Read The Dialog Below and Answer The Questions

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Read the dialogs below and answer the questions. Please do it in a group (4 students).

Dialog 1
Jim : Why did you go to the teacher’s room?
Mike : I wanted to ask him about the homework.
Jim : What’s the matter?
Mike : I didn’t finish all of it.
Jim : How much did you finish?
Mike : I finished half of it.
Jim : Why didn’t you do all of it?
Mike : I watched a movie on television.
Jim : What did the teacher say?
Mike : She assigned me extra homework.
Jim : That’s too bad.
Mike : Well, it’s a good night to stay home and study.
Jim : I know. I have a lot of mathematics and science homework.
1. What is the purpose of the dialog above?
2. Mention the structure of the dialog.
3. Most of the sentences are written in … tense
4. The formula is …
5. Mention 5 example sentences

Dialog 2
Tom : Where have you been?
Dick : I’ve been at the garage since four o’clock.
Tom : What happened?
Dick : My car broke down again.
Tom : Have you got it back yet?
Dick : No, they haven’t finished with it yet.
Tom : When will you get it?
Dick : I won’t get it until Saturday.
Tom : Well, at least you will have it in time for the weekend.
Dick : But I won’t have any money, and I’m going out on a date with Sisca. The repairs are going to
cost a lot.
Tom : Have you looked for a new car?
Dick : Yes, I have looked and looked.
Tom : Have you found a good one?
Dick : No, I haven’t found a real bargain yet.
6. What is the purpose of the dialog above?
7. Mention the structure of the dialog.
8. Most of the sentences are written in … tense
9. The formula is …
10. Mention 5 example sentences

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