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Bayesian Classifier Programmed In
HDIE3001 Sql Data Mining Dot Net
HDIE3002 Inference From Aging Information Nueral Networks Dot Net
Gene Ontology With Words Computing
HDIE3003 Using Som Fuzzy Systems Dot Net
A Distributed Csma Algorithm For
Throughput And Utility Maximization In
HDIE3004 Wireless Networks Wireless Networking Dot Net
Fast Mesh: Low Delay Peer To Peer
HDIE3005 Live Streaming Multimedia Dot Net
Understanding Online Interruption
HDIE3006 Based Advertising Impact Engineering Management Java
Pam An Efficient And Privacy-Aware
Monitoring Framework For
HDIE3007 Continuously Moving Objects Knowledge And Data Engineering Dot Net
Privacy Preserving Public Auditing For
Data Storage Security In Cloud
HDIE3008 Computing Cloud Computing Java

The Applied Research Of Cloud

HDIE3009 Computing Arch In Area Of E-Learning Cloud Computing Dot Net
Anonymous Query Processing In Road
HDIE3010 Networks Knowledge And Data Engineering Java
HDIE3011 Juggler For Fun And Profit Mobile Computing Dot Net
Large Scale Software Testing
HDIE3012 Environment Using Cloud Computing Software Testing Java
Mild: Multiple Instances Learning Via
HDIE3013 Disambigous Data Mining Java
Localized Multicast: Efficient And
Distributed Replica Detection In Large-
HDIE3014 Scale Sensor Networks Mobile Computing Dot Net
Edge Adaptive Image Stenography By
HDIE3015 Msb Information Forensics And Security Java
PEACE: A Novel Privacy-Enhanced
Yet Accountable Security Framework
for Metropolitan Wireless Mesh
HDIE3016 Networks Parallel And Distributed Systems Dot Net
On Wireless Scheduling Algorithm For
Minimizing The Queue Overflow
HDIE3017 Probability Networking Dot Net
Vebek__Virtual Energy-Based
Encryption And Keying For Wireless
HDIE3018 Sensor Networks Wireless Computing Dot Net
A Scalable Robust Authentication
Protocol For Secure Vehicular
HDIE3019 Communications Vechicular Technologies Java
HDIE3020 A Virtual Cloud Computing Lab Cloud Computing Java
Predictive Network Anomaly Detection
HDIE3021 And Visualization Information Forensics And Securit Dot Net
Light A Query-Efficient Yet Low-
Maintenance Indexing Scheme Over
HDIE3022 Dhts Data Mining Dot Net
A New Approach For Overlay Text
Detection And Extraction From
HDIE3023 Complex Video Scene Image Processing Dot Net
Active Monitoring And Alarm
Management For Fault Localization In
HDIE3024 Transparent All-Optical Networks Network And Service Management Dot Net
Toward Optimal Network Fault
Correction In Externally Managed
HDIE3025 Overlay Networks Parallel & Distributed Dot Net
Slow Adaptive Ofdma Systems
Through Chance Constrained
HDIE3026 Programming Network Dot Net
Privacy-Conscious Location-Based
HDIE3027 Queries In Mobile Environments Parallel & Distributed Java
On The Performance Of Content
Delivery Under Competition In A
Stochastic Unstructured Peer-To-Peer
HDIE3028 Network Parallel & Distributed Java
Multicast Multi-Path Power Efficient
HDIE3029 Routing In Mobile Adhoc Networks Network Security Dot Net

Layered Approach Using Conditional

HDIE3030 Random Fields For Intrusion Detection Secure Computing Java
Irm Integrated File Replication And
Consistency Maintenance In P2P
HDIE3031 Systems Parallel & Distributed Java
Fault-Tolerant Mobile Agent-Based
Monitoring Mechanism For Highly
HDIE3032 Dynamic Distributed Networks Network Java
Engineering Wireless Mesh Networks
Joint Scheduling, Routing, Power
HDIE3033 Control,And Rate Adaptation Network Java
Congestion Control Of Transmission
Control Protocol Based On Bandwidth
HDIE3034 Estimation Network Java
Agent Based Efficient Anomaly
Intrusion Detection System In Adhoc
HDIE3035 Networks Secure Computing Java
A Distributed Protocol To Serve
Dynamic Groups For Peer-To-Peer
HDIE3036 Streaming Parallel & Distributed Java

Securing User Transactions Using

HDIE3037 Second Factor Mobile Authentication Cloud Computing Security Java
A Dynamical Games Approach To
Transmission-Rate Adaptation In
HDIE3038 Multimedia Wlan Signal Processing Java
Accurate Image Search Using The
HDIE3039 Contextual Dissimilarity Measure Pattern Analysis And Machine Intelligence Dot Net
Automatic Ontology Matching Via
Upper Ontologies: A Systematic
HDIE3040 Evaluation Knowledge And Data Engineering Dot Net
Bridging Domains Using World Wide
HDIE3041 Knowledge For Transfer Learning Knowledge And Data Engineering Dot Net

Cooperative Multi-Radio Localization

HDIE3042 In Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Wireless Communications Java
Fast Algorithms For Joint Power
Control And Scheduling In Wireless
HDIE3043 Networks Wireless Communications Java
Learning To Adapt Web Information
Extraction Knowledge And Discovering
New Attributes Via A Bayesian
HDIE3044 Approach Knowledge And Data Engineering Dot Net
Sparse Bayesian Learning Of Filters
HDIE3045 For Efficient Image Expansion Image Processing Dot Net
Pie: Cooperative Peer-To-Peer
Information Exchange In Network
HDIE3046 Coding Enabled Wireless Networks Wireless Communications Java
Vide: A Vision-Based Approach For
HDIE3047 Deep Web Data Extraction Knowledge And Data Engineering Dot Net
Performance Of Asynchronous Two-
Relay Two-Hop Wireless Cooperative
HDIE3048 Networks Wireless Communications Java
Performance Evaluation Of Video
Streaming Over Multi-Hop Wireless
HDIE3049 Local Area Networks Wireless Communications Java
Coordinated Beamforming For The
Multicell Multi-Antenna Wireless
HDIE3050 System Wireless Communications Java

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