. meet Clint D. go to a movie
5. Jenny
A. paint the kitchen with Tony B. paint Tony’s kitchen C. clean up the kitchen
6. Christy
A. stay in town B. visit cousins D. visit friends
II. Listen to some people talking about their jobs and decide these statements are true or false.
6. Diane is a teacher.
7. Diane is not very happy with her work.
8. Diane eats a lot.
9. Tracy doesn’t like the kind of work she does.
10. Tracy likes her boss.
11. Greg is not too busy at work these days.
12. Greg’s friend doesn’t drive.
13. Joe enjoys working with young people.
14. Joe and his friend are going out for lunch.
15. Joe’s friend’s phone number is 534-2332.
B. Phonetics: Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each
1. A. romanticism B. majority C. attitude D. contractual
2. A. oblige B. maintain C. reject D. survey
3. A. partnership B. marriage C. summary D. attractive 52
4. A. protect B. process C. polite D. confide
5. A. ceremony B. celebration C. composition D. generation
C. Grammar and vocabulary.
I. Choose the word or phrase which best complete each sentence.
1. He traveled ………………. in Europe.
A. effectively B. exclusively C. extensively D. exhaustively
2. I like him very much. He is …………………… .
A. so good a man B. quite a good man C. quite good man D. A or B
3. Hadn’t you watched the movie last night, you ………………. sleepy now.
A. wouldn’t have been B. might have not been C. wouldn’t beD. wouldn’t have being
4. The village had been flooded the year before so it ……………. plenty of green pasturage then.
A. contained B. contains C. has contained D would have contained
5. When we return home from work, we found the door …………….. .
A. unlocking B. unlocked C. to be unlocked D. have unlocked
6. ……….. you discover the weakness, the easier the task should become.
A. Quicker B. The more quickly C. The fastest D. The easiest
7. I wish I’d ……………this calculator before I bought it. It doesn’t seem to be working.
A. tried on B. tried out C. worked on D. worked out
8. He said he was ……debt and asked me ……a loan ……$50.
A. on/ for/ of B. in/ for/ withC. on/ by/ of D. in/ for/ of
9. It is vital that we .................... a change in people's attitudes.
A. bring down B. bring back C. bring about D. look after
II. Supply the correct form of the word provided in brackets in each sentence. (10 points)
1. Third time lucky! After two ………….. attempts, Mark’s finally passed his driving test. (success)
2. The new comer is …………with the area around him or her. (familiar)
3. People usually have hobbies for ………….. . (enjoy)
4. They imagined that they made the rules, but in …………, they were mere puppets. (real)
5. Street noise is one of the ………..of living in the city. (advantage)
6. Studies show that smoking is ……………… . (health)
7. Some universities in the United States have ………….dormitories. (co-educate)
8. A ……………person is one who is kind. (think)
9. There are various …………. for the party. (possible)
10. The author gives three examples of the ………….. culture shock. (orient)
III. From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not 53
correct. (5 points)
1. (A) In warm (B) weather , a caterpillar (C)will spend (D)fewer time in pupa stage.
2. (A)Folding fans arrived in Europe in the sixteenth century from China, where they (B)had been (C)
common used for (D) more than 500 years.
3. Volcanologists (A)make the jot (B) of (C)classifying volcanoes (D)as extinct, dormant, or active.
4. (A)Artificial sweetened (B)known as cyclamates (C) banned because of evidence that they caused
cancer in (D) laboratory rats.
5. The opossum (A) plays (B) dead, (C) when it is, in fact, (D) live.
D. Reading
I. Read the passage and then decide which word (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space. (10 points)
It is the nature of athletic records that they are broken and their place is taken by others. Yet many in
sports (1)………………., there is a mark which is not significant in itself, but which becomes a legend as
athletes (2)………… to break it. The most public of these is the attempt to run a mile in less than four
In 1945, the mile record was broken down to four minutes, 1.5 seconds. And there, for nine years, it
stuck. Then, in 1954, a medical student (3)………….. Roger Bannister decided to try and break the
record. He had been (4) ……….. for this day since running the mile in 4 minutes, 2 seconds the (5)
Two other runners set the pace for him and in 250 yards to go he burst ahead for the finish. He wrote (6)
…………..: ‘ My body had exhausted all its energy, but it (7)………… on running the same…. Those (8)
…………. few seconds seemed never-ending. I could see the line of the fishing tape…like a man making
a desperate attempt to save himself from danger...’
Bannister’s time was three minutes, 59.4 seconds. (9) …………. This record has been broken on many
(10)………. since, Bannister’s achievement will never be forgotten.
1. A. happenings B. events C. games D. matches
2. A. try B. try on C try out D try for
3. A. entitled B. called C nicknamed D known
4. A. trying B. studying C running D training
5. A. early B. previous C past D. former
6. A. afterwards B. then C next D first
7. A went B. continue C ran D got
8. A large B. late C latest D later
9. A But B. In spite of C However D Although
10. A times B. opportunities C occasions D incidents
II. Read the following passage carefully, then choose the ONE best answer to each question (10
The air above our head is becoming cleaner. A breath of fresh air has been running right round the
planet for the past five years.. The planet is purging itself of pollution. Paul Novell of the University of
Colorado, the co-author of a report on this phenomenon says, "It seems as if the planet's own cleansing
service has suddenly got a new lease of life. Suddenly, there are a lot of changes going on up there." 54
Estimates of the death toll from urban smogs have been steadily rising, so the new cleaner trend could
have significant consequences for life expectancy in cities as well as for the planet itself. The sudden and
unexpected reversal of several decades of worsening pollution extends from the air in city streets to the
remotest mid-Pacific Ocean and Antarctica. Among the pollutants which have begun to disappear from
the atmosphere are carbon monoxide, from car exhausts and burning rain forests, and methane from the
guts of cattle, paddy fields and gas fields. Even carbon dioxide, the main gas behind global warming, has
fallen slightly. There are two theories about why pollution is disappearing. First, there is less pollution to
start with due to laws to cut down urban smog and acid rain starting to have a global impact. Second the
planet may be becoming more efficient at cleaning up. The main planetary clean-up agent is a chemical
called hydroxyl. It is present throughout the atmosphere in tiny quantities and removes most pollutants
from the air by oxidizing them. The amount of hydroxyl in the air had fallen by a quarter in the 1980's.
Now, it may be reviving for two reasons: because the ozone hole has expanded, letting in more ultraviolet
radiation into the lower atmosphere, where it manufactures hydroxyl. Then the stricter controls of vehicle
exhausts in America and Europe may have cut global carbon monoxide emissions, thereby allowing more
hydroxyl to clean up other pollutants.
1. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The decreasing pollution of the atmosphere. B. The changing pollutants in the atmosphere.
C. Hydroxyl's influence on the atmosphere. D. The oxygenation of the atmosphere.
2.The word "purging" is closest in meaning to______
A. destroying B. refining C. filtering D. ridding
3.According to the passage, life expectancy partly depends on people having ............... .
A. access to details about atmospheric pollution B. recommendations from university
C. improvement in atmospheric conditions D. changes in their lifestyle
4.The word "toll" could best be replaced by .................. .
A. costs B. count C. damage D. loss
5. What does the author suggest is the main cause of pollution reduction?
A. Less impact from burning forest C. Curtailment of chemicals
B. Smaller number of cars D. Fewer cattle and gas fields
6. The word "It" refers to________ .
A. urban smog B. a clean-up agent C. acid rain D. the ozone hole
7. It can be inferred from the passage that the cleansing of the planet is_____ .
A. inexplicable B. confusing C. surprising D. predictable
8. Based on information in the passage, all of the following information referring to hydroxyl is
true except________.
A. The reduction in the ozone layer is beneficial to hydroxyl.
B. Oxidization of pollutants is carried out by hydroxyl.
C. There is difficulty in destroying carbon dioxide by hydroxyl.
D. Ultraviolet radiation increases production of hydroxyl. 55
9. The word "reviving" is closest in meaning to_____.
A. reappearing B. refreshing C. reproducing D. repeating
10. The passage supports which of the following conclusions?
A. The decrease of methane has enabled ultraviolet radiation to enter the atmosphere.
B. An expansion in hydroxyl has enlarged the ozone hole.
C. The reduction in carbon dioxide has produced a cleaner atmosphere.
D. The beneficial effect of hydroxyl has aided the cleansing process.
E. Writing:
I. Choose the best option to complete the sentences. (10 points)
1. This is the worst production of this play I’ve ever seen.
A. I have never seen so bad a production of this play.B. I have never seen such bad a production of this
C. I have never seen so bad production of this play. D. I have never seen such bad production of this
2. It is useless to argue with him.
A. It is no use to argue with him. B. It is no use arguing with him.
C. It is no use of arguing with him. D. It is no use for him to argue.
3. “Could you wait a second while I get my book?” Peter said to Jane.
A. Peter said to Jane to wait a second while he got his books.
B. Peter said to Jane she could wait a second while he got his books.
C. Peter asked Jane could wait a second while he got his books.
D. Peter asked Jane to wait a second while he got his books.
4. The thief wore gloves so as to avoid leaving any fingerprints.
A. The thief wore gloves so as not to leave any fingerprints.
B. The thief wore gloves in order to not leave any fingerprints.
C. The thief wore gloves in order not to leave any fingerprints.
D. The thief wore gloves so that not leave any fingerprints.
5. Whenever she went to Paris she bought a new dress.
A. She never went to Paris to buy a new dress. B. She never went to Paris without buying a new
C. She never bought a new dress without going to Paris. D. She never bought a new dress when she went
to Paris.
6. Our newspaper reporter in Paris sent this report.
A. This report was sent by our newspaper reporter in Paris.
B. This report was sent to Paris by our newspaper reporter.
C. This report was sent for Paris our newspaper reporter. 56
D. This report was sent to our newspaper reporter in Paris.
7. He tried to explain the problem to his wife.
A. He tried explaining his wife the problem. B. He tried to explain his wife the problem.
C. He attempted to explain his wife the problem. D. He attempted to explain to his wife the problem.
8. He failed the test many times but he didn’t stop trying.
A. Failing the test never discourages him. B. He didn’t stop trying although he failed the test
many times.
C. He did not stop trying despite his first failure. D. He never stops trying but fails to pass the test.
9. I would prefer you deliver the sofa on Sunday.
A. The sofa will be delivered on Sunday. B. They will deliver the sofa on Sunday.
C. I’d rather have the sofa delivered. D. I would rather have the sofa delivered on Sunday.
10. The car was so rusty that it couldn’t be repaired.
A. The car was too rusty to be repaired. B. The car was very rusty to repaired.
C. It was late for the car to be repaired. D. The car needs repairing.
II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. (10 points)
1. It is disappointing that we haven't heard from Molly.
We are ………………………………………………………………………………
2. He wished he had invited her to his birthday party.
He regretted ……………………………………………………………………………
3. When she saw the dog coming towards her, she quickly crossed the road.
Seeing ……………………………………………………………………………
4. 'You'd better not waste your time, Betty,' Tom said.
Tom ……………………………………………………………………………………...
5. 'It was nice of you to invite me to your birthday party. Thanks very much.'
Mike thanked ………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Rita is exhausted today because she didn't get any sleep last night.
Rita would ………………………………………………………………………..
7. I live in the town not far from the capital.
The town …………………………………………………………………………………
8. I did not know what would happen, and I did not care what would happen.
I neither ………………………………………………………………………………….
9. The police think the burglar got in through the bathroom window.
The burglar ………………………………………………………………………………
10. We can’t possibly work in this noise. 57
It’s ………………………………………………………………………………………
III. Write a passage of about 150 to 200 words about one of the thing that symbolizes the Vietnamese
ĐỀ LUYỆN HSG – 2010 – 2011
Practice 6
A. LISTENING (15 pts)
Listen to the recording and complete the sentences:
1. The purpose of Dr David’s opening remark is to ………………..all the new students.
2. The deputy is Miss Gray who is …………………. of English.
3. Mrs. White’s job is to ………………… student welfare.
4. Dr. East is not at the meeting because he is ………………… .
5. Miss Gray is going to tell the new students about the ………………………….. .
Listen the second part and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F)
6. Students can get a timetable from the college office.
7. The private study rooms close at 6 everyday.
8. Anyone interested in sports should see Mrs. White after the meeting.
9. The common room is closed in the evening.
10. Mrs. White has a brochure explaining accommodation problems.
11. The library is open in the evening.
12. The college has a large number of strict rules.
13. Lectures are compulsory.
14. Smoking is not allowed in any of the study rooms.
15. Cycling is not allowed.
B. PHONETICS: Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each
group.(5 pts)
1. A. scientist B. accident C. cosmonaut D. engineer
2. A. satisfaction B. approximate C. uncertainty D. congratulate
3. A. psychology B. temperature C. impossible D. unfortunate
4. A. venture B. occur C. precise D. extreme
5. A. appoint B. gather C. threaten D. vanish
I. Choose the word or phrase which best complete each sentence. (10 pts)
1. BARNEY & FRIENDS gave children..........pleasure.
A. a great deal of B. a large quantity C. a large deal of D. a great
number of
2. Despite a lot of hardship, the Green City Project will go...........
A. before B. forward C. advance D. ahead
3. There's a good
A. on at B. in over C. on in D. in on
4. The policeman explained to us........get to the market.
A. how B. how could C. how we could D. how could
we 58
5. Please fill in your employment history, including your.......employer as well as any previous ones you
might have had.
A. private B. daily C. constant D. current
6. The woman.........someone had stolen her purse, but although they searched everyone in the shop, it
wasn't found.
A. accused B. enforced C. claimed D. warned
7. On Christmas Eve, gathers for dinner, usually at my grandmother's house.
A. mere B. entire C. total D. complete
8. This chemical gives ………….. a terrible smell.
A. off B. up C. out D. away
9. The Vietnamese People’s Army took …………. Hanoi on the 10 of October 1954.
A. over B. up C. in D. back
10. Richard Wright enjoyed success and influence …………….. among Black American writers of his
A. were unparallel B. are unparallel C. unparallel D. the unparallel
11. …… spotted owl is now in danger of soon becoming extinct.
A. That B. The C. This D. A
12. “Excuse me, which is the way to the post office?” “Sorry, I’m new here.” “……….”
A. Not at all B. Bad luck C. That’s true D. Thank you all the same
13. “Hi, Bill! Congratulations!” “……………..”
A. All right B. You are right C. That’s good D. Thank you
14. “How is John’s homework done?” “…………….”
A. Quite well B. Good C. Well, let’s wait for a while D. Do it yourself
15. “May I take a seat here?” “………..…”
A. I’m not sure B. Yes, do it please
C. That’s a good idea D. I’m glad you do.
II. Supply the correct form of the word provided in brackets in each sentence. (10 points)
1. Teachers must keep a record of students’ ………… . (attend)
2. School uniform is no longer ……………… in many British schools. (compel)
3. His doctor made an urgent …………. for a copy of the record. (require)
4. Eating fish and lots of vegetables greatly increases your life ………………. . (expect)
5. Tim spoke ……………….. because he was so excited. (breath)
6. When Jean made up for the play, she was ……………… . (recognize)
7. Like oil, gas is a fossil fuel and is thus a ………… source of energy. (renew)
8. You must forgive my ……………. in these matters. (experience)
9. She took the job to be ………………………. independent. (finance)
10. I’ve never known such a ……………….person. (quarrel)
III. From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not
correct. (5 points)
1. (A)When the sun bear cubs (B) are born, they are almost (C) completely hairless, (D) can’t bear, and
2. Tucked (A) away (B) in the(C) mountains of Bolivia and Peru (D) are the highest navigable lake in the
3. The (A) invention if the silicon chip in the 1960s (B) has revolutionized (C) the computer (D) industry.
4. Some tress such as the banksias need (A) to be burned (B) periodically so that the seeds (C) would
open and (D) geminate. 59
5. The U.S mint (A) makes frequently coins from (B) cheap alloys that are worth (C) far less than the
value(D) stamped on them.
I. . Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best option for each of
the blanks.
The Industrial Revolution in Britain was built on the use of machines in factories. Since the 1950s,
Britain's (1) have replaced machine operators with computers, and this (2)......has led to a
decline in the number of (3) many factories. Goods are bought and used much more than ever
before but a lot of these goods are imported. By the beginning of the 20th century, other industrial
countries like the USA were (4).......with Britain's exports, and countries in the Far East have been able to
provide cheaper (5)......since the 1970s. Areas located with heavy industries are suffering high
unemployment. During the last 30 years, there has been a constant rise in smaller industries (6)
"light industries". These ones use electricity and are not (7) .........on raw materials such as coal so they are
"footloose", i.e. they can be located anywhere. They produce such things as washing machines or spare
(8) .......... Some of these industries produce nothing at all, but provide services like distribution. The
consumer boom of the 1980s and the increased leisure time of most Britons have led to rapid (9) ........ in
service industries like banking, tourism, retailing and information processing, and in industries which
distribute, maintain, and repair (10).........consumer goods.
1. A. manufacturing B. big C. large D. running
2. A. replacement B. change C. exchange D. automation
3. A. employers B. employees C. labors D. servers
4. A. working B. familiar C. competing D. fed up
5. A. things B. products C. produce D. imports
6. A. considered B. regarded C. known D. worked
7. A. dependent B. reliable C. dependable D. command
8. A. details B. parts C. sections D. gadgets
9. A. growth B. increase C. expansion D. extension
10. A. everyday B. home C. household D. expensive
II. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best answer to each of
the following questions.
Animation traditionally is done by hand-drawing or painting successive frames of an object, each
slightly different than the preceding frame. In computer animation, although the computer may be the one
to draw the different frames, in most cases the artist will draw the beginning and ending frames and the
computer will produce the drawings between the first and the last drawing. This is generally referred to as
computer-assisted animation, because the computer is more of a helper than an originator.
In full computer animation, complex mathematical formulas are used to produce the final sequence of
These formulas operate on extensive databases of numbers that define the objects in the pictures as they
exist in mathematical space. The database consists of endpoints, and color and intensity information.
Highly trained professionals are needed to produce such effects because animation that obtains high
degrees of realism involves computer techniques for three-dimensional transformation, shading, and
High-tech computer animation for film involves very expensive computer systems along with special
color terminals or frame buffers. The frame buffer is nothing more than a giant image memory for
viewing a single frame. It temporarily holds the image for display on the screen.
A camera can be used to film directly from the computer's display screen, but for the highest quality
images possible, expensive film recorders are used. The computer computes the positions and colors for
the figures in the picture, and sends this information to the recorder, which captures it on film. 60
Sometimes, however, the images are stored on a large magnetic disk before being sent to the recorder.
Once this process is completed, it is repeated for the next frame. When the entire sequence has been
recorded on the film, the film must be developed before the animation can be viewed. If the entire
sequence does not seem right, the motions must be corrected, recomputed, redisplayed, and rerecorded.
This approach can be very expensive and time consuming. Often, computer-animation companies first do
motion tests with simple computer-generated line drawings before selling their computers to the task of
calculating the high-resolution, realistic-looking images.
1. What aspect of computer animation does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The production process B. The equipment needed C. The high cost D. The role of the artist
2. According to the passage, in computer-assisted animation the role of the computer is to draw the........
A. first frame B. middle frames C. last frame D. entire sequence of frames
3. The word "they" in the second paragraph refers to........
A. formulas B. databases C. numbers D. objects
4. According to the passage, the frame buffers mentioned in the third paragraph are used to............
A. add color to the images B. expose several frames at the same time
C. store individual images D. create new frames
5. According to the passage, the positions and colours of the figures in high-tech animation are
determined by....
A. drawing several versions B. enlarging one frame at a lime
C. analyzing the sequence from different angles D. using computer calculations
6. The word "captures" in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to......
A. separates B. registers C. describes D. numbers
7. The word "Once" in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to.....
A. before B. since C. after D. while
8. According to the passage, how do computer-animation companies often test motion?
A. They experiment with computer-generated line drawings. B. They hand-draw successive frames.
C. They calculate high-resolution images. D. They develop extensive mathematical
9. The word "task" in the 4th paragraph is closest in meaning to.......
A. possibility B. position C. time D. job
10. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?
A. Computers have reduced the costs of animation.
B. In the future, traditional artists will no longer be needed.
C. Artists are unable to produce drawings as high in quality as computer drawings.
D. Animation involves a wide range of technical and artistic skills.
I. Choose the best answer. (10pts)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that has the same meaning as the original
1. Without skilful surgery he would not have survived the operation.
A. Had it been for skilful surgery he would not have survived the operation.
B. He wouldn't have survived the operation if he hadn't had skilful surgery.
C. But for skilful surgery he would not have survived the operation.
D. With skilful surgery he would have survived the operation.
2. What Rachael does in her free time doesn't concern me.
A. What Rachael does in her free time is none of my business.
B. What Rachael does in her free time is not my concern. 61
C. I don't know what Rachael does in her free time.
D. What Rachael does in her free time is not concerned by me.
3. We couldn't have managed without my father's money.
A. Hadn't it been for my father's money, we couldn't have managed.
B. We could have managed with my father's money.
C. If we could managed, my father's money would be there.
D. If we couldn't have managed, we would have had my father's money.
4. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.
A. I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
B. Hardly had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
C. No sooner had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
D. Scarcely had I put the phone down than the boss rang back.
5. While I strongly disapproved of your behaviour, I will help you this time.
A. Despite of my strong disapproval of your behaviour, I will help you this time.
B. Although I strongly disapproved of your behaviour, but I will help you this time.
C. Because of your behaviour, I will help you this time.
D. Despite my strong disapproval of your behaviour, I will help you this time.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best sentence built from the given words or
6. when 1/ airport/ plane/ already/ leave.
A. When I arrived the airport, the plane had already left. B. When I got to the airport, the plane had
already left.
C. When I reached at the airport, the plane already left. D. When I came the airport, the plane had
already left.
7. If/ weather/ fine/ an excursion/ tomorrow.
A. If the weather will be fine, we will go on an excursion tomorrow.
B. If the weather is fine, we will go on an excursion tomorrow.
C. If the weather is fine, we would go on an excursion tomorrow.
D. If the weather were fine, we would go on an excursion tomorrow.
8. She/ not alone/ when/ shopping/ yesterday.
A. She was not alone when she did shopping yesterday. B. She is not alone when she go shopping
C. She was not alone when she went shopping yesterday. D. She had not been alone when she went
shopping yesterday
9. a pity/ wish/ tell/ about/ this.
A. What a pity! I wish you had told us about this. B. What a pity! I wish you told us about this.
C. What a pity! I wish you would tell us about this. D. What a pity! I wish you have told us about
10. Only/ this way/ make/ laws/ effective.
A. Only by this way we can make our laws effective. B. Only this way we can make our laws
C. Only by this way can we make our laws effective. D. Only by this way we can make it effective
our laws.
II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. (10 points)
1. The train left before he got to the station.
-> By the time …………………………………………………………………… . 62
2. We should spend as little money as possible.
-> The less ………………………………………………………………………… .
3. This is my brother’s first solo flight in a glider.
-> This is the first ………………………………………………………………….. .
4. We will not see each other again before I go.
-> This will be ……………………………………………………………………….. .
5. All that stood between John and a gold medal was Jim’s greater speed.
-> But for …………………………………………………………………………….. .
6. He’ll give you a sack if you are late for the meeting. (otherwise)
-> ……………………………………………………………………………………. .
7. If we took effective action now, we could still save the rain forests. (Were)
-> ……………………………………………………………………………………. .
8. He is unlikely to win the competition. (chance)
-> …………………………………………………………………………………….. .
9. The ban on hunting was only imposed because the minister insisted. ( but)
-> …………………………………………………………………………………….. .
10. Taking the necessary precautions, you shouldn’t have any health problems. (Provided)
-> ………………………………………………………………………………………. .
III. Essay (10 pts): Write a passage of about 200 words about the following topic:
Write a passage of about 200 words about the following topic:
Are there any problems in our national curriculum? What should be changed to help students study

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 63

Keys to De luyen HSG – practice 6

A. Listening: Tai lieu luyen thi Cambridge – Practice test 3.
1. to welcome 2. in charge 3. look after 4. abroad 5. college routine
6. T 7.F 8. T 9. F 10. F 11. T 12. F 13. T 14. F 15. F
B. Phonetics:
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A
C. Grammar and vocabulary:
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. B
8. A 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. A
15. B
II. 1. attendance. 2. compulsory 3. request 4. expectancy 5. breathlessly
6. unrecognizable 7. nonrenewable 8. unexperience 9. financially 10. quarrelsome
III. 1. D 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A
D. Reading
I. 1. A 2.D 3. B 4. C 5. B
6. C 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. D
6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. D
E. Writing
I. 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. D
6. B 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. C
1. By the time he got to the station, the train had left.
2. The less money we spend, the better.
3. This is the first time that my brother has flown solo in a glider.
4. This will be the last time we see each other before I go.
5. But for Jim’s greater speed, John would have won the gold medal.
6. Don’t be late for the meeting, otherwise he’ll give you the sack! 64
7. Were we to take effective action now, we could still have save the rain forests.
8. He stands/ has little chance of winning the competitin.
9. But for the minister’s insistence, the ban of hunting would not have been imposed.
10. Provided you take the necessary precautions, you shouldn’t have any health problems.

ĐỀ LUYỆN HSG – 2010 – 2011

Practice 7
A. Listening (15 pts)
I. Listen and write in the information needed below, (only one word for each blank)
Essential clothing: - strong (1) ……………… .
- (2) ………………pair of socks
- (3) ………………and jacket (waterproof if possible)
- cotton (4) ……………….. .
- two (5) ………………….. .
- (6) ……………and gloves (perhaps)
Essential clothing: - (7) …………….swimsuits.
- plenty of large (8) …………………. .
- 2 pairs of (9) …………………….. .
- 1 pair of sandals.
- 1 cotton jumper.
- light weight (10) …………………….. .
II. Listen to the radio programme, and underline the correct answer to each question.
11. What was the first planned capital city? Rome/ Athens/ Washington, D.C.
12. Who was Pierre-Charles L’Enfant? An American architect/ A Brazilian engineer/ A French engineer.
13. What did Pierre-Charles L’Enfant design a special area for? A park/ monuments/ museums.
14. When was a new Parliament House opened in Canberra? 1791/ 1800/ 1961
15. How far is Brasilia from Rio de Janeiro? 600 miles/ 600 km/ 60 miles.
B. Phonetics: Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group.
(5 pts)
1. A. material B. emission C. optical D. conjunction. 65
2. A. stimulate B. measurement C. surgical D. already.
3. A. medical B. convention C. majority D. humanity.
4. A. presidential B. foundation C. confidential D. recreation.
5. A. disease B. obtain C. desert D. apply.
C. Grammar and vocabulary.
I. Choose the word or phrase which best complete each sentence. (15 pts)
1. The soldier was punished for _____ to obey his commanding officer’s orders.
A. refusing B. regretting C. objecting D. resisting
2. Nobody seems to be _____ control of those children.
A. under B. over C. with D. in
3. To get a passport, he must send his birth _____ and to photos.
A. certificate B. license C. paper D. card
4. There was no _____ in waiting longer than half an hour, so we left.
A. good B. use C. worth D. point
5. _____ you have no key, you’ll have to get back before I go out.
A. although B. provided C. as D. unless
6. You should consider the _____ carefully before you make a decision.
A. pros and cons B. safe and sound C. spick and span D. odds and ends
7. Is he _____ enough to take on so much responsibility ?
A. elderly B. ancient C. ripe D. mature
8. We have had the roof of our house _____.
A. to replace B. replace C. been replaced D. replaced
9. Imagine you _____ a flight, would you have gone by train?
A. haven’t booked B. hadn’t booked C. don’t book D. won’t book
10. They had _____ ashtrays on the table.
A. Two square glass B. glass square two C. square two glass D. two glass square
11. – “I think you should try self-hypnosis.” – “ ………………….”
A. I don’t know. I just don’t think it’s for me. B. No, I don’t, but my father does.
C. Yes, I do. D. No, not so much
12. “Excuse me. Is this the math class?” – “ ………………….”
A. Yes, they are your math teachers. B. Yes, it is. And I’m your teacher.
C. Not really. He’s the man over there. D. No, he isn’t here.
13. - “Something is worrying me.” - “ …………………………”
A. Well ,what are you doing? B. Well, tell me who’s that?
C. Well, tell me what’s worrying you? D. Well, I know.
14. –“ How would you like your steak?” – “…………………………..”
A. Yes, sir B. Very good C. Not too bad D. Rare, please 66
15. – “How did you hear about his death?” –“ ……………………… .”
A. It’s too bad B. Your mother told me C. I don’t know him very well D. I’m not sure
why he died
II. Read the text below. Use the word given in bracket to form a word that fits in the space. (10
Exercise is one of the best ways of keeping (31) __________ (depressed) away. It improves your body
and your mind and (32) __________ (able) you to perform better in the work place and at home. Proper
(33) __________ (breath) is essential if you want to get the most from exercise and you should also take
into (34) __________ (consider) your heart rate. It can be (35) __________ (harm) to do too much,
which is why all good fitness instructors emphasize the (36) ________(important) of “listening to your
When you first start you should use good (37) __________ (judge), because it’s easy to make the mistake
of using the equipment (38) __________ (correct) or doing too much at one time. Start slowly and build
up gradually.
Exercise should not be seen as a (39) __________ (demand) task; it can be as easy as a quick walk. To
increase your fitness (40) __________ (steady), exercise for 20 minutes a day, 4 to 6 times a week and
you will notice a difference in your body and mind in a few weeks.
III. From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not
correct. (5 points)
1. Geothermal energy is energy to obtain by using heat from the Earth’s interior.
2. In general the only kinds of cells that cannot replace itself are nerve cells.
3. Historians believe that some forms of advertising must be as old as barter and trade
4. Many television newscasters make the public an eyewitness to the news by means of on-the- spot,
alive reports.

5. Dams are used to control flooding, provide water for irrigation, and generating electricity for the
surrounding area.
D. Reading
I. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best option for each of
the blanks. (10 pts)
Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! The message hits Canadian consumers through all the media. As
newcomers from Sri Lanka, we compare the situation here the one back home. We may not be the most
(1) ……… citizens in the world, but compared with this, we do not have a rubbish problem – yet.
Like many shoppers in Columbia, my partner Shahid and I used to have a cane basket we (2)
………… with us to the Sunday market or pola every week. No environmentalists could have complained
about it. You need a good strong basket at the pola. There are no supermarket trolleys to push around.
Most items – rice, flour, vegetables, fruit, biscuits, eggs – are bought (3) ……………. Or wrapped in 67
newspaper. At (4) …………., we would carry one plastic bag separately. For eggs we took a reusable
plastic tray with us.
When income (5) …………. Are low, people need to buy in small quantities. It is quite normal to
ask for a (6) ……… envelope, two eggs or 100 grams of sugar. The (7) ………….. is that, for the most
part, urban consumers in Sri Lanka cannot afford the luxury of waste. Most people do not buy more from
the grocers than they know they will actually consume. They re-use whatever they can and are loath to
discard bags, jars, tins, or boxes that can be put to other uses.
But in recent years Western-style supermarket have begun to spring up in Colombo. They hold out
the (8) ………of clean, efficient, streamlined service to customers. A range of imported goods, dressed up
in their layers of attractive colourful (9) ………….. beckons from the shelves. There are the (10)
………… products that demand your attention on the TV advertisements. Along with them, Sri Lanka,
like so many other developing countries, may have imported a problem that once never existed.
1. A. qualified B. concerned C. worried D. experienced
2. A. took over B. took away C. took along D. took up
3. A. free B. in pieces C. bit by bit D. loose
4. A. maximum B. most C. highest D. best
5. A. rates B. amounts C. sizes D. levels
6. A. simple B. single C. singular D. sole
7. A. point B. case C. example D. question
8. A. promise B. advantage C. evidence D. sight
9. A. packets B. packs C. packing D. padding
10. A. very B. just C. similar D. likely
II. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best answer to each of
the following questions. (10 pts)
For many years, scientists have speculated that the cataclysmic impact of ail asteroid with the
earth was responsible for the demise of the dinosaurs approximately 65 million years ago. Previous
discoveries and results have hinted that an asteroid two kilometres in diameter struck the Yucatan
peninsula in Eastern Mexico. This impact, stronger than one thousand nuclear explosions, is speculated
to have cast a cloud of dust and debris into the atmosphere, covering the entire surface of the earth and
blocking out the sun and consequently lowering the surface temperature of the earth. With such a radical
change in the earth environment, scientists believe that over 99% of all animal and plant species were
eradicated. Only after millions of years did plants and animals ever begin to recover. But the reign of the
dinosaurs had ended and the age of mammals had begun.
The crucial link that has his theory together has been the element iridium. Iridium is not
commonly found on either the surface of the earth or inside the crust. It is more commonly found in
asteroids or meteorites through out the solar system. Scientists have hypothesized that after the asteroid
impacted the earth, an even layer of iridium sediment settled over the globe and eventually became part of
its surface. The theory of course, has depended on the discovery of such an existing layer of iridium.
Unfortunately, scientists have never been able to offer absolute proof that this asteroid impact ever
occurred. Recently, however, a discovery may go a long way toward validating these scientists’ theories.
In 1996, a team of marine biologists excavated samples of rock from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean just
off the coat of Bermuda. Found thousands of meters below the sea, these samples contain iridium similar
to those found in the Yucatan peninsular thousands kilometers away. At first, scientists were skeptical
whether the samples were from the same time period. But since carbon dating placed them to 65 million
years ago, they doubts were quickly alleviated. Since then many of the other theories for the demise of the
dinosaur have been finally laid to rest. 68
1. This passage mainly discusses a theory about
A. Which type of dinosaur roamed where. B. archeological evidence from Mexico and the
Atlantic Ocean.
C. why the dinosaurs turned into birds and reptiles. D. the extinction of the dinosaurs
2. According to the passage, approximately how large was the asteroid that scientists believe struck the
A. 2 kilometers in diameters B. 65 kilometers in diameters
C. 1000 kilometers in diameters D. 99 kilometers in diameters
3. The word “hinted” is closest in meaning to
A. disprove B. flirted C. denied D. implied
4. The word “cast” is closest in meaning to
A. shone B. climbed C. dispersed D. excused
5. What can be inferred from the passage about asteroid impact in the passage?
A. New plants and animals evolved with the changed environment
B. The gravitational force from the earth’s core is altered.
C. A planetary defense system formed
D. The climate remained fairly constant.
6. The word “reign” is closest in meaning to
A. understanding B. dominance C. denial D. extremity
7. The word “it” refers to
A. crust B. asteroids C. earth D. iridium
8. What does the third paragraph of the passage mainly discuss?
A. The major processes that have created the earth’s crust.
B. The composition of the ocean floor in the Atlantic Ocean.
C. Recent discoveries that may confirm the asteroid impact hypothesis.
D. The discovery of ancient fossils located far beneath the ocean floor.
9. According to the passage, the iridium found beneath the ocean floor near Bermuda ………. .
A. can be refined into fossil fuels B. is similar to the iridium found on the Yucatan peninsula.
C. originated from dinosaur remains D. was chemically manufactured by miners.
10. The paragraph following the passage probably discusses
A. the relationship between volcanic activity and dinosaur extinction.
B. why dinosaurs lived where they lived.
C. recent computer imagery of dinosaur movement.
D. the possibility of a future asteroid impact.
E. Writing.
I. Choose the best answer. (10pts)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that has the same meaning as the original
one. 69
1. I'd have bought Sam's car if I had known he was selling it.
A. I knew Sam wanted to sell his car.
B. I didn't buy Sam's car.
C. I bought the car without knowing it was Sam's.
D. I'll buy the car as soon as Sam decides to sell it.
2. She doesn't usually stay up late.
A. She's not acquainted with staying up late. B. She's not used to stay up late.
C. She's not familiar to staying up late. D. She's not used to staying up late.
3. "Where are you spending your holidays?" Janet asked us.
A. Janet asked us that where we were spending our holidays.
B. Janet asked us where were we spending our holidays.
C. Janet asked us where you were spending your holidays.
D. Janet asked us where we were spending our holidays.
4. "I was not there at the time," he said.
A. He denied that he was there at the time. B. he denied being there at the time.
C. He denied not being there at the time. D. He denied that he wasn't there at the time.
5. He regretted not inviting her to his birthday party.
A. He wished he had invited her to his birthday party.
B. He wished he invited her to his birthday party.
C. He wished he would have invited her to his birthday party
D. He wished to invite her to his birthday party.
6. I would rather have an egg for breakfast.
A. I would eat an egg if I was hungry. B. I don't want an egg for breakfast.
C. I prefer to have an egg for breakfast. D. I'll have an egg if there's nothing else.
7. We played too well to be worried by our defeat.
A. We didn't play well but won the match. B. We didn't play well and lost the match.
C. We played well but lost the match. D. We played well and won the match.
8. The meeting was put off because of pressure of time.
A. People wanted to get away, so the meeting began early.
B. There was not enough time to hold the meeting.
C. The meeting is planned to start in a short time.
D. The meeting lasted much longer than usual.
9. "Don't forget to phone the office," she told him.
A. She reminded him not to forget to phone the office.
B. She reminded him to forget not to phone the office.
C. She reminded him to phone the office.
D. She reminded him about phoning the office. 70
10. “If I were you, I'd look for another job.”
A. I suggest your looking for another job. B. I suggest that you would look for another job.
C. I suggest you to look for another job. D. I suggest that you look for another job.
II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. (10 points)
1. The house was so badly damaged in the fire that it couldn’t be repaired.
-> The house was too …………………………………………………………….. .
2. As he grew older, he became more and more forgetful.
-> The ……………………………………………………………………….. .
3. You won’t reach the station in less than twenty minutes.
-> It will take……………………………………………………………… .
4. What has this experience taught you?
-> What conclusions …………………………………………………………?
5. I took my car to the garage last Saturday and they resprayed it.
-> I had …………………………………………………………………….. .
6. When I notice it was formal dress, it was too late. (until)
-> …………………………………………………………………………. .
7. I wanted to learn Russian before I visited Moscow. (without)
-> ……………………………………………………………………….. .
8. Women are not allowed to enter the inner temple. (let)
-> ……………………………………………………………………… .
9. The new lecturer was unpopular with his students. (take)
-> ……………………………………………………………………. .
10. He is very likely to come. (probability)
-> …………………………………………………………………….. .
III. Essay: Write a passage (250 words) about the following topic: (10 pts)
People attend college or university fro many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career
preparation, increase knowledge …). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific
reasons and examples to support you answer.

……….………………… 71

KEYS TO ĐỀ LUYỆN HSG – 2010 – 2011

Practice 7
A. Listening (15 pts)
I. Listen and write in the information needed below, (only one word for each blank)
Essential clothing: - strong (1) boots .
- (2) three pair of socks
- (3) …trousers and jacket (waterproof if possible)
- cotton (4) shirts. .
- two (5) sweaters. .
- (6) hat and gloves (perhaps)
Essential clothing: - (7) two swimsuits.
- plenty of large (8) towels .
- 2 pairs of (9) shorts. .
- 1 pair of sandals.
- 1 cotton jumper.
- light weight (10) bag .
II. Listen to the radio programme, and underline the correct answer to each question.
11. What was the first planned capital city? Rome/ Athens/ Washington, D.C. 72
12. Who was Pierre-Charles L’Enfant? An American architect/ A Brazilian engineer/ A French engineer.
13. What did Pierre-Charles L’Enfant design a special area for? A park/ monuments/ museums.
14. When was a new Parliament House opened in Canberra? 1791/ 1800/ 1961
15. How far is Brasilia from Rio de Janeiro? 600 miles/ 600 km/ 60 miles.
B. Phonetics: Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group.
(5 pts)
6. A. material B. emission C. optical D. conjunction.
7. A. stimulate B. measurement C. surgical D. already.
8. A. medical B. convention C. majority D. humanity.
9. A. presidential B. foundation C. confidential D.
10. A. disease B. obtain C. desert D. apply.
C. Grammar and vocabulary.
I. Choose the word or phrase which best complete each sentence. (15 pts)
1. The soldier was punished for _____ to obey his commanding officer’s orders.
A. refusing B. regretting C. objecting D. resisting
2. Nobody seems to be _____ control of those children.
A. under B. over C. with D. in
3. To get a passport, he must send his birth _____ and to photos.
A. certificate B. license C. paper D. card
4. There was no _____ in waiting longer than half an hour, so we left.
A. good B. use C. worth D. point
5. _____ you have no key, you’ll have to get back before I go out.
A. although B. provided C. as D. unless
6. You should consider the _____ carefully before you make a decision.
A. pros and cons B. safe and sound C. spick and span D. odds and ends
(Advantages and dis) (binh an) (neat and clean) (small and not very important)
7. Is he _____ enough to take on so much responsibility ?
A. elderly B. ancient C. ripe D. mature
8. We have had the roof of our house _____.
A. to replace B. replace C. been replaced D. replaced
9. Imagine you _____ a flight, would you have gone by train?
A. haven’t booked B. hadn’t booked C. don’t book D. won’t book
10. They had _____ ashtrays on the table.
A. Two square glass B. glass square two C. square two glass D. two glass square
11. – “I think you should try self-hypnosis.” – “ ………………….”
A. I don’t know. I just don’t think it’s for me. B. No, I don’t, but my father does.
C. Yes, I do. D. No, not so much 73
12. “Excuse me. Is this the math class?” – “ ………………….”
A. Yes, they are your math teachers. B. Yes, it is. And I’m your teacher.
C. Not really. He’s the man over there. D. No, he isn’t here.
13. - “Something is worrying me.” - “ …………………………”
A. Well ,what are you doing? B. Well, tell me who’s that?
C. Well, tell me what’s worrying you? D. Well, I know.
14. –“ How would you like your steak?” – “…………………………..”
A. Yes, sir B. Very good C. Not too bad D. Rare, please
15. – “How did you hear about his death?” –“ ……………………… .”
A. It’s too bad B. Your mother told me C. I don’t know him very well D. I’m not sure why he
II. Read the text below. Use the word given in bracket to form a word that fits in the space. (10
Exercise is one of the best ways of keeping (31) depression (depressed) away. It improves your
body and your mind and (32) __ enables __ (able) you to perform better in the work place and at home.
Proper (33) __ breathing __ (breath) is essential if you want to get the most from exercise and you
should also take into (34) _ consideration _ (consider) your heart rate. It can be (35) _ harmful _ (harm)
to do
too much, which is why all good fitness instructors emphasize the (36) _ importance _ (important) of
“listening to your body”.
When you first start you should use good (37) _ judgment _ (judge), because it’s easy to make the
mistake of using the equipment (38) _ incorrectly _ (correct) or doing too much at one time. Start slowly
build up gradually.
Exercise should not be seen as a (39) __ demanding _ (demand) task; it can be as easy as a quick walk.
To increase your fitness (40) steadily (steady), exercise for 20 minutes a day, 4 to 6 times a week and
you will notice a difference in your body and mind in a few weeks.
III. From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not
correct. (5 points)
1. Geothermal energy is energy to obtain by using heat from the Earth’s interior.
2. In general the only kinds of cells that cannot replace itself are nerve cells.
3. Historians believe that some forms of advertising must be as old as barter and trade
4. Many television newscasters make the public an eyewitness to the news by means of on-the- spot,
alive reports. A B C
D 74
5. Dams are used to control flooding, provide water for irrigation, and generating electricity for the
surrounding area. A B C
D. Reading
I. . Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best option for each of
the blanks. (10 pts)
Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! The message hits Canadian consumers through all the media. As
newcomers from Sri Lanka, we compare the situation here the one back home. We may not be the most
(1) ……… citizens in the world, but compared with this, we do not have a rubbish problem – yet.
Like many shoppers in Columbia, my partner Shahid and I used to have a cane basket we (2)
………… with us to the Sunday market or pola every week. No environmentalists could have complained
about it. You need a good strong basket at the pola. There are no supermarket trolleys to push around.
Most items – rice, flour, vegetables, fruit, biscuits, eggs – are bought (3) ……………. Or wrapped in
newspaper. At (4) …………., we would carry one plastic bag separately. For eggs we took a reusable
plastic tray with us.
When income (5) …………. Are low, people need to buy in small quantities. It is quite normal to
ask for a (6) ……… envelope, two eggs or 100 grams of sugar. The (7) ………….. is that, for the most
part, urban consumers in Sri Lanka cannot afford the luxury of waste. Most people do not buy more from
the grocers than they know they will actually consume. They re-use whatever they can and are loath to
discard bags, jars, tins, or boxes that can be put to other uses.
But in recent years Western-style supermarket have begun to spring up in Colombo. They hold out
the (8) ………of clean, efficient, streamlined service to customers. A range of imported goods, dressed up
in their layers of attractive colourful (9) ………….. beckons from the shelves. There are the (10)
………… products that demand your attention on the TV advertisements. Along with them, Sri Lanka,
like so many other developing countries, may have imported a problem that once never existed.
1. A. qualified B. concerned C. worried D. experienced
2. A. took over B. took away C. took along D. took up
3. A. free B. in pieces C. bit by bit D. loose
4. A. maximum B. most C. highest D. best
5. A. rates B. amounts C. sizes D. levels
6. A. simple B. single C. singular D. sole
7. A. point B. case C. example D. question
8. A. promise B. advantage C. evidence D. sight
9. A. packets B. packs C. packing D. padding
10. A. very B. just C. similar D. likely
II. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best answer to each of
the following questions. (10 pts)
For many years, scientists have speculated that the cataclysmic impact of ail asteroid with the
earth was responsible for the demise of the dinosaurs approximately 65 million years ago. Previous
discoveries and results have hinted that an asteroid two kilometres in diameter struck the Yucatan
peninsula in Eastern Mexico. This impact, stronger than one thousand nuclear explosions, is speculated
to have cast a cloud of dust and debris into the atmosphere, covering the entire surface of the earth and
blocking out the sun and consequently lowering the surface temperature of the earth. With such a radical
change in the earth environment, scientists believe that over 99% of all animal and plant species were 75
eradicated. Only after millions of years did plants and animals ever begin to recover. But the reign of the
dinosaurs had ended and the age of mammals had begun.
The crucial link that has his theory together has been the element iridium. Iridium is not
commonly found on either the surface of the earth or inside the crust. It is more commonly found in
asteroids or meteorites through out the solar system. Scientists have hypothesized that after the asteroid
impacted the earth, an even layer of iridium sediment settled over the globe and eventually became part of
its surface. The theory of course, has depended on the discovery of such an existing layer of iridium.
Unfortunately, scientists have never been able to offer absolute proof that this asteroid impact ever
occurred. Recently, however, a discovery may go a long way toward validating these scientists’ theories.
In 1996, a team of marine biologists excavated samples of rock from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean just
off the coat of Bermuda. Found thousands of meters below the sea, these samples contain iridium similar
to those found in the Yucatan peninsular thousands kilometers away. At first, scientists were skeptical
whether the samples were from the same time period. But since carbon dating placed them to 65 million
years ago, they doubts were quickly alleviated. Since then many of the other theories for the demise of the
dinosaur have been finally laid to rest.
1. This passage mainly discusses a theory about
A. Which type of dinosaur roamed where. B. archeological evidence from Mexico and the
Atlantic Ocean.
C. why the dinosaurs turned into birds and reptiles. D. the extinction of the dinosaurs
2. According to the passage, approximately how large was the asteroid that scientists believe struck the
A. 2 kilometers in diameters B. 65 kilometers in diameters
C. 1000 kilometers in diameters D. 99 kilometers in diameters
3. The word “hinted” is closest in meaning to
A. disprove B. flirted C. denied D. implied
4. The word “cast” is closest in meaning to
A. shone B. climbed C. dispersed D. excused
5. What can be inferred from the passage about asteroid impact in the passage?
A. New plants and animals evolved with the changed environment
B. The gravitational force from the earth’s core is altered.
C. A planetary defense system formed
D. The climate remained fairly constant.
6. The word “reign” is closest in meaning to
A. understanding B. dominance C. denial D. extremity
7. The word “it” refers to
A. crust B. asteroids C. earth D. iridium
8. What does the third paragraph of the passage mainly discuss?
A. The major processes that have created the earth’s crust.
B. The composition of the ocean floor in the Atlantic Ocean.
C. Recent discoveries that may confirm the asteroid impact hypothesis.
D. The discovery of ancient fossils located far beneath the ocean floor. 76
9. According to the passage, the iridium found beneath the ocean floor near Bermuda ………. .
A. can be refined into fossil fuels B. is similar to the iridium found on the Yucatan
C. originated from dinosaur remains D. was chemically manufactured by miners.
10. The paragraph following the passage probably discusses
A. the relationship between volcanic activity and dinosaur extinction.
B. why dinosaurs lived where they lived.
C. recent computer imagery of dinosaur movement.
D. the possibility of a future asteroid impact.
E. Writing.
I. Choose the best answer. (10pts)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that has the same meaning as the original
1. I'd have bought Sam's car if I had known he was selling it.
A. I knew Sam wanted to sell his car.
B. I didn't buy Sam's car.
C. I bought the car without knowing it was Sam's.
D. I'll buy the car as soon as Sam decides to sell it.
2. She doesn't usually stay up late.
A. She's not acquainted with staying up late. B. She's not used to stay up late.
C. She's not familiar to staying up late. D. She's not used to staying up late.
3. "Where are you spending your holidays?" Janet asked us.
A. Janet asked us that where we were spending our holidays.
B. Janet asked us where were we spending our holidays.
C. Janet asked us where you were spending your holidays.
D. Janet asked us where we were spending our holidays.
4. "I was not there at the time," he said.
A. He denied that he was there at the time. B. he denied being there at the time.
C. He denied not being there at the time. D. He denied that he wasn't there at the time.
5. He regretted not inviting her to his birthday party.
A. He wished he had invited her to his birthday party.
B. He wished he invited her to his birthday party.
C. He wished he would have invited her to his birthday party
D. He wished to invite her to his birthday party.
6. I would rather have an egg for breakfast.
A. I would eat an egg if I was hungry. B. I don't want an egg for breakfast.
C. I prefer to have an egg for breakfast. D. I'll have an egg if there's nothing else.
7. We played too well to be worried by our defeat. 77
A. We didn't play well but won the match. B. We didn't play well and lost the match.
C. We played well but lost the match. D. We played well and won the match.
8. The meeting was put off because of pressure of time.
A. People wanted to get away, so the meeting began early.
B. There was not enough time to hold the meeting.
C. The meeting is planned to start in a short time.
D. The meeting lasted much longer than usual.
9. "Don't forget to phone the office," she told him.
A. She reminded him not to forget to phone the office.
B. She reminded him to forget not to phone the office.
C. She reminded him to phone the office.
D. She reminded him about phoning the office.
10. “If I were you, I'd look for another job.”
A. I suggest your looking for another job. B. I suggest that you would look for another job.
C. I suggest you to look for another job. D. I suggest that you look for another job.
II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. (10 points)
1. The house was so badly damaged in the fire that it couldn’t be repaired.
-> The house was too badly damaged to be repaired.
2. As he grew older, he became more and more forgetful.
-> The older he grew/ got, the more forgetful he became.
3. You won’t reach the station in less than twenty minutes.
-> It will take you at least twenty minutes to reach the station
4. What has this experience taught you?
-> What conclusions have you drawn from this experience?
5. I took my car to the garage last Saturday and they resprayed it.
-> I had my car resprayed at the garage last Saturday.
6. When I notice it was formal dress, it was too late. (until)
-> I did not notice it was formal dress until it was too late/ It was not until it was too late that I noticed
it was formal dress/ Not until it was too late did I notice it was formal dress.
7. I wanted to learn Russian before I visited Moscow. (without)
->. I did not want to visit Moscow without learning/ having learned Russian.
8. Women are not allowed to enter the inner temple. (let)
->. They do not let women enter the inner temple.
9. The new lecturer was unpopular with his students. (take)
-> The students did not take to their new lecturer.
10. He is very likely to come. (probability) 78
-> In all probability he will come/ is coming./ There is a strong probability that he will come/ of his
III. Essay: Write a passage (250 words) about the following topic: (10 pts)
People attend college or university fro many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career
preparation, increase knowledge …). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific
reasons and examples to support you answer.


ĐỀ LUYỆN HSG – 2010 – 2011

Practice 8 - 180 minutes
A. Listening (15 pts)
I. Listen to the recording and write the missing words: 79
1. Marie Gregg and Jack Roberts are the (1)………….. on the expedition from London to South (2)
……….. .
2. Lulu McNulty , a fashion designer, is on the trip because her (3)….............. told her about the (4)
……….. .
3. Paola Rossi is an (5)…………. in a big (6)………… company. Paola likes (7)……………… but she
likes a bit of …(8)…………. .
4. Istvan is a student. He is studying (9)…………………… at the University of Budapest. He is on the
trip because he wants to do something (10)………………………. .
II. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions:
1. What does Colin do?
2. What does Colin say about his job?
3. What is Sandra doing at Manchester university?
4. Does Colin live in Oxford?
5. Why does Sandra like cycling?
B. Phonetics: Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group.
(5 pts)

1. A. obvious B. impolite C. compliment D. maximum

2. A. situation B. conversation C. equivalent D. regulation

3. A. install B. attract C. approach D. kidding
4. A. marvelous B. badminton C. absolute D. regretful
4. A. informality B. communication C. environmental D. dissatisfaction


Part 1: Circle the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence. [15 points]

1. _________ she’s got a job that she likes, she’s a lot happier.
A. Since when B. Just as C. Now that D. Just now
2. The ……………. woman who is playing the violin is very talented.
A. red hair B. red-headed C. red haired D. red head
3. I’m _________ aware of the need to obey the rules of the competition.
A. well B. far C. much D. greatly
4. _________ goes the bus; now we will have to walk!
A. On time B. At once C. There D. Early
5. It was impossible for her to tell the truth so she had to _________ a story.
A. invent B. combine C. manage D. lie
6. Dave and I have _________ to meet at the bus station at 9 o’clock. 80
A. confirmed B. combined C. appointed D. arranged
7. A film directed by Steven Spielberg is likely ………………… success.
A. being a financial B. to be financially a C. to be financially D. to be a financial
8. “Shall I collect the tickets for you?” – “ ………………………. .”
A. I think you shall B. In my opinion, you are good
C. That would be a real help D. No, I don’t have tickets.
9. Having considered the problem for a while she thought better _________ her first solution.
A. to B. than C. from D. of
10. “We’ve got time for a coffee, haven’t we?
A. Why not? B. A quick one may be C. I’d prefer tea D. I’ll have tea, please.
11. It turned out that we _________ rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.
A. hadn’t B. should have C. mustn’t have D. needn’t have
12. Never _________ a gift horse in the mouth.
A. feel B. look C. catch D. hold
13. “Would you like a salad?” – “ ………………….. .”
A. Yes, make yourself at home B. May I take your order?
C. Italian, please D. It’s great!
14. “Let me drive you home.” – “ …………………. .”
A. No problem B. It’s not me C. No, don’t worry. I’m all right. D. No, I usually drive home at five.
15. “…………………….”. – “ She’s the tall one in jeans.”
A. Is she very tall? B. How is she? C. What is she? S. Which one is she?

Part 2: In each of the following sentences, four words or phrases have been underlined. Circle the
one word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that would not be appropriate. [5 points]

pick up agree that

8. Someone who has ever tried to spilled mercury will this element is hard
to handle .
a few people
9. Some of the land in that region is so wet and hot and covered with jungle that live
there .
in a few years twelve percents
13. It has been estimated that , of Canadians will be
senior citizens .
14. If one had thought about the alternatives, would not have chosen such a difficult topic for a
term paper
D 81
is diagnosed as early as
15. It is essential that cancer and treated possible in order to assure a
successful cure .
Part 3: Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. [10 points]
1. I had only a day to visit all the tourist ___________. (ATTRACT)
2. The more ___________ an event is, the better it will be remembered. (SIGNIFY)
3. He didn’t pay the bill and now the electricity has been ___________. (CONNECT)
4. What a terrible film. It’s really ___________ in my views. (RATE)
5. There’s ___________ dissatisfaction with the government’s policies. (WIDE)
6. They all cheered ___________ as their team came out. (ENTHUSIASM)
7. From my ___________, this would not be a very profitable venture. (STAND)
8. He’s so ___________! He just can’t make up his mind! (DECIDE)
9. Are all those ___________ they put in food really necessary? (ADD)
10. I apologize for the delay in sending your order but we are ___________ at present. (STAFF)
Part 1: Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. [10 points]

settlement standard factors invasions empire

extent directly prospering civilization age

Rome and the Roman had a huge impact on Western (1) ____________. Rome had been (2)
____________ over many centuries, turning from a small (3) ____________ into a large (4)
____________. It had developed because of its large armies, great rulers, and excellent engineers. It
managed to withstand (5) ____________ from a number of other empires, such as Persia and the
Carthaginians. Rome continued to develop over the centuries, reaching its greatest (6) ____________ in
the third century AD. The two (7) ____________ commonly attributed to the decline of the Roman
empire are Christianity and the military, though some believe these are not (8) ____________
responsible, but played a secondary role in the empire’s collapse. Other historians believe that a decline in
the (9) ____________ of living, as well as a decline in morals, caused the eventual collapse of the empire.
Whatever the reason, the (10) ____________ of the Roman empire was one of the greatest in human
history and is responsible for guiding the way people think , even to this day.

Part 2: Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space. Circle the
letter. [10 points]

Interpreting the feelings of other people is not always easy, as we all know, and we (1)_____ as much
on what they seem to be telling us, as on the actual words they say. Facial (2)_____ and tone of voice
are obvious ways of showing our (3)_____ to something, and it may well be that we unconsciously
utter views that we are trying to hide. The art of being tactful lies in (4)_____ these signals, realizing
what the other person is trying to say, and acting so that they are not embarrassed in any way. For
example, we may understand that they are above all reluctant to answer our question, and so we stop
pressing them. Body movements in general may also (5)_____ feelings, and interviewers often pay
particular attention to the way a candidate for a job walks into the room and sits down. However, it is
not difficult to present the right kind of appearance, while what many employers want to know relates
to the candidate’s character mannerisms, and psychological stability. This raises the (6)_____ questions
of whether job candidates should be asked to complete psychological tests, and the further problem of
whether such tests actually produce (7)_____ results. For many people, being asked to take part in 82
such a test would be objectionable (8)_____ into their private lives. Quite (9)_____ from this problem,
can such tests predict whether a person is likely to be a (10)_____ employee or a valued colleague?
1. A. estimate B. rely C. reckon D. trust
2. A. looks B. expression C. image D. manner
3. A. view B. feeling C. notion D. reaction
4. A. taking down B. putting across C. picking up D. going over
5. A. display B. indicate C. imply D. infer
6. A. awkward B. risky C. unpleasant D. touchy
7. A. faithful B. regular C. reliable D. predictable
8. A. invasion B. intrusion C. infringement D. interference
9. A. different B. apart C. away D. except
10. A. pedantic B. particular C. laborious D. conscientious

Part 4: Read the passage and circle the best answer (A, B, C, or D) to each question. [8 points]

In most discussions of cultural diversity, attention has focused on visible, explicit aspects of
culture, such as language, dress, food, religion, music , and social rituals. Although they are important,
these visible expressions of culture, which are taught deliberately and learned consciously, are only the
tip of the iceberg of culture. Much of culture is taught and learned implicitly, or outside awareness. Thus,
neither cultural insiders nor cultural outsiders are aware that certain "invisible” aspects of their culture
Invisible elements of culture are important to us. For example, how long we can be late before
being impolite, what topics we should avoid in a conversation, how we show interest or attention through
listening behavior, what we consider beautiful or ugly. These are all aspects of culture that we learn and
use without being aware of it. When we meet other people whose invisible cultural assumptions differ
from those we have learned implicitly, we usually do not recognize their behavior as cultural in origin.
Differences in invisible culture can cause problems in cross-cultural relations. Conflicts may arise
when we are unable to recognize others’ behavioral differences as cultural rather than personal. We tend
to misinterpret other people’s behavior, blame them, or judge their intentions or competence without
realizing that we are experiencing cultural rather than individual differences.
Formal organizations and institutions, such as schools, hospitals, workplaces, governments, and
the legal system are collection sites for invisible cultural differences. If the differences were more visible,
we might have less misunderstanding. For example, if we met a man in a courthouse who was wearing
exotic clothes, speaking a language other than ours, and carrying food that looked strange, we would not
assume that we understood his thoughts and feelings or that he understood ours. Yet when such a man is
dressed similarly to us, speaks our language, and does not differ from us in other obvious ways, we may
fail to recognize the invisible cultural differences between us. As a result, mutual misunderstanding may

1. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To explain the importance of invisible aspects of culture.
B. To describe cultural diversity.
C. To point out that much of culture is learned consciously.
D. To explain why cross-cultural conflict occurs.
2. The word “deliberately” in bold in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. slowly B. accurately
C. intentionally D. randomly
3. The phrase “the tip of the iceberg” in bold in paragraph 1 means that ________.
A. other cultures seem cold to us 83
B. visible aspects of culture are learned in formal institutions
C. we usually focus on the highest forms of culture
D. most aspects of culture cannot be seen
4. Which of the following was NOT mentioned as an example of invisible culture?
A. What topics to avoid in conversation
B. What food to eat in a courthouse
C. How late is considered impolite
D. How people express interest in what others are saying
5. The word “those” in bold in paragraph 2 refers to ________.
A. people from a different culture
B. invisible cultural assumptions
C. people who speak a different language
D. topics that should be avoided
6. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that conflict results when ________.
A. people think cultural differences are personal
B. people compete with those from other cultures
C. one culture is more invisible than another culture
D. some people recognize more cultural differences than others
7. The author implies that institutions such as schools and workplaces ________.
A. are aware of cultural differences
B. teach their employees about cultural differences
C. reinforce invisible cultural differences
D. share a common culture
8. Which of the following would most likely result in misunderstanding?
A. Learning about our own culture in school
B. Unusual food being cooked by foreign visitors
C. Strange behavior from someone speaking a foreign language
D. Strange behavior from someone speaking our language

I. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown or using the words in bracket, so that the meaning stays the
same. [10 points]
1. Collecting dolls from foreign countries is one of Jane’s interests.
Jane is ………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. My boss works better when he’s pressed for time.
The less time ………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Shirley didn’t begin to read until she was eight.
It wasn’t ……………………………………………………………………………………….…
4. She discovered eight new comets in the course of her work.
Her work resulted ………………………………………………………………………………… .
5. We left quietly, so that we wouldn’t disturb the children.
So as ………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. When I picked up my pen, I found that the nib had broken. 84
-> On …………………………………………………………………………………………… .
6. Sheila has decided to take driving lessons. (HOW)
Sheila has decided ………………………………………………………………………… drive.
7. If I take the job, I’ll have to move to London.( MEAN)
Taking the job …………………………………………………………………………… London.
8. Without your help, I would have given up years ago. (HADN’T)
If it ……………………………………………… your help, I would have given up years ago.
9. In her previous job, Maria was a picture restorer. (WORK AS)
-> Maria used ……………………………………………………………….. .
10. She is a far more serious student now than she used to be. (STUDIES)
-> She ………………………………………………………………………………………used to.
11. Which of the two books would you prefer? (RATHER)
-> Which …………………………………………………………………………….?
12. Even if we don’t like the idea, we’ll have to go with him. (WHETHER)
-> ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .
II. Essay (10 pts): “Should smoking be banned in public places?”. Write a passage (150 – 200 words)
giving your views. You can use the outline below:
Introduction: Set out the problem in general and state why it is controversial.
Body: Give your opinion, and reasons for it.
Give the other side of the argument and the reasons why it is false.
Conclusion: strongly restate the problem and your opinion.







……….. 85









KEYS TO ĐỀ LUYỆN HSG – 2010 – 2011

Practice 8 - 180 minutes
A. Listening (15 pts)
I. Listen to the recording and write the missing words: (lifelines- Intermediate – track 1, 2 – CD1) 86
1. Marie Gregg and Jack Roberts are the (1)………….. on the expedition from London to South (2)
……….. .
2. Lulu McNulty , a fashion designer, is on the trip because her (3)….............. told her about the (4)
……….. .
3. Paola Rossi is an (5)…………. in a big (6)………… company. Paola likes (7)……………… but she
likes a bit of …(8)…………. .
4. Istvan is a student. He is studying (9)…………………… at the University of Budapest. He is on the
trip because he wants to do something (10)………………………. .
Your answers:
1. guides… . 2. …Africa………… 3. …father……. 4. ……place……………
5. ………accountant
6. …chemical.7. travelling… 8. …adventure…… 9. ………psychology…… 10. ………
II. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions:
1. What does Colin do? ……He is a computer programmer…
2. What does Colin say about his job? He says it’s isn’t the most intersting job in the world, but it’s
quite well- paid.
3. What is Sandra doing at Manchester university? She’s doing an MA in management...
4. Does Colin live in Oxford? No, he doesn’t.
5. Why does Sandra like cycling? Because it keeps her fit.
B. Phonetics: Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group.
(5 pts)

1. A. obvious B. impolite C. compliment D. maximum

2. A. situation B. conversation C. equivalent D. regulation

3. A. install B. attract C. approach D. kidding
4. A. marvelous B. badminton C. absolute D. regretful
4. A. informality B. communication C. environmental D. dissatisfaction


Part 1: Circle the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence. [15 points]

1. _________ she’s got a job that she likes, she’s a lot happier.
A. Since when B. Just as C. Now that D. Just now
2. The ……………. woman who is playing the violin is very talented.
A. red hair B. red-headed C. red haired D. red head
3. I’m _________ aware of the need to obey the rules of the competition.
A. well B. far C. much D. greatly
4. _________ goes the bus; now we will have to walk!
A. On time B. At once C. There D. Early
5. It was impossible for her to tell the truth so she had to _________ a story.
A. invent B. combine C. manage D. lie 87
6. Dave and I have _________ to meet at the bus station at 9 o’clock.
A. confirmed B. combined C. appointed D. arranged
7. A film directed by Steven Spielberg is likely ………………… success.
A. being a financial B. to be financially a C. to be financially D. to be a financial
8. “Shall I collect the tickets for you?” – “ ………………………. .”
A. I think you shall B. In my opinion, you are good
C. That would be a real help D. No, I don’t have tickets.
9. Having considered the problem for a while, she thought better _________ her first solution.
A. to B. than C. from D. of
10. “We’ve got time for a coffee, haven’t we?
A. Why not? B. A quick one may be C. I’d prefer tea D. I’ll have tea, please.
11. It turned out that we _________ rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.
A. hadn’t B. should have C. mustn’t have D. needn’t have
12. Never _________ a gift horse in the mouth.
A. feel B. look C. catch D. hold
13. “Would you like a salad?” – “ ………………….. .”
A. Yes, make yourself at home B. May I take your order?
C. Italian, please D. It’s great!
14. “Let me drive you home.” – “ …………………. .”
A. No problem B. It’s not me C. No, don’t worry. I’m all right. D. No, I usually drive home at five.
15. “…………………….”. – “ She’s the tall one in jeans.”
A. Is she very tall? B. How is she? C. What is she? D. Which one is she?

Part 2: In each of the following sentences, four words or phrases have been underlined. Circle the
one word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that would not be appropriate. [5 points]

pick up agree that

8. Someone who has ever tried to spilled mercury will this element is hard
to handle .
a few people
9. Some of the land in that region is so wet and hot and covered with jungle that live
there .
in a few years twelve percents
13. It has been estimated that , of Canadians will be
senior citizens .
14. If one had thought about the alternatives, would not have chosen such a difficult topic for a
term paper
D 88
is diagnosed as early as
15. It is essential that cancer and treated possible in order to assure a
successful cure .
Part 3: Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. [10 points]
1. I had only a day to visit all the tourist ___________. (ATTRACT)-> attractions
2. The more ___________ an event is, the better it will be remembered. (SIGNIFY)-> significant
3. He didn’t pay the bill and now the electricity has been ___________. (CONNECT)-. disconnected
4. What a terrible film. It’s really ___________ in my views. (RATE) ->irrational
5. There’s ___________ dissatisfaction with the government’s policies. (WIDE)-> widespread
6. They all cheered ___________ as their team came out. (ENTHUSIASM)-> enthusiastically
7. From my ___________, this would not be a very profitable venture. (STAND) -> understanding
8. He’s so ___________! He just can’t make up his mind! (DECIDE) -> indecisive
9. Are all those ___________ they put in food really necessary? (ADD)-> additives
10. I apologize for the delay in sending your order but we are ……………at present. (STAFF)->
Part 1: Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. [10 points]

3. settlement 9. standard 7. factors 5. invasions 4. empire

10. extent 8. directly 2. prospering 1.civilization 6.

Rome and the Roman had a huge impact on Western (1) ____________. Rome had been (2)
____________ over many centuries, turning from a small (3) ____________ into a large (4)
____________. It had developed because of its large armies, great rulers, and excellent engineers. It
managed to withstand (5) ____________ from a number of other empires, such as Persia and the
Carthaginians. Rome continued to develop over the centuries, reaching its greatest (6) ____________ in
the third century AD. The two (7) ____________ commonly attributed to the decline of the Roman
empire are Christianity and the military, though some believe these are not (8) ____________
responsible, but played a secondary role in the empire’s collapse. Other historians believe that a decline
in the (9) ____________ of living, as well as a decline in morals, caused the eventual collapse of the
empire. Whatever the reason, the (10) ____________ of the Roman empire was one of the greatest in
human history and is responsible for guiding the way people think , even to this day.

Part 2: Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space. Circle the
letter. [10 points]

Interpreting the feelings of other people is not always easy, as we all know, and we (1)_____ as much
on what they seem to be telling us, as on the actual words they say. Facial (2)_____ and tone of voice
are obvious ways of showing our (3)_____ to something, and it may well be that we unconsciously
utter views that we are trying to hide. The art of being tactful lies in (4)_____ these signals, realizing
what the other person is trying to say, and acting so that they are not embarrassed in any way. For
example, we may understand that they are above all reluctant to answer our question, and so we stop
pressing them. Body movements in general may also (5)_____ feelings, and interviewers often pay
particular attention to the way a candidate for a job walks into the room and sits down. However, it is
not difficult to present the right kind of appearance, while what many employers want to know relates
to the candidate’s character mannerisms, and psychological stability. This raises the (6)_____ questions
of whether job candidates should be asked to complete psychological tests, and the further problem of 89
whether such tests actually produce (7)_____ results. For many people, being asked to take part in
such a test would be objectionable (8)_____ into their private lives. Quite (9)_____ from this problem,
can such tests predict whether a person is likely to be a (10)_____ employee or a valued colleague?
1. A. estimate B. rely C. reckon D. trust
2. A. looks B. expression C. image D. manner
3. A. view B. feeling C. notion D. reaction
4. A. taking down B. putting across C. picking up D. going over
5. A. display B. indicate C. imply D. infer
6. A. awkward B. risky C. unpleasant D. touchy
7. A. faithful B. regular C. reliable D. predictable
8. A. invasion (of) B. intrusion C. infringement (su pha vo luat)D. interference (in)
9. A. different B. apart C. away D. except
10. A. pedantic( too worried about small details or rules ) B. particular C. laborious
D. conscientious (taking care to do things carefully and correctly)

Part 3: Read the passage and circle the best answer (A, B, C, or D) to each question. [8 points]

In most discussions of cultural diversity, attention has focused on visible, explicit aspects of
culture, such as language, dress, food, religion, music , and social rituals. Although they are important,
these visible expressions of culture, which are taught deliberately and learned consciously, are only the
tip of the iceberg of culture. Much of culture is taught and learned implicitly, or outside awareness. Thus,
neither cultural insiders nor cultural outsiders are aware that certain "invisible” aspects of their culture
Invisible elements of culture are important to us. For example, how long we can be late before
being impolite, what topics we should avoid in a conversation, how we show interest or attention through
listening behavior, what we consider beautiful or ugly. These are all aspects of culture that we learn and
use without being aware of it. When we meet other people whose invisible cultural assumptions differ
from those we have learned implicitly, we usually do not recognize their behavior as cultural in origin.
Differences in invisible culture can cause problems in cross-cultural relations. Conflicts may arise
when we are unable to recognize others’ behavioral differences as cultural rather than personal. We tend
to misinterpret other people’s behavior, blame them, or judge their intentions or competence without
realizing that we are experiencing cultural rather than individual differences.
Formal organizations and institutions, such as schools, hospitals, workplaces, governments, and
the legal system are collection sites for invisible cultural differences. If the differences were more visible,
we might have less misunderstanding. For example, if we met a man in a courthouse who was wearing
exotic clothes, speaking a language other than ours, and carrying food that looked strange, we would not
assume that we understood his thoughts and feelings or that he understood ours. Yet when such a man is
dressed similarly to us, speaks our language, and does not differ from us in other obvious ways, we may
fail to recognize the invisible cultural differences between us. As a result, mutual misunderstanding may

1. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To explain the importance of invisible aspects of culture.
B. To describe cultural diversity.
C. To point out that much of culture is learned consciously.
D. To explain why cross-cultural conflict occurs.
2. The word “deliberately” in bold in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. slowly B. accurately
C. intentionally D. randomly
3. The phrase “the tip of the iceberg” in bold in paragraph 1 means that ________. 90
A. other cultures seem cold to us
B. visible aspects of culture are learned in formal institutions
C. we usually focus on the highest forms of culture
D. most aspects of culture cannot be seen
4. Which of the following was NOT mentioned as an example of invisible culture?
A. What topics to avoid in conversation
B. What food to eat in a courthouse
C. How late is considered impolite
D. How people express interest in what others are saying
5. The word “those” in bold in paragraph 2 refers to ________.
A. people from a different culture
B. invisible cultural assumptions
C. people who speak a different language
D. topics that should be avoided
6. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that conflict results when ________.
A. people think cultural differences are personal
B. people compete with those from other cultures
C. one culture is more invisible than another culture
D. some people recognize more cultural differences than others
7. The author implies that institutions such as schools and workplaces ________.
A. are aware of cultural differences
B. teach their employees about cultural differences
C. reinforce invisible cultural differences
D. share a common culture
8. Which of the following would most likely result in misunderstanding?
A. Learning about our own culture in school
B. Unusual food being cooked by foreign visitors
C. Strange behavior from someone speaking a foreign language
D. Strange behavior from someone speaking our language

I. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown or using the words in bracket, so that the meaning stays the
same. [10 points]
1. Collecting dolls from foreign countries is one of Jane’s interests.
Jane is ………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. My boss works better when he’s pressed for time.
The less time ………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Shirley didn’t begin to read until she was eight.
It wasn’t ……………………………………………………………………………………….…
4. She discovered eight new comets in the course of her work.
Her work resulted ………………………………………………………………………………… .
5. We left quietly, so that we wouldn’t disturb the children.
So as ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 91
6. When I picked up my pen, I found that the nib had broken.
-> On …………………………………………………………………………………………… .
6. Sheila has decided to take driving lessons. (HOW)
Sheila has decided ………………………………………………………………………… drive.
7. If I take the job, I’ll have to move to London.( MEANs)
Taking the job means ( that) I’ll have to move London.
8. Without your help, I would have given up years ago. (HADN’T)
If it ……………………………………………… your help, I would have given up years ago.
9. In her previous job, Maria was a picture restorer. (WORK AS)
-> Maria used ……………………………………………………………….. .
10. She is a far more serious student now than she used to be. (STUDIES)
-> She ………………………………………………………………………………………used to.
11. Which of the two books would you prefer? (RATHER)
-> Which …………………………………………………………………………….?
12. Even if we don’t like the idea, we’ll have to go with him. (WHETHER)
-> Whether e kile the idea or not, we’ll ……..…………….. .
II. Essay (10 pts): “Should smoking be banned in public places?”. Write a passage (150 – 200 words)
giving your views. You can use the outline below:
Introduction: Set out the problem in general and state why it is controversial.
Body: Give your opinion, and reasons for it.
Give the other side of the argument and the reasons why it is false.
Conclusion: strongly restate the problem and your opinion.






……….. 92










Part 3: Choose from the list A-I the sentence which best summarizes each part (1-7) of the article.
There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the
beginning (0). [7 points]
A It is worth paying more for less fat. 93
B Convenience food is often not as good as food cooked at home.
C Added ingredients may improve convenience products.
D Convenience food has some advantages.
E Convenience food is usually an expensive alternative.
F Convenience products are now available which are claimed to be healthier.
G You may often need to serve additional food.
H Some convenience products need careful storage and cooking.
I There is now a greater choice of convenience food.

0 I
Technological advances have dramatically increased the quality and range of convenience meals that are
now available. Vacuum-packed or frozen pre-cooked meals ready for the microwave, packets of soup,
cake and sauce mixes, instant mashed potato and frozen peas are just a few of the time-saving foods that
many people now rely on.

Although pre-prepared meals save time, they may not always be as nutritious as those prepared in your
own kitchen. This is because each time they are heated they lose some of their vitamins, and many ‘heat-
and-eat’ meals have already been cooked before they are reheated. Convenience food also tends to contain
more sugar, salt and fat than most other food.

However, there are increasing numbers of so-called’ healthy’ meals, usually identified by ‘healthy eating’
symbols or the manufacturer’s own brand name for their low-calorie products. Some labels mention
‘reduced’ or ‘controlled’ sodium, but these may still contain considerable amounts of salt.
A meal in a packet is a useful standby, especially in families who like to eat different things at different
times, and for people who work late. It is often cheaper than a takeaway and a convenient alternative to
cooking from scratch. And it saves on washing up.

The ‘healthy’ versions of most pre-prepared dishes are more expensive than their standard equivalents,
but may be a better choice if they are lower in fat. Levels of other ingredients in the standard and
‘healthy’ varieties are usually similar.

Although some ready-made foods are sold as ‘complete’ meals, they are rarely a good source of
vegetables or starchy foods. It is a good idea, therefore, to add extra vegetables or a salad along with a
starchy food, such as brown rice or a whole meal roll. 94
Despite the fact that food manufacturers and retailers have improved hygiene and food safety at many
stages of the food chain, pre-cooked foods found in chill cabinets may still be a source of food poisoning.
Consumers should keep and prepare these foods with great care to prevent the spread of bacteria. This
means bringing food home as soon as possible after purchase, keeping it in a refrigerator or freezer,
following microwave guidelines and making sure food is really hot before eating.

Although many people view additives with suspicion, they have their advantages. Their presence is often
vital if food is not to spoil, and many result in better taste, texture or color. All additives are the subject of
strict safety checks and allergic reactions are very rare.

1C 2D 3A 4B 5C
II. (1p for 1 correct answer x 10 = 10 points)

II. 1.
4. 5.
6. 789. 10.

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
71. An announcement of their engagement appeared in the local paper.
Their engagement .......................................................................................................................................
72. The minister was interrupted just after starting his speech.
Hardly ........................................................................................................................................................
73. Allan regretted asking Arthur to lend him £20.
Allan wished...............................................................................................................................................
74. Parking is not permitted here.
You aren’t...................................................................................................................................................
75. John asked if it was the blue one or the green she wanted.
“Which ..................................................................................................................................................... ”
76. If Mike hadn’t been interested, the trip would have been cancelled.
77. It was so late that nothing could be done.
It was too....................................................................................................................................................
78. Even though I admire his courage, I think he is foolish.
Much ..........................................................................................................................................................
79. That meal was excellent ! 95
80. I’d prefer him not to have said all those embarrassing things about me.
I’d sooner ...................................................................................................................................................


THỜI GIAN: 180 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
I. PHONETICS ( 1 point )
A. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. great B. bread C. break D. veil
2. A. foreign B. continent C. scholarship D. almost
3. A.painted B. looked C. jumped D. missed
4. A. boot B. shoot C. good D. food
5. A. laugh B. plough C. cough D. enough
6. A. measure B. occasion C. decision D. mission
B. Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group.
7. A. secure B. caring C. decent D. aerial
8. A. confide B. maintain C. precede D. swallow
9. A. curriculum B. certificate C. kindergarten D. inhabitant
10.A.inflation B. intervention C.investment D. inhabitant

Trả Lời
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


A. Choose the best answer from A , B, C or D to complete the following sentences. ( 3 points )
1. It is difficult for museums to find funds to protect the nation’s ..........
A. inheritance B. heritage C. possessions D. legacy
2. Helen is very ........................ going to work in Germany.
A. excited about B. excited for C. excited with D. excited to
3. Then, he...................something that his boss..................some time before.
A. was remembering/ said B. had remembered/ said
C. remembered/ was saying D. remembered/ had said
4. I had a good ______ of the exam result when he saw his daughter’s face.
A. report B. thought C. idea D. news
5. ______ been diverted, they would have arrived early.
A. Had the plane not B. Hadn't the plane
C. The plane had not D. The plane not had
6. Harry must pay the money back . He must _________ .
A. pay it again B. repay it C. pay it D. pay it once more
7. There’re several means of mass communication. The newspaper is one, the television is ___ .
A. another B. other C. the other D. the another
8. His father worked as a driver _____ the war.
A. between B. among C. when D. during
9. My father often does _________with people from other countries in the region.
A. finances B. business C. affairs D. economy
10. I’m really sleepy today. I wish I _________ Bob to the airport late last night.
A. weren’t taking B. hadn’t had to take 96
C. didn’t have to take D. didn’t take
11. Don’t start the next page _________ you have finished the last test question.
A. when B. while C. until D. since
12. I don’t believe a word he said, I think he just made _________ that story .
A. out B. off C. down D. up
13. Wild animals ______ in their natural habitat will have a better and longer life than those which are
kept in protected areas.
A. live B. to live C. living D. lived
14. She _________ her husband’s job for his ill health.
A. accused B. blamed C. caused D. claimed
15. It's time you ________ harder for the next exam.
A. work B. are working C. worked D.have worked
16. To get a passport, he must send his birth ________ and to photos.
A. certificate B. licence C. paper D. card
17. 'Is Marsha still here?' 'No. She was the first ______.
A. leaving B. that she left C. to leave D. in leaving
18. _________you have no key, you’ll have to get back before I go out.
A. as B.If C. although D. unless
19. How fast________ when the accident happened?
A. are you driving B. were you driving
C. did you drive D. had you driven
20. Their office consisted of three rooms, _____ was used as a conference room.
A. the largest of which B. larger of which
C. the largest of them D. largest
21. I'm sure it's not my fault that Peter found out what we were planning.
I don't remember ______ anyone about it.
A. to tell B. being told C. having told D. to be told
22. Is he _________ enough to take on so much responsibility ?
A. elderly B. ancient C. ripe D. mature
23. Imagine you ________ a flight, would you have gone by train?
A. haven’t booked C. don’t book
B. hadn’t booked D. won’t book
24. They had _________ ashtrays on the table.
A. Two square glass C. square two glass
B. glass square two D. two glass square
25. My teachers always encourage _______ hard at school.
A. to work B. us to work C. working D. that we work
26. John said if he ______ any money he me a drink.
A. had had - would have bought B. had - would have bought
C. has had - would buy D. has - will buy
27. I went to Spain on holiday ________, but I made a lot of friends there.
A. single B. alone C. lonely D. free
28. Tom said, “Please tell me about it. ________ if I’ve heard the story before.”
A. I stopped you C. I’ll stop you
B. I’ve stopped you D. I’m stopping you
29. In Britain it is _______ for children to attend school between the ages of 5 and 16.
A. compulsory B. obliged C. enforced D. made
30. They explained that they………………….a slight technical problem.
A. would have B. were having C. are having D. have had

Trả Lời
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 97
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

B. From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not correct.
(0,5 point)
1. Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his office key.
2.There are few areas of human experience that have not been writing about.
3.I find that necessary to do something about traffic problems in our city.
4. It was in 1971 that transatlantic supersonic transportation became
commercially availability.
5.The computer-based tests will test your ability to understand spoken English, to read
nontechnical language, and writing correctly.
Trả Lời
1 2 3 4 5

C. Write the correct forms of the words in brackets to fill in the gaps:(1point )
1.He …………….. this morning and was late for school. (SLEEP)
2.All ... …………….should go to Room 12. (APPLY)
3. There’s no ……….to the problem of the beginning of the universe. (SOLVE)
4. He doesn’t agree with the ………. that there is a life on other planets. (BELIEVE)
5. It was very………….. of you to sing so loud so late at night . ( THINK )

Trả Lời

1 2 3 4 5

III. READING ( 3points)

A. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best fits the blank space in the following
Do you think computer games is just for kids? Then you should think again. You might be (1) ______
to learn that the game industry now (2) ______ more money than Hollywood. (3) ______ a family buys a
new PC, all they really want to do is to play games.
It is hardly surprising that video gaming has (4) ______ one of the most popular (5) ______ of
entertainment today. A good game is like a good film; it will hold your (6) ______, capture your
imagination and play with your emotions.
The big (7) ______, however, is that watching a movie is a passive (8) ______. You have no say in
how the plot (9) ______ or which characters dominate the story. With computer games, you direct the
(10) ______ and that is what makes them so exciting. Finding the (11) ______ game is likely to signal the
beginning of a lasting love (12) ______ with the interactive (13) ______ of make-believe.
It is (14) ______ to think of gaming as something simply for children and teenagers. In fact, the (15)
______ growth area of the market is the 25-35 age group.
1. A. concerned B. admired C. startled D. surprised
2. A. has B. makes C does D. gains 98
3. A. As soon as B. as well as c. As far as D. As long as
4. A. begun B. grown C. become D. sounded
5. A. makes B. branches C. shapes D. forms
6. A. gaze B. attention C. breath D. control
7. A. gap B. variety C. difference D. direction
8. A. pastime B. task C. routine D. employment
9. A. becomes B. produces C. turns D. develops
10. A. movement B. change C. action D. performance
11. A. accurate B. right C. complete D. proper
12. A. affair B. story C. secret D. match
13. A. region B. area C. society D. world
14. A. immoral B. wrong C. false D. dishonest
15. A. longest B. widest C. biggest D. deepest

Trả Lời
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

B. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer.

The Asian Games, also called the Asiad, is a multi-sport event held every four years among athletes
from all over Asia. The games are regulated by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) under the supervision
of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Medals are awarded in each event, with gold for first
place, silver for second and bronze for third, a tradition which started in 1951. The Asian Games are
dominated by the People's Republic of China.
Competitors are entered by a National Olympic Committee (NOC) to represent their country of
citizenship. National anthems and flags accompany the medal ceremonies, and tables showing the number
of medals won by each country are widely used. In general only recognized nations are represented, but a
few nonsovereign countries are allowed to take part. The special case of Taiwan was handled by having it
compete as Chinese Taipei, due to the political status of Taiwan.
The 15th Asian Games were held in Doha, Qatar from December 1 to
December 15, 2006. The 16th Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou, China in 2010.
1. Which of the following is true?
a. The Asian Games are held every year.
b. The International Olympic Committee is the founder of the Asiad.
c. The first gold medals were given to, the winning athletes in 1951.
d. The Olympic Council of Asia organizes the Games.
2. The People's Republic of China _______.
a. is the strongest in the Asian Games
b. is the host of the Asian Games
c. is not allowed to take part in the Games
d. refuse to enter the Games
3. In the medal ceremonies _______.
a. the competitors are entered to represent their country of citizenship.
b. national anthems are played
c. the number of medals won by each country is first announced
d. the winners are given a string of 'flowers
4. Which of the following is not true of the right to participate in the Asian Games?
a. Only recognized nations are allowed to take part.
b. Almost every nation can take part in the Games.
c. Non-sovereign countries are also allowed to participate.
d. All are correct.
5. Which of the following is not true according to the passage? 99
a. Qata was the host country in the 15th Asian Games.
b. The 16th Asian Games will take place in China.
c. Taiwan was not allowed to take part in the 15th Asian Games because of its political status.
d. During the Asian Games, athletes from all over Asia come together. to compete.

Trả Lời
1 2 3 4 5

IV. WRITING: Write a second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first. (1,5points)
1. It is disappointing that we haven't heard from Molly.
We are …………………………………………………………………………………….
2. He wished he had invited her to his birthday party.
He regretted ………………………………………………………………………………………...
3. When she saw the dog coming towards her, she quickly crossed the road.
Seeing ……………………………………………………………………………………
4. 'You'd better not waste your time, Betty,' Tom said.
Tom ……………………………………………………………………………………...
5. 'It was nice of you to invite me to your birthday party. Thanks very much.'
Mike thanked ………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Rita is exhausted today because she didn't get any sleep last night.
7. I live in the town not far from the capital.
The town …………………………………………………………………………………
8. I did not know what would happen, and I did not care what would happen.
I neither ………………………………………………………………………………….
9. The police think the burglar got in through the bathroom window.
The burglar ………………………………………………………………………………
10. We can’t possibly work in this noise.
It’s ………………………………………………………………………………………

I. PHONETICS ( 1 point )( mỗi câu đúng 0,1 điểm)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


A. Choose the best answer from A , B, C or D to complete the following sentences. ( 3 points ) (mỗi câu
đúng 0,1 điểm)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

B.From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not correct.
(0,5 point) (mỗi câu đúng 0,1 điểm)

1 2 3 4 5
A:hardly had he D:written A: find it D: available C: to write
C. Write the correct forms of the words in brackets to fill in the gaps:(1point ) (mỗi câu đúng 0,2 điểm)

1 2 3 4 5
overslept applicants solution belief thoughtless

III. READING ( 3points) (mỗi câu đúng 0,15 điểm)

A.Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best fits the blank space in the following passage.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

B. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer.

1 2 3 4 5

IV. WRITING: Write a second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first. (1,5points) (mỗi
câu đúng 0,15 điểm)
1. It is disappointing that we haven't heard from Molly.
We are disappointed not to hear from Molly
2. He wished he had invited her to his birthday party.
He regretted not inviting/ not having invited her to his birthday party.
3. When she saw the dog coming towards her, she quickly crossed the road.
Seeing the dog coming towards her, she quickly crossed the road.
4. 'You'd better not waste your time, Betty,' Tom said.
Tom advised Betty not to waste her time.
5. 'It was nice of you to invite me to your birthday party. Thanks very much.'
Mike thanked me/ us for inviting him to myI our birthday party.
6. Rita is exhausted today because she didn't get any sleep last night.
Rita wouldn't be exhausted today if she had gotten some sleep last night.
7. I live in the town not far from the capital. 101
The town which I live in is not far from the capital./The town in which I live is not far from the
8. I did not know what would happen, and I did not care what would happen.
I neither knew nor cared what would happen.
9. The police think the burglar got in through the bathroom window.
The burglar is thought to have gotten in through the bathroom window (by the police).
10. We can’t possibly work in this noise.
It’s impossible for us to work in this noise

I. PHONETICS ( 1 point )
A. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. great B. bread C. break D. veil
2. A. foreign B. continent C. scholarship D. almost
3. A.painted B. looked C. jumped D. missed
4. A. boot B. shoot C. good D. food
5. A. laugh B. plough C. cough D. enough
6. A. measure B. occasion C. decision D. mission
B. Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group.
7. A. secure B. caring C. decent D. aerial
8. A. confide B. maintain C. precede D. swallow
9. A. curriculum B. certificate C. kindergarten D. inhabitant
10.A.inflation B. intervention C.investment D. inhabitant

Trả Lời
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


A. Choose the best answer from A , B, C or D to complete the following sentences. ( 3 points )
1. It is difficult for museums to find funds to protect the nation’s ..........
A. inheritance B. heritage C. possessions D. legacy
2. Helen is very ........................ going to work in Germany.
A. excited about B. excited for C. excited with D. excited to
3. Then, he...................something that his boss..................some time before.
A. was remembering/ said B. had remembered/ said 102
C. remembered/ was saying D. remembered/ had said
4. I had a good ______ of the exam result when he saw his daughter’s face.
A. report B. thought C. idea D. news
5. ______ been diverted, they would have arrived early.
A. Had the plane not B. Hadn't the plane
C. The plane had not D. The plane not had
6. Harry must pay the money back . He must _________ .
A. pay it again B. repay it C. pay it D. pay it once more
7. There’re several means of mass communication. The newspaper is one, the television is ___ .
A. another B. other C. the other D. the another
8. His father worked as a driver _____ the war.
A. between B. among C. when D. during
9. My father often does _________with people from other countries in the region.
A. finances B. business C. affairs D. economy
10. I’m really sleepy today. I wish I _________ Bob to the airport late last night.
A. weren’t taking B. hadn’t had to take
C. didn’t have to take D. didn’t take
11. Don’t start the next page _________ you have finished the last test question.
A. when B. while C. until D. since
12. I don’t believe a word he said, I think he just made _________ that story .
A. out B. off C. down D. up
13. Wild animals ______ in their natural habitat will have a better and longer life than those which are
kept in protected areas.
A. live B. to live C. living D. lived
14. She _________ her husband’s job for his ill health.
A. accused B. blamed C. caused D. claimed
15. It's time you ________ harder for the next exam.
A. work B. are working C. worked D.have worked
16. To get a passport, he must send his birth ________ and to photos.
A. certificate B. licence C. paper D. card
17. 'Is Marsha still here?' 'No. She was the first ______.
A. leaving B. that she left C. to leave D. in leaving
18. _________you have no key, you’ll have to get back before I go out.
A. as B.If C. although D. unless
19. How fast________ when the accident happened?
A. are you driving B. were you driving
C. did you drive D. had you driven
20. Their office consisted of three rooms, _____ was used as a conference room.
A. the largest of which B. larger of which
C. the largest of them D. largest
21. I'm sure it's not my fault that Peter found out what we were planning.
I don't remember ______ anyone about it.
A. to tell B. being told C. having told D. to be told
22. Is he _________ enough to take on so much responsibility ?
A. elderly B. ancient C. ripe D. mature
23. Imagine you ________ a flight, would you have gone by train?
A. haven’t booked C. don’t book
B. hadn’t booked D. won’t book
24. They had _________ ashtrays on the table.
A. Two square glass C. square two glass
B. glass square two D. two glass square
25. My teachers always encourage _______ hard at school.
A. to work B. us to work C. working D. that we work 103
26. John said if he ______ any money he me a drink.
A. had had - would have bought B. had - would have bought
C. has had - would buy D. has - will buy
27. I went to Spain on holiday ________, but I made a lot of friends there.
A. single B. alone C. lonely D. free
28. Tom said, “Please tell me about it. ________ if I’ve heard the story before.”
A. I stopped you C. I’ll stop you
B. I’ve stopped you D. I’m stopping you
29. In Britain it is _______ for children to attend school between the ages of 5 and 16.
A. compulsory B. obliged C. enforced D. made
30. They explained that they………………….a slight technical problem.
A. would have B. were having C. are having D. have had

Trả Lời
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

B. From the four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), or (D), identify the one that is not correct.
(0,5 point)
1. Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his office key.
A B C D(hardly had he)
2.There are few areas of human experience that have not been writing about.
A B C D (written)
3.I find that necessary to do something about traffic problems in our city.
A (find it) B C D
4. It was in 1971 that transatlantic supersonic transportation became
commercially availability.
D (available)
5.The computer-based tests will test your ability to understand spoken English, to read
nontechnical language, and writing correctly. (to write)
Trả Lời
1 2 3 4 5

C. Write the correct forms of the words in brackets to fill in the gaps:(1point )
1.He …………….. this morning and was late for school. (SLEEP) overslept
2.All ... …………….should go to Room 12. (APPLY) applicants
3. There’s no ……….to the problem of the beginning of the universe. (SOLVE) solution
4. He doesn’t agree with the ………. that there is a life on other planets. (BELIEVE) belief
5. It was very………….. of you to sing so loud so late at night . ( THINK ) thoughtless
Trả Lời
1 2 3 4 5

III.READING ( 3points)
A.Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Do you think computer games is just for kids? Then you should think again. You might be (1) ______
to learn that the game industry now (2) ______ more money than Hollywood. (3) ______ a family buys a
new PC, all they really want to do is to play games.
It is hardly surprising that video gaming has (4) ______ one of the most popular (5) ______ of
entertainment today. A good game is like a good film; it will hold your (6) ______, capture your
imagination and play with your emotions.
The big (7) ______, however, is that watching a movie is a passive (8) ______. You have no say in
how the plot (9) ______ or which characters dominate the story. With computer games, you direct the
(10) ______ and that is what makes them so exciting. Finding the (11) ______ game is likely to signal the
beginning of a lasting love (12) ______ with the interactive (13) ______ of make-believe.
It is (14) ______ to think of gaming as something simply for children and teenagers. In fact, the (15)
______ growth area of the market is the 25-35 age group.
1.A. concerned B. admired C. startled D. surprised
2.A. has B. makes C does D. gains
3.A. As soon as B. as well as c. As far as D. As long as
4.A. begun B. grown C. become D. sounded
5.A. makes B. branches C. shapes D. forms
6.A. gaze B. attention C. breath D. control
7.A. gap B. variety C. difference D. direction
8.A. pastime B. task C. routine D. employment
9.A. becomes B. produces C. turns D. develops
10.A. movement B. change C. action D. performance
11.A. accurate B. right C. complete D. proper
12.A. affair B. story C. secret D. match
13.A. region B. area C. society D. world
14.A. immoral B. wrong C. false D. dishonest
15.A. longest B. widest C. biggest D. deepest

Trả Lời
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

B. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer.

The Asian Games, also called the Asiad, is a multi-sport event held every four years among athletes
from all over Asia. The games are regulated by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) under the supervision
of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Medals are awarded in each event, with gold for first
place, silver for second and bronze for third, a tradition which started in 1951. The Asian Games are
dominated by the People's Republic of China.
Competitors are entered by a National Olympic Committee (NOC) to represent their country of
citizenship. National anthems and flags accompany the medal ceremonies, and tables showing the number
of medals won by each country are widely used. In general only recognized nations are represented, but a
few nonsovereign countries are allowed to take part. The special case of Taiwan was handled by having it
compete as Chinese Taipei, due to the political status of Taiwan.
The 15th Asian Games were held in Doha, Qatar from December 1 to
December 15, 2006. The 16th Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou, China in 2010.
1.Which of the following is true?
a. The Asian Games are held every year.
b. The International Olympic Committee is the founder of the Asiad.
c. The first gold medals were given to, the winning athletes in 1951.
d. The Olympic Council of Asia organizes the Games.
2.The People's Republic of China _______.
a. is the strongest in the Asian Games 105
b. is the host of the Asian Games
c. is not allowed to take part in the Games
d. refuse to enter the Games
3.In the medal ceremonies _______.
a. the competitors are entered to represent their country of citizenship.
b. national anthems are played
c. the number of medals won by each country is first announced
d. the winners are given a string of 'flowers
4.Which of the following is not true of the right to participate in the Asian Games?
a. Only recognized nations are allowed to take part.
b. Almost every nation can take part in the Games.
c. Non-sovereign countries are also allowed to participate.
d. All are correct.
5.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
a. Qata was the host country in the 15th Asian Games.
b. The 16th Asian Games will take place in China.
c. Taiwan was not allowed to take part in the 15th Asian Games because of its political status.
d. During the Asian Games, athletes from all over Asia come together. to compete.

Trả Lời
1 2 3 4 5

IV. WRITING: Write a second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first. (1,5points)
1. It is disappointing that we haven't heard from Molly.
We are disappointed not to hear from Molly
2. He wished he had invited her to his birthday party.
He regretted not inviting/ not having invited her to his birthday party.
3. When she saw the dog coming towards her, she quickly crossed the road.
Seeing the dog coming towards her, she quickly crossed the road.
4. 'You'd better not waste your time, Betty,' Tom said.
Tom advised Betty not to waste her time.
5. 'It was nice of you to invite me to your birthday party. Thanks very much.'
Mike thanked me/ us for inviting him to myI our birthday party.
6. Rita is exhausted today because she didn't get any sleep last night.
Rita wouldn't be exhausted today if she had gotten some sleep last night.
7. I live in the town not far from the capital.
The town which I live in is not far from the capital./The town in which I live is not far from the
8. I did not know what would happen, and I did not care what would happen.
I neither knew nor cared what would happen.
9. The police think the burglar got in through the bathroom window.
The burglar is thought to have gotten in through the bathroom window (by the police).
10. We can’t possibly work in this noise.
It’s impossible for us to work in this noise 106
Thời gian: 150 phỳt (khụng kể thời gian giao đề)



I. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR ( 35 points)
Part 1: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Circle the letter A, B, C or D next
to the correct word or phrase.
1. We don't allow ................. in the classrooms.
A. people smoke B. smoke C. people to smoke D. to smoking
2. What a dangerous thing to do! You .................. have been killed!
A. may B. can C. must D. might
3. By the time I applied, all the hoilday vouchers ................. used up.
A. had been B have been C. were D. are
4. I felt as if I ................... a confidence.
A. have betrayed B. would betray C. had betrayed D. am betraying
5. The candidate ..................... to have withdrawn her application.
A. claimed B. said C. denied D. reported
6. How could you have .......................... him for your brother?
A. confused B. considered C. thought D. mistaken
7. It is vital that we .................... a change in people's attitudes.
A. bring down B. bring back C. bring about D. look after
8. We'll have to ................... down the options before coming to a decision.
A. slow B. narrow C. bring D. wind
9. The grocer's shop ................... since the supermarket opened.
A. closed B. has closed C. has been closing D. is closed
10. In ten year's time the population of the world...................... to 500 million.
A. grows B. is growing C. has grown D. will have grown
Part 2: Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits
in the space in the same line
My ideal job
One thing I know is that I wouldn't like to have an occupation OCCUPY
that has anything to do with physics, (1) .................................. or maths; CHEMIST
I am not the (2) .................................. type at all. In fact at school, I was a SCIENCE
complete (3) .................................. in these subjects. Neither am I very FAIL
good at dealing with people, nor am I (4) .................................., so jobs in AMBITION
business, administration and (5) .................................. don't really interest MANAGE 107
me either. Moreover I find it (6) .................................. to be surrounded by IRRITATE
a lot of people; I would much rather have a job involving creative
work or (7) .................................. skills of some sort. I'd like to have the ART
chance to work outdoors (8) .................................. and perhaps do a bit of OCCASION
travelling too. I am not (9) .................................. concerned about becoming PARTICULAR
rich but I would like to have a (10) .................................. income - enough REASON
to live comfortably.
Part 3: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each
space. After each space you are given a clue to the kind of word that is missing.

Most of us (0) are always forgetting important dates, apart (1).........................................
( preposition) the lucky few (2) .................................. (relative pronoun) are blessed with a good memory
or the ability to organize (3) .................................. (reflexive pronoun) so they don't forget important
obligations. How many times (4) .................................. (auxiliary verb) we all said, "I wish I had
remembered!" How (5) .................................. (adverb of frequency) have we offended people by failing to
remember (6) .................................. (pronoun) birthdays or name days?
(7) .................................. (conjunction) they say it doesn't matter, we know, deep down, that we
(8) ..................................(auxiliary verb) hurt their feelings. We can always try to make it
(9) .................................. (preposition) to them next time but unfortunately the damage has
(10) .................................. (auxiliary verb) done and our relationship with that person
(11) .................................. (modal verb, future) never quite be the same again.
On the other hand, we sometimes do (12) .................................. (very or too?) much for someone else
because we want to please them and then feel we have damaged (13) .................................. (pronoun) own
interests in doing so. When friends (14) .................................. ( auxiliary verb) involved we may find it
difficult to say "no" when they ask us to (15) .................................. ( do or make?) them a favour, but true
friendship should mean that we can say "no" without risk to relationship.

II. READING (35 points)

Part 1: Read the text about booking a flight and put the following sentences in the correct order. There is
one sentence that you don't need to use. Write the letters A, B, C, ... next to the numbers. Number 1 has
been done for you as an example.

When you want to book a flight to a certain place, visit your nearest travel agent. Tell the travel
agent the date when you want to travel and the destination to which you want to go. The travel agent will
then type the information into a small computer. After checking everything on the computer screen,
he/she will send the information to a central computer. The central computer contains all information
about bookings and destinations, and sends a reply, showing which are the most suitable flights. It also
shows whether the flights are fully booked or not. The information which is now shown on the small
computer screen is continually changing as other bookings are made in other parts of the world.
The travel agent now types in your booking, then the computer will ask for your name and address
as well as for certain other information. It will also ask how you will pay for your ticket (by cheque or by
credit card). Next the computer confirms the booking and makes a request for payment. When you have
paid for your ticket, the travel agent types the information into the computer as well. Finally, some
computers print out a ticket before you leave the travel agent’s.
A. Details about the flights and seats available are sent back.
B. The computer then wants information about the method of payment.
C. The tickets are issued either at that time or later.
D. The computer asks for personal details.
E. Make your request to the travel agent and give him/her all the details.
F. Your request is then checked and sent to the main computer.
G. Go to a travel agent.
H. The computer asks for payment. 108
I. The computer asks for the flight number.
J. The travel agent fills your initial request into a small computer.
K. The booking is typed into the small computer.
L. The booking is confirmed.

1. G 2........ 3......... 4......... 5......... 6.........

7......... 8......... 9......... 10......... 11.........

Part 2: Read the passage about opinion polls and find which words in the passage can be replaced by the
words below? Write the correct word from the passage in each blank. Number one has been done for you
as an example.

People often laugh at opinion polls and remember the times when they were slightly incorrect.
However, they often forget all the times when they were accurate. A poll should be conducted very
carefully and should sample a cross-section of the population. The cross-section should be selected very
carefully so that the right balance of ages, sexes and social classes can be achieved. At first it was very
difficult for many people to accept that sample of one or two thousand could reflect accurately the views
of millions but polls have now proved themselves. However, polls should not claim to do what they are
not intended to. The findings should always be examined very carefully before predictions are made with
any degree of certainty.

1. mixture
2. chosen
3. meant
4. a little
5. forecasts
6. represent ....cross-section....
7. carried out
8. results
9. opinions
10. wrong
11. studied ..................................
.................................. ..................................

Part 3: Fill in each numbered space with ONE suitable word

The world of dreams
Most people feel that when they dream, they (0) are carried off to another world. (1)...........................the
contrary, dreams are often connected (2) ................... our daily lives.
(3) ......................... our whole mind (4)........................ filled with something, when we are either very
upset (5)..................... when we are in good spirit, a dream will represent (6)...................... reality in
symbols. It is often said that we benefit (7) ...................... dreams because they help the spirit to heal
itself. when things (8)...............................wrong. Dreams are therefore (9) ....................... kind of escape,
almost a holiday from (10) ...................... life, with its fears and responsibilities . It is, (11) .....................,
a strange (12) ............................ of holiday because whether we have a wonderful time or whether it turns
(13) .................... to be a nightmare, we quickly forget it. Most dreams disappear forever,
(14) ......................... you are one of those people disciplined enough to write (15) ........................ down as
soon as you wake up.
III. WRITING (30 points)
Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1. I won't be able to go on holiday if my parents don't give me the money. 109
2. Jeanne inherited all her uncle's money because she had looked after him all his life .
As ...
3. The boy wasn't allowed to have any friends, so he became an introvert.
Deprived ...?
4. What a pity these shops close at lunch-time.
I wish ...
5. I read about the closure of the factory only yesterday.
It .........................................................................
6. We didn't go to the theatre. We stayed at home.
We stayed ..
7. I believe the company may well make a profit this year.
I wouldn’t be
8. I wasn't surprised when they refused to pay me.
As I ...
9. It probably takes at least six hours to drive to Glasgow from here.
It's ...
10. They estimated the price, including all the costs.
Taking ...
11. He always chairs the meeting because he is the managing director.
12. It was such an appalling sight that we reeled back in horror .
So ...
13 We like pasta but we don't have it everyday.
Although ...?
14. If someone had called the fire-brigade immediately, the tragedy might have been avoided .
If the ...
15. It's impossible that we stayed at the same hotel, in that case.
Part 2: Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a
word which should not be there. If a ). If a line has a word which should notline is correct, put a tick ( be
there, write the word.
.........The stadium is only a few minutes away from where I live so I usually 0.......
go to the matches on the foot. I put on my team's colours and set off with a 00.....the........
couple of friends from work. I always feel a sense of excitements as I turn 1....................
to the corner and the tall floodlights come into view at the top of the main 2...................
stand of the stadium. By the time we will get to the stadium, there are big 3...................
enough crowds, all heading in the same direction. As soon as we get 4.................
inside, the chanting begins and the suspense builds up. I have been to a lot 5...................
of games which were utterly boring: the weather was such cold and drizzly 6................... and the
game finished in a goal-less draw. After going games like that, some 7....................
fans expressed their disappointment through acts of violence but I just look ahead 8...............
to the next game. Violence on and off of the pitch is the biggest problem in 9...............
football, but the behaviour of some of the stars also gives the game a bad name. 10..............
If we take Maradona of Argentina: he was, as everyone knows it, a great 11..............
player but he got involved with drugs and was excluded from the 1994 World 12..............
Cup after he failing a drugs test. Another of the greatest players was the 13..............
Englishman George Best, but again the pressure of being a star was too great 14..............
for him. He turned up to drink and retired when he was only twenty-six. 15............. 110

THỪA THIấN - HUẾ LỚP 12 THPT NĂM HỌC 2004 - 2005
*** ------------------------------------------------------



Part 1. (10 points) one point for each correct answer
Q # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Key C D A C A D C B B D
Part 2. (10 points)
1. chemistry 3. failure 5. management 7. artistic 9. particularly
2. scientific 4. ambitious 6. irritating 8. occasionally 10. reasonable
Part 3. (15 points) one point for each correct answer
1. from 2. who 3. themselves 4. have 5. often 6. their 7. although
8. have 9. up 10. been 11. can 12. too 13 our 14. are 15. do
II. READING: 35 points
Part 1: ( 10 points) one point for each correct answer
2. E 3. J 4. F 5. A 6. K
7. D 8. B 9. L 10. H 11. C
Part 2. ( 10 points) : 1 point for each correct word
2. selected 3. intended 4. slightly 5. predictions 6. reflect
7. conducted 8. finding 9. views 10. incorrect 11. examined
Part 3 ( 15 points) : 1 point for each correct word
1. on 2. to 3. when/if 4. is 5. or 6. this 7. from 8. go 9. a
10. real 11. however 12. type/sort/kind 13 out 14. unless 15. them

III. WRITING (30 points)

Part 1 . (15 points)
1.Unless my parents give me the money, I won't be able to go on holiday.
2. As Jeanne had looked after her uncle all his life, she inherited all his money.
3. Deprived of friends, the boy became an introvert.
4. I wish these shops opened at lunch-time.
5. It was only yesterday that I read about the closure of the factory.
6. We stayed at home instead of going to the theatre
7. I wouldn’t be surprised if the company made a profit this year.
8. As I (had) expected, they refused to pay me.
9. It's probably at least a six-hour drive to Glasgow from here.
10. Taking all the costs into account, they estimated the price.
11. So appalling was the sight that we reeled back in horror.
12. As (he's the) managing director, he always chairs the meeting.
13. Although we like pasta, we don't have it everyday.
14. We can't have stayed at the same hotel, in that case.
15. If the fire brigade had been called immediately, the tragedy might have been avoided.
Part 2. (20 points)
......................... 9.....of.......................  1...
........................ 10...
3....will............................ 111
.............. 4.... enough............... 12.....
...................... 13.....he.................... 5....
....................... 6.....such........ 14.....
7.....going......................... 15.....up....................
.................  8....

Total marks: 100


*** ------------------------------------------------------
Thời gian: 150 phỳt (khụng kể thời gian giao đề)



I. LISTENING. (20 points)
Part 1: Listen to the phone-in. Number the opinions in the order that you hear them. Which two opinions
are not expressed. You will hear the recording twice.
A. It is difficult to control what children watch.
B. Children can tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
C. Television should show real life.
D. people should be allowed to watch anything they want.
E. There's too much bad language on TV.
F. There's too much unnecessary violence on TV.
G. Only sick people watch violence film.
H. People blame TV for violence so that they can censor it.
I. Children naturally act out scenes from films and TV programmes.
K. Children need to learn that life isn't always pleasant.

1......... 2......... 3. ......... 4. ......... 5. ......... 6. ......... 7. ......... 8. .........
The two opinions not expressed are: 9. ......... 10.........

Part 2: Listen to five situations and complete the table. You will hear the recording twice.
Situation Problem Action offered Choice
1 replacement or refund?
2 smoked salmon 112
3 left gloves behind
4 put in new battery?
5 dented car


Part 1: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. Circle the letter next to the answer you
1. These figures give you some idea of the cost of ….. your car for one year.
A. controlling B. handling C. managing D. maintaining
2. It can take up to three months to ….. a man to do this specialist work.
A. guide B. raise C. train D. learn
3. In today’s paper it ….. that we shall have an election this year.
A. says B. admits C. expresses D. proposes
4. I had to pay ….. on a carpet I bought in through the Customs today.
A. taxes B. rates C. fines D. duty
5. Tropical diseases are comparatively ….. in Europe.
A. scarce B. rare C. slight D. few
6. The ….. charged by the architect for the plans of the new building were unusually high.
A. hire B. price C. fees D. sum
7. It takes a great deal of ….. for the class to make a trip abroad.
A. arrangement B. organisation C. expense D. business
8. You shouldn’t eat so many sweets. They’re ….. for you.
A. bad B. unhealthy C. unsuitable D. disagreeable
9. I wondered whether you would like to ….. to the theatre tomorrow.
A. visit B. go away C. go out D. walk out
10. Do you think he is ….. of doing the job?
A. capable B. competent C. able D. suited

Part 2: Use the correct forms of the words in the brackets to complete the passage below.
Centuries ago, when gold coins (1) (exclusive) ……………………….. were used as the money of
nations and city-states, the (2) (compare) ………………………. value of each nation’s money was (3)
(determine) ………………………... by the ratio of gold content of each coin. Today, gold coins are
“used” only by (4) (collect)………………………. . (5) (nation) ………………………… money is
printed on paper. Each country has its own currency, with names such as pound, dollar, dong, yuan and so
on. (6) (decide) ……………………….. the rate for the international exchange of money is one of the
most complex, and to many (7) (observe) …………………………, one of the most (8) (fascinate)
…………………………. aspects of international banking. Each major currency has a “par value” that is
(9) (usual) ………………... defined, (10) (office) ………………………., in terms of gold.

Part 3: The following sentences are badly constructed. Rewrite them in better style and correct any
grammatical errors.
1. All students must pay their fees, except foreigners, to the university bursar.
2. Swimming is a sport to any healthy person I would recommend.
3. The president said that the new education programme was essential addressing a large audience in the
provincial capital yesterday.
4. Talks have begun to plan a railway linking the provincial capitals between the representatives of the
provincial assemblies.
5. The advertisement said that they wished to employ a secretary for an expanding company with good 113
shorthand and typing speeds at their head office.

III. READING: (25 points)

Part 1: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable word for each space.

1. It is disappointing that we haven't heard from Molly.

We are …………………………………………………………………………………….
2. He wished he had invited her to his birthday party.
He regretted ………………………………………………………………………………………...
3. When she saw the dog coming towards her, she quickly crossed the road.
Seeing ……………………………………………………………………………………
4. 'You'd better not waste your time, Betty,' Tom said.
Tom ……………………………………………………………………………………...
5. 'It was nice of you to invite me to your birthday party. Thanks very much.'
Mike thanked ………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Rita is exhausted today because she didn't get any sleep last night.
7. I live in the town not far from the capital.
The town …………………………………………………………………………………
8. I did not know what would happen, and I did not care what would happen.
I neither ………………………………………………………………………………….
9. The police think the burglar got in through the bathroom window.
The burglar ………………………………………………………………………………
10. We can’t possibly work in this noise.
It’s ………………………………………………………………………………………
Our classes take place for three hours every morning from Monday to Friday. The maximum class size is
twelve (1) .................... the average is ten. We use modern methods of (2) .................... and learning, and
the school has a language laboratory, a video camera and recorders. You will only be successful in
improving (3) .................... English, however, if you work hard and (4) .................. speaking English as
much as you can. You will take a short (5) ................... in English as soon as you arrive. In this way, we
can put you in a (6) .................... at the most suitable level.
There are two classes at the Elementary level; one is for complete (7) ..................... and the other is
for students who know only a little English, in both classes you will practise simple conversations. In the
class (8) ..................... the intermediate level you will have a lot of practice in communication in real-life
situation because we help you to use the English you have previously (9) ................... in your own
country, You will also have the chance to improve your (10) ................... of English grammar and to build
up your vocabulary...
IV. WRITING (30 points)
Part 1: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals and so that the meaning stays the
1. Why don't we go to the cinema tonight? FILM
Let's ...
2. One of my favourite pastimes is watching plays. THEATRE
Going ...
3. Americans are usually quite self-confident. STATES
People ...
4. John is still receiving treatment in the clinic. HOSPITAL
5. Children don't attend classes on Saturday. SCHOOL
Children don't ...
6. Andrew said the mistake was my fault. BLAMED
Andrew... 114
7. It was raining all evening. STOP
It ...
8. When he got to the party everyone was chatting and eating. ARRIVAL
On ... .....
9. They ate dinner and discussed the problem at the same time. WERE
10. Cats are not as loyal as dogs. MORE
Dogs ...
Part 2: COMPOSITION (You should spend about 30 minutes on this task.)
In about 250 words, describe a national festival or public holiday in our country, giving details of the
atmosphere as well as the events.



















... 115

















THỪA THIấN - HUẾ LỚP 12 THPT NĂM HỌC 2004 - 2005
*** ------------------------------------------------------

I. LISTENING: (20 points )

Part 1: (10 points): one point for each correct answer
1. I 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. H 6. B 7. C 8. F 9. G 10. K

Part 2: (10 points): one point for each correct answer. 116
Situation Problem Action offered Choice
1 broken zip on trousers refund
2 salty soup take it away
Choose something else
3 Keep them or send them on? send them on
4 watch has stopped new battery
5 repair and repaint it today accepts offer


Part 1. (10 points)

Q # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Key D C A D B C B A C A

Part 2. (10 points) one point for each correct answer

1. exclusively 2. comparative 3. determined 4. collectors 5. national
6. Deciding 7. observers 8. fascinating 9. usually 10. officially
Part 3 (5 points) one point for each correct answer
1. All students, except foreigners, must pay their fees to the university bursar.
2. Swimming is a sport I would recommend to any healthy person.
3. Addressing a large audience in the provincial capital yesterday, the president said that the new
education programme was essential.
4. Talks have begun between the representatives of the provincial assemblies to plan a railway linking the
provincial capitals.
5. The advertisement said that an expanding company wished to employ a secretary with good shorthand
and typing speeds at their head office.

IV. READING (25 points)

Part 1. (15 points) one point for each correct answer
Q # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Key C A D C B D B C A D A D C B A

Part 2. (10 points) one point for each correct answer

1. and 3. your 5. test 7. beginners 9. learnt
2. teaching 4. practise 6. class 8. at 10. knowledge

V. WRITING: (30 points)

Part 1. (10 points) one point for each correct sentence

1. let's go to see/ and see a film.
2. Going to the theatre is something I really enjoy doing.
3. People in/ from the States are usually quite self-confident.
4. John is still in hospital receiving treatment.
5. Children don't go to school on Saturday.
6. Andrew blamed me for the mistake.
7. It did not stop raining all evening.
8. On his arrival at the party everyone was chatting and eating.
9. While they were eating dinner, they discussed the problem.
10. Dogs are more loyal than cats.

Part 2. (20 points)

The marks of the essay : 20
(Markers are requested to use the Marking Scheme for writing tasks) 117
Total marks : 100


Trường Hai Bà Trưng


LỚP 12 THPT NĂM HỌC 2006-2007
Mụn: Tiếng Anh


Part 1: Choose one of the word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D which best completes the sentence. Circle
the correct answer
1. In the hotel lobby the detective caught -------- of the man he had been hired to follow.
A. glance B. view C. vision D. sight
2. Most people prefer flying ------------- going by the sea because it’s too much faster.
A. from B. than C. to D. over
3. ‘Go on, finish the desert. It needs -------- up because it won’t stay fresh until tomorrow.
A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. eaten
4. Before he left on his trip to America, the young man promised his parents he ------- to them regularly
A. is writing B. will write C. should write D. would write
5. Andrew couldn’t ------------ himself laughing at the expression on Maggie’s face
A. help B. stop C. escape D. avoid
6. The artist has been ----------- to criticism.
A. tender B. conscious C. aware D. sensitive
7. They searched for the number in the telephone -----------.
A. catalogue B. index C. directory D. register
8. When they could put ---------- the noise no longer, they banged on their neighbour’s door.
A. back B. in for C. off D. up with
9. A person of -------- age may suffer from defects of vision.
A. every B. some C. certain D. any
10. --------- have settled, one of their first concerns has been to locate an adequate water supply.
A. Wherever people B. There are people who
C. whether people D. People

Part 2: Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same
line. There is an example at the beginning (0).


My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been …unsuccessful……(0) SUCCESS
so far and I am wondering whether I am simply …………….(1) ABLE
to learn foreign languages at my age. I am not …………….(2) PATIENCE
and neither am I ………… (3), so why have I found it almost INTELLIGENCE 118
…………….. (4) to learn more than just the basics of Spanish after POSSIBLE
nearly six months of study? My vocabulary is ……….. (5) beyond ADEQUATE
very basic expressions and my grammar is …………. (6) to say the SATISFY
least. It is not only that my Spanish is …………. (7) but I suspect CORRECT
I sound very …………. (8), too. Recently, I met a Cuban tourist POLITE
in a cafộ and …………..(9), I must have said something FORTUNE
…………… (10) because she looked very offended and got up APPROPRIATE
and sat at another table.

Your answers:
1. ………………… 2. ……………….. 3. ………………… 4. ……………………
5. ………………... 6. ……………….. 7. ………………… 8. ……………………
9. ………………... 10. ………………

Part 3: (13 points)

Read the following letter and fill the spaces with a verb and a suitable tense
Dear Francesca,
We (0) …are having…. a wonderful time here in York. We (1)………… here for three days now and we
(2) …………. to stay for the rest of the week because we (3)…………….. ourselves so much. We (4)
…………… the Cathedral and the Castle Museum and this morning we (5) …………. around the little-
old fashioned streets, looking at the shops and cafộs. I’m writing this while we stop for a cold drink
before lunch. We (6) ………….. much money yet but we’ll get some souvenirs before we leave. Besides
the sightseeing, we (7) ……………………… some exercise. The countryside around York is lovely and
we (8) …………………. some lovely long walks. Fortunately, the weather (9) ……………. very good so
far. People (10) ……………. It can be very cold and it often (11) ………… for days! As this is the first
time I (12) ……….. to England. I (13) …………. I’m just lucky.
See you soon,

Your answers:
1. ………………… 2. ……………….. 3. ………………… 4. ……………………
5. ………………... 6. ……………….. 7. ………………… 8. ……………………
9. ………………... 10. ……………… 11. ……………….. 12. ………………….
13. ………………...

Part 4 : (9 points)
Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined verbs with the correct form of one of the verbs in the box.
One example has been done for you.
carry on find out go in for look back on own up
Put up with set off stand up for think over turn down
Example: (0) I’m sure we’ll all remember this holiday with great pleasure.
……we’ll all look back on this holiday.........
1. The fireworks must be stored safely in order to avoid exploding them accidentally.
2. I didn’t expect to win the competition. I only entered it for a joke.
3. Unless you confess, we shall all be punished.
4. Before you accept this offer, please consider it very carefully.
5. We can’t continue if you don’t co-operate.
………………………………………………………………………………………….. 119
6. When the critics attacked her work, she defended it vigorously.
7. He was offered a new job but he refused it because he didn’t want to move house.
8. We moved house because we couldn’t bear the noise from the motorway any longer.
9. He had to leave when his boss discovered what he had been doing.

Part 1: Choose the best options to complete the following passage. Write your answer in the space
provided. (0) has been done as an example.

It is the nature of athletic records that they are broken and their place is taken by (0) others.
Yet many in sports (1)………………., there is a mark which is not (2)……….. in itself, but
which becomes a legend as athletes (3)………… to break it. The most (4)…………. of these is the
attempt to run a mile in (5)…………. than four minutes.
In 1945, the mile record was (6) ………….. to four minutes, 1.5 seconds. And there, for nine years, it
stuck. Then, in 1954, a medical student (7)………….. Roger Bannister decided to try and break the
record. He had been (8) ……….. for this day since running the mile in 4 minutes, 2 seconds the (9)
Two other runners set the pace for him and (10) ………… 250 yards to go he burst ahead for the finish.
He wrote (11)…………..: ‘ My body had exhausted all its energy, but it (12)………… on running the
same…. Those (13)…………. few seconds seemed never-ending. I could see the line of the fishing
tape…like a man making a desperate attempt to save himself from danger...’
Bannister’s time was three minutes, 59.4 seconds. (14) …………. This record has been broken on many
(15)………. since, Bannister’s achievement will never be forgotten.
Example: (0) A others B other C one other D another
1. A. happenings B. events C. games D. matches
2. A. central B. major C. significant D. considerable
3. A. try B. try on C try out D try for
4. A. known B. public C noticeable D famous
5. A. smaller B. less C lower D under
6. A. broken down B. lessened C decreased D brought down
7. A. entitled B. called C nicknamed D known
8. A. trying B. studying C running D training
9. A. early B. previous C past D. former
10. A. on B. in C with D after
11. A. afterwards B. then C next D first
12. A went B. continue C ran D got
13. A large B. late C latest D later
14. A But B. In spite of C However D Although
15. A times B. opportunities C occasions D incidents

Part 2: (11 points)

The reading passage below has six paragraphs A-F. Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from
the list of headings below. Write the correct number i-ix.
List of Headings
i. Indecision about a name
ii. Current problems with distribution
iii. Uncertainty about financial advantages 120
iv. The contrasts of cinema today
v. The history of cinema
vi. Integrating other events into cinema
vii. The plans for the future of films
viii. An unexpected advantage
ix. Too true to life?

16. Paragraph A 17. Paragraph B 18. Paragraph C

19. Paragraph D 20. Paragraph E 21. Paragraph F

The end of the silver screen?

Cinema technology has remained much the same for a century, so when will it go digital? Kelvin Hilton
views the projections.
A Cinema is full of contradictions. It is high- tech and old- fashioned at the same time. Today’s films are
full of digital sound and computer- generated special effects. Yet they are still stored on celluloid film, the
basis of which is more than 100 years old. They are also displayed with projectors and screens that seem
to belong to our great- grandparents’ generation.
B Now that we are in the second century of cinema, there are moves to bring the medium right up to
date. This will involve revolutionising not just how films are made but also how they are distributed and
presented. The aim is not only to produce and prepare films digitally, but to be able to send them to movie
theatres by digital, electronic means. High- resolution digital projectors would then show the film.
Supporters say this will make considerable savings at all stages of this chain, particularly for distribution.
C With such a major technological revolution on the horizon, it seems strange that the industry is still
not sure what to call itself. This may appear a minor point, but the choices, ‘digital’ cinema and
‘electronic’ cinema (e- cinema), suggest different approaches to, and aspects of, the business. Digital
cinema refers to the physical capture of images; e-cinema covers the whole chain, from production
through post- production (editing, addition of special effects and construction of soundtrack) to
distribution and projection.
D And what about the effects of the new medium? The main selling point of digital cinema is the high
resolution and sharpness of the final image. But those who support the old- fashioned approach to film
point to the celluloid medium’s quality of warmth. A recurring criticism of video is that it may be too
good: uncomfortably real, rather like looking through an open window. In 1989, the director of the first
full- length American digital high-definition movie admitted that the picture had a ‘stark, strange reality
to it’.
E Even the money–saving aspect of e-cinema is doubted. One expert says that exciting cinema will
have to show the new material and not all of them will readily or rapidly furnish themselves with the right
equipment. ‘E-cinema is seen as a way of saving money, because print costs a lot,’ he says. ‘But for that
to work, cinemas have to be showing the films because cinemas are the engine that drives the film
F This view has prompted some pro-digital entrepreneurs to take a slightly different approach. HD
Thames is looking at reinventing the existing cinema market, moving towards e-theatre, which would use
digital video and projection to present plays, musicals and some sporting events to the public. This is not
that different from the large-screen TV system that was set up in New York in 1930 and John Logie
Baird’s experiments with TV in the late 1920s and early 30s.

Questions 22-26
Complete the summary below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage
There are big changes ahead for cinema if digital production takes place and the industry no longer uses
(22)……………………. and gets rid of the old-fashioned (23)……………….
and used to show movies. The main advantage is likely to be that the final image will be clearer.
However, some people argue that the digital picture will lack (24)………………..
In addition, digital production will only reduce costs if cinemas are willing to buy new (25)
………………..As a result, experiments with what is called (26) ‘………………..’ may mark a change in 121
the whole entertainment industry.

PART 1: Error Correction
In most lines of the following text, there is one word which is either grammatically incorrect or does not
fit in with the sense of the text. Find this wrong word and then write in the space given. Some lines are
correct. Indicate these lines with a tick (√). Two examples are given (0) and (00).
Example: 0: being
00: √
0 Midsummer, the celebration of the turning of the sun, has been being the
00 highlight of the northern summer for centuries- an event full of symbolism,
1 customs, magic and superstitions. In Finland, Midsummer night is so short
2 as that evening duck flows into morning dawn almost unnoticed. Even in
3 southern Finland, midnight is the best described as strong twilight.
4 Midsummer night was, the most of all, the cerebration of greenery and
5 fruit. Nature is in a full bloom then and the day is never-ending. It was
6 customary throughout Finland to bring branches and greenery to indoors on
7 Midsummer Eve. Houses were so thoroughly cleaned and decorated with
8 birch branches and flower garlands. This ‘indoor forest’ was complete when
9 leaves on the scrubbed floor gave out a fresh forest aroma. Midsummer is
10 still the Finns’ most important summer cerebration. They gather together
11 around the bonfire to make dance, play and be with family and friends
12 themselves. In some areas Midsummer poles decorated with flowers garlands
13 and leaves are erected for the festivities. Although some of the old ceremonies
14 are now performed only for fun, Midsummer night, as bathed in the strange
15 white light of the North, is still mysterious.

Part 2: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to
the sentence printed before it.
1. Our hotel booking hasn’t been confirmed.
We haven’t received ____________________________________________
2. The salesman told me that my new car would be delivered next Wednesday.
According ____________________________________________________
3. The Yeti has very rarely been seen at this attitude.
There have ____________________________________________________
4. It is not certain that Jones will get the job.
It is open ______________________________________________________
5. Everyone started complaining the moment the announcement was made.
No sooner _____________________________________________________
6. As I get older, I want to travel less.
The older _____________________________________________________
7. A house in that district will cost you at least $ 100,000.
You won’t be able ______________________________________________
8. Alan worked too hard at the office, and this led to his illness.
Alan’s illness __________________________________________________

Part 3: For each of the sentences below, write new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the
original sentence, but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way.
1. Mr. Watson managed to repair the garage roof only because his neighbour helped him.
without 122
2. Nobody is infallible.
3. The last Olympic Games were held in Seoul.
4. He talked about nothing except the weather.

5. In the end, I felt I had been right to leave the club.

6. It is stupid of you to refuse Richard’s offer of a loan.
7. The company has decided to replace this model.
8. In the next few years we’ll probably hear a lot more about the environment pollution.

9. Paula said I had caused the accident.




Part 1. (10 points)

Q # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Key D B B D B D C D C A

Part 2: (10 points)

1. unable 2. patient 3. intelligent 4. impossible 5. inadequate
6. unsatisfactory 7. incorrect 8. impolite 9. unfortunately

Part 3: (13 points)

1. have been 2. want/are planning/plan/ have decided

3. are enjoying/have been enjoying 4. have visited
5. have been wandering/have been walking 6. haven’t spent
7. have taken/ have been taking/ have been getting/ have been doing
8. have had 9. has been
10. say 11. rains
12. have been / have come 13. guess/ suppose 123
Part 4: ( 9 points):
1.setting them off 2. went in for 3. own up
4. think it over 5. carry on 6. stood up for
7. turned it down 8. put up with 9. found out

SECTION 2: READING (26 points):

Part 1. (15 points)

Q # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Key B C A B B A B D B B A A A D C

Part 2: (11 points)

16. iv 17.vii 18. i 19. ix 20. iii 21. vi

22. celluloid(film) 23. projectors, screens 24. warmth
25. equipment 26. e-theatre

SECTION 3: WRITING (32 points)

Part 1: (15 points)

Q # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Key √ as the the a to so √ √ √ make themselves √ as √

Part 2: (8 points)

1. We haven’t received confirmation about our booking.

2. According to the salesman my new car would be delivered next Wednesday.
3. There have been very few sightings of the Yeti having been seen at this attitude.
4. It is open to doubt whether Jones will get the job.
5. No sooner had the announcement been made than everyone started complaining.
6. The older I get, the less I want to travel.
7. You won’t be able to get a house in that district for under $ 100.000.
8. Alan’s illness was caused by his working hard at the office.

Part 3 (9 points)

1. Without his neighbour’s help, he wouldn’t have managed to repair the garage roof.
2. Everybody can make mistakes.
3. The last Olympic Games took place in Seoul.
4. The sole subject of his conversation was the weather.
5. In the end, I had no regrets about having left the club.
6. You are an idiot to refuse Richard’s offer of a loan.
7. The company has had an intention to replace this model.
8. In the next few years, we are likely to hear a lot more about the environmental pollution.
9. Paula blamed me for causing/having caused the accident. 124
II. Writing :Do you agree or disagree with the following statement ?Children should
begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer. 125
(B) (C)
(B) (C)
(A) (B)
(D) 7.
(A) (B) (C)
(A) (B) (C)
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
10. Which of the following is NOT cited as a possible risk factor?
(A) having a birthday 126
(B) getting married
(C) eating fatty foods
(D) being under stress
(B) (C) (D) 12. As used in line 22, which of the following could best replace the word
(A) show
(B) observe
(C) mean
(D) explain

Tsunami is a Japanese word which means habour wave and is used as the scientific term for seismic sea
wave generated by an undersea earthquake or possibly an undersea landslide or volcanic eruption. When
the ocean floor is titled or offset during an earthquake, a set of waves is created similar to the concentric
waves generated by an object dropped into the water. Most tsunamis originated along the Ring of Fire, a
zone of volcanoes and seismic activity, 32,500 km long that encircles the Pacific Ocean. Since 1819,
about 40 tsunamis have struck the Hawaiian Islands. 127
A tsunami can have wavelengths , or widths, of 100 to 200 km, and may travel hundreds of
kilometres across the deep ocean, reaching speeds of about 725 to 800 kilometers an hour. Upon entering
shallow coastal waters, the wave, which may have been only about half a meter high out at sea, suddenly
grows rapidly. When the wave reaches the shore, it may be 15 meters high or more. Tsunamis have
tremendous energy because of the great volume of water affected. They are capable of obliterating coastal
Tsunamis should not be confused with storm surges, which are domes of water that rise
underneath hurricanes or cyclones and cause extensive coastal flooding when the storms reach land.
Storm surges are particularly devastating if they occur at high tide. A cyclone and accompanying storm
surge killed estimated 500,000 people in Bangladesh in 1970. The tsunami which struck south and
southeast Asia in late 2004 killed over 200 thousand people. 128


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Some special phrases
I. Study these sentences and do the matching.
1. By and large, I enjoyed my time at school
2. My shoulder is playing me up today. I feel painful.
3. We got up to page 72 last lesson. Let's continue with page 73.
4. To a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation.
5. He lost confidence and backed out of the deal at the last minute
6. Don't talk anymore. Let’s get down to business.
7. The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.
8. Finally you've succeeded. I never thought you’d pull it off.
9. The other witnesses will bear me out. The other witnesses will bear out what I say.
10. He was lucky to get off with a small fine. A good lawyer might be able to get you off.
11. We’ve all been guilty of selfishness at some time in our lives.
12. The new magazine has really taken off. A lot of people are interested in it.
13. Remember to do what I've told and above all, keep in touch. 129

1. above all a. used when you are saying something that is generally, but not
completely, true
2. by and 'large
b. used to show how far sth is true or how great an effect it has
3. to … extent
c. most important of all; especially
4. pull sth <->'off
d. to receive no or almost no punishment; to help sb do this.
5. play up or play sb up
e. to succeed in doing sth difficult
6. get off (with sth) or get
sb off (with sth) f. to cause sb problems or pain
7. get up to sth g. to reach a particular point or to be busy with sth, especially sth
surprising or unpleasant
8. get down to sth
h. to become successful or popular very quickly or suddenly
9. take off (of an idea, a
product, etc.) i. to decide that you are no longer going to take part in sth that has been
10. back out (of sth)
k. to begin to do sth; to give serious attention to sth
11. guilty (of sth)
l. to be the explanation or cause of sth, to give an explanation, to be a
12. account for sth
particular amount or part of sth
13. bear sb/sth <->out
m. having done sth illegal; being responsible for sth bad that has
n. to show that sb is right or that sth is true

§Ò luyÖn sè 11 - 2009
I. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in the group. (5 points)
1. A. trigonometry B. explanatory C. immediately D. democracy
2. A. legislature B. repository C. magnificent D. mistake
3. A. argumentative B. psychological C. contributory D. hypersensitive
4. A. photograph B. payroll C. accent D. regretful
5. A. majority B. ceremony C. astronomy D. investiture
Answers: 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B
II. Choose the word, phrase or expression which best complete each sentence. (15 points)
6. Can we ........... at your house and go to the party together?
A. see B. meet C. find D. come
7. You must decide and ................. up your mind. 130
A. do B. get C. make D. take
8. Do what you like, I really don't ................... .
A. concern B. interest C. dislike D. mind
9. Please ................. a message on the answering machine.
A. make B. do C. leave D. report
10. I like this coat very much because it ................ my shoes, they are the same colour.
A. fits B. suits C. matches D. corresponds
11. I had to keep my daughter home from school today because she had .............. of 39 degrees
A. fever B. headache C. warth D. temperature
12. You'd better cut ............ animal fat if you want to lower your cholesterol level.
A. down with B. off with C. out in D. down on
13. I wish my friend would call me first before they drop ............. .
A. in B. out C. at D. off
14. People who don't get ................... their coworkers sometimes don't last long at their jobs.
A. up with B. along with C. onto D. by with
15. -"Thank you very much for your attention!"
A. Pardon? B. You are welcome C. That's all D. Don't mention it.
16. -" ......................................?" - "Oh, it's wonderful."
A. How do you like the film? B. Do I look alright?
C. What do you think about the film?D. What kind of music is this?
17. - "Can you buy me a newspaper on you way home from work?" - "......................"
A. Of course not B. Yes, certainly C. Sorry, I won't D. I think so
18. The boy was always getting ............. trouble as a youth. Then, to everyone's surprise, he became a
A. into B. onto C. with D. on
19. While looking for my nail clipper, I came .................. a knife that I thought I had lost.
A. at B. with C. up D. across
20. We went by ................... to ................west of England.
A. a /the B. the/ the C. #/ the D. #/ # 131
7. b 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. D 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. C 17. B 18. A 19.
D 20. C
III. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets.
21. I was surprised by the ...................... of the occasion. All men wore dark suits and ties. (formal)
22. It is .................. to write by hand instead of using a computer. (efficiency)
23. The unresponsive audience made the lecture somewhat ............. .What a shame! (heart)
24. The tourists were impressed by the ................... of the jewellery in the museum. (splendid)
25. Any opposition to the rules is ...................... . (tolerate)
26. Small children are very..................... in their behavior. They just copy what they see. (imitate)
27. There was a sudden ...................... of clapping and cheering as he rose to receive the Nobel Peace
Prize. (burst)
28. The cost of .......................... to the show is reasonable. (admit)
29. Crimes and violence were ...................... rate until a few years ago. (compare)
30. He works for a(an) ..................... company for investment. (advise)
IV. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting.
1. The bus was plenty of people who had spent many happy hours in the store doing their Christmas
shopping. A B C
2. Weather and geography conditions may determine the type of transportation used in a region.
3. When you talk to the old man, please remember to speak out as he's hard of hearing.
4. In general the only kinds of cells that cannot replace itself are nerve cells.
5. Many television newscasters make the public an eyewitness to the news by means of on-the-pot, alive
reports. A B C D
V. Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C or D best fit each gap. (10 points)
VI. Read the passage and choose the best answer to the questions.
It is very difficult to succeed in the music business; nine out of ten bands that release a first record fail to
produce a second. Surviving in the music industry requires luck and patience, but most of all it requires
an intricate knowledge of how a record company functions.The process begins when a representative of a 132
company's Artists and Repaertoise (A & R) department visits bars and night clubs, scouting for young,
talented bands. After the representative identifies a promosing band, he or she will work to negotiate a
contract with that band. The signing of this 133

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