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Learning activity 4

Evidence: My professional profile

1. Looking for a job is one of the most important activities someone has to do in life.
For this evidence you will need to write your own professional profile with the
objective of getting your dream job.

For writing your profile, you need to take into account the following aspects.

 What have you studied?

 What have you been doing recently?

 What is your experience in the field?

 Which are your professional qualities?

 Which is your motivation for getting that job?

 What is your availability for the job?

 Do you plan to study anything else?

 Are you willing to travel?

You can include some of the following useful language for writing your profile, or
you can look for more vocabulary in this learning activity glossary. Include a
picture of yourself (it can be unreal).

look for / look forward to / work out / experience / apply for / to be

promoted / work agreement / employee / temporary work / full time
work / freelance worker / season worker

I´m Quality Management Systems Specialist certified under standards ISO 9000,
14000, 18000 and 22000 by the National Training Service (SENA) in Colombia.

Also I´m ISO/TC 176, Quality Management and Quality Assurance, Technical
Committee member, Assessor for System, Product and Personnel Accreditation
Programs, Technical Expert for CB´s Halal and Testifier for CB´s under standards
ISO 9000, 14000 and 22000 by the Mexican Entity of Accreditation (EMA).

Since 2015 I´m trainer for Conformity Assessment Assessors for standards ISO
17065, ISO 17021 and ISO 17024.

I´m a Technical Expert for development of Labor Competency Standards by the

National Council for Standardization and Certification of Labour Competencies of
Mexico (CONOCER).

I had certificate in Arabic Language and Culture with a score of 7.6 on the
proficiency examination submitted to the Ministry of Culture of the Syrian Arab
Republic (reserved for Arabic native speakers).

I was professor of Arabic Language in Middle East Studies Master of the College
of Mexico. Has also participated as a speaker and lecturer at universities and
academic events at national and international level and published numerous
books and articles, including translations of classical texts of Islam and technical
manuals on the subject Halal stand.

At 2014 I was the proponent for Mexican Halal Standard, for Touristic Attention
Protocol form Muslims customers and for Mexican Standard of Competency for
Halal Quality Auditors for Food; Director of Halal Project Mexico; Coordinator for
Halal Working Desk of Diversified Industries Committee of General Directorate of
Standards for the Mexican Economy Ministry; Adviser for Halal Accreditation
Committee of Mexican Accreditation Entity (EMA); and Mexican Representative
for the Halal Working Desk of the Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC).

Actually I´m President of Bridge International Network Corporate and adviser for
various Mexican organisms like Republic Presidency Office, SRE, Sagarpa,
Universidad Panamericana, etc.

I´m a very smart person, my biggest motivation is the competence, I try to be

better every day.
I´m looking for a new opportunities at food industry company.

Actually I´m doing a new master at safety and toxicology because is a very
interesting and useful area and a very good chance for my career.

I´m able to start to work immediately, part time or full time.

2. Now, read the phrasal verbs below and write a definition for each of them using
your own words. Include an example and a picture to illustrate the action. One
is done for you.

Phrasal verbs
To get up To go away To look after

Fuente: SENA

Definition: to arise from Definition: to move Definition: to take

bed. far for some place or care of some one
Example: I usually get up
Example: I´m
at 5:00 a.m. Example: go away looking after you
from me
Come back To put on To look for

Definition: to retourn to Definition: to place searching
some place or situation on a situation or something or some
place one
Example: come back to
Example: I´m
me Example: yu have to looking for a new
put on my shoes job.
To go back To take off To call back

Definition: to retourn to Definition: to remove Definition: to speak

some place later
Example: You have
Example: You have to to take off your new Example: I call you
go back to school clothes when you back
come back to home
To hurry up To try on To ask for

Definition: to be faster Definition: To prove Definition: to look

or to test something for something or
Example: you have to search something or
hurry up with your Example: Tray on someone
homework this shoes
Example: You have
to ask for the new
shoes collection,
are very cheaper

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning guide
in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop
them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
 Usa el vocabulario relacionado con carreras y empleos teniendo en cuenta el
contexto requerido.

 Intercambia información personal para postularse a un empleo teniendo en

cuenta la estructura gramatical y vocabulario requeridos.

 Describe características personales teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y

contexto requerido.

 Utiliza verbos compuestos teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical


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