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No.Acad/UG/ITT/Autumn/18­19                                                                  Academic office
   12th June, 2018

Sub :   Autumn Semester 
   timetable for UG & PG common courses &
                                 General Slot Pattern  for all other UG/PG Courses.           

Enclosed please find herewith Autumn Semester 2018­19 Timetable for classes, tutorials
and labs  for for UG & PG common courses & General Slot Pattern  for all other UG/PG

The 1st year students are divided into four divisions: D1, D2, D3, D4. Divisions D1 & D2
will have lectures in afternoon and labs in forenoon. Divisions D3 & D4 will have lectures
in forenoon and labs in afternoon.
It is also noted that IInd year B.Tech./Dual Degree / 4 Yr. B.S students take courses from
other departments.  Concerned TTCs are requested to co­ordinate and help come up with a
clash free timetable.

Joint Registrar (Academic) 

All Dept. Time Table Co­ordinators       
All Heads of Departments/Centres/Schools
Institute Time Table Co­ordinator
Time Table for Autumn Semester – 2018-19
for UG/PG Courses

8.30 9.30 10. L 2.00 3.30 5.30 7.00

Time/ 35 11.35 u
9.25 10.25 11. 12.30 3.25 4.55 6.55 8.25
Day n
8A 9A 13A
Mon 1A 2A 3A 4A 12A
R ____L1______

Break (5.00 pm to 5.30 pm)

3B s 10A 11A
Tue 4B 1B 2B 14A 15A
s _____L2_____

5A 6A X1 X2 X3
(9.30 to (11.05 to
12.30 to
Wed ____ Lx ______
7A 10.55) 12.30) 2.00 pm XC XD
--- L 5---

8B 9B
Thu 3C 4C 1C 2C 12B 13B

10B 11B 14B 15B

5B 6B
(9.30 to (11.05 to
7B _____L4____
10.55) 12.30)
---L 6---

1. As far as possible Wednesday afternoon to be kept free in Timetable.
2. UG HSS / Institute Elective courses will run in Slot 2.
3. PG Institute Elective courses will run in Slot 6.
4. Second year minor courses & Backlog courses will run in slot 5.
Time Table for Autumn Semester : 2018-19
I Year B.Tech. / DD / 4 Yr. B.S.

Common Theory Courses

Course Lecture Tutorial

Div Departments
No. Slot Venue Slot Venue
CH 105 D1 CS, EE, MA (273) 9A, 9B LA 101 X2 LT – 301, 302, 303, 202, 203
(1st half) D2 AE, MM, EN, ES (254) 9A, 9B LA 102 X2 LT – 304, 305, 306, 205, 206
CH 107 D3 ME, EP, CH, EO (255) 2A, 2B, 2C LA 101 3C LT – 301, 302, 303, 202, 203
(2nd half) D4 CL, CE, (251) 2A, 2B, 2C LA 102 8A LT – 304, 305, 306, 205, 206
D1 CS, EE, MA (273) 10A, 10B LA 101 X3 LT – 301, 302, 303, 202, 203
D2 AE, MM, EN, ES (254) 10A, 10B LA 102 X3 LT – 304, 305, 306, 205, 206
PH 107
D3 ME, EP, CH, EO (255) 4A, 4C LA 101 3B LT – 301, 302, 303, 202, 203
D4 CL, CE, (251) 4A, 4C LA 102 3B LT – 304, 305, 306, 205, 206
D1 CS, EE, MA (273) 8A, 8B LA 101 X1 LT – 301, 302, 303, 202, 203
D2 AE, MM, EN, ES (254) 8A, 8B LA 102 X1 LT – 304, 305, 306, 205, 206
MA 105
D3 ME, EP, CH, EO (255) 1A, 1B, 1C LA 101 3A LT – 301, 302, 303, 202, 203
D4 CL, CE, (251) 1A, 1B, 1C LA 102 3A LT – 304, 305, 306, 205, 206
---- 1 Yr M.Sc (MA+ASI) (67)
11A, 11B LA 101
D1 CS, EE, MA (273) 4B LA 101
CS 101 st
---- 1 Yr GS+GP (46)
6A, 6B LA 101
D3 ME, EP, CH, EO (255) 4B LA 101
D2 AE, MM, EN, ES (254) 11A, 11B LA 102 3C LT – 304, 305, 306, 205, 206
BB 101
D4 CL, CE, (251) 6A, 6B LA 102 8B LT – 304, 305, 306, 205, 206
EE 111 D1 EE (only) (136) 6A, 6B LH 102

English – Slot 5A, 5B – LT 301, LT 302, LT 303, LT 304

. Tutorial Timing : X1 = 2.00 to 2.55, X2 = 3.00 to 3.55, X3 = 4.00 to 4.55.

. Note : Students who do BB101 in Autumn Semester will do CS 101 in Spring & Vice Versa.
Department combinations
Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4
CS – Computer Sc. & Engg. AE – Aerospace Engg. ME – Mechanical Engg. CL – Chemical Engg.
EE- Electrical Engg. MM – Met. Engg. & Mat. Sc. EP – Physics CE – Civil Engg.
MA – Mathematics EN- - Energy Sc. & Engg. CH – Chemistry
ES – Centre for Env. Sc. & Engg. EO – Humanities & Soc. Sc.
Time Table for Autumn Semester – 2018-19

Common Lab Courses for the First Year 
Div./Lab Lecture Lab
Course No. Practical Batch
Group Slot Venue Slot Venue
D2 P5 + P7 6A LA 301 LM Engg. Drawing
D2 P6 + P8 6B LA 301 LH Engg. Drawing
ME 119
D4 P15 + P17 9A LA 301 L2 Engg. Drawing
D4 P16 + P18 9B LA 301 L4 Engg. Drawing
D2 P5 LH Chemistry Lab

D2 P6 LM Chemistry Lab

D2 P7 + P8 * LT Chemistry Lab
CH 117
D4 P15 L4 Chemistry Lab

D4 P16 L2 Chemistry Lab

D4 P17 + P18 LX Chemistry Lab

D1 P1 + P3 LM Workshop Practice

D1 P2 + P4 LH Workshop Practice
ME 113
D3 P11 + P13 L2 Workshop Practice

D3 P12 + P14 L4 Workshop Practice

D1 P1 LH Physics Lab

D1 P2 LM Physics Lab

D1 P3 + P4 LT Physics Lab
PH 117
D3 P11 L4 Physics Lab

D3 P12 L2 Physics Lab

D3 P13 + P14 LX Physics Lab

* - No Aerospace Engineering student be allotted in the practical batch.

Note :
1. The 1st year students have been divided into 16 batches (P1 to P8; P11 to P18). Students should look up their
roll number to find out which batch they are in and attend practicals accordingly.

2. LM* : Lab timings Monday 9.30 am to 12.30 pm

3. LT* : Lab timings Tuesday 9.30 am to 12.30 pm

4. LH* : Lab timings Thursday 9.30 am to 12.30 pm

Time Table for Autumn Semester – 2018-19

Slots for Common Courses (2nd Yr B.Tech / DD / 4yr. B.S. + PG)

Course Lecture Tutorial

No. Slot Venue Slot Venue
S1 2  Yr : MM, CE (240) 
2A, 2B, 2C LA 301
HS 101 S2 2  Yr : EN, EE, EP, CH (225)
2A, 2B, 2C LA 302
S3 2  Yr : AE, ME (200)
2A, 2B, 2C LH 101
Grp1 : 2 Yr ME + Backlog  (138)
4A, 4B, 4C LH102 14B LT ­  001, 002, 003, 
Grp2 : 2ndyr CE , 2 yr. MM (DD) (143) 4A, 4B, 4C LH301 14B LT – 004, 005, 006, 
EE 101 Grp3 : 3rd yr CL  (128)  4A, 4B, 4C LH302 14B LT – 301, 302, 303, 
Grp4 :2 yr AE, 2 yr MM (B.Tech) (159)
nd nd
4A, 4B, 4C LH101 14B LT – 305, 306, 205, 206
Grp5 :2 yr CS (111)
4A, 4B, 4C LC101 14B LT – 103, 106, 304
2nd yr EE, EP, (165) 12A, 12B LA 301 14A LT ­001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006
(Ist half)
MA 207 2nd yr EE, EP, 2nd yr AE (227) 12A, 12B LA 301 14A LT ­001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006
(2nd half)
2nd Yr CL, CE (241) 13A, 13B LA 301 14A LT–301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306

2ndyr EE (DD­CSP), 2ndyr EN, 2nd Yr. B.Des, 
ES200 / 1A, 1B, 1C LA 302
2nd yr. B.S. (Eco), 5thyr EE [DD(Micro)], 1styr 
HS200 # MscPhd CESE, 
(S1) 2nd Yr M.Sc ASI, CH         ­(231)

ES200 /
HS200 #  4th yr AE, CS, EE(BT) (213) 4A, 4B, 4C LA 302
Minor course 5A, 5B XD TBA
MA 106 / MA 108 5A, 5B LC 001 XD LC 001
HS 301 ­ LA 101
HS 303 ­ LA 102
HS 3xx
All 3rd yr UG+2nd CL  (874) 3A, 3B, 3C HS 305 ­ LA 302
HSS Core
HS 307 – LA 301,
                LH 302

UG Institute
2A, 2B, 2C TBA

PG Inst.
6A, 6B TBA ­ ­
HS 791 M.Tech / Ph.D :  4B,
PG Comm. ME, SJMSOM, AE, CSRE,  4A Convocation Hall Respective Department
Sec 1 4C
M.Tech / Ph.D : 
Equivalent 4A,
CL, IEOR, PH, CH, CE, CSE,  4B Respective Department
Sec 2 Convocation Hall 4C
EN, SBB, MA, HSS, MMM and 
all other centres

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