Summary Literature

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1. Bayer, Casey, Ferreira, USA (1990- Housing -races (whites and Conditioning on flexible functions
and McMillan (2012) 2008) price black) of income as well as lender fixed
-income(USD) effects, the results indicated that
the estimated racial/ethnic
premia remained positive and
even increased in size, implying
that the correlation of race with
these financial factors serves to
lower the premia in our baseline
2. Fesselmeyer, (2018) Singapore Housing -price per square The effect of green certification
(2000) price meter on housing prices, controlling for
differences across developments
with development fixed effects.
3. Gasparėnienė, Lithuania Housing -GDP(GNI) The results of the scientific
Remeikienė, and (2008-2015) price -interest rate (%) literature analysis propose that
Skuka, (2016) -tax (%) GDP, inflation rate, interest rate
-labor market and availability of funding for
indicator housing acquisition can be
-inflation (%) treated as the major
macroeconomic factors that have
the impact on housing price level.
4. Huang, Chen, Xu, and China (2014) Housing -GDP per capita Considering the limitations and
Zhou (2017) price -male-female ratio advantages of the methods can
-population density improve the estimation of
-average wage housing price in terms of its
relations to more variables
5. Jang and Kang, Seoul Korea Housing price -Retail accessibility This study applies a gravity-
(2015) (2010) (km) based accessibility concept that
includes household demand and
retail store supply. In particular,
the study measures the
accessibility and proximity effects
of department stores,
hypermarkets, shopping centers,
supermarkets, and convenience
stores on five housing
submarkets in Seoul.
6. Suhaida, M. S. Malaysia Housing -price income ratio This study is hoped able to
Tawil, N. M. (2010) affordability contribute towards understanding
Hamzah, N. of affordability for first medium
Che-Ani, A.I. cost landed-house by the middle-
Basri, H. and income group in Selangor.
Yuzainee, M. Y.
7. Tai, Hu, Chao, and Hong Kong Housing Price -forex Property investments from
Wang ( 2017) (2009-2014) -price level (HKs) overseas buyers have recently
surged in many economies, and
consequent debates over the
impacts on local housing prices
have been also sparked.
8. Tian, Wei, and Li, Salt Lake Housing -kilometers (km2) Accessibility has strong effects
(2017) County Utah price -carbon monoxide on housing price in auto-oriented
(2012) (CO) metropolitan areas like Salt Lake
-Nitrogen oxides County.
(NOX), -ammonia
-sulfur dioxide
-volatile organic
compounds (VOC)
9 Wen, Xiao, and Zhang, Hangzhou Housing -score Therefore, decision makers in the
(2017) China (June price -kilometer (km) government should completely
2011to consider the correlation between
May2013) the local public goods and the
housing market in the process of
public policy design and
evaluation, as well as promote
the coordinated development of
public goods supply and housing
10. Zhang, Jia, and Yang China (2002- Housing -Income ratio We find that approximately 6% of
(2016) 2009) price -GINI the increase in the housing price-
to-income ratio, and 10% of the
increase in the housing vacancy
rate between 2002 and 2009 can
be attributed to the increase in
the income GINI coefficient.
Bayer, P., Casey, M., Ferreira, F., & McMillan, R. (2012). Estimating Racial Price Differentials in the Housing Market. Nber, Working
Pa, 1–21.
Fesselmeyer, E. (2018). The value of green certification in the Singapore housing market. Economics Letters, 163, 36–39.
Gasparėnienė, L., Remeikienė, R., & Skuka, A. (2016). Assessment of the impact of macroeconomic factors on housing price level:
Lithuanian case. Intellectual Economics, 10(2), 122–127.
Huang, Z., Chen, R., Xu, D., & Zhou, W. (2017). Spatial and hedonic analysis of housing prices in Shanghai. Habitat International,
67, 69–78.
Jang, M., & Kang, C. D. (2015). Retail accessibility and proximity effects on housing prices in Seoul, Korea: A retail type and housing
submarket approach. Habitat International, 49, 516–528.
Suhaida, M. S., Tawil, N. M., Hamzah, N., Che-Ani, A. I., Basri, H., & Yuzainee, M. Y. (2011). Housing affordability: A conceptual
overview for house price index. Procedia Engineering, 20, 346–353.
Tai, M. Y., Hu, S. W., Chao, C. C., & Wang, V. (2017). Foreign buyers and housing price dynamics. International Review of
Economics and Finance, 52(March), 368–379.
Tian, G., Wei, Y. D., & Li, H. (2017). Effects of accessibility and environmental health risk on housing prices: a case of Salt Lake
County, Utah. Applied Geography, 89(September), 12–21.
Wen, H., Xiao, Y., & Zhang, L. (2017). School district, education quality, and housing price: Evidence from a natural experiment in
Hangzhou, China. Cities, 66(February 2012), 72–80.
Zhang, C., Jia, S., & Yang, R. (2016). Housing affordability and housing vacancy in China: The role of income inequality. Journal of
Housing Economics, 33, 4–14.

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