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Access to password-protected ATP Internet sites

Dear ATP-EMTP-user,

upon this receipt of the license confirmation you have been registered at our website, and should have received an email and a password. When first entering
the website, please log-in via the following menu:

You will be requested to redefine your preliminary password with your own unique
password, and you can add personal information in your profile.

Depending on your access level (licensed ATP-EMTP user, or additionally member of

EEUG) you have different view of the website. In either case you should see the download
area in the following menu:

Depending of the actual state you will see the list of folders with downloadable programs,
documents etc. like shown on the next page.

Please select the folder you need to download materials, depending on your needs.

European EMTP‐ATP User Group e.V. 2016 

Japanese ATP User Group secure WWW site:

Please find below the password and access information for Japanese ATP User Group
secure WWW site related to ATP-EMTP. This information must be kept secret. Please
note that the password is changed from time to time.

Host name:

UserID: JAUGuser
Password: ATPmoon (CaSe sensitive!)

This site is maintained by Dr. Tsuyoshi Funaki of Osaka University.

European EMTP‐ATP User Group e.V. 2016 

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