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Candidate Name: Alex Dailey Host Teacher Name: Stephanie Peterson

School: Keet Gooshi Heen Elementary Grade Level: 3 # of Students: 22

Date & Time of Lesson: Length of Lesson: 90 min
Topic of Lesson: Home Fire Escape Plan Content Area: Health
Materials: Whiteboard, blank paper, colored pencils

Alaska Content Standard:

D. A student should be able to contribute to the well-being of families and communities.
2. Take responsible actions to create safe and healthy environments;
(Transfer) Goal(s) - Unpacked Standard:
Students will develop a plan for what to do in case of a home fire.

STAGE 1 – Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings

Enduring Understanding(s) What Essential Questions will be Considered? (Q)
Students will understand that….  What should I do in case of a house fire?
 An escape plan is the most important tool you  What causes house fires?
can have incase of a house fire.

STAGE 1 – Objectives
What students should know… What students should be able to do….
 What to do in case of a fire.  Draft a fire escape plan.
 The main causes of house fires.

STAGE TWO: Assessment (Identify Desired Results)

 Students will draw up a fire escape plan based on the layout of their home. This plan should include
several exit points from the house, home-fire hotspots, and a rally point.
 Students will bring back their escape plan, or a revised version, with their parent/guardians’ signatures,
showing that they went over this plan with their family/housemates.

STAGE THREE: Opportunities to Learn

 Begin the lesson by discussing the dangers of fires especially in the home. Talk about the common
causes of house fires and what can be done to avoid them. Discuss with students which tools/strategies
are effective at preventing/mitigating house fire and how to implement those tools/strategies including a
fire plan and who should know about it. You should include the importance/purpose of a designated
rally location. Then discuss what should be done in the case of a fire in the home (i.e. What should I do?
Where should I go? How should I get there?). These topics should be discussion based, allowing
students to demonstrate/share what they have already been taught or may already know.

 Have Mrs. Peterson share a personal story about her family’s house fire

Processes and products Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications

 Model the creation of a fire escape plan on the  Allow students to dictate their paragraph
whiteboard using your own house. Talk through to you if necessary.
each step – make it a discussion based modeling.
 Model creating the escape plan using a
 Each student will be given a worksheet and asked to visual diagram on the board
draw the home or place in which they live including
exits, stairs, the number of stories, etc. If a student  Provide step-by-step instructional handout
does not feel comfortable with this, they will have for the creation the plan
the option of creating an imaginary home (some
students may not feel comfortable depicting their  Allow cooperative learners to work in
home in front of other classmates or the teacher – groups while creating their plans
these students will be encouraged to develop a real
plan when they get home based on this lesson). This  Allow students to create plans for an
should take about 5-15 minutes. imaginary home if they do not feel
comfortable sharing a depiction of their
 Students will identify, based on the common causes own
of house fires, where a possible fire could start in
 As they come up in discussion, create a
their home. Have students identify where (if any)
list of keywords/hotspots/causes-of-fires
are the fire alarms in their house and where they
on board for students to refer to
should be in order to maximize their effectiveness.
They could also identify where other fire specific
tools should be (fire extinguishers, sprinklers, fire
escape ladders, etc.) - though you need to make sure
to distinguish which tools are for ADULTS ONLY
– kids shouldn't be fighting fires...

 After this, students will identify a safe place of

meeting outside where their family/living group
could rally in the case of a fire.

 Next, each student shall identify the exits in their

home and map two different routes that would most
safely guide them from the house to the designated
rally point – these routes should avoid fire-starting-
hotspots identified in the previous step.

 Now that the students have a tentative fire plan you

should reiterate the importance of having a plan and
who should be made aware of it. Make it clear that
in the case of a fire they should not gather
belongings or pets. Review the dangers of fire such
as how smoke is the most dangerous aspect of a
house fire and how to best avoid breathing in toxic
fumes. Other topics such as “testing doors” for heat
and “stop-drop-and-roll” should covered as well.

 At this point students will be directed to write a

short paragraph at the bottom of the worksheet
listing preventative behaviors/tools and how they
should implement them as well as a separate
paragraph for mitigation strategies. These should
include things such as a fire escape plan, not
playing with matches, fire alarms, fire escape
ladders, etc.
 As the final portion of this lesson, students will be
directed to bring home their fire escape plan
worksheets and share it with their family/living
group. They should discuss ideas to make their
home safer in the case of a house fire and revise
their plan as necessary. Parents should be made
aware of this project to allow them to plan for a
discussion with their child about a fire in their
home. Have students return their fire plans with a
signature from to show that they discussed their
escape plan with their families. If the family already
has a plan, they may bring that one instead.

The next day, talk to students. Have they revised their fire plan or come up with any new ideas/suggestions
since sharing it with their family/living group? Encourage them to do so. Reiterate the importance of everyone
having the same plan.

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