Test 1 - Solution

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1. Solution : a

Garo society is matrilineal not Patrilineal. You can easily answer by elimination method.

The Garo Hills are part of the Garo-Khasi range in Meghalaya, India. They are inhabited mainly
by tribal dwellers, the majority of whom are Garo people. It is one of the wettest places in the
world. The chief meals of the Garos consist of rice with onions, capsicum and salt thrice a day.
The society is matrilineal like the Khasis and the Jaintias. Till death, the new-born baby belongs
to the mother's family, irrespective of sex, even after marriage.

2. Solution : d

Justification: you have to arrange in decreasing order, You should apply elimination in such
questions. It is common knowledge that ice-caps are the largest source of fresh water, which
eliminates option a and c. Atmospheric water is more abundant than river which eliminates
option b. So Answer is d

Q Source: Geography NCERT 7th: Our Environment

3. Solution : b

The images reflected in a convex mirror, then, look smaller than they are -- they're compressed.
This is why convex mirrors are used on all kind of automobiles, They reflect more in a smaller
space. In other words, a convex mirror has a wider field of view than a flat one, which can only
reflect the area right in front of it. With a wider field of view, the rider has more information
about the area to the right of the vehicle

4. Solution: c both options are correct

5. Solution: d

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6. Solution: c

Types of land donated

Devadana, tirunamattukkani - land gifted to temples

Pallichchhandam - land donated to Jaina institutions
Vellanvagai - land of non-Brahmana peasant proprietors
Brahmadeya - land gifted to Brahmanas
Shalabhoga - land for the maintenance of a school
7. Solution: d

The temperate grasslands of South Africa are called the velds. Velds are rolling plateaus with
varying heights ranging from 600 m to 1100 m. It is bound by the Drakensburg Mountains on
the east. To its west lies the Kalahari desert. On the northeastern part, “high velds” are located
that attain a height of more than 1600 m, in some places. Look at the map of Africa. Name the
countries that are covered by the Velds. The tributaries of rivers Orange and Limpopo drain the

The velds have a mild climate due to the influence of the Indian Ocean. Winters are cold and
dry. Temperatures vary between 5°C and 10°C and July is the coldest month. Summers are short
and warm. Johannesburg records about 20°C temperature in the summer. Let’s do Some type of
grows on almost every surface of the earth. List names of places where you have observed grass
growing, e.g., lawns, cricket field, between cracks of a side walk etc.

8. Solution : b

The State can interfere in religious affairs. This is called positive interference. For example, in
order to prevent religion-based domination, the Indian Constitution bans untouchability. The
State intervens in religion inorder to end social practice that discriminates and violates
Fundamental Rights of lower castes.

The Indian State recognises that wearing a turban is central to a Sikh’s religious practices and
inorder not to interfere with this allows an exception in the law

Article 25-28 specifies the Right to freedom of religion, wherein the religious communities can
set up their own schools and colleges. Financial aid is provided on a non-preferential basis.

Government Schools cannot promote any particular religion. But this rule does not apply to
private schools.

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9. Solution: d

10. Solution : d

11. Solution : c

The inscriptions of the Cholas who ruled in Tamil Nadu refer to more than 400 terms for
different kinds of taxes. The most frequently mentioned tax is vetti, taken not in cash but in
the form of forced labour, and kadamai, or land revenue. There were also taxes on
thatching the house, the use of a ladder to climb palm trees, a cess on succession to family
property, etc.

12. Solution: a

 The strong gravitational pull exerted by the sun and the moon on the earth’s
surface causes the tides.
 The water of the earth closer to the moon gets pulled under the influence of the
moon’s gravitational force and causes high tide.
 During the full moon and new moon days, the sun, the moon and the earth are in
the same line and the tides are highest. These tides are called spring tides.
 But when the moon is in its first and lastquarter, the ocean waters get drawn in
diagonally opposite directions by the gravitational pull of sun and earth resulting in
low tides. These tides are called neap tides.
 High tides help in navigation. They raise the water level close to the shores. This
helps the ships to arrive at the harbour more easily. The high tides also help in
 Many more fish come closer to the shore during the high tide. This enables
fishermen to get a plentiful catch. The rise and fall of water due to tides is being
used to generate electricity in some places.

13. Solution: d
You have asked to identify incorrect one, Vitamins help in protecting our body against
diseases. They do not provide any kind of energy.

Reference: NCERT VI - Science chapter 2

14. Solution: a
Rhizobium can not make its own food, so it lives symbiotically with legumes.

15. Solution: d
Some methods of soil conservation are
Mulching: The bare ground between plants is covered with a layer of organic matter like
straw. It helps to retain soil moisture.

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Contour barriers: Stones, grass, soil are used to build barriers along contours. Trenches are
made in front of the barriers to collect water.
Rock dam: Rocks are piled up to slow down the flow of water. This prevents gullies and
further soil loss.
Terrace farming: These are made on the steep slopes so that flat surfaces are available to
grow crops. They can reduce surface run-off and soil erosion
Intercropping: Different crops are grown in alternate rows and are sown at different times
to protect the soil from rain wash.
Contour ploughing: Ploughing parallel to the contours of a hill slope to form a natural barrier
for water to flow down the slope
Shelter belts: In the coastal and dry regions, rows of trees are planted to check the wind
movement to protect soil cover

16. Solution: d

 Samanta was a title and position used by the Indian nobility.

 The institution of Samanta finds mention for the first time in epigraphs of northern
India dating to the 6th century.
 The institution is considered to belong properly to the Gupta Empire and is closely
associated with the origin and growth of feudalism in India.

17. Solution c

The Parliament in India Consists of the President, the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha.

18. Solution: d

Kammakaras were landless agriculture labourer

19. Solution a

Inamgaon, a post-Harappan agrarian village located along the Ghod, has been studied for its
archaeological finds.The river is dammed by the Ghod Dam. Ghod River is located in Pune
District, Maharashtra, western India. It is a tributary of the Bhima River.

20. Solution: b

These were part of the later Vedic texts. Upanishad literally means „approaching and sitting
near‟ and the texts contain conversations between teachers and students. Often, ideas were
presented through simple dialogues.

21. Solution: c

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Copper and bronze were used to make tools, weapons, ornaments and vessels. Gold and silver
were used to make ornaments and vessels. Perhaps the most striking finds are those of beads,
weights, and blades. Iron was not used during that time.

22. Solution: a

Many of these cities were divided into two or more parts. Usually, the part to the west was
smaller but higher. Archaeologists describe this as the citadel. Generally, the part to the east
was larger but lower. This is called the lower town.

In some cities, special buildings were constructed on the citadel. For example, in Mohenjodaro,
a very special tank, which archaeologists call the Great Bath, was built in this area. This was
lined with bricks, coated with plaster, and made water-tight with a layer of natural tar. There
were steps leading down to it from two sides, while there were rooms on all sides. Water was
probably brought in from a well, and drained out after use. Perhaps important people took a
dip in this tank on special occasions.

23. Solution: c

This site is located in a fertile plain, near the Bolan Pass, which is one of the most important
routes into Iran. Mehrgarh was probably one of the places where women and men learnt to
grow barley and wheat, and rear sheep and goats for the first time in this area. It is one of the
earliest villages that we know about.

24. Solution: d

 Life expectancy is one of the factors in measuring the Human Development Index (HDI)
of each nation, along with adult literacy, education, and standard of living.
 Life expectancy is also used in describing the physical quality of life of an area.
Disparities in life expectancy are often cited as demonstrating the need for better
medical care or increased social support.
 Life expectancies are also used when determining the value of a life settlement, a life
insurance policy sold for a cash asset.

25. Solution: d

These animals quickly swallow the grass and store it in a separate part of the stomach called rumen.
Here the food gets partially digested and is called cud. But cud later the cud returns to the mouth in
small lumps and the animal chews it. This process is called rumination and rumination

these animals are called ruminants. Ruminants.

The grass is rich in cellulose, a type of carbohydrate. Many animals, including humans, cannot digest
cellulose. Ruminants have a large sac-like structure between the small intestine and large intestine.

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The cellulose of the food is digested here by the action of certain bacteria which are not present in

NCERT Science class VII chapter 2

26. Solution: c both are incorrect.

 During the day, the land gets heated faster than the water. The air over the land becomes
hotter and rises up. The cooler air from the sea rushes in towards the land to take its place.
The warm air from the land moves towards the sea to complete the cycle. The air from the
sea is called the sea breeze.
 At night it is exactly the reverse. The water cools down more slowly than the land. So, the
cool air from the land moves towards the sea. This is called the land breeze.

NCERT science class VII chapter 4

27. Solution: d

NCERT class VII chapter 14

A fuse interrupts excessive current (blows) so that further damage by overheating or fire is
prevented. Wiring regulations often define a maximum fuse current rating for particular circuits.
Overcurrent protection devices are essential in electrical systems to limit threats to human life and
property damage

The fuse element is made of zinc, copper, silver, aluminum, or alloys to provide stable and
predictable characteristics. The fuse ideally would carry its rated current indefinitely, and melt
quickly on a small excess. The element must not be damaged by minor harmless surges of current,
and must not oxidize or change its behavior after possibly years of service

28. Solution: d

 Permanent winds – The trade winds, westerlies and easterlies are the permanent winds. These
blow constantly throughout the year in a particular direction.
 Seasonal winds – These winds change their direction in different seasons. For example
monsoons in India.
 Local winds – These blow only during a particular period of the day or year in a small area. For
example, land and sea breeze. Do you recall the hot and dry local wind of northern planes of
India? It is called loo.

29. Solution: a

There are three types of mountains- Fold Mountains, Block Mountains and the Volcanic Mountains.
The Himalayan Mountains and the Alps are young fold mountains with rugged relief and high conical

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The Aravali range in India is one of the oldest fold mountain systems in the world.

Block Mountains are created when large areas are broken and displaced vertically. The uplifted
blocks are termed as horsts and the lowered blocks are called graben. The Rhine valley and the
Vosges mountain in Europe are examples of such mountain systems. Locate them on the world map
in the atlas and find out some more examples of this type of landforms.

30. Solution: c

The ashvamedha or horse sacrifice was one such ritual. A horse was let loose to wander freely and it
was guarded by the raja‟s men.

If the horse wandered into the kingdoms of other rajas and they stopped it, they had to fight.

If they allowed the horse to pass, it meant that they accepted that the raja who wanted to perform
the sacrifice was stronger than them.

These rajas were then invited to the sacrifice, which was performed by specially trained priests, who
were rewarded with gifts. The raja who organised the sacrifice was recognised as being very
powerful, and all those who came brought gifts for him.

31. Solution: a


32. Solution: c

 Comet - A comet is a relatively small solar system body that orbits the Sun. When close
enough to the Sun they display a visible coma (a fuzzy outline or atmosphere due to solar
radiation) and sometimes a tail.
 Asteroid - Asteroids are small solar system bodies that orbit the Sun. Made of rock and
metal, they can also contain organic compounds. Asteroids are similar to comets but do not
have a visible coma (fuzzy outline and tail) like comets do.
 Meteoroid - A meteoroid is a small rock or particle of debris in our solar system. They range
in size from dust to around 10 metres in diameter (larger objects are usually referred to as
 Meteor - A meteoroid that burns up as it passes through the Earth‟s atmosphere is known
as a meteor. If you‟ve ever looked up at the sky at night and seen a streak of light or
„shooting star‟ what you are actually seeing is a meteor.
 Meteorite - A meteoroid that survives falling through the Earth‟s atmosphere and colliding
with the Earth‟s surface is known as a meteorite.

33. Solution: c

Nai Manzil Scheme is an integrated Education and Livelihood Initiative for the Minority
Communities. The scheme aims to benefit the minority youths who are school-dropouts or educated
in the community education institutions like Madrasas, by providing them an integral input of formal

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education (up till Class VIII or X) and skill training along with certification. This will enable them to
seek better employment in the organised sector and equipping them with better lives. The scheme
covers the entire country.

34. Solution: b

President Pranab Mukherjee has recently launched Akashvani Maitree channel at Raj Bhawan in
Kolkata, West Bengal for Bengali listeners. The channel is a unique venture of All India Radio (AIR)
and is aimed to strengthen cultural, economic, political & emotional bonding ties between India and
Bangladesh. It will be a common platform for blending content both from India and Bangladesh and
preserving Bengali culture. The channel will be broadcast from a state-of-the-art brand new high
power 1000Kw DRM transmitter with a capacity to reach the entire length and breadth of
Bangladesh through medium wave and will be also available globally on its website and mobile app.

35. Solution: c

ICICI bank has launched SMART VAULT.


36. Solution b

It is smallest insect in the world. Dimension : 0.16 mm


37. Solution: c

NAVIC (Navigation with Indian Constellation), India’s indigenous global navigation satellite system, is
expected to become fully operational from August.

With this, India will join a club of global powers—the US, EU, China and Russia—who control their
own navigation satellite systems


38. Solution: d

Masala Bonds are rupee-denominated bonds sold by Indian entities in the overseas market.

As of right now, these bonds are being traded at the London Stock Exchange.

Masala bonds were named so by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), an arm of the World
Bank after it issued rupee denominated bonds worth Rs. 1000 crore to fund infrastructure projects.


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39. Solution: c

40. Solution: a

The Atacama Desert is a plateau in South America, covering a 1,000-kilometre strip of land on the
Pacific coast, west of the Andes mountains. It is the driest non-polar desert in the world.

The Great Victoria Desert, an interim Australian bioregion, is a sparsely populated desert area in
Western Australia and South Australia.

41. Solution: c

 Nitrogen (N2) 78.084

 Oxygen (O2) 20.946
 Argon (Ar) 0.934
 Neon (Ne) 0.0018
 Helium (He) 0.000524
 methane (CH4) 0.0002
 krypton (Kr) 0.000114
 hydrogen (H2) 0.00005
 nitrous oxide (N2O) 0.00005
 xenon (Xe) 0.0000087

The uniformity of composition is maintained by mixing associated with atmospheric motions; but,
above a height of about 90 km (55 miles), diffusional processes become more important than
mixing, and the lighter gases (hydrogen and helium, in particular) are more abundant above that
level. Of the gases present in variable concentrations, water vapour, ozone, carbon dioxide, sulfur
dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide are of principal importance.

42. Solution c
Reference: NCERT VI - Science chapter 2
1. Beriberi : Weak muscles and very little energy to work
2. Scurvy : Bleeding gums, wounds take longer time to heal
3. Rickets : Bones become soft and bent
4. Gioter : Glands in the neck appear swollen , mental disability in children

43. Solution b
Reference: NCERT VI - Science chapter 3
Jute fibre is obtained from the stem of the jute plant.

44. Solution: d
Mountain Forests : These trees are called coniferous trees. Chir, Pine and Deodar are important
trees of these forests.

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Thorny Bushes : Cactus, khair, babool, keekar are important and are found in the states of
Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Eastern slopes of Western Ghats and Gujarat.
Sundari is a well-known species of trees in mangrove forests after which Sunderbans have been
Tropical Deciduous Forests Important trees of these forests are Sal, Teak, Peepal, Neem And

45. Solution: a
Sandstone is a sedimentary rock formed by sedimentation of sand grains.

46 Solution: d.

 The crops grown in the winter season are called Rabi crops. Their time period is generally
from October to March. Examples of Rabi crops are wheat, gram, pea, mustard and linseed.

 The crops which are sown in the rainy season are called Kharif crops. The rainy season in
India is generally from June to September. Paddy, maize, soybean, groundnut, cotton, etc.,
are Kharif crops.

47. Solution: c

Wheat: Wheat requires moderate temperature and rainfall during growing season and bright
sunshine at the time of harvest. It thrives best in well drained loamy soil. In India it is grown in

48. Solution: d, All options are correct.

A sunrise industry is one that is new or relatively new, is growing fast and is expected to become
important in the future.

49. Solution: b
The stupa at Saranath was built to mark the place where the Buddha first taught his message.

50. Solution: a

The indented coastline as given in the figure below helps in two ways. One, it provides natural
sideways protection for the ships if they harbour there. And two, due to its shape, less cost would
have to be incurred even if artificial ports are to made there.

51. Solution: d

In the northern part of the country, the village headman was known as the Grama Bhojaka. Usually,
men from the same family held the position for generations. In other words, the post was
hereditary. The Grama Bhojaka was often the largest landowner.

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Generally, he had slaves and hired workers to cultivate the land. Besides, as he was powerful, the
king often used him to collect taxes from the village.

He also functioned as a judge, and sometimes as a policeman. Apart from the Gramabhojaka, there
were other independent farmers, known as Grihapatis, most of whom were smaller landowners.
And then there were men and women such as the Dasa Karmakara, who did not own land, and had
to earn a living working on the fields owned by others. In most villages there were also some crafts
persons such as the blacksmith, potter, carpenter and weaver.

52. Solution: d

Refer page 107, NCERT Class VI History Book.

53. Solution: a

 A famous Tamil epic, the Silappadikaram, was composed by a poet named ILANGO, around
1800 years ago.
 It is the story of a merchant named Kovalan, who lived in Puhar and fell in love with a
courtesan named Madhavi, neglecting his wife Kannagi.
 Later, he and Kannagi left Puhar and went to Madurai, where he was wrongly accused of
theft by the court jeweller of the Pandya king. The king sentenced Kovalan to death.
 Kannagi, who still loved him, was full of grief and anger at this injustice, and destroyed the
entire city of Madurai.
 Another Tamil epic, the Manimekalai was composed by Sattanar around 1400 years ago.
 This describes the story of the daughter of Kovalan and Madhavi. These beautiful
compositions were lost to scholars for many centuries, till their manuscripts were
rediscovered, about a hundred years ago.

54. Solution: a

The Labrador Ocean current is cold current while the Gulf Stream is a warm current.

 Ocean currents are streams of water flowing constantly on the ocean surface in definite
directions. The ocean currents may be warm or cold Generally, the warm ocean currents
originate near the equator and move towards the poles.
 The cold currents carry water from polar or higher latitudes to tropical or lower latitudes.
 The Labrador Ocean current is cold current while the Gulf Stream is a warm current.
 The ocean current influence the temperature conditions of the area.
 Warm currents bring about warm temperature over land surface. The areas where the warm
and cold currents meet provide the best fishing grounds of the world. Seas around Japan
and the eastern coast of North America are such examples. The areas where a warm and
cold current meet also experience foggy weather making it difficult for navigation

55. Solution: c

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Troposphere: This layer is the most important layer of the atmosphere. Its average height is 13 km.
The air we breathe exists here. Almost all the weather phenomena like rainfall, fog and hailstorm
occur in this layer.

Stratosphere: Above the troposphere lies the stratosphere. It extends up to a height of 50 km. This
layer is almost free from clouds and associated weather phenomenon, making conditions most ideal
for flying aeroplanes. One important feature of stratosphere is that it contains a layer of ozone gas.
We have just learnt how it protects us from the harmful effect of the sun rays.

Mesosphere: This is the third layer of the atmosphere. It lies above the stratosphere. It extends

up to the height of 80 km. Meteorites burn up in this layer on entering from the space.

Thermosphere: In thermosphere temperature rises very rapidly with increasing height. Ionosphere is
a part of this layer. It extends between 80-400 km. This layer helps in radio transmission. In fact,
radio waves transmitted from the earth are reflected back to the earth by this layer.

Exosphere: The upper most layer of the atmosphere is known as exosphere. This layer has very thin
air. Light gases like helium and hydrogen float into the space from here.

56. Solution: c

Patne is in Maharashtra, a large quantities of ostrich egg shells found here gives the evidence that
Ostriches lived in India during the Palaeolithic period.

57. Solution: a

The weather of a place changes day after day and week after week. Rest of the statements are

58. Solution: a

Mauritius is considered a tax haven, but it has signed DTAAs with several nations. Hence, statement
3 is incorrect.

The term ‘tax haven’ has been widely used since the 1950s. However,there is no precise definition of
the term. Mauritius, Cayman Islands etc are counted as Tax havens.

Some common characteristics are: typically small countries/ jurisdictions, with low or nil taxation for
foreigners who decide to come and settle there Offer strong confidentiality or secrecy regarding
wealth and accounts, makingthem very attractive locations for safe keeping of unaccounted wealth
offer a very liberal regulatory environment and allow opaque existence, where an entity can easily
be set up without indulging in any meaningful commercial activity and yet claim to be a genuine
business unit, merely by getting itself incorporated or registered in that jurisdiction.

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59. Solution: b

In 1860s, when railway lines were being laid down for the first time in the Punjab, engineers
stumbled upon the site of Harappa in present-day Pakistan. Then, in 1930s archaeologists found the
site, and realised that this was one of the oldest cities in the subcontinent. As this was the first city
to be discovered, all other sites from where similar buildings (and other things) were found were
described as Harappan.

60. Solution: d

Statement 1 is incorrect as there were women composers. NCERT says “Most of the hymns were
composed, taught and learnt by men. A few were composed by women.”

Statement 2 is also incorrect as there were women thinkers like Gargi who was famous for her
learning, and participated in debates held in royal courts. However, most Upanishadic thinkers were
men, especially brahmins and rajas.

61. Solution: d

All options are correct.


62. Solution: a

The Aadi Perukku festival, the thanksgiving festival to rivers, has celebrated with traditional gaiety in
Tamil Nadu. The festival is celebrated on 18th of Aadi month in Tamil calendar year in gratitude to
water bodies especially Cauvery river. The Cauvery River, the lifeline of delta farmers, is worshipped
with traditional gaiety in Salem Erode Trichy and Thanjavur. The river is considered as the bride and
the Sea bridegroom and rituals are conducted with great fanfare in delta region including

63. Solution: b

 Commercial surrogacy will be banned.

 Unmarried couples, single parents can not have kids through surrogacy.
 Foreigners and OCI card holders barred from surrogacy.
 Only legally wedded couple can have kids through surrogacy.


64. Solution: c

The traditional farm festival of Hareli has celebrated in Chhattisgarh. The festival marks the
beginning of Shravan month (the holy month of Hindus). The farmers across the state worship their
equipments and cows on this festival. During this festival, the Goddess ‘Kutki Dai’ is the presiding
deity worshiped for good crops. The day also marks the beginning of famous Bastar Dussehra

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Mahaparv, a 75-day unique festival of tribal heartland of Chhattisgarh. The unique rituals of this
more than 500- year-old festival creates bonhomie between people in the region.

65. Solution c

The Maharashtra Government has recently launched “Quit India 2-from Swaraaj to Suraaj” initiative
at the historic August Kranti Maidan (or Gowalia Tank ) in Mumbai to mark the Platinum Jubilee
celebration of the 1942 Quit India Movement.

The initiative would emphasize on freedom from illiteracy, farmer suicide, wastage of water,
addiction among youth and corruption.

The August Kranti Maidan is the same park where Mahatma Gandhi launched the movement of
disobedience on August 8 ,1942 and gave the clarion call of ‘Do or Die’ for independence from

66. Solution d

The world’s first hack-proof quantum communication satellite will be launched by China, which
boasts of hack-proof ultra high security features to prevent wiretapping and intercepts. The
quantum key technology boasts ultra-high security as a photon can be neither separated nor
duplicated, so it is impossible to wiretap or intercept the information transmitting through it.

67. Solution: c

The Union government has recently launched Accessible E-Library ‘Sugamya Pustakalaya’ for
Divyang in New Delhi under Prime Minister’s Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan. It is an online library for
Divyang and houses publications across diverse subjects and languages and multiple accessible
formats. The books are available in Accessible formats for people with visual impairment and other
print disabilities. Over 2 lakhs books in diverse languages will be there. The online library has been
created in collaboration with National Institute of Visually Handicapped, member organisations of
Daisy Forum of India and Bookshare.

68. Solution: c

 UPI is a payment system that allows money transfer between any two bank accounts by
using a smartphone.
 UPI allows a customer to pay directly from a bank account to different merchants, both
online and offline, without the hassle of typing credit card details, IFSC code, or net
banking/wallet passwords.



69. Solution: d

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 The main crop is paddy since cultivation of paddy requires sufficient water, it is grown in the
areas where the amount of rainfall is high.
 Wheat, maize, sorghum, gram and millets are the other crops that are grown.
 Cash crops like sugarcane and jute are also grown. Banana plantations are seen in some
areas of the plain. In West Bengal and Assam tea is grown in plantations.
 Silk is produced through the cultivation of silk worms in parts of Bihar and Assam

70. Solution: a

Plants absorb mineral nutrients and water from the soil. Not all the water absorbed is utilised by the
plant. The water evaporates through the stomata present on the surface of the leaves by the process
of transpiration. The evaporation of water from leaves generates a suction pull (the same that you
produce when you suck water through a straw) which can pull water to great heights in the tall
trees. Transpiration also cools the plant.

71. Solution: d

Self explanatory

72. Solution: a

The effect of an acid can be neutralized using a base.

73. Solution: a

Refer to http://www.instructables.com/id/Oral-Rehydration-Salts-ORS/

74. Solution: a

Refer to sec 1.2 chapter 1 – class 7th Science NCERT

75. Solution: a

Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, or SpaceX, is a space transport services company

headquartered in Hawthorne, California. It was founded in 2002 by former PayPal entrepreneur and
Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk. SpaceX was founded with the goal of reducing space transportation
costs and enabling the colonization of Mars. It has developed the Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 launch
vehicles, both of which were designed from conception to eventually become reusable. SpaceX also
developed the Dragon spacecraft, which are flown into orbit by the Falcon 9 launch vehicle, initially
transporting cargo and later planned to carry humans to the International Space Station and other

In 2006, NASA awarded the company a Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) contract
to design and demonstrate a launch system to resupply cargo to the International Space Station
(ISS). SpaceX has since flown four missions to the ISS.

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76. Solution: d

Self-explanatory. Refer to page no. 22 – Structure of atmosphere – Chapter 4- NCERT Geo class 7th
for more related details.

77. Solution: d

While nitrogen is used by plants for making food, they do not obtain it directly from atmosphere.
Certain bacteria fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and make it available to the plants in the form of
nitrate etc. Hydrogen and oxygen from the atmosphere are not used in making food.

78. Solution: c

 Albedo is the reflectivity of a surface. The more ice is there on the earth, the more it will
reflect sunrays as white ice is a good reflector. Therefore, albedo will decrease. So the
temperature of the earth will increase.
 This and the melting of the snow will cause an expansion in the volume of sea water leading
to the flooding of the coastal areas.
 Floods and drought will become more severe and frequent in certain pockets of the world.
This is because some regions will become hotter than usual. They will experience either
more intense rain leading to floods or more intense evaporation leading to hydrological
 Such disturbance in the local weather, and climate later on, will disturb the local
environment. This will create problems for the species which will find it tough to adapt to
the sudden changing environment; flood; drought; high temperature; changing flora etc.
Some of them may go extinct too.

79. Solution: d

Continental crust is less denser than ocean crust as the later is made of basaltic rocks. The main
constituents of the former are Silica and Aluminium; and that of the later are Silica and Magnesium.

80. Solution: a

Anaerobic respiration plays a major role in the global nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon cycles through
the reduction of the oxyanions of nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon to more-reduced compounds.
Dissimilatory denitrification is the main route by which biologically fixednitrogen is returned to
the atmosphere as molecular nitrogen gas. Hydrogen sulfide, a product of sulfate respiration, is
a potentneurotoxin and responsible for the characteristic 'rotten egg' smell of brackish swamps.

81. Solution: b

Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediments (broken from a rock) are deposited and consolidated
under pressure or temperature or in other ways. Only igneous rocks can be directly formed from
magma, not sedimentary rocks.

82. Solution: c

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 Sediment load has to do with formation of floodplains and levees.

 This is how an ox-bow lake is formed.
 As the river enters the plain it twists and turns forming large bends known as meanders. Due
to continuous erosion and deposition along the sides of the meander, the ends of the
meander loop come closer and closer. In due course of time the meander loop cuts off from
the river and forms a cut-off lake, also called an ox-bow lake.

83. Solution: a

 The process of taking out minerals from rocks buried under the earth’s surface is called
mining. Minerals that lie at shallow depths are taken out by removing the surface layer; this
is known as open-castmining.
 Deep bores, called shafts, have to be made to reach mineral deposits that lie at great
 This is called shaft mining. Petroleum and natural gas occur far below the earth’s surface.
 Deep wells are bored to take them out, this is called drilling. Minerals that lie near the
surface are simply dug out, by the process known as quarrying.

84. Solution: d

The Rajya Sabha can also initiate legislation. The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected (not
nominated) by the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of various states.

85. Solution: d

Agro based industries use plant and animal based products as their raw materials. Food processing,
vegetable oil, cotton textile, dairy products and leather industries are examples of agro-based

86. Solution: a

On 21st June, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun. The rays of the sun fall directly on
the Tropic of Cancer. As a result, these areas receive more heat. The areas near the poles receive

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less heat as the rays of the sun are slanting. The North Pole is inclined towards the sun and the
places beyond the Arctic Circle experience continuous daylight for about six months.

Since a large portion of the Northern Hemisphere is getting light from the sun, it is summer in the
regions north of the equator. The longest day and the shortest night at these places occur on 21st
June. At this time in the Southern Hemisphere all these conditions are reversed. It is winter season
there. The nights are longer than the days. This position of the earth is called the Summer Solstice.

On 22nd December, the Tropic of Capricorn receives direct rays of the sun as the South Pole tilts
towards it. As the sun’s rays fall vertically at the Tropic of Capricorn (23½° S), a larger portion of the
Southern Hemisphere gets light. Therefore, it is summer in the Southern Hemisphere with longer
days and shorter nights. The reverse happens in the Northern Hemisphere. This position of the earth
is called the Winter Solstice. For this reason, Christmas is celebrated in Australia in the summer

87. Solution: a

Unlike parallels of latitude, all meridians are of equal length. Thus, it was difficult to number the
meridians. Hence, all countries decided that the count should begin from the meridian which passed
through Greenwich, where the British Royal Observatory is located. This meridian is called the Prime
Meridian. Its value is 0° longitude and from it we count 180°

eastward as well as 180° westward. The Prime Meridian divides the earth into two equal halves, the
Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere. Therefore, the longitude of a place is followed by
the letter E for the east and W for the west. It is, however, interesting to note that 180° East and
180° West meridians are on the same line.

88. Solution: a

Most planets also rotate on their axes (as well as revolve) in an anti-clockwise direction, but Venus
rotates clockwise (called "retrograde" rotation) once every 243 Earth days.

89. Solution: d

In India, production of sugar from Sugarcane mostly takes place at Cooperative Sugar Mills owned by
local Farmers The Shareholders include all farmers, small and large, supplying sugarcane to the mill.
Amul is an Indian dairy cooperative, based at Anand in the state of Gujarat, India. Amul spurred
India's White Revolution, which made the country the world's largest producer of milk and milk
products. In the process Amul became the largest food brand in India and has ventured into markets

Both rural and urban cooperative banks exist which help the marginalized sections.

90. Solution: b

 Continentality means that the more a place is surrounded by land, the more extreme its
weather will be .Because land heats faster as compared to sea.

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 Opposed to this, closeness to the sea moderates weather. Because in the day the sea heats
slower than land. This cool sea breeze blows across the land thus reducing the day
 In the night the sea cools down slower. And the exact opposite happens.
 This keeps the temperature moderate.

91. Solution: c

Lakshadweep is a coral island. The Sundarbans is a natural region in Bengal. It is the largest single
block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world.

92. Solution: d

All statements are correct.

93. Solution: d

 NIDHI (National Initiative for Development and Harnessing Innovations) is an umbrella

programme pioneered by the Department of Science and Technology
 It works towards nurturing knowledge-based and technology-driven ideas and innovations
into successful start-ups.
 It also aims to provide technological solutions to the pressing needs of the society and
create new avenues for wealth and job creation.
 NIDHI, by design connects and strengthens all the links of the innovation chain- scouting,
sustaining, securing, scaling and showcasing.
 The key stakeholders of NIDHI includes various departments and ministries of the central
government, state governments, academic and R & D institutions, mentors, financial
institutions, angel investors, venture capitalists, industry champions and private sectors.
 Components of NIDHI that support each stage of a budding start-up are: PRAYAS (Promoting
and Accelerating Young and Aspiring Innovators & Start- ups), which aims to support
innovators to build prototypes of their ideas by providing a grant up to Rs.10 lakhs and an
access to Fabrication Laboratory (Fab Lab).
 The Seed Support System which provides up to One Crore rupees per start-up and is
implemented through Technology Business Incubators. With a view to drive the innovation
and start-up centric new initiatives in a scaled up manner for its wider outreach across the
country, a 450% increase in allocation (Rs. 180 crores) has been made in the Department’s

94. Solution: a


Why in news? It is the country's first-ever hotline to curb sexual abuse of children through the
Internet and to remove child pornographic content online unveiled.

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 About initiative Aim: To eliminate the scourge of online child pornography and further the
cause of child protection in online spaces.
 It is a network of organizations and individuals working on child protection in the country,
has collaborated with the U.K.-based Internet Watch Foundation (IWF).
 The hotline in India will be hosted on aarambhindia.org and will enable users to report child
sexual abuse images and videos in a safe and anonymous environment.
 It is a simple, accessible form (available in Hindi & English) that any informed user who
stumbles across sexually explicit imagery of a child on the public internet can use to report
the content. Latter it will be started in other languages.

95. Solution: d

You can easily know that Stone weights were used, because there was a market where goods were
traded. International trade was also in practice.

Jewellery has also been excavated. This tells us that Indus valley people were fashion conscious. Use
of seals was used to depict authority in official transactions. Learning: Archaeologists have found a
set of unique objects in almost all these cities: red pottery painted with designs in black, stone
weights, seals, special beads, copper tools, and long stone blades.

A number of urban amenities like bath structures, pukka houses, drainage system etc were present
in these cities.

96. Solution: b

Explanation: PGW’s discovery suggested that Indus Valley civilization had declined when it was
being used. So, option (a) is wrong. Option (c) is also wrong as Palaeolithic period corresponds to the
earliest periods of human history. PGW was non-existent then. Option (d) is wrong as Bronze age
refers to the period 3000-1300 BCE, whereas PGW refer to 1200-230 BCE also known as Iron age.

97. Solution: d

All are true. Jet planes flying in the sky leave a white trail behind them. The moisture from their
engines condenses. We see trails of this condensed moisture for some time when there is no air
movement to disturb it.

98. Solution: d

During a storm, the winds blowing at very high speed form huge waves. These may cause
tremendous destruction. An earthquake, a volcanic eruption or underwater landslides can shift large
amounts of ocean water. As a result a huge tidal wave called tsunami, that may be as high as 15m., is
formed. The largest tsunami ever measured was 150m. high. These waves travel at a speed of more
than 700 km. per hour. The tsunami of 2004 caused wide spread damage in the coastal areas of
India. The Indira point in the Andaman and Nicobar islands got submerged after the tsunami.

99. Solution: d

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Self explanatory

100. Solution: d

 Telangana is 29th state formed in 2014

 It not only landlocked state.

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