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1. Match the pictures to the words, then, fill in the blanks with the words below:
 1 cup of flour
 1 cup of oats
 1 cup of grated coconut
 ¾ cup of brown sugar

 125 g of butter
 2 tablespoons of honey
 1 teaspoon of baking soda

1. _________________ the oven to 160 degrees.

2. Put the flour into a large bowl. _________________ the oats, coconut and brown sugar. Stir.
3. ________________ the butter in a saucepan and add the golden syrup and two tablespoons of water.
4. _________________ the baking soda in the liquid _________________.
5. Add the two mixtures and _________________.
6. Make the mixture into balls, and put them on a baking tray. _________________ with a fork.
7. Put in the oven and _________________ for 10 minutes.
add mixture ingredients stir pre-heat
mix melt press bake

Vocabulary: Describing food: Circle the correct word in italics:

1. The grapefruit is bitter / sweet / bland.
2. The lemon is bitter / sour / tasteless.
3. When you press the steak and there is blood in it, it is underdone / overdone.
4. What can be defined as stodgy food? An apple or a pudding.
5. When nobody eats the loaf of bread for a week, it becomes – stodgy / stale / rotten.
6. When the milk is off it is delicious or revolting.
Fill in with
some, any, little, a few, how much, how many, much, many, a lot of.
1. There are _________________ apples in the basket but there aren’t _________________ oranges.
2. _________________ bread do you need for the lunch?
3. There isn’t _________________ milk left. Actually it’s very _________________ I should buy some.
4. The concert finished and everybody has gone home. There are only _________________ people left.
5. _________________ potatoes should I put in the soup?
6. There is _________________ fruit in the fridge. But there aren’t _________________ vegetables. Only
some carrots.

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