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Bachelor of Science (Honours), Queen’s University, 2003

Master of Science, The University of British Columbia, 2005






(Geological Sciences)



November 2013

© Adam Thomas Simmons, 2013

A geological investigation of the of the Paleocene-Eocene Cu-Mo porphyry belt of
southern Peru was undertaken at the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry system with complimentary
work completed at the Cuajone and Toquepala mines. This work adds to the understanding of
the formation and evolution of igneous systems associated with Cu-Mo porphyry formation in
an understudied but economically significant copper source globally.

The Quellaveco Igneous Complex is composed of at least five phases of porphyritic

intrusions which were emplaced into a slightly older equigranular granodiorite batholith and
Late Cretaceous Toquepala Group volcanic rocks. These intrusions were emplaced from
approximately 58Ma to 53Ma. The intrusions with the closest temporal and spatial association
to copper may have been emplaced in as short a timespan as approximately 1.5m.y. These
time periods and time spans are almost identical to those for the emplacement of the igneous
systems at Cuajone and Toquepala. At Quellaveco, zircon mineral chemistry indicates that the
igneous systems associated with porphyry copper formation are different to those not
associated with porphyry copper formation. Geochemical disruptions, flat to cup shaped Eu/Eu*
anomalies and rapid changes in temperature of formation of the zircons with their growth are
indicative of zircons from the porphyry intrusions from Quellaveco. It is postulated that these
geochemical signatures may indicate that intrusions associated with the formation of the
hydrothermal systems are derived from fractionating and cooling magmatic systems which
remained relatively oxidized and were subject to periodic geochemical disturbance. The
geochemical disturbances may reflect a dynamic deeper magmatic system where magma
mixing, replenishment and scouring of wall rock took place. At Quellaveco, each of the
porphyritic intrusions are temporally related with a hydrothermal system. Each hydrothermal
system is an evolution of mineral assemblages in veins from biotite-magnetite-chalcopyrite rich
veins to quartz-sulphide rich veins to quartz vein with quartz-sericite selvages. This sequence of
vein evolution repeats itself at Quellaveco at least four times. Each hydrothermal system occurs
immediately after the emplacement of at least five porphyry intrusion suites.

The dissertation is original, independent work by the author, A. Simmons. Components of
Chapter 6 has been published by the author A. Simmons in Economic Geology (2013), v. 108,
no. 4, p. 625-639. The dissertation is based on fieldwork and laboratory work conducted solely
by the author, A. Simmons.

Table of Contents

Abstract ................................................................................................................. ii
Preface ................................................................................................................. iv
Table of Contents .................................................................................................. iv
List of Tables........................................................................................................ viii
List of Figures ........................................................................................................ x
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................xii

Chapter 1: General Introduction............................................................................... 1

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1
Hypothesis and Question.................................................................................... 1
Objectives.............................................................................................................. 4
Geological Setting................................................................................................... 5
Metallogenic Setting ........................................................................................ 11
Exploration History ............................................................................................... 12
Previous Work ...................................................................................................... 13
Methodology ........................................................................................................ 14
Mapping Style and Techniques ......................................................................... 14
Presentation......................................................................................................... 19

Chapter 2: Geochronology and Evolution of Paleocene Igneous Rocks and Associated

Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits, Quellaveco, Southern Peru.............................................. 23
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 23
Previous Work ................................................................................................. 26
Tectonic Framework and Regional Geological Context.............................................. 27
Techniques and Methods....................................................................................... 29
Geology and Geochronology of Quellaveco ............................................................. 31
Toquepala Group............................................................................................. 31
Regional Granodiorite Batholith......................................................................... 32
Quellaveco Porphyry Intrusion Complex............................................................. 33
Earliest Porphyry (ca. 57.5-58.5 Ma) ............................................................ 42
Early Porphyry (ca. 56.5-57 Ma) .................................................................. 44
Intermineral Porphyry (ca. 56-56.5 Ma)........................................................ 44
Monzodiorite Porphyries (ca. 55.5-56.5 Ma) .................................................. 49
Dacite Dykes (ca. 54.5-56 Ma)..................................................................... 49
Late Porphyries (ca. 53-55 Ma).................................................................... 50
Discussion............................................................................................................ 51
Timing of the Quellaveco Intrusive Complex ...................................................... 51
Longevity of System Compared to Other Deposits Globally.................................. 54
Paleocene-Eocene Metallogenic Epoch............................................................... 55
Conclusions.......................................................................................................... 58

Chapter 3: Petrogenesis of Porphyry Intrusive Complexes Associated with Paleocene
Porphyry Cu-Mo Style Mineralization; A Zircon Mineral Chemistry Perspective ............ 59
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 59
Analytical Procedures ............................................................................................ 62
Tectonic Setting and Geology of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo Deposit ................................ 64
Zircon Geochemistry ............................................................................................. 67
Toquepala Group............................................................................................. 75
Pre-Bulk Porphyry Cu-Mo Batholithic and Porphyry Intrusive Units ....................... 80
“Syn”-Mineral Intrusions................................................................................... 86
Late Porphyry Units and Dykes ......................................................................... 92
Zircon Chemistry Changes with Time................................................................. 96
Fertile vs Non-Fertile System Identification .......................................................100
Magma Contamination Sources........................................................................101
Oxidation State ..............................................................................................103

Chapter 4: Geochemistry of the Quellaveco Igneous Complex (QIC) in the Southern

Peruvian Paleocene-Eocene Porphyry Cu Belt.........................................................107
Introduction ........................................................................................................107
Geology of Quellaveco .........................................................................................109
Analytical Methods and Rational............................................................................114
Results ...............................................................................................................115
Lithogeochmisty of the QIC Igneous Rocks .......................................................115
Pre-Mineral Rocks......................................................................................115
Major Elements ....................................................................................119
Minor Elements, Trace Elements and REE’s .............................................121
Syn-Mineral Porphyritic Rocks.....................................................................124
Major Elements ....................................................................................125
Minor Elements, Trace Elements and REE’s .............................................127
Post-Mineral Porphyritic Rocks ....................................................................132
Major Elements ....................................................................................132
Minor Elements, Trace Elements and REE’s .............................................135
Geochemical Evolution .........................................................................................139
Implications of REE Patterns............................................................................141
Adakite Geochemistry; What Does it Mean? ......................................................142
Geochemical Evolution of the QIC ....................................................................142

Chapter 5: Vein Paragenesis and Timing of Hydrothermal Mineralization and Alteration

Distribution Associated with Porphyry Cu-Mo Style Mineralization, Quellaveco, Southern
Peru: Evidence for Multiple Overprinting Systems ...................................................144
Introduction ........................................................................................................144
Geology of Quellaveco .........................................................................................147
Vein Description and Timing .................................................................................152
Methods ........................................................................................................152
Vein Descriptions............................................................................................153
Veins in Post-Mineral Porphyry ...................................................................153
Veins in Late Porphyry ...............................................................................156
Veins in Monzodiorite Porphyry...................................................................158
Veins in Intermineral Porphyry ...................................................................163
Veins in Early Porphyry ..............................................................................166
Veins in Earliest Porphyry...........................................................................171
Veins in Granodiorite (Cut by Early Porphyries) ............................................173
Quellaveco Vein Type Classification..................................................................175
Early Biotite Veins (EB Veins) .....................................................................176
Molybdenite-Quartz Veins (MoQ Veins)........................................................176
Magnetite-Chalcopyrite Net-Texture Veins (MCN Veins) ................................177
Late Biotite Veins (LB Veins).......................................................................179
Early Quartz-Sulphide Veins (eQS Veins) .....................................................179
Sulphide Veins (S Veins) ............................................................................180
Molybdenite-Bearing Quartz Veins (QSMo Veins)..........................................181
Late Quartz Sulphide Veins (lQS Veins) .......................................................182
Quartz-Sulphide Veins with Quartz-Sericite Selvages (D Veins) ......................183
Hypogene Alteration Distribution......................................................................185
Paragenetic Model ..........................................................................................186
Hydrothermal Fluid Pulses ...............................................................................194

Chapter 6: Punctuated Magmatism Associated with Porphyry Cu-Mo Formation in the

Paleocene to Eocene of Southern Peru ..................................................................198
Introduction ........................................................................................................198
U-Pb Zircon SHRIMP-RG Techniques .....................................................................201
Zircon Separation Procedure............................................................................201
Cathodolumisence ..........................................................................................201
SHRIMP-RG U-PB Analysis Technique ...............................................................202
Tectonics and District Geology ..............................................................................203
Results ...............................................................................................................206
Regional Granodiorite ................................................................................208
Pre-Mineral Diorite.....................................................................................208
Latite Porphyry 1 (LP1) ..............................................................................213
Latite Porphyry 2 (BLP) ..............................................................................213
Intrusive Andesite .....................................................................................214
Latite Porphyry 3 (LP3) ..............................................................................214
Regional Granodiorite ................................................................................215
Dacite Porphyry.........................................................................................217
Dacite Agglomerate ...................................................................................217
Latite Porphyry..........................................................................................217
Timing of Porphyry Cu-Mo Formation ...............................................................222
Magmatic Events Associated with Porphyry Cu Formation in Southern Peru .........226
The Paleocene-Eocene Metallogenic Belt ..........................................................226

Chapter 7: Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Research.........................228

Introduction ........................................................................................................228
Impact of Work ...................................................................................................229
Regional Geology and Geochronology...............................................................230
Geology and Geochronology of Quellaveco Igneous Rocks .................................233
Petrochemistry and Zircon Chemistry of Quellaveco Igneous Rocks.....................235
Vein and Hydrothermal History of Quellaveco ...................................................237
Recommendations for Future Work .......................................................................241

Bibliography ........................................................................................................243

Appendix 1: Geochronologic Results of Intrusive and Extrusive Rocks and Hydrothermal

U-Pb Sensitive High Resolution Ion Micro Probe Reverse Geometry (SHRIMP) Zircon
Geochronology ....................................................................................................260
Methodology ..................................................................................................260
Rocks from Quellaveco....................................................................................260
Rocks from Cuajone........................................................................................266
Rocks from Toquepala ....................................................................................268
Ar/39Ar Geochronology.......................................................................................270
Ar/39Ar Samples Not Used in Thesis ...............................................................271
Appendix 2: Sample Description and Locations.......................................................280
Appendix 3: Geochemistry Analytical Methods........................................................294
Collection, Crushing and Analytical Methods...........................................................294
Duplicates and Standards .....................................................................................295
Appendix 4: Veins Recorded to Cut Intrusive Contacts ............................................298
Appendix 5: Zircon Geochemistry Data ..................................................................302

List of Tables

Chapter 1
Table 1-1: Summary of textural and mineralogical differences between porphyry suites
at Quellaveco ....................................................................................................... 10

Chapter 2
Table 2-1: Previous geochronology from southern Peru Paleocene-Eocene Cu belt ..... 26
Table 2-2: Summary of geochronology from the study area ..................................... 32
Table 2-3: U-Pb SHRIMP-RG zircon analytical data for samples from the study area ... 38
Table 2-4: Summary of textural and mineralogical differences between porphyry suites
at Quellaveco................................................................................................. 45

Chapter 3
Table 3-1: Elements and masses analyzed for zircon trace element routines on the
SHRIMP-RG.......................................................................................................... 65
Table 3-2: U-Pb zircon ages and zircon trace element acquisition techniques ............. 70
Table 3-3: Summary of textural and mineralogical differences between porphyry suites
at Quellaveco ....................................................................................................... 82

Chapter 4
Table 4-1 Summary of textural and mineralogical differences between porphyry suites
at Quellaveco ......................................................................................................113
Table 4-2: Whole rock analytical data for rocks at Quellaveco..................................116

Chapter 5
Table 5-1: Veins within Post Mineral Porphyry suite ................................................154
Table 5-3: Veins within Late mineral porphyry suite................................................156
Table 5-4: Veins within Monzodiorite porphyry suite at various elevations ................159
Table 5-5: Veins within Intermineral porphyry suite at various elevations .................164
Table 5-6: Veins within Early porphyry suite at various elevations............................168
Table 5-7: Veins within Earliest porphyries above 3400m elevation ..........................172
Table 5-8: Veins within Regional Granodiorite above 3400m elevation .....................174
Table 5-9: Vein types and timing relative to porphyry intrusion types.......................177

Chapter 6
Table 6-1: Summary of geochronology results........................................................200
Table 6-2: U-Pb SHRIMP-RG zircon analytical data for samples from Cuajone mine ..212
Table 6-3: U-Pb SHRIMP-RG zircon analytical data for samples from Toquepala mine

Chapter 7
Table 7-1: Geological, textural and petrologic features of porphyritic rocks at
Quellaveco ..........................................................................................................234
Table 7-2: Vein types and timing relative to porphyry intrusion types.......................237

Appendix 1
Table A1-1: 40Ar/39Ar data from samples not used in the thesis ............................278

Appendix 2
Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions ...............................................281

Appendix 3
Table A3-1: Detection limits for major, trace and rare-earth elements at Acme Labs.

Appendix 4
Table A4-1: Veins within Late and Post mineral porphyries (above 3400m)...............298
Table A4-2: Veins within Monzodiorite and younger porphyries (various elevations) ..298
Table A4-3: Veins within Intermineral and younger porphyries (various elevations) ...299
Table A4-4: Veins within Early and younger porphyries (various elevations) .............300
Table A4-5: Veins within Earliest and younger porphyries (above 3400m) ................301

Appendix 5
Table A5-1: Zircon mineral chemistry data U-Pb routine..........................................302
Table A5-2: Zircon mineral chemistry data Trace Element routine ............................319

List of Figures

Chapter 1
Figure 1-1: Location of the Paleocene-Eocene porphyry belt....................................... 3
Figure 1-2: Regional geology of the Quellaveco area ................................................. 7
Figure 1-3: Geology of the Quellaveco deposit .......................................................... 8

Chapter 2
Figure 2-1: Location of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry ........................................... 25
Figure 2-2: Regional geology of the area between Toquepala and Cuajone ............... 28
Figure 2-3: Cu-Mo porphyry belts of the Peruvian and Chilean Andes ........................ 30
Figure 2-4: Geology of Quellaveco ......................................................................... 34
Figure 2-5: U-Pb concordia and weighted mean diagrams from Quellaveco ............... 35
Figure 2-6: Cross section through the Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo deposit ................ 43
Figure 2-7: Plutonic textures, photos and photomicrographs .................................... 46
Figure 2-8: Summary of ages from Quellaveco ........................................................ 52
Figure 2-9: Density distribution plot for all zircons from Quellaveco........................... 57

Chapter 3
Figure 3-1: Location of the Quellaveco project ........................................................ 60
Figure 3-2: Summary of the geochronology from Quellaveco.................................... 66
Figure 3-3: Regional Geology of southern Peru Cu-Mo porphyries ............................. 68
Figure 3-4: Geological map of Quellaveco ............................................................... 69
Figure 3-5: Cathodoluminescence images of zircons from Quellaveco........................ 73
Figure 3-6: Toquepala Group zircon mineral chemistry from the Quellaveco area ....... 76
Figure 3-7: Pre-bulk Cu-Mo mineralization zircon mineral chemistry .......................... 83
Figure 3-8: Syn Cu-Mo mineralization zircon mineral chemistry................................. 88
Figure 3-9: Late-Post Cu-Mo mineralization zircon mineral chemistry......................... 93
Figure 3-10: Zircon grain traverse vectors for pre-, syn- and post-mineral intrusions .. 97

Chapter 4
Figure 4-1: Location of the southern Peruvian Paleocene-Eocene porphyry belt ........108
Figure 4-2: Regional geology of the Quellaveco area ..............................................111
Figure 4-3: Geology of the Quellavco deposit .........................................................112
Figure 4-4: Major element geochemistry of pre-mineral rocks..................................120
Figure 4-5: Trace element geochemistry of pre-mineral rocks..................................122
Figure 4-6: REE geochemistry of pre-mineral rocks.................................................123
Figure 4-7: Major element geochemistry of syn-mineral rocks .................................126
Figure 4-8: Trace element geochemistry of syn-mineral rocks .................................128
Figure 4-9: REE geochemistry of syn-mineral rocks ................................................130
Figure 4-10: Major element geochemistry of post-mineral rocks ..............................134
Figure 4-11: Trace element geochemisty of post-mineral rocks................................136
Figure 4-12: REE geochemistry of post-mineral rocks .............................................138
Figure 4-13: Geochemical evolution of the QIC ......................................................140

Chapter 5
Figure 5-1: Location of Quellaveco ........................................................................146
Figure 5-2: Geology of the Quellaveco area ...........................................................148
Figure 5-3: Geology of Quellaveco ........................................................................150
Figure 5-4: Surface hypogene alteration at Quellaveco ...........................................151
Figure 5-5: Images of veins from Post & Late mineral porphyries ............................155
Figure 5-6: Images of veins from Monzodiorite & Intermineral porphyry intrusions....160
Figure 5-7: Images of veins from Early & Earliest porphyry suites & Regional
Granodiorite ........................................................................................................169
Figure 5-8: Vein/rock cross-cutting relations and alteration paragenesis ...................187
Figure 5-9: Paragenetic model of vein and rock types .............................................191

Chapter 6
Figure 6-1: Location of the Cuajone and Toquepala mines ......................................199
Figure 6-2: Regional geology in the vicinity of the Cuajone and Toquepala mines .....205
Figure 6-3: Geology of Cuajone mine ....................................................................207
Figure 6-4: U-Pb geochronology results from Cuajone ............................................209
Figure 6-5: Photos of intrusive rocks from Cuajone.................................................211
Figure 6-6: Geology of Toquepala .........................................................................216
Figure 6-7: Geochronology results from Toquepala.................................................218
Figure 6-8: Photos of intrusive rocks from Toquepala .............................................220
Figure 6-9: Probability distribution plots for all zircon data from Cuajone and Toquepala
Figure 6-10: Geochronology summary of rocks from Cuajone & Toquepala...............224

Chapter 7
Figure 7-1: Location of major southern Peru porphyry deposits and Paleocene belt ...231
Figure 7-2: Summary of geochronology of intrusive rocks from southern Peru ..........232
Figure 7-3: Typical growth history of a zircon from intrusive rocks at Quellaveco ......236
Figure 7-4: Summary of hydrothermal and vein pulses at Quellaveco .......................238

Appendix 1
Figure A1-1: Plateau and inverse isochron plots from 40Ar/39Ar samples not used in this
thesis .................................................................................................................273

Appendix 3
Figure A3-1: Duplicate analyses (selected elements)...............................................297

There are many people who deserve recognition for all the help that was given to me
during this study and I am likely to forget a few herein and I apologize in advance if I’ve missed

I would like to thank my supervisor, Dick Tosdal, whose input to this thesis was
invaluable. During some down times, he always remained positive and encouraging about
my project and spurred me on. Dick gave me a number of incredible opportunities, which
include geological field trips and an introduction to mining and exploration companies in
Vancouver and world-wide over the course of the last ten years we have been
collaborating during my M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs. These opportunities have enhanced
my understanding of geological processes and created a network of contacts in the
mining/geological world that will remain with me forever. Without Dick none of this would
have been possible. I’d also like to thank my committee members, Jim Mortensen, Kelly
Russell and Ken Hickey, all of whom helped me with different aspects of my research, but
provided me with a basis for understanding of the various aspects, which allowed me to
come to a number of conclusions in my thesis. Joe Wooden, from Stanford/USGS is also
thanked for his help and many insights to zircon geochemistry and geochronology.
Thomas Bissig, Tom Ullrich and Farhad Bouzari, from UBC, are thanked for numerous
enlightening conversations. Additionally, there are a number of people who made
significant contributions to my thesis and always kept me in check with my field
observations and interpretations, in addition to reviewing my thesis, and the work herein.
These people include Stuart McCracken, Tim Beale, Adan Pino, Chris Oates from Anglo
American. Special thanks to Tim Beale who the champion within Anglo American to get
the project approved. Without his help this project would have never been possible.
Additionally, access to Southern Peru Copper Corporations Toquepala and Cuajone mines
was provided by Ruben Mattos and Oscar Concha. Many thanks to the support staff from
Anglo American in Lima and Moquegua, Peru that helped me through my struggles with
the Spanish language and were always prepared to help me in times of need, especially
Erica. Additionally, Walter Tejada, from Teck Corporation, welcomed me with open arms
to Lima and showed me the ropes in a new country and new language.

Who would anybody be without their peer group? My peer group both academically
and from the exploration community provided me with many helpful conversations and
were always encouraging of my thesis, which at times was a very tough process, but

ultimately was completed. Not to mention the many beers/wines consumed along the way.
Some of the most involved people in this process included Alan Wainwright, Dan MacNeil,
Claire Chamberlain, Mark Cruise, Keith Henderson, Rob Carpenter, David Caulfield, Darcy
Baker, Robin Black, Rory Kutluoglu, Bill Whitehead, Patrick Redmond, Alan Wilson, and
John Dilles to name a few. All of these people were invaluable to my completion of this

I would also like to thank the many sponsors of this project, which include MDRU,
NSERC, SEG, Anglo American, Minera Quellaveco and Southern Peru Copper Corporation.
This project would have never been completed without the financial and logistical support
of these sponsors.

Additionally, my family has always been patient with me. They don’t quite
understand why I remained in school to complete my Ph.D., but have always been the
most supportive people during this time. My Mom, Dad, brothers Mark and Jason and
cousin Don all helped me out in some way during this time. Thanks for the patience guys.
Additionally, Tansy O’Connor-Parsons deserves a great deal of credit for my completion of
the Ph.D. Many long conversations always kept me in check, especially with anything to
do with lithogeochemistry; she remained encouraging throughout, even if she did lead me
down a bad path of molar element ratios! Her support, personally and professionally is
and will always be invaluable. She is the light of my life and the moon of my stars and I
look forward to the next chapter of my life with her and our soon to be born first child.

It was a longer than necessary process and the patience of everybody mentioned is
greatly appreciated. For those considering doing a Ph.D., it is a long and arduous task to
complete, the only advice I have is stay positive keep chipping away at, even if you think
nothing or little is being completed. Again, I apologize for those that I left out. Thank you
all so much!

Chapter 1: General Introduction

Porphyry Cu-Mo deposits form during very narrow time frames in the life of a
convergent margin magmatic arc (Sillitoe, 1988). Furthermore, they are not uniformly
distributed along the strike length of most convergent margin arcs. Instead they tend to form
clusters of systems distributed along an arc segment that formed over geologically narrow time
frames during a much longer and protracted arc magmatic history. Porphyry Cu deposits are
genetically related to the emplacement of porphyry intrusions that emanate from a larger
batholith emplaced at greater depth (Dilles, 1987; Dilles et al., 2000; Shinohara and
Hedenquist, 1997). Explanations for the dynamic environment conducive to formation of a
porphyry Cu deposit include subduction reversals, subduction of aseismic ridges or tears in the
down going plate, changes in tectonic environment, and the waning of magmatism at the end
of an episode of arc magmatism (Soloman, 1990; Tosdal and Richards, 2001; Richards 2003,
2009; Garwin, 2002; Cooke et al., 2005; Sillitoe and Perelló, 2005). Critical to arriving at a
trigger for the formation of a porphyry deposit is the timing of their formation with respect to
other events happening along the convergent plate margin, the relative timing of copper and
molybdenum bearing minerals and their associated hydrothermal events. The additional use of
whole rock and mineral chemistry to determine the variation of the chemical composition of the
igneous rocks that formed over the life-cycle of the porphyry complex may increase the
understanding of physio-chemical conditions that are required to form productive versus non-
productive porphyry systems.

Hypothesis and Question

The main question of the thesis is:

What are the magmatic conditions required for the formation of productive porphyry copper

The hypothesis driving the research is:

In order to develop large porphyry copper deposits, the magma must have fractionated
and been rejuvenated multiple times over the magmatic history, leading to the exsolution of
copper-bearing hydrothermal fluids and associated veins that are emplaced in the same volume
of crustal rocks repeatedly. This statement implies that the geodynamic setting during the
emplacement of the porphyry system must have been relatively stagnant. In other words, uplift
and erosion must have been approximately equal in order for multiple hydrothermal systems to
be emplaced in the same volume of rock. Multiple heating events in the magmatic rocks that
occurred at approximately the same crustal level also imply a stagnant geodynamic setting.

This thesis focuses on the southern Peru portion of the Paleocene-Eocene porphyry belt
of South America (Figure 1-1), with particular emphasis on the Quellaveco Porphyry Centre.
Five chapters contribute to the understanding of the southern Peru Paleocene-Eocene copper
porphyry belt and include:

1) The timing of porphyry intrusions associated with the development of porphyry copper
deposits from a regional perspective, with emphasis on the Cuajone and Toquepala
porphyry copper deposits and including previously reported work from Quellaveco. This
allows for a broader story to develop from the entire arc segment and puts Quellaveco
into the greater context of the Paleocene-Eocene arc. It also shows that multiple
porphyry copper systems closely spaced in the arc have similar magmatic histories and
were emplaced at approximately the same time and over the timespan. The implications
of this, is that the same processes must have occurred at all three locations over an
approximate 30km of arc length. Thus requiring the magma batches involved in the
development of three separate porphyry deposits to be that much larger.

2) The timing of the Quellaveco Porphyry intrusions associated with the development of
the porphyry copper system at Quellaveco and their relative timing to copper and
molybdenum mineralization. This step of the research provides the absolute and relative
timing of igneous rocks, bracketing the timing of the porphyry system development and
magmatic history. However, this step is also required in order to resolve the relative
timing of vein and hydrothermal systems.

3) Zircon mineral chemistry from the Quellaveco samples that have ages determined for
them to aid in the identification of magmatic processes that contribute to the formation
of the Quellaveco Porphyry Copper Deposit. The use of zircon is critical in this step due
to zircon having low chemical diffusion rates, clearly defined growth zones and is not
easily altered due to thermal and hydrothermal processes. The geochemical of spots in
the growth zones allows for tracking of igneous and thermal events during the growth of
the zircon grain.

4) Petrochemistry of igneous rocks from Quellaveco was completed in order to chemically

characterize the different igneous rocks. This step is important for identifying
geochemical differences that the rocks have. Particularly important are the differences
between the igneous rocks that are associated with mineralization versus those that are

100km 75° 125 150km 70° BRAZIL
cay 65°
75 PERU Aban
50 ction

15° 15°
Lake Titicaca

Arequipa La Paz
R idg Cerro-Verde
c a Pe Cuajone
az ru
N -C Quellaveco
hil Toquepala
ch Cerro Colorado
20° 20°



Copper Belts
m. Miocene-e. Pliocene
e. Miocene-m. Miocene
25° 25°
L. Eocene-e. Oligocene
Paleocene-e. Eocene ARGENTINA
Cu-Porphyry Deposits
Major Faults
Depth to Benioff Zone

Figure 1-1: Cu-Mo porphyry belts by age with selected Paleocene-Eocene ore deposits andadvanced
projects shown. Copper belts from Sillitoe (1992), depth to Benioff zone from Cahill and
Isacks (1992), oceanic features from Jaillard et al. (2000) and faults from Beale (2007;
Anglo American internal report and ProExplo oral presentation) .
not. These geochemical differences are then explained by magmatic and hydrothermal
processes that may have been happening that have led to the geochemical differences.
For example, high Sr/Y values are observed in rocks associated with copper–bearing
hydrothermal systems but not in those that predate and postdate porphyry
development. A rationalization for this observation may be that high water pressures
suppress plagioclase allowing hornblende to fractionate first. The effect of this is that Sr
increases in the melt with time, while Y is depleted with the fractionation of hornblende.
Therefore, high water pressures may be a requirement for the formation of porphyry
copper deposits.

5) Petrography and paragenesis of veins and vein mineral assemblages associated with the
porphyry intrusions at Quellaveco provide the relative timing link between the igneous
intrusions and the timing of copper deposition. The observations of the vein types
present with depth and time through the deposit allows for the identification of
productive hydrothermal systems present as well as the number of hydrothermal pulses
and how they change through time, depth and their relationships to the evolving
geochemistry of the igneous rocks. Without observing, first, the timing of the igneous
rocks relative to each other and the vein types relative to each other and the igneous
rocks no conclusions can be drawn from the relationship of igneous rocks to
hydrothermal systems in porphyry deposits. Therefore, without these observations any
conclusions drawn from the geochemistry of igneous rocks and minerals within them are
diminished in terms of their potential implications for porphyry copper development.

This thesis defines the geology, geochronology and geochemistry of the rocks that host
the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry deposit in southern Peru. Additionally, regional mapping was
completed around Quellaveco and reconnaissance geochronology samples were taken and
reported herein for the surrounding Toquepala and Cuajone Cu-Mo porphyry deposits. This
study mainly focuses on the magmatic evolution of the Quellaveco Intrusive Complex (QIC) and
the hydrothermal evolution relative to the porphyry intrusions at Quellaveco. The project was
designed to enhance the understanding of the timing and styles of hydrothermal mineralization
associated with Paleocene-Eocene porphyry intrusions and to improve the framework for future
exploration of similar deposits in southern Peru and globally. The project was supported by the
Mineral Deposit Research Unit at the University of British Columbia, Anglo American plc,
Southern Peru Copper Corporation, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of

Canada (NSERC Discovery Grant to Richard Tosdal) and the Society of Economic Geologists.
Anglo American provided logistical and financial support for two field seasons from 2006 to

The five main objectives of this thesis were to: 1) to establish a regional and local
geologic framework of the Quellaveco porphyry deposit, 2) to characterize the timing, magmatic
evolution and geochemistry of older host rocks and porphyry intrusions associated with
porphyry Cu mineralization at Quellaveco, 3) based on the timing and geochemical constraints
provided in objective 2, to draw conclusions on the evolution of deeper seated magma
chambers and its possible link to the development of porphyry Cu mineralization, 4) to better
understand the timing and origin of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization within the
Quellaveco porphyry deposit, in particular, the timing of mineral assemblages in veins relative
to each other and porphyry intrusions and, and 5) to assess the similarities, if any, between
Quellaveco and other porphyry Cu deposits in the southern Peruvian Paleocene-Eocene
porphyry Cu belt. A major outcome of the study is a genetic and chronologic model for
porphyry Cu formation at Quellaveco, repeated hydrothermal systems and the short timespan
of porphyry Cu formation at Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala, both in terms of longevity of
the magmatic systems and absolute timing of copper deposition.

Geological Setting
In the mid-Mesozoic rifting along the western margin of Gondwana (now western South
America) marks the beginning of the Andean orogen (Coira et al., 1982; Davidson and
Mpodozis, 1990; Benavides-Cáceres, 1999). Steep subduction of cold oceanic crust under the
western margin of Gondwana caused the oceanward retreat of the trench allowing for the
formation of significant intra-arc and back arc rifts. These rifts were filled by mafic, mantle-
derived magmatic rocks (Jones, 1981; Atherton et al., 1983, 1985) and detritus from the rift
margins (Benavides, 1956; Wilson 1983, 2000). The margins of the rift systems are marked by
large-scale faults to the east and Precambrian-Paleozoic rocks to the west. Rifting and basin
development continued into the early Late Cretaceous. In southern Peru, a magmatic arc
formed west of the rift during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, consisting mainly of basaltic to
andesitic rocks intercalated with volcaniclastic rocks and limestone. Three distinct magmatic
pulses are noted during this period and were emplaced progressively towards the east: early
Middle Jurassic (ca. 185Ma); late Middle Jurassic (160-165Ma); and Early Cretaceous (95-
110Ma) in Peru (Pitcher et al., 1995; Mukasa, 1986) and Chile (Clark et al., 1976; Mpodozis and
Ramos, 1989).

The Late Cretaceous is a time of a major tectonic and magmatic shift throughout the
Andes coincident with the opening of the south Atlantic Ocean (Mpodozis and Ramos, 1989).
Generally, there is migration of arc development towards the northeast. In southern Peru the
time is marked by Late Cretaceous shortening, collapse of the back-arc rift and eastward
thrusting of marine volcanic and sedimentary sequences on top of continentally derived clastic
rocks (Vicente et al., 1989, Benavides-Cáceres, 1999). Magmatism continued in central and
southern Peru during the latest Cretaceous (66Ma) and into the Paleogene (59Ma) (Clark et al.,
1990a) and is responsible for obscuring the earlier rift sequence and late Cretaceous fold and
thrust belt. This arc is preserved as thick dacitic to andesitic pyroclastic rocks and intermediate
flows (Bellido, 1979), with igneous roots composed of large, mantle and Proterozoic-aged lower
crustal derived granodiorite batholiths (Barreiro and Clark, 1984; Boiley et al., 1990). This
period of magmatism is represented by the extrusive Toquepala Group rocks and large
batholiths (Yarabamaba super suite) in the Quellaveco area (Figure 1-2).

Anomalously metal-rich deposits are associated with Paleocene and Early Eocene granite and
granodiorite porphyry stocks. These stocks intruded earlier in Peru and progressively young to
the south in northern Chile, from 60-52.3 Ma (Mukasa, 1986; Clark et al., 1990a). A strong
northwest elongation of the Paleogene porphyry stocks suggests that a series of trench parallel,
northwest-trending faults, coincident with the earlier rift basin, control the emplacement the
stocks. Porphyry intrusions of this age are temporally and spatially associated with porphyry Cu-
Mo mineralization at Quellaveco, Toquepala and Cuajone (Figure 1-2).

The Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo deposit is hosted within a large batholithic,

equigranular granodiorite intrusive complex (~60 Ma; Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010), which
intruded into Toquepala Group (~92Ma-65 Ma; Simmons, unpublished data) volcanic rocks
(Figure 1-2; Martinez and Zuloaga, 2000a; and Martinez and Zuloaga, 2000b). Several
generations of porphyry intrusions were emplaced into the granodiorite batholith from 53 Ma to
58 Ma (Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010), and are spatially associated with hydrothermal alteration
and mineralization (Figure 1-3).







8115000 mN
Cuajone Mine
Proposed Pit

8110000 mN

8105000 mN au

8100000 mN lac
Stratified rocks Intrusive rocks
8095000 mN Alluvium Paleocene
Moquegua Fm.
In Batholiths
ca Barroso Gp.
qu Toquapala Mine Chuntacala/
io 8090000 mN Huaylillas Fm.
Fa Undifferentiated
Toquepala Gp.

Figure 1-2: Regional geology surrounding the Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala ore bodies.
Coordinates in Peruvian Coordinate System (PSAD56); Zone 19S.


326500 mE

327000 mE

327500 mE

328000 mE

328500 mE
8110500 mN 8110500 mN
Undifferentiated Miocene and later ignimbrites
and sedimentary rocks
Intrusive Rocks
N Late Porphyry Intrusions
Intermineral/Monzodiorite Porphyry Intrusions

Pit outline Early Porphyry Intrusions

8110000 mN Equigranular Granodiorite Intrusion 8110000 mN

Volcanic HostRocks Rocks

3 810 Undifferentiated Toquepala Group Volcanic Rocks

Contour spacing 10m

8109500 mN 8109500 mN

8109000 mN 8109000 mN
348 Rio Asana

8108500 mN 8108500 mN

8108000 mN 8108000 mN
326500 mE

327000 mE

327500 mE

328000 mE

328500 mE

8107500 mN 8107500 mN

Figure 1-3: Geology of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry deposit. Coordinates from PSAD56; UTM zone
19S. Preliminary geological map; note that the Intermineral Porphyry body is not shown
as a dyke complex because lithologies were not distinguishable in all locations on surface
due to supergene leaching.
In total there are five significant periods of porphyry intrusions, which are referred to as
(from oldest to youngest) the Earliest, Early, Intermediate, Monzodiorite, and Late/Post suites
(Table 1-1). The Earliest Porphyry is characterised by its fine grained, crowded porphyritic
texture and contains abundant, net texture magnetite-chalcopyrite veins. Typically, the Earliest
Porphyries range from monzodiorite to quartz-monzonite, are not volumetrically important,
though may contain high grade Cu (>1 %), and was emplaced into the complex at
approximately 58.5Ma-57.5 Ma (Early Porphyry of Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010). The Early
Porphyries are volumetrically the most important intrusions type and is spatially associated with
the most Cu within the Quellaveco Intrusive complex (though lower grade than the Earliest, 0.5
%-0.8 % Cu). Early Porphyries are crowded and coarse grained (>10 mm phenocrysts),
ranging from quartz-monzonite to granodiorite and was emplaced at approximately 57.0 Ma-
56.5 Ma (possibly Intermineral or not sampled from Sillitoe and Montensen, 2010). Intermineral
Porphyries range from granodiorite to monzogranite and are typically coarse grained (>10 mm
phenocrysts) and crowded with characteristically rounded (resorbed) feldspars. The
Intermineral Porphyries are spatially and temporally related to the second most amount of Cu
and comprise the volumetrically second most important unit and was emplaced at
approximately 56.5Ma-56.0 Ma (Intermineral of Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010). The Monzodiorite
Porphyries make up the third most volumetrically important unit and are spatially and
temporally correlated with significant Cu (0.6 %-1 %). Intermineral Porphyries range from
monzodiorite-quartz monzonite with characteristically low phenocryst content (<25 %) and
were emplaced at approximately 55.5Ma-56.5 Ma. Post and Late Mineral Porphyries are
associated with low concentrations of Cu (<0.2 %) and were emplaced at approximately 53 Ma-
55Ma (Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010).

The porphyry intrusions are unconformably overlain by ignimbrites of the Miocene

Chuntacala Formation (ca. 13 Ma), Asana Formation (ca. 10 Ma) and Sencca Formation (ca. 8
Ma; Quang et al., 2005). These tuffs filled a paleovalley that paralleled the current Rio Asana to
the north and are preserved in small depressions in the exhumed early Miocene Altos de
Camilaca surface at elevations of about 4000 m to the south of the Rio Asana (Tosdal et al.,
1981). The Chuntacala Formation ignimbrites preserved the secondary sulphide horizon that
developed in the Miocene (Quang et al., 2005).

Table 1-1: Summary of textural and mineralogical differences between porphyry suites at Quellaveco
Suite Age (Ma) Rock Type Phenocryst Phenocryst assemblage Alteration Comments
Earliest 57.5-58.6 Monzodiorite - 50-65 Plag>>Kfs>Bt Bt-Mag- -high grade and low volume;
Qtz Monzonite Kfs -dense veins and rock replacement by
-as xenoliths in Early Porphyry;
Early 55.9-56.6 Qtz Monzonite – 50-60 Plag; 25%, sub-anhedral Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Granodiorite Kfs; 15%, sub-anhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 15%, large, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, small, euhedral -medium grade and large volume;
Hbld; rare -elongated stocks or several thick dykes
Intermineral 1 55.7-57.1 Granodiorite – 40-50 Plag; 20%, large, sub-euhedral Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Monzogranite Kfs; 15%, large, sub-euhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 15%, medium, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, small, euhedral -medium grade and medium volume;
-several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Intermineral 2 56.3-57.0 Qtz monzodiorite 50-60 Plag; 40%, large, sub-anhedral Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
– Qtz monzonite Kfs; 10%, large sub-anhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 5%, large, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, medium, sub-anhedral -medium to low grade and medium volume;
Hbld; rare -several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Monzodiorite 55.2-57.2 Monzodiorite – 25-30 Plag; 20%, large, sub-euhedral Bt- -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Qtz Monzonite Qtz; 3%, large, euhedral Kfs±Mag (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Bt; 3%, small, euhedral late Qtz- Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Kfs 2%, large, euhedral Ser -highly variable grade and low volume
Hbld; 2%, small anhedral Dense veins and rock replacement by
sulphides and magnetite
-several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Late/Post 53.9-55.5 Granodiorite 60-65 Plag; 40%, large, euhedral Cl-Ep -Qtz-Py>>Cp±Mo >>disseminations
Qtz; 15%, large, anhedral -very low grade and medium volume
Kfs; 10%, large, euhedral -sub-rounded stocks
Bt; 4%, large, subhedral
Hbld; 1% large, euhedral
Critical distinguishing features are shown in bold. Shortened forms for minerals areas follows: Qtz=Quartz, Plag=Plagioclase, Bt=Biotite, Mag=Magnetite,
Kfs=Potassium Feldspar, Hbld=Hornblende, Ser=Sericite, Cl=Chlorite, Ep=Epidote, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Py=Pyrite, Mo=Molybdenite
Alteration is given as the dominant alteration minerals spatially associated with the porphyry suite at elevations between 3000-3500m
Rock type and phenocryst abundance given as visual modal amounts of Qtz-Kfs-Plag and volumetric abundance of phenocrysts to matrix
A thin (50 to 60 m), irregular Cu-enrichment zone is developed above hypogene
sulphide mineralization (Estrada, 1975 and; Clark et al., 1990b). At least two distinctive zones
are comprised of secondary Cu-sulphides, Cu-oxides, and hypogene sulphides. Clark et al.,
(1990b) separates these into two zones of an upper moderately to strongly enriched zone of
disseminated secondary chalcocite overlying a mixed zone of supergene chalcocite and
hypogene sulphide. A conglomerate at the base of the Ma Chuntacala Formation unconformably
overlies the leached and oxidized zone and indicates that the last enrichment phase occurred
prior to the Miocene. Clark et al., (1990b) suggests that the enrichment blanket is a product of
two or more superposed enrichment phases based on the geometry of the enrichment and
leached zones and the reconstructed paleogeomorphology (Tosdal et al., 1984). The periods of
the enrichment are thought to be contemporaneous with formation of the Altos de Camilaca
surface in the Oligocene and the down cutting of broad valleys through the deposit during the

Metallogenic Setting
The relatively high abundance, grade and density of ore deposits make the Andes one of
the richest orogenic belts in terms of metallic ores (Petersen, 1977). Because of the high
importance placed on metals, due to global consumption of such commodities, it is important to
understand the distribution of metals within the Earths crust. In terms of the post-Paleozoic
metallogenesis, the Andes may be divided into four distinct metallic domains, as defined by
Routhier (1980): the iron, copper, polymetallic and tin belts (Turneaure, 1960; Petersen, 1970;
Sillitoe, 1972, 1976, 1977; Malvicini, 1975; Ericksen, 1976; Malvicini and Llambias, 1982).
These belts are characterized by the predominance of one or two principal metals, but may
contain ore deposits of different ages, deposit types and paragenesis. Longitudinal
segmentation/disruption of the belts is a function of heterogeneities of the continental crust,
changing geometry of the continent, the complexities of oceanic plates being subducted (e.g.
ocean ridges), the variation in speed and angle of convergence between the continent plates
and their effects on the subduction zone (e.g. Petersen, 1970; Goosesens, 1972; Sillitoe, 1974;
Oyarzun and Frutos, 1980; Oyarzun, 1985, 1990; Petford and Atherton, 1995).

The Cu belt can be temporally subdivided into four spatially distinct trench parallel
metallogenic belts; Paleocene to Early Eocene, Late Eocene to Early Oligocene, Early to Middle
Miocene and, Middle Miocene to Early Pliocene (Figure 1-1; Sillitoe, 1992; Richards, 2001,
2003). These belts progressively young to the east and in northern Chile there is distinct spatial
overlap of the Paleocene and Eocene belts, whereas in southern Peru there is a distinct

eastward shift (~ 25 to 35 km) of the Eocene belt from the Paleocene belt (Perelló et al., 2003;
Martinez and Cervantes, 2003). This eastward jump of the magmatic arc in southern Peru may
have caused a distinctly lower rate of uplift and erosion of the Paleocene belt, resulting in less
significant supergene leaching than observed in Chile. This study focuses on the southern
Peruvian portion of the Paleocene-Eocene copper belt.

Exploration History
Quellaveco was recognized as a potential porphyry Cu deposit in the 1930’s (Lacy,
1991). It has been explored at various times in the past by Northern Peru Mining and Smelting
Co. between 1947 and 1952, Southern Peru Copper Corporation in 1970 before being
nationalized and explored further by Minero Peru in 1972 (Candiotti, 1995). Announced
reserves at that time were 405 Mt at 0.8 % Cu (Estrada, 1975). Subsequent exploration by
Anglo American Exploration Peru S.A has defined a geological resource of 1,670 Mt at 0.56 %
Cu (cut-off at 0.3 % Cu) with reserves of 979 Mt at 0.63 % Cu, 0.021 % Mo and 2.19 g/t Ag,
including 213 Mt @ 0.95 % Cu. As of January 2012, the total resource at Quellaveco has grown
to 1923.2 Mt at 0.54% Cu for a total of 10,351 kt of copper (Anglo Ameican, 2012). The details
of the deposit have been summarized by Estrada (1975), Toropoca (1979), Guerrero and
Candiotti (1979), Kihien (1995), and Candiotti de los Rios (1995).

Cuajone was recognized as a potential porphyry Cu deposit in the 1930’s (Lacy, 1991).
It was first drilled in 1942. The 157 Mt at 1.27 % Cu prospect at that time was not considered
economic (Lacy, 1991). Subsequent drilling in 1952 expanded the resource to 417 Mt at 1.05 %
Cu. Development on the Cuajone property ceased once Toquepala began production. However,
under pressure from the Peruvian government, the Cuajone project was eventually developed
with the first production being in mid-1976. Concha and Valle (1999) report reserves of 1,400
Mt at 0.64 % Cu and 0.033 % Mo at a cut-off of 0.40 % Cu.

Toquepala was recognized in the 1930’s as a porphyry Cu prospect by Carl

Schmedeman (Lacy, 1991) based upon the surface outcrops of leached and limonite filled
veinlets that locally contained copper oxides and carbonate minerals. The Cerro de Pasco
Company drilled the property through 1942 and outlined a resource of 9 Mt of 4.21 % Cu at a
cut-off grade of 3 %. In 1949, the information and property became part of Northern Peru
Mining and Smelting Co. and an exploration program outlined a 363 Mt at 1.05 % Cu ore body.
Mattos and Valle (1999) report reserves of 300 Mt at 0.83 % Cu and 0.07 % Mo in sulfide ore
and 700 Mt at 0.2 % Cu in leachable ore (Southern Peru Copper Corporation, 2003). The

current reserve figures do not take into account past production reported to be 558 Mt of 1.03
% Cu (Mattos and Valle, 1999).

Previous Work
Previous work established that the porphyry deposits of southern Peru formed during
the Paleocene to the early Eocene. The Cerro Verde-Santa Rosa porphyry systems hosted by
Proterozoic gneiss of the Arequipa massif and the pre-mineral 62-67 ± 1 Ma Yarabamba
Superunit batholith are associated genetically with porphyry intrusions with 61 ± 1 Ma U-Pb
ages (LeBel, 1985; Mukasa, 1986), and Ar/39Ar hydrothermal sericite alteration age of
61.8±0.7 Ma and 62.0±1.1 Ma for Cerro Verde and 62.2±2.9 Ma for Santa Rosa (Quang et al.,
2003). Hydrothermal sericite alteration at Cuajone has been dated using Ar/39Ar methods at
~52.8±1.0 Ma (Clark et al., 1990a). At Toquepala, Ar/39Ar ages of igneous biotite and
hydrothermal sericite suggest the porphyry Cu system formed between 55.9 and 55.0 Ma
(Zweng and Clark, 1995), with a late pyrite-bearing hydrothermal stage as young as 52 Ma
(A.H. Clark, 2003, written communication). At Quellaveco, Estrada (1975) reported a K-Ar age
on sericite of 56.2 Ma (no uncertainty) whereas a slightly younger Ar/39Ar age on sericite of
54.3±2.0 Ma has also been reported (A.H. Clark, 2003, written communication). Sillitoe and
Mortensen (2010) reported U-Pb ages on zircon from a suite of porphyry intrusions between
~54 and 59 Ma from Quellaveco that although fairly close are slightly older than K-Ar and
Ar/39Ar ages, suggesting that the 40
Ar/39Ar ages reflect the overall cooling of the hydrothermal
event rather than the actual age of the porphyry formation, as is in many porphyry Cu deposits
and districts (e.g. Richards and Noble, 1998; Gustafson et al., 2001; Harris et al., 2008).
Nonetheless, the K-Ar and Ar/39Ar ages are sufficiently close to the ages of the porphyry
intrusions associated with Cu-introduction to provide sufficient constraints (e.g. Perelló et al.,
2003; 2008) to define a broad scale chronologic framework for porphyry Cu formation.
Regardless, the available chronologic data suggests at least an 8 to 10 m.y. period during which
porphyry Cu deposits were emplaced in the southern Peru belt, a duration similar to that found
elsewhere (Sillitoe and Perelló, 2005; Barra et al., 2005; Glen et al., 2007).

This study focuses attention on the southern end of the southern Peru porphyry belt.
Specifically, the three spatially associated porphyry Cu-Mo deposits at Cuajone, Quellaveco, and
Toquepala (Figure 1-1). A detailed mapping and geochronological study of intrusive rocks at
Quellaveco augment the four U-Pb ages of Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010) and provide the basis
for further studies related to the igneous petrochemistry, igneous geochemical evolution,
geotectonic setting of igneous rocks and the hydrothermal evolution of the Quellaveco porphyry

Cu-Mo system. No previous work has been reported on the igneous petrochemistry, evolution
and hypogene hydrothermal evolution of the Quellaveco Porphyry or the Cuajone and
Toquepala Porphyries.

A combination of detailed and regional geological mapping, petrography, geochronology,
geochemistry and zircon mineral chemistry were integrated to understand the igneous and
hydrothermal evolution of southern Peruvian Paleocene to Eocene porphyry deposits, with
emphasis on the Quellaveco porphyry deposit.

Mapping Style and Techniques

The geology of Quellaveco was mapped at a scale of 1:1000 and several reconnaissance
traverses through the Toquepala Group completed in the areas between Quellaveco, Toquepala
and Cuajone over two field seasons (2007 and 2008). A modified Anaconda style of mapping
(Einaudi, 1997) was used in order to produce separate maps that distinguish between;
lithology, structure, hypogene alteration, supergene alteration and percent quartz-sericite
alteration as halos around quartz-sulphide veins. This method allows for a better understanding
of the distribution of primary igneous textures from hypogene and supergene alteration effects
on these rocks.

Zircons from twenty-eight samples representing all the major porphyry intrusions and
mineralized centers were prepared for this study. These include eighteen samples from
Quellaveco, six samples from Cuajone and four samples from Toquepala. Samples were
selected based on their relative timing to other intrusion types so as to ensure every porphyry
intrusion types were analyzed for their U-Pb isotopic composition to determine ages for all
intrusion types. Additionally, the least altered and mineralized samples of each intrusion type
was selected for avoid possible problems with Pb-loss within the zircons. All samples were
collected as part of this study and all preparation was completed at the Pacific Centre for
Isotopic and Geochemical Research (PCIGR) in the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences,
the University of British Columbia (UBC). Rock samples were prepared in a steel jaw crusher
and ceramic disk grinder to a powder. A Wilfley table was used on the <500 micron size
fraction to produce a heavy mineral concentrate. This concentrate was then put through heavy
liquids (methylene-iodide; MEI) with all minerals off greater than a specific gravity of 3.335
g/cm3 sinking. Both the floating and sinking separates were retained. The heavy fraction was
then put through a Frantz isodynamic magnetic separator to isolate a non-magnetic fraction.

Individual zircons were hand-picked under a binocular microscope based on grain morphology,
quality, size and magnetic susceptibility. Lab procedures emphasize careful cleaning (with air,
water, soap, alcohol), between samples to minimize possibilities of cross-sample contamination.

Zircons were mounted in a 2.5 cm diameter epoxy plug together with a zircon age
standard R33 (419 ± 0.4 Ma; Black et al., 2004) and a rare earth element zircon standard MAD-
green (Frank Mazdab, personal communication, 2007). The plugs were polished to expose grain
centers and photographed in reflected light and using a cathodoluminescence (CL) detection
system at the Stanford University with a JEOL JSM 5600 scanning electron microscope
operating at 15 keV accelerating potential. The CL images were used to screen the zircons; “CL-
dark” areas of high uranium content were generally selected for analysis due to the high
uranium content. However, both grain edges and centers were measured. The most uranium-
rich zones contain >40 to <900 ppm U, but average ~150 ppm U. CL-images of the zircon in
each sample display a range of textures including oscillatory growth zones, sector zoning, and
rarely contain rounded cores. In the current study, zircon rims displaying regular concentric
(oscillatory) growth zones were sampled and interpreted to represent normal magmatic
crystallization from zircon-saturated melt (Vavra, 1994; Hoskin, 2000; Hoskin and Schaltegger,
2003). Identifiable truncated or resorbed cores were typically avoided although they were
occasionally sampled in cases where the core represented the only “dark” portion of the grain.
Interpreted inherited zircons represent <12 percent of all spots analyzed.

Trace element analyses in zircon were performed on the SHRIMP-RG at the U.S.G.S.-
Stanford Ion Microprobe Laboratory at Stanford University. For a detailed overview of the
instrumental set-up and methodology, see posters at To
summarize, a ~1.5 nA O2- primary beam is used to produce a ~15 μm diameter spot on the
sample. The instrument mass resolution is adjusted to M/ΔM =>11000 (at 10% peak height) to
effectively separate Sc+ from 90
Zr2+, 93
Nb+ from 92
Zr1H+, 48
Ti+ from both 96
Zr2+ and 48
Ca+, and
all of the HREE from the MREE oxides, while maintaining high sensitivity and reproducible, flat-
topped peaks. The acquisition program cycles through as many as 44 sequential mass positions
consisting of elemental and molecular species from 7Li+ through 238
U16O+. Peak centering on
both ubiquitous species and on guide peaks adjacent to low-abundance or interference-prone
species is used to eliminate any potential effects of magnet drift or peak wandering. Over the
10-15 minute analysis duration, the crater depth grows to <2 μm. The overall limited sampling
volume significantly minimizes, but does not entirely preclude, beam overlap with invisible
subsurface inclusions. Measurements on the unknowns are interspersed with periodic
measurements on a well-characterized, homogeneous natural zircon standard, CZ3 or MAD-
green. Data reduction is done offline in Excel. Average count rates of each element of interest
are ratioed to Si+ to account for any primary current drift, and the derived ratios for the
unknowns are compared to an average of those for CZ3 or MAD-green zircon to determine
concentrations. Spot to spot precision (as measured on the standard) vary according to
elemental ionization efficiency and concentration, and generally range from about ±3 % for Hf,
±5 % for the HREE, ±10-15 % for P, Sc, Y and the MREE, and up to ±40 % for La (all values
at 2σ). Spot locations on the unknowns are selected to sample the diversity of observed CL or
BSE zonation present, locating multiple spots (typically two to four) on a set of eight to twelve
individual grains per sample to assess overall trends.

MAD and CZ3 were calibrated for concentration against doped synthetic zircons grown
by Frank Mazdab in a furnace in the SUMAC facility. Different batches of zircons were doped
with Hf, P, Sc, Ti, Y, REE, Th and U in such a way as to avoid inferring x-ray lines when they
were analyzed by electron microprobes at Stanford and the USGS Menlo Park. The synthetic
zircons were typically broadly sector zoned, but areas within zones were sufficiently
homogeneous to provide calibration references. The analyzed areas on the synthetic zircons
were then re-analyzed on the SHRIMP-RG ion microprobe at the same time as chips of MAD
and CZ3. Concentrations of elements that could not be determined by doping of synthetic
zircons were estimated by utilizing the ionization efficiencies of the elements and comparing
independently calibrated ones against uncalibrated ones (Li, Be, B, F, Na, Al, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn,
Fe, Ge, Nb). A set of ionization efficiencies were directly determined for the SHRIMP-RG using
the NIST glasses (Mazdab, unpublished) and are generally comparable to values determined on
other SIMS instruments.

Prior to trace element analyses, the samples analyzed for U/Pb geochronology. The
mounts were then repolished and only zircons with centers of grains that had been analyzed for
geochronology were used for trace element analyses. This decreases the possibility of analyzing
zircons for trace elements that do not belong to that suite of intrusion. However, since the ages
of many of the intrusive suites overlap, particularly the Early and Intermineral suites, it is often
difficult to be sure that the zircon sampled for trace element analyses belongs to that suite. As
the Early suite of intrusions is older than the Intermineral suite, possible contamination of the
data should not be problem until selecting zircons grains for the Intermineral suite.

Seventy-three samples reflecting the petrologic range of Late Cretaceous to Eocene

igneous rocks in the district were analyzed for major and trace elements. All seventy-three
samples are from rocks that comprise the QIC; an additional one hundred and sixteen samples

were taken from the older and younger rocks from areas between the Toquepala and Cuajone
Mines. All samples were analyzed at Acme Analytical Laboratories in Vancouver, Canada, by
Acme staff. Major elements and selected trace elements were determined by X-ray fluorescence
spectrometry (XRF), rare earth elements (REE) and remaining trace elements were determined
by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).

Although an attempt was made to collect least altered samples through field screening
and thin section evaluation, some samples are weakly altered as these rocks are associated
with giant porphyry Cu-Au deposits. Rocks that were particularly problematic to collect
minimally altered samples include the Earliest, Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite porphyries,
all other rocks may be found to be relatively unaltered. Inevitably, some of the analyzed
samples are partially altered and the alteration usually takes place in the form of chloritization
of mafic minerals, sericite replacing feldspars as well as carbonate introduction, within the Early
and Late porphyries, Post-mineral dykes and the regional granodiorite. Potassium feldspar,
magnetite and biotite alteration dominate with late sericite over printing alteration within the
Earliest, Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite porphyries. Wherever possible, we used a
diamond saw to cut off visibly altered and vein material during preparation of samples for
submission to Acme Labs. Relatively soluble elements such as Si, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na and K are
known to be mobile during hydrothermal events; therefore we have placed more emphasis on
lithogeochemical characterization based on REE and high field-strength elements (HFSE), which
are relatively immobile under low-grade metamorphic conditions and hydrothermal events.
Some emphasis is placed on Y and Yb, which are also relatively immobile and the results are
sufficiently greater than the detections limits such that they are robust.

Due to the complexity, variability and high density of vein types within each intrusion
type, particularly within older intrusion types, and the lack of minerals containing radiogenic
elements that would provide an adequate temporal resolution required to differentiate vein
types and veins associated with particular intrusions, a method for differentiating the veins in
terms of timing, had to be devised. In this study, the vein timing is described relative to
intrusion types due to the relative and absolute timing constraints previously established
(Chapter 2 and Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010). Theoretically, since the youngest suite of
intrusions (Post Mineral Porphyries) represents the last emplacement of igneous rocks, they
should only contain veins that were emplaced after the Post Mineral Porphyries were emplaced.
Several areas within the proposed pit area contain Post Mineral Porphyries, these were logged
in four separate locations and the veins recorded at each location were compiled into a
summary table. Once these veins were recorded, areas within the deposit where non-
mineralized Post-Mineral Porphyries and weakly mineralized Late Mineral Porphyries were in
contact with each other, drill core was logged and veins that were crosscut by the Post Mineral
Porphyries were recorded, in additional to those that cut through both rock types. Veins that
are crosscut by the Post Mineral Porphyry were traced into the Late Mineral Porphyry and the
cross cutting relationships with other vein types were recorded. This allows for recording of
veins that have clear timing relationships to both of the rock types. Progressively, through
increasing time, areas where the contacts between the Late Mineral and Monzodiorite Porphyry,
Monzodiorite Porphyry and Intermineral Porphyry, Intermineral Porphyry and Early Porphyry,
Early Porphyry and Earliest Porphyry, and the Granodiorite and Early Porphyry were logged in
detail to record the vein types and timing relationships as in the example described between
the Post Mineral and Late Mineral Porphyry, previously. The types of information described
macroscopically include, mineralogy, relative abundance of minerals, selvage type and textures,
textures of minerals (quartz in particular), continuity of vein, distribution of sulphides within
veins, textures of sulphide and oxides contained in veins, behaviour of vein (i.e. straight vs.
wavy), secondary mineralogy (where present) and timing relative to other veins. All veins in this
study were recoded at elevations below supergene oxidation and enrichment from drill core.

Many sources of error are present when using this method of data collection; however,
due to the high amount of data being collected from many different areas within the deposit,
the sources of error should be minimized by the amount of data being collected. Timing
relationships of veins were restricted to within one meter of contacts between intrusive units,
however, the largest source of error remains the recording of vein crosscutting relationships the
further away from the contact that the observation was made. Secondly, the ideal contacts
between intrusion types were not always available. In particular no drilled contacts between the
regional granodiorite and Earliest Porphyry, and Post Mineral and Late Mineral Porphyries were
recorded. In these circumstances vein types recorded in earlier porphyries were excluded and
older vein types were assumed to be of the timing of between one rock type and the other.
Thirdly, where vein types were recoded with depth (Monzodiorite, Intermineral and Early
Porphyries) not all ideal contacts were observed to have been drilled. In these cases,
observations from other depths and the closest to ideal contact (e.g. Intermineral to Late
Porphyry) were taken into consideration. Presented below are the vein types within each rock
type that have been crosscut or interpreted to have been crosscut by the next youngest
intrusion type to which the vein is hosted in, for a detailed compilation of all veins recorded see
Chapter 5 and for the veins that were recorded to be in both rock types at contacts between
intrusion types see Accompanying Data, at the end of Chapter 5. Also, note that the

observations are supported by microphotographs/thin section description as necessary and that
relative abundances of veins are not the emphasis of the tables, but rather the timing of the
vein types. Relative abundances are estimated within the text.

This thesis is presented in manuscript format, in accordance with the University of
British Columbia guidelines. Results are presented as five individual research papers in Chapters
2 through 6. The manuscripts will be submitted for publication in various journals. As these
chapters are stand-alone papers, some repetition is unavoidable in order to provide clarity and
context for each chapter. As of June 2013, a slightly modified version of Chapter 6 has been
published Economic Geology (2013), v. 108, no. 4, p. 625-639.

Chapter 2

Geochronology and Evolution of Paleocene Igneous Rocks and the Associated

Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit, Quellaveco, Southern Peru

Adam Simmons, Richard Tosdal, Joseph Wooden, Stuart McCracken and Timothy Beale

This chapter focuses on the describing the geology and timing of igneous rocks
associated with the Cu-Mo porphyry deposit at Quellaveco. In this chapter, new Sensitive High
(Mass) Resolution Ion MicroProbe-Reverse Geometry (SHRIMP-RG) geochronology results from
zircon will be presented as well as new maps and lithological descriptions. These data and
description covers the range of all igneous rocks at Quellaveco including premineral host rocks,
early, Intermineral and late porphyry intrusions as well as post mineralization volcanic cover
rocks. These data compliment those of previous workers in the area and improve the
understanding of the timing of emplacement of magmatic rocks at Quellaveco. The timing of
the igneous rocks relative to mineralization will be discussed, but not covered in detail.

Chapter 3

Petrogenesis of Porphyry Intrusive Complexes Associated with Paleocene Porphyry

Cu-Mo Style Mineralization; A Zircon Mineral Chemistry

Adam Simmons, Richard Tosdal, Joseph Wooden and Frank Mazdab

This chapter will describe magmatic processes that occurred prior to, during and after
the formation of hydrothermal systems at Quellaveco. Zircon chemistry data will provide the
basis for process identification and allows for assumptions when presenting whole rock data.
This chapter discusses the concepts of magma mixing, recharge and convection and how they
affect the development of repeated hydrothermal systems. Also discussed will be the
importance of mafic and intermediate magma mixing. This paper will also attempt to identify a
means of identifying productive vs. non-productive system based on the zircon and whole rock

Chapter 4

Geochemistry of the Quellaveco Igneous Complex (QIC) in the Southern Peruvian

Paleocene-Eocene Porphyry Cu Belt

Adam Simmons and Richard Tosdal

This chapter will focus on whole rock geochemistry of all rocks from the Quellaveco
area. It focuses on presenting the data and interpreting the data in a time sequence as
demonstrated in Chapter 2. The use of whole rock geochemistry allows for general geochemical
characterization of the rocks and adds insights to the possible magma chamber dynamics
presented in Chapter 3. Possible links of magmatic processes, magma types and evolution to
fertile vs. non-fertile magmas are made. The whole rock geochemical data presented largely
supports the work of other workers in porphyry systems globally.

Chapter 5

Vein Paragenesis and Timing of Hydrothermal Mineralization and Alteration

Distribution Associated with Porphyry Cu-Mo style Mineralization, Quellaveco,
Southern Peru: Evidence for Multiple Overprinting Systems

Adam Simmons and Richard Tosdal

This chapter will discuss the evolution of the hydrothermal systems present at
Quellaveco. Within this chapter the vein and hypogene alteration paragenesis will be presented.
This will provide the basis for argument on the generation of multiple hydrothermal systems.
This was done by making macroscopic observations of vein-vein crosscutting relationships and
vein-porphyry intrusion crosscutting relationships. Critical to the arguments made in this
chapter are the conclusions drawn from Chapter 2. Key conclusions of this chapter include a
description of the vein evolution of a single hydrothermal event and that at least three
hydrothermal systems with similar veins evolutions were emplaced in the same volume of the
crust repeatedly over a span of a maximum of approximately 3m.y.

Chapter 6

Punctuated Magmatism Associated with Porphyry Cu-Mo Formation in the

Paleocene to Eocene of Southern Peru

Adam Simmons, Richard Tosdal, Joseph Wooden, Rubén Mattos, Oscar Concha, Stuart
McCracken and Timothy Beale

This chapter will present the geochronology data from all intrusive rocks types at the
Cuajone and Toquepala mines. Insights to the longevity of the igneous systems will be provided
as well as basic descriptions of the mines and the petrogenesis of the rocks within each mine.
Comparisons are made to the timing of porphyry systems globally as well as the timing and
longevity of the Quellaveco porphyry system. The key conclusion from this chapter is that all of
the Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala ore bodies were emplaced at approximately the same
time and had very similar magmatic longevities associated with porphyry Cu formation. This
chapter has been published as follows with the above authors and title: June 2013, Economic
Geology, v. 108, no. 4, p. 625-639.

Chapter 7

General Conclusions

This chapter outlines the overall conclusions of the research presented in chapters two
through seven. Ideas left open to future research and unexplained questions are also


Appendix 1 provides sample locations and sample descriptions of rocks used for U-Pb
geochronology, Ar-Ar geochronology and Re-Os geochronology, some of which were used in
the thesis and others did not fit into the chapters as written.

Appendix 2 provides sample location and descriptions for all samples collected during the
course of this study.

Appendix 3 discusses the methodology, detection limits and duplicate analyzes (to test for
precision) used for geochemical data. Samples were analysed at ACME Laboratories Ltd.,

Appendix 4 provides veins observed and described to have cross-cut contacts between rock
types. That is veins that are associated with younger hydrothermal systems than the
hydrothermal system that immediately follows the emplacement of the porphyry unit they are
described to be in. This data is meant to compliment that presented in Chapter 5.

Chapter 2: Geochronology and Evolution of Paleocene Igneous
Rocks and Associated Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits, Quellaveco,
Southern Peru

Porphyry Cu-Mo deposits are spatially associated with co-eval granitic porphyry
intrusions that are usually contained within trench parallel magmatic arcs at destructive plate
margins. These deposit types have been well studied globally in terms of their temporal and
spatial distribution (e.g. Sillitoe, 1972; 1992), spatial relationships to major crustal structures
(Richards, 2000), alteration and vein distribution (e.g. Lowell and Guilbert, 1970, Gustafson and
Hunt, 1975; Pollard and Taylor, 2002) and their associated magmatism (e.g. Lowell and
Guilbert, 1970; Dilles, 1987, 2000; Seedorf et al., 2008). In contrast to the younger Chilean
porphyry Cu-Mo deposits, the Paleocene-Eocene porphyry Cu-Mo deposits of southern Peru and
northern Chile are not as well studied. In particular, few detailed U-Pb geochronology studies of
porphyry intrusive complexes associated with significant Cu-Mo mineralization have been
completed. For the most part, the ages of these intrusive centres have been constrained by K-
Ar and Ar-Ar techniques in highly altered rocks and few of the studies clearly demonstrate the
relative timing relationship between porphyry intrusions and veins containing significant Cu-Mo
bearing sulphides.

Economically significant porphyry Cu-Mo deposits are present throughout the Andean
Orogen in both Chile and Peru. In 2010, Peru accounted for 7.8 % of the global copper mine
production and ranks as the second largest copper producing nation in the world, behind only
Chile (U.S. Geological Survey, 2012). A large portion of the Peruvian copper production is
accounted for in the southern Peruvian Paleocene-Eocene Cu-Mo porphyry belt. Economically
significant ore bodies in southern Peru typically contain >1300 Ktons of approximately 0.62
wt% Cu and approximately 0.02 wt% Mo, with variable but often significant amounts of Ag.
Although secondary supergene processes play significant roles in the modification of the
Peruvian ore bodies, they typically only have thin supergene enrichment blankets indicating that
deep weathering of the Peruvian porphyries did not take place. For the most part, the bulk of
copper is contained within chalcopyrite-bearing quartz veins and sulphide veins with quartz-
sericite halos in the hypogene environment below the supergene enriched portions of the
porphyries. Examples of these include Cerro Verde (1407 Mt at 0.469% Cu and 0.015% Mo),
Cuajone (2446 Mt at 0.527% Cu and 0.019% Mo), Toquepala (4294 Mt at 0.442% Cu, 0.021%

Mo) and Quellaveco (1670 Mt @ 0.56% Cu) (Figure 2-1). The Paleocene porphyry Cu-Mo belt
extends from northern Chile into southern Peru (Figure 2-3; Sillitoe, 1992). The porphyry Cu-Mo
deposits are spatially, temporally and genetically related to Late Paleocene to Early Eocene
porphyritic intrusive rocks. The porphyritic intrusions were emplaced variably into older volcanic
and intrusive rocks, broadly parallel to the Peru-Chile trench. In southern Peru major porphyry
Cu-Mo deposits include Cerro Verde-Santa Rosa (Figure 2-1; Mukasa, 1986; Quang et al.,.
2003), Cuajone (Figure 2-3; Bellido, 1979; Clark et al.,. 1990a), Toquepala (Figure 2-3; Bellido,
1979; Zwang and Clark, 1995) and Quellaveco (Figure 2-3; Bellido, 1979; Clark et al.,. 1990a).
In northern Chile the Paleocene Cu-(Mo) porphyry deposits are represented by the Spence
(Figure 2-3; Rowland and Clark, 2001) and Cerro Colorado deposits (Figure 2-3; Bouzari and
Clark, 2002).Critical to understanding the hypogene temporal and spatial distribution of Cu and
Mo is understanding the relative and absolute timing of intrusive complexes related to the
formation of porphyry Cu-Mo deposits. At Quellaveco, U-Pb zircon geochronology has been
completed on 17 samples from within its associated intrusive complex in oder to better
understanding the timing of hypogene porphyry Cu-Mo formation at Quellaveco.

At Quellaveco, upwards of 30-40 individual porphyry intrusions are recognized and have
been grouped into five porphyry intrusive suites based on their relative timing, phenocryst and
matrix assemblages and igneous textures. These intrusions comprise the Quellaveco porphyry
intrusive complex, which was emplaced over a period of approximately 6 m.y. The high number
of porphyry intrusions at Quellaveco, which were emplaced over a relatively short period of
time, makes it possible to describe the timing of intrusion types relative to Cu-bearing
mineralization, vein types and alteration types. Using U-Pb zircon geochronology is
advantageous because zircon often contains uranium in quantities much higher than the
average host rock and discriminates strongly against the daughter element Pb, during
crystallization. Additionally, it is robust enough to retain its original U and radiogenic Pb
concentrations through remelting and high temperature, acid alteration (Davis et al.,, 2003).
Because of the physical and chemical characteristics of zircon, this technique is not significantly
affected by secondary alteration, reducing the possibility of isotopic resetting during alteration
and younger heating events. However, since the zircons being measured are igneous and within
porphyry intrusions that are either mineralized or not, the “age of mineralization” can only be
bracketed using this technique. Nevertheless, understanding the timing of mineralization
relative to igneous events and how these ages compares along strike are important pieces of

80°W 75°W 70°W 65°W

Coastal Areas
Western Corillera
Interandean Depressions
5°S Eastern Cordillera

Subandean Zone

Eastern Lowlands











Tr Cerro Verde Cuajone La Paz
e nc Quellaveco Toquepala
Pacific Ocean

20°S Iquique Cerro Colorado

0 250 500km
Antofagasta ARGENTINA

Figure 2-1: Map of the Central Andes from southern Columbia to northern Chile showing the project
location in the southermost Peru, centered around the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry as well
as other Cu-Mo porphyry deposits within the study area. Major morphostructural units
across the orogen are modified from Jaillard et al. (2000)
information allowing for interpretations as to how long the arc was active and how long it
produced significant concentrations of Cu-Mo in the upper crust.

Previous Work
Previously, porphyry intrusive centres and associated alteration, in southern Peru, have
been largely dated by K-Ar and Ar-Ar methods (e.g. Estrada, 1978; Mukasa and Tilton, 1985; Le
Bel, 1985; Clark et al., 1990; Zweng and Clark, 1995; Clark, 2003; Quang, 2003) with only a
few utilizing U-Pb techniques (e.g. Mukasa, 1986). More recently, Sillitoe and Mortensen (2011)
reported four U-Pb ages from intrusive rocks at Quellaveco, the ages presented herein
compliment those ages and provide more details to the formation of the Quellaveco Intrusive
Complex (QIC). The only other previously reported U-Pb ages of porphyry intrusive centres in
southern Peru that have been used to bracket stages of Cu-Mo mineralization are reported by
Simmons et al., (2013.; Chapter 6). All relevant reported ages are summarized below in Table

Table 2-1: Previous geochronology from southern Peru Paleocene-Eocene Cu belt

District Hypogene setting/description Interpreted Method (Mineral)
Age (Ma)
Cerro Verde Pre-mineralization Yarabamba suite 62-67±1 Maa,b U-Pb (zircon)
Cerro Verde Pre-mineralization Yarabamba suite 68±3Mac Rb-Sr
Moquegua Pre-mineralization Yarabamba suite 58-65 Mad K-Ar (unknown)
Cuajone Pre-mineralization Yarabamba suite 65.1±0.8Mae U-Pb SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Toquepala Pre-mineralization Yarabamba suite 61.4±0.8Mae U-Pb SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Cerro Verde Biotite altered porphyry 56-59±2Maf K-Ar (biotite)
Cerro Verde Early hydrothermal alteration 61-62±1.2Mag Ar-Ar (muscovite)
Cuajone Hydrothermally altered porphyry 52.4 Mah,i Ar-Ar (Biotite and sericite)
Quellaveco Hydrothermally altered porphyry 54.5-54.7 Mai Ar-Ar (Biotite and sericite)
Toquepala Hydrothermally altered porphyry 55.0-55.9 Mai,j Ar-Ar (Biotite and sericite)
Cuajone Hydrothermally altered porphyry, all phases 53.0-56.9 Mae U-Pb SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Toquepala Hydrothermally altered porphyry, all phases 53.7-57.4 Mae U-Pb SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Qullaveco Pre-mineralization Yarabamba suite 59.46±0.3Mak U-Pb LA-ICP-MS (zircon)
Quellaveco Hydrothermally altered porphyry, all phases 53.7-58.94Mak U-Pb LA-ICP-MS (zircon)
a. Mukasa and Tilton,1985; b. Mukasa, 1986; c. Le Bel, 1985; d. Martinez and Zuloaga 2000a; e. Simmons et al., (2013); f. Estrada,
1978; g. Quang, 2003; h. Clark et al.,, 1990; i. Clark, 2003; j. Zweng and Clark, 1995.

This study uses U-Pb zircon geochronology of porphyry intrusive suites and their relative
timing to fluid pulses, vein types and Cu-Mo mineralization to bracket the “age” of
mineralization at Quellaveco. Because it is very difficult to demonstrate the timing of wallrock
alteration mineral assemblages to veins and Cu-Mo sulphide deposition, this study provides a
more robust timing of Cu-Mo mineralization at Quellaveco than previously reported. However,
possible questions can be raised due to zircons occurring as an early crystallizing phase within
the intrusions source batholith region, which may contain several generations of zircon growth

(i.e. inheritance from previously crystallized magmas; e.g. Watson, 1996). These sources of
uncertainty are reduced by selecting the youngest population of zircons that have not been
interpreted to have lost Pb and using these data only to calculate the age of the most recent
zircon growth immediately prior to the emplacement of the porphyry intrusion suites.

Tectonic Framework and Regional Geological Context

In the mid-Mesozoic rifting along the western margin of Gondwana (now western South
America) marks the beginning of the Andean orogen (Coira et al.,,1982; Davidson and
Mpodozis, 1990; Benavides-Cáceres, 1999). Steep subduction of cold oceanic crust under the
western margin of Gondwana caused the oceanward retreat of the trench allowing for the
formation of significant intra-arc and back arc rifts. These rifts were filled by mafic, mantle-
derived magmatic rocks (Jones, 1981; Atherton et al.,, 1983; 1985) and detritus from the rift
margins (Benavides, 1956; Wilson, 1983; 2000). The margins of the rift systems are marked by
large-scale faults to the east and Precambrian-Paleozoic rocks to the west. Rifting and basin
development continued into the early Late Cretaceous. In southern Peru, a magmatic arc
formed west of the rift during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, consisting mainly of basaltic to
andesitic rocks intercalated with volcaniclastic rocks and limestone. Three distinct magmatic
pulses are noted during this period and were emplaced progressively towards the east: early
Middle Jurassic (ca. 185Ma); late Middle Jurassic (160-165Ma); and Early Cretaceous (95-
110Ma) in Peru and Chile (Boekhout et al., 2010; Mamani et al., 2010; Pitcher et al.,, 1995;
Clark et al., 1990a; Mpodozis and Ramos, 1989; Mukasa, 1986; Clark et al.,, 1976).

The Late Cretaceous is a time of a major tectonic and magmatic shift throughout the
Andes coincident with the opening of the south Atlantic Ocean (Mpodozis and Ramos, 1989).
Generally, there is migration of arc development towards the northeast. In southern Peru the
time is marked by Late Cretaceous shortening, collapse of the back-arc rift and eastward
thrusting of marine volcanic and sedimentary sequences on top of continentally derived clastic
rocks (Vicente et al.,, 1989, Benavides-Cáceres, 1999). Magmatism continued in central and
southern Peru during the latest Cretaceous (66Ma) and into the Paleogene (59Ma) (Clark et al.,
1990a) and is responsible for obscuring the earlier rift sequence and late Cretaceous fold and
thrust belt. This arc is preserved as thick dacitic to andesitic pyroclastic rocks and intermediate
flows (Bellido, 1979), with igneous roots composed of large, mantle and Proterozoic-aged lower
crustal derived granodiorite batholiths (Barreiro and Clark, 1984; Boiley et al.,,1990). This
period of magmatism is represented by the extrusive Toquepala Group rocks and large
batholiths in the Quellaveco area (Figure 2-2).







8115000 mN
Cuajone Mine
Proposed Pit

8110000 mN

8105000 mN au

8100000 mN lac
Stratified rocks Intrusive rocks
8095000 mN Alluvium Paleocene
Moquegua Fm.
In Batholiths
ca Barroso Gp.
qu Toquapala Mine Chuntacala/
io 8090000 mN Huaylillas Fm.
Fa Undifferentiated
Toquepala Gp.

Figure 2-2: Regional geology surrounding the Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala ore bodies.
Coordinates in Peruvian Coordinate System (PSAD56); Zone 19S.

Anomalously metal-rich deposits are associated with Paleocene and Early Eocene granite
and granodiorite porphyry stocks. These stocks intruded earlier in Peru over a 8 to 10 m.y.
period during which porphyry Cu deposits were emplaced in the southern Peru belt, a duration
similar to that found elsewhere (Sillitoe and Perelló, 2005; Barra et al., 2005; Glen et al., 2007).
A strong northwest elongation of the Paleogene porphyry stocks suggests that a series of
trench parallel, northwest-trending faults, coincident with the earlier rift basin, control the
emplacement the stocks. Porphyry intrusions of this age are temporally and spatially associated
with porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization at Quellaveco, Toquepala and Cuajone (Figure 2-2).

During the Eocene and Oligocene flat slab subduction (Sandeman et al., 1995) in Peru caused a
sudden north-eastward shift in magmatism (Noble et al., 1984). In southern Peru this is
recorded as Paleogene arc degradation, whereby sedimentation (Moquegua Formation) began
filling an intra-arc basin until approximately 18Ma, when volcanism continued (Quang et al.,
2005). The majority of volcanism erupted from 22-18Ma (Huaylillas Formation), as large
ignimbrites interbedded with the earlier Moquegua Formation (Tosdal et al., 1984). The early
Miocene was also characterized by shortening, orogen-scale uplift and accentuation of the
oroclinal bend in the Andes (Isacks 1988).

Techniques and Methods

New U-Pb ages reported herein utilized the Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe-
Reverse Geometry (SHRIMP-RG) at the United States Geological Survey (USGS)-Stanford
University facility. Zircons were separated at the Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical
Research (PCIGR) in the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British
Columbia. Data reduction for U-Pb SHRIMPRG geochronology uses the Microsoft Excel add-in
Squid (Ludwig, 2001) and Isoplot programs (Ludwig, 2008), following the methods described
by Ireland and Williams (2003). For young zircons, U-Pb SHRIMP-RG ages are calculated from
207 206
the weighted mean Pb-corrected Pb/238U ages of spot analyses on individual crystal, due to
the poor ability of the SHRIMP-RG to precisely measure small amounts of Pb, the isotope
used to ensure proper correction for any common Pb. Individual analyses characterized by
excessive common Pb are included in the age calculation, even though their inclusion may
degrade the statistical validity of the age. Ages for individual analytical spots that did not
overlap the weighted mean age within their analytical uncertainty are excluded from final age
calculation. Zircon spot analyses containing distinct chemical characteristics, such as elevated
Th/U or high U concentrations from the normal population, were also excluded. Complete
descriptions of the analytical procedures related to the SHRIMP-RG can be found in Chapter 1.

100km 75° 125 150km 70° BRAZIL
cay 65°
75 PERU Aban
50 ction

15° 15°
Lake Titicaca

Arequipa La Paz
R idg Cerro-Verde
Pe Cuajone
z ru
Na -C Quellaveco
hil Toquepala
ch Cerro Colorado
20° 20°



Copper Belts
m. Miocene-e. Pliocene
e. Miocene-m. Miocene
25° 25°
L. Eocene-e. Oligocene
Paleocene-e. Eocene ARGENTINA
Cu-Porphyry Deposits
Interpreted Major Faults
Depth to Benioff Zone

Figure 2-3: Cu-Mo porphyry belts by age with selected Paleocene-Eocene ore deposits andadvanced
projects shown. Copper belts from Sillitoe (1992), depth to Benioff zone from Cahill and
Isacks (1992), oceanic features from Jaillard et al. (2000) and faults from Beale (2007;
Anglo American internal report and ProExplo oral presentation) and Richards (2001) based
on magnetic and topographic lineaments.

This chapter presents mapping, geochronological and petrological data and
characteristics of the porphyry Cu-Mo deposit at Quellaveco. Detailed rock descriptions and
mapping are provided for the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry and is based on both surface
mapping and drill core logging by Adam Simmons from 2007 to 2008.

Geology and Geochronology of Quellaveco

The Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo deposit is hosted within a large batholithic,
equigranular granodiorite intrusive complex (~60Ma), which intruded into Toquepala Group
(~72.4-65Ma) volcanic rocks (Figures 5 and 6; Martinez and Zuloaga, 2000a; and Martinez and
Zuloaga, 2000b). The Toquepala Group has not been studied in great detail and not much is
known about the environment of deposition, facies changes and petrochemistry, which has led
to a lack of consistency of nomenclature. However, Martinez and Cervantes (2003) showed that
the Toquepala Group rocks evolve from more volumetrically important older basalt and
trachybasalt flows to younger, less volumetrically important rhyolitic flows and pyroclastic
deposits over an approximate depositional thickness of 4450m (Bellido, 1979). Several
generations of porphyry intrusions were emplaced into the granodiorite batholith from 55 to
58Ma (Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010), and are spatially associated with hydrothermal alteration
and mineralization (Zweng and Clark, 1995). A period of uplift and erosion followed the
emplacement of the porphyry intrusions, which are currently overlain by Miocene valley filling
ignimbrites (Figure 2-7a). A summary of the geochronology results from the Quellaveco is given
in Table 2-2.

Toquepala Group
Toquepala Group rocks host the late Cretaceous batholiths of the Yarabamba suite as
well as the late Paleocene to early Eocene porphyry Cu-Mo deposits and their associated
porphyritic intrusions in southern Peru (Figure 2-2; 2-7b). Previous work on the Toquepala
Group has been very limited and in general it is not well understood in terms of the changes in
facies, depositional setting, magma types, timing and longevity of volcanism. Bellido (1979)
divided the Toquepala Group into four formations (from oldest to youngest)
Huaracane/Toquepala, Inogoya, Paralaque and Quellaveco. The Quellaveco Formation was sub-
divided into five members (from oldest to youngest) Quellaveco Porphyry, Toquepala, Alta,
Yarito and Tinajones. At Quellaveco the Toquepala Member is absent and the Quellaveco
Porphyry and Alta Members host the Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo system.

Table 2-2: Summary of geochronology from the study area
Sample Northing Easting Description Interpreted Method
Age (Ma) (Mineral)
Qu709 8108748 326123 Toquepala Group; Quellaveco Rhyolite; 71.1±0.5 SRHIMP-RG
Quartz Porphyry
Qu283 8109355 326617 Regional Granodiorite 59.7±0.7 SRHIMP-RG
Qu008 8108526 328420 Regional Granodiorite 60.0±0.9 SRHIMP-RG
Qu335 8109349 326843 Earliest Porphyry 57.8±0.8 SRHIMP-RG
Qu396 8108312 327933 Earliest Porphyry 58.2±0.8 SRHIMP-RG
Qu395 8108049 327933 Early Porphyry 56.1±0.5 SRHIMP-RG
Qu138 8108264 327760 Early Porphyry 57.5±1.0 SRHIMP-RG
Qu507 8108841 327686 Early Porphyry 55.4±1.3 SRHIMP-RG
Qu242 8109238 327371 Intermineral Porphyry 56.4±0.6 SRHIMP-RG
Qu327 8108224 327601 Intermineral Porphyry 56.4±0.7 SRHIMP-RG
Qu210 8109063 327537 Intermineral Porphyry 57.2±0.9 SRHIMP-RG
Qu448 8109282 327270 Monzodiorite Porphyry 56.8±1.4 SRHIMP-RG
Qu461 8108841 327686 Monzodiorite Porphyry 57.2±0.7 SRHIMP-RG
Qu362 8108641 328062 Dacite Dyke 55.1±0.6 SRHIMP-RG
Qu168 8108375 327808 Dacite Dyke 57.4±0.9 SRHIMP-RG
Qu393 8108630 327462 Late Porphyry 53.7±0.9 SRHIMP-RG
Qu050 8108055 327846 Late Porphyry 56.0±0.8 SRHIMP-RG
Qu394 8108049 327933 Late Porphyry 54.7±0.8 SRHIMP-RG

Limited geochemistry studies (e.g. Martinez and Cervantes, 2003), suggest that the
Toquepala Group rocks evolve from more volumetrically important older basalt and trachybasalt
flows to younger, less volumetrically important rhyolitic flows and pyroclastic deposits from the
Huaracane Formation to the Tinajones Member of the Quellaveco Formation. This somewhat
agrees with the observation of Bellido (1979), however does not explain the Toquepala and Atla
Members of the Quellaveco Formation largely consisting of dolorite and andesite with lesser
dacite and rhyolite. No reliable radiometric ages have been reported for rocks within the
Toquepala Group, but are assumed to have been deposited during the latest Cretaceous
(Bellido, 1979; Martinez and Cervantes, 2003). This is supported by a zircon U-Pb age of the
Quellaveco Porphyry Member, which yielded and age of 71.1±0.5Ma from within the proposed
pit at Quellaveco (Figure 2-4, 2-5a; -7-c; Table 2-3), and by an additional thirteen zircon U-Pb
SHRIMP-RG ages provided in Appendix !.

Regional Granodiorite Batholith

A large (~2.5 by 5km) batholith elongated in a north-westerly direction is the main host
unit for porphyry Cu-Mo deposit and associated porphyritic intrusions at Quellaveco (Figure 2-2,

2-4). This unit has been grouped into the Yarabamba suite of intrusions which have been
previously defined by Mukasa and Tilton (1985) and Mukasa (1986) in the Arequipa area. These
intrusions were emplaced along the southern Precordillera of Peru between 62-67 ± 1 Ma. At
Quellaveco, this unit is an equigranular, medium-grained (3mm), biotite and hornblende
bearing granodiorite with quartz occurring as interstitial anhedral crystals, zircon, titanite and
apatite are accessory phases present in minor amounts (Figure 2-7d). Minor variations of this
texture include a coarse-grained (>6mm) equigranular variety, which occasionally looks
porphyritic, due to the coarse feldspars being visually distinct, especially in the leached cap.
However, quartz occurs as finer-grained anhedral crystals interstitial to the other rock forming
minerals. Two samples of this unit were analyzed for zircon U-Pb geochronology and yielded
ages of 59.7±0.7Ma and 60.0±0.9Ma, respectively (Figure 2-4, 2-5b-c; Table 2-3). Although
these ages are slightly younger than those reported by Mukasa and Tilton (1985), they are
distinctively older than the porphyry intrusions at Quellaveco and do not overlap in error with
the porphyry intrusions. Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010) reported U-Pb Laser Ablation Inductively
Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) ages on this unit and yielded an age of
59.46±0.24Ma. The ages from this study, overlap with those of Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010).
The markedly older ages, relative to the porphyry intrusions, the batholithic nature of the unit
and the lack of veins and Cu-Mo bearing mineralization within the unit allow for the granodiorite
to be correlated to the Yarabamba suite.

Quellaveco Porphyry Intrusion Complex

Currently there are four published U-Pb ages for intrusive phases present at Quellaveco
(Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010), which supports the intrusive complex having been previously
grouped into the Paleocene-early Eocene epoch of porphyry Cu-Mo deposits based on Ar-Ar
ages from Clark et al.,. (1990). The ages presented by Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010) are
discussed below and differences in interpretation are discussed.

The Quellaveco porphyry intrusive complex consists 30-40 individual porphyritic

intrusions ranging from small dykes to elongate and subcircular stocks. The porphyry complex
is elongated in a NW-SE orientation and covers an area of approximately 2000m by 800m,
though the northern portion of the complex is covered by Miocene volcanic rocks (Figure 2-5
and-6). The porphyry intrusions have different timing relationships to veins/vein types and
some are heavily mineralized whereas others lack sulphides. Five distinct porphyry suites based
on relative timing, texture, phenocryst/matrix compositions, accessory phases and
petrochemistry are present. Compositions of rock units given herein are based on visual


326500 mE

327000 mE

327500 mE

328000 mE

328500 mE
8110500 mN 8110500
Undifferentiated Miocene and younger mN
and sedimentary rocks
Intrusive Rocks
N Late Porphyry Intrusions
Intermineral/Monzodiorite Porphyry Intrusions

Pit outline Early Porphyry Intrusions

8110000 mN Equigranular Granodiorite Intrusion 8110000 mN

Volcanic HostRocks Rocks

Undifferentiated Toquepala Group Volcanic Rocks
, Surface, Diamond drill hole U/Pb sample
Contour spacing 10m
8109500 mN 8109500 mN



8109000 mN 8109000 mN
348 Rio Asana

200m to
Qu050 Qu362
8108500 mN 8108500 mN

Qu138 Qu396

8108000 mN Qu395 8108000 mN
326500 mE

327000 mE

327500 mE

328000 mE

328500 mE

8107500 mN 8107500 mN

Figure 2-4: Geology of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry deposit. Coordinates from PSAD56; UTM zone
19S. Preliminary geological map; note that the Intermineral Porphyry body is not shown
as a dyke complex because lithologies were not distinguishable in all locations on surface
due to supergene leaching.
Age (Ma)
A To 2709Ma B

Qu709; Quellaveco Rhyolite Qu283 Granodiorite
65 71.1±0.5Ma 59.7±0.7Ma
MSWD 1.19 45 MSWD 1.66
Probability 0.28 Probability 0.07
60 40









C 70 D To 79.8

60 60

50 50
Qu335 Earliest Porphyry
Qu008 Granodiorite
40 40 MSWD 1.85
MSWD 0.8
Probability 0.06
Probability 0.64
30 30


E 70 F


55 50
Qu396 Earliest Porphyry Qu395 Early Porphyry
50 58.2±0.8Ma 56.1±0.5Ma
MSWD 0.34 40 MSWD 0.94
Probability 0.95 Probability 0.49
40 30









Figure 2-5: U-Pb zircon age from SHRIMP-RG. Ages based on weighted mean averages of Pb

corrected Pb206/U238 ages from spots on different zircons. See Appendix 1 and Table 2-2 for
analytical data and results.

Age (Ma)

70 G 70 H
60 60
50 50
45 Qu138 Early Porphyry Qu507 Early Porphyry
57.5±1.0Ma 56.5±1.7Ma
40 MSWD 1.18 40 MSWD 4.90
Probability 0.31 Probability 0.00
30 30

















I 65 J

55 55

50 50
Qu242 Intermineral Porphyry Qu327 Intermineral Porphyry
56.4±0.6Ma 56.4±0.7Ma
45 MSWD 1.67 45 MSWD 0.52
Probability 0.09 Probability 0.84
40 40










K 70 L

Qu210 Intermineral Porphyry Qu448 Monzodiorite Porphyry
51 57.2±0.9Ma 40 56.8±1.4Ma
MSWD 0.5 MSWD 2.40
Probability 0.89 Probability 0.01
46 30







Figure 2-5 (cont’d): U-Pb zircon age from SHRIMP-RG. Ages based on weighted mean averages of
Pb207 corrected Pb206/U238 ages from spots on different zircons.

Age (Ma)
70 M N

Qu461 Monzodiorite Porphyry Qu362 Dacite Dyke
57.2±0.7Ma 55.1±0.6Ma
40 45
MSWD 0.64 MSWD 1.32
Probability 0.77 Probability 0.21
30 40




65 O 67.9±1.0 P
74.6±0.7 60
45 Qu393 Late Porphyry
Qu168 Dacite Dyke
57.4±0.9Ma 40
50 MSWD 1.70
MSWD 1.34
35 Probability 0.07
Probability 0.21
45 30













70 Q R


Qu050 Late Porphyry Qu394 Late Porphyry
56.0±0.8Ma 54.7±0.8Ma
40 MSWD 0.70 45 MSWD 1.64
Probability 0.65 Probability 0.10
30 40



















Figure 2-5 (cont’d): U-Pb zircon age from SHRIMP-RG. Ages based on weighted mean averages of
Pb207 corrected Pb206/U238 ages from spots on different zircons.

Table 2-3: U-Pb SHRIMP-RG zircon analytical data for samples from the study area
206 1 232 206
Sample Pb U Th Th Pb 2 206
Pb 2 1σ 207
Pb 1σ Apparent Age (Ma, 1σ)
238 238 206 2 206
Spot % (ppm) (ppm) U (ppm) U % Pb % Pb/238U 3
Quellaveco Rhyolite
Qu709 (Quartz Porphyry)
709-1 -0.09 199 279 1.45 7 0.01106 1.2 0.0467 5.2 70.98 (0.89)
709-2 0.64 194 263 1.40 1.9 0.01124 1.2 0.0525 4.9 71.56 (0.87)
709-3 0.02 369 294 0.83 3.5 0.01116 0.9 0.0476 3.8 71.52 (0.64)
709-4 0.06 1017 1247 1.27 10.0 0.01146 0.5 0.0479 2.1 73.43 (0.38)
709-5 3.09 367 85 0.24 149.7 0.47543 1.4 0.1862 2.1 2442.89 (37.69)
709-6 0.13 492 459 0.96 4.8 0.01139 0.7 0.0485 3.2 72.91 (0.56)
709-7 0.48 127 116 0.95 1.2 0.01123 1.5 0.0512 9.5 71.68 (1.15)
709-8 0.05 267 159 0.62 2.6 0.01124 1.0 0.0479 4.5 72.04 (0.77)
709-9 0.30 562 907 1.67 5.5 0.01130 0.7 0.0498 2.9 72.19 (0.53)
709-10 0.31 342 371 1.12 3.3 0.01129 0.9 0.0499 3.8 72.12 (0.68)
709-11 0.92 390 302 0.80 3.8 0.01120 1.0 0.0547 3.4 71.16 (0.71)
709-12 0.50 285 466 1.69 2.7 0.01099 1.0 0.0513 4.1 70.14 (0.74)
709-13 0.22 518 436 0.87 4.9 0.01108 0.7 0.0492 3.0 70.88 (0.52)
709-14 0.16 370 260 0.73 3.5 0.01116 0.9 0.0487 3.6 71.43 (0.63)
709-15 0.19 171 87 0.53 1.6 0.01077 1.3 0.0489 5.8 68.95 (0.94)
709-16 0.00 384 248 0.67 3.6 0.01104 0.9 0.0474 3.8 70.79 (0.64)
709-17 0.10 79 53 0.69 0.7 0.01095 1.8 0.0482 8.0 70.14 (1.31)
709-18 0.12 1742 2487 1.48 16.2 0.01084 0.5 0.0483 1.8 69.44 (0.35)
709-19 -0.01 1130 2058 1.88 10.7 0.01098 0.5 0.0474 2.2 70.40 (0.37)
709-20 -0.15 859 724 0.87 8.0 0.01077 0.6 0.0462 2.5 69.15 (0.41)
Regional Granodiorite
Qu283 (Equigranular Granodiorite)
283-1 0.79 133 130 1.01 1.1 0.01389 4.7 0.0534 7.4 59.13 (1.08)
283-2 1.15 93 59 0.65 0.7 0.01490 4.6 0.0563 8.2 58.47 (1.27)
283-3 0.62 104 62 0.61 0.8 0.01290 3.8 0.0521 8.5 59.02 (1.25)
283-4 0.12 494 877 1.83 4.1 0.01523 3.6 0.0482 4.0 62.37 (0.59)
283-5 2.11 89 55 0.64 0.7 0.01398 3.9 0.0639 8.2 56.98 (1.29)
283-6 1.09 185 198 1.10 1.5 0.01479 3.8 0.0559 6.1 60.30 (0.95)
283-7 0.39 198 230 1.20 1.6 0.01630 3.1 0.0503 5.9 61.35 (0.88)
283-8 1.13 75 38 0.53 0.6 0.01548 5.3 0.0562 9.4 62.14 (1.52)
283-9 1.71 95 56 0.61 0.7 0.01522 5.8 0.0608 9.0 57.93 (1.27)
283-10 0.48 103 71 0.72 0.8 0.01431 4.7 0.0510 8.5 59.69 (1.25)
283-11 0.20 297 251 0.87 2.4 0.01354 5.0 0.0488 5.1 59.54 (0.73)
283-12 0.88 134 117 0.90 1.1 0.01392 4.3 0.0542 10.7 61.28 (1.16)
283-13 0.14 116 91 0.80 1.0 0.01545 3.1 0.0483 8.0 61.17 (1.21)
283-14 1.11 121 91 0.77 1.0 0.01384 3.7 0.0559 7.6 58.03 (1.13)
Qu008 (Equigranular Granodiorite)
008-1 6.07 49 31 0.66 0.4 0.01593 4.3 0.0953 9.9 61.69 (2.02)
008-2 6.01 94 74 0.81 0.7 0.01481 2.5 0.0947 7.2 55.03 (1.35)
008-3 5.47 66 49 0.76 0.6 0.01528 3.5 0.0905 9.1 59.58 (1.69)
008-4 13.60 31 14 0.47 0.3 0.01637 4.3 0.1550 10.6 59.00 (2.61)
008-5 9.36 41 23 0.59 0.4 0.01649 3.7 0.1214 8.8 60.50 (2.14)
008-6 7.04 65 44 0.69 0.6 0.01520 4.7 0.1029 8.1 58.37 (1.73)
008-7 2.51 123 98 0.82 1.0 0.01457 3.3 0.0670 7.4 57.69 (1.21)
008-8 3.06 104 80 0.79 0.9 0.01444 3.7 0.0714 7.8 59.50 (1.37)
008-9 2.68 130 153 1.22 1.1 0.01474 3.8 0.0685 11.3 61.20 (1.33)
008-10 1.77 165 144 0.90 1.4 0.01464 4.7 0.0612 9.0 60.95 (1.13)
008-11 3.36 78 65 0.86 0.6 0.01413 5.5 0.0738 8.8 58.74 (1.54)
008-12 1.12 312 539 1.79 2.5 0.01500 4.0 0.0561 5.4 60.32 (0.91)
008-13 3.05 119 82 0.71 1.0 0.01596 3.5 0.0714 7.3 61.24 (1.32)
Earliest Porphyry
Qu335 (Diorite microporphyry)
335-1 6.40 115 77 0.70 1.0 0.01584 12.3 0.0980 22.1 63.55 (2.21)
335-2 1.92 161 72 0.46 1.2 0.01365 4.7 0.0624 6.1 55.69 (0.92)
335-3 0.55 152 55 0.37 1.2 0.01384 4.0 0.0516 6.9 60.25 (1.02)
335-4 0.80 108 68 0.65 0.8 0.01342 6.6 0.0535 8.4 54.99 (1.13)
335-5 1.68 157 154 1.02 1.3 0.01470 3.5 0.0605 6.3 58.88 (0.99)
335-6 2.47 88 45 0.53 0.7 0.01345 4.5 0.0667 8.1 56.24 (1.28)
335-7 1.07 131 129 1.02 1.0 0.01382 4.9 0.0557 7.5 57.84 (1.07)
335-8 0.68 196 109 0.57 1.5 0.01289 4.0 0.0525 6.1 55.00 (0.84)
335-9 2.22 49 27 0.57 0.4 0.01461 7.7 0.0647 11.0 58.21 (1.71)
335-10 0.16 1012 252 0.26 10.8 0.02441 2.1 0.0489 2.2 79.80 (0.43)
335-11 0.72 251 170 0.70 1.9 0.01407 4.1 0.0528 5.4 57.71 (0.76)
335-12 0.99 89 66 0.76 0.7 0.01418 4.0 0.0550 8.5 57.30 (1.25)
335-13 1.02 78 39 0.51 0.6 0.01361 4.5 0.0552 9.2 59.13 (1.41)
335-14 0.67 250 252 1.04 1.9 0.01289 4.5 0.0525 5.6 55.24 (0.76)

Common lead; 2 Atomic ratios of radiogenic Pb
3 206
Pb/238U age using 207Pb to correct for common lead

Table 2-3: Continued
206 1 232 206
Sample Pb U Th Th Pb2 206
Pb 2 1σ 207
Pb 1σ Apparent Age (Ma, 1σ)
238 238 206
Spot Name % (ppm) (ppm) U (ppm) U % Pb 2 % 206
Pb/238U 3
Qu396 (Diorite Microporphyry)
396-1 2.13 74 46 0.64 0.6 0.01546 2.4 0.0641 9.0 61.42 (1.62)
396-2 3.76 88 41 0.48 0.7 0.01386 4.3 0.0769 8.4 55.83 (1.43)
396-3 2.09 457 629 1.42 3.6 0.01519 3.3 0.0637 6.0 57.73 (0.67)
396-4 5.00 74 49 0.68 0.6 0.01509 3.7 0.0868 8.5 59.83 (1.65)
396-5 3.31 146 110 0.78 1.2 0.01473 3.9 0.0734 6.6 58.55 (1.14)
396-6 2.18 157 96 0.63 1.3 0.01509 3.0 0.0645 6.8 61.38 (1.14)
396-7 8.27 121 75 0.64 1.0 0.01566 2.4 0.1127 5.8 57.77 (1.27)
396-8 3.20 109 66 0.62 0.9 0.01136 2.6 0.0725 7.5 57.42 (1.26)
396-9 1.23 210 139 0.69 1.7 0.01486 5.3 0.0570 6.2 58.93 (0.94)
396-10 2.44 176 143 0.84 1.4 0.01435 2.9 0.0665 6.3 58.32 (1.04)
396-11 7.36 149 154 1.06 1.3 0.01418 1.7 0.1055 5.4 58.17 (1.13)
396-12 2.02 137 129 0.97 1.1 0.01424 4.3 0.0632 7.4 58.00 (1.18)
Early Porphyry
Qu395 (Quartz Monzonite Porphyry)
395-1 1.39 121 40 0.34 0.9 0.01233 3.3 0.0581 8.0 53.65 (1.24)
395-2 2.67 100 65 0.67 0.8 0.01311 3.9 0.0683 7.8 55.73 (1.38)
395-3 0.42 526 347 0.68 4.0 0.01391 4.8 0.0505 3.9 56.88 (0.61)
395-4 3.84 41 33 0.82 0.3 0.01514 3.8 0.0776 10.9 58.18 (1.93)
395-5 3.37 58 23 0.40 0.4 0.01217 5.2 0.0737 10.1 49.75 (1.49)
395-6 2.54 146 117 0.83 1.1 0.01344 3.4 0.0673 6.5 56.10 (1.05)
395-7 1.98 185 78 0.43 1.1 0.00934 2.4 0.0626 4.9 44.43 (0.59)
395-8 1.39 406 368 0.94 3.1 0.01328 4.0 0.0581 4.2 56.20 (0.61)
395-9 1.49 164 72 0.46 1.2 0.01284 3.2 0.0589 6.7 54.61 (0.96)
395-10 0.40 176 94 0.55 1.3 0.01441 3.3 0.0502 6.5 54.74 (0.90)
395-11 0.79 292 251 0.89 2.2 0.01448 2.3 0.0534 5.1 55.65 (0.71)
395-12 0.36 222 133 0.62 1.7 0.01346 4.4 0.0500 6.0 56.58 (0.82)
395-13 0.06 277 199 0.74 2.1 0.01307 4.9 0.0476 5.6 56.32 (0.74)
Qu138 (Quartz Monzonite Porphyry)
138-1 -0.05 138 73 0.55 1.0 0.01230 5.3 0.0468 8.1 56.68 (1.23)
138-2 0.43 143 62 0.45 1.1 0.01345 4.0 0.0506 7.4 58.27 (1.22)
138-3 3.49 102 44 0.44 0.8 0.01334 6.7 0.0748 12.3 55.89 (1.45)
138-4 0.49 100 52 0.54 0.8 0.01420 4.3 0.0510 8.9 59.18 (1.46)
138-5 0.52 50 20 0.42 0.4 0.01341 5.6 0.0512 13.0 54.56 (1.82)
138-6 0.20 124 48 0.40 1.0 0.01369 4.4 0.0487 8.5 57.45 (1.32)
138-7 0.29 173 124 0.74 1.3 0.01136 4.7 0.0494 7.1 54.45 (1.10)
138-8 0.24 192 166 0.89 1.5 0.01390 2.5 0.0491 6.9 58.13 (1.14)
138-9 0.26 304 303 1.03 2.4 0.01530 5.1 0.0492 5.4 58.70 (0.98)
138-10 1.32 86 40 0.48 0.7 0.01375 3.1 0.0576 9.6 56.56 (1.54)
Qu507 (Quartz Monzonite Porphyry)
507-1 2.28 142 97 0.71 1.1 0.01228 4.8 0.0652 6.7 54.23 (1.11)
507-2 1.20 250 192 0.80 1.9 0.01416 3.7 0.0566 5.3 57.06 (0.88)
507-3 -0.35 165 110 0.69 1.3 0.01439 1.8 0.0444 7.2 59.68 (1.06)
507-4 0.97 114 56 0.51 0.8 0.01289 3.7 0.0548 8.0 53.40 (1.21)
507-5 -0.26 214 174 0.84 1.7 0.01351 2.7 0.0452 6.4 58.48 (0.96)
507-6 0.16 202 121 0.62 1.5 0.01185 4.6 0.0483 6.8 53.82 (0.98)
507-7 -0.84 150 61 0.42 1.2 0.01309 4.3 0.0406 7.8 60.43 (1.17)
507-8 0.78 105 50 0.50 0.8 0.01277 2.8 0.0533 8.2 55.68 (1.28)
507-9 0.18 289 130 0.47 2.2 0.01240 2.4 0.0485 6.9 55.87 (0.81)
507-10 -0.24 105 40 0.40 0.8 0.01381 2.7 0.0452 9.2 56.36 (1.31)
Intermineral Porphyry
Qu242 (Granodiorite Porphyry)
242-1 0.99 91 45 0.51 0.7 0.01241 5.1 0.0549 9.1 54.05 (1.26)
242-2 1.71 97 49 0.52 0.7 0.01305 3.4 0.0606 8.3 55.31 (1.23)
242-3 0.55 293 270 0.95 2.3 0.01381 3.1 0.0515 5.0 57.02 (0.71)
242-4 0.14 187 117 0.64 1.5 0.01417 6.5 0.0483 9.9 59.22 (0.95)
242-5 0.04 311 284 0.95 2.4 0.01375 3.3 0.0475 5.1 57.52 (0.69)
242-6 1.24 181 117 0.67 1.5 0.01397 5.6 0.0571 6.3 60.12 (0.94)
242-7 1.21 194 104 0.55 1.6 0.01402 3.8 0.0568 6.1 59.06 (0.93)
242-8 1.31 131 58 0.46 1.0 0.01242 4.4 0.0575 7.4 53.98 (1.03)
242-9 1.15 236 227 0.99 1.7 0.01252 5.8 0.0562 5.5 53.50 (0.75)
242-10 1.05 200 152 0.79 1.5 0.01445 4.8 0.0554 5.8 57.39 (0.85)
242-11 0.19 256 258 1.04 2.1 0.01465 2.6 0.0487 5.4 59.78 (0.77)
242-12 0.82 212 117 0.57 1.6 0.01355 3.5 0.0536 12.9 55.89 (0.93)
242-13 2.38 102 51 0.52 0.8 0.01413 3.7 0.0660 7.4 56.30 (1.21)
242-14 0.85 258 186 0.75 2.0 0.01368 6.1 0.0539 5.3 56.22 (0.74)
242-15 0.86 196 163 0.86 1.5 0.01368 3.8 0.0540 5.7 56.78 (0.82)

Common lead; 2 Atomic ratios of radiogenic Pb
3 206
Pb/238U age using 207Pb to correct for common lead

Table 2-3: Continued
206 1 232 206
Sample Pb U Th Th Pb 2 206
Pb 2 1σ 207
Pb 1σ Apparent Age (Ma, 1σ)
238 238 206
Spot Name % (ppm) (ppm) U (ppm) U % Pb 2 % 206
Pb/238U 3
Qu327 (Granodiorite Porphyry)
327-1 1.77 133 56 0.44 1.0 0.01447 3.5 0.0612 6.6 57.52 (1.24)
327-2 3.18 152 67 0.46 1.2 0.01565 3.0 0.0724 5.8 59.30 (1.13)
327-3 2.45 154 79 0.53 1.2 0.01397 2.6 0.0666 6.2 56.74 (1.10)
327-4 4.21 163 94 0.59 1.3 0.01359 6.2 0.0804 5.5 55.33 (1.06)
327-5 0.93 200 160 0.83 1.5 0.01389 3.1 0.0545 6.1 57.10 (0.99)
327-6 3.04 205 135 0.68 1.6 0.01350 3.6 0.0712 5.2 55.47 (0.95)
327-7 4.13 103 57 0.57 0.8 0.01327 5.7 0.0798 7.0 55.36 (1.34)
327-8 0.52 691 646 0.97 5.3 0.01450 5.3 0.0512 3.3 56.56 (0.51)
327-9 2.00 149 80 0.56 1.1 0.01360 2.7 0.0629 6.5 53.31 (1.08)
327-10 7.35 148 93 0.65 1.2 0.01450 4.0 0.1054 5.7 56.13 (1.26)
327-11 3.32 129 68 0.55 1.0 0.01419 2.2 0.0735 7.1 56.62 (1.32)
327-12 3.69 142 85 0.62 1.0 0.01300 5.6 0.0763 7.0 52.89 (1.26)
Qu210 (Granodiorite Porphyry)
210-1 -0.34 273 189 0.71 2.1 0.01112 2.8 0.0445 5.4 57.27 (0.90)
210-2 -0.02 120 71 0.61 0.9 0.01135 6.9 0.0469 7.3 53.39 (1.53)
210-3 -0.11 209 110 0.55 1.6 0.01321 4.8 0.0463 5.7 57.21 (0.93)
210-4 -0.11 110 43 0.41 0.8 0.01401 2.6 0.0463 7.6 57.94 (1.16)
210-5 -0.14 280 250 0.92 2.2 0.01314 4.2 0.0461 4.8 58.24 (0.85)
210-6 0.24 118 36 0.32 0.9 0.01362 4.9 0.0490 7.0 56.48 (1.10)
210-7 -0.02 231 122 0.54 1.8 0.01289 4.1 0.0470 5.2 57.60 (0.90)
210-8 0.18 132 84 0.66 1.0 0.01286 5.5 0.0486 6.8 56.73 (1.07)
210-9 0.05 154 92 0.62 1.2 0.01336 4.5 0.0476 6.3 57.99 (1.02)
210-10 -0.10 296 224 0.78 2.2 0.01401 4.1 0.0463 4.6 56.74 (0.82)
210-11 0.27 353 323 0.95 2.7 0.01203 3.8 0.0493 4.2 56.57 (0.79)
210-12 0.33 307 235 0.79 2.3 0.01270 3.8 0.0497 4.7 56.50 (0.83)
210-13 0.74 255 176 0.71 1.9 0.01293 4.2 0.0529 5.0 54.53 (0.85)
210-14 1.19 129 79 0.63 1.0 0.01157 3.8 0.0565 7.0 54.45 (1.10)
210-15 0.37 115 51 0.46 0.8 0.01227 3.9 0.0500 8.1 52.79 (1.14)
210-16 0.25 614 767 1.29 4.4 0.01292 4.8 0.0491 3.2 54.01 (0.66)
Monzodiorite Porphyry
Qu448 (Monzodioirite Porphyry)
448-1 1.42 152 56 0.38 1.0 0.01225 6.4 0.0582 8.9 47.74 (1.23)
448-2 -0.17 109 89 0.85 0.7 0.01374 5.4 0.0456 11.1 49.39 (1.40)
448-3 0.56 177 100 0.58 1.1 0.01353 4.2 0.0514 8.3 47.56 (1.07)
448-4 0.14 180 152 0.87 1.3 0.01169 2.8 0.0482 9.3 55.17 (1.41)
448-5 -0.65 139 72 0.53 1.0 0.01322 2.7 0.0420 10.4 55.46 (1.37)
448-6 1.54 51 24 0.49 0.4 0.01356 4.8 0.0593 13.7 52.92 (2.10)
448-7 2.99 65 33 0.53 0.5 0.01274 3.5 0.0707 12.1 50.62 (1.93)
448-8 0.18 106 82 0.80 0.7 0.01300 2.6 0.0484 10.9 51.56 (1.44)
448-9 -0.29 242 148 0.63 1.9 0.01554 4.4 0.0449 6.9 57.40 (1.03)
448-10 1.17 144 149 1.06 1.1 0.01270 5.9 0.0564 9.3 56.79 (1.51)
448-11 -0.71 156 82 0.54 1.2 0.01369 3.5 0.0415 10.1 59.36 (1.62)
448-12 -0.01 111 52 0.48 0.9 0.01537 6.1 0.0471 10.0 58.87 (1.54)
448-13 0.09 296 185 0.65 2.2 0.01191 4.3 0.0479 7.5 55.53 (1.02)
448-14 1.61 133 43 0.34 1.0 0.01292 6.2 0.0598 9.4 53.50 (1.45)
448-15 -0.28 123 90 0.76 1.0 0.01524 2.8 0.0450 9.5 59.99 (1.41)
448-16 0.62 224 125 0.58 1.8 0.01404 3.1 0.0521 6.6 58.26 (1.06)
Qu461 (Monzodiorite Porphyry)
461-1 -0.09 238 158 0.68 1.8 0.01190 2.7 0.0464 6.3 55.72 (0.90)
461-2 1.46 148 72 0.50 1.1 0.01396 3.8 0.0587 6.8 53.75 (1.07)
461-3 0.48 92 52 0.59 0.7 0.01121 7.2 0.0509 9.4 57.12 (1.44)
461-4 0.43 253 143 0.58 2.0 0.01394 5.5 0.0505 5.6 57.28 (0.86)
461-5 0.29 121 83 0.71 0.9 0.01385 4.5 0.0495 8.3 56.99 (1.27)
461-6 -0.03 217 112 0.53 1.7 0.01258 4.3 0.0469 6.5 58.03 (0.96)
461-7 -0.47 125 44 0.37 1.0 0.01415 3.0 0.0435 8.0 57.20 (1.13)
461-8 -0.38 198 123 0.64 1.5 0.01407 4.9 0.0441 6.5 56.65 (0.93)
461-9 0.56 103 70 0.70 0.8 0.01400 4.3 0.0516 8.5 58.97 (1.39)
461-10 0.51 126 42 0.34 1.0 0.01475 2.0 0.0512 12.0 57.60 (1.24)
461-11 -0.33 111 44 0.41 0.9 0.01388 3.3 0.0446 9.0 57.75 (1.28)
461-12 0.21 373 405 1.12 3.0 0.01507 3.8 0.0489 4.4 59.75 (0.69)
461-13 1.62 140 83 0.61 1.0 0.01109 7.3 0.0599 7.1 53.31 (1.12)

Common lead; 2 Atomic ratios of radiogenic Pb
3 206
Pb/238U age using 207Pb to correct for common lead

Table 2-3: Continued
206 1 232 206
Sample Pb U Th Th Pb 2 206
Pb 2 1σ 207
Pb 1σ Apparent Age (Ma, 1σ)
238 238 206
Spot Name % (ppm) (ppm) U (ppm) U % Pb 2 % 206
Pb/238U 3
Dacite Porphyry Dykes
Qu362 (Dacite Dyke)
362-1 2.58 129 64 0.51 0.9 0.01297 3.9 0.0675 6.8 52.10 (1.14)
362-2 1.14 248 163 0.68 1.8 0.01322 2.9 0.0562 5.5 54.32 (0.85)
362-3 2.79 131 59 0.46 1.0 0.01411 2.2 0.0692 6.8 56.04 (1.21)
362-4 1.29 195 116 0.61 1.5 0.01452 3.4 0.0573 6.2 55.51 (1.01)
362-5 3.42 186 128 0.71 1.4 0.01393 3.0 0.0742 5.6 55.07 (1.05)
362-6 1.25 230 116 0.52 1.8 0.01486 4.1 0.0570 5.7 56.58 (0.94)
362-7 2.81 259 203 0.81 1.9 0.01321 4.7 0.0693 7.9 54.05 (0.99)
362-8 1.20 259 207 0.83 1.9 0.01299 3.7 0.0566 5.4 54.28 (0.85)
362-9 1.53 245 166 0.70 1.8 0.01352 4.6 0.0592 5.3 53.88 (0.86)
362-10 0.92 381 251 0.68 2.9 0.01437 3.3 0.0544 4.4 56.49 (0.70)
362-11 1.61 203 230 1.17 1.6 0.01448 3.4 0.0599 5.6 57.57 (0.96)
362-12 1.86 118 86 0.75 0.8 0.01289 5.6 0.0618 7.4 52.53 (1.18)
362-13 0.83 324 280 0.89 2.4 0.01470 3.2 0.0537 4.7 55.51 (0.74)
362-14 1.38 312 379 1.26 2.3 0.01312 4.0 0.0580 4.9 54.66 (0.78)
362-15 4.16 89 27 0.32 0.7 0.01381 3.6 0.0800 7.5 53.29 (1.39)
Qu168 (Dacite Dyke)
168-1 -0.31 277 258 0.96 2.5 0.01552 3.3 0.0449 4.7 67.93 (0.98)
168-2 1.91 96 49 0.52 0.8 0.01354 2.7 0.0623 9.6 58.03 (1.28)
168-3 0.57 168 144 0.88 1.3 0.01496 2.0 0.0517 6.0 59.42 (1.04)
168-4 1.12 253 139 0.57 2.0 0.01352 3.8 0.0560 5.4 57.88 (0.95)
168-5 0.42 165 66 0.42 1.3 0.01388 3.1 0.0505 6.5 57.07 (1.04)
168-6 0.83 142 83 0.61 1.0 0.01344 5.0 0.0536 6.7 51.55 (1.11)
168-7 0.05 505 338 0.69 5.1 0.01826 4.2 0.0479 3.2 74.65 (0.92)
168-8 0.88 146 40 0.29 1.1 0.01381 3.4 0.0541 6.4 57.52 (1.08)
168-9 0.30 286 292 1.05 2.1 0.01272 5.6 0.0495 5.0 55.91 (0.86)
168-10 0.24 232 186 0.82 1.8 0.01258 5.0 0.0491 5.3 57.88 (0.92)
168-11 1.55 224 311 1.44 1.6 0.01178 9.5 0.0593 7.4 52.43 (0.88)
168-12 0.08 204 110 0.55 1.6 0.01470 3.2 0.0478 5.6 58.53 (0.96)
168-13 1.64 225 198 0.91 1.7 0.01338 3.5 0.0602 5.0 56.78 (0.93)
168-14 0.65 184 149 0.84 1.4 0.01151 3.0 0.0523 6.1 55.82 (0.99)
Late Porphyry
Qu393 (Granodiorite Porphyry)
393-1 0.35 184 91 0.51 1.2 0.01214 3.1 0.0498 9.2 49.22 (0.96)
393-2 0.22 281 205 0.75 2.0 0.01404 3.9 0.0488 5.5 52.17 (0.78)
393-3 1.44 145 62 0.44 1.0 0.01183 5.6 0.0585 7.7 52.23 (1.17)
393-4 2.12 63 46 0.76 0.5 0.01447 4.0 0.0639 10.4 53.76 (1.69)
393-5 0.65 131 74 0.58 1.0 0.01431 4.7 0.0523 7.9 56.58 (1.22)
393-6 0.24 234 178 0.79 1.7 0.01305 5.9 0.0490 6.2 54.70 (0.92)
393-7 1.27 89 87 1.00 0.7 0.01492 3.4 0.0572 13.3 56.42 (1.51)
393-8 1.20 194 121 0.65 1.4 0.01357 3.7 0.0566 6.3 54.99 (1.00)
393-9 0.35 346 217 0.65 2.6 0.01506 4.2 0.0499 6.2 55.82 (0.77)
393-10 1.25 179 105 0.60 1.3 0.01410 2.7 0.0570 6.4 53.90 (1.02)
393-11 0.57 291 307 1.09 2.1 0.01168 5.2 0.0516 5.6 53.81 (0.83)
393-12 1.07 128 59 0.47 1.0 0.01281 3.7 0.0556 8.0 56.08 (1.27)
393-13 0.10 225 208 0.95 2.0 0.01675 3.9 0.0481 5.6 64.97 (0.98)
393-14 0.21 228 107 0.48 1.6 0.01315 4.4 0.0487 6.7 52.44 (0.97)
393-15 1.00 172 121 0.73 1.2 0.01334 6.8 0.0550 6.7 53.04 (1.01)
Qu050 (Granodiorite Porphyry)
050-1 0.82 223 121 0.56 1.6 0.01171 5.5 0.0536 5.6 54.64 (1.06)
050-2 0.16 144 87 0.62 1.1 0.01342 6.7 0.0484 7.1 56.81 (1.13)
050-3 0.59 120 77 0.67 1.0 0.01389 3.8 0.0519 9.7 58.95 (1.27)
050-4 0.29 195 100 0.53 1.5 0.01416 5.7 0.0494 6.3 56.40 (1.04)
050-5 0.97 273 223 0.84 2.1 0.01232 5.1 0.0548 5.1 56.46 (1.05)
050-6 -0.19 196 114 0.60 1.5 0.01409 6.3 0.0457 6.5 59.16 (1.09)
050-7 0.35 824 1671 2.10 6.3 0.01225 5.5 0.0499 3.2 56.54 (0.75)
050-8 1.24 185 157 0.88 1.4 0.01148 5.5 0.0569 12.6 55.22 (1.15)
050-9 1.29 101 44 0.45 0.7 0.01170 6.5 0.0574 8.4 54.86 (1.33)
Qu394 (Granodiorite Porphyry)
394-1 -0.17 175 114 0.67 1.2 0.01183 4.8 0.0457 6.6 52.70 (0.94)
394-2 0.24 246 154 0.65 1.8 0.01329 5.5 0.0490 5.0 55.80 (0.85)
394-3 -0.29 645 507 0.81 4.8 0.01376 7.2 0.0448 3.0 55.45 (0.66)
394-4 0.32 252 204 0.84 1.8 0.01367 4.7 0.0496 4.9 54.33 (0.82)
394-5 1.23 378 492 1.34 2.7 0.01339 3.6 0.0568 4.6 53.49 (0.81)
394-6 0.57 422 310 0.76 3.3 0.01312 4.9 0.0517 3.6 57.30 (0.75)
394-7 0.20 329 353 1.11 2.5 0.01335 3.3 0.0487 4.3 56.16 (0.79)
394-8 0.51 173 134 0.80 1.3 0.01251 1.4 0.0512 6.0 54.88 (0.96)
394-9 0.02 202 119 0.61 1.5 0.01324 3.5 0.0473 5.6 54.87 (0.89)
394-10 0.55 217 129 0.61 1.7 0.01271 3.3 0.0515 5.2 57.70 (0.92)
394-11 -0.10 194 205 1.09 1.4 0.01280 4.2 0.0463 5.8 54.58 (0.91)
394-12 0.40 92 37 0.41 0.7 0.01213 3.8 0.0503 7.7 53.36 (1.15)
Common lead; 2 Atomic ratios of radiogenic Pb
3 206
Pb/238U age using 207Pb to correct for common lead

variations in phenocryst proportions and petrochemistry presented in Chapter 4. The
nomenclature of these units are based on the exploration terminology for the intrusive suites
and do not necessarily reflect their timing relative to Cu-Mo bearing veins or hydrothermal
alteration. From oldest to youngest the porphyry intrusion suites are: Earliest, Early,
Intermineral, Monzodiorite and Late suites. The Intermineral Suite is further subdivided into two
suites termed the Intermineral 1 and Intermineral 2 suites, based on the consistent relative
timing of similar composition dykes that contain euhedral and resorbed feldspars. U-Pb zircon
ages are presented below, in addition to the description of the rock units and their variations
within the deposit.

Earliest Porphyry (ca. 57.5-58.5 Ma)

The “Earliest” porphyries are the least volumetrically important of the porphyry
intrusions at Quellaveco and were first described by Sillitoe (1996) in an internal report to Anglo
American. Complete textural destruction of this unit is common, due to high degrees of quartz-
magnetite-chlorite hypogene alteration. This unit is preserved as xenoliths within other
porphyry intrusions, with a maximum drill hole intersection of approximately 50 meters (Figure
2-6). The Earliest porphyry is fine grained crowded porphyry consisting of two feldspars and
biotite as phenocryst phases in a very fine grained greyish-green groundmass with quartz
(Figure 2-7e). Two drill core samples of this rock were collected for U-Pb zircon geochronology
from the two known occurrences of this unit north and south of the Rio Asana and yielded ages
of 57.8±0.8Ma and 58.2±0.8Ma (Figure 2-4, 2-5d-e; Table 2-3). Although these ages slightly
overlap with younger porphyries they are considered to be distinct from the younger porphyry
suites, because these porphyries were largely emplaced prior to the bulk of Cu-Mo
mineralization and are host rocks. Additionally, these porphyry intrusions are intensely biotite-
magnetite and K-feldspar altered and may contain copper grades in excess of 1%. The
characteristics of the porphyry units are summarized in Table 2-3, which highlights the
distinguishing features of the porphyry units.

The Earliest porphyries range in composition from monzodiorite to quartz monzonite,

based on visual variations in phenocryst proportions and petrochemistry presented in Chapter
4. The Earliest Porphyry typically contains 50-65% phenocrysts. Their microphenocrystic texture
and occurrence as xenoliths in the next youngest porphyry intrusion suite (Early porphyry) are
distinguishing features of this unit.

A 21500 21250 21000 20750 20500 20250 20000 19750 A’
Supergene Weak supergene enrichment
Conglomerate Oxide/Sulphide
3750 with Cu-oxide Leached/oxidized zone

Strong supergene enrichment

Asana River

3500 A

Miocene and Later Volcanic Rocks
Sencca Formation N
Asana Formation
Chuntacala Formation
Paleocene to Eocene Intrusions
Late Porphyry Intrusions 3250
Hypogene Alteration and Mineralization
Intermineral/Monzodiorite Porphyry
Early Porphyry Intrusions
Earliest Porphyry Intrusions
Equigranular Granodiorite Intrusion A’

Figure 2-6: Cross section through the long axis of the proposed pit area at Quellaveco. Topography to scale and grid from locally derived grid for
Quellaveco; all grid locations in meters.
Early Porphyry (ca. 56.5-57 Ma)
The Early porphyry intrusion suite is most closely, spatially associated with and
hosts the bulk of the Cu-Mo mineralization that makes up the Quellaveco resource. It is
considered to have been temporally and genetically associated with the main ore-deposition
stages due to major chalcopyrite bearing veins hosted within this unit being cross-cut by the
latter Intermineral porphyry units. This brackets the age of mineralization to a maximum within
the resource area. The Early porphyry suite consists of large NW-SE elongated stocks with
lesser dykes and is, volumetrically the most significant of the porphyry intrusions (Figure 2-4).

The Early porphyry intrusions contain approximately 50-60% phenocrysts in a fine

grained light grey-green matrix of quartz, biotite and feldspars (Figure 2-7f; Table 2-4). The
phenocryst assemblage is composed of plagioclase (25%), K-feldspar (15%), quartz (15%) and
biotite (5%), with rare hornblende. Feldspars are typically subhedral to anhedral, biotite
phenocrysts are small and euhedral, quartz forms large sub-rounded crystals. These intrusions
range from quartz monzonite through granodiorite to monzogranite compositions. High degrees
of alteration commonly obscure primary igneous textures. The intrusions also commonly contain
densely spaced veins of several types. In the core of the resource area, the dominant style of
alteration is quartz-white mica assemblages overprinting early biotite and K-feldspar
assemblages. Three samples (two drill core; one surface) of different Early Porphyry intrusions
yielded U-Pb ages of 56.1±0.5Ma, 57.5±1.0Ma and 56.5±1.7Ma (Figure 2-4, 2-5f-h; Table 2-3).
Although the data suggest a wide variety of ages they are all within error of each other and are
considered to be from the same intrusive suite. Alternate explanations for the apparently wide
range of ages might be that several intrusions of this suite were emplaced at distinct,
temporally separate or that there may have been an error in sampling/assignment of samples
to the Early porphyry suite. The study of Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010) yielded an age for the
Early porphyry of 58.41±0.53Ma, which is significantly older than the ages of this study, but
within error of two of the Early porphyry samples. The age of Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010)
more closely overlaps with the Earliest porphyry of this study as does the reported high copper
grades. Differences in the ages are due to discrepancies in unit assignment and nomenclature
between the studies with the Early Porphyry sample of Sillitoe and Mortensen coming from a
location interpreted to be the Earliest Porphyry in this study.

Intermineral Porphyry (ca. 56-56.5 Ma)

Intermineral porphyry dykes, along with the Monzodiorite porphyry dykes form a large
dyke complex in the center of the resource area (Figure 2-4). The dyke complex consists of at

Table 2-4: Summary of textural and mineralogical differences between porphyry suites at Quellaveco
Suite Age (Ma) Rock Type2 Phenocryst Phenocryst assemblage Alteration3 Comments
Earliest 57.5-58.6 Monzodiorite - 50-65 Plag>>Kfs>Bt Bt-Mag- -high grade and low volume;
Qtz Monzonite Kfs -dense veins and rock replacement by
-as xenoliths in Early Porphyry;
Early 55.9-56.6 Qtz Monzonite – 50-60 Plag; 25%, sub-anhedral Qtz-Ser -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Granodiorite Kfs; 15%, sub-anhedral over Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 15%, large, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, small, euhedral -medium grade and large volume;
Hbld; rare -elongated stocks or several thick dykes
Intermineral 1 55.7-57.1 Granodiorite – 40-50 Plag; 20%, large, sub-euhedral Qtz-Ser -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Monzogranite Kfs; 15%, large, sub-euhedral over Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 15%, medium, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, small, euhedral -medium grade and medium volume;
-several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Intermineral 2 56.3-57.0 Qtz 50-60 Plag; 40%, large, sub-anhedral Qtz-Ser -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
monzodiorite – Kfs; 10%, large sub-anhedral over Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz monzonite Qtz; 5%, large, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, medium, sub-anhedral -medium to low grade and medium volume;
Hbld; rare -several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Monzodiorite 55.2-57.2 Monzodiorite – 25-30 Plag; 20%, large, sub-euhedral Bt- -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Qtz Monzonite Qtz; 3%, large, euhedral Kfs±Mag (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Bt; 3%, small, euhedral late Qtz- Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Kfs 2%, large, euhedral Ser -highly variable grade and low volume
Hbld; 2%, small anhedral Dense veins and rock replacement by
sulphides and magnetite
-several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Late/Post 53.9-55.5 Granodiorite 60-65 Plag; 40%, large, euhedral; Qtz; 15%, Cl-Ep -Qtz-Py>>Cp±Mo >>disseminations
large, anhedral; Kfs; 10%, large, -very low grade and medium volume
euhedral; Bt; 4%, large, subhedral; -sub-rounded stocks
Hbld; 1% large, euhedral
1. Critical distinguishing features are shown in bold.
2. Rock type and phenocryst abundance given as visual modal amounts of Qtz-Kfs-Plag and volumetric abundance of phenocrysts to matrix
3. Alteration is given as the dominant alteration minerals spatially associated with the porphyry suite at elevations between 3000-3500m
Shortened forms for minerals areas follows: Qtz=Quartz, Plag=Plagioclase, Bt=Biotite, Mag=Magnetite, Kfs=Potassium Feldspar, Hbld=Hornblende,
Ser=Sericite, Cl=Chlorite, Ep=Epidotic, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Py=Pyrite, Mo=Molybdenite

Proposed pit wall

Hauylillas Formation

Quellaveco Igneous Complex


Xenolith (Toq. Gp.)

Toquepala Gp.


Figure 2-7: Photos of rocks from the Quellaveco porphyry and igneous textures. A) View of the
Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo deposit looking north from the south wall of the Rio Asana
showing the Quellaveco Igneous Complex overlain by Hauylillas volcanic rocks (drill roads
for scale); B) Contact between Cretaceous Toquepala Group volcanic rocks (left) and
Regional Granodiorite (right); C) Quellaveco Member quartz-phyic rylolite flow.

Early Porphyry

Regional Granodiorite

Intermineral Porphyry

Early Porphyry


Intermineral Porphyry Late


Monzodiorite Porphyry
Post Mineral
Porphyry Dyke

Figure 2-7 cont’d: Photos of rocks from the Quellaveco porphyry and igneous textures. D) Regional
Granodiorite with containing quartz-sulphide veins being cut by Early Poprhyry. Note the
equigranular texture within the hornblende bearing granodiorite; E) Sample Qu-396 of the
Earliest Porphyry showing the micro-porphyritic texture with K-feldspar/biotite alteration
and containing magnetite-chalcopyrite veins; F) Sample Qu-507 of Early Porphyry with
biotite alteration of hornblende, K-feldpar alteration with weak sericite overprint; G) Sample
Qu-508 of Intermineral Porphyry crosscutting Early Porphyry and veins contained within the
Early Porphyry; H) Biotite altered Monzodiorite Porphyry crosscutting sericite over K-feldspar
altered Intermineral Porphyry and veins therein; note the biotite alteration, lack of quartz
and low phenocryst to matrix ratio in the Monzodiorite Porphyry; and I) Post mineral dyke
with fine grained phenocrysts cutting coarse grained Late Porphyry with large feldspar,
quartz and hornblende phenocysts, veins in Late Porphyry also cut by post mineral dyke.

least 20 individual dykes that strike NNW and are interpreted to have a steep eastward dip,
though this is hard to establish due to most of the drill holes being drilled vertical. This suite of
porphyry intrusions are for the most part mineralized to the same extent as the Early porphyry
units, however the Intermineral suites are volumetrically less important than the Early porphyry
suite. The Intermineral porphyry suite consists of two texturally and temporally distinct types of

The older of the two porphyry suites ranges in composition from granodiorite to
monzogranite and contains approximately 40-50% phenocrysts set in a fine grained light grey
matrix consisting of quartz and altered plagioclase, K-feldspar and biotite (Figure 2-7g-h; Table
2-4). The phenocryst assemblage consists of plagioclase (20%), K-feldspar (15%), quartz
(15%) and biotite (5%). The main distinguishing feature between the two Intermineral
porphyry suites is the phenocryst morphology. In the older suite, phenocrysts of feldspar are
typically subhedral to euhedral, whereas in the younger suite feldspars are resorbed with
rounded crystal edges. Quartz and biotite phenocrysts are euhedral and smaller than those in
the younger suite. High degrees of alteration destroy most of primary igneous textures and
frequently contain densely spaced veins of several types. In the core of the resource area the
dominant style of alteration is quartz-white mica, overprinting early biotite and K-feldspar.

The younger Intermineral porphyry intrusions range in composition from quartz

monzodiorite to quartz monzonite and contain approximately 50-60% phenocrysts (Figure 2-7;
Table 2-4). The phenocryst assemblage consists of plagioclase (40%), K-feldspar (10%), quartz
(5%), biotite (5%) and trace hornblende within a very fine-grained, medium grey-green matrix
of feldspar, biotite and quartz. Biotite and feldspars form anhedral to subhedral (sub-rounded)
phenocrysts, with biotite generally smaller than feldspars whereas quartz phenocrysts form
small rounded and resorbed crystals. Very weak biotite alteration is present in this rock and has
been overprinted by a pervasive quartz-white mica assemblages.

Three samples (two surface; one drill core) were collected for U-Pb zircon
geochronology from both of the Intermineral series of dykes and yielded 56.4±0.6Ma,
56.4±0.7Ma and 57.2±0.9Ma (Figure 2-4, 2-5j-l; Table 2-3). These ages are all within error of
the ages from the Early porphyry intrusions, indicating that several distinctive porphyry
intrusive types were emplaced in a reasonably short period of time, perhaps as short as 0.4m.y.
The study of Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010) yielded an age of 55.90±0.31Ma, which although
younger than the samples of this study overlap with two of the three samples. This is sufficient
to say that the two studies agree with each other and that the variations in age from one

Intermineral dyke to another are explained by having at least to temporally and texturally
distinct phases of Intermineral porphyry dykes present at Quellaveco.

Monzodiorite Porphyries (ca. 55.5-56.5 Ma)

The Monzodiorite porphyry dykes make up a portion of the central dykes complex at
Quellaveco and are volumetrically less important than the Intermineral porphyry dykes (Figure
2-5). Within the dyke complex there are at least 10-15 Monzodiorite dykes present, ranging in
true width from approximately 0.25m to 20m. They typically strike NNW and are interpreted to
be steeply dipping to the east. These dykes are variably, spatially associated with high grade Cu
mineralization, and represent the youngest unit that consistently contains >0.4% Cu within
hypogene altered and mineralized rocks. Therefore, this unit brackets the majority of Cu-Mo
bearing mineralization within the Early and Intermineral porphyry phases.

The Monzodiorite intrusions are very distinctive, ranging in composition from

monzodiorite to quartz monzonite and contain a very low abundance of phenocrysts,
approximately 25-30% (Figure 2-7h; Table 2-4). The phenocryst assemblage consists of
plagioclase (20%), quartz (3%), biotite (3%), K-feldspar (2%) and hornblende (2%) within a
medium to dark grey-green to black, fine-grained to aphanitic matrix. Feldspar and quartz are
large (up to 10mm) and euhedral with biotite and hornblende phenocrysts being smaller and
euhedral. Contacts with other rocks are commonly well mineralized igneous breccias with the
fragments composed of older porphyry intrusions and the matrix composed of monzodiorite
porphyry that has been massively to semi-massively replaced by magnetite-biotite-chalcopyrite
in the most altered areas. Igneous textures are commonly preserved, with the major alteration
assemblages consisting of biotite-K-feldspar-magnetite with late quartz-white mica overprinting.

Two drill core samples were collected for U-Pb zircon geochronology from different
monzodiorite dykes and yielded 56.8±1.4Ma and 57.2±0.7Ma (Figure 2-4, 2-5m-n; Table 2-3).
These ages are all within error of the ages from the Early and Intermineral porphyry intrusions,
further emphasizing that very different magma types were emplaced into approximately the
same level of the crust within a very short time span. Additionally, these ages suggest that the
lower limit of the bulk of Cu-Mo mineralization was deposited prior to approximately 56.5Ma.
This suite was not sampled as part of the Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010) study.

Dacite Dykes (ca. 54.5-56 Ma)

Several sets of dykes cross cut most porphyry intrusions and range in composition from
monzodiorite to granodiorite. These dykes are typically no wider than approximately 2m and

range from approximately 35-40% phenocrystic to micorphenocrsytic/aphanitic. Where
phenocrysts are recognized, they consist of K-feldspar, resorbed quartz and plagioclase within
an aphanitic medium grey-green matrix (Figure 2-7i). Their relative timing compared to the late
porphyries is unknown as no contacts have been observed, though none of these dykes have
been observed cross-cutting late porphyry intrusions. They typically strike NNW to NW and are
nearly vertical. These sets of dykes are not mineralized with respect to copper or molybdenum,
however quartz veins-bearing pyrite have been observed in this unit. Two of these dykes were
sampled (one surface [Qu-168]; one drill core [Qu-362]) for U-Pb zircon geochronology and
yielded 55.1±0.6Ma and 57.4±0.9Ma (Figure 2-4, 2-5o-p; Table 2-3). Most of these dyke
yielded low returns of zircon during the separation process, which may explain the wide range
of ages, which do not overlap. That is, the dyke with the population chosen for the weighted
mean age may reflect xenocrystic zircon from the early to monzodiorite porphyries (Figure 2-
5o). Alternatively, several sets of weakly mineralized dykes may have been emplaced over an
extended period of time after the emplacement of the monzodiorite porphyry and post Cu-Mo
mineralization. Additionally, the sample taken from surface may have been assigned to the
wrong suite of intrusions. This time period may be as long as 2m.y. from approximately 56.5Ma
to 54.5Ma.

Late Porphyries (ca. 53-55 Ma)

Late to Post mineral porphyry intrusions form small NW elongated stocks (up to 350 by
200m) and lesser dykes and are spatially associated with sub-economic concentrations of Cu
and Mo (Figure 2-4). They range from granodiorite to monzogranite and contain 60-70%
phenocrysts consisting of plagioclase (~40%), quartz (~15%), K-feldspar (~10%), biotite (4%)
and hornblende (1%) in a fine grained light grey-green matrix of feldspar and quartz.
Plagioclase and K-Feldspar phenocrysts are large (>10mm) and euhedral whereas quartz is
poorly developed having irregular to sub-rounded morphology. Biotite forms subhedral masses
and are never larger than feldspar or quartz phenocrysts. Hornblende forms large (up to the
same size as feldspar crystal) euhedral phenocrysts (Figure 2-7i). These intrusions are not
highly altered or leached due to the low amounts of sulphide present in the rock and the
plagioclase acting as a buffer to acidic fluids, thus preserving primary igneous textures.

Three samples (two drill core; one surface) were collected for U-Pb zircon
geochronology from both of the Intermineral series of dykes and yielded 53.7±0.9Ma,
56.0±0.8Ma and 54.7±0.8Ma (Figure 2-4, 2-5q-s; Table 2-3). These ages are spread over a
wide range, with the oldest (Qu-050; Figure 2-5r) completely overlapping with most of Early to

Monzodiorite porphyry units. However the two youngest indicate that the post mineral porphyry
intrusions form a temporally distinct series of intrusions that were emplaced up to 2m.y. after
the emplacement of the Monzodiorite porphyry intrusions. As with the dykes, discussed above,
the large range in ages may suggest that there was a prolonged period of episodic magmatism
following the development of the hydrothermal centre at Quellaveco. Alternatively, the field
assignment of the unit may have been done incorrectly for the sample with the oldest sample
(Qu-050), however, it was observed to have crosscut the Early porphyry, was unaltered and
contained very sparse Cu-Mo-bearing veins. The Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010) study yielded an
age of 54.34±0.63Ma for the Late porphyry, which is within error with the samples from this

U-Pb zircon geochronology on rocks from Quellaveco provide ages for pre-intrusion,
host Toquepala Group volcanic rocks to post-mineralization intrusions that span approximately
18m.y. from approximately 71Ma to 53 Ma (Figure 2-8). At Quellaveco, the porphyry intrusive
complex spanned approximately 6m.y. from 59Ma to 53Ma and is hosted within a pre-
mineralization granodiorite batholith with an approximate age of 60Ma. A total of 18 ages have
been used to constrain the timing of the bulk of Cu-Mo mineralization at Quellaveco, by
recording vein types and fluid pulses relative to porphyry intrusion types and using the
interpreted ages of the porphyry intrusion suites to bracket the “age” of mineralization.

Timing of the Quellaveco Intrusive Complex

It is often difficult describing the timing of hypogene Cu-Mo mineralization in porphyry
systems due to the often cyclical nature of hydrothermal fluid pulses (e.g. Pollard and Taylor,
2002). At Quellaveco fluid pulses have been bracketed by recording the timing of veins types
relative to intrusions. The majority of hypogene Cu-Mo mineralization at Quellaveco is hosted
within the Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite suites of porphyry dykes and stocks.
Volumetrically, the host porphyritic rocks containing the most hypogene Cu-Mo mineralization is
the Early suite, followed by the Intermineral and Monzodiorite suites. Additionally, there is very
little grade variation from suite to suite, though the Monzodiorite unit can be spatially
associated with small zones of higher grade Cu (≥0.8%) contained within magnetite-biotite
veins (Chapter 5).

In general, a minimum of four fluid pulses have been recognized at Quellaveco and are
classified in terms of timing to have occurred immediately after the emplacement of the Early,

Sillitoe & Mortensen (2010) This Study
55Ma N
56Ma L
58Ma E O







A. Qu-709-Quellaveco Porphyry; 71.1±0.5Ma J. Qu-327-Early Intermineral Monzonite; 56.4±0.7Ma
B. Qu-283-Regional Granodiorite; 59.7±0.7Ma K. Qu-210-Intermineral Monzonite; 57.2±0.9Ma
C. Qu-008-Regional Granodiorite; 60.0±0.9Ma L. Qu-448-Monzodiorite Porphyry; 56.8±1.4Ma
D. Qu-335-”Earliest” Monzonite; 57.8±0.8Ma M. Qu-461-Monzodiorite Porphyry; 57.2±0.7Ma
E. Qu-396-”Earliest” Monzonite; 58.2±0.8Ma N. Qu-362-Dacite Dyke; 55.1±0.6Ma
F. Qu-395-Early Monzonite; 56.1±0.5Ma O. Qu-168-Dacite Dyke; 57.4±0.9Ma
G. Qu-138-Early Porphyry; 57.5±1.0Ma P. Qu-393-Late Monzonite; 53.7±0.9Ma
H. Qu-507-Early Porphyry; 56.5±1.7Ma Q. Qu-050 Post Mineral Porphyry; 56.0±0.8Ma
I. Qu-242-Intermineral Monzonite; 56.4±0.6Ma R. Qu-394-Post Mineral Porphyry; 54.7±0.8Ma

Sillitoe & Mortensen, 2010

A. Regional Granodiorite; 59.46±0.24Ma
B. Early Porphyry; 58.41±0.53Ma
C. Intermineral Porphyry; 55.90±0.31Ma
D. Late Porphyry; 54.34±0.63Ma

Figure 2-8: Summary of ages from this study and Sillitoe & Mortensen (2010) of igneous rocks from
Quellaveco. Ages from this study based on weighted mean averages of 207Pb corrected
Pb/238U spot ages using SHRIMP-RG. Errors shown at 2σ levels.

Intermineral, Monzodiorite and Late-Post Mineral suites (Chapter 5). Additionally, there is
evidence for a fluid pulse occurring prior to the emplacement of the Early suite, due to veins
within the regional granodiorite batholith being cut by Early suite dykes (Figure 2-7). These
early signs of hydrothermal activity may be related to the emplacement of the “Earliest” suite of
intrusions. Although Cu-Mo bearing veins are associated with all suites of intrusions, the most
Cu-Mo sulphide-rich are the veins sets that occur immediately after the emplacement of the
Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite suites. Since the Monzodiorite suite is volumetrically
insignificant compared to the Early and Intermineral suites, we define the “timing” of
mineralization as the time period immediately following the emplacement of the Early porphyry
intrusions and prior to the emplacement of the Monzodiorite dykes. If the monzodiorite suite
were to be included in this definition then the age minimum of mineralization would have to be
bracketed with the ages of the Late to Post suites, this is discussed in more detail below.

At Quellaveco, a similar evolution of vein types associated with one hydrothermal

system has been noted and at least four hydrothermal systems are present (Chapter 5). In
general, the vein types evolve from early/deep biotite>quartz-chalcopyrite-pyite±magnetite-
molybdenite-chlorite, with K-feldspar halos; through quartz>biotite-chlorite-chalcopyrite-
pyrite±K-feldspar halos; through quartz ≥chalcopyrite-pyrite±K-feldspar-biotite halos; through
quartz≥pyrite-molybdenite ±chalcopyrite; to veins containing quartz>pyrite-
chalcopyrite±molybdenite with quartz-sericite halos as either late or more distal/higher
assemblages (Chapter 5). Mineral and vein textures can vary within each fluid pulse and include
wavy and straight veins, variable thickness and mineral types as vein selvages, and quartz
variations ranging from diffuse and grainy to open space filling to solid coarse quartz in both
cloudy and clear varieties. Although there is much more detail to the fluid pulses and the
evolution of veins types within each fluid pulse, the above sequence is a simplified evolution of
vein types that occurs at least three times immediately after the emplacement of each of the
Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite suites of porphyry intrusions.

The Quellaveco Igneous Complex formed over a time period of approximately 6.5m.y. to
4.4m.y. from the pre-mineral granodiorite to the late porphyry. The porphyritic intrusions were
emplaced over a time span of approximately 3.1m.y. to 1.9m.y., however the porphyry
intrusions with the closest spatial and temporal correlation to Cu-Mo (Early to Monzodiorite)
may have been emplaced in a little as 2.0m.y. to 0.5m.y. The gap in age from the barren
granodiorite to the Early porphyry is approximately 3.9m.y. to 2.5m.y. Sillitoe and Mortensen
(2010) suggest an age gap from the pre-mineral granodiorite to the Early porphyry of
~1.08m.y. differing from this study which suggests a much larger gap in igneous activity. These
larger age gap s between the precursor plutons and porphyry intrusions have also been noted
at Toquepala and Cuajone (Simmons, et al., 2013). The chemistry of the zircons are very
similar from the pre-mineral granodiorite and the porphyry intrusions (Chapter 3), suggesting at
a minimum a similar magmatic source, be it a parental magma chamber or melt source.
Although the ages herein, are in minor disagreement with Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010), the
key difference is in porphyry intrusion nomenclature. Taking this into account, the ages of this
study are in agreement with Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010) as well as K-Ar alteration ages of
Estrada (1975, 54.1±2.1Ma) and whole rock K-Ar ages averaging 53.6±11.6Ma (Zimmermann
and Kihien, 1983).

Longevity of System Compared to Other Deposits Globally

Using these constraints, provides an estimated “age” of mineralization at Quellaveco to
be 55.7-57.7 Ma. Including the hydrothermal pulse immediately following the emplacement of
the Monzodiorite porphyry suite and using the age maximum of the Post-Mineralization
porphyry suite as the age minimum for mineralization gives an “age” of mineralization of 56.-
56.6 Ma. This suggest that the bulk of copper and molybdenum related to hypogene
hydrothermal fluids, was deposited over a minimum of approximately 0.2 m.y. and a maximum
of 2.0 m.y. The igneous geochronological results together with observations displaying chilled
margins at porphyry intrusions contacts with recurrent development of potassic to serecitic
alteration sequences and recurrent vein paragenesis (Chapter 5) suggest that the porphyry
system developed over a short to prolonged period of time characterized by amagmatic pauses.
The 0.2m.y. to 2.0m.y emplacement of porphyry stocks at Quellaveco is similar to the durations
of other porphyry systems within the Paleocene-Eocene porphyry belt in southern Peru. For
example, ~0.7m.y. at Cuajone (Simmons, et al., 2013) and ~0.6m.y at Toquepala (Simmons, et
al., 2013). Elsewhere, within the Andes similar time spans have been recognized at Antapaccay
5.2 ± 0.7 m.y. (Jones et al., 2007; B. Jones), Escondida 4.2 ± 1.0 m.y. (Padilla-Garza et al.,
2004), Los Pelambres 3.68 ± 0.15 m.y. (Perelló et al., 2009), Chuquicamata 3.5 ± 0.4 m.y.
(Ballard et al., 2001), Bajo de la Alumbrera ~3 m.y. (Harris et al., 2008), El Teniente 2.8 ± 0.6
m.y. (Maksaev et al., 2004), and Río Blanco ≥2 m.y. (Deckart et al., 2005). Outside of the
Andes, others have recognized variably shorter time spans, 1.7 ± 2.3 m.y. at La Caridad in
Mexico (Valencia et al., 2005), 0.7 ± 0.3 m.y. at Elatsite in Bulgaria (von Quadt et al., 2002),
and only 0.09 ± 0.16 m.y. at Batu Hijau in Indonesia (Garwin, 2002). These shorter time spans
are more correlative to the time spans observed at Quellaveco and elsewhere in southern Peru
(Simmons, et al., 2013).

These geochronologic results are similar to those observed elsewhere and show that the
porphyry Cu-Mo systems are intermittently magmatically and hydrothermally active for as little
as 0.2m.y. and as long as 4m.y. or longer. The duration of the systems are bracketed by the
age of the oldest mineralized unit and the age of the youngest unit that post dates Cu-Mo
mineralization. However, at a minimum the bulk of the Cu-Mo appears to be deposited within
the systems after the emplacement of the first one or two porphyry intrusions, in the case of
Quellaveco; ~0.2m.y. to 0.5m.y. (Early and Intermineral porphyry phases), at least in the case
of southern Peru Paleocene-Eocene porphyry systems. The time spans in which these systems
are determined using U-Pb zircon dating alone or in combination with other chronometers are
commonly, but not always, longer than those based on Re-Os molybdenite ages (e.g., 0.5–1.0
m.y.; Zimmerman et al., 2008) and/or Ar/39Ar ages of alteration minerals (e.g., 0.2–1.9 m.y.;
Arribas et al., 1995; Marsh et al., 1997; Masterman et al., 2004; Pollard et al., 2005). These
differences in time spans reflect the fact that Re-Os and Ar/39Ar ages are age minima. For
example, Re-Os ages underestimate life spans because molybdenite generations rarely span the
entire porphyry copper event. Alteration mineral ages are likely to record only the later stages
of porphyry copper formation, after systems cooled through the blocking temperatures for
biotite, K-feldspar, and sericite (250°–400°C; Richards and Noble, 1998), thereby taking no
account of the early, higher-temperature (400°–>800°C) events during which all porphyry
intrusion and major copper introduction took place (cf. von Quadt et al., 2002) or have been
isotopically reset during later heating (igneous or hydrothermal events).

Paleocene-Eocene Metallogenic Epoch

Sillitoe (1992) noted that the Cu-porphyry deposits of southern Peru and northern Chile
could be spatially and temporally divided into arc parallel Cu-belts. The southern Peruvian Cu-
Mo porphyry deposits were included into the Paleocene- early Eocene division and included
Cerro Verde, Cuajone, Toquepala and Quellaveco. However, no or very little zircon U-Pb
geochronology had been done on the intrusive complexes at any of the deposits. Previous
workers have constrained the emplacement age of the pre-mineralization Yarabamba batholiths
to 62-67 ± 1 Ma (Mukasa and Tilton, 1985; Mukasa, 1986). However, the porphyry intrusion
clusters more closely associated with hydrothermal activity have not been well studied. More
recently, Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010) provided U-Pb zircon ages of four intrusive rocks at
Quellaveco, which broadly fit within the scope of the conclusions of this study, with minor
difference in interpretation. Most available ages were taken from near or within the deposits
from rocks containing K-bearing minerals using the K-Ar and Ar-Ar system for both alteration

and igneous minerals, as well as whole rock. Due to the style and scale of alteration this
method is not very robust or reliable, not to mention, it is very difficult to establish a clear
temporal relationship between chalcopyrite-molybdenite-bearing veins and wall rock alteration.
That being said, Estrada (1978) estimated the age of Cerro Verde hydrothermal alteration to
56-59 ± 2 Ma, Quang (2003) also dated hydrothermal sericite by Ar-Ar method and produced
ages of ca. 62Ma. Using the Ar-Ar method on K-bearing minerals the hydrothermal alteration
age at Cuajone has been established by Clark et al., (1990a); and Clark (2003) to be
approximately 52±4Ma, at Quellaveco by Clark (2003) to be 54.5-54.7Ma in addition to Sillitoe
and Mortensen (2010) to be approximately 55.6-58.9Ma and at Toquepala by Zweng and Clark
(1995) to be 55.0-55.9Ma. These ages were refined by Simmons, et al., (2013) at Cuajone and
Toquepala by bracketing the age of mineralization by dating all of the porphyry intrusions suites
at both deposits and in this study at Quellaveco. Simmons, et al., (2013) established these ages
by the same techniques described herein with the age of mineralization at Cuajone and
Toquepala estimated to have taken place between 55.5-56.2 Ma and 56.2-56.8 Ma, respectively
(Figure 2-6).

At Quellaveco, a minimum of six intrusive phases have been recognized within the
deposit area. These igneous events span almost 9 m.y., from the time of the emplacement of
the pre-mineralization granodiorite batholith to the post-mineralization porphyry suites (Figures
2-4, -8 and -9). Within this time span, the first hydrothermal activity took place after the
emplacement of the “Earliest” porphyry suite and the last hydrothermal activity (largely barren
of copper and molybdenum) took place after the emplacement of the Post-Mineral suite of
intrusions. The intrusions during this time period comprise the Quellaveco porphyry intrusions
complex and spans a time of approximately 6 m.y., from 59 Ma to 53 Ma. The bulk of the
copper and molybdenum mineralization as Quellaveco was deposited immediately after the
emplacement of the Early and Intermineral intrusive suites as two separate hydrothermal
pulses. However, there are volumetrically less significant hydrothermal pulses associated with
the “Earliest” and Monzodiorite porphyry suites; the age of mineralization at Quellaveco is being
constrained by the ages of the Early porphyry suite and the Monzodiorite porphyry suite.
Additionally, these ages overlap or nearly overlap with the “ages” of mineralization estimated at
Cuajone and Toquepala (Simmons, et al.,, 2013), indicating that all three deposits formed at
approximately the same time and over a reasonably short period of time at the approximate
55.8Ma boundary between the Paleocene and Eocene (Walker and Geissman, 2009). Given that
the three deposits formed within approximately the same 25km portion of the Paleocene-

Early, Intermineral &
50 Monzodiorite Porphyry

40 Earliest
Late Porphyries

30 Batholiths

Figure 2-6: Distribution of spot ages and timing of igenous events within the Quellaveco Porphyry


Inherited zircons from
Toquepala Group Rocks

Pb-loss in zircons

40 50 60 70 80 90
Age (Ma)

Figure 2-9: Spot ages of zircons plotted in bins of age versus frequency spot ages occur within the
age bins. Approximate timing of intrusive rock types at Quellaveco are shown on the
diagram. All data are from spot ages using the SHRIMP-RG.

Eocene arc segment at approximately the same time, very large volumes of deeper seated
magma must have been present to supply the S and Cu required to form the system.

U-Pb zircon geochronology of igneous rocks from the Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo
deposit show that magmatic events at Quellaveco lasted as long as approximately 9m.y.,
spanning at least six intrusive phases. The bulk of Cu-Mo mineralization occurred immediately
after the emplacement of the Early and Intermineral suites, and thus the timing of significant
Cu- and Mo-bearing hydrothermal systems can be bracketed by the emplacement age of the
Early and Monzodiorite suites. Using this relative age bracketing in conjunction with the U-Pb
geochronology in this study suggests that the porphyry system may have formed in as little as
0.2m.y. and as much as 2.0m.y. at approximately 56Ma, although other hydrothermal systems
are also associate with the Earliest and Monzodiorite porphyries. This suggests that the
porphyry system formed intermittently over a protracted period of time, but that the bulk of the
Cu and Mo formed intermittently over a relatively short period of time. The timing of both the
hydrothermal systems and the igneous systems at Quellaveco, overlap in age with those at
Toquepala and Cuajone, in addition to having similar time spans for their respective
developments. We envisage that there was a large mid-crustal magma chamber that has
undergone several periods of cooling and fractionation with subsequent hydrothermal
degassing followed by replenishment of the mid-crustal magma chamber several times resulting
in multiple intrusive events followed by multiple hydrothermal events for all southern Peruvian
Paleocene to Eocene porphyry systems, which developed intermittently over a relatively shot
period of time.

Chapter 3: Petrogenesis of Porphyry Intrusive Complexes
Associated with Paleocene Porphyry Cu-Mo Style Mineralization; A
Zircon Mineral Chemistry Perspective

Porphyry deposits, located in modern continental and island arcs as well as in more
ancient orogenic belts, may contain major concentrations of copper, gold and molybdenum, and
account for the majority of copper production annually. As such porphyry deposits have been
well studied. However, there is a paucity in research of the magmas associated with porphyry
Cu deposits, particularly research pertaining to tectono-magmatic processes in volcanic arcs and
how they may result in more “fertile” (with respect copper, sulphur, ) magmas. Recent studies
indicate that porphyry copper deposits are associated with upper-crustal emplacement of a
complex series porphyritic dykes and stocks above cupola zone of a calc-alkaline batholith
(Gustafson and Hunt, 1975; Dilles, 1987). Generally, these shallow level intrusive rocks tend to
be hydrous and strongly oxidized (Dilles, 1987), but otherwise similar to granitoid magmas of
similar composition (Cline and Bodnar, 1992). The hydrous and oxidized characteristics of
magmas associated with porphyry Cu formation are relatively uncommon in the geologic
records of volcanic arcs. The Cu-Mo bearing porphyry deposits in southern Peru are spatially
and temporally related to Late Paleocene to Early Eocene porphyritic intrusive phases that were
emplaced over approximately 4 m.a. (Figure 3-1). At Quellaveco the intrusive complex is
referred to as the Quellaveco Igneous Complex (QIC).
Copper-bearing porphyries in island and continental arcs are disproportionately
associated with high-K calc-alkaline (Sillitoe, 1997) and adakitic rocks (Thieblemont et al., 1998;
Oyarzún et al., 2001, 2002; Rabbia et al., 2002; Richards, 2002, 2009; Richards and Kerrich,
2007). Gold-rich porphyries are more associated with alkaline rocks, in particular of shoshonitic
composition (Sillitoe, 1997, Mueller et al., 2002). Moreover, input from mafic magmas into the
intermediate to felsic porphyry complex have been suggested to be a possible mechanism for
the necessary sulphur budget required to form porphyry Cu deposits (e.g. Streck and Dilles,
1998; Field et al., 2005; Chambefort et al., 2008; Lee, 2008) and has been documented within
upper crustal magma chambers (e.g. Di Muro et al., 2008; Métrich et al., 2010). Problematic to
this process is that the mafic components that may have mixed into more felsic magmas or

80°W 75°W 70°W 65°W

Coastal Areas
Western Corillera
Interandean Depressions
5°S Eastern Cordillera

Subandean Zone

Eastern Lowlands











Tr Cerro Verde Cuajone La Paz
e nc Quellaveco Toquepala
Pacific Ocean

20°S Iquique Cerro Colorado

0 250 500km
Antofagasta ARGENTINA

Figure 3-1: Map of the Central Andes from southern Columbia to northern Chile showing the project
location in the southermost Peru, centered around the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry as well
as other Cu-Mo porphyry deposits within the study area. Major morphostructural units
across the orogen are modified from Jaillard et al. (2000)
replenishment are often difficult to observe or establish. However, Clark et al.,. (1991) infer
magma replenishment from variations in plagioclase chemistry over growth bands.
More recently, work on zircons have allowed for interpretations and insights pertaining to the
evolution of the magma chambers from which the zircons precipitated, prior to the
emplacement of the porphyry intrusions associated with Cu-Mo deposits. Zircon mineral
chemistry provides a better record of magma evolution than lithogeochemistry in porphyry
copper deposits as they are not subject to alteration. Tracking compositional changes in zircon
through time (and within zircon crystals), within igneous complexes associated with Cu-Mo
porphyry deposits allow for the identification of specific igneous geochemical characteristics and
magma chamber events that may be related to the genesis of large porphyry copper deposits.
Up to recently, geoscientists have been limited to using whole rock analyses on relatively
“unaltered intrusive rocks” that appear “petrologically similar” to those porphyritic rocks that are
spatially and temporally related to Cu-Mo porphyry deposits. Though it may be difficult to
determine these rocks genetic link to ore deposit formation some important observations have
been made.
The use of zircon mineral chemistry from intrusions directly related to Cu-Mo porphyry
deposits may provide a better understanding of the physio-chemical factors present within root-
magma chambers. Observations from such data may be critical to the development of models
that aid in the explaination of ore deposit genesis, deposit location in space and time, as well as
providing geologic criterion that improve exploration programs for metal deposits associated
with magmas.
In this chapter, SHRIMP-RG trace element geochemistry of zircons is used to investigate
the evolution of the QIC and possible linkages to the development of giant copper-molybdenum
deposits within the Paleocene-Eocene magmatic arc of southern Peru and northern Chile.
Additionally to comparing these physio-chemical factors to igneous rocks not associated with
Cu-Mo deposits to demonstrate differences between “fertile” and “non-fertile” magmas.
Previous studies have included work by Wainwright (2008) on the Oyu Tolgoi porphyry Cu-Au
deposit in Mongolia, Lee (2009) on the El Salvador Cu-Mo deposit in northern Chile and Ballard
et el. (2001) on the Chuquicamata deposit in northern Chile.
The goal of this chapter is to present petrologic observations and zircon mineral
chemistry data in a chronological sequence that allows us to define the paragenetic sequence of
intrusive rocks at the Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, whole rock data is presented in
Chapter 4. Additionally, the zircon mineral chemistry, allows for tracking the physio-chemical
conditions present within the root magma chamber prior to, during and after the development

of the Cu-Mo deposit at Quellaveco. This data is compared to porphyry intrusions from other
porphyry Cu districts as well as to rocks that are common in arc environments in order to
identify the characteristics of the QIC porphyries that are different from most arc rocks and
place the QIC intrusions in a global context. Finally, we discuss possible petrogenetic linkages
between the unique characteristics and the porphyry Cu-Mo fertile magmas. These
characteristics may have a profound impact on the hydrothermal systems related to the
intrusive rocks and may aid in the observations that multiple pulses of magma are associated
with multiple hydrothermal pulses (e.g. Redmond et al., 2004).
Zircon mineral chemistry from all rock types from the Quellaveco area allow for
differentiating the magmatic histories from zircons extracted from host rocks to the Quellaveco
Intrusive Centre, pre-mineral intrusive suites, syn-mineral intrusive suites and post-mineral
intrusive suites. Implications for differentiating magma suites and analyzing individual suites

1. Insights to the development of magma chambers at the batholithic roots to porphyry

Cu-Mo systems. This has further implications such as tracking oxidation state of magma
chambers, contamination sources for magmas, cooling and crystallization history of
magmatic systems,

2. Possible differentiation of source melt environments from suite to suite and also within

3. Differentiation between “fertile” magmas and “non-fertile” magmas when magmatic

rocks which are spatially and temporally related to Cu-Mo mineralization are compared
to those that are not.

4. Possible insights to copper and sulphur budgets in the system.

Analytical Procedures
Trace element analyses in zircon were performed on the SHRIMP-RG at the U.S.G.S.-
Stanford Ion Microprobe Laboratory at Stanford University. For a detailed overview of the
instrumental set-up and methodology, see posters at To summarize, a
~1.5 nA O2- primary beam is used to produce a ~15 μm diameter spot on the sample. The
instrument mass resolution is adjusted to M/ΔM =>11000 (at 10% peak height) to effectively
separate Sc+ from 90
Zr2+, 93
Nb+ from 92
Zr1H+, 48
Ti+ from both 96
Zr2+ and 48
Ca+, and all of the
HREE from the MREE oxides, while maintaining high sensitivity and reproducible, flat-topped
peaks. The acquisition program cycles through as many as 44 sequential mass positions

consisting of elemental and molecular species from 7Li+ through 238
U16O+ (see below). Peak
centering on both ubiquitous species and on guide peaks adjacent to low-abundance or
interference-prone species is used to eliminate any potential effects of magnet drift or peak
wandering. Over the 10-15 minute analysis duration, the crater depth grows to <2 μm. The
overall limited sampling volume significantly minimizes (but does not entirely preclude) beam
overlap with invisible subsurface inclusions. Measurements on the unknowns are interspersed
with periodic measurements on a well-characterized, homogeneous natural zircon standard,
CZ3 or MAD-green. Data reduction is done offline in Excel. Average count rates of each element
of interest are ratioed to Si+ to account for any primary current drift, and the derived ratios for
the unknowns are compared to an average of those for CZ3 or MAD-green zircon to determine
concentrations. Spot to spot precisions (as measured on the standard) vary according to
elemental ionization efficiency and concentration, and generally range from about ±3% for Hf,
±5% for the HREE, ±10-15% for P, Sc, Y and the MREE, and up to ±40% for La (all values at
2σ). Spot locations on the unknowns are selected to sample the diversity of observed CL or BSE
zonation present, locating multiple spots (typically two to four) on a set of eight to twelve
individual grains per sample to assess overall trends.

MAD and CZ3 were calibrated for concentration against doped synthetic zircons grown
by Frank Mazdab in a furnace in the SUMAC facility. Different batches of zircons were doped
with Hf, P, Sc, Ti, Y, REE, Th and U in such a way as to avoid inferring x-ray lines when they
were analyzed by electron microprobes at Stanford and the USGS Menlo Park. The synthetic
zircons were typically broadly sector zoned, but areas within zones were sufficiently
homogeneous to provide calibration references. The analyzed areas on the synthetic zircons
were then re-analyzed on the SHRIMP-RG ion microprobe at the same time as chips of MAD
and CZ3. Concentrations of elements that could not be determined by doping of synthetic
zircons were estimated by utilizing the ionization efficiencies of the elements and comparing
independently calibrated ones against uncalibrated ones (Li, Be, B, F, Na, Al, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn,
Fe, Ge, Nb). A set of ionization efficiencies were directly determined for the SHRIMP-RG using
the NIST glasses (Mazdab, unpublished) and are generally comparable to values determined on
other SIMS instruments.

Two techniques were used to on the SHRIMP-RG to acquire data from zircons within
intrusive rocks from the Quellaveco deposit and surrounding area. The first technique acquires
trace element data while simultaneously acquiring data for U-Pb geochronology. The technique
to acquire trace element data during U-Pb analysis is not as robust as the trace element routine
in which trace elements are acquired separate of U-Pb geochronology data. The main problem
being the large mass differences between U16O (mass position 254) and lighter masses such
as Li (mass position 7) through Zr (mass position 96). The large mass differences cause
problems with the SHRIMP-RG when measuring masses for U-Pb geochronology, particularly
with the magnet, as the measurements require high precision. A summary of the masses
analyzed for is provided in Table 3-1.

Prior to trace element analyses, the samples underwent geochronology analysis (see
chapter 2). The mounts were then repolished and only zircons with centers of grains that had
been analyzed for geochronology were used for trace element analyses. This decreases the
possibility of analyzing zircons for trace elements that do not belong to that suite of intrusion.
However, since the ages of many of the intrusive suites overlap, particularly the early and
Intermineral suites, it is often difficult to be sure that the zircon sampled for trace element
analyses belongs to that suite (Figure 3-2). As the early suite of intrusions is older than the
Intermineral suite, possible “contamination” of the data should not be problem until selecting
zircons grains for the Intermineral suite.

Tectonic Setting and Geology of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo Deposit

In the mid-Mesozoic rifting along the western margin of Gondwana (now western South
America) marks the beginning of the Andean orogen (Coira et al., 1982, Davidson and Mpodozis
1990, Benavides-Cáceres 1999). Steep subduction of cold oceanic crust under the western
margin of Gondwana caused the oceanward retreat of the trench allowing for the formation of
significant intra-arc and back arc rifts. These rifts were filled by mafic, mantle-derived magmatic
rocks (Jones 1981, Atherton et al., 1983, 1985) and detritus from the rift margins (Benavides
1956, Wilson 1983, 2000). The margins of the rift systems are marked by large-scale faults to
the east and Precambrian-Paleozoic rocks to the west. Rifting and basin development continued
into the early Late Cretaceous. In southern Peru, a magmatic arc formed west of the rift during
the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, consisting mainly of basaltic to andesitic rocks intercalated
with volcaniclastic rocks and limestone. Three distinct magmatic pulses are noted during this
period and were emplaced progressively towards the east: early Middle Jurassic (ca. 185Ma);
late Middle Jurassic (160-165Ma); and Early Cretaceous (95-110Ma) in Peru (Pitcher et al.,
1995, Mukasa 1986) and Chile (Clark et al., 1976, Mpodozis and Ramos 1989).

The Late Cretaceous is a time of a major tectonic and magmatic shift throughout the
Andes coincident with the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean (Mpodozis and Ramos, 1989).
Generally, there is migration of arc development towards the northeast. The tectono-magmatic
conditions from the Late Cretaceous to the Paleocene have been defined by Bellido (1979),

Table 3-1: Elements and masses analyzed for zircon trace element routines on the SHRIMP-
Zircon U-Pb + Short Trace Element Zircon Long Trace Element
Mass Position Mass Peak Guide Mass Mass Peak Guide Comments
196 Zr2O (196) Normalize for conc. 7 Li
204 90 96 92 94
204 Pb Zr ZrO, Zr ZrO 9 Be
204.045 Background 11 B
206 94 96
206 Pb Zr ZrO 19 F
207 Pb 23 Na Monitor Non-zircon
208 Pb 24 Mg Monitor Non-zircon
238 U 27 Al Monitor Non-zircon
248 Th16O 30 Si Normalize for conc.
238 16
254 U O 31 P
139 94
139 La Zr29SiO 32 S 16
140 96
140 Ce Zr28SiO 35 Cl
146 90 28
146 Nd Zr Si2 39 K
147 91 28
147 Sm Zr Si2, 90Zr28Si29Si 40 Ca Monitor Non-zircon
153 91 30 29
153 Eu Zr SiO2 45 Sc Si16O
155 94 29
155 Gd Zr SiO2 48 Ti
179 Dy16O 179
ZrHf 49 Ti
166 16
182 Er O 51 V
188 Yb16O 52 Cr
196.135 Hf16O 55 Mn
56 Fe Monitor Non-zircon
74 Ge X
89 Y
93 Nb ZrH
94 ZrH Monitor H
96 Zr
139 La X
140 Ce X
141 Pr X
146 Nd X
147 Sm X
153 Eu X
165 Ho
173 GdO X
175 TbO X
179 DyO X
182 ErO
185 TmO
188 YbO
191 LuO
196 Zr2O
196 HfO
206 Pb
207 Pb
248 ThO
254 UO

Cuajone Toquepala Quellaveco
55Ma D
58Ma E O






A. Qu-709-Quellaveco Porphyry; 71.1±0.5Ma J. Qu-327-Early Intermineral Monzonite; 56.4±0.7Ma
B. Qu-283-Regional Granodiorite; 59.7±0.7Ma K. Qu-210-Intermineral Monzonite; 57.2±0.9Ma
C. Qu-008-Regional Granodiorite; 60.0±0.9Ma L. Qu-448-Monzodiorite Porphyry; 56.2±1.0Ma
D. Qu-335-”Earliest” Monzonite; 57.8±0.8Ma M. Qu-461-Monzodiorite Porphyry; 57.2±0.7Ma
E. Qu-396-”Earliest” Monzonite; 58.2±0.8Ma N. Qu-362-Dacite Dyke; 55.1±0.6Ma
F. Qu-395-Early Monzonite; 56.1±0.5Ma O. Qu-168-Dacite Dyke; 57.4±0.9Ma
G. Qu-138-Early Porphyry; 57.5±1.0Ma P. Qu-393-Late Monzonite; 53.7±0.9Ma
H. Qu-507-Early Porphyry; 55.4±1.3Ma Q. Qu-050 Post Mineral Porphyry; 56.0±0.8Ma
I. Qu-242-Intermineral Monzonite; 56.4±0.6Ma R. Qu-394-Post Mineral Porphyry; 54.7±0.8Ma

Cuajone Toquepala
A. Qu-701-Regional Granodiorite; 65.1±0.8Ma A. Qu-705-Regional Diorite; 61.4±0.8Ma
B. Qu-700-Premineral Diorite; 64.2±0.9Ma B. Qu-704-Dacite Porphyry; 56.8±0.6Ma
C. Qu-697-Intrusive Andesite; 55.9±0.5Ma C. Qu-706-Latite Porphyry; 54.3±0.6Ma
D. Qu-696-LP1 Porphyry; 55.6±0.6Ma D. Qu-708-Dacite Agglomerate; 56.2±0.6Ma
E. Qu-695-BLP Porphyry; 56.2±0.7Ma
F. Qu-699-LP3 Porphyry; 53.5±0.5Ma

Figure 3-2: Summary of ages from Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala, based on wieghted mean
averages of 207Pb corrected 206Pb/238U spot ages using SHRIMP-RG. Errors shown at 2σ
levels. Toquepala and Cuajone geochronology from Simmons et al. (2013) and
Chapter 6.
Barreiro and Clark (1984),Vicente et al., (1989), Boiley et al., (1990), Clark et al., (1990a),
Benavides-Cáceres (1999) and Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010) and has been summarized in
Chapter 2. This period of magmatism is represented by the extrusive Toquepala Group rocks
and large batholiths (Yarabamaba super suite) in the Quellaveco area (Figure 3-3).

Anomalously metal-rich deposits are associated with Paleocene and Early Eocene granite
and granodiorite porphyry stocks. These stocks intruded earlier in Peru over a 8 to 10 m.y.
period during which porphyry Cu deposits were emplaced in the southern Peru belt, a duration
similar to that found elsewhere (Sillitoe and Perelló, 2005; Barra et al., 2005; Glen et al., 2007).
A strong northwest elongation of the Paleogene porphyry stocks suggests that a series of
trench parallel, northwest-trending faults, coincident with the earlier rift basin, control the
emplacement the stocks. Porphyry intrusions of this age are temporally and spatially associated
with porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization at Quellaveco, Toquepala and Cuajone (Figure 3-3).

The Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo deposit is hosted within a large batholithic,

equigranular granodiorite intrusive complex (~60Ma; Chapter 2), which intruded into Toquepala
Group (~72.4-65Ma) volcanic rocks (Figures 5 and 6; Martinez and Zuloaga, 2000a; and
Martinez and Zuloaga, 2000b). Several generations of porphyry intrusions were emplaced into
the granodiorite batholith from 53 to 58Ma (Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010; Chapter 2), and are
spatially associated with hydrothermal alteration and mineralization (Figure 3-2 and 3-4). In
total there are five significant periods of porphyry intrusions, which are referred to as (from
oldest to youngest) the Earliest, Early, Intermediate, Monzodiorite, and Late/Post suites. All of
the porphyry suites are associated with chalcopyrite and molybdenite mineralization, though
volumetrically the Early and Intermediate suites of porphyry intrusions are temporally and
spatially associated with most of the copper and molybdenum. A period of uplift and erosion
followed the emplacement of the porphyry intrusions, which are currently overlain by Miocene
valley filling ignimbrites.

Zircon Geochemistry
A total of thirty-three samples were measured for trace elements in zircon from the
Quellaveco area, twenty-three of which were acquired using the U-Pb technique and ten of
which were acquired using the trace element routine (Table 3-2). Of the U-Pb technique
fourteen are from Toquepala Group rocks, three regional granodiorites, one Earliest porphyry,
one Early porphyry, one Intermineral porphyry, two Monzodiorite porphyries and one Post/Late
mineral porphyry dykes and stocks. Of the trace element technique samples one is from the







8115000 mN
Cuajone Mine
Proposed Pit

8110000 mN

8105000 mN au

8100000 mN lac
Stratified rocks Intrusive rocks
8095000 mN Alluvium Paleocene
Moquegua Fm.
In Batholiths
ca Barroso Gp.
qu Toquapala Mine Chuntacala/
io 8090000 mN Huaylillas Fm.
Fa Undifferentiated
Toquepala Gp.

Figure 3-3: Regional geology surrounding the Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala ore bodies.
Coordinates in Peruvian Coordinate System (PSAD56); Zone 19S.


326500 mE

327000 mE

327500 mE

328000 mE

328500 mE
8110500 mN 8110500 mN
Undifferentiated Miocene and later ignimbrites
and sedimentary rocks
Intrusive Rocks
N Late Porphyry Intrusions
Intermineral/Monzodiorite Porphyry Intrusions

Pit outline Early Porphyry Intrusions

8110000 mN Equigranular Granodiorite Intrusion 8110000 mN

Volcanic HostRocks Rocks

3 810 Undifferentiated Toquepala Group Volcanic Rocks

Contour spacing 10m

8109500 mN 8109500 mN

8109000 mN 8109000 mN
348 Rio Asana

8108500 mN 8108500 mN

8108000 mN 8108000 mN
326500 mE

327000 mE

327500 mE

328000 mE

328500 mE

8107500 mN 8107500 mN

Figure 3-4: Geology of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry deposit. Coordinates from PSAD56; UTM zone
19S. Preliminary geological map; note that the Intermineral Porphyry body is not shown
as a dyke complex because lithologies were not distinguishable in all locations on surface
due to supergene leaching.
Table 3-2: U-Pb zircon ages and zircon trace element acquisition techniques
Sample Intrusive Phase/ Location Age Age Reference
Rock Type Northing Easting
Trace Element Method
Qu-283 Granodiorite 8108748 326123 59.7±0.7 Chapter 2
Qu-335 Earliest Porphyry 8109349 326843 57.8±0.8 Chapter 2
Qu-138 Early Porphyry 8108264 327760 57.5±1.0 Chapter 2
Qu-395 Early Porphyry 8108049 327933 56.1±0.5 Chapter 2
Qu-210 Intermineral Porphyry 8109063 327537 57.2±0.9 Chapter 2
Qu-242 Intermineral Porphyry 8109238 327371 56.4±0.6 Chapter 2
Qu-050 Late Porphyry 8108055 327846 56.0±0.8 Chapter 2
Qu-393 Late Porphyry 8108630 327462 53.7±0.9 Chapter 2
Qu-394 Late Porphyry 8108049 327933 54.7±0.8 Chapter 2
Qu-168 Late Porphyry Dyke 8108375 327808 57.4±0.9 Chapter 2
U-Pb Method
Qu-008 Granodiorite 8108526 328420 60.0±0.9 Chapter 2
Qu-380 Granodiorite 8096512 329115 59.8±0.9 Chapter 5
Qu-381 Granodiorite 8096512 329115 60.2±0.7 Chapter 5
Qu-396 Earliest Porphyry 8108312 327933 58.2±0.8 Chapter 2
Qu-507 Early Porphyry 8108841 327686 55.4±1.3 Chapter 2
Qu-327 Intermineral Porphyry 8108224 327601 56.4±0.7 Chapter 2
Qu-448 Monzodiorite Porphyry 8109282 327270 56.2±1.0 Chapter 2
Qu-461 Monzodiorite Porphyry 8108841 327686 57.2±0.7 Chapter 2
Qu-362 Late Porphyry 8108641 328062 55.1±0.6 Chapter 2
Qu-652 *Huaracane Formation 8103582 292705 90.3±0.8 Unpublished Data
Qu-666 *Huaracane Formation 8107809 299519 68.3±0.7 Unpublished Data
Qu-668 *Paralaque Formation 8113868 301758 71.4±0.7 Unpublished Data
Qu-084 *Quellaveco Porphyry 8107605 327952 69.8±0.4 Unpublished Data
Qu-709 *Quellaveco Porphyry 8108748 326123 71.1±0.5 Chapter 2
Qu-371 *Alta Series 8106762 327151 69.7±1.4 Unpublished Data
Qu-382 *Alta Series 8097920 331642 69.4±1.8 Unpublished Data
Qu-383 *Alta Series 8099830 334942 71.4±0.6 Unpublished Data
Qu-384 *Alta Series 8101541 336307 71.5±1.8 Unpublished Data
Qu-405 *Alta Series 8111729 314539 71.0±1.6 Unpublished Data
Qu-409 *Alta Series 8110371 323406 69.7±0.8 Unpublished Data
Qu-411 *Alta Series 8104460 334655 72.8±1.4 Unpublished Data
Qu-687 *Alta Series 8115981 307397 73.8±0.8 Unpublished Data
Qu-410 *Tinajones Rhyolite 8111074 324891 72.9±0.7 Unpublished Data
Note: *=Toquepala Group Rocks
regional granodiorite, one from the Earliest porphyry, two from the Early porphyry, two from
the Intermineral porphyry and four from the post/late mineral porphyry dykes and stocks.

Toquepala Group rocks are a package of andesitic to rhyolitic pyroclastic rocks and
related sedimentary and intrusive rocks that host all porphyry Cu-Mo related rocks. The
Toquepala Group rocks have a minimum thickness of 4450m (Bellido, 1979) and were
deposited in the area from approximately 91Ma to 68Ma (Simmons, unpublished data). The
regional granodiorite forms batholiths which intruded the Toquepala Group rocks at Quellaveco.
All granodiorite samples are equigranular ranging in grain size from 5mm to 10mm and ranging
in age from approximately 61-59Ma (Figure 3-2; Chapter 2 and 6). The Earliest porphyry suite
is the first porphyry intrusive phase present at Quellaveco and hosts high grade Cu. The Earliest
porphyry only occurs in low volume, as large (~20m by 20m) xenoliths within later porphyry
intrusions. All Earliest porphyry samples are from micro porphyritic diorite-monzodiorite
(Chapter 2) and range in age from approximately 57.5-58.6Ma (Figure 3-2). The Early porphyry
suite hosts the majority of the Cu-Mo at Quellaveco and is the second porphyritic intrusive
phase. Early porphyry samples are of coarsely porphyritic quartz-monzonite to granodiorite
(Chapter 2) and range in age from approximately 55.9-56.6Ma (Figure 3-2). The Intermineral
porphyry suite is the third porphyritic intrusive intrusive phase and hosts a subequal amount of
Cu-Mo as the Early porphyry. Intermineral porphyry samples are from coarsely porphyritic
quartz-monzodiorite to monzogranite (Chapter 2) and range in age from 55.7-57.1Ma (Figure 3-
2). The Monzodiorite porphyry suite hosts high grade Cu-Mo, but like the Earliest porphyry is
volumetrically small and occurs as 1m-10m wide dykes in the centre of the deposit area.
Monzodiorite porphyry samples are of coarsely porphyritic, phenocryst poor monzodiorite to
quartz monzonite (Chapter 2) and range in age from 55.2-57.2Ma (Figure 3-2). The youngest
suite of porphyritic intrusions is the Post/Late mineral porphyry dykes and stocks. These
intrusions cross-cut the majority of Cu- and Mo-bearing veins and all samples are from coarsely
porphyritic granodiorite (Chapter 2), which were emplaced at approximately 53.9-55.5Ma
(Figure 3-2). Because the majority of Cu-Mo is spatially and temporally associated with the
Early through Monzodiorite porphyry suites and the granodiorite predates porphyry
development and the Post and Late mineral porphyries down grade Cu-Mo contents we are
comparing data from igneous rocks that are not associated with Cu-Mo mineralization, both
prior to (regional granodiorite and Toquepala Group rocks) and post-dating (Post and Late
mineral porphyries) the formation of Cu-Mo mineralization with intrusions that are spatially and
temporally associated with Cu-Mo mineralization (Early through Monzodiorite porphyries). We
interpret the Earliest porphyry suite as the oldest porphyritic intrusions within the deposit,

however are volumetrically insignificant and are not included in the main mineralizing phases,
despite of their typical high grade Cu-Mo contents.

Zircon size and morphology varies widely throughout all samples with long axes that
typically range from 100 to 300 µm (Figure 3-5). Zircon shapes vary from elongate, well-
terminated crystals to relatively equant, faceted crystals, occasionally sub-rounded crystals and
rare broken crystals. Cathodoluminescence images have revealed significant internal complexity
with concentric bands being most common and discordant-concentric banding are also locally
present. Approximately 1/3 of the crystals display sector zoning in addition to concentric zoning.
Cores containing older zircon overgrown discordantly by younger zircon are very rarely present.
There is no correlation between zircon shapes or morphologies with any particular group within
the datasets.

The main difference between the U-Pb and trace element acquisition routines is that the
trace element routine is maximized to measure lighter masses and is capable of measuring Ti48
and Ti . Acquisition of Ti masses allows for the use of the TiO2-in-zircon thermometer (Watson
and Harrison, 2005; using aTiO2 ≈ 0.7; Claiborne et al., 2006), providing a minimum
crystallization temperature of the zircons with an error of ±10°C. A TiO2 activity of 0.7 is chosen
because it represents the approximate activity at which titanite precipitates from magmas.
Titanite has been recovered in heavy mineral separations for all intrusive phases as the main Ti
bearing mineral.

Zirconium has a much higher zircon/melt partition coefficient compared to Hf and as

magmas undergo cooling and fractional crystallization, Hf will increase in the melt relative to Zr.
Because of this effect, Hf can be used as an index of fractionation (Wooden et al., 2006). The
majority of the data presented herein is the data collected during the trace element routine
(Granodiorite, Earliest porphyry, Early porphyry, Intermineral porphyry and Post mineral
porphyry) due to the acquisition of several other masses that could not be collected with the U-
Pb routine. In cases where no trace element routine was run on the rock types (Toquepala
Group rocks and Monzodiorite porphyry) we use Hf as an index of fractionation. In general,
zircon cores tend to be high-T and low Hf compared to their corresponding rim analyses (Figure
3-5). However, there are some exceptions where low-T, high Hf cores are surrounded by high-
T, low Hf growth zones as well as grain traverses where T and Hf behave discordantly.

QU-283; Granodiorite 791°C 10729 QU-335; Earliest Prophyry

773°C 11504
781°C 10919 777°C 10843
759°C 9651
772°C 11664
795°C 11111
750°C 11630
686°C 11959

690°C 12734

798°C 10806
809°C 10159 796°C 9135

777°C 11498

QU-395; Early Porphyry QU-138; Early Porphyry
634°C 6437
723°C 10200
734°C 10608
732°C 12969
749°C 11384 695°C 12310

718°C 11878

689°C 13249
700°C 12147
683°C 14126
688°C 12588 729°C 11286

703°C 12072

797°C 13121 725°C 11342

QU-210; Intermineral Porphyry QU-210; Intermineral Porphyry

723°C 12955 720°C 12023
766°C 9511 707°C 9334
646°C 13852 727°C 10277
629°C 13871 748°C 11525 702°C 11999
738°C 10609
702°C 12308 711°C 11432 680°C 13044
751°C 9379 661°C 13701
661°C 13169 730°C 11055
672°C 13335

777°C 9844
713°C; 11786 696°C 11350
681°C 12566 713°C 11581
673°C 12022

Figure 3-5: Cathodoluminescence images of zircons showing the minimum temperatures (°C) and
hafnium concentration (ppm) for a) Pre mineral intrusive suites (Granodiorite and Earliest
Porphyry) b) Syn mineral intrusive suites (Early and Intermineral Porphyry Suites), and c)
post mineral intrusive suites (Post and Late mineral porphyry suite). Note that only zircons
with the Trace element routine are shown.

QU-393; Late Porphyry QU-050; Late Porphyry
721°C 11012
715°C 12475
708°C 10041 670°C 12672
703°C 11839 733°C 11775
654°C 12826
726°C 9989 742°C 10434
771°C 9270
771°C 10224

735°C; 12856
796°C 13110
694°C 11170
706°C 11587 721°C 9868
862°C; 8597

769°C 10253 692°C; 12871

676°C 12298

QU-394; Late Porphyry 717°C; 11770 QU-168; Late Porphyry Dyke

692°C 12605
702°C 12466 688°C 11142
728°C 10399
693°C 11564
737°C 11050
706°C 11960
716°C 12451
703°C 11834 726°C 11124
677°C 12714 721°C 11530

700°C 11016

726°C 10962
729°C 12071 735°C 9852
736°C 15376
713°C 11860 647°C 13329

691°C 12147

Figure 3-5 (cont’d): Cathodoluminescence images of zircons showing the minimum temperatures (°C)
and hafnium concentration (ppm) for a) Pre mineral intrusive suites (Granodiorite and
Earliest Porphyry) b) Syn mineral intrusive suites (Early and Intermineral Porphyry Suites),
and c) post mineral intrusive suites (Post and Late mineral porphyry suite). Note that only
zircons with the Trace element routine are shown

Toquepala Group
Toquepala Group rocks host the late Cretaceous batholiths of the Yarabamba suite
(regional granodiorite) as well as the late Paleocene to early Eocene porphyry Cu-Mo deposits
and their associated porphyritic intrusions in southern Peru (Figure 3-3). Previous work on the
Toquepala Group has been very limited. As a consequence, the Toquepala Group is not well
understood in terms of the changes in facies, depositional setting, magma types, timing and
longevity of volcanism. Bellido (1979) divided the Toquepala Group into four formations (from
oldest to youngest) Huaracane/Toquepala, Inogoya, Paralaque and Quellaveco. The Quellaveco
Formation was sub-divided into five members (from oldest to youngest) Quellaveco Porphyry,
Toquepala, Alta, Yarito and Tinajones. At Quellaveco the Toquepala Member is absent and the
Quellaveco Porphyry and Alta Members host the Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo system and
granodiorite batholiths. Volcanism spanned approximately 24my from approximately 91Ma to
67Ma (Simmons, unpublished data).

Only the U-Pb routine was run on all Toquepala Group, as a consequence the TiO2-in-
zircon thermometer cannot be used for theses rocks. However, wide ranges in hafnium content
for each of the rocks suggest that using Hf as a fractionation index for these rocks is
permissible. Hafnium contents range from 7869 ppm to 13321 ppm in Huaracane formation
rocks, 6644 ppm to 11530 ppm in Paralaque Formation rocks, 7590 ppm to 14002 ppm in
Quellaveco Member rocks, 6406 ppm to 16169 ppm in Alta Member rocks and 5751 ppm to
13077 ppm in Tinajones Member rocks (Figure 3-6).

Zircon Th/U values range from 0.4 to 1.5 for Huaracane Formation rocks, 0.4 to 2.2 for
Paralaque Formation rocks, 0.2 to 2.1 for Quellaveco Member rocks, 0.2 to 1.9 for Alta Member
rocks and 0.3 to 2.7 for Tinajones Member rocks. Overall, the hafnium versus Th/U plot shows
a decreasing Th/U trend with increasing Hf content (Figure 3-6a). Additionally, there are two or
three trends that can be observed from the data, one steep and one shallow, with perhaps a
moderate trend between the maxima and minima slopes, all of which converge at about 14000
ppm Hf. This convergent trend is more pronounced in the Alta and Quellaveco Member rocks,
although all display some degree of the convergent trend. The ratio plot is consistent with the
observation that smaller ions are in relatively higher abundance in zircon versus larger ions with
increased fractionation. That is, both the Th/U (atomic radii of 1.05Å and 1.00Å, respectively)
and Yb/Gd (atomic radii 0.99 Å and 1.05 Å, respectively) both show patterns of increasing
larger atomic radii with decreasing temperature at 4+ and 3+ valences, respectively. This

3 60
A Legend B
St Alta Member-U/Pb Routine
p Quellaveco Member-U/Pb Routine 50
Paralaque Formation-U/Pb Routine
2 Huaracanne Formation-U/Pb Routine 40 P

ate 30
1 20

Shallow 10

0 0
5000 10000 15000 5000 10000 15000
Hf Hf


5000 50

4000 40 A2;H2;P2

3000 30

H H3
2000 20

1000 10
5000 10000 15000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Hf Y
60 1.0


40 P


10 A;P;Q2
Q1 H
0 0.0
0 1 2 3 5000 10000 15000
Th/U Hf

Figure 3-6: Zircon mineral chemistry plots of Toquepala Group Rocks a) Th/U vs Hf, b) Yb/Gd vs Hf, c)
Y vs Hf, d)Yb/Gd vs Y, e) Yb/gd vs Th/U and f) Eu/Eu* vs Hf.
Note: annotations on figures for trends and clusters are H=Huaracanne; P=Paralaque
Q=Quellaveco; A=Serie Alta; subscripted numbers correspond to trends and clusters
where multiple are present referred to in the text.

G Legend H
Alta Member-U/Pb Routine
Huaracane Formation
800 Quellaveco Member-U/Pb Routine
Paralaque Formation-U/Pb Routine
Huaracanne Formation-U/Pb Routine

600 Ce/Ce*



5000 10000 15000

I Quellaveco Member
Paralaque Formation

Alta Member

Figure 3-6 (cont’d): Zircon mineral chemistry plots of Toquepala Group Rocks g) Ce/Ce* vs Hf, and
h through k) REE chondrite normalized spider plots for Huaracanne Formation, Paralaque
Formation, Quellaveco Member and Serie Alta Member zircons.
Note: annotations on figures for trends and clusters are H=Huaracanne; P=Paralaque
Q=Quellaveco; A=Serie Alta; subscripted numbers correspond to trends and clusters
where multiple are present referred to in the text. Grey lines represent individual data
points, dashed black lines represent median and solid black lines represent mean. Spider
diagrams normalized after Sun & McDonough, 1989.

observation is common to other studies at Oyu Tolgoi (Wainwright et al., 2007) and at El
Salvador (Lee, 2008).

The Yb/Gd ratio measures the steepness of the REE pattern for those elements heavier
than europium (heavy REE to light REE ratio). Yb/Gd ratios vary from 9 to 26 in Huaracane
Formation rocks, 13 to 34 in Paralaque Formation rocks, 9 to 40 in Quellaveco Member rocks, 5
to 45 in Alta Member rocks and 3 to 28 in Tinajones Member rocks (Figure 3-6b). The Yb/Gd
versus hafnium plot shows that, in general, the Yb/Gd ratio increases with increasing Hf
content. That is, with fractionation the heavy REE occur in increased abundance in zircon
relative lighter REE’s. Huaracane rocks show a relatively shallow trend and somewhat less
spread in the data than other rocks types with the Toquepala Group. Paralaque Formation,
Quellaveco Member and Tinajones Member rocks have a slightly steeper trend than the
Huaracane rocks and have relatively straight trends, although there is somewhat more spread
in the Quellaveco and Tinajones data. The Alta Member shows a wide range of Yb/Gd values,
however does display the same increasing trend with increasing Hf in zircon from other rock
types. The large spread in the data may be attributed to the wide variety of rock types and
compositions mapped with the Alta Member, ranging from fine grained quartz porphyritic flow
domes to andesitic pyroclastic rocks.

Yttrium data was only collected for a limited amount of samples within the dataset. Y
values range from 640 to 5971 ppm in Huaracane samples, 759 to 2706 ppm in Paralaque
samples, 467 to 4758 ppm in Quellaveco Member samples and 356 to 1871 ppm in Alta
Member samples (Figure 3-6c). In general, Alta Member and Paralaque Formation rocks have
relatively low Y contents over wide ranges of Hf concentrations, compared to other Toquepala
Group rocks, and decrease slightly with increased Hf content. Huaracane Formation and
Quellaveco Member rocks behave somewhat differently with both exhibiting a greater scatter in
Y content over wide ranges of Hf concentrations. Additionally, Huaracane Formation rocks have
increasing Y content with increasing Hf content, whereas Quellaveco Member rocks have
decreasing Y contents with increasing Hf concentrations. When Y is plotted against Yb/Gd,
Quellaveco Member rocks have an overall increasing Yb/Gd with decreasing Y concentrations
(Figure 3-6d). Yb/Gd increases dramatically at low Y concentrations. Both Huaracane and
Paralaque Formation rocks behave similarly, in that they have a much wider spread in the data
along the trend line defined by Quellaveco Member samples; however they both generally plot
on or above the Quellaveco Member trend-line. The Huaracane Member samples can perhaps
be divided into three distinct groups;

1. Low Yb/Gd and moderate to high Y concentrations.

2. Moderate to high Yb/Gd and low Y concentrations.

3. High to moderate Yb/Gd and high to moderate Y concentrations.

Paralaque Formation rocks can be divided into two distinctive groups;

1. Low Yb/Gd over a wide range of Y concentrations along a gently increasing Yb/Gd with
increasing Y concentration trend-line.

2. A cluster of data with generally high Yb/Gd and low Y concentrations.

Alta Member rocks have a wide scatter of Yb/Gd over relatively narrow Y concentrations. They
form two distinctive groups of data;

1. Low Yb/Gd and low to moderate Y concentrations, with data points plotting below the
trend-line formed by the Quellaveco Member data. These data have a gently increasing
Yb/Gd with increasing Y concentrations.

2. A cluster of data with high Yb/Gd and low Y concentrations.

In general all Toquepala Group rocks have a large number of data points with Y
concentrations from 1000 to 2000 ppm and low Yb/Gd (~10-15). The main difference between
all of the rocks types are that the Quellaveco Member plots along a single trend-line, Huaracane
and Paralaque Formation rocks generally plot above the Quellaveco trend-line and form groups
of data and Alta Member rocks generally plot below the Quellaveco trend-line and form two
distinctive groups.

On the plot of Th/U versus Yb/Gd the data from all Toquepala Group rocks generally
define an array that increases in Yb/Gd with decreasing Th/U (Figure 3-6e). Huaracane
Formation zircons form a relatively tight array of data points that have overall lower Yb/Gd
values with decreasing Th/U values, relative to the other rock types in the Toquepala Group.
Paralaque Formation zircons form a parallel array to the Huaracane Formation zircons.
However, they form an array in which Yb/Gd has higher values at the same Th/U values. That
is, Paralaque Formation zircons form a parallel array with overall increased Th/U and Yb/Gd
values, relative to the Huaracane Formation zircons. Quellaveco Member zircons form three
parallel arrays, similar to those for the Paralaque and Huaracane Formation zircons;

1. An array below the Huaracane Formation array in which lower Yb/Gd values are at the
same Th/U value (i.e. overall, decreased Th/U and Yb/Gd values).

2. Low Th/U and Yb/Gd array with values generally plotting between the Huaracane and
Paralaque formation arrays (i.e. moderate Th/U and Yb/Gd values). These data plot at
just about the average trend-line for all Toquepala Group zircons.

3. A sparse array of relatively high Th/U and Yb/Gd values parallel to the trends of the
aforementioned two Quellaveco Member zircons.

Alta Member zircons form an array similar to the second trend described for Quellaveco
Member zircons above. However, there is significant spread in the data with no discernable
parallel trends.

We have used EuN/EuN* to quantify the magnitude of the negative europium anomalies
in the REE patterns (where the subscript indicates chondrite normalization and EuN* =
(SmN*GdN)0.5) (e.g. Ballard et al., 2002). REE are normalized to the values of Anders and
Grevesse (1989) and multiplies by a factor of 1.3596 (e.g. Korotev, 1996a and 1996b).
Similarly, we have used an analogous equation to quantify the positive cerium anomaly (Ballard
et al., 2002). The EuN/EuN* values range from 0.05 to 0.48 for Huaracane formation zircons,
0.07 to 0.60 for Paralaque Formation zircons, 0.02 to 0.58 for Quellaveco Member zircons, 0.01
to 1.01 for Alta Series zircons and 0.03 to 0.93 for Tinajones Member zircons (Figure 3-6f).
Overall, the data for all Toquepala Group rocks show a similar pattern of EuN/EuN* decreasing
with increasing Hf concentrations. With both the Alta and Quellaveco Members there is
significant spread in the data along a decreasing trend-line. Paralaque and Huaracane
Formation zircons plot along a tight array of decreasing EuN/EuN* with increasing Hf
concentrations. CeN/CeN* values range from 3 to 888 for Huaracane zircons, 8 to 567 for
Paralaque Formation zircons, 5 to 506 for Quellaveco Member zircons, 1 to 1820 for Alta
Member zircons and 2 to 552 for Tinajones zircons (Figure 3-6g). The data for all Toquepala
Group rocks have significant spread with no to little differences from one rock type to another.
Although, there may be a slight increasing trend of CeN/CeN* with increasing Hf concentrations.
However, it does not appear as though CeN/CeN* values are a function of hafnium values. That
is, high and low CeN/CeN* values occur over the entire range of Hf values in all Toquepala
Group rock types.

Pre-Bulk Porphyry Cu-Mo Batholithic and Porphyry Intrusive Units

Two main rock types occur prior to the deposition of the majority of copper and
molybdenum at Quellaveco, a large granodiorite batholith and a series of micro porphyritic
diorite units. The granodiorite hosts the Quellaveco Intrusive Complex associated with the
porphyry Cu-Mo deposit and precedes all Cu-Mo deposition, whereas the micro porphyritic
diorite units, termed “Earliest Porphyries” are associated with high grade but volumetrically
unimportant Cu and Mo (Chapters 2 and 5), and also pre-dates the majority of Cu and Mo
within the deposit. Since both units occur prior to the deposition of the majority of Cu and Mo
they have been treated the same in the zircon analyses and termed pre-bulk porphyry Cu-Mo
formation units. The geochronology and significant petrological characteristics of these units are
summarized in Table 3-3.

Hafnium content in the granodiorite range from 8969 to 12191 ppm and from 8904 to
18410 ppm in the Earliest Porphyry. The TiO2-in-zircon thermometer suggests that minimum
temperatures in the granodiorite range from 710°C to 849°C and from 642C to 828C in the
Earliest Porphyry. The Hf versus temperature plot for both the granodiorite and Earliest
Porphyry suggest sharply increasing Hf concentrations with decreasing temperature (Figure 3-
7a). The Earliest Porphyry displays a wider spread in the data points and perhaps a slightly
shallower trend (i.e. temperature decreases less with increased Hf concentrations) than the
granodiorite. Relative to the porphyry dykes associated with the bulk of the Cu-Mo
mineralization the data form tight trends of decreasing temperature with increasing Hf contents.

Zircon Th/U values range from 0.1 to 1.8 for the granodiorite and from 0.2 to 1.2 for the
Earliest Porphyry. Both the granodiorite and Earliest Porphyry show decreasing Th/U values
along a shallow trend, with increasing Hf concentrations (Figure 3-7b). There is no major
difference in the decreasing Th/U with increasing Hf between the two rock types. The main
difference between the two rock types is that the Earliest Porphyry has a wider spread in Th/U
values at any given Hf concentration and that at lower Hf values the granodiorite contains
values with characteristically high Th/U values. There is no discernable difference between the
Toquepala Group rocks and the Earliest Porphyry and Granodiorite, with respect to Hf values.
Note, however, that the Earliest Porphyry and Granodiorite share a common Th/U increase at
values approximately less than 11000 ppm Hf, though it less pronounced in the granodiorite.
Additionally, at values of >9000 ppm Hf the Th/U values are on average a bit higher for the
Earliest Porphyry and Granodiorite, and have a slightly steeper trend from high Th/U and low Hf
to low Th/U and high Hf, relative to the Toquepala Group rocks.

Yb/Gd values range from 6 to 35 for the Granodiorite and from 9 to 48 for the Earliest
Porphyry. On the plot of Yb/Gd versus Hf, both units have overall increasing Yb/Gd values with
increasing Hf concentrations (Figure 3-7c). The Granodiorite has a marginally wider spread of
Yb/Gd values at a given Hf value than the Earliest Porphyry. Additionally, the Granodiorite has

Table 3-3: Summary of textural and mineralogical differences between porphyry suites at Quellaveco
Suite Age (Ma) Rock Type Phenocryst Phenocryst assemblage Alteration Comments
Earliest 57.5-58.6 Monzodiorite - 50-65 Plag>>Kfs>Bt Bt-Mag- -high grade and low volume;
Qtz Monzonite Kfs -dense veins and rock replacement by
-as xenoliths in Early Porphyry;
Early 55.9-56.6 Qtz Monzonite – 50-60 Plag; 25%, sub-anhedral Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Granodiorite Kfs; 15%, sub-anhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 15%, large, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, small, euhedral -medium grade and large volume;
Hbld; rare -elongated stocks or several thick dykes
Intermineral 1 55.7-57.1 Granodiorite – 40-50 Plag; 20%, large, sub-euhedral Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Monzogranite Kfs; 15%, large, sub-euhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 15%, medium, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, small, euhedral -medium grade and medium volume;
-several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Intermineral 2 56.3-57.0 Qtz monzodiorite 50-60 Plag; 40%, large, sub-anhedral Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
– Qtz monzonite Kfs; 10%, large sub-anhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 5%, large, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, medium, sub-anhedral -medium to low grade and medium volume;
Hbld; rare -several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Monzodiorite 55.2-57.2 Monzodiorite – 25-30 Plag; 20%, large, sub-euhedral Bt- -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Qtz Monzonite Qtz; 3%, large, euhedral Kfs±Mag (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Bt; 3%, small, euhedral late Qtz- Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Kfs 2%, large, euhedral Ser -highly variable grade and low volume
Hbld; 2%, small anhedral Dense veins and rock replacement by
sulphides and magnetite
-several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Late/Post 53.9-55.5 Granodiorite 60-65 Plag; 40%, large, euhedral Cl-Ep -Qtz-Py>>Cp±Mo >>disseminations
Qtz; 15%, large, anhedral -very low grade and medium volume
Kfs; 10%, large, euhedral -sub-rounded stocks
Bt; 4%, large, subhedral
Hbld; 1% large, euhedral
Critical distinguishing features are shown in bold. Shortened forms for minerals areas follows: Qtz=Quartz, Plag=Plagioclase, Bt=Biotite, Mag=Magnetite,
Kfs=Potassium Feldspar, Hbld=Hornblende, Ser=Sericite, Cl=Chlorite, Ep=Epidotic, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Py=Pyrite, Mo=Molybdenite
Alteration is given as the dominant alteration minerals spatially associated with the porphyry suite at elevations between 3000-3500m
Rock type and phenocryst abundance given as visual modal amounts of Qtz-Kfs-Plag and volumetric abundance of phenocrysts to matrix
900 3
A Legend B
Granodiorite-TE Routine
Granodiorite-U/Pb Routine
Earliest Porphyry-TE Routine

Temperature (°C)
800 Earliest Por.-U/Pb Routine 2

700 1

600 0
5000 10000 15000 5000 10000 15000
Hf Hf


50 5000

40 E 4000



20 2000
10 1000

5000 10000 15000 5000 10000 15000
Hf Hf
60 60

50 50

40 G 40


30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1 2 3
Y Th/U

Figure 3-7: Zircon mineral chemistry plots of Premineral rocks at Quellaveco a) Temperature vs Hf,
b) Th/U vs Hf, c) Yb/Gd vs Hf, d)Y vs Hf, e) Yb/Gd vs Y and, f) Yb/Gd vs Th/U Note grey
areas represents area of Toquepala Group rock values.
Note: annotations on figures for trends and clusters are G=Granodiorite; E=Earliest Porphyry
1.0 1000
G Legend H
Granodiorite-TE Routine
0.8 Granodiorite-U/Pb Routine 800
Earliest Porphyry-TE Routine
Earliest Por.-U/Pb Routine
0.6 600


0.4 400

0.2 200

0.0 0
5000 10000 15000 5000 10000 15000
Hf Hf

Regional Granodiorite Earliest Porphyry

Figure 3-7 (cont’d): Zircon mineral chemistry plots of Premineral rocks from Quellaveco g) Eu/Eu* vs
Hf, h) Ce/Ce* vs Hf and i) though j) REE chondrite normalized zircon data for Granodiorite
and Earliest Porphyry zircons. Note grey areas represent the area of samples from Toquepala
Group rocks.
Note: annotations on figures for trends and clusters are G=Granodiorite; E=Earliest
Porphyry. Grey lines represent individual data points, black dashed lines represent the
median and black lines represent the mean. Spider diagrams normalized after the values of
Sun & McDonough, 1989.

an overall steeper slope of increasing Yb/Gd and perhaps displays three parallel trends. The
Earliest Porphyry has a slightly shallower slope at low to moderate Hf values and sharply
steepens at approximately 13000 ppm Hf. This hook is less pronounced than in the Granodiorite
and occurs at approximately 11000 ppm Hf. Though most of the Granodiorite and Earliest
Porphyry samples plot within the Toquepala Group field, they overall have much lower Yb/Gd
values and are most similar to the Huaracane Formation rocks. Perhaps the upward hook of
Yb/Gd values at increasing Hf contents and overall shallower trends at lower Hf contents are
distinguishing features of the Granodiorite and Earliest Porphyry relative to the Toquepala
Group rocks. However, this observation is based on limited amount of data and is not
conclusive if this trend is real or composed of outliers.

Yttrium content in the Granodiorite zircons range from 112 to 1585 ppm and from 200
to 1311 ppm for Earliest Porphyry zircons. Both rocks display overall decreasing Y contents with
increasing Hf concentrations (Figure 3-7d). The Earliest Porphyry has an overall shallower trend
of decreasing Y with increasing Hf and a wider spread in the data, relative to the Granodiorite.
Relative to the Toquepala Group rocks, the Granodiorite and Earliest Porphyry both display
coherent trends in the data, whereas the Toquepala Group rocks do not. Additionally, the
Granodiorite and Earliest Porphyry have distinctively low Y contents that trend up into the
Toquepala Group field at lower Hf concentrations. On the Yb/Gd versus Y plot, both rock types
show and increasing Yb/Gd with decreasing Y contents (Figure 3-7e). Both also show a marked
increase in Yb/Gd values to near vertical trends at low Y concentrations. For the Granodiorite,
the near vertical trend occurs at approximately 200 ppm Y and has a very sharp bend from
shallow to steep. The Earliest Porphyry has a somewhat lesser bend and the near vertical trend
begins at approximately 400 ppm Y. This trend was only noted in the Quellaveco Member rocks
of the Toquepala Group, however, Quellaveco Member rocks have a much more open curve in
the bend and the near vertical trend also occurs at higher Yb/Gd values and much higher Y
contents than in the Granodiorite and Earliest Porphyry.

On the Yb/Gd versus Th/U plot, both rock types show an overall increase in Yb/Gd
values with decreasing Th/U values (Figure 3-7f). Both also show a shallow trend in the data at
high Th/U values and a steep trend in the data at low Th/U values. The inflection point of the
curve for the Earliest Porphyry occurs at slightly lower Yb/Gd and Th/U values than the
Granodiorite. Additionally there is a wider spread in the Earliest Porphyry data. Overall, both of
these units show similarities to the Toquepala Group rocks, however the Granodiorite and
Earliest Porphyry both have distinctively lower inflection points in the trend and also have a
much more open curve.
The EuN/EuN* values range from 0.23 to 0.70 for the Granodiorite and from 0.18 to 0.71
for the Earliest Porphyry (Figure 3-7g). There is considerable scatter in the data from both rock
types. In general the Earliest Porphyry has higher EuN/EuN* values than the Granodiorite on
average (0.35 vs. 0.42). Although the Granodiorite plots largely as a cluster, there is a slight
decreasing trend to the EuN/EuN* with increasing Hf concentrations, whereas the Earliest
Porphyry has a flat or even slightly increasing trend in EuN/EuN* values at higher Hf
concentrations. At lower Hf concentrations (<10000 ppm), the Earliest Porphyry has somewhat
higher EuN/EuN* values, indicating at least a component of the data decreases in EuN/EuN*
values with increasing Hf contents. The main difference between the pre-mineral intrusive rocks
and the Toquepala Group rocks is that the pronounced decreasing trend in EuN/EuN* values
with increasing Hf contents are not observed in the Granodiorite or the Earliest Porphyry.
CeN/CeN* values range from 4 to 452 for the Granodiorite and from 2 to 779 for the Earliest
Porphyry (Figure 3-7h). Although there is no real recognizable pattern when CeN/CeN* is plotted
against Hf, on average the Earliest Porphyry has higher CeN/CeN* values than the Granodiorite
(179 vs. 139). Both rocks types have a wide scatter over wide ranges in Hf concentrations.
However, the Earliest Porphyry has distinctively high CeN/CeN* values at higher Hf contents.
With the exception of lower CeN/CeN* values than in the Toquepala Group rocks, both the
Granodiorite and Earliest Porphyry plot similar to and within the field for the Toquepala Group

“Syn”-Mineral Intrusions
Three porphyry intrusive phases are temporally and spatially associated with the
majority of the Cu and Mo at Quellaveco. From oldest to youngest, these are the Early
Porphyries dykes, Intermineral Porphyry dykes and Monzodiorite Porphyry dykes. Through time
each rock types becomes volumetrically less important and are also associated with slightly
lower grades of Cu, with the exception of the Monzodiorite which has higher grades spatially
and temporally associated with it, relative to the Intermineral Porphyry suite. As these units are
spatially and temporally related to the majority of the Cu and Mo at Quellaveco, the zircons are
considered to be part of the syn-porphyry Cu-Mo units (Figure 3-8). The geochronology and
significant petrological characteristics of these units are summarized in Table 3-3 and in Chapter

Hafnium contents range from 6437 ppm to 14126 ppm in the Early Porphyries, 8854
ppm to 13871 ppm in the Intermineral Porphyries and from 8855 ppm to 15644 ppm in the
Monzodiorite Porphyries. The TiO2-in-zircon thermometer for these rocks suggest minimum

crystallization temperatures ranging from 799°C to 643°C in the Early Porphyries and from
797°C to 628°C for the Intermineral Porphyries. No temperature data was collected for the
Monzodiorite Porphyries as only the U-Pb routine was run for the samples. Aside from one
outlier data point within the Early Porphyry, the data suggests a consistently decreasing
temperature with increasing Hf content, albeit with significant spread in the temperature and
concentration (Figure 3-8a). In general the Intermineral Porphyries have a wider spreads in the
data at lower Hf contents whereas the Early Porphyries have wider spread in the data at higher
Hf contents. Additionally, the Early Porphyries have an overall shallower trend in the data from
high temperature and low Hf to low temperature and high Hf than the Intermineral Porphyries.
In both rock types, there appears to be some evidence that there are several parallel trends in
the data. Where compared to pre-mineral rocks, the syn-mineral rocks have overall shallower
trends to their data and have wider spreads in the data, particularly at higher Hf contents and
lower temperatures.

Th/U values for the syn-mineral rocks range from 0.25 to 1.78 for Early Porphyry
zircons, from 0.26 to 1.25 for Intermineral Porphyry zircons and from 0.37 to 1.24 for
Monzodiorite Porphyry zircons. On the Th/U versus Hf plot there is an overall decreasing Th/U
trend with increasing Hf contents for all rocks types (Figure 3-8b). Overall, there is a high
degree of spread in Th/U values at a given Hf value, where compared to older rock types. Early
Porphyry zircons show high spread in their data compared to other syn-porphyry intrusions.
They form a trend that is very similar to the trends observed in pre-mineral zircons, from high
Th/U and low Hf to low Th/U and high Hf. However, the Monzodiorite Porphyries are very
distinct form the other syn-mineral units, in that the data forms a parallel trend but at higher
Th/U values (on average 0.1 higher Th/U values) at a given Hf concentration. The Monzodiorite
also has less spread in the data than does the Early and Intermineral Porphyries Compared to
the pre-mineral intrusions, the syn-mineral units have a much more consistent spread in the
data, particularly at high Hf concentrations. Additionally, no increase in the Th/U values at
values below approximately 11000 ppm Hf is noted for these units, but rather a series of
steeper sub-trends in the data is present for all rock types but is particularly pronounced in the
Early Porphyry.

Yb/Gd values range from 7 to 43 for Early Porphyry zircons, 6 to 54 for Intermineral
zircons and from 5 to 33 for Monzodiorite Porphyry zircons. On the Yb/Gd versus Hf plot all syn-
mineral intrusions show an overall increasing Yb/Gd trend with increasing Hf concentrations
(Figure 3-8c). The Intermineral Porphyry zircons have an overall wider spread in the Yb/Gd

900 3
A Legend B
Early Porphyry-TE Routine
Early Porphyry-U/Pb Routine
Intermineral Por.-TE Routine
Intermineral-U/Pb Routine
800 Temperature (°C) Monzodiorite-U/Pb Routine

700 1

600 0
5000 10000 15000 5000 10000 15000
Hf Hf


50 E2;I 5000

40 4000

30 3000

20 E1 2000
10 1000

0 0
5000 10000 15000 5000 10000 15000
Hf Hf
60 60

50 50 E;I

40 40


30 30

20 20 M

10 10

0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1 2 3
Y Th/U

Figure 3-8: Zircon mineral chemistry plots of Syn-mineral rocks at Quellaveco a) Temperature vs Hf, b)
Th/U vs Hf, c) Yb/Gd vs Hf, d)Y vs Hf, e) Yb/Gd vs Y and, f) Yb/Gd vs Th/U. Note grey areas
represents area of Pre-mineral intrusion values.
Note: annotations on figures for trends and clusters are E=Early Porphyry; I=Intermineral
Porphyry; M=Monzodiorite Porphyry; subscripted numbers correspond to trends and clusters
where multiple are present referred to in the text.

1.0 1000

0.8 800

0.6 E;M 600


0.4 400
Legend I1
Early Porphyry-TE Routine

0.2 Early Porphyry-U/Pb Routine 200

Intermineral Por.-TE Routine
Intermineral-U/Pb Routine
Monzodiorite-U/Pb Routine
0.0 0
5000 10000 15000 5000 10000 15000
Hf Hf

Early Porphyry Intermineral Porphyry

Monzodiorite Porphyry

Figure 3-8 cont’d: Zircon mineral chemistry plots of Syn-mineral rocks from Quellaveco g) Eu/Eu* vs Hf,
h) Ce/Ce* vs Hf and, i) through k) REE chondrite normalized zircon data from Early,
Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries. Note grey areas represent the area of samples
from Pre-mineral intrusive rocks.
Note: annotations on figures for trends and clusters are E=Early Porphyry; I=Intermineral
Porphyry; M=Monzodiorite Porphyry; subscripted numbers correspond to trends and clusters
where multiple are present referred to in the text. Grey lines represent individual data points,
dashed black lines represent medians and black lines represent means. Spider diagrams
normalized after the values of Sun & McDonough, 1989.

values at any given Hf concentration. The Early Porphyry zircons perhaps show multiple trends
in the data, one with a shallow slope from low Yb/Gd and low Hf to high Yb/Gd and high Hf,
trending to distinctive low Yb/Gd values at high Hf concentrations relative to older rock types.
The second of the Early Porphyry trends starts out parallel to the first trend but at high Yb/Gd
values for a given Hf values and has a sharp increase in Yb/Gd values at approximately 13,000
ppm Hf, a trend observed in Earliest Porphyry zircons. The Intermineral Porphyry zircons do not
show as much a pronounced trend to distinctive low Yb/Gd values at high Hf concentrations,
but does show a very sharp increase in the Yb/Gd values at approximately 13,000 ppm Hf.
While there may be parallel trends to the Intermineral zircons at lower Hf concentrations, the
data is consistently spread making it difficult to make this interpretation. As with the Th/U
values, the Yb/Gd trend is very distinct for the Monzodiorite Porphyry zircons, in that they tend
to form a cluster of data, characterized by increasing Yb/Gd with increasing Hf concentrations
to values that are unique from older pre-mineral zircons of distinctively low Yb/Gd values at
high Hf concentrations. These uniquely low Yb/Gd values at high Hf concentrations are to some
degree present in all syn-mineral intrusions and are what separate them from pre-mineral

Yttrium values range from 239 ppm to 4029 ppm for Early Porphyry zircons, from 182
ppm to 3038 ppm for Intermineral Porphyry zircons and from 253 ppm to 1992 ppm for
Monzodiorite Porphyry zircons. On the Y versus Hf plot all rock types show an overall
decreasing trend in Y values with increasing Hf concentrations (Figure 3-8d). The Early
Porphyry zircons show the widest spread in the data with two separate trends one steep and
another shallow from high Y and low Hf, with both converging at approximately 15,000 ppm Hf
and 200 ppm Y. The shallower of these trends is also observed in both the Intermineral and
Monzodiorite Porphyry zircons. Both the Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyry zircons also
have a steeper trend in the data but is somewhat shallower than the steep trend observed in
the Early Porphyry zircons. As with the pre-mineral intrusions, the syn mineral intrusions have
distinctively low Y values relative to the Toquepala Group host rocks. On the Yb/Gd versus Y
plot the trends in the data are similar to those of the pre-mineral intrusions, with Yb/Gd values
increasing with decreasing Y concentrations and sharp increases in the Yb/Gd values at
approximately 300 ppm Y and less (Figure 3-8e). All syn-mineral rocks types have a high
amount of data plotting at high Yb/Gd and Y values above the apex of the curve formed from
the trend in the data. Additionally the apex of the curve (where there is a marked increase in
Yb/Gd values) occurs at high Yb/Gd and Y values (i.e. up and to the right on the diagram) than
for pre-mineral zircons.

On the Yb/Gd versus Th/U plot all syn-mineral rock types show increasing Yb/Gd with
decreasing Th/U values (Figure 3-8f). Both the Early and Intermineral Porphyries show steadily
increasing Yb/Gd with decreasing Th/U at values approximately higher than 0.5. At Th/U values
of less than 0.5 there is a marked increase in Yb/Gd values, trending towards near vertical
slopes. Monzodiorite Porphyry zircons, plot more as a cluster of data with moderate increases in
Yb/Gd values with decreasing Th/U values and a less pronounced increase in Yb/Gd values. For
syn-mineral rocks types the trends in the data occur at higher Th/U and Yb/Gd values (i.e. up
and to the right). Additionally the near vertical slopes occur at slightly higher Th/U values.
Compared to the pre-mineral intrusive rocks, there is also a wider spread in the data for all syn-
mineral intrusions.

The EuN/EuN* values range from 0.33 to 0.59 for Early Porphyry zircons, from 0.35 to
0.97 for Intermineral Porphyry zircons and from 0.42 to 0.78 for Monzodiorite Porphyry zircons.
Overall the data show relatively flat trends EuN/EuN* versus Hf, with perhaps early EuN/EuN*
value decreases at low Hf contents and late increases in EuN/EuN* values at high Hf contents
(Figure 3-8g). Overall the flat trends occur at higher average EuN/EuN* values than observed in
the pre-mineral rocks, with average values of 0.47 for the Early Porphyry, 0.49 for the
Intermineral Porphyry and 0.50 for Monzodiorite Porphyry zircons. The Early Porphyry zircons
plot as a cluster of data overall slightly increasing in EuN/EuN* values with increasing Hf. The
Intermineral Porphyry decreases in EuN/EuN* values fairly consistently until approximately
11,500 ppm Hf, where the data become divergent, with one trend of rapidly increasing
EuN/EuN* values and the other with a shallow decrease in EuN/EuN* values at approximately Hf
contents greater than 11,500 ppm. The Monzodiorite forms a cup shape trend with decreasing
EuN/EuN* values at low Hf content and increasing EuN/EuN* values at high Hf contents. The cup
shape is observed to some degree in all syn-mineral intrusions and is more pronounced than
those observed in the pre-mineral intrusions. As with the pre-mineral intrusions distinctively
high EuN/EuN* values at high Hf contents set the syn-mineral intrusions apart from the
Toquepala Group rocks. The CeN/CeN* values range from 5 to 904 for Early Porphyry zircons,
from 2 to 1341 for Intermineral Porphyry zircons and from 1 to 1479 for Monzodiorite Porphyry
zircons. Overall there is no real pattern to the CeN/CeN* values when plotted versus Hf, though
there may be a slight increase with increasing Hf contents, however the spread in the data
make this difficult to observe (Figure 3-8h). The increase in CeN/CeN* values with increasing Hf
content is perhaps best displayed in the Monzodiorite Porphyry. Overall the syn-mineral
intrusions have higher average CeN/CeN* values than the pre-mineral intrusions with values

averaging 301, 314 and 424 for the Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries,

Late Porphyry Units and Dykes

A series of small stocks and dykes crosscut the syn-mineral intrusive rocks and generally
down grade Cu and Mo contents of the rocks to below values of 0.2% Cu. These are grouped
into Late Porphyry and porphyry dykes, where the Late Porphyries and the porphyry dykes
whose relative timing to the Late Porphyries is unknown but crosscuts the other syn-mineral
units. These rock types are typically not associated spatially or temporally with significant Cu or
Mo (Figure 3-4). Since these units are spatially and temporally related to a general down
grading of the Cu and Mo at Quellaveco, they have been treated the same in the zircon
analyses and termed Late-porphyry Cu-Mo formation units (Figure 3-9). The geochronology and
significant petrological characteristics of these units are summarized in Table 3-3 and in Chapter

Hafnium concentrations range from 7574 ppm to 15,376 ppm for Late Porphyry zircons
and from 8028 ppm to 14202 ppm for zircons from dykes. The TiO2-in-zircon suggests that the
minimum crystallization temperatures for the Late Porphyry ranges from 862°C to 636°C and
from 809°C to 645°C for the dykes (Figure 3-9a). In general, there is an overall decreasing
trend in the temperature with increasing Hf concentrations for both rock types. The dykes have
a much wider spread in the data, particularly at low Hf contents. Zircons from the dykes have
two parallel trends separated by approximately 50-100°C at a given Hf concentration. Zircons
from the Late Porphyry stocks have wide spreads in the data and perhaps show a steeper trend
to the data and a wider spread at higher Hf contents than the syn-mineral intrusions. A similar
difference that also characterizes the pre-mineral and syn-mineral intrusions.

Th/U values range from 0.28 to 1.99 for the Late Porphyry zircons and from 0.26 to
1.40 for the zircons from the dykes. On the Th/U versus Hf plot both rock types show an overall
decreasing Th/U value with increasing Hf concentration (Figure 3-9b). As with the syn mineral
rocks, the Late Porphyry and dykes show two converging trends in the data with one steep and
shallow trend converging at approximately 15,000 ppm Hf. Overall there is also a consistently
wider spread in the data when compared to the syn-mineral intrusions, particularly with the
Late Porphyry zircons.

900 3
A Legend B
Late Mineral-TE Routine
Late Mineral-U/Pb Routine
Late Dykes-TE Routine

Temperature (°C)
Late Dykes-U/Pb Routine
800 2


700 1

600 0
5000 10000 15000 5000 10000 15000
Hf Hf


50 5000


30 3000


10 1000 L2

5000 10000 15000 5000 10000 15000
Hf Hf
60 60

50 50

40 40


30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 5000 0 1 2 3
Y Th/U

Figure 3-9: Zircon mineral chemistry plots of Post-mineral rocks at Quellaveco a) Temperature vs Hf, b)
Th/U vs Hf, c) Yb/Gd vs Hf, d)Y vs Hf, e) Yb/Gd vs Y and, f) Yb/Gd vs Th/U. Note grey areas
represent areas of Syn-mineral intrusion values. All values in ppm, unless otherwise stated.
Note: annotations on figures for trends and clusters are L=Late Porphyry; D=Late Dykes;
subscripted numbers correspond to trends and clusters where multiple are present referred
to in the text.

1.0 1000

0.8 800

0.6 600

0.4 400

Late Mineral-TE Routine
0.2 200
Late Mineral-U/Pb Routine
Late Dykes-TE Routine
Late Dykes-U/Pb Routine
0.0 0
5000 10000 15000 5000 10000 15000
Hf Hf

Late Porphyry Post Mineral Porphyry Dykes

Figure 3-9 cont’d: Zircon mineral chemistry plots of Post-mineral rocks from Quellaveco g) Eu/Eu* vs Hf;
h) Ce/Ce* vs Hf and, i) through j) REE chondrite normalized zircon data from Late Porphyries
and Late Dykes. Note grey areas represent the area of samples from Syn-mineral intrusive
rocks. All values in ppm, unless otherwise stated.
Note: annotations on figures for trends and clusters are L=Late Porphyry; D=Late Dykes;
subscripted numbers correspond to trends and clusters where multiple are present referred
to in the text. Grey lines represent individual data points, dashed black lines represent
medians and black lines represent means. Spider diagrams normalized after the values of Sun
& McDonough, 1989.

Yb/Gd values range from 5 to 47 for the Late Porphyry zircons and from 9 to 60 for the
dykes. Both rock types have broadly increasing Yb/Gd values with increasing Hf contents
(Figure 3-9dc. The Late Porphyry zircons plot as two divergent trends. The first is a shallow,
consistently increasing Yb/Gd with increasing Hf and the second is a steeper trend that
continuously increases in Yb/Gd values with increasing Hf content. The dykes display only a
consistently steepening slope of increasing Yb/Gd with increasing Hf content. Overall, the post-
mineral intrusions plot very similar to the Early and Intermineral Porphyry zircons, with perhaps
the main difference being that the Late Porphyries and dykes have shallower slopes at Hf
values of less than 12,000 ppm Hf.

Yttrium values range from 185 ppm to 10,997 ppm for Late Porphyry zircons and from
212 ppm to 2315 ppm for zircons from dykes. When plotted versus Hf, Y values consistently
decrease with increasing Hf contents for both of the post-mineral rocks types (Figure 3-9d).
The Late Porphyry zircons have two trends of shallowly and moderately decreasing Y values
with increasing Hf, which converge at approximately 14,000 ppm Hf. The dykes plot more as a
cluster of data with consistently decreasing Y values with increasing Hf contents. Overall, these
patterns are very similar to those observed in the syn-mineral intrusions, although both of the
post-mineral rock suites appear to have slightly shallower slopes than the syn-mineral
intrusions. Additionally, the post-mineral intrusions have a higher spread in the data at lower Hf
contents. On the Yb/Gd versus Y plot, Yb/Gd values increase with decreasing Y values for both
rock types (Figure 3-9e). The inflection point, where the slope at which the Yb/Gd values versus
Y trend becomes increasingly steeper for both rocks types with decreasing Y contents until near
vertical at approximately 200 ppm Y. The main difference between the two is that the trends
for each become near flat at two different Yb/Gd values, for the Late Porphyry zircons at
approximately 10 and for the dykes at approximately 15. Overall these rock types plot very
similar to the syn-mineral intrusions, but have less spread in the data between near vertical and
horizontal trend in the data.

On the Yb/Gd versus Th/U plot, the Yb/Gd values increase with decreasing Th/U values
(Figure 3-9f). Both rock types show a relatively tight pattern of a steepening in the slope of
increasing Yb/Gd with decreasing Th/U values until near vertical slopes a Th/U values of
approximately 0.3 and near horizontal slopes at Yb/Gd values of approximately 10. Perhaps the
main difference between these rocks and the syn-mineral intrusions is the that the syn-mineral
intrusions never reach near horizontal slopes and there is more spread in the data, or a less
well developed curve in the trend from shallow to steep slopes in the syn-mineral zircons.

The EuN/EuN* values range from 0.24 to 0.73 for Late Porphyry zircons and from 0.26 to
0.70 for zircons form the dykes. Aside from three outlier datum, at high EuN/EuN* values and
high Hf contents there is no evidence of cup shapes to the trends in the data for the rocks
types (Figure 3-9g). Rather, there are parallel trends of consistently decreasing EuN/EuN* values
with increasing Hf contents, albeit at a much shallower angle than the Toquepala Group and
Granodiorite zircons. EuN/EuN* values average 0.49 for Late Porphyry zircon and 0.48 for
zircons from dykes. Overall these values compare very closely to the syn-mineral intrusions
though there is a slight decrease from the Monzodiorite values. The result of the consistently
decreasing trend is that the post-mineral intrusions have higher EuN/EuN* values at low Hf
values and lower EuN/EuN* values at high Hf compared to the syn-mineral intrusions. As with
the syn-mineral intrusions when CeN/CeN* is plotted versus Hf there is a very broad spread in
the data, but overall there is an increase in the CeN/CeN* value with increasing Hf contents
(Figure 3-9h). This trend is more pronounced in the Late Porphyry zircons. Overall the average
CeN/CeN* values are similar to the syn-mineral intrusions with the Late Porphyry CeN/CeN*
values averaging 351 and the dykes averaging 325. As with the EuN/EuN* this represents a
slight decrease from the values of the Monzodiorite zircons.

Zircon Chemistry Changes with Time

Several examples of discordant trends of the zircon chemistry data are present, from
rock type to rock type, within rock types, within individual samples and within individual zircons.
Values showing particularly high degrees of variability include Th/U, Yb/Gd and Y
concentrations. Additionally, there are wide variations on all diagrams where the minimum
crystallization temperatures are plotted against Hf. Figure 3-10 shows single sample spot
traverses for the granodiorite, Early Porphyry, Intermineral Porphyry and Late Porphyry. These
plots show multiple examples of increased temperatures from core to edge indicating that in
some cases high-T interiors and edges occasionally overgrow low-T centers or interiors.

In general, centers of concentrically, oscillatory-zoned zircon grains tend to be higher

temperature and lower Hf than their corresponding interiors and grain edges (Figures 3-5 and
3-10). There are a number of exceptions to this, however, where cooler, high Hf centers or
interiors are overgrown by hotter, low Hf interiors or edges as well as several grain traverses
where temperature and/or Hf behave discordantly. However, there are problems where zircon
grains have been measured in the same oscillatory zone but in different sector zones and yield
different temperatures and Hf concentrations. For this reason an attempt was made to measure
grain traverses from the same sector zone. Examples of this effect are rare within this dataset,

A Sample Qu-283 (Granodiorite) Explanation
Grain Center
11.1 Grain Middle
Grain Edge

Temperature (°C)

5.1 6.1 15.1

800 2.1
3.1 11.2 6.2
1.1 10.1
750 3.2

Temperature Error 5.2


9000 9500 10000 10500 11000 11500 12000 12500
Hf (ppm)

B Sample Qu-138 (Early Porphyry)



Temperature (°C)

10.1 1.2
5.2 2.2
1.1 11.1 11.3
2.4 10.2
700 6.1

10.4 8.2

To 2.1 6.3
Temperature Error 8.3
9500 10000 10500 11000 11500 12000 12500 13000 13500
Hf (ppm)
Figure 3-10: Plots of minimum temperature of crystallization versus Hf content in zircon from a) the
granodiorite and b) Early Porphyry. Note: plots show grain traverses from grain centers to
edges for individual zircons. #.#, Denotes zircon number and spot number.

C Sample Qu-210 (Intermineral Porphyry) Explanation
Grain Center
4.1 1.3
Grain Middle
Grain Edge
7.5 4.2

Temperature (°C)

3.2 7.1
1.4 8.2 9.2
1.1 9.3


650 4.4

Temperature Error
(±10°C) 7.3

9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000
Hf (ppm)

D Sample Qu-050 (Late Porphyry)


800 3.1
Temperature (°C)


10.2 11.2 6.3 7.1
9.1 5.1
10.1 11.1 1.1 6.1
12.1 3.3

700 10.4 9.3

8.1 11.3
9.2 7.3

Temperature Error
8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000
Hf (ppm)

Figure 3-10 (cont’d): Plots of minimum temperature of crystallization versus Hf content in zircon from
c) Intermineral Porphyry and d) Late Porphyry. Note: plots show grain traverses from grain
centers to edges for individual zircons. #.#, Denotes zircon number and spot number.

however a good example of this occurs within sample Qu-393 (Late Porphyry) where point 4.1
(grain center; dark sector zone) measured 843°C and 8178 ppm Hf, whereas the same
oscillatory zone point 4.2 (grain center; light sector zone) measured 780°C and 7574 ppm Hf.
Point 4.2 was also measured along the narrow axis of the grain where the oscillatory zones are
much tighter and the analysis may have incorporated part of a different oscillatory zone
measured in point 4.1. There are additional problems with the timing of each oscillatory zone,
in that it is very difficult to determine when and where the zircon grew. For example a center of
the grain for the Intermineral Porphyry may have grown in the batholithic roots to the porphyry
system at the time the Early Porphyry was emplaced (i.e. antecrystic zircon overgrown by later
magmatic zircon more closely associated with the Intermineral Porphyry). The probability of
measuring grains or portions of grains is reduced by only analyzing for trace elements on grains
in which the centers have been incorporated into the age calculation of the rock.

The granodiorite, with the exception of grains 2 and 8 all grain traverses behave as
expected with decreasing temperature and increasing Hf (Figure 3-10a). For spots 8.1 and 8.2
as well as 2.1 and 2.2, they are within the temperature error of each other and at very similar
Hf values and may simply be centers and interiors or edges that grew at approximately the
same time (i.e. the magma chamber did not cool significantly from one oscillatory zone to the
next). However, the difference between spots 2.2 and 2.3 is outside of the temperature error
and decreases by approximately 50°C at approximately the same Hf value.

The Early Porphyry largely follows a similar pattern as the granodiorite with decreasing
temperature and increasing Hf contents, albeit a shallower slope and at overall decreased
temperature at the same Hf concentration (Figure 3-10b). However, several examples of
increasing temperature within grains are recorded in the Early Porphyry. Increases in
temperature and decreasing Hf contents are recorded from spot 1.1 to 1.2 and 2.1 to 2.2;
these patterns likely represent some form of magma chamber contamination by a foreign
source. Where there are increases in temperature with decreasing Hf contents (spots 2.2 to
2.3, 5.1 to 5.26.1 to 6.2 and 11.2 to 11.3), the trend are subparallel to the main decreasing
temperature and increasing Hf trend and likely represent magma recharge or turbulent mixing
from hotter portions of the magma chamber. In one case there is a large decrease in Hf and
decrease in temperature (spot 10.1 to 10.3); this may also represent contamination from a
foreign source.

The Intermineral Porphyry follows much the same patterns as in the Early Porphyry,
however there is much more spread in the data (Figure 3-10c).

1. Increases in temperature and decreases in Hf content from spots 1.4 to 1.3 and 8.1 to
8.2, though the latter is within error.

2. Increases in temperature and decreases in Hf not parallel to the main fractionation trend
from spots 7.3 to 7.2 and 7.2 to 7.1.

In any case there is a wide variation in temperatures at any given Hf concentration

indicating that the magmatic system is not derived from a single cooling and fractionation
magma chamber, closed to external contamination.

The Late Porphyry perhaps shows the widest spread in the data for all porphyry types
(Figure 3-10d). Several centers at low temperatures and low Hf content (approximately 725°C
and 9750 ppm Hf) are overgrown by slightly higher temperature and much higher Hf interiors
and edges. This may be further evidence for magma contamination. Also evident are possible
magma recharge trends from spots 3.2 to 3.1 and 10.2 to 10.3. Additionally, there appears to
be several parallel fractionation trends separated by approximately 50 to 100°C.


Fertile vs Non-Fertile System Identification

The global zircon database comparing zircons from igneous rocks temporally and
spatially related to ore deposits to those that are not is currently very limited. This study
indicates that there are several distinct zircon chemical patterns that distinguish igneous rocks
associated with Cu-Mo porphyry deposits at Quellaveco, southern Peru, from those that are
unrelated to Cu-Mo porphyry formation. These distinct geochemical patterns suggest that
specific and distinct magmatic processes are fundamental to the formation of giant porphyry
Cu-Mo deposits in the southern Peru. Within this dataset several patterns distinguish the
identification of seeming fertile systems versus non-fertile systems at Quellaveco. The terms
“fertile-system” is used because many of the geochemical features, whereas they are distinct to
the intrusive rocks spatially and temporally related to the porphyry Cu-Mo system, they may
serve primarily as process identifiers rather than geochemically distinct single intrusions (e.g.
magma contamination). For the most part, the host Toquepala Group volcanic rocks cannot be
compared as they represent several pyroclastic eruptions over time and may have been sourced
from several magma batches, explaining the wide spread in their data.

1. Compared to pre-mineral intrusions, wider spreads in almost all data occur in syn- and
post-mineral intrusions, indicating that magma contamination played an important role
in magmas more closely related to Cu-Mo mineralization (e.g. Th/U versus Hf plots).

2. Shallow trends in the minimum temperature versus Hf, indicating that the system
possibly stayed hotter for longer periods of time or in the very minimum over the same
Hf concentration ranges (i.e. fractionation).

3. Divergent trends in Yb/Gd values with increased fractionation with progressively

increasing Yb/Gd values being distinct to the Earliest, Early, Intermineral and
Monzodiorite porphyries (i.e. near vertical trends in Yb/Gd values at high Hf

4. Y serves as a good indicator for all intrusive rocks compared to Toquepala Group
volcanic rocks, in that all intrusive rocks have distinctively low Y contents (<500 ppm),
particularly at high Hf contents (>10,000 ppm ). Syn- and post-mineral rocks are
distinctive in that there is a wide spread in the data with two convergent trends of
decreasing Y concentrations at approximately 15,000 ppm Hf.

5. Yb/Gd versus Y plots show that all intrusive rocks have very sharp and well defined
kinks in the data from near zero at high Y to near vertical slopes at low Y contents.
Furthermore, syn-mineral intrusions are distinct in that they generally have lower Y
contents and higher Yb/Gd values than all other rocks. Similarly, syn-mineral intrusions
have distinctively high Yb/Gd and Th/U value relative to the post- and pre-mineral
intrusions. These results are similar to those of Wainwright (2008) and Lee (2009).

6. EuN/EuN* of >0.45 are distinctive for intrusive rocks of the syn- and post-mineral suites.
Additionally, the flat, increasing or cup shaped patterns with increasing fractionation
appear to be distinctive only for syn-mineral intrusions. These increases in slope and cup
shapes may indicate that melts with increased oxidation state were injected into the
batholitic roots prior to the emplacement of the syn-mineral porphyry dykes. These
results are similar to those of Wainwright (2008) and Lee (2009).

7. CeN/CeN* values of greater than 300 are distinct for syn- and post-mineral intrusions,
with perhaps increasing CeN/CeN* values with increasing fractionation being distinctive
for syn-mineral intrusions. These results are similar to those of Wainwright (2008) and
Lee (2009).

Magma Contamination Sources

Observations from zircon geochemical data provide evidence that the magmatic system
associated with the porphyry Cu system at Quellaveco was not a simple cooling and crystallizing
system. Some form of contamination/chemical disruptions of the magma system had to have

occurred in order to account for the variations observed and include source heterogeneity,
mixing of magmas from different sources, rejuvenation of magmas from the same source,
mixing of melts with distinctive fractionation histories, wall rock contamination, intermittent
injections of magma from a deeper seated mid-crustal magma chamber and turbulent mixing
within a single magma chamber where fractional crystallization has created chemical laying
within the magma chamber.

Several different scenarios for contamination of the magmas could account for the
discrete populations and trends within rock types and samples. It could be possible that the
contamination is a result of magma chamber dynamics where early chilled walls are mixed into
new magma batches that intrude older solid intrusions. This would require new magma batches
to physically scour the chamber walls and remelt all but the refractory minerals. If this were to
be the case, discordant trends should be evident at high temperatures, which is not a common
observation. Additionally, the lack of inherited zircons from walls rocks in the region argue
against this. It is also possible that there is magmatic layering caused by fractional
crystallization and settling processes. This may explain some of the variations in the trends and
groupings within individual samples and rocks types. However, we propose a hybrid system,
where a high energy magma chamber mixes the magma throughout the chamber and is
periodically contaminated by new magmatic input. From the data herein, it appears that both
magma recharge from a similar source and magma mixing of foreign magma from different
sources with different crystallization histories occurred prior to the emplacement of porphyry
dykes. Possibly the new magmatic input that mixes into upper crustal magma chambers may be
from deeper seated mid-crustal level magmatic chambers that have undergone fractional
crystallization and or have themselves been subject to intermittent new magmatic input. The
idea that mid-crustal magmatic chambers periodically release magma that ascends upwards and
mixes into upper crustal magma chambers and their potential relationships, spatially and
temporally to hydrothermal systems have been explored by several authors, most recently
Chiaradia et al.,. (2012). Chiaradia et al.,. (2012) explained anomalous Sr, Yb and Y
geochemistry of intrusive rocks associated with porphyry Cu-Mo formation by suggesting that
more mafic mid crustal level magma chambers fractionate pyroxene and hornblende out of the
magma and the mid crustal magmas periodically release some fractionated magma into the
upper crust, which mixes with the mid crustal level magma chambers. Data from this study
support these ideas, though do not preclude other possibilities to explain the zircon
geochemistry discussed above. The fact that rocks not associated with porphyry Cu
development do not appear to be as complex as those that are, indicates that the discrete

populations and different trends in the data are fundamental to the formation of Cu-Mo fertile

Oxidation State
Syn-mineral intrusions and post-mineral intrusions, on average, have considerably
higher EuN/EuN* and CeN/CeN* values than igneous rocks not associated with Cu-Mo
mineralization. Similar studies in Northern Chile, found that the intrusive complexes associated
with porphyry Cu systems were oxidized containing high Ce4+/Ce3+ (>300) and high EuN/EuN*
values (>0.4) (Ballard et al., 2002). For this study, Ce4+/Ce3+ values cannot be calculated and
for this reason are not directly comparable to those of Ballard (2002), instead CeN/CeN* values
have been calculated to quantify the magnitude of positive Ce anomalies. We use CeN/CeN*
values as a correlation to the Ce4+/Ce3+ of Ballard (2002) because when Ce3+ is oxidized to Ce
4+, it behaves more like Zr or Hf, and thus is preferred by zircon over the LREE (e.g. Belousova
et al., 2002). In general, trace element routine analyses were a series of points from zircon
grain centre to edge on a number of grains from one sample. U/Pb geochronology had been
completed prior trace element analyses, which showed that zircons analyzed were not
xenocrystic or contained inherited cores. This allows for the EuN/EuN* and CeN/CeN* values to
be traced with the growth of the zircon grains. However, other factors that may influence the
EuN/EuN* and CeN/CeN* values other than oxidation state are temperature (Liang et al., 2006)
and plagioclase feldspar fractionation (e.g. Belousova et al., 2002).

Regardless of the exact values of EuN/EuN* for the division between “fertile” and “non-
fertile” rocks in northern Chile (0.4; Ballard, 2002), El Salvador, northern Chile (0.4; Lee, 2008),
and Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia (0.3; Wainwright, 2008), there is a common observation from all
areas, that intrusive rocks associated with and immediately post-dating porphyry Cu systems
appear to have higher EuN/EuN* values than rocks that are not directly associated with porphyry
Cu systems. At Quellaveco, zircons from syn-mineral intrusions and post-mineral intrusions have
average EuN/EuN* values of greater than 0.45, whereas all other intrusions and igneous rocks
contain zircons with EuN/EuN* values less than 0.45. In general, there is a wide variation of
EuN/EuN* values at any given Hf concentration, indicating that oxidation state (assuming
EuN/EuN* is mainly governed by oxidation state) did not remain consistent throughout the
intrusive events and in some cases within single intrusions, suggesting that contributions of
oxidized magma may have been repeatedly injected into the batholitic roots over the evolution
of the system. Aside from the Earliest, Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries, all rock
types show decreasing EuN/EuN* values with increased fractionation (i.e. increasing Hf; e.g.

Figures 3-6f, 3-7g and 3-9g). Although not plotted herein, the same correlations are made
when EuN/EuN* is plotted versus temperature. This decreasing trend in EuN/EuN* values with
increased fractionation is what should be expected in a magma that fractionates plagioclase
feldspar. In this scenario Eu2+ is removed from the melt by plagioclase feldspar and as Hf
increases in zircon, Eu3+ will also increase in the melt. Alternatively, increasingly reduced melts
being injected into the magma batch may also create such decreasing trends in the EuN/EuN*
values with increased fractionation. The Earliest, Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite
Porphyries all show vastly different patterns than the other intrusions (Figure 3-7g and 3-8g).
With increased fractionation these rock types show EuN/EuN* values that are flat or increase
with fractionation or have cup shapes where minor early decreases in EuN/EuN* values are
followed by EuN/EuN* values that increase late in the zircon growth (i.e. at increased
fractionation; Hf contents). In this scenario, either increasingly oxidized melts injected into the
magma batch with increased evolution of the system or plagioclase fractionation never occurred
or the magma was enriched in Eu3+ relative to Eu2+, so much so that any fractionated out by
plagioclase did not effect the EuN/EuN* values. As plagioclase is a main phenocryst component
to all of these rocks it is hard to believe that plagioclase fractionation does not influence the
EuN/EuN* values with increased evolution. Therefore, the most likely scenario is that
increasingly oxidized magmas where injected into the system with increased evolution of the
system. Although this not observed at El Salvador (Lee, 2009) or Oyu Tolgoi (Wainwright,
2008), both deposits do show shallower slopes to the EuN/EuN* values with increasing
fractionation for rocks types most closely linked to the porphyry Cu systems. This suggests that
a similar process may have also occurred in both of these systems as at Quellaveco.

Positive CeN/CeN* values are related to Ce4+ behaving similarly to Zr and Hf as direct
substitutions in zircon. Thus, the larger the positive anomaly the more Ce4+ available in magma.
Although there is a large scatter in the data, average values of CeN/CeN* mimic those of the
EuN/EuN* values, in the Toquepala Group rocks and pre-mineral intrusions have overall low
CeN/CeN* values whereas the Early, Intermineral, Monzodiorite and Late Porphyries all have
much higher average values. The division from rocks temporally and spatially related to Cu
mineralization all have CeN/CeN* above 300. Moreover, the values continuously increase with
time from rocks type to rock type until a maximum within the Monzodiorite samples
(CeN/CeN*=424) and decreases in the Late Porphyry stocks and dykes. However the Late
Porphyry stocks and dykes are also above CeN/CeN* values of 300. The Late Porphyry stocks
and dykes likely have these increased values, as they are still associated with significant Cu,
although Cu grades are typically less than 0.3%. Some rock types display increases in CeN/CeN*

values with increased fractionation, though there is a wide spread in the data. Rock types
displaying this increase include syn-mineral and post-mineral intrusions. This increase in
CeN/CeN* is correlative with the increased EuN/EuN* values, especially with the syn-mineral
intrusions. That is, both the CeN/CeN* and EuN/EuN* values and trends are consistent with
increasing or in the very least neutral oxidation state. The wide spread in the data and lack of
any robust correlation may indicate that other factors, such as temperature or subtle variations
La and Pr are affecting the CeN/CeN* values in zircon.

Zircon geochemistry from Quellaveco suggests that QIC intrusions are derived from
fractionating and cooling magmatic systems which were subject to periodic geochemical
disturbance. Fractionation and cooling trends are commonly complicated by mixing of fresh
magma of both similar and foreign sources into the batholithic roots of the porphyry system.
High spread in Th/U, Yb/Gd, EuN/EuN*, CeN/CeN*, Hf and Y indicate that mixed magmas came
from distinctive reservoirs. A number of differentiation characteristics distinguish syn and late-
mineral intrusions from the rest including Y contents, Yb/Gd and Th/U values. The presence of
zircons with high EuN/EuN*, CeN/CeN* and Yb/Gd with low Y contents for syn- and late-mineral
intrusions differentiate them from older intrusive and volcanic rocks not related to the formation
of the porphyry Cu-Mo system. Divergent trends on many plots may be explained by mixing of
magmas with different fractionation histories or source areas as well as rejuvenation. Trends in
EuN/EuN* may be explained either by plagioclase fractionation or possibly oxidation effects,
specifically injections of increased oxidation with increased differentiation.

The study of zircon geochemistry at Quellaveco indicates that magma chamber

processes, source heterogeneity, oxidation state and magma mixing are related to the
formation of the Cu-Mo porphyry system at Quellaveco and is comparable to other studies at
Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia and El Salvador, northern Chile. Identification of these processes is critical
to the evaluation of fertile non-fertile magmatic processes associated with the formation of
giant porphyry Cu-Mo systems. We propose a high energy magma chamber capable of mixing
magmas thoroughly to create discordant trends and changes in temperature and Hf content
with the growth of individual zircons. Mixing of magmas, particularly mafic, may have
contributed to a bulk increase in the S and Cu budgets of the system. Intrusive rocks from pre-
to post mineral intrusions, particularly all of the porphyritic intrusions associated with the
porphyry Cu-Mo system show very little to no inheritance from wall rocks, indicating that

magma contamination via remelting of wall rock was not a major component to the formation
of the Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo system.

Chapter 4: Geochemistry of the Quellaveco Igneous Complex
(QIC) in the Southern Peruvian Paleocene-Eocene Porphyry Cu

Porphyry deposits are important sources of copper, molybdenum and gold; and are
located within modern continental and island arcs, in addition to ancient orogenic belts.
Linkages between magmatic rocks and porphyry deposits are well established in these
environments; as such research pertaining to the magmas are of great importance to
explorationists as well as academics interested in tectono-magmatic processes associated with
volcanic arcs. Recent studies have established that copper-bearing porphyry deposits are
temporally and spatially associated with upper-crustal (1-3 km) emplacement of a complex
series of porphyritic stocks and dykes in and above the cupola zone of a calc-alkaline batholith
(Gustafson and Hunt, 1975; Dilles, 1987). Although volcanic arcs and associated magmatic
rocks are common globally, the petrologic and petrochemical characteristics of magmatic rocks
associated with porphyry Cu-Mo (-Au) deposits is relatively uncommon within the broader
volcanic arc, within which they are contained. Intrusions associated with porphyry copper
deposits are generally hydrous and strongly oxidized (e.g. Dilles, 1987), but are otherwise very
similar to other magmatic rocks within the arc (Cline and Bodnar, 1991). Additionally, some
authors have speculated that porphyry copper deposits, particularly in island arc settings, are
associated with adakitic compositions (Thieblemont et al., 1997), although the interpretations
as to how this geochemical signature are a topic of recent debate (Richards, 2007). Although
not necessarily important to this study, gold rich porphyry deposits have been correlated with
alkaline rocks, particularly of shoshonitic composition (Sillitoe, 1997, Mueller et al., 2001). More
recently, several authors have documented input/mixing of mafic magmas into the intermediate
to felsic porphyry complex (Cornejo et al., 1997; Hattori and Keith, 2001; Pollard and Taylor,
2002; Maughan et al., 2002), which may have very important implications for the overall
sulphur budgets in the systems, particularly where no other sulphur sources are available
(Chambefort et al., 2008).

The Quellaveco porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit is typical of porphyry deposits

found within modern calc-alkaline, continental arcs. The deposit is located in the Southern Peru
Paleocene to Eocene porphyry copper belt (Figure 4-1) and is spatially and temporally related to

80°W 75°W 70°W 65°W

Coastal Areas
Western Corillera
Interandean Depressions
5°S Eastern Cordillera

Subandean Zone

Eastern Lowlands











Tr Cerro Verde Cuajone La Paz
e nc Quellaveco Toquepala
Pacific Ocean

20°S Iquique Cerro Colorado

0 250 500km
Antofagasta ARGENTINA

Figure 4-1: Map of the Central Andes from southern Columbia to northern Chile showing the project
location in the southermost Peru, centered around the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry as well
as other Cu-Mo porphyry deposits within the study area. Major morphostructural units
across the orogen are modified from Jaillard et al. (2000)
a complex series of intrusive phases that compose the Quellaveco Igneous Complex (QIC).
Compared to their younger Chilean brethren, the porphyry deposits of Southern Peru Paleocene
to Eocene porphyry copper belt and their associated intrusive rocks have been much less
studied and as a result are less well understood and documented. The goal of this paper is to
present petrologic and lithogeochemical data to compliment the geochronological constraints of
all intrusive rocks as pat of this study (Chapter 2), in addition to recently published
geochronologic data of Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010). This data is compared to porphyry
intrusions from other porphyry Cu-Au districts as well as to rocks that are common in island arc
environments in order to identify the characteristics of the OTIC porphyries that are different
from most arc rocks and place the OTIC intrusions in a global context. Additionally, we
constrain the tectono-magmatic history of the IOC by applying wholerock geochemical data to
the rocks that we have already constrained with U-Pb geochronology. Finally, we discuss
possible petrogenetic linkages between the unique characteristics and the porphyry Cu-Au-
fertile magmas.

Geology of Quellaveco
In the mid-Mesozoic rifting along the western margin of Gondwana (now western South
America) marks the beginning of the Andean orogen (Coira et al.,, 1982; Davidson and
Mpodozis, 1990; Benavides-Cáceres, 1999). Steep subduction of cold oceanic crust under the
western margin of Gondwana caused the oceanward retreat of the trench allowing for the
formation of significant intra-arc and back arc rifts. These rifts were filled by mafic, mantle-
derived magmatic rocks (Jones, 1981; Atherton et al.,, 1983, 1985) and detritus from the rift
margins (Benavide, 1956; Wilson, 1983, 2000). The margins of the rift systems are marked by
large-scale faults to the east and Precambrian-Paleozoic rocks to the west. Rifting and basin
development continued into the early Late Cretaceous. In southern Peru, a magmatic arc
formed west of the rift during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, consisting mainly of basaltic to
andesitic rocks intercalated with volcaniclastic rocks and limestone. Three distinct magmatic
pulses are noted during this period and were emplaced progressively towards the east: early
Middle Jurassic (ca. 185Ma); late Middle Jurassic (160-165Ma); and Early Cretaceous (95-
110Ma) in Peru (Pitcher et al.,, 1995; Mukasa, 1986a, b) and Chile (Clark et al.,, 1976;
Mpodozis and Ramos, 1989).

The Late Cretaceous is a time of a major tectonic and magmatic shift throughout the
Andes coincident with the opening of the south Atlantic Ocean (Mpodozis and Ramos, 1989).
Generally, there is migration of arc development towards the northeast. In southern Peru the

time is marked by Late Cretaceous shortening, collapse of the back-arc rift and eastward
thrusting of marine volcanic and sedimentary sequences on top of continentally derived clastic
rocks (Vicente et al.,, 1989, Benavides-Cáceres, 1999). Magmatism continued in central and
southern Peru during the latest Cretaceous (66Ma) and into the Paleogene (59Ma) (Clark et al.,,
1990a) and is responsible for obscuring the earlier rift sequence and late Cretaceous fold and
thrust belt. This arc is preserved as thick dacitic to andesitic pyroclastic rocks and intermediate
flows (Bellido, 1979), with igneous roots composed of large, mantle and Proterozoic-aged lower
crustal derived granodiorite batholiths (Barreiro and Clark, 1984; Boiley et al.,,1990). This
period of magmatism is represented by the extrusive Toquepala Group rocks and large
batholiths (Yarabamaba super suite) in the Quellaveco area (Figure 4-2).

Anomalously metal-rich deposits are associated with Paleocene and Early Eocene granite
and granodiorite porphyry stocks. These stocks intruded earlier in Peru and progressively young
to the south in northern Chile, from 60-52.3Ma (Mukasa 1986a, Clark et al., 1990a). A strong
northwest elongation of the Paleogene porphyry stocks suggests that a series of trench parallel,
northwest-trending faults, coincident with the earlier rift basin, control the emplacement the
stocks. Porphyry intrusions of this age are temporally and spatially associated with porphyry Cu-
Mo mineralization at Quellaveco, Toquepala and Cuajone (Figure 4-2).

The Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo deposit is hosted within a large batholithic,

equigranular granodiorite intrusive complex (~60Ma; Chapter 2, Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010),
which intruded into Toquepala Group (~92Ma-65Ma; Simmons, unpublished data) volcanic
rocks (Figures 4-2; Martinez and Zuloaga, 2000a; and Martinez and Zuloaga, 2000b). Several
generations of porphyry intrusions were emplaced into the granodiorite batholith from 53Ma to
58Ma (Chapter 2; Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010), and are spatially associated with hydrothermal
alteration and mineralization (Figure 4-3).

In total there are five significant periods of porphyry intrusions, which are referred to as
(from oldest to youngest) the Earliest, Early, Intermediate, Monzodiorite, and Late/Post suites
(Table 4-1). The Earliest Porphyry is characterised by its fine grained, crowded porphyritic
texture and contains abundant, net texture magnetite-chalcopyrite veins. Typically, the Earliest
Porphyries range from monzodiorite to quartz-monzonite, are not volumetrically important,
though may contain high grade Cu (>1%), and was emplaced into the complex at
approximately 58.5Ma-57.5Ma (Chapter 2; Early Porphyry of Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2011). The
Early Porphyries are volumetrically the most important intrusions type and is spatially
associated with the most Cu within the Quellaveco Intrusive complex (though lower grade than







8115000 mN
Cuajone Mine
Proposed Pit

8110000 mN

8105000 mN au

8100000 mN lac
Stratified rocks Intrusive rocks
8095000 mN Alluvium Paleocene
Moquegua Fm.
In Batholiths
ca Barroso Gp.
qu Toquapala Mine Chuntacala/
io 8090000 mN Huaylillas Fm.
Fa Undifferentiated
Toquepala Gp.

Figure 4-2: Regional geology surrounding the Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala ore bodies.
Coordinates in Peruvian Coordinate System (PSAD56); Zone 19S.


326500 mE

327000 mE

327500 mE

328000 mE

328500 mE
8110500 mN 8110500 mN
Undifferentiated Miocene and later ignimbrites
and sedimentary rocks
Intrusive Rocks
N Late Porphyry Intrusions
Intermineral/Monzodiorite Porphyry Intrusions

Pit outline Early Porphyry Intrusions

8110000 mN Equigranular Granodiorite Intrusion 8110000 mN

Volcanic HostRocks Rocks

3 810 Undifferentiated Toquepala Group Volcanic Rocks

Contour spacing 10m

8109500 mN 8109500 mN

8109000 mN 8109000 mN
348 Rio Asana

8108500 mN 8108500 mN

8108000 mN 8108000 mN
326500 mE

327000 mE

327500 mE

328000 mE

328500 mE

8107500 mN 8107500 mN

Figure 4-3: Geology of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry deposit. Coordinates from PSAD56; UTM zone
19S. Preliminary geological map; note that the Intermineral Porphyry body is not shown
as a dyke complex because lithologies were not distinguishable in all locations on surface
due to supergene leaching.
Table 4-1 Summary of textural and mineralogical differences between porphyry suites at Quellaveco
Suite Age (Ma) Rock Type Phenocryst Phenocryst assemblage Alteration Comments
Earliest 57.5-58.6 Monzodiorite - 50-65 Plag>>Kfs>Bt Bt-Mag- -high grade and low volume;
Qtz Monzonite Kfs -dense veins and rock replacement by
-as xenoliths in Early Porphyry;
Early 55.9-56.6 Qtz Monzonite – 50-60 Plag; 25%, sub-anhedral Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Granodiorite Kfs; 15%, sub-anhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 15%, large, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, small, euhedral -medium grade and large volume;
Hbld; rare -elongated stocks or several thick dykes
Intermineral 1 55.7-57.1 Granodiorite – 40-50 Plag; 20%, large, sub-euhedral Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Monzogranite Kfs; 15%, large, sub-euhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 15%, medium, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, small, euhedral -medium grade and medium volume;
-several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Intermineral 2 56.3-57.0 Qtz monzodiorite 50-60 Plag; 40%, large, sub-anhedral Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
– Qtz monzonite Kfs; 10%, large sub-anhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 5%, large, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, medium, sub-anhedral -medium to low grade and medium volume;
Hbld; rare -several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Monzodiorite 55.2-57.2 Monzodiorite – 25-30 Plag; 20%, large, sub-euhedral Bt- -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Qtz Monzonite Qtz; 3%, large, euhedral Kfs±Mag (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Bt; 3%, small, euhedral late Qtz- Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Kfs 2%, large, euhedral Ser -highly variable grade and low volume
Hbld; 2%, small anhedral Dense veins and rock replacement by
sulphides and magnetite
-several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Late/Post 53.9-55.5 Granodiorite 60-65 Plag; 40%, large, euhedral Cl-Ep -Qtz-Py>>Cp±Mo >>disseminations
Qtz; 15%, large, anhedral -very low grade and medium volume
Kfs; 10%, large, euhedral -sub-rounded stocks
Bt; 4%, large, subhedral
Hbld; 1% large, euhedral
Critical distinguishing features are shown in bold. Shortened forms for minerals areas follows: Qtz=Quartz, Plag=Plagioclase, Bt=Biotite, Mag=Magnetite,
Kfs=Potassium Feldspar, Hbld=Hornblende, Ser=Sericite, Cl=Chlorite, Ep=Epidote, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Py=Pyrite, Mo=Molybdenite
Alteration is given as the dominant alterion minerals spatially associated with the porphyry suite at elevations between 3000-3500m
Rock type and phenocryst abundance given as visual modal amounts of Qtz-Kfs-Plag and volumetric abundance of phenocrysts to matrix
the Earliest, 0.5%-0.8% Cu). Early Porphyries are crowded and coarse grained (>10mm
phenocrysts), ranging from quartz-monzonite to granodiorite and was emplaced at
approximately 57.0Ma-56.5Ma (Chapter 2; possibly Intermineral or unsampled from Sillitoe and
Montensen, 2010). Intermineral Porphyries rang from granodiorite to monzogranite and are
typically coarse grained (>10mm phenocrysts)and crowded with characteristically rounded
(resorbed) feldspars. The Intermineral Porphyries are spatially and temporally related to the
second most amount of Cu and comprise the volumetrically second most important unit and
was emplaced at approximately 56.5Ma-56.0Ma (Chapter 2; Intermineral of Sillitoe and
Mortensen, 2010). The Monzodiorite Porphyries make up the third most volumetrically
important unit and are spatially and temporally correlated with significant Cu (.6%-1%).
Intermineral Porphyries range from monzodiorite-quartz monzonite with characteristically low
phenocryst content (<25%) and were emplaced at approximately 55.5Ma-56.5Ma (Chapter 2).
Post and Lat Mineral Porphyries are associated with low concentrations of Cu (<0.2%) and
were emplaced at approximately 53Ma-55Ma (Chapter 2; Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010). Post
emplacement uplift and weathering during the Miocene and later times resulted in supergene
oxidation and enrichment of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry deposit (Tosdal et al., 1981;
Quang et al., 2005).

Analytical Methods and Rational

Seventy-three samples reflecting the petrologic range of Late Cretaceous to Eocene
igneous rocks in the district were analyzed for major and trace elements. All seventy-three
samples are from rocks that comprise the QIC; an additional one hundred and sixteen samples
were taken from the old and younger rocks from areas between the Toquepala and Cuajone
Mines; but are not discussed in this chapter. All samples were analyzed at Acme Analytical
Laboratories in Vancouver, Canada. Major elements and selected trace elements were
determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), rare earth elements (REE) and remaining
trace elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).

Although an attempt was made to collect least altered samples through field screening
and thin section evaluation, some samples are weakly altered as these rocks are associated
with giant porphyry Cu-Au deposits. Rocks that were particularly problematic to collect
minimally altered samples include the Earliest, Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite porphyries,
all other rocks may be found to be relatively unaltered. Inevitably, some of the analyzed
samples are partially altered and the alteration usually takes place in the form of chloritization
of mafic minerals, sericite replacing feldspars as well as carbonate introduction, within the Early

and Late porphyries, Post-mineral dykes and the regional granodiorite. Potassium feldspar,
magnetite and biotite alteration dominate with late sericite over printing alteration within the
Earliest, Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite porphyries. Wherever possible, we used a
diamond saw to cut off visibly altered and vein material during preparation of samples for
submission to Acme Labs. Relatively soluble elements such as Si, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na and K are
known to be mobile during hydrothermal events; therefore we have placed more emphasis on
lithogeochemical characterization based on rare-earth elements (REE) and high field-strength
elements (HFSE), which are relatively immobile under low-grade metamorphic conditions and
hydrothermal events. Some emphasis is placed on Y and Yb, which are also relatively immobile
and the results are sufficiently greater than the detections limits such that they are robust.

Whole rock geochemistry of samples from the QIC are presented herein. Of the seventy-
three samples from the QIC, fifteen are from the regional granodiorite (n=15), one from the
Earliest Porphyry (n=1), fifteen from the Early Porphyry (n=15), six from the Intermineral
Porphyry (n=6), four from the Monzodiorite Porphyry (n=4), twenty form the Late Porphyry
(n=20) and twelve from Post-Mineral Dykes (n=12). Only one sample of the Earliest Porphyry
was selected due to the scarcity of the unit within the QIC and due to the intense biotite, K-
feldspar and magnetite alteration often observed within this unit. Additionally, rocks from both
the Monzodiorite and Intermineral Porphyries are less prevalent and reasonably more K-
feldspar, biotite altered than the Early Porphyry, which is why a disproportionate amount less of
these samples were selected for whole rock geochemistry. Analytical results for the igneous
suites are presented in Appendix 2 and only selected representative samples are presented in
Table 4-2.

Lithogeochmisty of the QIC Igneous Rocks

Pre-Mineral Rocks
Pre-mineral rocks are defined at Quellaveco as consisting of the Regional Granodiorite
batholithic suites and the Earliest Porphyries. Regional Granodiorite units range in size from 2
by 5 km to several 10’s of km’s by several 10’s of km’s and are elongated in a NE direction and
range in age from 60.9Ma to 59.0Ma (Chapter 2). Although the granodiorite unit may be
significantly mineralized adjacent to the porphyritic intrusions, minimal to no Cu-bearing veins
or hydrothermal alteration is known to accompany this unit prior to being intruded by the
porphyritic igneous suites of the QIC. The Earliest Porphyry unit is included within the “Pre-

Table 4-2: Whole rock analytical data for rocks at Quellaveco
Regional Granodiorite Earliest Early Porphyry
Sample Qu009 Qu058 Qu349 Qu389 Qu396 Qu027 Qu164 Qu345 Qu395
SiO2 wt% 70.1 70.08 65.87 64.39 65.34 69.37 72.81 65.91 68.4
Al2O3 wt% 17.75 16.65 16.51 16.12 16.13 17.39 15.84 15.54 16.02
Fe2O3 wt% 0.58 1.68 4.12 4.5 4.98 1.71 1.13 2.02 2.3
CaO wt% 1.73 2.5 0.95 3.51 1.08 0.71 0.5 3.85 3.12
MgO wt% 0.36 0.31 1.52 1.82 1.27 0.46 0.44 1.46 1
Na2O wt% 5.26 3.83 1.73 3.84 1.58 5.65 3.43 4.88 4.22
K 2O wt% 1.69 2.62 4.03 1.76 4.2 1.98 3.11 1.64 2.44
Cr2O3 wt% 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001
TiO2 wt% 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.51 0.44 0.39 0.33 0.41 0.33
MnO wt% 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.04
P2O5 wt% 0.06 0.04 0.15 0.17 0.15 0.05 0.03 0.17 0.14
LOI wt% 1.9 1.8 4.3 3.1 3.8 2 2.3 3.7 1.6
TOT/C wt% 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.13 0.12 0.01 0.01 0.12 0.08
TOT/S wt% 0.01 0.17 2.37 2.34 2.4 0.02 0.01 1.26 0.72
Total wt% 99.83 99.95 99.69 99.84 99.08 99.77 99.98 99.69 99.7
Cs ppm 1.3 1.6 2.2 3.6 3.3 1.1 3.8 1.2 3
Ga ppm 14.7 17.3 18.2 17.9 16.4 18.5 15.7 14.4 16.8
Hf ppm 2.5 2.9 2.9 3.5 3.2 2.8 3 3.1 2.7
Nb ppm 4.2 4.9 3.6 5.2 4.8 4.4 5.4 4.9 4.3
Rb ppm 50.8 55.4 110.6 52.9 110.3 71.2 75.4 49.5 55.2
Sn ppm 2 1 3 3 4 2 1 1 1
Sr ppm 634.6 564.1 215.1 551.3 171.2 423.4 346.1 699.3 644.9
Ta ppm 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3
Th ppm 2.4 4.4 3.4 10 5.4 3.1 1.7 6.4 3.7
U ppm 1.7 2.6 1.9 3.8 2.1 2.6 1.2 2.4 1.3
V ppm 27 27 49 77 66 47 29 57 43
W ppm 8.4 2 11.4 9.5 17.8 8.4 5.2 7.6 3.3
Zr ppm 94.1 95.9 107.2 110.7 105.8 100.9 94 104.3 94.4
Y ppm 2.8 4.8 7.2 10.9 8.4 3.5 3.7 8.6 7.7
La ppm 7 12.4 14.1 22.8 20.2 3 6.3 40.5 15.7
Ce ppm 13.8 26.2 29.6 46.2 41.3 5 12.5 75.7 32.3
Pr ppm 1.64 2.9 3.4 5.08 4.61 0.53 1.49 8.03 3.64
Nd ppm 7.2 10.7 11.7 18.6 16.1 2.1 5.5 25.3 13.1
Sm ppm 1.44 1.79 2.18 2.95 2.66 0.4 0.97 3.82 2.16
Eu ppm 0.56 0.63 0.59 0.98 0.83 0.22 0.21 0.93 0.73
Gd ppm 1.03 1.23 1.5 2.21 1.72 0.46 0.7 2.14 1.42
Tb ppm 0.17 0.2 0.25 0.4 0.31 0.1 0.12 0.36 0.29
Dy ppm 0.65 0.85 1.05 1.64 1.33 0.44 0.54 1.35 1.15
Ho ppm 0.1 0.14 0.2 0.32 0.26 0.1 0.1 0.24 0.22
Er ppm 0.26 0.41 0.61 0.88 0.65 0.32 0.34 0.67 0.56
Tm ppm 0.04 0.07 0.1 0.15 0.12 0.05 0.06 0.12 0.11
Yb ppm 0.24 0.44 0.59 0.86 0.66 0.39 0.4 0.66 0.58
Lu ppm 0.05 0.08 0.1 0.15 0.11 0.08 0.07 0.1 0.11
Mo ppm 5.16 0.93 4.97 23.38 190.06 1.53 0.6 62.93 19.78
Cu ppm 79.31 295.17 1665.05 961 9086.94 586.4 162.84 2637.03 924.17
Pb ppm 8.31 1.58 7.6 21.91 14.27 9.78 5.3 3.58 2.48
Zn ppm 9.7 15.6 271.3 105.4 81 30.7 1.5 40.9 25
Ag ppb 976 392 835 638 4897 997 191 1014 395
Ni Ppm 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Co ppm 0.8 1.3 5.6 11.9 13.6 0.7 0.2 3.4 5.2
Mn ppm 34 71 345 421 323 45 9 369 246
As ppm 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.6 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.2 2.5
Cd ppm 0.01 0.02 1.27 0.43 0.73 0.04 0.01 0.14 0.07
Sb ppm 0.03 0.04 0.07 1.82 0.17 0.09 0.04 0.24 0.31
Bi ppm 0.26 0.34 1.67 0.89 8.42 1.83 0.12 0.07 0.18
Cr ppm 3.4 5.8 2.6 13.8 5.5 3.3 1.4 7.4 6.5
Tl ppm 0.04 0.03 0.19 0.04 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07
Hg ppm 5 5 5 5 8 7 8 5 22
Se ppm 0.2 0.3 1.5 0.9 4 0.4 0.4 1 0.5
Te ppm 0.02 0.03 0.18 0.14 0.03 0.14 0.02 0.04 0.03
Ge ppm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Re ppm 2 1 7 3 68 1 1 31 24
Be ppm 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2
Ba ppm 380 683 997 441 513 331 496 412 763
Sc ppm 3 5 5 8 6 5 4 7 4

Table 4-2 (cont’d): Whole rock analytical data for rocks at Quellaveco
Intermineral Porphyry Monzodiorite Porphyry Late Porphyry
Sample Qu210 Qu242 Qu494 Qu509 Qu327 Qu460 Qu461 Qu026 Qu171
SiO2 wt% 70.88 72.07 66.15 66.56 67.96 63.65 65.17 66.07 66.35
Al2O3 wt% 17.06 16.19 17.04 17.03 16.22 17.07 16.68 16.64 17.14
Fe2O3 wt% 0.78 2.61 1.82 1.77 2.62 3.36 2.16 3.68 3.46
CaO wt% 1.78 0.05 2.3 2.5 1.73 1.74 2.51 2.32 3.19
MgO wt% 0.34 0.62 1.26 1.09 1.24 1.39 1.23 1.18 1.29
Na2O wt% 6.19 0.18 3.12 3.62 3.27 2.75 3.24 4.94 3.88
K 2O wt% 0.95 4.9 3.86 3.8 3.02 5.49 4.77 2.55 2.11
Cr2O3 wt% 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001
TiO2 wt% 0.35 0.34 0.42 0.41 0.34 0.42 0.43 0.36 0.41
MnO wt% 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.15 0.04
P2O5 wt% 0.05 0.05 0.12 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.13 0.15
LOI wt% 1.5 2.8 3 2.2 2.8 2.3 2.7 1.7 1.8
TOT/C wt% 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.06 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01
TOT/S wt% 0.29 0.04 0.63 0.6 1.23 1.26 0.92 0.02 0.02
Total wt% 99.91 99.86 99.16 99.16 99.48 98.41 99.14 99.82 99.91
Cs ppm 0.8 2 2.9 2.4 3 2 2.4 0.8 2.5
Ga ppm 14.1 14.4 16 16.3 15.8 17 15.6 17.3 17.3
Hf ppm 3.1 2.6 3.1 2.8 2.7 3 3.3 2.8 2.9
Nb ppm 4.7 4.8 4.7 4.5 4.2 4.6 4.8 4.7 4.5
Rb ppm 28 146.5 92.6 82.5 69.9 125.3 111.7 62.2 34.9
Sn ppm 2 5 3 2 2 4 3 1 1
Sr ppm 625.1 107.5 1262 764.1 469.8 706.9 794.9 596.1 625
Ta ppm 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2
Th ppm 3.8 3 3.4 3.5 3 3.2 3 3.8 3.7
U ppm 3 1.3 1.7 1.6 1.4 2.4 1.8 1.4 1.2
V ppm 30 58 29 41 50 62 65 53 52
W ppm 11.4 20.2 11.3 9.9 6.2 19.7 19.6 2.3 0.6
Zr ppm 110.9 95.8 111.1 104.9 94.4 107.4 110.6 103.2 105.5
Y ppm 2.1 4 6.8 6.7 7.2 7.2 7.1 19.4 10.4
La ppm 5.3 16.1 17.3 17.4 17.4 18.3 17.2 21 19.8
Ce ppm 10.1 29.2 35.4 35.2 37 36.7 34.4 44.3 42.8
Pr ppm 1.2 2.82 3.98 3.92 4.33 4.33 4.01 5.14 5.19
Nd ppm 5 9.6 15.3 14.8 15 16.6 16.1 21.2 20.5
Sm ppm 1 1.3 2.65 2.57 2.67 2.75 2.62 4.31 3.62
Eu ppm 0.38 0.33 0.75 0.73 0.74 0.7 0.71 1.15 0.99
Gd ppm 0.6 0.74 2.01 1.93 1.65 2.1 1.98 3.78 2.52
Tb ppm 0.1 0.14 0.24 0.22 0.28 0.26 0.25 0.67 0.43
Dy ppm 0.42 0.61 1.29 1.19 1.22 1.3 1.26 3.19 1.84
Ho ppm 0.07 0.11 0.2 0.2 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.54 0.29
Er ppm 0.19 0.35 0.64 0.6 0.6 0.68 0.67 1.58 0.82
Tm ppm 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.21 0.12
Yb ppm 0.3 0.42 0.66 0.62 0.64 0.74 0.68 1.32 0.81
Lu ppm 0.06 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.2 0.14
Mo ppm 15.36 27.21 65.32 164.51 84.35 591.52 283.91 0.51 0.44
Cu ppm 506.66 197.6 3982.6 4365.19 3877.43 9262.65 3953.88 1222.65 511.61
Pb ppm 2.96 0.83 6.91 4.95 4.91 4.11 4.27 3.93 1.45
Zn ppm 14 8.1 37.2 37 48.2 42.6 31.5 102.9 26.7
Ag ppb 1670 185 1323 1231 1241 2738 1247 645 128
Ni Ppm 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Co ppm 1.3 0.2 3.2 2.4 12.6 8.8 5.2 2.5 6.3
Mn ppm 76 22 249 207 177 295 212 698 233
As ppm 0.1 1.6 0.7 2.2 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.8 0.5
Cd ppm 0.01 0.01 0.23 0.3 0.06 0.63 0.33 0.37 0.05
Sb ppm 0.04 0.07 0.21 0.28 0.24 0.46 0.17 0.15 0.15
Bi ppm 0.18 0.51 0.24 0.27 0.1 0.33 0.14 0.24 0.02
Cr ppm 4.1 1.5 4.2 5.2 4.5 5.5 5.8 6.4 5.4
Tl ppm 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.09 0.1 0.03 0.02
Hg ppm 5 5 12 5 5 41 16 5 5
Se ppm 1 1.3 1.8 2.3 2.3 3.7 1.9 0.1 0.1
Te ppm 0.03 0.16 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.03
Ge ppm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Re ppm 14 1 23 65 52 195 86 1 1
Be ppm 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1
Ba ppm 196 388 801 793 694 1481 1063 871 732
Sc ppm 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6

Table 4-2 (cont’d): Whole rock analytical data for rocks at Quellaveco
Late Porphyry Post-Mineral Dykes
Sample Qu206 Qu232 Qu348 Qu425 Qu145B Qu163 Qu351 Qu362 Qu385
SiO2 wt% 72.51 70.3 63.41 65.1 67.24 71.75 65.5 64.25 67.17
Al2O3 wt% 15.34 16.21 15.99 17.33 15.91 17.18 16.66 16.65 16.19
Fe2O3 wt% 0.91 0.66 2.41 3.13 2.66 0.33 2.83 3.02 3.35
CaO wt% 1.74 1.96 4.3 2.57 3.31 0.61 2.59 3.54 2.54
MgO wt% 0.5 0.78 1.4 1.58 0.96 0.38 1.52 1.21 1.09
Na2O wt% 4.29 4.06 3.58 3.62 3.99 4.94 4.81 4.81 3.86
K 2O wt% 3.27 3.34 3.04 2.19 2.27 1.73 2.56 1.14 3.01
Cr2O3 wt% 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
TiO2 wt% 0.24 0.36 0.43 0.42 0.33 0.43 0.42 0.44 0.31
MnO wt% 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.12 0.05 0.18
P2O5 wt% 0.06 0.04 0.18 0.18 0.12 0.05 0.21 0.21 0.13
LOI wt% 1 2 4.6 3.4 3 2.5 2.3 4.4 2
TOT/C wt% 0.01 0.01 0.09 0.21 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.14 0.05
TOT/S wt% 0.01 0.02 2.02 1.21 0.01 0.04 1.52 1.94 1.12
Total wt% 99.98 99.83 99.47 99.61 99.91 99.97 99.65 99.78 99.94
Cs ppm 1 1.9 1.1 4.7 2 2.8 2.2 3 2.1
Ga ppm 14.3 14.9 13.9 17.2 16.7 18.3 18.4 18.4 17.6
Hf ppm 2.8 3.3 2.7 3.2 2.5 2.9 2.9 3.1 2.7
Nb ppm 4.7 5.5 5.1 4.5 5 4.9 4 3.8 4
Rb ppm 57.7 60.4 74.3 56.9 37.9 60.2 52.1 35.2 88.4
Sn ppm 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
Sr ppm 501 528.7 659.1 475.1 579.5 581 606.2 922.4 627
Ta ppm 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2
Th ppm 6.9 4.7 4.1 3.3 3.6 2.9 2.9 2 3.2
U ppm 2.2 2.9 3.2 1.4 1.1 1.5 1.9 1.6 1.2
V ppm 28 29 57 55 44 46 57 56 42
W ppm 4.1 5.7 10.4 8.5 1.1 2.5 8.8 4.6 3.4
Zr ppm 85.5 122 105 115.5 89.4 101.8 108.1 113.2 98.6
Y ppm 3.1 3.5 7.1 7.4 6.9 5.2 8.3 7 7.5
La ppm 14.7 14 16.4 17.1 14.7 10.4 16.7 17.9 18.2
Ce ppm 28.1 27 33.4 34.8 30.4 20.4 35.6 36.7 36.3
Pr ppm 3.04 2.98 3.83 3.97 3.47 2.08 4.27 4.46 3.98
Nd ppm 11.3 10.9 13.5 16 13.3 6.8 15.6 15.5 14.7
Sm ppm 1.62 1.72 2.29 2.72 2.19 0.93 2.78 2.86 2.26
Eu ppm 0.43 0.53 0.78 0.75 0.67 0.21 0.77 0.79 0.73
Gd ppm 0.82 1 1.63 2.04 1.58 0.6 1.85 1.76 1.59
Tb ppm 0.12 0.15 0.25 0.24 0.25 0.12 0.3 0.27 0.27
Dy ppm 0.45 0.64 1.2 1.37 1.15 0.67 1.3 1.2 1.14
Ho ppm 0.07 0.11 0.23 0.22 0.19 0.14 0.25 0.2 0.22
Er ppm 0.23 0.29 0.59 0.67 0.56 0.45 0.67 0.49 0.57
Tm ppm 0.04 0.05 0.09 0.08 0.1 0.08 0.1 0.07 0.09
Yb ppm 0.31 0.35 0.55 0.68 0.58 0.52 0.63 0.5 0.57
Lu ppm 0.06 0.07 0.1 0.09 0.1 0.09 0.11 0.08 0.1
Mo ppm 5.67 3.78 117.51 16.32 1.77 0.53 0.57 1.18 1.21
Cu ppm 117.28 87.92 3259.34 1342.36 685.69 38.53 540.94 51.04 227.99
Pb ppm 7.95 2.58 3.35 6.36 0.64 3.95 8.58 7.15 19.85
Zn ppm 23.7 57.7 38.1 34.7 23.1 7.9 1041.8 31.6 90.6
Ag ppb 307 543 1334 475 255 1885 498 110 196
Ni Ppm 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Co ppm 0.2 0.3 3.6 8.8 3.5 0.5 3.7 4.9 5.9
Mn ppm 231 235 255 372 178 9 763 288 891
As ppm 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.6 1.1
Cd ppm 0.02 0.03 0.09 0.09 0.04 0.01 5.4 0.07 0.25
Sb ppm 0.07 0.31 0.12 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.1 0.13
Bi ppm 0.25 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.03 0.58 1.82 0.62 1.09
Cr ppm 3.4 4.1 5.8 4.6 5.7 1.4 7.2 3.7 6.9
Tl ppm 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.02 0.14
Hg ppm 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 16
Se ppm 0.2 0.1 1.5 1.6 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.9 0.5
Te ppm 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.15 0.08 0.23
Ge ppm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Re ppm 1 1 48 8 1 1 1 1 3
Be ppm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.1
Ba ppm 653 706 735 736 743 517 1061 542 962
Sc ppm 3 5 6 6 5 5 6 5 4

Mineral” suites due to it’s relatively low overall volumetric importance, even though significant
Cu-Mo-bearing vein deposition and alteration followed the emplacement of this unit. The
Earliest Porphyry occurs solely as large (up to approximately 20,000m3) xenoliths within the
Early Porphyry unit. Cu-Mo associated with this unit, while high grade, only accounts for less
than 5% of the overall Cu and Mo within the Quellaveco deposit. This unit was emplaced from
approximately 59.0Ma to 57.0Ma (Chapter 2).

Major Elements
The Regional Granodiorite, which hosts the majority of the porphyritic intrusions, ranges
in composition from 63.6% to 75.1% SiO2, while the lone Earliest Porphyry sample has a SiO2
value of 65.3% (Table 4-2). The Regional Granodiorite trend from near diorite compositions
through granodiorite and into the granite fields of Lebas et al.,. (1986) of silica versus total
alkalies petrochemical discrimination plot (Figure 4-4a). The majority of which plot within the
granodiorite field. On the same plot the Earliest Porphyry plots as a granodiorite (Figure 4-4a).
The outlier sample of the regional granodiorite (Qu-381) containing 75.1% SiO2, was collected
from near the Toquepala mine and is an apalitic sub-phase of the regional granodiorite that
cross cut the main batholithic granodiorite.

Regional Granodiorite samples are not overly alkaline with K2O contents ranging from
1.7% to 5.3% (average 2.6%), with the high sample again being aplite (Qu-381). The
K2O/Na2O ratios ranging from 0.32 to 2.33 (average 0.77). On the SiO2 versus K2O classification
plot of Peccerillo and Taylor (1976) the Regional Granodiorite plots mainly within the calc-
alkaline series, while the lone data point for the Earliest Porphyry plots well into the high-K calc
alkaline series (Figure 4-4b). Samples of the Regional Granodiorite that plot well into the high-K
calc alkaline field probably experienced some degree of potassium introduction during
subsequent hydrothermal K-feldspar and biotite alteration associated younger porphyry
intrusions. Likewise the sample of Earliest Porphyry is significantly K-feldspar, biotite and
magnetite altered and likely experienced significant potassium introduction during later
hydrothermal alteration.

Respectively, for the Regional Granodiorite and Earliest Porphyry MgO ranges from
0.3% to 2.3% and 1.3%, while Al2O3 ranges from 12.7% to 17.8% and 16.1%. No trends can
be determined from the Earliest Porphyry as only a single analysis was completed for this rock
type. For the Regional Granodiorite MgO decreases with increasing SiO2, while Al2O3 increases
slightly (Figure 4-4c-d). The data point for Qu-381, again plots as an outlier and is off of the
main trend defined by the rest of the Regional Granodiorite samples. Minor silica introduction

16 7
Monzodiorite Monzonite
14 6
Regional Granodioite

12 Earliest Porphyry
5 Shoshonitic Series
Na 2O+K 2O

10 Granite
Monzonite 4

K 2O
3 High-K Calc-
6 Alkaline Series
4 Diorite Granodiorite

Quartz diorite 1 Calc-Alkaline Series

Arc Tholeiite Series
0 0
35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
SiO2 SiO2

5 19

3 16

Al 2O



0 12
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
SiO2 SiO2

Figure 4-4: Major elements and petrochemical discrimination diagrams. A) Total alkalies vs. silica
diagram from Lebas et al. (1986). B) Quellaveco wholerock geochemical data plotted on
silica vs. K2O diagram based on Peccerillo and Taylor (1976). C) SiO2 vs. MgO and D) SiO2 vs.
Al2O3 for pre-mineral intrusive suites from Quellaveco.
may affect some outliers on all of the plots, though secondary quartz and quartz veins were not
overly present within either of these rock types where sampled.

Minor Elements, Trace Elements and REE’s

On the Nb/Y versus Zr/TiO2 classification plot of Pearce (1996) revised after Winchester
and Floyd (1977) the Regional Granodiorite plots in the monzonite and diorite fields and trends
up into the quartz diorite field and the Earliest Porphyry plots in the diorite field close to the
monzonite field (Figure 4-5a). For the Earliest Porphyry this is consistent with petrographic
data, however, the granodiorite is observed to contain significant quantities of igneous quartz
phenocrysts. All samples from both rock suites plots within the volcanic arc granitoid field on
the Y+Nb versus Rb plot (Figure 4-4b) of Pearce et al.,. (1984). Most samples contain Ba/La
ratios that exceed 20, which indicates that these rocks are related to arc, rather than back-arc
granitoids (Figure 4-5c; Kay et al., 1994a). All units also have strong continental arc affinities,
consistent with most Chilean and Peruvian Paleocene to Eocene Porphyries (e.g. Lee, 2008) as
observed on the Zr versus Zr/Y plot (Figure 4-5d) of Pearce (1983).

Sr/Y ratios range from 4.17 to 226.64 (average 69.28) for the Regional Granodiorite. On
the SiO2 versus Sr/Y plot most samples plot above the threshold of 40 and into the adakite field
(Figure 4-5e) of Defant and Drummond (1990). The Earliest Porphyry sample plots below this
threshold into the non-adakite field. Yb concentrations within the Regional Granodiorite range
from 0.24ppm to 2.25ppm (average 0.85ppm). When Yb is plotted versus Sr/Y ratios, a trend
from non-adakitic rocks into the adakitic field is observed (Figure 4-5f). The importance of the
adakite geochemistry is discussed below but may reflect slab-melt, increased hornblende
fractionation and/or crustal thickening over the time period that the Regional Granodiorite was
emplaced (e.g. Thieblemont, 1997; Mungall, 2002).

Primitive mantle-normalized trace elements, after Sun and McDonough (1989) show that
both the Regional Granodiorite and Earliest Porphyries are depleted in Nb (Figure 4-6b and d).
There is significant spread in the primitive mantle-normalized rare earth element values (REE),
particularly with the heavy rare earth elements (HREE), this may reflect fractionation over
protracted periods of time or contamination of the magma chamber over time, for example,
magma rejuvenation, injection and mixing of a foreign magma, wall rock scouring and
homogenization. Some of the spread in the data with more mobile elements may be explained
by varying intensities and types of alteration present within the sample suite.

Rare earth element concentrations in rocks have been widely and effectively used as
petrogenetic indicators in similar tectonic environments (e.g. Kay et al.,. 1991; Bissig et al.,.
A Granodiorite 1000
1 Alkali Granite syn-collisional
Earliest Porphyry within-plate

Granite Foid Syenite

Granodiorite Syenite
Quartz Diorite Foid
.1 Monzosyenite



10 ocean ridge
volcanic arc
Gabbro Gabbro

.01 .1 1 10 10 100 1000
Nb/Y Y+Nb


150 10

Continental arc

Oceanic arc


0 1
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 10 100 1000
SiO2 Zr

250 250
200 200

150 150


100 100

50 Adakite 50

0 0
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SiO2 Yb

Figure 4-5: Trace element plots for pre-mineral intrusive rock suites from Quellaveco. A) Nb/Y vs.
Zr/TiO2 rock type discrimination diagram after Pearce (1996), revised from Winchester and
Floyd (1977). B) Y+Nb vs. Rb plot after Pearce (1983). C) Silica vs. Ba/La, the boundary
between the arc and back-arc fields from Kay et al. (1994). D) Zr vs. Zr/Y from Pearce
(1983). E) Silica vs. Sr/Y, adakite field provided from Defant and Drummond (1990). F) Yb
vs. Sr/Y, adakite field form Defant and Drummond (1990).

Regional Granodioite Regional Granodioite



La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Cs Rb Ba Th U Nb K La Ce Pb Pr Sr P Nd ZrSmEu Ti Dy Y Yb Lu

Earliest Porphyry Earliest Porphyry



La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Cs Rb Ba Th U Nb K La Ce Pb Pr Sr P Nd ZrSmEu Ti Dy Y Yb Lu

70 7
60 6
50 Earliest Porphyry 5

40 4

30 3

20 2

10 1

0 0
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
SiO2 SiO2

Figure 4-6: Rare earth element plots for pre-mineral intrusive suites from Quellaveco. A) Chondrite-
normalized rare-earth element (REE) for Regional Granodiorite samples. B) Primitive mantle-
normalized trace element plot for Regional Granodiorite samples. C) Chondrite normalized
rare-earth element (REE) for Earliest Porphyry samples. D) Primitive mantle normalized trace
element plot for Earliest Porphyry samples. E) and F) Variation in REE ratios vs. silica.
Chondrite and primitive mantle-normalized values from Sun and McDonough (1989).

2003). These elements behave similarly to other trace elements, in that their concentrations
may reflect fractionation of minerals, and may provide information on the generation and
evolution of magma, as well as the composition of the source rocks. Heavy-REE (HREE)
partition into garnet and hornblende, whereas the middle-REE (Gd-Er: MREE) most readily
partition into hornblende. REE concentrations with concave-up chondrite-normalized patterns
are considered to indicate hornblende fractionation (e.g. Bissig et al.,, 2003). Light-REE (LREE)
are the most incompatible elements in the REE series and are concentrated in later stages of
magmatism relative to the MREE and HREE. Eu, when present in its divalent state, behaves
similarly to Sr and substitutes readily for Ca2+ into feldspar, because they have similar ionic radii
and charge. However in oxidizing magmas where Eu3+ is the dominant Eu species, only minor
Eu fractionation would be expected. The Regional Granodiorite shows a wide spread in the REE
normalized values (Figure 4-6a) and likely reflects that the samples were taken from multiple
granodiorite batholiths in the region between Cuajone and Toquepala (though the majority are
from Quellaveco). Also, the Granodiorite contains several phases ranging from coarse grained
to fine grained were sampled from what in all likelihood is a batholith consisting of multiple
phases as is commonly observed elsewhere (e.g. Barth and Wooden, 2006; Barth et al., 2008).
In general, Eu anomalies are either non-existent to slightly positive within both the Regional
Granodiorite and the Earliest Porphyry (Figure 4-6a-c). Sample Qu-381 (apalitic phase), again
plots against the normal trends and is more REE enriched in general than all other samples and
has a pronounced negative Eu anomaly. The consistent positive to non-existent Eu anomaly
suggests that the magmas were somewhat oxidizing as both contain significant plagioclase and
Eu2+ would have been fractionated out of the magma, at least in part. The lack of concave up
MREE to HREE patterns suggest that hornblende did not play a significant role in fractionating
the REE elements. However, this is potentially contradictory to the Yb versus Sr/Y plots which
may indicate that a hydrous magma fractionating hornblende may be responsible for the
adakitic signatures observed. Within the Regional Granodiorite La/Yb ratios range from 13.49 to
63.78 (average 26.96) and Sm/Yb ratios range from 1.74 to 6.00 (average 3.56).Aside from the
apalitic unit (sample Qu-381) the Regional Granodiorite shows increasing trends of both La/Yb
and Sm/Yb ratios with increasing SiO2 content and the Earliest Porphyry single data point plots
above the average of the La/Yb and Sm/Yb ratios of the Regional Granodiorite (Figure 4-6e-f).

Syn-Mineral Porphyritic Rocks

Syn-mineral rocks are defined at Quellaveco as consisting of the Early, Intermineral and
Monzodiorite Porphyry suites (Chapter 2). The Early porphyry intrusion suite is most closely,
spatially associated with and hosts the bulk of the Cu-Mo mineralization that makes up the
Quellaveco resource. The Early Porphyries consist of large NW-SE elongated stocks with lesser
dykes and is, volumetrically the most significant of the porphyry intrusions. The units have
previously been described in Chapter and are summrized in Table 4-1.

Major Elements
Early Porphyries range in composition from 65.91% to 72.81% SiO2, the Intermineral
Porphyries from 66.15% to 72.07% SiO2 and the Monzodiorite Porphyries from 63.65% to
67.96% SiO2 (Table 4-2). The Early Porphyries trend from granodiorite compositions into the
granite field of Lebas et al.,. (1986) on the silica versus total alkalies petrochemical
discrimination plot (Figure 4-7a). The wide spread in the total alkalies within the Early
Porphyries is likely due to the high degree of hydrothermal alteration that has affected this rock
type. Both the Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries trend from the syenite field through
the granodiorite field and into the granite field with increasing SiO2 content. The syenitic and
near syenitic compositions are likely caused by moderate to high degrees of K-feldspar and
biotite alteration of the samples. Compared to the Regional Granodiorite all of the syn-mineral
suites contain somewhat higher SiO2 and total alkalies. The high total alkalis can be attributed
to the overall higher degree of hydrothermal K-feldspar and biotite alteration within the syn-
mineral units.

K2O contents have wide ranges over similar SiO2 contents for all syn-mineral suites
ranging from 0.73% to 4.11% (average 2.11%) for Early Porphyries, 0.95% to 4.90% (average
3.15%) for Intermineral Porphyries and 2.34% to 5.49% (average 3.91%) for Monzodiorite
Porphyries (Figure4-7b). K2O/Na2O ratios range from 0.14 to 27.40 (average without sample
Qu-357 of 0.52) for samples of Early Porphyries, sample (Qu-357) is anomalously high,
containing severally depleted Na2O and the highest K2O contents within the Early Porphyries, in
addition to very high loss on ignition (8.5%) indicating that this sample has undergone
relatively high secondary alteration in which Na2O was lost and K2O potentially added. Similarly,
within Intermineral samples K2O/Na2O ratios range from 0.15 to 27.22 (average without Qu-242
of 0.81), with one anomalously high sample (Qu-242) containing severally depleted Na2O and
the highest K2O within all Intermineral Porphyry samples. Monzodiorite Porphyries contain the
average highest K2O/Na2O ratios of 1.24 and range from 0.58 to 2.00. On the SiO2 versus K2O
classification plot of Peccerillo and Taylor (1976) the Early Porphyry for the most part plots in
the calc-alkaline series, whereas both the Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries plots in the
high-K cal-alkaline series (Figure 4-7b). With all rock types there is a wide range of K2O values
at similar SiO2 values, suggesting that K2O has been added to the system during hydrothermal

16 7
14 Early Porphyry Monzodiorite Monzonite
Intermineral Porphyry 6
Monzonite Porphyry
5 Shoshonitic Series

10 Syenite
Na 2O+K 2O

K 2O
8 Granite

3 High-K Calc-
6 Alkaline Series

Diorite 2
4 Granodiorite

Quartz diorite Calc-Alkaline Series

2 1
Arc Tholeiite Series
0 0
35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
SiO2 SiO2

5 19


Al 2O

2 15


0 12
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
SiO2 SiO2

Figure 4-7: Major elements and petrochemical discrimination diagrams. A) Total alkalies vs. silica
diagram from Lebas et al. (1986). B) Quellaveco wholerock geochemical data plotted on
silica vs. K2O diagram based on Peccerillo and Taylor (1976). C) SiO2 vs. MgO and D) SiO2 vs.
Al2O3 for syn-mineral intrusive suites from Quellaveco.
alteration. Many of the rocks have significant K-feldspar and biotite alteration associated with
them, suggesting that potassium was added during hydrothermal alteration of these rocks.
Additionally, all rock types contain higher K2O values on average than the pre-mineral suites,
suggesting that syn-mineral rocks have undergone higher degrees of hydrothermal alteration or
in the very least, higher degrees of potassium introduction.

MgO ranges from 0.44% to 1.46%, 0.34% to 1.26% and 1.23% to 1.39% for the Early
Porphyries, Intermineral Porphyries and Monzodiorite Porphyries, respectively. Al2O3 ranges
from 15.08% to 17.39%, 16.19% to 17.06% and 16.22% to 17.076% respectively for the same
rocks types. All syn-mineral suites decrease in MgO composition with increasing SiO2 content,
similar to the Regional Granodiorite samples, but have overall lower MgO contents (Figure 4-
7c). However, the syn-mineral suits decrease in MgO content at a much lower rate than the
Regional Granodiorite with the Monzodiorite Porphyry having the shallowest slope of all of the
syn-mineral suites. Unlike the Regional Granodiorite, syn-mineral suites decrease in Al2O3
contents with increasing SiO2 (Figure 4-7d). Within the syn-mineral suites, both the Early and
Intermineral Porphyries show two sub-parallel trends of decreasing Al2O3 with increasing SiO2
contents, whereas the Monzodiorite, in spite of the paucity of data, shows a shallow single
declining trend of Al2O3 with increasing SiO2 content. Minor silica introduction may affect some
outliers on all of the plots, though secondary quartz and quartz veins were not overly present
within either of these rock types where sampled.

Minor Elements, Trace Elements and REE’s

The Nb/Y versus Zr/TiO2 classification plot of Pearce (1996) revised after Winchester
and Floyd (1977) shows that all syn-mineral intrusive suites plot as diorites to monzonites
(Figure 4-8a), similar to the Regional Granodiorite sample. The Early Porphyry samples are
most similar to the Regional Granodiorite in that there is a wide spread in the data within the
monzonite and granodiorite fields. The Intermineral Porphyries plot exclusively in the monzonite
field and approach foidite/foid-monzosyenite fields and the Monzodiorite Porphyry samples all
plot on or near the boundary between the diorite and monzodiorite fields. All samples from all
syn-mineral intrusive suites plot within the volcanic arc granitoid field on the Y+Nb versus Rb
plot of Pearce (1984), with the exception of one Intermineral Porphyry sample which plots on
the boundary with the syn-collisional field (Figure 4-8b). This sample (Qu-242) appears to be
the most K2O enriched and Na2O depleted of the samples and may have its geochemical
signature displaced due to K-feldspar and biotite alteration. Compared to the Regional
Granodiorite samples, the syn-mineral suites have much more restricted Y+Nb values and do

A Early Porphyry 1000
1 Alkali Granite syn-collisional
Intermineral Porphyry within-plate

Monzodiorite Porphyry Foid Syenite

.1 Monzosyenite


Quartz Diorite

10 ocean ridge
.01 Foidolite

volcanic arc
Gabbro Gabbro

.01 .1 1 10 10 100 1000
Nb/Y Y+Nb


150 10

Continental arc

Oceanic arc


0 1
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 10 100 1000
SiO2 Zr

250 250
200 200

150 150


100 100

50 Adakite 50

0 0
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SiO2 Yb

Figure 4-8: Trace element plots for syn-mineral intrusive rock suites from Quellaveco. A) Nb/Y vs.
Zr/TiO2 rock type discrimination diagram after Pearce (1996), revised from Winchester and
Floyd (1977). B) Y+Nb vs. Rb plot after Pearce (1984). C) Silica vs. Ba/La, the boundary
between the arc and back-arc fields from Kay et al. (1994). D) Zr vs. Zr/Y from Pearce
(1983). E) Silica vs. Sr/Y, adakite field provided from Defant and Drummond (1990). F) Yb
vs. Sr/Y, adakite field form Defant and Drummond (1990).

not display a prominent positive slope towards the within-plate field. Most samples contain
Ba/La ratios that exceed 20, which indicate that these rocks are related to arc, rather than
back-arc granitoids (Figure 4-8c; Kay et al., 1994). All units also have strong continental arc
affinities, consistent with most Chilean and Peruvian Paleocene to Eocene Porphyries as
observed on the Zr versus Zr/Y plot (Figure 4-8d) of Pearce (1983).

Respectively, for the Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries Sr/Y ratios range
from 3.39 to 142.53 (average 88.39), 26.88 to 297.67 (average 148.43) and 65.25 to 111.96
(average 90.04). On the SiO2 versus Sr/Y plot most samples plot above the threshold of 40 and
into the adakite field (Figure 4-8e) of Defant and Drummond (1990). On average all syn-
mineral intrusive suits have higher Sr/Y ratios than the Regional Granodiorite. Additionally, both
the Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries have higher Sr/Y ratios than the Early Porphyries,
with the Intermineral samples averaging the highest values. Another difference from the
Regional Granodiorite is that all syn-mineral suites show decreasing Sr/Y ratios with increasing
SiO2 content, whereas the Regional Granodiorite shows an increasing trend in Sr/Y. Yb
concentrations within the Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries range from 0.36ppm
to 0.75ppm (average 0.54ppm), 0.30ppm to 0.66ppm (average 0.49) and 0.64ppm to 0.74ppm
(average 0.69). When Yb is plotted versus Sr/Y ratios, all samples, with the exception of one
each from the Early and Intermineral Porphyries, plot within the adakite field (Figure 4-8f).
Compared to the Regional Granodiorite samples, the syn-mineral intrusive suites have much
narrower spreads of and lower Yb values and more consistently plot within the adakite field.

Primitive mantle-normalized trace elements, after Sun and McDonough (1989) show that
both all syn-mineral intrusive suites are depleted in Nb (Figure 4-9b, d and e), similar to the
Regional Granodiorite and Earliest Porphyries. There is significant spread in the primitive
mantle-normalized trace element values for the Early Porphyries and much less spread in the
data for the Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries. This may reflect fractionation over
protracted periods of time or contamination of the magma chamber over time, for example,
magma rejuvenation, injection and mixing of a foreign magma, wall rock scouring and
homogenization. Some of the spread in the data with more mobile elements may be explained
by varying intensities and types of alteration present within the sample suite.

The Early Porphyry shows a wide spread in LREE normalized values with much lower
spreads in the values of HREE (Figure 4-9a). This may reflect that the samples were taken from
multiple individual dykes within the same suites that intruded at slightly different times and may
have experience slightly different geochemical conditions prior to their emplacement. The

Early Porphyry Early Porphyry



La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Cs Rb Ba Th U Nb K La Ce Pb Pr Sr P Nd ZrSmEu Ti Dy Y Yb Lu

Intermineral Porphyry Intermineral Porphyry



La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Cs Rb Ba Th U Nb K La Ce Pb Pr Sr P Nd ZrSmEu Ti Dy Y Yb Lu

Monzodiorite Porphyry Monzodiorite Porphyry



La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Cs Rb Ba Th U Nb K La Ce Pb Pr Sr P Nd ZrSmEu Ti Dy Y Yb Lu

Figure 4-9: Rare earth element plots for syn-mineral intrusive suites from Quellaveco. A) Chondrite-
normalized rare-earth element (REE) for Early Porphyry samples. B) Primitive mantle-
normalized trace element plot for Early Porphyry samples. C) Chondrite normalized rare-
earth element (REE) for Intermineral Porphyry samples. D) Primitive mantle normalized trace
element plot for Intermineral Porphyry samples. E) Chondrite normalized rare-earth element
(REE) for Monzodiorite Porphyry samples. D) Primitive mantle normalized trace element plot
for Monzodiorite Porphyry samples. Chondrite and primitive mantle-normalized values from
Sun and McDonough (1989).

70 7
60 Early Porphyry 6
Intermineral Porphyry
Monzodiorite Porphyry
50 5

40 4


30 3

20 2

10 1

0 0
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
SiO2 SiO2

Figure 4-9(cont’d): G) and H) Variation in REE ratios vs. Silica for syn-mineral intrusive suites.

Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries have much less spread in their normalized REE
values, particularly with the HREE’s (Figures 4-9c and e). Eu anomalies are either non-existent
to slightly positive within all syn-mineral intrusive suites, with the Early Porphyries having a
more pronounced positive Eu anomaly. The consistent positive to non-existent Eu anomaly
suggests that the magmas were somewhat oxidizing as both contain significant plagioclase and
Eu2+ would have been fractionated out of the magma, at least in part. Concave up MREE to
HREE patterns are most pronounced within the Intermineral samples and is present, but much
less pronounced within the Early and Monzodiorite Porphyries. This suggests that hornblende
may have played an important role in fractionating the REE elements. La/Yb ratios range from
7.69 to 61.36 (average 25.81), 17.67 to 38.33 (average 27.32) and 24.73 to 27.19 (average
26.03) for the Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries, respectively. Sm/Yb ratios for
the same rock types range from 1.03 to 6.07 (average 3.56), 2.14 to 4.15 (average 3.45) and
3.72 to 4.17 (average 3.96), respectively. La/Yb ratios show increasing values with increasing
SiO2 content for the Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries, and the Early Porphyries show a
decreasing trend (Figure 4-9g). With the Intermineral Porphyries two sub-parallel trends are
evident in the La/Yb ratios. The Early and Monzodiorite Porphyries have overall lower La/Yb
ratios than the Regional Granodiorite and the Intermineral Porphyries have overall higher La/Yb
values. Sm/Yb ratios show decreasing values with increasing SiO2 content for the Early and
Intermineral Porphyries, and the Monzodiorite Porphyries show an increasing trend (Figure 4-
9h). Only the Monzodiorite Porphyries have overall higher Sm/Yb values than the Granodiorite.
This may be a reflection of hornblende playing a more important role in fractionating MREE to
HREE’s than in the Regional Granodiorite.

Post-Mineral Porphyritic Rocks

Post-mineral rocks are defined at Quellaveco as consisting of the Late Porphyry and
Post-Mineral Dyke suites (Chapter 2). Both suites crosscut and dilute the overall Cu and Mo
grade of the Quellaveco porphyry deposit, but are weakly mineralized (up to approximately
0.1% Cu). The units have previously been described in Chapter and are summrized in Table 4-

Major Elements
SiO2 compositions for the Late Porphyries and Post Mineral Porphyry dykes range from
63.41% to 72.51% and 64.25% to 71.75%, respectively (Table 4-2). The Late Porphyries trend
from near diorite compositions in to the granite field of Lebas et al.,. (1986) on the silica versus
total alkalies petrochemical discrimination plot (Figure 4-7a). One sample (Qu-394) plots into

the syenite field and contain anomalously high concentrations of Na2O, Late Porphyries are
plagioclase dominated (Chapter 2), and thus may have been affected by either SiO2 or Na2O
addition. Similarly, Post-Mineral Porphyry dyke trend from the granodiorite field and into the
Granite field and have a narrower spread in SiO2 compositions than the Late Porphyries.
Compared to the syn-mineral intrusions the post-mineral intrusions have a narrow spread in
total alkalis over similar SiO2 compositions. Both post-mineral suites show spread in their total
alkali compositions, which this may be partially explained by minor sericite alteration that
affects most of these rock types and likely experienced some K2O addition.

Though there is a high degree of spread in K2O contents for the post-mineral intrusive
suites, there is less spread in the data compared to the syn-mineral intrusive suites. K2O
contents range from 0.46% to 3.34% (average 2.30%) for Late Porphyries and 1.14% to
3.45% (average 2.27%) for Post Mineral Porphyry dykes (Figure4-10b). K2O/Na2O ratios range
from 0.09 to 0.90 (average 0.58) for samples of Late Porphyries, sample (Qu-357) and from
0.24 to 0.93 (average 0.58) for samples of Post Mineral Porphyry dykes. On average these
ratios are much lower than all other rock types aside from the Early Porphyry, likely reflecting
the fact that the post mineral intrusive suites have undergone far less hypogene and supergene
alteration than the older suites of intrusive rocks. On the SiO2 versus K2O classification plot of
Peccerillo and Taylor (1976) both the Late Porphyry and Post Mineral Porphyry dykes plot
mainly within in the calc-alkaline series field (Figure 4-10b). However, both rock types have
data points that plot into the high-K calc-alkaline series field and are likely affected by K2O
addition during hypogene sericite alteration.

MgO ranges from 0.15% to 1.58% and 0.38% to 1.57% for the Late Porphyries and
Post Mineral Porphyry dykes, respectively. Al2O3 ranges from 14.29% to 17.3% and 15.58% to
17.53% respectively for the same rocks types. All post-mineral suites decrease in MgO
composition with increasing SiO2 content, similar to the syn-mineral intrusive suites (Figure 4-
10c). Also, like the syn-mineral intrusive suites, the post-mineral suites decrease in MgO
content at a much lower rate than the Regional Granodiorite, though slightly steeper than the
Monzodiorite Porphyry. All post-mineral suites have increasing Al2O3 contents with increasing
SiO2 (Figure 4-10d). This again, is similar to the syn-mineral suites and different from the
Regional Granodiorite samples, though the Post Mineral Porphyry dykes decrease at a higher
rate than the syn-mineral suites. Minor silica introduction may affect some outliers on all of the
plots, though secondary quartz and quartz veins were not overly present within either of these
rock types where sampled. Additionally, some of the spread in the data may be a result of
magma mixing and co-mingling of foreign magmas in the post-mineral suites or desorption of
16 7
Late Porphyry Monzodiorite Monzonite
14 6
Post Mineral Dykes

5 Shoshonitic Series

10 Syenite
Na 2O+K 2O

K 2O
8 Granite

3 High-K Calc-
6 Alkaline Series

4 Granodiorite
Quartz diorite
Calc-Alkaline Series
2 1
Arc Tholeiite Series

0 0
35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
SiO2 SiO2

5 19


Al 2O

2 15


0 12
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
SiO2 SiO2

Figure 4-10: Major elements and petrochemical discrimination diagrams. A) Total alkalies vs. silica
diagram from Lebas et al. (1986). B) Quellaveco wholerock geochemical data plotted on
silica vs. K2O diagram based on Peccerillo and Taylor (1976). C) SiO2 vs. MgO and D) SiO2 vs.
Al2O3 for post-mineral intrusive suites from Quellaveco.
wall rocks being re-melted into the magma, though no to little inherited zircons have been
noted in these intrusive suites (Chapter 2).

Minor Elements, Trace Elements and REE’s

On the Nb/Y versus Zr/TiO2 classification plot of Pearce (1996) revised after Winchester
and Floyd (1977) post-mineral intrusive suites plot as diorites to monzonites (Figure 4-11a),
similar to syn-mineral suits and the Regional Granodiorite samples. For both the Late Porphyry
Post-mineral porphyry dyke samples the majority of samples plot within the diorite field near
the boundary with monzonite, though there is more spread in the data from post-mineral
porphyry dykes. This wider spread may reflect the wide range in phenocryst compositions
observed within these dykes and may also reflect the highly variable timing of emplacement of
the dykes (Chapter 2) with each dyke possibly experiencing different degrees of magma mixing
or wall rock contamination than other dykes. Unlike syn-mineral suites the post-mineral samples
that plot within the monzonite field trend more towards the gabbro field rather than the
foidite/foid-monzosyenite fields. All samples from all post-mineral intrusive suites plot within the
volcanic arc granitoid field (Figure 4-11b) on the Y+Nb versus Rb plot of Pearce (1984). Like
syn-mineral intrusive rocks, post mineral intrusive samples plot on a steep positive slope
towards the syn-collisional field. Most samples contain Ba/La ratios that exceed 20, which
indicate that these rocks are related to arc, rather than back-arc granitoids (Figure 4-11c; Kay
et al., 1994). All units also have strong continental arc affinities, consistent with most Chilean
and Peruvian Paleocene to Eocene Porphyries as observed on the Zr versus Zr/Y plot (Figure 4-
11d) of Pearce (1983).

Sr/Y ratios range from 30.73 to 172.76 (average 91.13) and 63.58 to 131.77 (average
148.43), respectively for the Late Porphyries and Post-Mineral Porphyry dykes. On the SiO2
versus Sr/Y plot most samples plot above the threshold of 40 and into the adakite field (Figure
4-11e) of Defant and Drummond (1990); aside from one sample of Late Porphyry (Qu-026),
which plots in the non-adakite field. On average all post-mineral intrusive suits have higher Sr/Y
ratios than the Regional Granodiorite, but slightly lower averages than the syn-mineral suites.
Additionally, both the Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries have higher Sr/Y ratios than the
Early Porphyries, with the Intermineral samples averaging the highest values. Similar to the
syn-mineral intrusive suites, the post mineral suites show decreasing Sr/Y ratios with increasing
SiO2 content. Yb concentrations within the Late Porphyries and Post-Mineral Porphyry dykes
range from 0.31ppm to 1.32ppm (average 0.61ppm) and 0.41ppm to 0.76ppm (average 0.57),
respectively. When Yb is plotted versus Sr/Y ratios, all samples, with the exception of one Late

A Late Porphyry
1 1000 syn-collisional
Alkali Granite
Post-mineral Dykes within-plate

Foid Syenite
.1 Monzosyenite


Quartz Diorite

10 ocean ridge
volcanic arc
Gabbro Gabbro

.01 .1 1 10 10 100 1000
Nb/Y Y+Nb


150 10

Continental arc

Oceanic arc


0 1
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 10 100 1000
SiO2 Zr

250 250
200 200

150 150


100 100

50 Adakite 50

0 0
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SiO2 Yb

Figure 4-11: Trace element plots for syn-mineral intrusive rock suites from Quellaveco. A) Nb/Y vs.
Zr/TiO2 rock type discrimination diagram after Pearce (1996), revised from Winchester and
Floyd (1977). B) Y+Nb vs. Rb plot after Pearce (1984). C) Silica vs. Ba/La, the boundary
between the arc and back-arc fields from Kay et al. (1994). D) Zr vs. Zr/Y from Pearce
(1983). E) Silica vs. Sr/Y, adakite field provided from Defant and Drummond (1990). F) Yb
vs. Sr/Y, adakite field form Defant and Drummond (1990).

Porphyry sample (Qu-026), plot within the adakite field (Figure 4-11f). Compared to the
Regional Granodiorite samples, the post-mineral intrusive suites have much narrower spreads of
and lower Yb values and more consistently plot within the adakite field, and compared to the
syn-mineral suites thy have slightly higher Yb concentrations.

Primitive mantle-normalized trace elements, after Sun and McDonough (1989) show that
both all post-mineral intrusive suites are depleted in Nb (Figure 4-12b and d), similar to the pre-
and syn-mineral intrusive suites. There is significant spread in the primitive mantle-normalized
trace element values for the Late Porphyries and much less spread in the data for the Post
Mineral Porphyry dykes. This may reflect fractionation over protracted periods of time or
contamination of the magma chamber over time, for example, magma rejuvenation, injection
and mixing of a foreign magma, wall rock scouring and homogenization. Some of the spread in
the data with more mobile elements may be explained by varying intensities and types of
alteration present within the sample suite. The post-mineral intrusive suites have higher Pb
contents, that could be reflect the presence of minor sulphides or the presence of igneous K-

Compared to the Regional Granodiorite, the Intermineral and Early Porphyry suites have
much less spread in REE normalized values, particularly with the LREE values (Figure 4-12a and
c). This may reflect the relative lack of wall rock contamination and magma mixing that
occurred during the waning stages of magmatism associated with the QIC. Eu anomalies are
either non-existent to slightly positive within all post-mineral intrusive suites, with the Post
Mineral Porphyry dykes having a more pronounced positive Eu anomaly. The consistent positive
to non-existent Eu anomaly suggests that the magmas were somewhat oxidizing as both
contain significant plagioclase and Eu2+ would have been fractionated out of the magma, at
least in part. Concave up MREE to HREE patterns are most pronounced within the Late
Porphyry samples and is present, but much less pronounced within the Post Mineral Porphyry
dykes. This suggests that hornblende may have played an important role in fractionating the
REE elements, albeit the concave up patterns are much less pronounced than in the syn-
mineral suits. La/Yb ratios range from 15.91 to 47.42 (average 27.14) and 20.00 to 35.80
(average 28.07) for the Late Porphyries and Post Mineral Porphyry dykes, respectively. On
average these values show that slightly steeper LREE to HREE patterns are present within the
post-mineral suites, compared to the pre- and syn-mineral suits. Sm/Yb ratios for the same rock
types range from 2.65 to 5.22 (average 3.98) and 1.79 to 6.85 (average 4.28), respectively. As
with the LREE to HREE values the MREE to HREE ratios show that the post-mineral suites have,
on average, steeper trends than the pre- and syn-mineral suites. La/Yb
Late Porphyry Late Porphyry



La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Cs Rb Ba Th U Nb K La Ce Pb Pr Sr P Nd ZrSmEu Ti Dy Y Yb Lu

Post-mineral Dykes Post-mineral Dykes



La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Cs Rb Ba Th U Nb K La Ce Pb Pr Sr P Nd ZrSmEu Ti Dy Y Yb Lu

70 7
60 6
Late Porphyry
50 Post-mineral Dykes 5

40 4

30 3

20 2

10 1

0 0
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
SiO2 SiO2

Figure 4-12: Rare earth element plots for post-mineral intrusive suites from Quellaveco. A) Chondrite-
normalized rare-earth element (REE) for Late Porphyry samples. B) Primitive mantle-
normalized trace element plot for Late Porphyry samples. C) Chondrite normalized
rare-earth element (REE) for Porphyry Dykes samples. D) Primitive mantle normalized trace
element plot for Porphyry Dykes samples. E) and F) Variation in REE ratios vs. silica.
Chondrite and primitive mantle-normalized values from Sun and McDonough (1989).

ratios show decreasing values with increasing SiO2 content for the Post Mineral Porphyry dykes,
similar to the Early Porphyry samples (Figure 4-12e). The Late Porphyries show two trends of
steeply increasing La/Yb ratios within increasing SiO2, similar to the Regional Granodiorite,
Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries, and shallowly decreasing La/Yb with increasing SiO2,
similar to the Early Porphyry. Sm/Yb ratios show steeply decreasing values with increasing SiO2
content for the Post Mineral Porphyry dykes, similar to the Early and Intermineral Porphyries
(Figure 4-12f). The Late Porphyry samples show divergent trends with the Sm/Yb ratios, on
with slightly increasing values with increasing SiO2 contents, similar to Monzodiorite Porphyry
samples and another more steeply increasing Sm/Yb trend with increasing SiO2 contents, similar
to the Regional Granodiorite.

Geochemical Evolution
There is a gradual trend with decreasing age towards increasing Sr/Y ratios (Figure 4-
13a). Aside from the Earliest Porphyry, all porphyry intrusions have higher Sr/Y ratios than the
Regional Granodiorite. These ratios increase to their highest within the Intermineral Porphyry
and decrease sharply within the Monzodiorite through Late Porphyry units. No such pronounced
changes are evident with Yb concentrations through time (Figure 7-13b). Every rock type plots
below the 1.8ppm threshold, defining adakitic rocks. From the Regional Granodiorite, there is a
gradual decrease in Yb values to a low with the Intermineral Porphyry then a gradual increase
in Yb values from the Monzodiorite through Late Porphyries. La/Yb ratios vary through time but
have no apparent trend (Figure 4-13c). Sm/Yb ratios show a slight increase through time from
the Regional Granodiorite through all porphyritic intrusions (Figure 4-13d). Sm/Yb ratios
reach their peak values with the younger porphyry units from the Monzodiorite through
Late Porphyry units.

Intrusive rocks at Quellaveco are dominated by calc-alkaline to high-K calc-alkaline rocks
ranging in composition from diorite to granodiorite. This is consistent with compositions
observed macro and microscopically, based on phenocryst composotions, inspite of the high
degree of altertion ranging from K-silicate to quartz-sericite. All rock types are of continental
volcanic arc affinities. All rock types display moderately to strongly fractionated REE patterns,
with weak to non-existent negative Eu anomolies. Mild varitions from rock type to rock type are
present in LREE and MREE to HREE ratios and display varying degrees of cup shaped MREE
patterns. These differences may be in the degree of hornblende fractionation (Dostal et al.,.

250 4



50 Adikite

0 0
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
Age (Ma) Age (Ma)

70 7
60 6

50 5

40 Sm/Yb 4

30 3

20 2

10 1

0 0
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
Age (Ma) Age (Ma)

Regional Granodioite Early Porphyry Monzodiorite Porphyry Post-mineral Dykes

Earliest Porphyry Intermineral Porphyry Late Porphyry

Figure 4-13: Variation of adakite characteristics and REE ratios with time for all intrusive rock types from
the Quellaveco Intrusive Complex. U-Pb data from Chapter 2. Adakite field from Defant
and Drummond (1993).

1983) and overall degree of fractionation. All rocks types exhibit depletions in Nb, as is typical
of most continental arc calc-alkaline series rocks. Through time the rocks become increasingly
“adakitic” evolving from relatively high Yb and low Sr/Y to low Yb and high Sr/Y. The
significance of these results and observations are discussed below.

Implications of REE Patterns

Middle to heavy REE fractionation is present in most porphyry intrusions at Quellaveco.
This may indicate that hornblende fractionation played a role in the development of the
intrusive rocks at Quellaveco. Of the porphyry intrusions perhaps the Intermineral Porphyry has
the most pronounced cup shaped pattern indicating that hornblende fractionation may have
played a slightly more prominent role in this rock type. Light and medium to heavy REE ratios
measure the steepness of the REE patterns and are an indication of increased fractionation in
igneous rocks. In general the ratios from rock type to rock type are similar; however as the
rocks young, there are minor variations in the ratios. This is particularly evident with the Sm/Yb
ratio for the Monzodiorite and Post Mineral Porphyry dykes which have increased MREE to HREE
ratios compared to older porphyry intrusion types. This may also reflect the relative les well
developed cup shape MREE as in the Intermineral Porphyry, possibly suggesting that
hornblende was of lesser importance in these rocks.

With the exception of perhaps the Regional Granodiorite all porphyry intrusions display
either no Eu anomaly or a slight positive Eu anomaly. Eu is a divalent element with charges of
Eu2+ and Eu3+. Eu2+ will readily substitute for Ca2+ in plagioclase feldspar in igneous rocks that
have undergone plagioclase fractionation. This should create a negative Eu anomaly on spider
plots. At Quellaveco all porphyry intrusion types contain plagioclase phenocrysts and thus must
have undergone plagioclase fractionation. This lack of negative anomaly may indicate that more
Eu3+ was present in the magna and thus minimal Eu2+ substitution for Ca2+ took place. This
inference would indicate that the magma must have been relatively oxidized during the time of
emplacement of all porphyry intrusions over an extended period of time. This observation is
also supported by the observations made from zircon mineral chemistry in the Chapter 2.

These observations are critical with respect to the formation and development of
porphyry Cu deposits. Primarily because the magmas need to remain oxidized to keep S stable
as sulphate, as opposed to sulphide so that S remains in the magma and is not stripped out
along with the chalcophile elements. This process of avoiding sulphide saturation in the magma
prevents the sulphur and copper from being stripped from the magma at deeper levels in the
crust as these elements are critical components required for the formation of the porphyry Cu

deposit in the upper crust. Additionally, the fractionation of hornblende indicates that the
magmas were rich in H2O, again a critical component in the formation of veins and
transportation of metals in the hydrothermal system, along with the sulphur.

Adakite Geochemistry; What Does it Mean?

The high correlation of magmas spatially and temporally associated with the formation
of porphyry copper deposits and adakitic geochemistry has been well documented and remains
controversial. Adakite is a geochemical term defined as rocks with > 56 wt.% SiO2, Al2O3 ≥ 15
wt.%, MgO < 3wt.%, Sr > 400 ppm, Y < 18 ppm, Yb < 1.9 ppm and 87Sr/86Sr < 0.7045
(Defant and Drummond, 1990). They correlated these melts and their peculiar geochemical
signatures to magmas derived from slab melts where garnet amongst other minerals are
present in the restite. Later, Defant and Kepezhinskas (2001), made the unusual correlation of
the adakite geochemistry defined above to magmas associated with porphyry Cu deposits,
globally. Richards (2007) debates how these geochemical signatures may be derived within
continental and oceanic arc environments providing other alternative to the slab melt scenario
of Defant and Drummond (1990). As observed in many other locations, through time the rocks
in the Quellaveco area become increasing adakitic. This increasing adakite signature may be
attributed to, amongst other things, crustal thickening and/or increased degrees of K-silicate
alteration. That is, as the crust thickens the increased pressures in the lower crust may contain
garnet with magmas being derived from lower crustal environments where garnet is stable.
Additionally, high Sr values may be accentuated by increases in K-silicate alteration where Sr
may substitute for other cations within feldspars including K and Ca.

At Quellaveco the correlation of adakite geochemistry and the formation of the porphyry
Cu deposit are present. However, the correlation to slab melting may not necessarily be present
and is more likely that crustal thickening and increases in K-silicate alteration are more likely to
have contributed to the adakite geochemistry present in porphyry intrusions spatially and
temporally associated with the Quellaveco porphyry Cu deposit.

Geochemical Evolution of the QIC

At Quellaveco several generations of porphyry intrusions were emplaced and are
associated spatially and temporally with hydrothermal systems that deposited copper and
molybdenum in veins of various types. Although all show fractionated REE’s consistent with
continental arc igneous rocks there are subtle variations in the geochemistry through time.
From the Regional Granodiorite to the Intermineral porphyry the rocks consistently plot in

granodiorite to monzonite fields whereas the Monzodiorite porphyry plots consistently in the
diorite field on the Zr/TiO2 vs. Nb/Y plot and consistently have lower SiO2 values, MgO values
and increased MREE to HREE ratios. This would indicate that the Monzodiorite Porphyry may
have been influenced by more mafic magmas then the younger porphyry intrusions. This is
consistent with field observations of this rocks type where no to very little quartz was observed
in this rock type and based on phenocryst proportions consistently plots as a monzodiorite to
diorite. This fluctuation in chemistry may indicate that magma mixing of multiple magma
sources was present at within deeper seated magma chambers at Quellaveco, an observation
supported by the conclusions of the zircon geochemistry (Chapter 2).

The igneous rocks at Quellaveco are characterized by depleted high field strength
elements with continental volcanic arc affinities. Compositions range from diorite to granodiorite
and fall within the calc-alkaline to high-K calc-alkaline series fields. The rocks in general
increase in adakitic signatures with time and display minor fluctuations in MREE to HREE ratios,
possibly indicating variable influences of hornblende through the development of the igneous
systems at Quellaveco. Moreover, all rocks show that hornblende played a role in their
fractionation indicating the rocks were hydrous and the lack of negative Eu anomalies coupled
with evident plagioclase phenocrysts indicate that the rocks wee also relatively oxidized. Thus,
relatively oxidized, hydrous magmas with possible fluctuations in magmatic sources through
time and potential crustal thickening are coincident with the formation of the Quellaveco
porphyry Cu deposit.

Chapter 5: Vein Paragenesis and Timing of Hydrothermal
Mineralization and Alteration Distribution Associated with
Porphyry Cu-Mo Style Mineralization, Quellaveco, Southern Peru:
Evidence for Multiple Overprinting Systems

Porphyry Cu-Mo deposits are associated with large hydrothermal systems, often being
spatially associated with alteration footprints covering an area of greater than two by two
kilometres (e.g. Lowell and Guillbert, 1970; Sillitoe, 1973; Dilles et al., 2000; Seedorf and
Einaudi, 2004a, b). These alteration systems contain a series of veins with varying mineralogy
and morphology, distributed throughout the system. Additionally wall rock alteration separate
from veins or vein halos is prominent. The link between wall rock alteration and vein
emplacement, while related, is often highly complicated by multiple genertions of hydrothermal
alteration and vein emplcement overprinting each other. Therefore, understnding the timing
and distribution of veins and wall rock alteration relative to each other is a critical step in
distinguishing between the two. This could improve the understning of the distribution of Cu
and Mo within the system and lead to an improved model for exploration, both internal to a
deposit and globally. At Quellaveco, a well developed geochronology of dykes swarms with
different ages has allowed for developing a relative chronology of veins and vein types within
the deposit, in additional to the distribution of wall rock alteration in time and space, relative to
the dyke swarms.

Current terminology of veins and vein types associated with porphyry deposits, globally,
has have been adopted from Gustafson and Hunt (1975) and later refined by Gustafson and
Quiroga (1995) and other workers (e.g. Seedorf, 1988; Seedorf and Einaudi, 2004a, b, Seedorf
et al., 2005; Redmond and Einaudi, 2010). Within this system of classifying veins there are a
series of veins from earliest to latest are terms “EB”, “A”, “B”, “C” “D” and “G” veins. These vein
types describe very specific mineralogies and are often abused in literature leading to confusing
definitions of veins types. For a thorough description of this classification scheme see Gustafson
and Hunt (1975), Gustafson and Quiroga (1995) and Seedorf and Einaudi (2004a, b). We have
described veins based on their mineralogy, morphology and alteration selvages relative to the
timing of dyke swarms and other veins types.

As with the veins, alteration zones in porphyry deposits are often classified as potassic,
sodic, propolitic, phyllic, argillic or advanded argillic. In porphyry systems these alteration types

are zoned about the middle and deepest parts of the deposit from hotter and more basic
compositions to cooler and more acid compositions. These alteration styles are zoned away
from the centre of the deposit from sodic to potassic, to propolitic and phyllic, with argillic and
advanced argillic alteration assemblages occurring above the porphyry or collapsing down onto
the earlier alteration styles as the system cools. However, sodic compositions have been known
to occur laterally within porphyry deposits as well (e.g. Dilles et al.,. 2000). Conceptually this
method of describing alteration has merit, however, in practice the alteration zonation patterns
observed are commonly more complex. These complex alteration patterns are often present
due to multiple generations of dyke swarms and multiple generations of hydrothermal systems
overprinting each other over different areas within the porphyry deposit.

In this contribution we present detailed macroscopic observations of vein cross cutting

relationships and dyke-vein cross cutting relationships at Quellaveco in order to determine the
hydrothermal history associated with several generations of porphyry intrusions. The
observations made herein are described in time relative to each other, but are constrained by
absolute ages and relative the relative timing of porphyry intrusions, as defined in Chapter 2.
Key points that we address in this contribution using these observations include:

a) The timing of mineral assemblages observed within veins relative to each other.

b) The timing of veins relative to porphyry intrusions.

c) The identification of a hydrothermal system/systems temporally and spatially associated

with porphyry intrusions.

d) Vein paragenesis and evolution of hydrothermal systems with respect to changes in vein
mineral assemblages.

e) Topographic/crustal level changes in vein mineral assemblages within the Quellaveco

Cu-Mo porphyry deposit.

f) Spatial and temporal relationships of wall rock alteration and vein mineral assemblages.

Addressing these key points may give insights as to how the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry
was formed through time and enable us to identify possible which veins and rock types are
associated with the higher Cu-Mo grades. This may aid further exploration at Quellaveco in
addition to elsewhere in the southern Peruvian Paleocene-Eocene Cu-Mo porphyry belt (Figure

80°W 75°W 70°W 65°W

Coastal Areas
Western Corillera
Interandean Depressions
5°S Eastern Cordillera

Subandean Zone

Eastern Lowlands











Tr Cerro Verde Cuajone La Paz
e nc Quellaveco Toquepala
Pacific Ocean

20°S Iquique Cerro Colorado

0 250 500km
Antofagasta ARGENTINA

Figure 5-1: Map of the Central Andes from southern Columbia to northern Chile showing the project
location in the southermost Peru, centered around the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry as well
as other Cu-Mo porphyry deposits within the study area. Major morphostructural units
across the orogen are modified from Jaillard et al. (2000)
Geology of Quellaveco
In the mid-Mesozoic rifting along the western margin of Gondwana (now western South
America) marks the beginning of the Andean orogen (Coira et al., 1982, Davidson and Mpodozis
1990, Benavides-Cáceres 1999). Steep subduction of cold oceanic crust under the western
margin of Gondwana caused the oceanward retreat of the trench allowing for the formation of
significant intra-arc and back arc rifts. These rifts were filled by mafic, mantle-derived magmatic
rocks (Jones 1981, Atherton et al., 1983, 1985) and detritus from the rift margins (Benavides
1956, Wilson 1983, 2000). The margins of the rift systems are marked by large-scale faults to
the east and Precambrian-Paleozoic rocks to the west. Rifting and basin development continued
into the early Late Cretaceous. In southern Peru, a magmatic arc formed west of the rift during
the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, consisting mainly of basaltic to andesitic rocks intercalated
with volcaniclastic rocks and limestone. Three distinct magmatic pulses are noted during this
period and were emplaced progressively towards the east: early Middle Jurassic (ca. 185Ma);
late Middle Jurassic (160-165Ma); and Early Cretaceous (95-110Ma) in Peru (Pitcher et al.,
1995, Mukasa 1986) and Chile (Clark et al., 1976, Mpodozis and Ramos 1989).

The Late Cretaceous is a time of a major tectonic and magmatic shift throughout the
Andes coincident with the opening of the south Atlantic Ocean (Mpodozis and Ramos, 1989).
Generally, there is migration of arc development towards the northeast. In southern Peru the
time is marked by Late Cretaceous shortening, collapse of the back-arc rift and eastward
thrusting of marine volcanic and sedimentary sequences on top of continentally derived clastic
rocks (Vicente et al.,, 1989, Benavides-Cáceres, 1999). Magmatism continued in central and
southern Peru during the latest Cretaceous (66Ma) and into the Paleogene (59Ma) (Clark et al.,
1990a) and is responsible for obscuring the earlier rift sequence and late Cretaceous fold and
thrust belt. This arc is preserved as thick dacitic to andesitic pyroclastic rocks and intermediate
flows (Bellido, 1979), with igneous roots composed of large, mantle and Proterozoic-aged lower
crustal derived granodiorite batholiths (Barreiro and Clark, 1984; Boiley et al.,,1990). This
period of magmatism is represented by the extrusive Toquepala Group rocks and large
batholiths (Yarabamba super suite) in the Quellaveco area (Figure 5-2).

Anomalously metal-rich deposits are associated with Paleocene and Early Eocene granite and
granodiorite porphyry stocks. These stocks intruded earlier in Peru and progressively young to
the south in northern Chile, from 60-52.3Ma (Mukasa 1986, Clark et al., 1990a). A strong
northwest elongation of the Paleogene porphyry stocks suggests that a series of trench parallel,
northwest-trending faults, coincident with the earlier rift basin, control the emplacement the







8115000 mN
Cuajone Mine
Proposed Pit

8110000 mN

8105000 mN au

8100000 mN lac
Stratified rocks Intrusive rocks
8095000 mN Alluvium Paleocene
Moquegua Fm.
In Batholiths
ca Barroso Gp.
qu Toquapala Mine Chuntacala/
io 8090000 mN Huaylillas Fm.
Fa Undifferentiated
Toquepala Gp.

Figure 5-2: Regional geology surrounding the Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala ore bodies.
Coordinates in Peruvian Coordinate System (PSAD56); Zone 19S.

stocks. Porphyry intrusions of this age are temporally and spatially associated with porphyry Cu-
Mo mineralization at Quellaveco, Toquepala and Cuajone (Figure 5-2).

The Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo deposit is hosted within a large batholithic,

equigranular granodiorite intrusive complex (~60Ma; Chapter 2, Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010),
which intruded into Toquepala Group (~92Ma-65Ma; Simmons, unpublished data) volcanic
rocks (Figures 5-2; Martinez and Zuloaga, 2000a; and Martinez and Zuloaga, 2000b). Several
generations of porphyry intrusions were emplaced into the granodiorite batholith from 53Ma to
58Ma (Chapter 2; Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010), and are spatially associated with hydrothermal
alteration and mineralization (Figure 5-3 and 5-4).

In total there are five significant periods of porphyry intrusions, which are referred to as
(from oldest to youngest) the Earliest, Early, Intermediate, Monzodiorite, and Late/Post suites.
The Earliest Porphyry is characterised by its fine grained, crowded porphyritic texture and
contains abundant, net texture magnetite-chalcopyrite veins. Typically, the Earliest Porphyries
range from monzodiorite to quartz-monzonite, are not volumetrically important, though may
contain high grade Cu (>1%), and was emplaced into the complex at approximately 58.5Ma-
57.5Ma (Chapter 2; Early Porphyry of Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010). The Early Porphyries are
volumetrically the most important intrusions type and is spatially associated with the most Cu
within the Quellaveco Intrusive complex (though lower grade than the Earliest, 0.5%-0.8% Cu).
Early Porphyries are crowded and coarse grained (>10mm phenocrysts), ranging from quartz-
monzonite to granodiorite and was emplaced at approximately 57.0Ma-56.5Ma (Chapter 2;
possibly Intermineral or unsampled from Sillitoe and Montensen, 2011). Intermineral Porphyries
rang from granodiorite to monzogranite and are typically coarse grained (>10mm phenocrysts)
and crowded with characteristically rounded (resorbed) feldspars. The Intermineral Porphyries
are spatially and temporally related to the second most amount of Cu and comprise the
volumetrically second most important unit and was emplaced at approximately 56.5Ma-56.0Ma
(Chapter 2; Intermineral of Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2011). The Monzodiorite Porphyries make
up the third most volumetrically important unit and are spatially and temporally correlated with
significant Cu (.6%-1%). Intermineral Porphyries range from monzodiorite-quartz monzonite
with characteristically low phenocryst content (<25%) and were emplaced at approximately
55.5Ma-56.5Ma (Chapter 2). Post and Lat Mineral Porphyries are associated with low
concentrations of Cu (<0.2%) and were emplaced at approximately 53Ma-55Ma (Chapter 2;
Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010). Post emplacement uplift and weathering during the Miocene and
later times resulted in supergene oxidation and enrichment of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry
deposit (Tosdal et al., 1984; Quang, 2003; Quang et al.,. 2003, 2005).

326500 mE

327000 mE

327500 mE

328000 mE

328500 mE
8110500 mN 8110500 mN
Undifferentiated Miocene and later ignimbrites
and sedimentary rocks
Intrusive Rocks
N Late Porphyry Intrusions
Intermineral/Monzodiorite Porphyry Intrusions

Pit outline Early Porphyry Intrusions

8110000 mN Equigranular Granodiorite Intrusion 8110000 mN

Volcanic HostRocks Rocks

3 810 Undifferentiated Toquepala Group Volcanic Rocks

Contour spacing 10m

8109500 mN 8109500 mN

8109000 mN 8109000 mN
348 Rio Asana

8108500 mN 8108500 mN

8108000 mN 8108000 mN
326500 mE

327000 mE

327500 mE

328000 mE

328500 mE

8107500 mN 8107500 mN

Figure 5-3: Geology of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry deposit. Coordinates from PSAD56; UTM zone
19S. Preliminary geological map; note that the Intermineral Porphyry body is not shown
as a dyke complex because lithologies were not distinguishable in all locations on surface
due to supergene leaching.
326000 mE

327000 mE
Epidote-Chlorite w/ overprinting Quartz-Sericite
Biotite-K-Feldspar w/ overprinting Quartz-Sericite
8110000 mN Chlorite over Biotite-K-Feldspar w/ overprinting
Chlorite over Biotite-K-Feldspar

Geological Contact

8109000 mN

8108000 mN
328000 mE

329000 mE

8107000 mN

Figure 5-4: Surface hypogene alteration of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry deposit. Coordinates from
PSAD56; UTM zone 19S. Dashed lines indicate the surface geology as present in Figure 5-3.
Preliminary geological map; note that the Intermineral Porphyry body is not shown as a dyke
complex because lithologies were not distinguishable in all locations on surface due to
supergene leaching.

Vein Description and Timing
Geochronology of igneous rocks from Quellaveco (Chapter 2, and Sillitoe and
Mortensen, 2010), indicate that the igneous system/s temporally related to the hydrothermal
system/s at Quellaveco spanned a time period of approximately 5m.y. (~59Ma to ~54Ma; Table
5-1). Over time from the oldest to the youngest intrusion types, vein density and the
variability/complexity of vein types decrease with time. To understand this sequence, vein types
contained within each rock type have been recorded and described in Tables 5-1 to 5-7 as well
as in Appendix 1. Vein types are described in terms of their relative timing to other veins in
addition to their relative timing to intrusion types. From youngest to oldest the intrusion types
referred to are (Chapter 2): 1) Post Mineral Porphyry (53.0Ma-55.0Ma), 2) Late Mineral
Porphyry (54.5Ma-56.0Ma), Monzodiorite Porphyry (55.5Ma-56.5Ma), Intermineral Porphyry
(56.0Ma-56.5Ma), Early Porphyry (56.5Ma-57.0Ma), Earliest Porphyry (57.5Ma-58.5Ma) and
Regional Granodiorite (59.1Ma-60.5Ma).

Due to the complexity, variability and high density of vein types within each intrusion
type, particularly within older intrusion types, and the lack of minerals containing radiogenic
elements that would provide an adequate temporal resolution required to differentiate vein
types and veins associated with particular intrusions, a method for differentiating the veins in
terms of timing, had to be devised. In this study, the vein timing is described relative to
intrusion types due to the relative and absolute timing constraints previously established
(Chapter 2, Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010). This method is described in detail in Chapter 1, but
essentially utilizes porphyry intrusions contacts and describes veins that are cross cut by
younger porphyry intrusions. In order to accomplished this, the best way is to work backwards
through time describing veins in the youngest intrusions through to the oldest.

Many sources of uncertainty are present when using this method of data collection.
However, due to the high amount of data being collected from many different areas within the
deposit, the uncertainties should be minimized by the amount of data being collected. Timing
relationships of veins were restricted to within one meter of contacts between intrusive units.
Even with these constraints, the largest source of uncertainty is the recording of crosscutting
vein relationships the farther away from the contact that the observation was made. Secondly,
the contacts between intrusion types were not always available. In particular, no contacts
between the regional granodiorite and Earliest Porphyry, and Post Mineral and Late Mineral
Porphyries were available to be examined. In these circumstances, vein types recorded in

earlier porphyries were excluded. Thirdly, where vein types were recoded with depth
(Monzodiorite, Intermineral and Early Porphyries) not all ideal contacts were observed to have
been drilled. In these cases, observations from other depths and the closest to ideal contact
(e.g. Intermineral to Late Porphyry) were taken into consideration.

Presented below are the vein types within each rock type that have been crosscut or
interpreted to have been crosscut by the next youngest intrusion type to which the vein is
hosted in. For a detailed compilation of all veins recorded to be in both rock types at contacts
between intrusion types see Appendix 4, at the end of this chapter. Also, note that the
observations presented in tables below are supported by microphotographs/thin section
description as necessary and that relative abundances of veins are not the emphasis of the
tables, but rather the timing of the vein types. Relative abundances are reported within the

Vein Descriptions
Descriptions of veins and their timing relative to each other and the control intrusion
types are outlines below.

Veins in Post-Mineral Porphyry

The Post Mineral Porphyry is the youngest of the intrusive suite composing the
Quellaveco Igneous Complex. They form large stocks and dykes that typically contain <0.1%
Cu and have marginally higher Mo:Cu ratios when compared to older intrusions (excluding the
Late Mineral Porphyry) within the Quellaveco Igneous Complex (Figure 5-3). Vein densities
within the Post Mineral Porphyries are typically very low, with one vein occurring approximately
every 40-50cm. The Post Mineral and Late Mineral Porphyry comprise the same unit, Late
Porphyry, described by previous workers and within Chapter 2, but the two have been
separated herein due to the presence of slightly higher density of veins in addition to Cu-Mo
contents. The ages of the two are not resolvable by geochronological techniques and their
compositions (phenocrysts and matrix) are similar, however the Post Mineral Porphyries
crosscut Late Mineral Porphyries. The approximate age of emplacement for these intrusions is
55.0Ma-53.0Ma (Chapter 2), and any veins observed to have crosscut this rock are assumed to
be younger than the emplacement age of the Post Mineral Porphyries. These veins probably
represent the waning stages or last hydrothermal pulse present within the Quellaveco Cu-Mo
porphyry deposit. Observations of vein types within the Post Mineral Porphyry were made at
one location from drill hole MQ-115 (144.85m-166.32m) and for elevations above 3400m, only.

Quartz dominated, straight walled veins are the most common vein types within the
Post Mineral Porphyries (Table 5-1). Four vein types are observed, with the youngest vein type
associated with this intrusion type being recorded within all other rocks types. This vein type
contains fine grained quartz adjacent to the wall rock with later phases of comb textured quartz
overgrowing the fine grained quartz and terminating quartz towards the center of the vein. The
oldest veins are quartz dominated, but contain lesser amounts of pyrite and trace to negligible
chalcopyrite and locally have very thin feldspar selvages. The most dominant (volumetrically)
vein type within the Post Mineral Porphyries are quartz-pyrite-
chlorite±chalcopyrite±molybdenite, straight wall veins with thin feldspar selvages and inward
growing, interlocking quartz occasionally overgrown by anhedral feldspar in the vein center.
The relatively low concentrations of chalcopyrite and the most dominant vein containing
molybdenite, explain the higher Mo:Cu ratios observed within the Post Mineral Porphyries. For
simplicity, the veins have been grouped for the paragenetic model into common vein types:

a) Quartz dominated veins with disseminated sulphides ±K-feldspar selvages (veins 3-

4; Table 5-1).

b) Quartz dominated veins with sulphides and molybdenite with K-feldspar selvages
(vein 2; Table 5-1).

c) Open space quartz veins (vein 1; Table 5-1).

Table 5-1: Veins within Post Mineral Porphyry suite

# Minerals Selvage Notes
1 Qtz None straight; fine grained (<2mm); filled with
OldÆ Young

Qtz; open space Qtz

2 Qtz-Py-Cl±Cp±Mo Thin Kfs straight; inward growth of last phase Qtz;
interlocking Qtz; ±center Kfs filled
3 Qtz-Py None straight
4 Qtz»Py±Cp Thin Kfs straight
Notes: Qtz=Quartz, Py=Pyrite, Cl=Chlorite, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Mo=Molybdenite, Kfs=K-feldspar, »=much greater than, ±trace to
rarely occurring
- Bold=volumetrically dominant vein types

This youngest hydrothermal pulse at Quellaveco is associated with no wall rock

alteration of the Post Mineral Porphyry intrusions to weak quartz-sericite alteration. Very little in
the way of disseminations or sulphidation of mafic minerals is evident. Quartz dominated
straight walled veins with feldspar selvages, open space quartz and minor coarse grained
sulphides characterize the veins types observed within the Post Mineral Porphyry suite.













Figure 5-5: Photos of veins in Post and Late Mineral Porphyries. A) eQS1 veins with qtz-py and weak Kfs
selvage cut by eQS2 qtz-py-cl vein with weak Kfs selvage in Post Mineral Porphyry, B) eQS
vein cut by QSMo vein in Post Mineral Porphyry, C) EB vein cut by QSMo vein cut by lQS vein
in Late Mineral Porphyry, D) eQS vein (qtz>>py) cut by QSMo vein with Mo on vein margins
in Late Mineral Porphyry, E) eQS vein cut by QSMo vein in Late Porphyry, and F) two eQS
veins containing qtz>>py with weak Kfs selvages cut by a D-vein containing qtz-py.

Veins in Late Porphyry
The Late Mineral Porphyry suite is the second youngest series of porphyry intrusions
present within the Quellaveco Igneous Complex and combined with the Post Mineral Porphyry
suite comprise approximately 10% of the QIC, by volume. They form stocks and dykes that
typically contain 0.25% Cu and have marginally higher Mo:Cu ratios when compared to older
intrusions (Figure 5-3). Vein densities within the intrusions are typically very low, though
slightly higher than within the Post Mineral Porphyries, with one vein occurring approximately
every 30-40cm. Due to the low vein densities present and only the use of drill core to make
observations, no crosscutting relationships of veins within the Late Mineral Porphyries being cut
by the Post Mineral Porphyries were visible. However, similar veins to those observed within the
Post Mineral Porphyries are present within the Late Mineral Porphyries and were used as a
proxy for the relative timing of veins (Appendix 4: Table A4-1). Observations of vein types
within the Late Mineral Porphyry suite were only made for elevations above 3400m, from three
separate locations (drill holes MQ-144, MQ-70 and MQ-76; 225.6m-231.3m, 194.86m-208.33m
and 329.75m-343.23m, respectively) and are compiled below (Table 5-3).

Table 5-3: Veins within Late mineral porphyry suite

# Minerals Selvage Notes
1 Qtz»Py±Cp Qtz-Ser straight; very tr Mo

2 Drusy Qtz»Py None straight; tr Kfs in and on vein edge

3 Py»Qtz-Cl±Cp None straight
4 Qtz-Py-Mo-Cl None straight; diffuse grainy Qtz; tr Kfs at vein edge
5 Qtz-Py±Cp None straight; irregular Qtz; diffuse
6 Qtz»Py±Cp Discontinuous Kfs straight
7 Qtz-Py-Bt(Cl)±Cp None straight
8 Bt(Cl)±Py±Cp None straight; diffuse; discontinuous
Notes: Qtz=Quartz, Py=Pyrite, Cl=Chlorite, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Mo=Molybdenite, Kfs=K-feldspar, Bt=Biotite, Ser=sericite, »=much
greater than, ±trace to rarely occurring, tr.=trace, trace, (mineral)=secondary after mineral to left;
- unit has very low vein densities (less than 1 per 30cm)
- Bold=volumetrically dominant vein types
- high Mo:Cu compared to other intrusions
- Qtz vein dominated with rare Bt bearing veins
- All veins cut by Post Mineral Porphyries

Veins within the Late Mineral Porphyry intrusions are quartz dominated, however, more
sulphide and complexity of veins was observed for veins contained within the Late Mineral
Porphyry suite compared to the Post Mineral Porphyry suite. Volumetrically, quartz dominated
veins containing molybdenite comprise most of the veins within this rock type (Table 5-3). Two
types of quartz veins containing molybdenite were observed with one occurring immediately
prior to quartz veins with quartz-sericite selvages (vein type 4; Table 5-3) and the other is the
quartz veins with a quartz sericite selvage (vein type 1; Table 5-3). Like the Post Mineral
Porphyry suite, the Late Mineral Porphyry suite contain similar quartz dominated veins with
disseminated sulphides with trace to discontinuous K-feldspar selvages, as well as drusy quartz

veins with minor pyrite and K-feldspar. Unlike veins observed within the Post Mineral Porphyry
suite, the Late Mineral Porphyry suite contains biotite and chlorite bearing veins earlier in the
vein sequence. Of the biotite and chlorite bearing veins, one type is observed to contain no
quartz and is discontinuous (vein 8; Table 5-3), and the other vein type contained quartz with
more sulphide and is continuous (vein 7; Table 5-3). The later may simply be a more evolved
version of the prior vein.

A noticeable difference to veins within earlier porphyries is that all veins observed within
the Late Mineral Porphyry suite are straight walled. Veins within the Late Mineral Porphyry suite
have been grouped into six different major vein types (from oldest to youngest):

a) Straight walled biotite bearing veins with variable amounts of quartz, pyrite and
chalcopyrite (veins 7-8, Table 5-3).

b) Quartz dominated veins with disseminated sulphides ± K-feldspar selvages (veins

types 5-6; Table 5-3).

c) Quartz dominated veins with sulphides and molybdenite with K-feldspar selvages
(vein 4; Table 5-3).

d) Pyrite dominated veins with minor quartz-chlorite and trace chalcopyrite (vein 3;
Table 5-3).

e) Open space quartz veins with minor pyrite and K-feldspar (vein 2; Table 5-3).

f) quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite veins with minor molybdenite and quartz-sericite selvages

(vein 1; Table 5-3).

From these observations, it is evident that similar types of veins have been repeated
from the Late Mineral Porphyry suite and Post Mineral Porphyry suite with vein type 2 (Late)
being similar to vein type 1 (Post), vein type 3 (Late) being similar to vein type 2 (Post) and
vein type 5 (Late) being similar to vein type 3 (Post). This indicates that, at least in part, vein
sequences have been repeated through two hydrothermal pulses.

The second youngest hydrothermal pulse at Quellaveco is associated with a weak

quartz-sericite and K-feldspar-biotite alteration and very little in the way of dissemination or
sulphidized mafic minerals. Quartz veins bearing molybdenite and quartz-sulphide veins with
quartz-sericite selvages, both straight walled, dominate the majority of the veins types present
in the Late Mineral Porphyry suite; however, drusy quartz veins are diagnostic of the

hydrothermal system that followed the emplacement of the Late Mineral Porphyries at
elevations above 3400m to surface.

Veins in Monzodiorite Porphyry

The Monzodiorite Porphyry suite is the third youngest porphyry intrusion within the
Quellaveco Igneous Complex. These porphyry intrusions are cross cut by both the Late and
Post Mineral Porphyries but cross cut the Intermineral Porphyries. Monzodiorite Porphyry
intrusions form narrow dykes (<1m and up to ~20m wide) that occur within the Intermineral
dyke complex, but are not mappable at the scale of the deposit. Collectively, these intrusions
are much less volumetrically abundant than the Intermineral, Early and Post Mineral porphyries
and do not contribute large amounts of Cu and Mo to the Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo system.
However, the high grades observed within these intrusions add to their importance to the
Quellaveco porphyry system. Monzodiorite Porphyry intrusions typically contain 0.4% to >1%
Cu and have lower Mo:Cu ratios than the younger porphyry dykes, but higher Mo:Cu ratios than
the older intrusions (Figure 5-3). Vein density within Monzodiorite Porphyries range from low to
very high (5% to 20%) with one vein occurring approximately every 3-8cm at its densest. The
highest densities often occur where magnetite-bearing veins are present.

Only drill core was used to determine the vein paragenesis within the Monzodiorite
Porphyry suite. All veins (Table 5-4) have either been crosscut by Late Mineral Porphyry
intrusions or their relative timing to veins cut by the Late Mineral Porphyry intrusions suggests
that the veins occurred prior to the emplacement of Late Mineral Porphyry suite. Veins that
occur later than those temporally associated with the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite (i.e. those
contained within Late and Post Mineral Porphyry intrusions) are present within the Monzodiorite
Porphyry intrusions and are recorded in Appendix 4: Table A4-2. Vein types temporally
associated with Monzodiorite Porphyry suite were recorded at three different elevation levels;
>3400m, from 3000-3400m and <3000m, to emphasize the changing characteristics of vein
types present at different depths of emplacement within the deposit. Observations of vein types
within the Monzodiorite Porphyries were recorded from eight separate locations (drill holes
MQ07-02, MQ07-06, MQ07-07, MQ07-07, MQ07-07, MQ07-07, MQ07-05 and MQ07-05;
197.15m-215.19m, 240.50m-253.30m, 687.20m-709.50m, 613.50m-632.10m, 444.50m-
459.70m, 504.70m-519.90m, 213.10m-230.90m and 244.40m-256.20m, respectively) and were
compiled below (Table 5-4).

Veins within the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite are magnetite and K-feldspar dominated,
however, more sulphide and complexity of veins and diversity of vein types was observed for

Table 5-4: Veins within Monzodiorite porphyry suite at various elevations
# Minerals Selvage Notes
>3400m elevation
Youngest 1 Py-Cp>Qtz Qtz-Ser selvage straight
2 Qtz»Py±Cp Kfs-Bt selvage straight
3 Qtz=Cp-Mo±Py None straight
4 Qtz»Bt-Mo±Cp±Py Kfs straight
5 Py-Cp None rarely wavy
6 Cp-Py±Qtz Discontinuous Kfs rarely wavy
7 Qtz-Py>Cl>Bt>Cp Kfs wavy
8 Qtz=Cp-Py>Bt None straight

9 Qtz>Bt-Cp-Py None straight

10 Bt-Cp-Py None straight
11 Cl-Bt-Anhy±Mag Cl-Bt wavy
12 Qtz=Bt>Cp-Py Kfs-Bt wavy; v. infrequent

13 Mag-Cp-Qtz±Bt±Cl None wavy; crystalline Qtz; net texture and intergrown

>3000m and <3400m elevation
1 Qtz>Py-Cp±Mo Qtz-Ser straight; ± patchy massive Mag-Cp

2 Qtz±Cp±Py Kfs straight

3 Qtz>=Py-Mo±Cp v. thin Kfs straight; sulphides concentrated on vn edge
4 Qtz>Py-Cp None straight
5 Qtz=Py±Cp Discontinuous Kfs wavy
6 Qtz±Cp±Py Kfs wavy
7 Qtz-Cl>Cp-Py Kfs wavy
8 Qtz>Py-Cp±Bt(Cl)-Cl None straight
9 Qtz-Py±Bt(Cl)±Cp Kfs straight; discontinuous

10 Qtz>Bt-Cp-Py±Mo None straight

11 Qtz-Kfs-Bt>Cp-Py Bt straight
12 Qtz-Bt>Py±Cp Kfs wavy
13 Mag-Cl>Py±Cp None wavy
14 Mag-Cp-Qtz Kfs straight
15 Mag-Cp-Act None wavy

16 Mag-Cp None wavy

17 Bt±Cp±Py None straight; discontinuous; “ghosted”
<3000m elevation
1 Qtz>Py±Cp Qtz-Ser ±wavy
Oldest Æ Youngest

2 Qtz-Py-Cl Kfs straight

3 Qtz≥Mo>Py-Cp Discontinuous Kfs straight; Mo on edge and in vein
4 Qtz-Py±Cp ± thin Kfs straight
5 Cl-Py>Qtz ± thin Kfs wavy
6 Cl-Bt>Py-Qtz None straight
7 Qtz-Cp-Py-Bt-Cl±Mag Thin Kfs wavy; grainy Qtz
8 Bt-Cl=Py-Cp Kfs wavy; diffuse
9 Bt±Cp±Py None straight
Notes: Qtz=Quartz, Py=Pyrite, Cl=Chlorite, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Mo=Molybdenite, Kfs=K-feldspar, Bt=biotite, Anhy=anhydrite,
Mag=magnetite, Act=actinolite, >=greater than, »=much greater than, ±trace to rarely occurring, tr.=trace, trace,
(mineral)=secondary after mineral to left
- Bold=volumetrically dominant vein types
- Bt-Cl w/Kfs selvage dominated; lesser Qtz-Sulphides vns; Mo-bearing vns very dense and multiple types
- All veins cut by Late and Post Mineral Porphyries



C EQS/LQS D Monzodiorite


Intermineral QSMo




Figure 5-6: Photos of veins in Post and Late Mineral Porphyries. A) MCN vein from Moznodiorite
Porphyry cross cutting eQS veins which cross cut EB veins within the Intermineral Porphyry
from approximately 50cm from the contact with Monzodiorite Porphyry, B) lQS vein cutting
biotite-bearing eQS vein which cuts MCN vein within the Monzodiorite Porphyry within the
Monzodiorite Porphyry on and approximately 3m from photo A), C) D-vein cutting lQS or
eQS veinEB vein, which cuts LB vein which cuts EB vein within the Monzodiorite Porphyry,
D) Contact between Intermineral Porphyry (lower) and Monzodiorite Porphyry showing
QSMo veins within the Intermineral Porphyry cut byt the Monzodiorite Porphyry and several
eQS and lQS veins cutting through both the Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries, E)
lQS vein cutting S vein which cuts eQS vein which cuts EB vein within the Intermineral
Porphyry cut, and F) D-vein cutting QSMo vein which cuts two orientations of eQS veins
within the Intermineral Porphyry.

veins contained within the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite compared to younger porphyry
intrusions. Volumetrically, magnetite dominated veins containing variable amounts of chlorite,
biotite, chalcopyrite and pyrite with lesser actinolite, quartz and anhydrite, make up most of the
veins within this rock type (Table 5-4). Typical of magnetite veins within both the Monzodiorite
and Earliest Porphyry suites, the magnetite and chalcopyrite commonly form as a net texture of
chalcopyrite within magnetite (Figure 5-6). In addition to the magnetite dominated veins,
quartz veins with K-feldspar within the veins and as selvages with variable amounts of
chalcopyrite, pyrite and molybdenite and lesser biotite compose a large volume of the veins
within the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite, though generally less than the magnetite-bearing veins.
Compared to the veins temporally associated with other porphyry suites (younger and older)
the veins temporally associated with the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite tend to have more of a
wavy characteristic rather than being straight walled.

Molybdenite bearing veins occur within quartz veins prior to the development of quartz
veins with quartz-sericite selvages but after the magnetite veins. These veins likely are the
same family of Mo-bearing veins through all depths within the Monzodiorite Porphyry intrusions
(vein types 3, 10 and 4 at deep, moderate and shallow depths, respectively; Table 5-4). Unlike
veins observed within the younger porphyries, the Monzodiorite Porphyry intrusions contain
largely magnetite and biotite bearing veins as the earliest suite of veins; most of which contain
no or very little quartz. Quartz-bearing magnetite veins likely are a more evolved version of the
magnetite dominated veins and are thus grouped together. Net textured magnetite and
chalcopyrite was only observed at the shallowest levels of the QIC, but probably is present at
depth, perhaps due to only a limited number of drill holes intersecting the Monzodiorite
Porphyry intrusions at depth. Biotite dominated veins occur prior to the magnetite dominated
veins but are not present at shallower levels within the deposit associated with the Monzodiorite
Porphyry suite.

Veins within the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite have been grouped into seven different
major vein types (from oldest to youngest):

a) Biotite dominated veins containing variable amounts of pyrite, chalcopyrite and

chlorite, which are dominantly straight walled, but occasionally wavy and occur
immediately prior to magnetite dominated veins (vein types 8 and 9 at <3000m, and
17 between 3000m and 3400m; Table 5-4).

b) Wavy (rarely straight walled) magnetite-bearing veins with variable amounts of

chalcopyrite, pyrite, chlorite and biotite and lesser anhydrite, quartz and actinolite,

chalcopyrite and magnetite occasionally form net textures, with rare K-feldspar
selvages at deeper levels and chlorite-biotite selvages at shallower levels (vein types
7 at <3000m, 13-16 between 3000m-3400m and 11-13 at levels >3400m; Table 5-

c) Wavy at deeper levels and straight walled at shallow levels, chlorite-biotite-quartz

dominated veins, with generally minor sulphide, containing lesser amounts of pyrite,
but in greater quantities than chalcopyrite (vein types 5-6 at <3000m, 11-12
between 3000m-3400m and 9-10 at levels >3400m; Table 5-4).

d) Wavy at depth with increasing straight walled nature higher in the system, quartz
dominated veins with lesser pyrite-chalcopyrite and still lesser biotite-chlorite and
rare molybdenite veins with K-feldspar (trace biotite) or no selvage, rare vein where
sulphide is greater than quartz (vein types 4 at <3000m, 4-10 between 3000m-
3400m and 5-8 at levels >3400m; Table 5-4).

e) Straight walled quartz-molybdenite dominated veins with lesser chalcopyrite-pyrite

and rare biotite, with K-feldspar selvages and sulphides concentrated on the vein
edges (vein types 3 at <3000m, 3 between 3000m-3400m and 3-4 at levels
>3400m; Table 5-4).

f) Straight walled quartz-pyrite dominated veins with rare chalcopyrite and K-feldspar
(rare biotite) selvage (vein types 2 at <3000m, 2 between 3000m-3400m and 2 at
levels >3400m; Table 5-4).

g) Straight walled (rarely wavy) quartz dominated veins with quartz-sericite selvages
containing lesser chalcopyrite-pyrite and rare molybdenite in both the selvages and
veins and rare magnetite in the veins (vein types 1 at <3000m, 1 between 3000m-
3400m and 1 at levels >3400m; Table 5-4).

The hydrothermal event temporally associated with the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite
contains a marked increase in the diversity and amount of veins present, compared with
younger hydrothermal events. Compared with the younger hydrothermal events this event does
not have a significant component of molybdentite bearing veins nor are quartz veins with
quartz-sericite selvages volumetrically important compared with other veins types. Biotite
dominated veins are more prominent early and deeper in the system, whereas magnetite
bearing veins dominate the early vein components higher up within the system. Aside from the
early magnetite and biotite bearing veins, quartz-chalcopyrite-pyrite and molybdenite bearing

veins are the most important veins types volumetrically, contributing to the higher overall
copper and molybdenum concentrations associated with this intrusive suite. As with the
younger hydrothermal systems, wavy veins are more prominent deeper in the system and
straight walled veins more dominant higher up in the system. This event contains significant
chalcopyrite disseminations particularly at mafic mineral sites within the Monzodiorite Porphyry
intrusions. For the most part, the wall rock to the veins within the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite
are K-feldspar and biotite altered with traces of anhydrite, particularly deeper in the system
with a younger chlorite overprint of mafic minerals and local sericite alteration of feldspar,
particularly where this rock types is adjacent to younger porphyry intrusions.

Veins in Intermineral Porphyry

Veins that are contained within the Intermineral Porphyry suite but cut by younger, in
particular, the Monzodiorite Porphyry intrusions represent the fourth youngest hydrothermal
event within the Quellaveco Igneous Complex. These porphyries are cross cut by the Late Post
Mineral and Monzodiorite Porphyry suites but cross cut the Early Porphyry intrusions, bracketing
the veins to being cross cut by Monzodiorite Porphyries and having been emplaced immediately
after the emplacement of the Intermineral Porphyry suite. They form a dyke complex with the
Monzodiorite Porphyry intrusions and volumetrically comprise the second most important
porphyry suite after the Early Porphyry suite. Individually the dykes range from 1m wide to
several 10’s of meters wide and are oriented in a NNW direction. The Intermineral Porphyry
intrusions comprise the second most important unit volumetrically within the QIC and have
lower Mo:Cu ratios than younger hydrothermal events. Additionally, vein densities are
approximately the same as in the Monzodiorite Porphyries (one vein every 3-8cm) and contains
0.4%->0.6% Cu, making the hydrothermal event associated with the Intermineral Porphyries
the second most important time with respect to Cu and Mo endowment at Quellaveco (Figure

Only drill core was used to determine the vein paragenesis within the Intermineral
Porphyry suite. All vein types that were recorded in later porphyries (i.e. Post Mineral through
Monzodiorite) are present within the Intermineral Porphyries and are recorded in Appendix 4:
Table A4-3. Vein types temporally associated with Intermineral Porphyries were recorded at
three different elevation levels; >3400m, from 3000-3400m and <3000m, to emphasize the
changing characteristics of vein types present at different depths of emplacement within the
deposit. Observations of vein types within the Intermineral Porphyries were recorded from six
separate locations (drill holes MQ07-06, MQ07-06, MQ07-07, MQ07-13, MQ83 and MQ07-10;

Table 5-5: Veins within Intermineral porphyry suite at various elevations
# Minerals Selvage Notes
>3400m elevation
Youngest 1 Qtz≥Cp-Py Qtz-Ser±Bt straight; coarse crystalline Qtz
2 Qtz»Cp-Mo-Py Weak Kfs straight
3 Py≥Qtz>Cp None straight
4 Qtz-Cp-Py Discontinuous Kfs straight
5 Qtz»Cp-Py None wavy; coarse crystalline Qtz; sulphide
disseminated in vein

6 Qtz-Py-Cp-Cl None ±wavy

7 Qtz-Py>Cp±Bt(Cl) None straight

8 Qtz>Bt(Cl)Cp-Py±Cl None wavy; grainy diffuse Qtz; sulphide concentrated

within and immediately around vn
>3000m and <3400m elevation
*1 Qtz≥Py-Cp-Mo Kfs wavy

2 Qtz-Cp-Py±Cl None straight

*3 Qtz-Cl-Py±Cp None wavy
4 Qtz-Py-Cp Bt wavy
*5 Cl-Py±Cp None wavy
6 Qtz-Py>Bt(Cl)±Cp Kfs wavy

7 Kfs»Cp-Py-Qtz Weak Bt straight

*8 Bt=Qtz-Py-Cp Non straight; diffuse
9 Py-Bt(Cl)>Qtz±Cp None straight

*10 Bt(Cl)-Qtz-Py None wavy

*11 Bt(Cl)±Py±Cp None ±wavy
<3000m elevation
1 Qtz=Py-Cp Qtz-Ser straight
2 Qtz≥Cp-Mo±Py Kfs wavy; grainy Qtz

3 Qtz-Py-Cp±Bt(Cl) Weak Kfs ±wavy

4 Qtz»Cp-Py>Cl None wavy
5 Qtz»Bt(Cl)±Py None straight
6 Qtz»Cp±Cl Kfs wavy
7 Qtz>Cl-Py±Cp None ±wavy

8 Qtz-Cp>Bt(Cl)±Py±Cl Discontinuous Kfs straight

9 Qtz>Bt±Cp Discontinuous Kfs wavy
10 Qtz>Bt-Cp±Py None straight

11 Bt=Qtz±Cp None straight

12 Bt>Qtz>Cp-Py None wavy; grainy Qtz; discontinuous
Notes: Qtz=Quartz, Py=Pyrite, Cl=Chlorite, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Mo=Molybdenite, Kfs=K-feldspar, Bt=biotite, Anhy=anhydrite,
Mag=magnetite, Act=actinolite, ==equal to, ≥=greater than or equal to, >=greater than, »=much greater than, ±=trace to rarely
occurring, tr.=trace, trace, (mineral)=secondary after mineral to left
- Bold=volumetrically dominant vein types
- *=Cut by Monzonite Porphyry; rest by relative timing/crosscutting relationships

611.15m-625.60m, 578.60m-593.4m, 713.00m-728.00m, 980.10m-998.70m, 393.15m-413.38m

and 273.50m-290.20m, respectively) and were compiled below (Table 5-5).

Veins within the Intermineral Porphyries are quartz-sulphide dominated, however, less
complexity of veins and diversity of vein types was observed for veins contained within the
Intermineral Porphyries compared to Monzodiorite Porphyry intrusions. Volumetrically, quartz
dominated veins containing variable amounts of chalcopyrite and pyrite with lesser amounts of
biotite and chlorite, make up most of the veins within this rock type (Table 5-5; Figure 5-6).
Quartz-sulphide-bearing veins with quartz-sericite selvages become more prominent at higher
elevations within the QIC.

As with the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite, veins within the Intermineral Porphyry
intrusions include molybdenite-bearing veins that occur before quartz veins with quartz-sericite
selvages but after the remainder of vein types recorded (vein types 2, 1 and 2 at shallow,
moderate and deep depths, respectively; Table 5-5). Unlike the later porphyry intrusions, the
suite of veins associated with the Intermineral Porphyry intrusions are quartz dominated, as
opposed to biotite-magnetite dominated or quartz-molybdenite dominated. Although, primarily
biotite-bearing veins were not observed at the upper parts of the Intermineral Porphyry suite,
the quartz-bearing biotite veins have been grouped with the biotite veins at lower elevations
because they likely represent a more evolved version at higher levels of the biotite dominated

Veins within the Intermineral Porphyry intrusions have been grouped into six different
major vein types (from oldest to youngest):

a) Wavy (rarely straight) biotite dominated veins containing variable amounts of pyrite,
chalcopyrite and quartz with chlorite rarely replacing biotite. These veins have no
selvages (vein types 11 and 12 at <3000m, 8-11 between 3000m-3400m and 7 and
8 at levels >3400m; Table 5-5).

b) Straight and diffuse K-feldspar dominated veins with lesser chalcopyrite, pyrite and
quartz. A weak biotite selvage associated with this type of vein was only observed at
moderate depths (vein type 7 between 3000m-3400m; Table 5-5).

c) Wavy at deeper levels, and straight walled at shallow levels, quartz dominated veins
with variable amounts of chalcopyrite and pyrite and lesser biotite and rare chlorite.
The veins typically have weak to discontinuous K-feldspar selvages with rare biotite
(vein types 4-10 at <3000m, 3-6 between 3000m-3400m and 4-6 at levels >3400m;
Table 5-5).

d) Straight-walled sulphide (chalcopyrite and pyrite) dominated veins with lesser quartz
and rare biotite and chlorite with a weak to absent K-feldspar selvage (vein types 3
at <3000m, 2 between 3000m-3400m and 3 at levels >3400m; Table 5-5).

e) Straight walled (wavy deeper) quartz-molybdenite-chalcopyrite dominated veins with

lesser pyrite, with K-feldspar selvages and typically grainy quartz (vein types 2 at
<3000m, 1 between 3000m-3400m and 2 at levels >3400m; Table 5-5).

f) Straight walled, coarsely crystalline quartz veins with sub-equal amounts of pyrite
and chalcopyrite, and quartz-sericite selvages (vein types 1 at <3000m and 1 at
levels >3400m; Table 5-5).

Though the grades are not as high as observed within the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite,
the Intermineral Porphyry suite is volumetrically much more important. Compared with the
younger hydrothermal events, this event does not have a significant component of molybdenite
bearing veins. However, unlike the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite veins with quartz-sericite
selvages are important, particularly at higher elevations. Biotite dominated veins are more
prominent early and deeper in the system. Magnetite-bearing veins were not observed within
the Intermineral Porphyry suite, aside from those veins more closely related to the Monzodiorite
Porphyry intrusions near their contacts. Unlike younger hydrothermal systems related to other
porphyry intrusions, the volumetrically most important vein types within the Intermineral
Porphyry suite are dominated by quartz, chalcopyrite and pyrite with weak to absent K-feldspar
selvages. Wavy veins are more prominent deeper in the system and straight walled veins more
dominant higher up in the system. This hydrothermal event contains significant chalcopyrite
disseminations particularly at mafic mineral sites. For the most part, the wall rock to the veins
within the Intermineral Porphyries are K-feldspar and biotite altered below 3000m lavation and
quartz sericite altered at higher elevations with patches of preserved potassic alteration.

Veins in Early Porphyry

The Early Porphyry suite represents the second oldest and volumetrically most important
hydrothermal event within the Quellaveco Igneous Complex. These porphyries are cross cut by
the Late, Post Mineral, Monzodiorite and Intermineral Porphyry intrusions but cross cut the
Earliest Porphyry intrusions, bracketing the veins to being cross cut by Intermineral Porphyry
suite and having been emplaced immediately after the Early Porphyry suite. They form dykes
and NW-SE elongated stocks and volumetrically compose over half of the QIC, by far the most
important intrusive phase. These intrusions range from small 1 to 2m wide dykes to large
stocks that may be up to 1000m by 500m (Figure 5-3). The Early Porphyry intrusions are,
volumetrically, the most important units within the QIC and have Mo:Cu ratios similar to those
within the Intermineral Porphyries. Additionally, vein densities are slightly higher than those
observed within the Monzodiorite and Intermineral Porphyry suites (one vein every 3-6cm) and
contains 0.4%->0.6% Cu, making the hydrothermal event associated with the Early Porphyry
suite the most important with respect to Cu and Mo endowment at Quellaveco (Figure 5-3). The
higher vein densities observed within this unit may reflect the fact that this unit occurs prior to

younger hydrothermal systems and serves as a host unit to the younger hydrothermal systems
as well. The approximate age of emplacement for these intrusions is 56.5Ma-55.9Ma, placing
the age of the hydrothermal event associated with the Early Porphyry suite to immediately after
this timeframe. This age range directly overlaps with both the Monzodiorite and Intermineral
Porphyry suites, suggesting that emplacement of intrusions, changes in igneous geochemistry
and emplacement of Cu-Mo bearing veins occurred in very short periods of time, perhaps as
little as 200k.a. (Chapter 2).

Only drill core was used to determine the vein paragenesis within the Intermineral
Porphyry intrusions. All vein types that were recorded in later porphyries (i.e. Post Mineral
through Intermineral) are present within the Early Porphyries and are recorded in Appendix 4:
Table A4-4. Vein types temporally associated with Early Porphyries were recorded at three
different elevation levels; >3400m, from 3000-3400m and <3000m, to emphasize the changing
characteristics of vein types present at different depths of emplacement within the deposit.
Observations of vein types within the Early Porphyries were recorded from six separate
locations (drill holes MQ07-07, MQ07-07, MQ07-07, MQ07-06, MQ07-02 and MQ07-02; 668.4m-
686.2m, 538.0m-553.2m, 418.2m-433.2m, 251.6m-262.9m, 104.9m-119.2m and 197.15m-
211.6m, respectively and were compiled below (Table 5-6).

Veins within the Intermineral Porphyry suite are quartz-sulphide dominated; however, as
observed within the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite, veins containing biotite and magnetite are
also present within the Early Porphyry intrusions. Volumetrically, quartz dominated veins
containing variable amounts of chalcopyrite and pyrite with lesser amounts of biotite and
chlorite, make up most of the veins within this rock type (Table 5-6; Figure 5-7). Quartz-
sulphide-bearing veins with quartz-sericite selvages become more prominent at higher
elevations within the QIC.

As with the Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyry suites, veins within the Early
Porphyry intrusions include molybdenite-bearing veins that predate quartz veins with quartz-
sericite selvages but after the remainder of vein types recorded (vein type 3 at shallow,
moderate and deep depths, respectively; Table 5-5). However, unlike within the Monzodiorite
and Intermineral Porphyry suites, veins associated with the Early Porphyry intrusions include a
quartz-sulphide±chlorite vein type that was emplaced after quartz-sulphide bearing veins with
quartz-sericite selvages. Quartz dominated sulphide-bearing veins are the dominant vein types
associated with the Early Porphyries. Quartz veins with quartz-sericite selvages are recorded at

Table 5-6: Veins within Early porphyry suite at various elevations
# Minerals Selvage Notes
>3400m elevation
Youngest 1 Py-Qtz>Cp Inconsistent Qtz-Ser Straight
2 Qtz>Cl>Cp-Py Inconsistent Kfs straight; Cl on vein edge
3 Qtz>Mo-Py>Cl-Cp Weak Kfs straight; cloudy Qtz
*4 Qtz-Cl±Cp None Wavy
5 Qtz-Kfs None Straight
6 Qtz>Py±Cp Thin Kfs ±wavy; center line; minor open space Qtz
*7 Qtz>Kfs-Cp-Py Kfs wavy; grainy Qtz
*8 Cl-Py>Qtz±Cp None Straight

9 Qtz-Py Qtz-Kfs Straight

*10 Qtz=Bt±Cp±Py None wavy
11 Qtz>Bt-Cp-Py Kfs straight; grainy Qtz; sulphide and Bt disseminated
in vein
12 Bt(Cl)>Py-Qtz±Cp None wavy

13 Bt-Mag-Cl-Cp-Mo None wavy; diffuse; Mag-Cp net texture

14 Qtz>Bt>Py-Cp None straight; diffuse; grainy Qtz
>3000m and <3400m elevation
*1 Qtz»Py None straight; sulphide between interlocking Qtz grains

2 Qtz≥Cp-Py Qtz-Ser straight; grainy Qtz

*3 Qtz»Mo±Py±Cp±Kfs Weak Kfs straight; Mo between coarse Qtz grains
4 Py>Cp±Qtz None straight
*5 Py-Cp>Qtz None wavy
*6 Py»Qtz-Cp None wavy
*7 Qtz>Cp-Py Weak Kfs straight; grainy Qtz
*8 Qtz»Cp-Py Discontinuous Kfs wavy; grainy Qtz; sulphide disseminated in vn
9 Qtz±Cp±Py Kfs straight
10 Qtz>Py-Cp Kfs wavy; open space Qtz
11 Qtz=Cp-Py Kfs-Bt wavy; vn pinches and swells

12 Cp-Py>Qtz-Cl None straight

13 Qtz-Py>Cp-Cl Kfs wavy
*14 Qtz-Cl≥Cp-Py Weak Kfs straight; grainy Qtz; sulphide disseminated in vn;
diffuse; discontinuous
15 Cp-Cl>Qtz-Py Kfs straight
16 Kfs>Qtz-Bt>Py-Cp Kfs straight
17 Qtz>Bt-Py-Cp None straight; diffuse; grainy Qtz
18 Mag-Cp-Cl-Mo±Py None wavy; Mag-Cp net texture

*19 Bt»Cl-Py-Cp None straight; discontinuous

20 Bt=Qtz±Cp±Py None straight; discontinuous
<3000m elevation
*1 Cl-Py>Qtz None wavy; discontinuous Qtz

*2 Qtz=Py-Cp Qtz-Ser; overprinted wavy; open space Qtz

by Kfs
*3 Qtz>=Cp-Py>Mo±Cl Qtz-Kfs straight; sulphide in centerline and selvage
4 Cp-Py>Qtz None wavy; diffuse; grainy Qtz
*5 Qtz-Cl>Py-Cp Non wavy; discontinuous
*6 Qtz≥Py-Cp Kfs straight
7 Qtz»Bt±Cp±Py Kfs straight; centerline sulphides

*8 Qtz-Cl-Cp>Py-Bt None straight; grainy Qtz; discontinuous; sulphide

disseminated in Qtz
9 Cp-Py≥Bt-Qtz-Cl Discontinuous Kfs wavy
10 Qtz>Bt(Cl)-Cp-Py None straight; discontinuous

11 Bt(Cl)=Qtz>Cp±Py None straight; diffuse

12 Bt-Cp>Qtz±Py None straight; diffuse; grainy Qtz; discontinuous
Notes: Qtz=Quartz, Py=Pyrite, Cl=Chlorite, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Mo=Molybdenite, Kfs=K-feldspar, Bt=biotite, Anhy=anhydrite,
Mag=magnetite, Act=actinolite, ==equal to, ≥=greater than or equal to, >=greater than, »=much greater than, ±=trace to rarely
occurring, tr.=trace, trace, (mineral)=secondary after mineral to left
- Bold=volumetrically dominant vein types
- *=Cut by Intermineral Porphyry; rest by relative timing/crosscutting relationships

A Monzodiorite Porphyry B



Early Porphyry




Early Porphyry


Figure 5-7: Photos of veins in Early Porphyry Earliest Porphyry and Granodiorite units. A) lQS vein
cutting S and EB veins within the Early Porphyry all cut by the Monzodiorite Porphyry, B)
QSMo vein cutting lQS vein cutting LB vein cutting MCN vein cutting EB vein in the Early
Porphyry, all of which are cut by younger veins, C) D vein cutting eQS and S veins cutting an
EB vein within the Early Porphyry all of which are cut by younger eQS (EQS2) and D veins
(D2), D) LQS and S veins cutting EB veins in Earliest Porphyry, E) D vein cutting MCN vein in
Earliest Porphyry; note the mottled chalcopyrite within the magnetite, and F) eQS/lQS veins
cutting EB veins in Granodiorite being cut by the Early Porphyry, which contains through
going EB/LB and eQS/lQS veins.

all levels within the resource but are more frequent at moderate and shallow depths. Biotite
bearing veins were recorded at all levels within the Early Porphyry suite; however, they become
more dominant at deeper levels within the Early Porphyry intrusions. Net textured magnetite-
chalcopyrite veins are also present within the Early Porphyry intrusions, though only sparsely
distributed and occur immediately after the biotite dominated veins. Magnetite-bearing veins
were only recorded at moderate and shallow levels of the resource, however it is presumed that
these veins are present at all levels, but were not recoded at deep levels due to an apparent
observation bias caused by making observations at only two locations with the deep portions of
the resource.

Veins within the Early Porphyry suite are grouped into eight different major vein types
(from oldest to youngest):

a) Straight walled biotite dominated veins containing variable amounts of chalcopyrite

and quartz with lesser pyrite and chlorite usually overprinting biotite, no selvages,
often discontinuous and diffuse containing grainy quartz (vein types 11 and 12 at
<3000m, 19 and 20 between 3000m-3400m and 14 at levels >3400m; Table 5-6).

b) Wavy magnetite-chalcopyrite dominated veins with variable amounts of chlorite and

molybdenite and rare pyrite and biotite, no selvage, chalcopyrite and magnetite form
net texture (vein type 18 between 3000m-3400m and 13 at levels >3400m; Table 5-

c) Rarely wavy, diffuse, quartz-biotite-chalcopyrite dominated veins with lesser pyrite

and rare chlorite, K-feldspar, they typically have no selvages and contain grainy
quartz with disseminated sulphides (vein types 9 and 10 at <3000m, 15-17 between
3000m-3400m and 10-12 at levels >3400m; Table 5-6).

d) Wavy, quartz-chlorite-pyrite dominated veins with lesser biotite-chalcopyrite and rare

K-feldspar, with a K-feldspar (trace biotite and quartz) selvage and rare centreline
sulphide and open space quartz growth (vein types 5-8 at <3000m, 7-14 between
3000m-3400m and 4-9 at levels >3400m; Table 5-6).

e) Wavy, diffuse pyrite dominated veins with lesser chalcopyrite and quartz, typically
contain grainy quartz at deeper levels (vein type 4 at <3000m and 4-6 between
3000m-3400m; Table 5-6).

f) Straight walled coarsely crystalline quartz veins with lesser amounts of pyrite,
chalcopyrite and molybdenite, rare chlorite and K-feldspar, with a weak K-feldspar

selvage and higher molybdenite contents at shallower levels, sulphides in centreline
deeper and disseminated at shallow levels (vein type 3 at <3000m, 3 between
3000m-3400m, and 2 and 3 at levels >3400m; Table 5-6).

g) Wavy at deep levels and straight at shallow levels, coarsely crystalline quartz veins
with sub-equal amounts of pyrite and lesser chalcopyrite, with quartz-sericite
selvages and rare open space quartz growths (vein type 2 at <3000m, 2 between
3000m-3400m and 1 at levels >3400m; Table 5-6).

h) Straight walled (wavy at deep levels), coarsely crystalline quartz veins with sub-
equal amounts of pyrite and lesser chlorite, with no selvage and occasionally
discontinuous quartz (vein types 1 at <3000m and 1 between 3000m-3400m; Table

These veins are temporally associated with the Early Porphyry suite and composes the
most important volume of copper and molybdenum within the Quellaveco resource. Though the
grades are not as high as observed within the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite it is volumetrically
much more important. Compared with the younger hydrothermal events this event does not
have a significant component of molybdenite bearing veins, though unlike the Monzodiorite
Porphyry suite veins with quartz-sericite selvages are important, particularly at higher
elevations. Biotite and magnetite dominated veins are more prominent early and deeper in the
system. As with the hydrothermal system associated with the Intermineral Porphyries
intrusions, the volumetrically most important vein types within the Early Porphyry intrusions are
dominated by quartz, chalcopyrite and pyrite with weak to absent K-feldspar selvages and
biotite dominated veins at deeper parts of the QIC. As with the younger hydrothermal systems,
wavy veins are more prominent deeper in the system, whereas straight walled veins are more
dominant higher up in the system. This hydrothermal event contains significant chalcopyrite
disseminations particularly at mafic mineral sites. For the most part, the wall rock to the veins
within the Early Porphyries are K-feldspar and biotite altered below 3000m elevation and quartz
sericite altered at higher elevations with patches of preserved potassic alteration.

Veins in Earliest Porphyry

The Earliest Porphyry suite composes the oldest porphyry intrusions present within the
Quellaveco Igneous Complex. They form large (up to 50m long drill ore intercepts) xenoliths
within the Early Porphyries that have only been observed at levels >3400m within the QIC and
do not outcrop. They typically contain >0.8% Cu, have low higher Mo:Cu ratios when compared
to younger intrusions (Figure 5-3) and volumetrically are the least important of the intrusions
that compose the QIC. Vein densities within the Late Mineral Porphyries are very high and in
zones where magnetite and chalcopyrite dominate appear to form replacements within the
Earliest Porphyry intrusions, with one vein occurring approximately every 3-6cm. In spite of the
high grades and vein densities observed within the Earliest Porphyries, the low overall volume
of this rock type within the QIC make the hydrothermal system associated with the Earliest
Porphyries to be of less importance then those associated with the Monzodiorite through Early
Porphyry events. All observations of veins were made at contacts with the Early Porphyry suite
and veins recorded below were all observed to have been crosscut by the Early Porphyry
intrusions (Table 5-7). Veins that were observed within the Earliest Porphyry, but interpreted to
be associated with younger hydrothermal systems were also observed (Appendix 4: Table A4-
5). Observations of vein types within the Earliest Porphyries were only made for elevations
above3400m, from two locations (drill holes MQ05-05 and MQ07-05; 213.1m-230.9mand
244.0m-277.7m, respectively) and were compiled below (Table 5-7).

Table 5-7: Veins within Earliest porphyries above 3400m elevation

# Minerals Selvage Notes
1 Cp-Py>Qtz Qtz-Ser ±wavy; discontinuous sulphide
2 Qtz>Kfs None wavy

3 Qtz>Cp>Py None straight; grainy Qtz

4 Py None wavy; discontinuous
5 Mag- None wavy; discontinuous; occasional net texture Mag-
Cp>Py±Bt±Kfs±Qtz±Ser Cp
6 Mo≥Qtz»Cp None ±wavy; coarse Qtz (±open space)
7 Qtz>Cp-Py Discontinuous Kfs wavy; grainy Qtz

8 Qtz-Kfs±Cp±Py None straight; diffuse; grainy Qtz

9 Qtz-Bt Discontinuous Kfs wavy
10 Qtz»Cp-Py None wavy; coarse (±open space) Qtz; sulphide

disseminated in vein
11 Qtz-Bt>Py±Cp None straight; diffuse; grainy Qtz
Notes: Qtz=Quartz, Py=Pyrite, Cl=Chlorite, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Mo=Molybdenite, Kfs=K-feldspar, Bt=biotite, Anhy=anhydrite,
Mag=magnetite, Act=actinolite, ==equal to, ≥=greater than or equal to, >=greater than, »=much greater than, ±=trace to rarely
occurring, tr.=trace, trace, (mineral)=secondary after mineral to left
- Bold=volumetrically dominant vein types
- All veins cut by Early Porphyry

Veins within the Earliest Porphyry suite are magnetite-chalcopyrite-quartz dominated.

However, more sulphide and complexity of veins was observed for veins contained within the
younger porphyry units. Unlike the paragenetic sequence of the vein types in younger intrusive
suites, quartz and molybdenite bearing veins in the Earliest Porphyry suite are older than the
magnetite-chalcopyrite dominated veins. Volumetrically, magnetite-chalcopyrite and quartz-
biotite dominated veins are the most important vein types (Table 5-7). Selvages to the veins
are restricted to rare K-feldspar selvages and late quartz-pyrite veins with quartz-sericite
selvages. The veins within the Earliest Porphyry suite are dominated by wavy walls rather than
straight walled veins.

Veins within the Earliest Porphyry suite have been grouped into seven different major
vein types (from oldest to youngest):

a) Straight walled and wavy quartz-biotite bearing veins with lesser amounts of pyrite
and chalcopyrite with coarse to grainy quartz (vein types 10 and 11, Table 5-7).

b) Wavy (±diffuse), quartz dominated veins with disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite
and lesser K-feldspar and biotite with K-feldspar selvages and grainy quartz (vein
types 7-9; Table 5-7).

c) Wavy, molybdenite dominated veins with sub-equal amounts of quartz and rare
chalcopyrite with coarse open space growth quartz (vein types 6; Table 5-7).

d) Wavy, discontinuous, magnetite-chalcopyrite dominated veins with minor pyrite and

trace biotite, K-feldspar, quartz and sericite, with magnetite and chalcopyrite forming
a net texture (vein type 5; Table 5-7).

e) Wavy, discontinuous pyrite veins (vein type 4; Table 5-7).

f) Straight walled and wavy quartz dominated veins with lesser K-feldspar and
chalcopyrite and trace pyrite, with grainy quartz (vein types 2 and 3; Table 5-7).

g) Straight walled (rarely wavy), discontinuous chalcopyrite-pyrite veins with lesser

quartz and quartz-sericite selvages (vein type 1; Table 5-7).

The oldest hydrothermal event at Quellaveco was associated with a weak K-feldspar-
biotite alteration with late quartz-sericite alteration of wall rocks. It is not readily apparent if the
late quartz sericite alteration is temporally associated with the Earliest Porphyry or with the
younger porphyry units which are dominated by quartz-sericite alteration at shallow levels
within the Quellaveco Sulphide disseminations are important in this unit, particularly at mafic
sites that have been partially replaced by sulphides. Magnetite-chalcopyrite veins dominate this
unit and may be so dense that the rock appears to be replaced rather than cut by magnetite-
chalcopyrite veins.

Veins in Granodiorite (Cut by Early Porphyries)

The “Regional Granodiorite” is considered to be a pre-mineral rock type, having been
emplaced prior to the majority of the Cu-Mo deposition. The unit is equigranular and
hornblende bearing ranging in grain size from approximately 1cm to 2mm in size. The unit
occurs as a pluton which intrudes the Toquepala Group volcanic rocks spanning an area of at
least three by ten kilometres, elongated in a northwest direction (Figure 5-2 and 5-3). In

general, the unit is barren with respect to Cu and Mo but near the contacts with younger
porphyry intrusions, the Cu grades and vein density increases to levels similar to the particular
porphyry that the granodiorite is in contact with. The granodiorite was emplaced at
approximately 60.4-59.1Ma (Chapter 2). There is some evidence that a hydrothermal system
predates the Early Porphyry intrusions, but post dates the granodiorite as seen by quartz veins
within the granodiorite being cross cut by an Early Porphyry unit (Figure 5-7). However, since
the Earliest Porphyry has not been observed in contact with the granodiorite, it is unclear
whether this hydrothermal event is temporally associated with the Earliest Porphyry or is
temporally associated with some other unrecognized timeframe. Since the granodiorite is the
oldest intrusive unit and is not generally a significant host of Cu-Mo veins within the QIC no
observations were recorded where veins crosscut the granodiorite contact with younger
porphyry units. Observations of vein types within the granodiorite that have been cross cut by
the Early Porphyries were made at 2 locations, both at <3400m elevation (drill holes MQ-0702
and MQ-0706; 104.90m-119.20m and 251.6m-262.9m, respectively) and were compiled below
(Table 5-8).

Table 5-8: Veins within Regional Granodiorite above 3400m elevation

# Minerals Selvage Notes
1 Qtz-Cl>Py-Cp-Mo None wavy; diffuse; grainy Qtz

2 Qtz-Cp-Py±Bt None wavy

3 Qtz>Bt-Py-Cp None wavy
4 Qtz-Cp-Py Qtz-Bt±Kfs straight
5 Bt>Py-Cp Kfs straight
6 Qtz-Bt>Cp-Py>Kfs None straight; Kfs in centerline
7 Bt=Qtz±Cp None straight
8 Bt>Qtz±Py±Cp None straight
Notes: Qtz=Quartz, Py=Pyrite, Cl=Chlorite, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Mo=Molybdenite, Kfs=K-feldspar, Bt=biotite, Anhy=anhydrite,
Mag=magnetite, Act=actinolite, ==equal to, ≥=greater than or equal to, >=greater than, »=much greater than, ±=trace to rarely
occurring, tr.=trace, trace, (mineral)=secondary after mineral to left
- Bold=volumetrically dominant vein types
- All veins cut by Early Porphyry; either associated with Earliest Porphyry or some other unknown event prior to the emplacement of
Early Porphyry units

Veins within the granodiorite are quartz dominated, however, a variety of earlier biotite
dominated veins also comprise a significant volume of veins present within the granodiorite.
Volumetrically, quartz dominated veins containing chalcopyrite and pyrite with rare biotite are
the most important vein types (Table 5-8). Vein types observed to have been cross cut by the
Early Porphyry intrusions are less complex than those observed within all younger porphyry
intrusions and are far less dense than veins observed in younger units.

Veins within the granodiorite have been grouped into three different major vein types
(from oldest to youngest):

a) Straight walled biotite bearing veins with variable amounts of quartz, pyrite and
chalcopyrite and lesser K-feldspar with rare K-feldspar selvages and also within
centrelines (vein types 5-8, Table 5-8).

b) Straight wall and wavy quartz dominated with variable amounts of chalcopyrite and
pyrite and rare biotite with rare selvages containing quartz, K-feldspar and biotite
(vein types 2-4; Table 5-8).

c) Wavy, diffuse quartz, chlorite dominated veins with lesser chalcopyrite, pyrite and
molybdenite with K-feldspar selvages with quartz occurring as a grainy texture (vein
type 1; Table 5-8).

Hydrothermal veins spatially associated with the granodiorite which predate the
emplacement of the Early Porphyries may represent the oldest hydrothermal pulse present at
Quellaveco or may be temporally associated with the Earliest Porphyries. For the most part the
granodiorite is unaltered, but closer to the hydrothermal centre at Quellaveco; the major wall
rock alteration consists of chlorite and epidote with lesser sericite, replacing mainly the mafic
igneous minerals within the granodiorite. The closer to the contact with the younger porphyries
the granodiorite takes on the dominant wall rock alteration assemblages observed within those
units, ranging from biotite and K-feldspar to sericite and quartz assemblages. These wall rock
characteristics are observed within the granodiorite at all levels within the pit/resource volume.

Quellaveco Vein Type Classification

Compiled observations of all veins from all of the rock units have been grouped into vein
types for each rock type. Subsequently, these vein types from each of the rock types have been
compared with the vein types from all other rock types and have been grouped into common
vein types for the entire Quellaveco hydrothermal system, regardless of timing. Twelve distinct
vein types have been recognized at Quellaveco, however, three of the vein types are extremely
rare and only occur very sparsely within one or two of the rock types. Though only nine major
vein types are described below, the remaining three vein types are put into perspective within
the text. Additionally, the vein paragenesis described herein should not be used as a template
for describing veins in other locations as general observations about the paragenesis of rock
types should be made before vein paragenesis observations. Additionally, the vein types and
their subsequent relative timing and importance do not necessarily correlate with observations
made by other workers in other locations (e.g. Gustafson and Hunt, 1975 [El Salvador, Chile];
Seedorff, 1988 [Henderson, USA]; Gustafson and Quiroga, 1995 [El Salvador, Chile]; Sillitoe,
2000; Seedorff and Einaudi, 2000a, b [Henderson, USA]; Redmond, et al., 2004 [Bingham,
USA]; Seedorff et al., 2005 [Henderson, USA]). Thus workers using this contribution should
caution against using the observations as a template, as is the case currently (e.g. Seedorff et
al., numerous with “EB” through “D” vein classification), but rather should only use the
observation process described herein for their individual work areas. Nine of the most major
vein types present within the entire Quellaveco hydrothermal system is described below and
their timing and relative densities and importance are summarized below (Table 5-9).

Early Biotite Veins (EB Veins)

Early biotite veins (EB-veins) are temporally associated with all but one rock type, the
Post Mineral Porphyry. They are typically present at all levels within the deposit at all time
periods. However, they are the volumetrically important veins only associated with the
Monzodiorite, Early and Earliest Porphyry suites (Table 5-9). Additionally, these veins are more
prevalent within deeper portions of the deposit, particularly where associated with the
Monzodiorite and Early Porphyry suites. The Earliest Porphyry intrusions have only been
observed at higher levels within the deposit, precluding any observations to be made on veins
types present within the Earliest Porphyries at depth.

There are many variations and permutations of this vein type but common to all within
the EB vein type is biotite as a major component with lesser disseminated pyrite and
chalcopyrite. They commonly contain varying degrees of quartz, which generally increases in
importance at higher elevations within the QIC. A minor component of chlorite and very rare K-
feldspar are also characteristic. EB veins are commonly straight walled but were rarely observed
to occur as wavy walled with low frequency waves. Although these veins are commonly through
going, they may also be diffuse and discontinuous. Quartz, where present is commonly grainy
and anhedral. EB veins almost never have selvages, but at least locally were observed to have a
thin K-feldspar selvage.

Molybdenite-Quartz Veins (MoQ Veins)

Molybdenite-Quartz veins (MoQ Veins) were only observed in association with the
Earliest Porphyries at high levels within the QIC (Table 5-9). This vein type is only present
within the Earliest Porphyries and may be a variation of the Magnetite-Chalcopyrite veins in an
area where magnetite and chalcopyrite was not present. However, this vein type consistently
cross cut EB veins and was cross cut by Magnetite-Chalcopyrite Net Textured Veins.
Additionally, since the Earliest Porphyries do not represent a significant volume within the QIC,
they do not constitute a major vein type present within the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry system.

Table 5-9: Vein types and timing relative to porphyry intrusion types

Earliest Porphyry
Early Porphyry

Post Mineral

Late Mineral

Vein Type

1: Early Biotite (EB) x x x x x x

Oldest Æ Youngest

2: Molybdenite-Quartz (MoQ) x
3: Magnetite-Chalcopyrite Net-texture (MCN) x x x
4: Late Biotite (LB) x x

5: Early Quartz-Sulphide (eQS) x x x x x x
6: Sulphide (S) x x x
7: Molybdenite-bearing Quartz (QSMo) x x x x x x

Low T
8: Late Quartz-Sulphide (lQS) x x x
9: Quartz-Sulphide w/Quartz-Sericite Selvage (D) x x x x x
Notes: Bold indicates the vein type constitutes a volumetrically significant vein type; light grey indicates the vein type occurs
primarily at shallow depths (>3400m elevation); dark grey indicates the vein type occurs primarily at moderate depths (between
3000m and 3400m elevation); and pink indicates the vein type primarily occurs at greater depths (<3000m elevation). Numbers
referred to in the first column correlate back to vein group columns in previous tables.

Molybdenite-Quartz Veins (MoQ Veins) consist dominantly of molybdenite and quartz

with minor chalcopyrite spatially associated with quartz. Molybdenite is more abundant than
quartz within these veins, whereas chalcopyrite is trace to rare and very fine grained. MoQ
veins do not have selvages associated with them and are dominantly straight walled, though in
rare cases were observed to have wavy walls on a low frequency and low amplitude. Quartz
within these veins is coarse grained and euhedral, commonly displaying open space textures
along which chalcopyrite has precipitated.

Magnetite-Chalcopyrite Net-Texture Veins (MCN Veins)

Magnetite-Chalcopyrite Net-Textured veins (MCN Veins) represent an important vein
type within the QIC in terms of Cu grade and are a distinctive vein type which occurs in varying
degrees of importance within the Monzodiorite, Early and Earliest Porphyry units (Table 5-9).
MCN veins occur at moderate (between 3000 and 3400m elevation) to higher (greater than
3400m elevation) levels within the QIC. The veins are early in the paragenesis and are
associated with the Earliest, Early and Monzodiorite Porphyry suites. Within the Earliest
Porphyry suite, MCN veins are the most volumetrically important vein type present, accounting
for the high grades of Cu (usually >1%) observed within this rock type. MCN veins of lesser
importance associated with the Early Porphyry suite. However, since the Early Porphyry
intrusions are the volumetrically most important porphyry intrusion types within the QIC these

vein types are of high importance in association with the Early Porphyry suite. Within the Early
Porphyry suite, MCN veins occur at moderate and higher (greater than 3400m elevation) levels
within the QIC. MCN veins associated with the Monzodiorite Porphyry intrusions occur at all
levels within the QIC, but are most dominant at moderate levels within the QIC. These veins
represent a major vein type associated with the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite and reflect the
generally higher grades of hypogene Cu observed in association with the Monzodiorite
Porphyries. A common observation with the MCN veins within all rock types is that they occur at
moderate to higher levels within the deposit, but are relatively early in the overall vein
paragenesis cross cutting only the EB and MoQ vein types.

MCN veins have a distinguishing feature consisting, at least in part, of massive to semi-
massive portions of magnetite within which chalcopyrite has precipitated as irregular blebs
connected to one and other by thin veinlets of chalcopyrite giving a net-texture appearance.
However, this texture is only present where MCN veins occur at their most dense. In most
cases observed, magnetite and chalcopyrite make up major components of these vein types,
but chalcopyrite in extremely rare cases is not present. Other major minerals commonly
observed within MCN veins include (in order of decreasing importance) chlorite, biotite and
pyrite with rare to trace molybdenite, quartz, anhydrite, actinolite, K-feldspar and sericite. In
general, there is a zonation from magnetite-chalcopyrite dominated to increasing chlorite
(±biotite) to increasing quartz with higher degrees of fluid-wall rock interaction. This is
especially evident where the veins cut through into older porphyry types in which the wall rock
is quartz-sericite altered. Within the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite these vein types are
dominantly within K-feldspar-biotite (±anhydrite) altered wall rocks, whereas within the Earliest
and Intermineral Porphyry suites the wall rock is dominated by quartz-sericite. Where quartz
occurs, it is fine grained (<1mm), granular and anhedral. Molybdenite rarely occurs within
these vein types, but where present, it has a higher correlation to the magnetite dominated
portions of these veins. The composition of selvages also varies from no selvages or very thin
K-feldspar selvages associated with magnetite-chalcopyrite dominated MCN veins and gradually
become more dominated by increasing amounts of biotite and chlorite associated with higher
quartz concentrations, particularly at higher levels within the QIC. MCN veins in every instance
occur with wavy walls in varying frequencies and amplitudes. They rarely occur as massive to
semi-massive portions within the drill core that may represent more of a replacement texture
than an actual vein.

Late Biotite Veins (LB Veins)
Late Biotite Veins (LB veins) occur in temporal and spatial association with the Early and
Monzodiorite Porphyry suites as only minor components (Table 5-9). They are included as an
important vein type herein due to their consistent temporal relationship to MCN veins in two of
the three rock types where MCN veins are present. These veins consistently cross cut MCN
veins but are themselves crosscut by younger quartz dominated veins types (described below).
Where present, LB veins occur at all levels with in the QIC and are sulphide poor.

LB veins are not particularly dominated by any one or two minerals, but rather contain
biotite, are sulphide poor, and pre-date quartz-sulphide dominated veins within the system.
Generally these veins are dominated by some combination of biotite, chlorite or quartz.
However, significant quantities of K-feldspar may be present and in rare circumstances pyrite
and chalcopyrite are the most dominant minerals in this veins type, but most commonly occur
as insignificant portions of LB veins. As with the older vein types, quartz generally becomes a
more dominant constituent of this vein type at more distal and higher portions within the QIC
and also paragenetically younger than LB veins dominated by biotite and chlorite. Chlorite
occurs as both a primary component of the veins and also as secondary alteration of biotite
within the veins. Quartz occurs as fine grained (<1mm), granular amalgamations of anhedral
quartz grains. LB veins become more diffuse at deeper parts within the QIC. Selvages range
from absent to K-feldspar selvages. At deeper portions of the QIC, the K-feldspar selvages are
thin and more discontinuous where present. Additionally, biotite may be present within the
selvages, but was only observed in one location. LB veins range from straight walled to wavy
walled (with high frequencies and low amplitude) with wavy walled LB vein being more
dominant at deeper levels of the QIC.

Early Quartz-Sulphide Veins (eQS Veins)

Early Quartz-Sulphide veins (eQS veins) occur in temporal and spatial association with
all but the Earliest Porphyry suite (Table 5-9). eQS veins are dominant vein types within the
Monzodiorite, Intermineral and Early Porphyry suites and are of lesser importance in association
with other porphyry units. In association with the Monzodiorite and Early Porphyry suites, eQS
veins are most prevalent at moderate depths within the QIC. In contrast with the Intermineral
Porphyry suite, the eQS veins are most dominant at deep levels. For all other porphyry types,
observations were only made for depths greater than 3400m elevation (shallow in the QIC) and
no variations in the vein types in temporal and spatial relationship to these porphyries can be
made. Although at a minimum, the characteristics of the vein types at shallow levels within the

QIC can be made and compared to other porphyry units. These veins may contain high
amounts of chalcopyrite and are arguably the most important vein type controlling spatial and
temporal distributions of Cu within the QIC.

The eQS veins are dominated by some combination of quartz, chalcopyrite and pyrite, in
varying proportions. Quartz is always present. Other minerals common, but of lesser
importance include, chlorite and biotite. The relative abundance of chlorite to biotite is
dependent on depth within the QIC and timing, with chlorite increasing in importance relative to
biotite at shallower levels within the QIC. The chlorite is later in the paragenetic sequence than
biotite. Molybdenite and K-feldspar may also be present but only rarely. Chlorite occurs both as
a primary mineral and as secondary replacement of biotite. Quartz is generally coarse grained
(>5mm) and subhedral and in the most evolved eQS veins and uppermost parts of the QIC may
have quartz growing into open space. Most commonly sulphides are disseminated along quartz
grain boundaries but also form a centreline, common to this vein type. In rare locations where
the eQS veins are discontinuous or diffuse, fine grained, granular quartz dominates and
sulphide content is generally low. The eQS veins can be either straight walled or wavy, though
straight walled veins are slightly more common. Wavy eQS veins are more common later in the
paragenesis of the eQS veins and in moderate and deeper parts of the QIC. The most common
selvage type is K-feldspar, with rare biotite and quartz. At deeper portions within the QIC,
discontinuous or thin K-feldspar selvages are most common and become thicker and more
continuous higher up in the QIC. Occasionally no selvages are present.

Sulphide Veins (S Veins)

Sulphide dominated veins (S-veins) are temporally and spatially associated with the
Intermineral, Early and Earliest Porphyry suites (Table 5-9). The S veins are only dominant vein
types within the Early Porphyry intrusions and occur at their most dense at moderate levels
within the QIC. However, S veins were noted at all levels within the QIC. These vein types
contain high concentrations of chalcopyrite making their presence important to the Cu grade
and distribution within the QIC. Quartz may be present within this vein type, particularly at
greater depths. They are described herein as separate veins due to their consistent paragenetic
relationship to the eQS veins, occurring slightly after and cross cutting the eQS veins.

S veins are dominated by pyrite and chalcopyrite with lesser amounts of quartz and rare
biotite and chlorite. Chlorite and biotite were only present in the deeper portions of the QIC and
only temporally and spatially associated with the Intermineral Porphyry Suite. In all cases the
ratio of chalcopyrite to pyrite increases with depth with pyrite only veins occurring as the

dominant S vein at shallower levels within the QIC. The S veins have rare thin K-feldspar
selvages, but is most commonly absent. These veins are commonly straight walled, but may be
wavy, particularly within deeper parts of the QIC. Although the sulphides within the S veins
tend to be coarsely crystalline (>0.5mm), quartz may occur as fine grained and granular, where
the S veins have a diffuse nature in deeper parts of the QIC. These veins are spatially
associated with a wide range of wall rock alteration, depending on depth and host rock. At
shallower levels of the QIC S-veins are spatially associated with quartz-sericite alteration.
Whereas, at deeper levels they are associated with biotite and K-feldspar alteration. Within the
Intermineral and Early Porphyries the dominant wall rock alteration is quartz-sericite. This
quartz sericite alteration overprints older K-feldspar alteration in the Intermineral and Early
Porphyry suites.

Molybdenite-Bearing Quartz Veins (QSMo Veins)

Molybdenite-bearing quartz veins (QSMo-veins) are temporally and spatially associated
with all intrusion types, with the exception of the Earliest Porphyries (Table 5-9). QSMo-veins
are volumetrically dominant vein types within the Early, Monzodiorite, Late Mineral and Post
Mineral Porphyries, particularly at shallower depths within the QIC. In the case of the Early
Porphyry, QSMo-veins are most dominant at moderate depths within the QIC. These veins
occur in higher densities within the later porphyry units at Quellaveco, as opposed to some of
the earlier porphyry units. Presumably the earlier veins within the vein sequence are of higher
temperature and potentially lower acidity. These higher temperature veins are of higher
importance within older porphyry units at within the QIC. Though these veins contain other
sulphides, the presence of molybdenite in significant concentrations within the veins is what
distinguishes QSMo-veins from other vein types, in addition to their consistent cross-cutting
relationships with eQS-, S- and lQS-veins. QSMo-veins may also contain significant
concentrations of chalcopyrite, and thus overall contribute to the bulk Cu grade at Quellaveco.

QSMo-veins are dominated by quartz with sub-equal amounts of (in descending order of
volumetric importance) molybdenite, pyrite and chalcopyrite. Chlorite also occurs within this
vein type, but is of lesser importance than the sulphides and very rarely biotite and K-feldspar
may also be present. Chlorite and biotite generally occur at the vein edge, whereas K-feldspar
was most often observed to occur as a centreline to the vein. Thin to discontinuous K-feldspar
selvages are present with QSMo-veins in almost every case where they were observed. In rare
circumstances, quartz was observed to be present within the vein selvage with K-feldspar.
QSMo-veins are almost exclusively straight walled, likely reflecting their late and higher level

temporal and spatial distributions within the QIC. In rare cases and only at deeper levels within
the QIC QSMo-veins were observed to have wavy walls. Quartz is generally coarse grained
(>5mm) with inward growing and terminating crystals that have interlocking texture with
molybdenite and other sulphides precipitating between interlocking quartz crystals. Rarely
quartz occurs as grainy and diffuse where quartz:sulphide ratios are low. Chalcopyrite and
pyrite were also observed to occur on the vein edges in rare circumstances. At shallower levels
and particularly within the Late and Post Mineral Porphyries these veins occur within quartz-
sericite altered rocks. Within the Early through to the Intermineral Porphyries these veins occur
within rocks that have been K-feldspar and biotite altered with later overprinting quartz-sericite
alteration. In the case of the Monzodiorite Porphyry, QSMo-veins occur exclusively within rocks
that have been K-feldspar and biotite alteration.

Late Quartz Sulphide Veins (lQS Veins)

Late quartz-sulphide veins (lQS-veins) are temporally and spatially associated with the
Earliest, Monzodiorite and Late Porphyries (Table 5-9). lQS-veins are not volumetrically
dominant vein types within any of these porphyries; however they do occur within three of the
rock porphyritic rock types and are particularly more dominant within quartz poor intrusions
(i.e. Earliest and Monzodiorite Porphyries). lQS-veins were mainly observed within the upper
portions of the QIC (>3400m elevation). These veins consistently cross cut QSMo-veins within
the Monzodiorite and Late Porphyries and S-veins within the Earliest Porphyry. lQS-veins
contain only low concentrations of chalcopyrite, which is often absent, and thus do not appear
to play a significant contribution to the introduction of copper or molybdenum within the QIC.

lQS-veins are dominated by quartz or pyrite, either of equal concentrations or

dominated by one or the other, with lesser amounts of chalcopyrite, chlorite and K-feldspar.
Thin, continuous K-feldspar with rare biotite selvages are present with lQS-veins within and
associated with the time period immediately following the emplacement of the Monzodiorite
Porphyry, all other time periods within which lQS-veins were observed (Earliest and Late
Porphyries) no selvages were observed. lQS-veins are almost exclusively straight walled, likely
reflecting their late and higher level temporal and spatial distributions within the QIC. In rare
cases and only at deeper levels within the QIC, QSMo-veins were observed to have wavy walls.
Wavy walled lQS-veins were only observed within the Earliest Porphyries, which are typically
observed to contain K-feldspar and biotite alteration. The Earliest Porphyries are dominated by
earlier and presumably higher temperature veins, which may have been emplaced at deeper
crustal levels, compared to later porphyritic units. lQS-veins are often discontinuous. Quartz is

generally fine grained (<2mm) and anhedral forming a grainy texture within which pyrite forms
in sub-equal concentrations with chalcopyrite, chlorite and K-feldspar. Chalcopyrite was not
observed to be present in significant concentrations within lQS-veins and thus id not play a key
role in the temporal and spatial distribution of copper or molybdenite within the QIV. Little to
no variation in lQS-veins was observed temporally or at different levels within the QIC. These
veins are distinctive in that they crosscut QSMo-veins but do not have and are crosscut by
quartz-sulphide veins with quartz-sericite selvages. Within the Monzodiorite and Earliest
Porphyries these veins occur within K-feldspar and biotite altered rocks that have been
overprinted by varying degrees of quartz-sericite alteration. Within the Late Porphyries these
veins occur within chlorite-epidote altered rocks that have been heavily overprinted by quartz-
sericite alteration.

Quartz-Sulphide Veins with Quartz-Sericite Selvages (D Veins)

Quartz-sulphide veins with quartz-sericite selvages (D-veins) are temporally and spatially
associated with all porphyry intrusion types, with the exception of the Post Mineral Porphyries
(Table 5-9). D-veins, have been so named due to their close similarity to D-veins described by
other authors from other porphyry deposit globally (e.g. Gustavson and Hunt, 1975; Redmond
et al., 2004; Seedorff et al., 2008). D-veins are the most volumetrically dominant vein type
within the QIC, but are not the most dominant within the Earliest and Monzodiorite Porphyries.
Although these are the most dominant vein types within the QIC they tend to occur in higher
concentrations at higher elevations within the QIC. This is particularly noticeable within the
Earliest and Monzodiorite Porphyries, where D-veins are not particularly concentrated. These
veins occur in higher densities within porphyry units that are more intensely sericite-quartz
altered, presumably associated with lower temperature and more acid fluids with higher fluid-
wallrock interactions. The main distinguishing feature of these veins are their quartz-sericite
selvages and their timing, in that they cross-cut all veins types, aside from rarely noted coarsely
crystalline quartz-pyirite±chlorite veins within the Early Porphyry. The D-veins high densities
and high chalcopyrite concentration make these veins important contributors of Cu within the
Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo deposit.

D-veins are dominated by quartz with sub-equal amounts of pyrite and chalcopyrite. In
rare circumstances total sulphide within the D-veins is greater than quartz. Molybdenite was
observed in one D-vein from the entire Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry deposit and patchy
magnetite was also rarely observed. Coarse crystalline quartz (>5mm) was most often observed
with sulphides precipitating between quartz grains. In deeper parts of the QIC, discontinuous

and grainy quartz are increasingly dominant within D-veins. Thick (often greater than 5mm)
selvages composed mainly of quartz-sericite are always present within D-veins from Quellaveco.
Both pyrite and chalcopyrite may also occur within the selvages with lesser amounts biotite. K-
feldspar overprinted quartz-sericite selvage assemblages in one circumstance. D-veins are
almost exclusively straight walled, likely reflecting their late and higher level temporal and
spatial distributions within the QIC. In rare cases and only at deeper levels within the QIC D-
veins were observed to have wavy walls. At shallower levels and particularly within the Late,
Intermineral and Early Mineral Porphyries these veins occur within quartz-sericite or epidote-
chlorite altered rocks, though at deeper levels within the QIC D-veins commonly cross-cut
biotite-K-feldspar altered rocks. Within the Earliest and Monzodiorite porphyries these veins
occur within rocks that have been K-feldspar and biotite altered with later overprinting quartz-
sericite and/or epidote-chlorite alteration.

Relative timing of the veins associated with the hydrothermal systems was established
by observing from the vein types and their respective relative timing to one and other that are
within each intrusion type working from youngest to oldest. Observations for progressively older
intrusion types were made where they are in contact with the next youngest intrusion type to
establish cross-cutting relationships of veins to intrusion types. These observations have led to
the identifying six distinct hydrothermal pulses present at Quellaveco. In general, younger
hydrothermal systems (i.e. those temporally associated with Post and Late Mineral Porphyries)
contain vein types that are similar to late stage veins associated with older porphyry intrusion
types (i.e. Monzodiorite through Earliest Porphyries). These younger systems likely formed
during the waning stages of intrusive and hydrothermal activity during the Paleocene in the
area at lower temperatures and at possibly higher acidity levels. Additionally, Mo to Cu ratios
within the younger hydrothermal systems tend to be significantly higher than in the older
systems. The hydrothermal pulses that appear to be the most significant contributors to the
overall contained Cu and Mo within the QIC are associated with the Early and Intermineral
porphyry intrusions, though where present high grade Cu (>0.8% Cu) may be present with the
hydrothermal systems temporally associated with the Earliest and Monzodiorite porphyry
intrusions. Despite these locally high grades of Cu associated with the Earliest and Monzodiorite
porphyry suites, their relatively low volumetric importance make them of lesser importance to
the overall Cu and Mo contained within the QIC. Each hydrothermal pulse also produces a
similar sequence of veins which repeats itself at least three times from the earliest higher

temperature magnetite and biotite dominated veins through to later molybdenite bearing quartz
veins and quartz veins with quartz-sericite selvages. This study also points out the potential
flaw in using wall rock alteration as a vector to higher grades or centres of the hydrothermal
systems as magnetite and biotite veins often cross cut quartz-sericite alteration associated with
older hydrothermal systems. Thus we propose that a better vector to earlier, higher
temperature and possibly higher Cu grades within complex (i.e. multiple intrusion/hydrothermal
systems) is to use the vein mineral assemblages as a guide to these parts of the systems. A
discussion of the wall rock alteration, vein/hydrothermal paragenetic model and sequencing and
their significance within the broader Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry are discussed below.

Hypogene Alteration Distribution

The hypogene alteration at Quellaveco is complex, the rocks have been exposed to
several generations of hydrothermal fluids and distinguishing the timing of the wall rock
alteration relative to the rock types and their related vein paragenesis discussed above is
exceptionally difficult to determine. Due to the complexity and nearly impossible distinction of
timing the preferred method for using vectors into higher temperature fluid source directions is
the veins and their mineralogy. That being said a map of the surface hypogene alteration has
been produced (Figure 5-4) and general comments and patterns can be deciphered from the
mineralogical distribution noted on surface. In the case of the Quellaveco hypogene alteration
map, particular attention was paid to the mafic sites (e.g. hornblende and biotite) and the felsic
mineral sites (e.g. feldspars). Each of the mafic and felsic mineral sites is then described
separately to determine the alteration mineralogy present within the rocks and the alteration

All rock types have been affected to some degree by secondary supergene alteration
caused by acid leaching of the rocks produced as paleo-water tables dropped through sulphide
rich rocks within the Quellaveco Porphyry Cu-Mo resource. The secondary supergene alteration
is dominated by various white micas and clays (i.e. alunite, kaolinite, halloysite, jarosite and
hematite). In spite of the overprinting supergene events, seven main hypogene alteration
mineral assemblages were identified and have been broken down into: a) Biotite, K-Feldspar; b)
Chlorite over Biotite, K-Feldspar; c) Chlorite over Biotite, K-Feldspar with later overprinting
Quartz-Sericite; d) Biotite, K-Feldspar with later overprinting Quartz-Sericite; e) Epidote,
Chlorite; f) Epidote, Chlorite with overprinting Quartz-Sericite; and d) Quartz-Sericite (Figure 5-
4). There are numerous permutations and combinations of mineral assemblages that were
noted in addition to the ones listed above, but for simplicity have been broken into the above

groups of mineral assemblages present. Felsic mineral sites were found to be altered to
potassic feldspars, quartz-sericite and minor epidote, whereas the mafic sites were commonly
altered to biotite, chlorite, epidote and in cases of extreme intense alteration quartz-sericite.

The majority of alteration assemblages dominated by K-feldspar and biotite are located
within and around early porphyry units and adjacent into the older regional granodiorite. This
style of alteration typically does not extend far into the Regional Granodiorite with a minimum
penetration of approximately 300m from the closest observed location of Early Porphyry. Minor
K-feldspar and biotite mineral assemblages are spatially associated with Intermineral and
Monzodiorite Porphyry dyke complexes. Chlorite overprinting K-feldspar and biotite mineral
assemblages are mainly restricted the periphery of the Early Porphyry units into the Regional
Granodiorite unit; quartz-sericite also commonly overprints the aforementioned mineral
assemblage into the Regional Granodiorite unit as well. Quartz and sericite dominated
hypogene alteration mineral assemblages are mainly restricted to the area around the
Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyry dyke complex and vertically higher in the system and
up the valley walls within and immediately adjacent to the Early Porphyry units. Epidote and
chlorite dominated mineral assemblages are, for the most part, restricted to the Regional
Granodiorite within the lateral extents of the Quellaveco Porphyry Cu-Mo resource and Late
Porphyry units that cross cut older porphyry units. Minor chlorite and epidote was noted
adjacent to the Intermineral and Monzodiorite dyke complex within the Early Porphyry.

Some general points can be inferred from the hypogene alteration distribution. Firstly,
K-feldspar and biotite mineral assemblages are in general temporally associated with older
porphyry phases (i.e. Early and Earliest Porphyries) and spatially deeper within the system.
Quartz-sericite dominated assemblages are temporally associated with younger porphyry units
(Intermineral and Monzodiorite Porphyries) and spatially higher up within the overall system.
Epidote and chlorite dominated mineral assemblages are spatially associated with the distal
parts of the Quellaveco resource and temporally associated with the very youngest porphyry
units. Although there is some degree of overlap, particularly with the Early through
Monzodiorite Porphyry units.

Paragenetic Model
Six hydrothermal events have been recorded at Quellaveco and are bracketed in age by
their relative timing to porphyry intrusion suites and then the vein mineral assemblages relative
to each other (Figure 5-8). Of these six hydrothermal events four are related temporally and
spatially to the introduction of economically significant copper and molybdenum to the

Post Late~54.5Ma Monzodiorite Intermineral ~56.3Ma Early ~56.7Ma Earliest
~54Ma ~56Ma ~58Ma



Vein Types EB MoQ MCN LB EQS S QSMo LQS D Strong Moderate Weak
Figure 5-8: Model for intrusion, vein and alteration paragenesis for the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry from elevations >3400m. Veins in color are

associated with the rock type indicated above, those in grey are associated with younger porphyry intrusions.
Post Late~54.5Ma Monzodiorite Intermineral ~56.3Ma Early ~56.7Ma
~54Ma ~56Ma



Vein Types EB MoQ MCN LB EQS S QSMo LQS D Strong Moderate Weak
Figure 5-8 cont’d: Model for intrusion, vein and alteration paragenesis for the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry from elevations between 3000m-

3400m. Veins in color are associated with the rock type indicated above, those in grey are associated with younger porphyry intrusions.
Post Late~54.5Ma Monzodiorite Intermineral ~56.3Ma Early ~56.7Ma
~54Ma ~56Ma



Vein Types EB MoQ MCN LB EQS S QSMo LQS D Strong Moderate Weak
Figure 5-8 cont’d: Model for intrusion, vein and alteration paragenesis for the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry from elevations below 3000m.

Veins in color are associated with the rock type indicated above, those in grey are associated with younger porphyry intrusions.
Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo system. A summary of the paragenetic sequence is provided below
in Figure 5-9. All hydrothermal events are described in text as being associated with a specific
intrusion type, in all cases the hydrothermal system immediately post dates this intrusion type.

Minor evidence is present to suggest that the oldest hydrothermal system present is
associated with the time period immediately following the emplacement of the Regional
Granodiorite. This evidence comes from veins being present within the Regional Granodiorite
being cross cut by Early Porphyry intrusions (Figure 5-7f). However, since no contact between
the Earliest Porphyry intrusions and the Regional Granodiorite were observed at Quellaveco, the
possibility remains that these vein may be related to the time period immediately post-dating
the emplacement of the Earliest Porphyry intrusions. Since the timing of this possible first
hydrothermal event is only loosely constrained and does not appear to have contributed
significant sulphide to the QIC. It has been grouped with the hydrothermal event temporally
related to the Earliest Porphyry. The Earliest hydrothermal system is preserved in small
volumes, but is associated with very high grades of copper (>1%), mainly as chalcopyrite. EB
and MCN veins are the most important veins by volume associated with the Earliest
hydrothermal system (Figure 5-8). Since only limited observations of this hydrothermal system
were made at deeper part of the QIC only moderate to lower degrees of confidence in the
types of veins and their relative importance can be inferred. The MCN veins are the main
contributor of copper to the QIC during the Earliest hydrothermal pulse. The only occurrence of
the MoQ veins present in the QIC are associated with the Earliest hydrothermal pulse and are
the main contributor of molybdenum during this time period. These early veins are overprinted
and crosscut by (in order from oldest to youngest) S, lQS and D veins, all of which do not occur
in significant concentrations at any level within the QIC, although minor copper and
molybdenum are contained within these veins.

The Early hydrothermal pulse volumetrically is the most importance and most
widespread of the hydrothermal pulses present at Quellaveco. It is characterized as containing
moderate to high grades of copper (0.5% to 0.8%) and relatively high copper to molybdenum
ratios, although since the concentrations of copper are high, molybdenum does occur in higher
concentration than younger hydrothermal pulses with typically lower copper to molybdenum
ratios. The Early hydrothermal system duplicates the Earliest hydrothermal system, in terms of
both the sequence of veins being emplaced and the type of veins present, with some minor
differences (Figure 5-8,-9). The main differences are that no MoQ and lQS veins are present but
LB, eQS and QSMo veins are present. Additionally, vein densities and distribution of copper







Event Earliest Early Intermineral Monzodiorite Late Post

Oldest Youngest
Figure 5-9: Vein paragenesis of the Quellaveco hydrothermal systems. Relative vein densities/volumetric importance is displayed from increasing

to deceasing from thick solid lines to solid line to dashed lines to dotted lines.
within the vein types change with depth and there is less relative importance of MCN veins. The
sequencing of veins within the Early system from oldest to youngest is EB, MCN, LB, eQS, S,
QSMo and D veins. EB veins dominate at depth, and to a lesser extent MCN veins are also
present, at moderate depths eQS, S and QSMo veins dominate, whereas within the upper parts
of the system D veins dominate with lesser S and QSMo veins. EB and MCN veins are scarcely
present to non-existent at the upper portions of the system and D veins increase in volumetric
importance from deeper to shallower levels within the Early hydrothermal system. The majority
of copper is associated with the MCN and eQS veins at depth, eQS and S veins at moderate
levels and D veins within the upper portions of the system. The majority of molybdenum is
associated with the QSMo veins at all depths within the Early hydrothermal system with minor
molybdenum being introduced with the MCN and eQS and D veins.

The Intermineral hydrothermal system duplicates mainly the younger veins observed
within the Early hydrothermal system, but also has a similar sequencing of the vein types
(Figure 5-8, -9). The system is characterized by moderate copper grades (0.4% to 0.6%) and is
the second most important in terms of volume, following only the Early hydrothermal system.
This may indicate the during the emplacement of the Intermineral hydrothermal system at the
topographic levels observed that the upper parts of the Intermineral system overprint the lower
parts of the older hydrothermal systems present within the QIC. Differences with the Early
hydrothermal system are the lack of MCN and LB veins along with only minor indications at
depth of EB veins being present. From oldest to youngest the veins recorded within the
Intermineral hydrothermal system are EB, eQS, S, QSMo and D. eQS veins dominate
volumetrically at depth whereas D-veins dominate at the moderate and higher levels within the
QIC. Copper is mainly associated with eQS and D veins at depth with decreasing associate with
eQS veins higher up in the deposit and increasing association of copper to D veins at shallower
levels through the QIC. Minor copper is also associated with the emplacement of S and lQS
veins. Molybdenum is mainly associated with the QSMo veins, but minor amounts were also
introduced to the system with the eQS, lQS and D veins.

The Monzodiorite hydrothermal system is characterized by locally high grades of copper

(>0.7%), particularly where MCN veins are present, but is volumetrically less important than
the Intermineral hydrothermal system and slightly more important than the Earliest
hydrothermal system. In terms of the vein types present and the sequencing of the vein
emplacement, this hydrothermal system replicates the Early hydrothermal system, with minor
differences (Figure 5-8, -9). This may indicate that deeper and possibly hotter parts of the
Monzodiorite hydrothermal system are present relative to the Intermineral system over the
same topographic levels observed at Quellaveco. These differences include only the lack of S
veins and the relative unimportance of D veins at all depths within the QIC. The sequencing of
veins within the Monzodiorite hydrothermal system from oldest to youngest is EB, MCN, LB,
eQS, QSMo, lQS and D veins. EB veins dominate at depth, whereas MCN, eQS veins dominate
at moderate depths and QSMo veins at shallower depths, although MCN veins are present in
moderate concentrations at deeper and shallower parts of the Monzodiorite hydrothermal
system. D veins are only observed in significant concentrations at shallower levels within the
Monzodiorite hydrothermal system. The majority of the copper is associated with MCN and eQS
veins throughout, but particularly at deeper and moderate levels, within increasing importance
of lQS and QSMo veins with copper at higher levels within the system. Minor copper is also
introduced with the EB, lQS and D veins. Molybdenum is associated with QSMo veins
throughout all depths with minor associations with MCN, eQS and D veins.

The Late hydrothermal system overprints all older hydrothermal systems and generally
down grades the deposit when hosted entirely within the Late Porphyry units. This
hydrothermal system is widespread within and adjacent to Late Porphyry dykes and stocks and
is characterized by low grade copper (<0.2%) with low copper to molybdenum ratios. This
system is a duplicate of the Intermineral hydrothermal system, but is much less intense with
much less overall concentration of veins and wall rock alteration. This may indicate that the
upper parts and possibly cooler parts of the hydrothermal system are present over the same
topographic levels when compared to the seemingly deeper/hotter Monzodiorite hydrothermal
system. Other differences include the lack of S veins and the presence of lQS veins; additionally
D veins present within the Late hydrothermal system do not host high concentrations of
chalcopyrite, as observed within all older hydrothermal systems. From oldest to youngest the
vein sequencing within the Late hydrothermal system is EB, eQS, QSMo, lQS and D veins
(Figure 5-8, -9). EB veins are present at all depths but decrease from moderate concentrations
to rare higher up though the QIC. QSMo and D veins are the most volumetrically important
veins throughout all depth, but occur on much lower vein densities compared to hydrothermal
systems. The relatively little amount of copper introduced with this system is associated with
the QSMo and D veins, though these veins tend to be more pyrite rich than chalcopyrite rich
when compared to the same veins within older hydrothermal systems. The majority of the
molybdenum during this time period is associated with the QSMo veins at all depths throughout
the deposit.

The hydrothermal system associated with Post Mineral porphyries is also widespread
and generally down grades the Cu and Mo within Quellaveco deposit. This hydrothermal
characterized by low density veins and low grades of both copper and molybdenum, but
relatively low copper to molybdenum ratios. This system partially duplicates the Late
hydrothermal system and does not contain EB, lQS or D veins (Figure 5-8, -9). Veins within this
system also have significantly more open space associated with them. From the oldest to
youngest the veins present with the Post hydrothermal system are eQS and QSMo veins. QSMo
veins are more dominant than eQS veins at all depths within the hydrothermal system. The
Majority of copper and molybdenum are associated with low density QSMo veins.

Hydrothermal Fluid Pulses

Six hydrothermal pulses have been recorded at Quellaveco which have a timing that is
directly linked to the timing of porphyritic intrusion types, four of which introduced significant
copper and molybdenum to the Quellaveco porphyry system. The timing of each hydrothermal
system was constrained by cross cutting relationships between veins and contacts of porphyry
intrusions. Each hydrothermal system was emplaced immediately after the porphyry intrusion
types that were emplaced prior to the hydrothermal system and are named relative to the
porphyry intrusion type that immediately preceded the hydrothermal system. In order from
oldest to youngest these systems are: Earliest, Early, Intermineral, Monzodiorite, Late and Post.
The Earliest through Monzodiorite hydrothermal systems introduced significant quantities of
copper and molybdenum, and the Late and Post hydrothermal systems do not contain
economically significant quantities of copper or molybdenum.

Each hydrothermal system contains overlaps in the vein types present and a consistent,
although not exactly the same, sequencing to the veins and their mineral assemblages. The
repeatability of the vein mineral assemblages and their relative timing, in addition to their
relative volumetric importance, spatial relationship to wall rock alteration and depth of
occurrence allows for insights as to how the magmatic and hydrothermal system evolved over
time throughout the entire history of the Quellaveco porphyry deposit.

The Earliest hydrothermal system is dominated by vein types and mineral assemblages
that are typical of older (possibly hotter) vein types within the vein sequencing at all levels
within the QIC. This may suggest that, at the elevations observed, the deeper parts of this
hydrothermal system are exposed at relatively high levels within the QIC and that the higher
portions of the system containing the veins that are typically emplaced later in the vein
sequencing and higher up in the system has been eroded away. For example, EB veins are
dominant at this higher level within the Earliest Porphyry relative to the Early, Intermineral and

Monzodiorite systems, which may indicate that hotter fluids were present at higher levels within
the deposit earlier in the development of the QIC (Figure 5-8, -9).

The Early hydrothermal system displays a wide range of vein types that are present in
varying degrees of relative volumetric importance depending on depth (Figure 5-8, -9). Within
the deeper parts of the hydrothermal system veins that are typical of early in the vein
sequencing are more important and decrease in importance higher up in the system. At the
upper levels of the system veins that are typical of occurring later in the vein sequencing
dominate (Figure 5-8, -9). Thus, slightly higher, younger and possibly cooler and more acidic
portions of the Early hydrothermal system are exposed at the same topographic levels as the
Earliest hydrothermal system (Figure 5-8, -9).

The Intermineral hydrothermal system contains remnants of the veins that are typical of
deeper and older veins within the vein sequencing at all levels that were observed (Figure 5-8, -
9). However, this hydrothermal system is dominated throughout all levels by veins that are
typical of later veins in the vein sequencing, which typically occur higher up in the hydrothermal
systems. During the time of emplacement of the Intermineral hydrothermal system, veins that
are more typical of higher and younger portions of the hydrothermal systems are exposed at
the same topographic levels a the Early hydrothermal system which contain a higher degree of
veins typical of older and deeper portions of the hydrothermal systems (Figure 5-8, -9).

The Monzodiorite hydrothermal system is more dominated by veins and mineral

assemblages that are typical of deeper and older and possibly hotter and more basic portions of
the hydrothermal systems throughout all levels that were observed (Figure 5-8, -9). Thus, at
the same topographic levels as the Intermineral hydrothermal system, deeper portions of the
Monzodiorite hydrothermal system have been emplaced. It is likely that the younger, higher
and more acidic (cooler) portion of the Monzodiorite hydrothermal system has been eroded
away. For example, within the Monzodiorite Porphyry suite MCN veins vein are dominantly
within K-feldspar-biotite (±anhydrite) altered wall rocks, whereas within the Earliest and
Intermineral Porphyry suites the wall rock is dominated by quartz-sericite alteration. This may
reflect the collapse of the system and the wall rock being exposed to later, cooler and more
acid fluids (Figure 5-8, -9).

Both the Late and Post hydrothermal systems contain vein assemblages that are more
typical of the very youngest and highest portions of the hydrothermal systems. Thus these
systems have the upper portions of the hydrothermal systems exposed at the same topographic
levels as the older and potentially hotter hydrothermal systems.

The fluctuations that are observed in the relative timing and levels of exposure of the
hydrothermal systems has a close correlation to the geochemistry and mineralogy of the
porphyry intrusion types that immediately precede the emplacement of the hydrothermal
systems. From the Earliest through Intermineral porphyries the intrusions have increasing felsic
affinities and contain progressively more quartz, additionally the phenocryst content increases,
in general. This progression towards an increasing felsic affinity may be closely linked to the
relative levels of exposure observed for the hydrothermal systems. That is, through the Earliest
to Intermineral hydrothermal systems progressively higher and younger portions of the
hydrothermal systems are exposed at the same topographic level. The overall hydrothermal and
igneous systems appear to “reset” during the emplacement of the Monzodiorite porphyries and
its related hydrothermal system. From the igneous perspective the Monzodiorite is more mafic
than the Intermineral Porphyry and contains far less quartz and has much lower phenocryst
content. Similarly, the Monzodiorite hydrothermal system contains veins and mineral
assemblages more typical of deeper and older portions of the hydrothermal systems. The
systems again progress towards higher felsic content, great concentrations of phenocrysts and
high levels of exposure of the hydrothermal system from the Monzodiorite hydrothermal and
igneous system through the Post hydrothermal and igneous system.

The paragenesis of veins from the Quellaveco Porphyry Cu-Mo deposit demonstrates a
consistent sequencing of veins types and mineral assemblages that have been repeated six
times, four of which introduced significant amounts of copper and molybdenum. Each of these
six hydrothermal pulses that have produced this sequence of veins immediately post date each
porphyry intrusion phase from oldest to youngest: Earliest, Early, Intermineral, Monzodiorite,
Late and Post. The Earliest through Monzodiorite all introduced economically interesting
volumes of copper and molybdenum. Nine basic veins types have been described within the
repeatable vein sequencing, from oldest to youngest: Early Biotite, Molybdenite-Quartz,
Magnetite-Chalcopyrite Net-Texture, Late Biotite, Early Quartz Sulphide, Sulphide, Molybdenite-
bearing Quartz, Late Quartz Sulphide and Quartz Sulphide with Quartz Sericite Selvages. Not all
hydrothermal systems show exact repeatability, however the general progression and timing of
veins within each hydrothermal system are consistent. The lack of direct overlap with all
hydrothermal systems may be linked to the batholithic root to the porphyry system, with
distance from magmatic source, magmatic chemistry and fluid-wall rock interactions. These
observations demonstrate that veins that are more typical of being early in the life cycle of a

hydrothermal system related to a porphyry deposit maybe crosscut veins that are typical of
being later in the veins sequencing. This underscores the importance of first establishing the
igneous paragenesis prior to defining the vein paragenesis as these vein types may repeat and
crosscut each other several times over. Additionally, while the use of wall rock alteration can be
useful in determining the “centres” of porphyry systems a more meaningful method of
establishing the direction that fluids have flowed may be to use vein mineral assemblages as a
vector toward the centres of porphyry deposits, where grades may often be higher. For
example, in the case where monzodiorite dykes crosscut Intermineral porphyries, the wall rock
within the Intermineral porphyries are often quartz-sericite altered, but this alteration is
crosscut by biotite and magnetite bearing vein mineral assemblages at least immediately
adjacent to the Monzodiorite dykes. Thus, in this case, the wall rock alteration would suggest
that this level of exposure is high in the system the veins would suggest otherwise. Therefore
of the hydrothermal systems, igneous systems and individual vein types must all be considered.

Chapter 6: Punctuated Magmatism Associated with Porphyry Cu-
Mo Formation in the Paleocene to Eocene of Southern Peru

Porphyry Cu-Mo deposits form during very narrow time frames in the life of a
convergent margin magmatic arc. They furthermore are not uniformly distributed along the
strike length of most convergent margin arcs. Instead they tend to form clusters of systems
distributed along an arc segment that formed over geologically narrow time frames during a
much longer and protracted arc magmatic history. Porphyry Cu deposits are genetically related
to the emplacement of porphyry intrusions that emanate from a larger batholith emplaced at
greater depth (Dilles, 1987; Dilles et al., 2000; Shinohara and Hedenquist, 1997). Explanations
for the dynamic environment conducive to formation of a porphyry Cu deposit include
subduction reversals, subduction of aseismic ridges or tears in the down going plate, changes in
tectonic environment, and the waning of magmatism at the end of an episode of arc
magmatism (Soloman, 1990; Tosdal and Richards, 2001; Richards 2003, 2009; Garwin, 2002;
Cooke et al., 2005; Sillitoe and Perelló, 2005). Critical to arriving at a trigger for the formation
of a porphyry deposit is the timing of their formation with respect to other events happening
along the convergent plate margin. In this manuscript, we focus attention on one of the more
poorly understood but yet major porphyry Cu belts in the Andes, specifically the Paleocene to
Eocene belt of southern Peru (Fig. 1). Contained within this belt are the significant mines
(Singer et al., 2008) at Cerro Verde-Santa Rosa (3,571 Mt @ 0.40% Cu, 0.01% Mo), Cuajone
(2,626 Mt @ 0.47%Cu, 0.020% Mo) and Toquepala (3,530 Mt @ 0.47% Cu, 0.03% Mo) as well
as the Quellaveco prospect (1,598 Mt @0.57% Cu, 0.021% Mo) currently under feasibility by
AngloAmerican (Figure 6-1).

Previous work established that the porphyry deposits of southern Peru formed during
the Paleocene and early Eocene. The Cerro Verde-Santa Rosa porphyry systems hosted by
Proterozoic gneiss of the Arequipa massif and the pre-mineral 62-67 ± 1 Ma Yarabamba
Superunit batholith are associated genetically with porphyry intrusions with 61 ± 1 Ma U-Pb
ages (LeBel, 1985; Mukasa, 1986), and Ar/39Ar hydrothermal sericite alteration age of
61.8±0.7 Ma and 62.0±1.1 Ma for Cerro Verde and 62.2±2.9 Ma for Santa Rosa (Quang et al.,
2003). Hydrothermal sericite alteration at Cuajone has been dated using Ar/39Ar methods at
~52.8±1.0 Ma (Clark et al., 1990a). At Toquepala, Ar/39Ar ages of igneous biotite and

80°W 75°W 70°W 65°W

Coastal Areas
Western Corillera
Interandean Depressions
5°S Eastern Cordillera

Subandean Zone

Eastern Lowlands











Tr Quellaveco La Paz
e nc Toquepala
Pacific Ocean

20°S Area of figure 2


0 250 500km CHILE

Antofagasta ARGENTINA

Figure 6-1: Map of the Central Andes from southern Columbia to northern Chile showing the project
location in the southermost Peru, centered around the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry as well
as other Cu-Mo porphyry deposits within the study area. Major morphostructural units
across the orogen are modified from Jaillard et al. (2000)
hydrothermal sericite suggest the porphyry Cu system formed between 55.9 and 55.0 Ma
(Zweng and Clark, 1995), with a late pyrite-bearing hydrothermal stage as young as 52 Ma
(A.H. Clark, 2003, written communication). At Quellaveco, Estrada (1975) reported a K-Ar age
on sericite of 56.2 Ma (no uncertainty) whereas a slightly younger Ar/39Ar age on sericite of
54.3±2.0 Ma has also been reported (A.H. Clark, 2003, written communication). Sillitoe and
Mortensen (2010) reported U-Pb ages on zircon from a suite of porphyry intrusions between
~54 and 59 Ma from Quellaveco that although fairly close are slightly older than K-Ar and
Ar/39Ar ages, suggesting that those ages reflect the overall cooling of the hydrothermal event
rather than the actual age of the porphyry formation, as is in many porphyry Cu deposits and
districts (e.g. Richards and Noble, 1998; Gustafson et al., 2001; Harris et al., 2008).
Nonetheless, the K-Ar and Ar/39Ar ages are sufficiently close to the ages of the associated
porphyry intrusions associated with Cu-introduction to provide sufficient constraints (e.g. Perelló
et al., 2003; 2008) to define a broad scale chronologic framework for porphyry Cu formation.
Regardless, the available chronologic data suggests at least an 8 to 10 m.y. period during which
porphyry Cu deposits were emplaced in the southern Peru belt, a duration similar to that found
elsewhere (Sillitoe and Perelló, 2005; Barra et al., 2005; Glen et al., 2007).

We focus attention on the southern end of the southern Peru porphyry belt specifically
the three spatially associated porphyry Cu-Mo deposits at Cuajone, Quellaveco, and Toquepala.
We report zircon U-Pb ages at Cuajone and Toquepala (Table 6-1) for ten samples including
pre-mineral host batholiths and representative rocks from each major intrusive phase present in
the two porphyry Cu-Mo systems. Augmenting these new ages are U-Pb ages for 4 rocks from
the Quellaveco deposit (Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010).

Table 6-1: Summary of geochronology results

Sample Northing Easting Description Interpreted Method (Mineral)
Age (Ma)
Qu701 8116626 316290 Regional Granodiorite 65.1±0.8 SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Qu700 8114974 315535 Equigranular Diorite 64.2±0.9 SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Qu696 8115023 318694 LP1 Porphyry 55.6±0.6 SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Qu695 8115385 317984 BLP Porphyry 56.2±0.7 SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Qu697 8115509 318586 Andesitic Intrusion 55.9±0.5 SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Qu699 8116376 316778 LP3 Porphyry 53.5±0.5 SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Qu705 8092833 327942 Equigranular Diorite 61.4±0.8 SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Qu704 8093013 328529 Dacite Porphyry 56.8±0.6 SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Qu708 8093861 328813 Dacite Agglomerate 56.2±0.6 SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Qu706 8093469 328291 Latite Porphyry 54.3±0.6 SRHIMP-RG (zircon)

U-Pb Zircon SHRIMP-RG Techniques

Zircon Separation Procedure

Zircons from twenty-eight samples representing all the major porphyry intrusions and
mineralized centers were prepared for this study. These include eighteen samples from
Quellaveco, six samples from Cuajone and four samples from Toquepala. All samples were
collected as part of this study and all preparation was completed at the Pacific Centre for
Isotopic and Geochemical Research (PCIGR) in the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences,
the University of British Columbia (UBC). Rock samples were prepared in a steel jaw crusher
and ceramic disk grinder to a powder. A Wilfley table was used on the <500 micron size
fraction to produce a heavy mineral concentrate. This concentrate was then put through heavy
liquids (methylene-iodide; MEI) with all minerals off greater than a specific gravity of 3.335
sinking. Both the floating and sinking seperates were retained. The heavy fraction was then
put through a Frantz isodynamic magnetic separator to isolate a non-magnetic fraction.
Individual zircons were hand-picked under a binocular microscope based on grain morphology,
quality, size and magnetic susceptibility. Lab procedures emphasize careful cleaning (with air,
water, soap, alcohol), between samples to minimize possibilities of cross-sample contamination.

Zircons were mounted in a 2.5 cm diameter epoxy plug together with a zircon age
standard R33 (419 ± 0.4 Ma; Black et al., 2004) and a rare earth element zircon standard MAD-
green (Frank Mazdab, personal communication, 2007). The plugs were polished to expose grain
centers and photographed in reflected light and using a cathodoluminescence (CL) detection
system at the Stanford University with a JEOL JSM 5600 scanning electron microscope
operating at 15 keV accelerating potential. The CL images were used to screen the zircons; “CL-
dark” areas of high uranium content were generally selected for analysis due to the low
uranium content, however, both grain edges and centres were both measured. The most
uranium-rich zones contain >40 to <900 ppm U, but average ~150 ppm U. CL-images of the
zircon in each sample display a range of textures including oscillatory growth zones, sector
zoning, and rarely contain rounded cores. In the current study, zircon rims displaying regular
concentric (oscillatory) growth zones were sampled and interpreted to represent normal
magmatic crystallization from zircon-saturated melt (Vavra, 1994; Hoskin, 2000; Hoskin and
Schaltegger, 2003). Identifiable truncated or resorbed cores were typically avoided although
they were sometimes sampled in cases where the core represented the only “dark” portion of
the grain. Inherited zircons with ages >45 Ma represent <5 percent of all spots analyzed.

SHRIMP-RG U-PB Analysis Technique
Zircon U-Pb analyses were conducted on the SHRIMP-RG ion microprobe co-operated by
U.S. Geological Survey and Stanford University in the SUMAC facility at Stanford University.
Secondary ions are generated from the target spot with an O2- primary ion beam varying from
4-6 nA. The primary ion beam typically produces a spot with a diameter of 20-40 microns and a
depth of 1-2 microns for an analysis time of 9-12 minutes. Smaller spot diameters (<20
microns) and smaller primary beam currents (< 2 nA) are used if U or Th concentrations are
very high or internal structures are very fine. The basic acquisition routine begins with a high
mass normalizing species (90Zr216O+ in zircon), followed by 204
Pb+, a background measured at
0.050 mass units above Pb+, 206
Pb+, 207
Pb+, 208
Pb+, 238
U+, 232
Th16O+ and 238
U16O+ and 232
232 270
Starting in May 2009 measurements of Th and UO2 were added to the geochronology
analytical procedure. Selected sets of trace elements are also included for each mineral and are
measured briefly (typically 1 sec/mass) either immediately following (prior to may 2009), or
immediately before and in mass order (after May 2009), the geochronology peaks. For zircon,
the routine procedure includes a set of 9 or 10 REE, Y and Hf. Starting in May 2009 with new
software capabilities masses as low as Li can be analyzed with the geochronology procedure.
However it is more practical because of the length of analsis to only go as low as Al and
30 49 56
include Si, Ti, and Fe with the elements listed above to provide data for calculating Ti in
zircon temperatures. Peak centering on both ubiquitous species and on guide peaks adjacent to
low-abundance or interference-prone species is used to eliminate any potential effects of
magnet drift or peak wandering. The number of scans through the mass sequence and
counting times on each peak are varied according to the sample age and the U and Th
concentrations to improve counting statistics and age precision. Measurements are made at
mass resolutions of M/ΔM =~8500 (10% peak height), which eliminates all interfering
molecular species, particularly for the REE. The SHRIMP-RG was designed to provide higher
mass resolution than the standard forward geometry of the SHRIMP I and II (Clement and
Compston, 1994). This design also provides very clean backgrounds and combined with the
high mass resolution, the EDTA washing of the mount, and rastering the primary beam for 90-
120 seconds over the area to analyzed before data is collected, assures that any counts found
at mass of Pb+ are actually from Pb in the zircon and not surface contamination. In practice
greater than 95% of the spots analyzed have no common Pb.

Concentration data for U, Th and all of the measured trace elements are standardized
against well-characterized, homogeneous zircon standards MAD-green (4196 ppm U) or CZ3
(550 ppm U) (Mazdab and Wooden, 2006). Age data for zircon are standardized against R33

(419 Ma, quartz diorite of Braintree complex, Vermont; Black et al.,, 2004) which is analyzed
repeatedly throughout the duration of the analytical session. Data reduction for geochronology
follows the methods described by Williams (1997), and Ireland and Williams (2003), and uses
the MS Excel add-in Squid and Isoplot programs of Ken Ludwig Data reduction for the trace
element concentrations are also done in MS Excel. Average count rates of each element of
interest are ratioed to the high mass normalizing species to account for any primary current
drift, and the derived ratios for the unknowns are compared to an average of those for the
standards to determine concentrations. Spot to spot precisions (as measured on the standards)
vary according to elemental ionization efficiency and concentration. For the MAD-green zircon,
precisions generally range from about ±3% for Hf, ±5% for the HREE, ±10-15% for P, Sc, Y
and the MREE, and up to ±40% for La (values at 2σ).

Tectonics and District Geology

In the mid-Mesozoic rifting along the western margin of Gondwana (now western South
America) marks the beginning of the Andean orogen (Coira et al., 1982, Davidson and Mpodozis
1990, Benavides-Cáceres 1999). Steep subduction of cold oceanic crust under the western
margin of Gondwana caused the oceanward (west) retreat of the trench allowing for the
formation of significant intra-arc and back arc rifts. These rifts were filled by mafic, mantle-
derived magmatic rocks (Jones 1981, Atherton et al., 1983, 1985) and detritus from the rift
margins (Benavides 1956, Wilson 1983, 2000). The margins of the rift systems are marked by
large-scale faults to the east and Precambrian-Paleozoic rocks to the west. Rifting and basin
development continued into the early Late Cretaceous. In southern Peru, a magmatic arc
formed west of the rift sequence during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, consisting mainly of
basaltic to andesitic rocks intercalated with volcaniclastic rocks and limestone. Three distinct
magmatic pulses are noted during this period and were emplaced progressively towards the
east: early Middle Jurassic (ca. 185Ma); late Middle Jurassic (160-165Ma); and Early Cretaceous
(95-110Ma) in Peru (Pitcher et al., 1995, Mukasa 1986) and Chile (Clark et al., 1976, Mpodozis
and Ramos 1989).

The Late Cretaceous marks a time of a major tectonic and magmatic shift throughout
the Andes coincident with the opening of the south Atlantic Ocean (Tosdal, 2003). Generally,
there is migration of arc development towards the northeast. In southern Peru the time is
marked by Late Cretaceous shortening, collapse of the back-arc rift and eastward thrusting of
marine volcanic and sedimentary sequences on top of continentally derived clastic rocks
(Vicente et al.,, 1989, Benavides-Cáceres, 1999). Magmatism continued in central and southern

Peru during the latest Cretaceous (66Ma) and continued into the Paleogene (59Ma) (Clark et
al., 1990a) and is responsible for obscuring the earlier rift sequence and late Cretaceous fold
and thrust belt. This arc is preserved as thick dacitic to andesitic pyroclastic rocks and
intermediate flows (Bellido, 1979), with igneous roots composed of large, mantle and
Proterozoic aged lower crustal derived granodiorite batholiths (Barreiro and Clark, 1984; Boiley
et al.,,1990). This period of magmatism is correlative with the Toquepala Group rocks in the
area between Toquepala and Cuajone (Figure 2)

Anomalously metal-rich deposits are associated with Paleocene and Early Eocene granite
and granodiorite porphyry stocks. These stocks intruded earlier in Peru and progressively young
to the south in northern Chile, from 60-52.3Ma (Mukasa 1986, Clark et al., 1990a). A strong
northwest elongation of the Paleogene porphyry stocks suggests that a series of trench parallel,
northwest-trending faults, coincident with the earlier rift basin, control the emplacement the
stocks. Porphyry intrusions of this age are temporally and spatially associated with porphyry Cu-
Mo mineralization at Quellaveco, Toquepala and Cuajone (Figure 6-2).

During the Eocene and Oligocene flat slab subduction (Sandeman et al., 1995) in Peru
caused a sudden northeastward shift in magmatism (Noble et al., 1984). In southern Peru this
is recorded as Paleogene arc degradation, whereby sedimentation (Moquegua Formation)
began filling an intra-arc basin until approximately 18Ma, when volcanism continued (Tosdal et
al., 1981). The majority of volcanism erupted from 22-18Ma (Huaylillas Formation), as large
ignimbrites interbedded with the earlier Moquegua Formation (Tosdal et al., 1984). The
EarlyMiocene was also characterized by shortening, orogen-scale uplift and accentuation of the
oroclinal bend in the Andes (Isacks 1988).







8115000 mN
Cuajone Mine
Proposed Pit

8110000 mN

8105000 mN au

8100000 mN lac
Stratified rocks Intrusive rocks
8095000 mN Alluvium Paleocene
Moquegua Fm.
In Batholiths
ca Barroso Gp.
qu Toquapala Mine Chuntacala/
io 8090000 mN Huaylillas Fm.
Fa Undifferentiated
Toquepala Gp.

Figure 6-2: Regional geology surrounding the Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala ore bodies.
Coordinates in Peruvian Coordinate System (PSAD56); Zone 19S.

Samples for U-Pb geochronology were taken from all intrusive and selected host
volcanic rocks from the Cuajone and Toquepala Mines. The samples were taken in order to
compare the timing and igneous process to those that have been studied more thoroughly at
the Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo deposit. Results indicate that the deposits at Cuajone and
Toquepala are hosted in latest Cretaceous volcanic rocks of the Toquepala Group. At both
Cuajone and Toquepala, pre-mineralization stocks and batholiths of diorite to granodiorite
composition are present. The earliest series of porphyry intrusions at Cuajone and Toquepala
begin at 56-57Ma and are followed by a series of less volumetrically important porphyry
intrusions from 55-56.5Ma and cannot be resolved from the oldest porphyry suites. At both
mines young porphyry dykes, which are only weakly mineralized have been dated between 53-
54Ma. This indicates that the igneous system associated with the porphyry Cu-Mo
mineralization lasted a minimum of 4m.y., though there is some indication from inherited
zircons from some samples that an early cryptic igneous event may have been present at both
mines as late as 58Ma.

The Cuajone Mine is located in Moquegua Department approximately 23km NNW of the
Toquepala Mine and 30km NE of Moquegua (Figure 6-2). As of 2006, a total of 619Mt at 0.88%
Cu, had been mined from Cuajone, with mineable reserves of 1145Mt at 0.61% Cu (SPCC,
2007). The deposit is hosted mainly within latest Cretaceous rhyolitic and andesitic flows and
air fall deposits of the Toquepala Group (Figures 6-2 and 6-33). Similar rocks in the Quellaveco
area were deposited at approximately 68-71Ma. The Toquepala Group was intruded by large
diorite and granodiorite batholiths which predate the hydrothermal system associated with Cu-
Mo mineralization. The bulk of Cu-Mo mineralization occurs immediately after the emplacement
of the first Latite Porphyry pulse (LP1). A second pulse of latite porphyry (BLP) is associated
with a lesser mineralizing event, while a third pulse of latite porphyry (LP3) destroys grade. An
intrusive andesite unit was also sampled and was thought to be a subvolcanic hypabysal
intrusion associated with the Toquepala Group, however data presented below indicates that
this unit was emplaced within error of the LP1 and BLP porphyry suites.

The porphyry intrusions are unconformably overlain by ignimbrites of the Huaylillas (15-
24Ma) and Chuntacala Formations (ca. 13 Ma) (Quang et al., 2005; Figure 6-2). The Chuntacala
Formation ignimbrites preserved the preserved the secondary sulphide horizon that developed
in the Miocene, prior to the deposition of the Huaylillas Formation (Quang et al., 2005).


Stratified Rocks
8116500mN 65.1±0.8Ma Alluvium/Talus
Undifferentiated Chuntacala Fm.
Undifferentiated Huaylillas Fm.
8116000mN Undifferentiated Toquepala Gp.
Intrusive Rocks/Breccias
Latite Porphyry 3 (Post Mineral)
Hydrothermal Breccia
8115500mN Qu695 Qu697 Latite Porphyry 2 (Intermineral)
56.2±0.7Ma 55.9±0.5Ma Latite Porphyry 1 (Main Stage)
Diorite Intrusion (Pre-mineral)

64.2±0.9Ma Qu696 8115000mN





Figure 6-3: Simplified geology of Cuajone mine, modified after Southern Peru Copper Corporation.
Coordinates in Peruvian Coordinate System (PSAD56); zone 19S. Location of
geochronology samples plotted for all intrusive rocks; errors given 2σ levels.

Regional Granodiorite
After the deposition of the Toquepala Group volcanic rocks, the next major geological
event was the emplacement of the Yarabamba Super Unit batholiths. These intrusions are
common from the Peruvian-Chilean border in the south to central Peru in the north. Batholiths
belonging to the Yarabamba Super Unit range from diorite to granodiorite in composition and
most commonly contain equigranular textures with anhedral quartz, if present, as an interstitial
species to euhedral feldspars, hornblende and biotite. The batholiths are elongated along a
NNW orientation and may attain dimensions of several 10’s of kilometers by 1-2km. Between
Cuajone and Toquepala these intrusions were emplaced prior to Cu-Mo mineralization
associated with porphyry intrusions. At Cuajone, an equigranular granodiorite was sampled
approximately 2km NW of the center of the deposit (Figure 6-3). This sample yielded a zircon
U-Pb SHRIMP-RG age of 65.1±0.8Ma (Figure 6-4a-b and 5a, Table 6-2). This intrusive body is
outside of the main deposit and is not mineralized. The intrusion is an equigranular, medium-
grained (3mm), biotite and hornblende bearing granodiorite with quartz occurring as interstitial
anhedral crystals to euhedral feldspar crystals. Hypogene alteration in this unit is restricted to
chlorite and epidote alteration of mafic minerals. Supergene alteration of feldspars to fine white
micas is also common, but is not as well developed as in center of the deposit area.

Pre-Mineral Diorite
This unit also belongs to the Yarabamba Super Unit of intrusions. This sample was taken from
3km to the west of the center of the deposit (Figure 6-3). It is a coarse grained (~5-10mm)
equigranular intrusion of dioritic composition and contains 10-15% hornblende and biotite.
Quartz in not common within this unit, but when present occurs as fine anhedral masses,
interstitial to the feldspars. The variation in composition of these batholiths and within
batholiths has not been well constrained, but likely is due to multiple magmas injecting into
partially molten intrusive bodies that developed over a long period of time (as observed at
Quellaveco, where a similar granodiorite intrusion is much younger than those at both Cuajone
and Toquepala. This sample yielded a zircon U-Pb SHRIMP-RG age of 64.2±0.9Ma (Figure 6-4c-
d and 5b, Table 6-3). Although this sample is within error of the regional granodiorite, it
indicates that these batholiths may have been emplaced over long periods of time. As in the
granodiorite, hypogene alteration is restricted to chlorite and epidote alteration of mafic
minerals and supergene alteration of feldspars to fine white micas.

Age (Ma) Error ellipses are 2σ
To common 65.1±0.7Ma
75 MSWD 1.5
Pb loss
65 0.056

60 0.052

55 Qu701 Granodiorite Batholith
50 72 70 68 66 64 62 60
MSWD 1.45
45 Probability 0.18

40 0.040
88 92 96 100 104 108








238 206
U/ Pb

80 0.09
MSWD 0.80

55 0.06 Inherited

Qu700 Diorite Intrusion zircon
50 64.2±0.9Ma
MSWD 1.37 0.05
45 Probability 0.20 72 70 68 66 64 62 60 58

40 0.04
88 92 96 100 104 108 112










55.7±0.6Ma 53.1±0.7Ma
0.09 MSWD 0.33
MSWD 0.99
60 Prob. 0.42 Prob. 0.80

0.08 Common Pb
Pb/ Pb


50 Inherited

Qu696 LP1 Porphyry zircons
MSWD 0.98 0.05
Probability 0.43






40 0.04
100 104 108 112 116 120 124







238 206
U/ Pb

Figure 6-4: U-Pb SHRIMP-RG zircon ages from Cuajone. Ages based on weighted mean averages of
Pb207 corrected Pb206/U238 ages from spots on different zircons.

Age (Ma)
MSWD 1.50
60 Probability 0.18

55 0.10
Common Pb
Qu695 BLP Porphyry
50 0.08

MSWD 1.49
Probability 0.18 Inherited
45 0.06
64 62 60 58 56 54 52
40 0.04





98 102 106 110 114 118 122 126
238 206
U/ Pb

0.07 MSWD 0.36
Prob. 0.94

Pb/ Pb

Qu697 Intrusive Andesite
55.9±0.5Ma 0.05 Pb-loss
45 MSWD 0.90




Probability 0.52

40 0.04
106 110 114 118 122









60 To spot
699-7 53.5±0.4Ma
MSWD 0.76
Prob. 0.66
55 0.10

Common Pb
50 0.08
Pb loss
Qu699 LP3 Porphyry

45 MSWD 0.69

Probability 0.70




40 0.04
95 105 115 125 135






238 206
U/ Pb

Figure 6-4 (cont’d): U-Pb SHRIMP-RG zircon ages from Cuajone. Ages based on weighted mean
averages of Pb207 corrected Pb206/U238 ages from spots on different zircons.




Figure 6-5: Photos of rocks from the Cuajone mine. A) Regional Granodiorite; B) Equigranular
diorite; C) Lp1; D) BLP; E) Intrusive andesite and; F) Lp3

Table 6-2: U-Pb SHRIMP-RG zircon analytical data for samples from Cuajone mine
206 1 232 206
Sample Pb U Th Th Pb 2 206
Pb 2 1σ 207
Pb 1σ Apparent Age (Ma, 1σ)
238 238 206 2 206
Spot % (ppm) (ppm) U (ppm) U % Pb % Pb/238U 3
Qu701 (Regional
701-1 0.12 253 270 1.10 2.1 0.00973 1.3 0.0482 5.1 62.31 (0.84)
701-6 0.61 219 223 1.05 1.9 0.00998 1.4 0.0522 5.2 63.63 (0.92)
701-9 -0.36 94 71 0.78 0.8 0.00994 2.2 0.0444 9.0 63.97 (1.42)
701-8 -0.07 387 462 1.23 3.3 0.01002 1.1 0.0467 4.1 64.31 (0.70)
701-7 0.77 120 114 0.98 1.1 0.01021 1.9 0.0535 7.1 64.99 (1.26)
701-5 -0.08 207 204 1.02 1.8 0.01017 1.4 0.0467 5.7 65.28 (0.94)
701-3 0.27 337 327 1.00 3.0 0.01028 1.2 0.0495 4.4 65.74 (0.80)
701-4 0.10 185 185 1.04 1.6 0.01035 1.5 0.0481 5.9 66.31 (1.01)
701-2 0.33 121 112 0.96 1.1 0.01055 1.8 0.0500 7.1 67.43 (1.23)
Qu701 (Pre-mineral Diorite)
701-7 0.52 84 57 0.70 0.7 0.00974 2.3 0.0513 8.3 62.14 (1.46)
701-10 1.13 127 95 0.77 1.1 0.00986 1.9 0.0562 6.7 62.53 (1.21)
701-9 -0.05 135 128 0.97 1.1 0.00983 1.8 0.0469 7.4 63.08 (1.17)
701-2 2.13 121 117 1.00 1.0 0.01005 1.9 0.0642 6.4 63.07 (1.23)
701-4 0.54 173 180 1.07 1.5 0.01002 1.6 0.0515 6.1 63.90 (1.05)
701-6 0.07 113 106 0.97 1.0 0.01007 1.9 0.0479 7.7 64.51 (1.29)
701-5 0.03 102 90 0.91 0.9 0.01007 2.0 0.0476 8.1 64.58 (1.33)
701-3 1.07 153 153 1.03 1.3 0.01027 1.7 0.0558 6.2 65.18 (1.14)
701-1 3.04 109 74 0.70 1.0 0.01050 2.0 0.0714 6.5 65.27 (1.35)
701-8 0.65 156 135 0.89 1.4 0.01048 1.6 0.0525 6.5 66.75 (1.13)
Qu696 (Intrusive Andesite)
696-8 1.35 203 99 0.50 1.5 0.00832 1.2 0.0578 4.8 52.70 (0.65)
696-7 0.68 285 205 0.74 2.0 0.00829 1.1 0.0524 4.2 52.86 (0.61)
696-11 1.73 107 60 0.58 0.8 0.00846 1.6 0.0608 6.2 53.38 (0.89)
696-6 2.08 171 103 0.62 1.3 0.00852 1.3 0.0635 5.1 53.56 (0.74)
696-1 1.10 249 157 0.65 1.8 0.00864 1.1 0.0558 4.3 54.83 (0.60)
696-10 3.19 65 29 0.46 0.5 0.00890 2.5 0.0724 7.8 55.28 (1.45)
696-12 1.56 132 93 0.73 1.0 0.00878 1.4 0.0595 5.5 55.46 (0.81)
696-4 0.80 356 314 0.91 2.7 0.00872 0.9 0.0535 3.7 55.54 (0.52)
696-3 1.30 193 87 0.47 1.5 0.00893 1.2 0.0575 4.7 56.54 (0.69)
696-2 1.68 125 85 0.70 1.0 0.00898 1.5 0.0605 5.9 56.64 (0.88)
696-5 0.68 326 341 1.08 2.5 0.00902 1.0 0.0525 4.6 57.52 (0.61)
696-9 1.09 215 129 0.62 1.7 0.00930 1.3 0.0558 4.5 59.03 (0.80)
Qu695 (LP1)
695-6 0.78 704 971 1.43 5.0 0.00823 0.8 0.0533 2.8 52.44 (0.42)
695-8 1.71 216 122 0.59 1.6 0.00836 1.2 0.0606 4.6 52.74 (0.65)
695-5 0.90 224 137 0.63 1.6 0.00843 1.2 0.0542 4.8 53.64 (0.65)
695-9 0.85 242 252 1.07 1.8 0.00864 1.1 0.0539 9.3 55.01 (0.69)
695-1 5.41 159 99 0.64 1.3 0.00914 1.4 0.0900 17.4 55.48 (1.40)
695-7 3.23 148 84 0.59 1.1 0.00895 1.4 0.0727 5.2 55.62 (0.82)
695-3 4.20 391 380 1.00 3.0 0.00906 1.0 0.0804 11.6 55.71 (0.88)
695-11 1.11 317 179 0.58 2.4 0.00895 0.9 0.0559 3.9 56.78 (0.56)
695-12 0.16 125 53 0.44 1.0 0.00890 1.5 0.0484 8.5 57.06 (0.89)
695-2 4.33 267 252 0.97 2.2 0.00941 1.0 0.0815 11.7 57.80 (0.94)
695-10 1.48 179 57 0.33 1.4 0.00920 1.2 0.0589 4.9 58.16 (0.75)
695-4 1.59 338 255 0.78 2.8 0.00951 1.0 0.0598 10.5 60.03 (0.75)
Qu697 (BLP)
697-5 0.73 304 188 0.64 2.2 0.00849 1.1 0.0529 5.1 54.12 (0.60)
697-3 0.88 162 76 0.48 1.2 0.00855 1.4 0.0540 5.9 54.41 (0.81)
697-4 1.23 273 186 0.71 2.0 0.00869 1.1 0.0569 4.4 55.10 (0.62)
697-11 1.20 141 55 0.40 1.1 0.00874 1.5 0.0566 6.2 55.45 (0.88)
697-1 1.79 117 79 0.69 0.9 0.00883 1.6 0.0613 6.3 55.66 (0.94)
697-10 1.26 132 60 0.47 1.0 0.00882 1.6 0.0571 6.6 55.91 (0.94)
697-7 1.22 105 67 0.66 0.8 0.00888 1.8 0.0568 7.2 56.30 (1.04)
697-6 0.96 193 132 0.71 1.5 0.00886 1.3 0.0548 5.5 56.30 (0.76)
697-8 0.24 327 255 0.81 2.5 0.00882 1.0 0.0490 4.3 56.45 (0.58)
697-9 1.00 238 138 0.60 1.8 0.00889 1.2 0.0550 6.0 56.50 (0.72)
697-12 0.97 201 158 0.81 1.5 0.00890 1.3 0.0548 5.3 56.55 (0.76)
697-2 0.94 250 242 1.00 1.9 0.00896 1.1 0.0546 4.5 56.98 (0.64)
Qu699 (LP3)
699-12 1.47 201 164 0.84 1.4 0.00792 1.4 0.0587 6.9 50.13 (0.75)
699-9 0.92 200 100 0.52 1.4 0.00825 1.3 0.0544 5.4 52.45 (0.71)
699-6 1.30 337 111 0.34 2.4 0.00835 1.1 0.0573 4.5 52.90 (0.59)
699-10 2.17 123 95 0.79 0.9 0.00843 1.7 0.0643 6.4 52.97 (0.93)
699-8 0.24 1792 950 0.55 12.8 0.00834 0.5 0.0490 2.0 53.41 (0.29)
699-11 0.78 350 120 0.35 2.5 0.00840 1.0 0.0532 4.3 53.53 (0.58)
699-4 0.68 386 92 0.25 2.8 0.00841 1.0 0.0525 5.7 53.61 (0.56)
699-1 0.35 594 161 0.28 4.3 0.00843 0.8 0.0499 3.3 53.94 (0.42)
699-3 2.49 78 36 0.47 0.6 0.00863 2.1 0.0668 7.7 54.00 (1.16)
699-5 0.70 137 58 0.44 1.0 0.00852 1.9 0.0526 7.2 54.33 (1.06)
699-2 5.46 29 12 0.44 0.2 0.00905 3.4 0.0904 11.0 54.91 (2.01)
699-7 28.47 6 2 0.36 0.1 0.01307 6.4 0.2728 12.8 59.98 (5.34)

Common lead; 2 Atomic ratios of radiogenic Pb; 3 206
Pb/238U age using 207
Pb to correct for common lead

Latite Porphyry 1 (LP1)
The earliest of the porphyritic intrusive suites described at the Cuajone mine is the Latite
Porphyry 1 (LP1). Intrusions of this type range from large (1000m x 800m) stocks to small
dykes and are mainly hosted within Toquepala Group volcanic rocks. The main stock is
elongated in a NW-SE direction (Figure 6-3). The majority of Cu-Mo mineralization occurs
immediately following the emplacement of this intrusive suite. The majority of Cu-Mo
mineralization at Cuajone is hosted within LP1, however Toquepala Group rocks are also well
mineralized adjacent to the contact with LP1 intrusions. In spite of the mine name for these
intrusions (latite), they range in composition from quartz monzonite to
granodiorite/monzogranite. These units typically contain large, euhedral feldspar (25-35%) and
round, anhedral quartz (5-10%) phenocrysts, with slightly smaller and less abundant biotite ( 2-
3%) phenocrysts set in a fine grained light grey matrix (Figure 6-5c). The phenocryst to matrix
ratio varies from 35:65 to 50:50. The sample of this intrusions type was collected in the SE
portion of the main stock and yielded an age of 55.6±0.9Ma (Figure 6-4e-f, Table 6-2). Where
the sample was collected it was intensely hypogene altered to early K-feldspar overprinted by
sericite and illite. Biotite phenocrysts (±secondary biotite)have been altered to chlorite-pyrite.

Latite Porphyry 2 (BLP)

The second pulse of porphyry intrusions has been assigned the name Late Porphyry 2
(BLP) by mine site geologists. Like the LP1 suite of intrusions latite is not an accurate name for
these rocks as the may contain significant amounts of quartz. Typically they range in
composition from monzonite to quartz monzonite. BLP porphyries occur as rounded stocks,
slightly elongated in a NW-SE direction (Figure 6-3). These rocks contain lower grades of Cu
and Mo suggesting that they may have been exposed to less hydrothermal fluids than the older
LP1 porphyries and that several pulses of hydrothermal fluids have generated several
generations of Cu-Mo bearing veins. These rocks contain medium grained, euhedral feldspars
(20-30%) and fine round anhedral quartz (2-8%) phenocrysts in a fine dark gray matrix, with
trace amounts of fine grained biotite phenocrysts (Figure 6-5d). Typically, the phenocryst to
matrix ratio is lower in BLP porphyries than in the LP1 porphyries, ranging from 20:80 to 40:60.
The sample for geochronology was taken from the SE portion of the largest of the BLP
porphyries and yielded and age of 56.2±0.7Ma (Figure 6-4g-h, Table 6-2). The sample was
collected within hypogene alteration consisting of feldspar partially altered to sericite/illite and
biotite altered to chlorite.

Intrusive Andesite
The intrusive andesite unit was thought to be a sub-volcanic intrusion roughly
equivalent in age to the overlying Toquepala Group volcanic rocks. It is exposed on eastern side
of the main LP1 intrusion. It is elongated towards the NW along the eastern contact between
Toquepala Group rocks and the LP1 Porphyry (Figure 6-3). Intrusive contacts suggest that this
unit was present prior to the emplacement of the LP1 and BLP porphyry suites. The sample was
taken immediately west of the main LP1 stock in intensely hypogene altered “intrusive
andesite”. The sample yielded an age of 55.9±0.5Ma (Figure 6-4i-j, Table 6-2). This is no
evidence for Toquepala Group aged zircons nor is there significant Pb-loss, suggesting that this
is approximately the true age of emplacement of this unit. However, the error from this sample
does overlap with both the Lp1 and BLP porphyries; therefore it is permissible that it was
emplaced prior to the LP1 porphyry. However, it was emplaced much later than the Toquepala
Group volcanic rocks and likely is not a sub-volcanic intrusion of the Toquepala Group. As in the
Toquepala Group rocks, this unit may be significantly mineralized and altered adjacent to the
contacts with the LP1 porphyry. This unit has a micro-porphyritic texture with very fine,
anhedral feldspar (20-25%), coarse, anhedral, rounded quartz (1%) and fine, anhedral
hornblende (5%) phenocrysts in a fine grained dark grey-green matrix (Figure 6-5e).
Compositions of this unit range from diorite to monzodiorite. Alteration of this unit is typically
secite/illite alteration of primary feldspar (± secondary K-feldspar) and chlorite-pyrite alteration
of hornblende (± secondary biotite).

Latite Porphyry 3 (LP3)

The last igneous event during the Paleocene was the emplacement of post-
mineralization dykes and stocks of monzogranite to granodiorite composition, termed Latite
Porphyry 3 (LP3) intrusions by mine site geologists. This suite of intrusive rock is most Cu-Mo
mineralization and downgrades the deposit. LP3 porphyries are exposed at the NW section of
the pit and occur as rounded stocks and NW-SE oriented dykes (Figure 6-3). Compared to the
earlier porphyry units the LP3 porphyries contain more quartz and a lower phenocryst to matrix
ratio. Typically this unit contains rounded, anhedral quartz (10-15%), finer, euhedral feldspar
(12-18%) phenocrysts in a fine grained light grey matrix (Figure 6-5f). Mafic minerals are
absent in this unit. Phenocryst to matrix ratios vary from 20:80 to 30:70. The sample was taken
from outside the current mine in moderately supergene altered rock and yielded and age of
53.5±0.5Mm (Figure 6-4k-l; Table 6-2). Alteration of this unit is restricted to white mica
alteration of feldspars as a result of both hypogene and supergene processes.

The Cuajone Mine is located in Tacna Department approximately 35km ESE of the town
of Moquegua and approximately 23km SSE of the Cuajone Mine (Figure 6-2). As of 2006, a
total of 634Mt at 0.98% Cu, had been mined from Toquepala, with mineable reserves of
1032Mt at 0.67% Cu (SPCC, 2007). The deposit is hosted mainly within latest Cretaceous
rhyolitic and andesitic flows and air fall deposits of the Toquepala Group and to a lesser extent
within an Eocene dioritic batholith of the Yarabamba suite of intrusions (Figures 6-2 and 6).
Similar Toquepala Group rocks in the Quellaveco area were deposited at approximately 68-
71Ma. The Toquepala Group was intruded by large diorite and granodiorite batholiths which
predate the hydrothermal system associated with Cu-Mo mineralization. The bulk of Cu-Mo
mineralization occurs immediately after the emplacement of the Dacite Porphyry pulse. The
system then undergoes brecciation due to collapse, which is associated with an additional
hydrothermal pulse. A second period of brecciation occurs with the formation of a diatreme
breccia, this event effectively downgrades the deposit in the areas where this form of
brecciation occurred. The breccia is then intruded by a unit referred to as the “Dacite
Agglomerate” by mine geologists. The dacite agglomerate unit is series of dyke swarms of
porphyritic granitoid, this phase of intrusion is not associated with a hydrothermal pulse and
effectively destroys grade. The last intrusive event involves the emplacement of relatively thin
latite porphyry dykes, which are not associated with hydrothermal mineralization. No Miocene
or later volcanic rocks are present in the area of the Toquepala mine.

Regional Granodiorite
This unit is similar to other equigranular intrusions observed at Quellaveco and Cuajone
and is the first igneous intrusive event post-dating the deposition of Toquepala Group volcanic
rocks. The batholiths are elongated along a NNW orientation and may attain dimensions of
several 10’s of kilometers by 1-2km. Between Cuajone and Toquepala these intrusions were
emplaced prior to Cu-Mo mineralization associated with porphyry intrusions. At Toquepala, an
equigranular diorite was sampled in the eastern part of the deposit (Figure 6-6). This sample
yielded a zircon U-Pb SHRIMP-RG age of 61.4±0.8Ma (Figure 6-7a-b, Table 6-3). The intrusion
is an equigranular, fine-grained (3mm), biotite and hornblende bearing diorite with rare quartz
occurring as interstitial anhedral crystals to euhedral feldspar crystals (Figure 6-8a). Hypogene
alteration in this unit is restricted to chlorite and epidote alteration of mafic minerals.
Supergene alteration of secondary feldspars to fine white micas is also common, but is not as
well developed as in center of the deposit area.


8094000mN Qu708

8093500mN 54.3±0.6Ma

8093000mN Qu704


Stratified Rocks
Undifferentiated Toquepala Gp.
Intrusive Rocks/Breccias
Latite Porphyry (Post Mineral)
Dacite Agglomerate (Intermineral)
Anhydrite Breccia (”Ore Breccia”)
Dacite Porphyry (Main Stage)
Diorite Breccia
Diorite Intrusion (Pre-mineral)

Figure 6-6: Simplified geology of Toquepala mine, modified after Southern Peru Copper Corporation
and Richard & Courtright, 1958. Coordinates in Peruvian Coordinate System (PSAD56); zone
19S. Location of geochronology samples plotted for all intrusive rocks; errors given 2σ levels.

Dacite Porphyry
The earliest porphyry phase at Toquepala is the dacite porphyry and is spatially
associated with the majority of Cu-Mo mineralization (with the exception of “ore breccias” which
immediately post-date the emplacement of the dacite porphyry. This unit occurs as large stocks
and dyke which have been cut by numerous breccia bodies and later porphyry intrusions
(Figure 6-6). The dacite porphyry contains medium grained, euhedral feldspar (30-35%) and
rounded, anhedral quartz (5-15%) phenocrysts in a fine grained/aphanitic light grey matrix of
altered feldspar and quartz (Figure 6-8b). Rare very fine chlorite-pyrite altered biotite
phenocrysts are also present. This suite ranges in composition from granodiorite to
monzogranite. The sample was collected from the SE part of the main dacite porphyry body
close to the contact with anhydrite breccia and the regional diorite, within anhydrite-biotite-K-
feldspar altered rock. The sample yielded an age of 56.8±0.6Ma (Figure 6-7c-d, Table 6-3).

Dacite Agglomerate
The second porphyry intrusive suite has been assigned the name dacite agglomerate. Though it
has been mapped as one single unit, mainly restricted to the NE past of the mine, observations
of a brief viewing of drill core would suggest that it is more likely a series dykes swarms as
opposed to single large stocks (Figure 6-6). Units within these dyke swarms are crowded
slightly finer grained porphyries than the dacite porphyry and contain significantly more igneous
biotite. Dykes of this suite range from granodiorite to monzogranite and contain medium
grained, euhedral feldspar (30-35%), rounded, anhedral to subhedral, larger quartz (10-15%)
and fine, euhedral, chlorite altered biotite (2-5%) in a fine grained/aphanitic light grey matrix
(Figure 6-8c). Though this unit may be weakly mineralized it is believed to be emplaced after
the majority of Cu-Mo mineralization and largely downgrades the Cu-Mo mineralization. The
sample was collected at from the northern part of the mine within weakly white mica (±
secondary feldspar) and chlorite altered rock. This sample yielded an age of 56.2±0.6Ma
(Figure 6-7e-f, Table 6-3).

Latite Porphyry
This unit is similar to the post-mineralization LP3 unit observed at Cuajone mine and
occurs after the bulk of Cu-Mo mineralization. The unit is fine grained porphyritic to micro
porphyritic occurring as small dykes, which intrude all other units with dominant NNE and NW
orientations (Figure 6-6). The unit varies from monzonite to quartz monzonite and contains very
fine grained phenocrysts of subhedral feldspar (50-60%), rounded anhedral-subhedral quartz

Age (Ma)
75 0.16
70 MSWD 2.9
Prob. 0.01

60 Common Pb loss

Qu705 Regional Diorite 0.08
50 61.4±0.8Ma
MSWD 2.96 0.06



45 Probability 0.01
40 85 95 105 115 125





238 206
U/ Pb


70 56.8±0.8Ma
MSWD 1.7
Prob. 0.08

Pb/ Pb

Qu704 Dacite Porphyry
56.8±0.6Ma 0.1
40 MSWD 1.66
Probability 0.08






30 80 90 100 110 120 130








0.12 55.9±0.6Ma
MSWD 0.39
60 Prob. 0.86
MSWD 0.051
Pb/ Pb

55 Prob. 0.95


Qu708 Dacite Agglomerate


56.2±0.6Ma 57.8±0.8Ma
50 0.06 MSWD 0.40
MSWD 1.03
Probability 0.40 Prob. 0.67
66 62 58 54 50
45 0.04
95 105 115 125









Figure 6-7: U-Pb SHRIMP-RG zircon ages from Toquepala. Ages based on weighted mean averages of
Pb207 corrected Pb206/U238 ages from spots on different zircons.

Age (Ma)
60 MSWD 1.2
Prob. 0.3
55 0.07 58.5±0.7Ma

MSWD 1.08
Prob. 0.36
50 Qu706 Latite Porphyry 0.06

MSWD 1.21
45 Probability 0.30 0.05
68 64 60 56 52 48

40 0.04
90 100 110 120 130 140







238 206
U/ Pb

Figure 6-7 (cont’d): U-Pb SHRIMP-RG zircon ages from Toquepala. Ages based on weighted mean
averages of Pb207 corrected Pb206/U238 ages from spots on different zircons.



Figure 6-8: Photos of rocks from the Toquepala Mine. A) Equigranular diorite; B) Dacite porphyry
C) Dacite agglomerate and; D) Latite porphyry

Table 6-3: U-Pb SHRIMP-RG zircon analytical data for samples from Toquepala mine
206 1 232 206
Sample Pb U Th Th Pb 2 206
Pb 2 1σ 207
Pb 1σ Apparent Age (Ma, 1σ)
238 238 206 2 206
Spot % (ppm) (ppm) U (ppm) U % Pb % Pb/238U 3
Qu705 (Regional
705-4 2.61 241 362 1.55 1.8 0.00881 1.2 0.0678 7.3 55.05 (0.75)
705-3 4.69 74 81 1.12 0.6 0.00902 1.8 0.0843 6.1 55.19 (1.07)
705-1 0.51 253 454 1.86 2.0 0.00900 1.0 0.0512 4.2 57.50 (0.58)
705-12 0.63 165 244 1.53 1.3 0.00913 1.2 0.0522 5.1 58.19 (0.74)
705-7 0.40 994 327 0.34 7.9 0.00923 0.5 0.0503 2.1 58.99 (0.31)
705-2 2.09 157 212 1.40 1.3 0.00946 1.2 0.0638 4.7 59.41 (0.76)
705-11 0.64 535 1007 1.95 4.3 0.00946 0.7 0.0523 2.9 60.34 (0.43)
705-9 6.83 300 557 1.92 2.6 0.01026 1.0 0.1014 26.8 61.30 (2.34)
705-8 0.44 1234 903 0.76 10.2 0.00966 0.4 0.0508 1.9 61.71 (0.28)
705-6 0.86 238 350 1.52 2.0 0.00972 1.0 0.0540 4.2 61.85 (0.67)
705-10 0.49 634 358 0.58 5.3 0.00971 0.6 0.0511 2.6 61.99 (0.39)
705-5 6.90 139 126 0.94 1.2 0.01044 1.3 0.1019 6.6 62.35 (0.98)
Qu704 (Dacite Porphyry)
704-8 2.99 61 27 0.45 0.5 0.00877 2.4 0.0708 8.0 54.63 (1.36)
704-3 21.33 230 122 0.55 2.1 0.01082 1.4 0.2161 24.7 54.63 (4.74)
704-11 3.60 92 46 0.52 0.7 0.00890 1.7 0.0756 6.2 55.06 (1.00)
704-7 0.99 196 133 0.70 1.5 0.00884 1.2 0.0550 4.8 56.19 (0.70)
704-5 1.27 355 231 0.67 2.7 0.00890 0.9 0.0572 5.1 56.43 (0.53)
704-9 17.02 69 31 0.46 0.6 0.01058 3.5 0.1819 18.5 56.34 (3.48)
704-2 1.35 243 215 0.91 1.9 0.00895 1.0 0.0579 4.1 56.69 (0.61)
704-6 2.12 102 47 0.48 0.8 0.00907 1.6 0.0640 6.0 56.94 (0.95)
704-12 1.76 121 115 0.98 0.9 0.00911 1.4 0.0611 6.1 57.46 (0.87)
704-1 1.88 101 55 0.56 0.8 0.00922 1.6 0.0620 6.2 58.07 (0.98)
704-13 1.87 128 90 0.72 1.0 0.00938 1.4 0.0620 6.2 59.09 (0.85)
704-4 0.46 220 206 0.97 1.8 0.00936 1.1 0.0508 4.5 59.81 (0.68)
704-10 2.91 304 215 0.73 2.9 0.01105 1.0 0.0704 3.6 68.82 (0.70)
Qu708 (Dacite Agglomerate)
708-7 0.51 237 116 0.51 1.7 0.00836 1.2 0.0511 5.2 53.37 (0.67)
708-4 2.13 139 80 0.59 1.0 0.00851 1.8 0.0639 6.1 53.46 (0.99)
708-11 4.11 73 35 0.50 0.5 0.00875 2.3 0.0797 11.9 53.87 (1.41)
708-2 0.73 174 92 0.55 1.3 0.00866 1.5 0.0529 6.2 55.20 (0.84)
708-6 0.68 251 204 0.84 1.9 0.00868 1.2 0.0525 5.0 55.36 (0.68)
708-12 0.98 178 96 0.56 1.4 0.00884 1.6 0.0549 5.9 56.15 (0.93)
708-3 0.52 251 174 0.72 1.9 0.00880 1.2 0.0513 4.9 56.16 (0.68)
708-1 1.18 148 82 0.57 1.1 0.00886 1.6 0.0565 6.4 56.20 (0.91)
708-10 0.62 251 96 0.40 1.9 0.00882 1.2 0.0520 5.0 56.27 (0.69)
708-5 0.51 270 244 0.93 2.1 0.00899 1.1 0.0512 4.7 57.39 (0.66)
708-8 0.89 340 276 0.84 2.7 0.00910 1.1 0.0542 5.0 57.86 (0.64)
708-9 5.26 166 95 0.59 1.4 0.00961 1.5 0.0888 6.0 58.40 (0.95)
Qu706 (Latite Porphyry)
706-11 0.83 182 104 0.59 1.2 0.00797 2.8 0.0536 9.9 50.74 (1.47)
706-3 1.04 497 375 0.78 3.5 0.00816 0.9 0.0553 3.9 51.83 (0.46)
706-6 2.18 178 100 0.58 1.3 0.00846 1.4 0.0643 6.3 53.11 (0.81)
706-4 2.94 151 103 0.71 1.1 0.00865 1.5 0.0704 5.5 53.88 (0.85)
706-12 0.72 437 375 0.89 3.2 0.00847 0.9 0.0528 4.4 53.96 (0.51)
706-9 0.58 311 328 1.09 2.3 0.00855 1.1 0.0517 4.4 54.54 (0.59)
706-5 2.24 123 70 0.58 0.9 0.00878 1.7 0.0649 6.8 55.07 (1.00)
706-10 0.91 185 118 0.66 1.4 0.00873 1.4 0.0543 5.7 55.52 (0.78)
706-2 1.29 403 415 1.06 3.1 0.00897 0.9 0.0573 9.6 56.82 (0.65)
706-7 0.99 196 109 0.57 1.5 0.00910 1.4 0.0550 5.7 57.84 (0.84)
706-1 1.19 321 283 0.91 2.5 0.00912 1.0 0.0566 5.4 57.85 (0.64)
706-16 0.99 135 46 0.36 1.1 0.00919 1.5 0.0550 6.0 58.40 (0.90)
706-8 1.57 146 102 0.72 1.2 0.00927 1.5 0.0596 5.8 58.53 (0.91)
706-14 0.47 287 191 0.69 2.3 0.00932 1.0 0.0509 4.3 59.53 (0.63)
706-15 -0.21 252 241 0.99 2.1 0.00946 1.1 0.0456 4.7 60.85 (0.66)
706-13 0.11 278 250 0.93 2.4 0.00991 1.2 0.0481 4.6 63.52 (0.79)

Common lead; 2 Atomic ratios of radiogenic Pb
3 206
Pb/238U age using 207Pb to correct for common lead

(2-8%) and chlorite-pyrite altered biotite in a fine grained light grey matrix (Figure 6-8d). The
matrix is composed of white mica altered feldspars and quartz. The sample was collected within
white mica and chlorite altered rock and yielded an age of 54.3±0.6Ma (Figure 6-7g-h; Table 6-


Timing of Porphyry Cu-Mo Formation

U-Pb ages reported herein of intrusive rocks at the Toquepala and Cuajone Cu-Mo
porphyry deposits in southern Peru are remarkably similar in timing. This similarity is best
visualized through probability density plots (Figure 6-9) of all zircons from the various
intrusions, including the pre-mineral rocks. Combined with the published (Sillitoe and
Mortensen, 2010), the ages indicate protracted but episodic magmatism in the area of each
porphyry Cu deposit. The U-Pb ages also suggest the potential for a very narrow time of
formation for two of porphyry Cu deposits (Figure 6-10).

The episodic intrusive history at Cuajone covers a time span of approximately 13 m.y.,
from the pre-mineral regional granodiorite batholiths to the late-mineral porphyritic stocks
(Figure 6-10). Three temporally distinct episodes are recognized from the data with the oldest
event being the pre-mineral batholiths at approximately 65 Ma, the second being the
mineralized LP1 and BLP porphyries occurring at approximately the same time around 56 Ma
and the late mineral intrusions occurring at approximately 53 Ma (Figure 6-10). The age of the
volumetrically most important mineralizing event at Cuajone is constrained to post-date
emplacement LP1 porphyry (55.6±0.6Ma) and before the emplacement of the BLP porphyry
(56.2±0.7 Ma). Although as noted, the calculated ages do not agree with the intrusive field
relations, their ages are essentially identical. Density distribution plot of the zircon U-Pb data
(Figure 6-9a) shows several measured zircons with ages between the pre-mineral batholiths
and the mineralized intrusions, suggesting that there may yet be an unrecognized magmatic
phase intermediate in age between the regional batholiths and the synmineral porphyry
intrusions in the Cuajone area. Rocks with these ages are known near Toquepala and

LP1 and BLP porphyries
LP3 Porphyries
Frequency 10
Early cryptic
6 Cuajone
4 batholiths

2 Pb-loss

40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Dacite Porphyry
8 & Dacite Early cryptic
7 Agglomerate magmatism

5 Latite Pre-mineral Toquepala
4 Porphyries batholiths
2 Pb-loss Inherited
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

20 intrusions

15 Early cryptic
magmatism All
5 Pb-loss Inherited
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

Figure 6-9: Probability distribution plots for A) the Cuajone mine; B) the Toquepala mine and; C)
combined data from Toquepala and Cuajone.

Cuajone Toquepala Quellaveco
55Ma D
58Ma E O






A. Qu-709-Quellaveco Porphyry; 71.1±0.5Ma J. Qu-327-Early Intermineral Monzonite; 56.4±0.7Ma
B. Qu-283-Regional Granodiorite; 59.7±0.7Ma K. Qu-210-Intermineral Monzonite; 57.2±0.9Ma
C. Qu-008-Regional Granodiorite; 60.0±0.9Ma L. Qu-448-Monzodiorite Porphyry; 56.2±1.0Ma
D. Qu-335-”Earliest” Monzonite; 57.8±0.8Ma M. Qu-461-Monzodiorite Porphyry; 57.2±0.7Ma
E. Qu-396-”Earliest” Monzonite; 58.2±0.8Ma N. Qu-362-Dacite Dyke; 55.1±0.6Ma
F. Qu-395-Early Monzonite; 56.1±0.5Ma O. Qu-168-Dacite Dyke; 57.4±0.9Ma
G. Qu-138-Early Porphyry; 57.5±1.0Ma P. Qu-393-Late Monzonite; 53.7±0.9Ma
H. Qu-507-Early Porphyry; 55.4±1.3Ma K. Qu-050 Post Mineral Porphyry; 56.0±0.8Ma
I. Qu-242-Intermineral Monzonite; 56.4±0.6Ma L. Qu-394-Post Mineral Porphyry; 54.7±0.8Ma

Cuajone Toquepala
A. Qu-701-Regional Granodiorite; 65.1±0.8Ma A. Qu-705-Regional Diorite; 61.4±0.8Ma
B. Qu-700-Premineral Diorite; 64.2±0.9Ma B. Qu-704-Dacite Porphyry; 56.8±0.6Ma
C. Qu-697-Intrusive Andesite; 55.9±0.5Ma C. Qu-706-Latite Porphyry; 54.3±0.6Ma
D. Qu-696-LP1 Porphyry; 55.6±0.6Ma D. Qu-708-Dacite Agglomerate; 56.2±0.6Ma
E. Qu-695-BLP Porphyry; 56.2±0.7Ma
F. Qu-699-LP3 Porphyry; 53.5±0.5Ma

Figure 6-10: Summary of ages from Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala, based on weighted mean
averages of 207Pb corrected 206Pb/238U spot ages using SHRIMP-RG. Errors shown at 2σ

At Toquepala, intrusions were also emplaced within three temporally distinct magmatic
episodes. Magmatism occurred over a shorter time period from approximately 62 Ma to 54 Ma
(Figure 6-10). Pre-mineral batholiths in the vicinity of the Toquepala mine are younger than at
Cuajone with ages of 61.4±0.8 Ma (this study) and ~58.4 Ma (Zweng and Clark, 1995).
However, the timing of mineralized porphyry intrusions at Toquepala is remarkably similar to
Cuajone, albeit apparently slightly older in age. The main mineralizing event post-dates the
emplacement of the Dacite Porphyry (56.8±0.6Ma) and preceded emplacement of the Dacite
Agglomerate (56.2±0.6Ma). Late mineral intrusions at Toquepala (54.3±0.6 Ma) are similar in
age to the youngest magmatic event at Cuajone. Additionally, a density distribution plot of the
zircon U-Pb data (Figure 6-9b) demonstrates the presence of a ~58 Ma igneous event after the
emplacement of the regional batholith and before the emplacement of the Dacite Porphyry
(Figure 6-10). Presumably these zircons are xenocrystic, and derived from wall rock to a
magma chamber at depth.

The timing of magmatic events at Quellaveco (Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010) is similar to
that documented for Cuajone and Toquepala (Figure 6-10). A regional batholith has an age of
~59.4 Ma and the oldest and most mineralized porphyry intrusion an age of ~58.4 Ma. An
intra-mineral porphyry intrusion has a U-Pb age of 55.90±0.31 Ma whereas the late porphyry
has an age of 54.63±0.63 Ma. In contrast to Cuajone and Toquepala where the majority of the
Cu can be inferred to have been deposited around 56 Ma, Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010)
propose a much longer time with Cu being deposited in episodic events over about 3 to 4
million years. However, at each porphyry Cu deposit, the youngest porphyry suite contains
little Cu even though significantly altered to quartz-sericite-pyrite assemblages. These young
porphyry suites in each case are younger then the next oldest and Cu-bearing intrusive suite by
1 to 2 million years.

Timing of mineralization at the Cuajone and Toquepala mines is constrained pre- and
post-ore intrusive rocks to approximately 56 Ma and 56.5 Ma, respectively. Additionally, the
ages of the Cuajone and Toquepala syn-mineral porphyry intrusions fall within the range
observed at Quellaveco, and are very similar to what is interpreted as intra-mineral porphyry
intrusions at Quellaveco (Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010). The ages reported from the syn-Cu
mineral intrusions at Toquepala and Cuajone centers also suggest that mineralization may have
been of short duration similar to those interpreted for Batu Hijau (Garwin, 2002), Bajo de la
Alumbrera (Harris et al., 2004; von Quadt et al., 2011); Elatsite (von Quadt et al., 2002) and
Bingham (von Quadt et al., 2011) although the thermal effects of the hydrothermal and
magmatic systems may be of longer duration (Harris et al., 2008; Campos et al., 2009). In
contrast to the possibility that Cu was introduced during a single event, Sillitoe and Mortensen
(2010) argue episodic Cu mineralization at Quellaveco over the entire magmatic cycle.

The hydrothermal systems at these 3 major porphyry Cu-Mo deposits clearly are part of
a protracted but distinctly episodic magmatism with arguably the bulk of the Cu in at least two
of the deposits being introduced at very similar times. Such a protracted but episodic magmatic
history is characteristic of many but not all porphyry Cu districts around the world (e.g. Cornejo
et al., 1997; Harris et al., 2004; Padilla-Garza et al., 2004; Deckart et al., 2005).

Magmatic Events Associated with Porphyry Cu Formation in Southern Peru

At Quellaveco, Toquepala, and Cuajone, the timing of magmatic events at the
three porphyry Cu centers is remarkably similar over a 30 km distance. Implicit in the
similarity of ages is the need for the construction of upper crustal plutonic complexes that
fed the three porphyry Cu systems (e.g. Dilles, 1987; Candela, 1991). The ~30 km
distance between the porphyry centers at Cuajone and Toquepala is too great to appeal to
a single large and convecting batholithic chamber as many studies has shown that the
upper crustal magma chambers generally are no larger than 10 by 15 km in horizontal
dimension. Even those batholiths are rarely composed of a single magma body but rather
are a composite series of short-lived upper crustal magma chambers coalescing to form a
larger body over 1 to 4 million years (e.g. Dilles and Wright, 1988; Coleman et al., 2004).
Instead, a series of spatially separate and essentially contemporaneous, oxidized plutonic
complexes must underlie the region.

The Paleocene-Eocene Metallogenic Belt

The Cuajone-Quellaveco-Toquepala cluster represents a large grouping of porphyry
Cu deposits that constitute the Paleocene to Eocene metallogenic belt in the central
Andes. Timing of porphyry Cu formation in the belt began in the Paleocene around 62-63
Ma, continuing until ~52 Ma (summarized by Sillitoe and Perelló, 2005). The Cuajone-
Quellaveco-Toquepala deposit cluster is of intermediate age. Thus formation of porphyry
Cu deposit in this part of the Andean cordillera spanned approximately ~10 million years.
This time span is comparable to others in the Andes, with the great Chilean porphyry Cu
belts having formed in 8 to 10 million years (Sillitoe and Perelló, 2005 and references
therein). These relatively short time frames within the larger magmatic evolution at a
convergent plate margin emphasizes the uniqueness of those magmas that form porphyry
Cu deposits (Richards et al., 2012).

The ten new zircon U-Pb SHIRMP-RG ages of intrusive phases at the Cuajone and
Toquepala together with published ages from the nearby Quellaveco deposit constrain the
timing of magmatism associated with formation of these porphyry Cu-Mo deposits. As with
many porphyry Cu districts around the world, magmatic events are distinctly episodic, with the
mineralizing events being associated with distinct intrusive phases. At Cuajone and Toquepala,
these occurred at approximately the same time, with the ages constrained to 55.5-56.2 Ma at
Cuajone and 56.2-56.8Ma at Toquepala. Collectively, the magmatic history of these three giant
porphyry Cu deposits places critical constraints on the evolution of this part of the Andean

Chapter 7: Conclusions and Recommendations for Future

Quellaveco offers a unique opportunity to study a giant porphyry Cu-Mo deposit that has
not been mined, is exposed at surface and has been supergene modified. Most porphyry
deposits that have been studied in the past have been mostly mined out or are not exposed at
surface, which limits the knowledge that can be gained from studying these deposit types (e.g.
Toquepala, Zweng and Clark, 2007; Cerro Verde, Quang, 2003; Oyu Tolgoi, Wainwright et al.,
2007; El Salvador, Lee, 2008). In the case of the mined deposits, assumptions and
extrapolations from what is currently exposed within the remaining deposit need to be made for
what has been removed from the deposit previously by mining activities. The result is that
critical observations will be missed and potentially critical analytical data not acquired, leading
to incomplete studies of the porphyry deposit. With deposits that are not exposed at surface,
only drill core can be used to make the observations that support the study. These observations
are highly dependent on limited spatial data due to being restricted to where the drill core
intersects the porphyry deposit.

This study focuses on the relative and absolute timing of igneous activity at the
Quellaveco porphyry Cu deposit in southern Peru. Mineral chemistry from zircons within each
igneous unit from Quellaveco, as well as whole rock geochemistry of those units, further
augments the study. These data are interpreted within the framework of the timing of related
hydrothermal systems and the resulting veins that formed from these individual hydrothermal
events. Finally, the timing of intrusive units from two surrounding porphyry deposits, Toquepala
and Cuajone, add to the regional perspective and the overall evolution of the igneous systems
in southern Peru that are associated with the formation of porphyry Cu-Mo deposits.

This chapter summarizes the conclusions of the chapters presented in this thesis, ties
together all of the conclusions into a comprehensive model for Quellaveco and finally presents
the questions that have been left outstanding and where future research may add to these
outstanding questions. These conclusions are presented on a chapter by chapter basis followed
by the overall summary of the thesis and a discussion of future research.

Impact of Work
The work presented in this thesis provides practical approach to the evaluation of
porphyry deposits. Particularly this thesis bring into question the vein nomenclature that has
been established where related to porphyry deposits. The vein paragenesis provided herein
may act as a predictive model for grade control and future exploration at Quellaveco. When
applied elsewhere, only very general aspects of this study should be accounted for. Rather,
when researchers are working on new porphyry deposit they should describe the vein
assemblages in that location relative to the timing of intrusive rocks using the methods
presented herein. Moreover, this study shows that multiple generations of intrusive rocks, at
least five, where immediately post dated by hydrothermal fluid flow with the same sequence of
veins present in each hydrothermal system. The emplacement of all five porphyry suites and
their related hydrothermal systems occurred in the same crustal volume over as much as 2.5
m.y. or as little as 0.2 m.y. This study demonstrates that giant porphyry systems form from
cooling, fractionating magmas, oxidized magmas with adakite geochemistry and have been
periodically rejuvenated and/or mixed with foreign magmas resulting in multiple generations of
intrusions and hydrothermal systems critical to forming giant porphyry copper deposits.
Furthermore, for this sequence of events to occur, the area must have been geodynamically
stagnant. That is erosion and uplift must have been approximately equal, allowing for repeated
igneous and hydrothermal systems over a protracted period of time to be to be emplaced into
the same volume of upper crust.

This study is the first to document vein mineral assemblages and their paragenesis over
multiple vein forming events, from a vertical extent approaching 1 km, in relation to each other
and the intrusive units of a porphyry copper deposit. This work will provide a basis for future
studies that further define the hydrothermal geochemistry as the porphyry copper systems
evolved at Quellaveco future work may link the impact of magma mixing events and associated
geochemical changes to the overall copper endowment of the system. Ultimately this work may
lead to explaining the overall sulphur budget of porphyry copper deposits globally.

The conclusions of the thesis are presented in order, and are intended to be brief
overviews on the findings and are supported by data presented in Chapters 2-6.

Regional Geology and Geochronology
The data and conclusions presented herein compliment those of previous workers (e.g.
Mukasa and Tilton, 1985; Mukasa, 1986; Le Bel, 1985; Martinez and Zuloaga, 2000a; Estrada,
1978; Quang, 2003; Clark et al., 1990; Clark, 2003; Zweng and Clark, 1995; Sillitoe and
Mortensen, 2010). Ten samples of intrusive igneous rocks where taken from outside of the
Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo deposit at the Toquepala and Cuajone mines (Figure 7-1). These
samples were analyzed for U-Pb geochronology by SHRIMP-RG and, together with published
ages from the nearby Quellaveco deposit, constrain the timing of magmatism associated with
formation of these porphyry Cu-Mo deposits. At Cuajone and Toquepala, these occurred at
approximately the same time, with the ages constrained to 55.5-56.2 Ma at Cuajone and 56.2-
56.8 Ma at Toquepala. Ages from pre-mineral rocks to post mineral rocks range from
approximately 65-53.5 Ma at Cuajone and 61.5-54.0 Ma at Toquepala (Figure 7-2). Pre-mineral
intrusions at both Cuajone and Toquepala are slightly older than at Quellaveco and thus the
magmatic systems, including the pre-mineral intrusions, is slightly longer-lived at these
deposits. However, all three deposits formed over the approximate same time span, at
approximately the same time and the majority of copper would have been deposited coevally at
all three deposits. A requirement of this coincident timing is that development of significant
mid- and upper-crustal level magma chambers must have also formed at the same time in
order to supply the required sulphur and copper to the systems.

As at Quellaveco, the intrusive complexes at Toquepala and Cuajone contain multiple

porphyry intrusions that were emplaced over a 3-5m.y. time span. Rock types range from
quartz-poor, plagioclase-rich monzodiorite to progressively more quartz and K-feldspar rich
granodiorite compositions. As the rocks young, they generally progress to more felsic
compositions. However, in the case of Cuajone and Quellaveco, there is evidence that at least
once in the magmatic life cycle the system re-sets back towards more mafic end members
(Monzodiorite porphyry at Quellaveco and Intrusive Andesite at Cuajone). Additionally, each
intrusive phase is associated spatially and temporally with its own alteration phases and veins.
This suggests that multiple hydrothermal systems altered the rocks and deposited Cu-Mo
bearing veins in the same location in the crust over a 3-5m.y. period.

100km 75° 125 150km 70° BRAZIL
cay 65°
75 PERU Aban
50 ction

15° 15°
Lake Titicaca

Arequipa La Paz
R idg Cerro-Verde
Pe Cuajone
z ru
Na -C Quellaveco
hil Toquepala
ch Cerro Colorado
20° 20°



Copper Belts
m. Miocene-e. Pliocene
e. Miocene-m. Miocene
25° 25°
L. Eocene-e. Oligocene
Paleocene-e. Eocene ARGENTINA
Cu-Porphyry Deposits
Interpreted Major Faults
Depth to Benioff Zone

Figure 7-1: Cu-Mo porphyry belts by age with selected Paleocene-Eocene ore deposits and advanced
projects shown. Copper belts from Sillitoe (1992), depth to Benioff zone from Cahill and
Isacks (1992), oceanic features from Jaillard et al. (2000) and faults from Beale (2007;
Anglo American internal report and ProExplo oral presentation) and Richards (2001) based
on magnetic and topographic lineaments.

Cuajone Toquepala Quellaveco
55Ma D
58Ma E O






A. Qu-709-Quellaveco Porphyry; 71.1±0.5Ma J. Qu-327-Early Intermineral Monzonite; 56.4±0.7Ma
B. Qu-283-Regional Granodiorite; 59.7±0.7Ma K. Qu-210-Intermineral Monzonite; 57.2±0.9Ma
C. Qu-008-Regional Granodiorite; 60.0±0.9Ma L. Qu-448-Monzodiorite Porphyry; 56.2±1.0Ma
D. Qu-335-”Earliest” Monzonite; 57.8±0.8Ma M. Qu-461-Monzodiorite Porphyry; 57.2±0.7Ma
E. Qu-396-”Earliest” Monzonite; 58.2±0.8Ma N. Qu-362-Dacite Dyke; 55.1±0.6Ma
F. Qu-395-Early Monzonite; 56.1±0.5Ma O. Qu-168-Dacite Dyke; 57.4±0.9Ma
G. Qu-138-Early Porphyry; 57.5±1.0Ma P. Qu-393-Late Monzonite; 53.7±0.9Ma
H. Qu-507-Early Porphyry; 55.4±1.3Ma K. Qu-050 Post Mineral Porphyry; 56.0±0.8Ma
I. Qu-242-Intermineral Monzonite; 56.4±0.6Ma L. Qu-394-Post Mineral Porphyry; 54.7±0.8Ma

Cuajone Toquepala
A. Qu-701-Regional Granodiorite; 65.1±0.8Ma A. Qu-705-Regional Diorite; 61.4±0.8Ma
B. Qu-700-Premineral Diorite; 64.2±0.9Ma B. Qu-704-Dacite Porphyry; 56.8±0.6Ma
C. Qu-697-Intrusive Andesite; 55.9±0.5Ma C. Qu-706-Latite Porphyry; 54.3±0.6Ma
D. Qu-696-LP1 Porphyry; 55.6±0.6Ma D. Qu-708-Dacite Agglomerate; 56.2±0.6Ma
E. Qu-695-BLP Porphyry; 56.2±0.7Ma
F. Qu-699-LP3 Porphyry; 53.5±0.5Ma

Figure 7-2: Summary of ages from Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala, based on weighted mean
averages of 207Pb corrected 206Pb/238U spot ages using SHRIMP-RG. Errors shown at 2σ

Geology and Geochronology of Quellaveco Igneous Rocks
The Paleocene-Eocene Quellaveco Intrusive Complex intruded into Toquepala Group
volcanic rocks and granodiorite batholith of the Yarabamba Super Suite. At Quellaveco, the host
Toquepala Group rocks are dominated by the Quellaveco Member. The Quellaveco Member is
dominantly composed of quartz phyric rhyolite flows and was deposited at approximately
71.1±0.5Ma (Chapter 2, Figure 7-2). A an equigranular hornblende bearing Yarabamba Super
Suite granodiorite batholith intruded into the Quellaveco Member and was emplaced at
approximately 60Ma (Chapter 2, Figure -2). Five phases of porphyritic intrusions were emplaced
into the Yarabamba Suite rocks over a period of approximately 4-5m.y. The porphyry intrusions
from oldest to youngest are: Earliest Porphyry, Early Porphyry, Intermineral Porphyry,
Monzodiorite Porphyry and the Late Porphyry. The porphyry intrusions were emplaced from
approximately 58Ma to 54Ma and there main distinguishing features are outlined in Table 7-1.

The Earliest Porphyry, while containing high grades of Cu are not volumetrically
important rock units within the Quellaveco Intrusive Complex and the Late Porphyry units
contain low grades of Cu and dilute the grade of the overall porphyry deposit. Since the
volumetrically most important rock units are the Early and Intermineral Porphyry units and
contain the bulk of copper at Quellaveco the time period in which the bulk of copper was
deposited at Quellaveco can be bracketed by the age of the Early Porphyry and the
Monzodiorite Porphyry, although the Monzodiorite Porphyry does contain significant copper as
well. Using these ages the bulk of the copper must have been emplaced between 57.5 Ma and
56.0 Ma over approximately 1.5 m.y. Remarkably these lengths of time for the porphyry system
at Quellaveco are not only similar to the porphyry development at Toquepala and Cuajone, but
also occurred at approximately the same time. This overlap in time for all three deposits
indicate that high amounts of hydrothermal fluid flow took place in the upper crust at
approximately the same time and must have been associated with deeper-seated mid-crustal
level magma chambers from which the porphyry intrusions evolved and hydrothermal fluids
were potentially sourced.

Table 7-1: Geological, textural and petrologic features of porphyritic rocks at Quellaveco
Suite Age (Ma) Rock Type2 Phenocryst Phenocryst assemblage Alteration3 Comments
Earliest 57.5-58.6 Monzodiorite - 50-65 Plag>>Kfs>Bt Bt-Mag- -high grade and low volume;
Qtz Monzonite Kfs -dense veins and rock replacement by
-as xenoliths in Early Porphyry;
Early 55.9-56.6 Qtz Monzonite – 50-60 Plag; 25%, sub-anhedral Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Granodiorite Kfs; 15%, sub-anhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 15%, large, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, small, euhedral -medium grade and large volume;
Hbld; rare -elongated stocks or several thick dykes
Intermineral 1 55.7-57.1 Granodiorite – 40-50 Plag; 20%, large, sub-euhedral Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Monzogranite Kfs; 15%, large, sub-euhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 15%, medium, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, small, euhedral -medium grade and medium volume;
-several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Intermineral 2 56.3-57.0 Qtz monzodiorite 50-60 Plag; 40%, large, sub- Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
– Qtz monzonite anhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Kfs; 10%, large sub-anhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 5%, large, euhedral -medium to low grade and medium volume;
Bt; 5%, medium, sub-anhedral -several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Hbld; rare
Monzodiorite 55.2-57.2 Monzodiorite – 25-30 Plag; 20%, large, sub- Bt- -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Qtz Monzonite euhedral Kfs±Mag (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 3%, large, euhedral late Qtz- Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 3%, small, euhedral Ser -highly variable grade and low volume
Kfs 2%, large, euhedral Dense veins and rock replacement by
Hbld; 2%, small anhedral sulphides and magnetite
-several dykes 1-10’s of meters thick
Late/Post 53.9-55.5 Granodiorite 60-65 Plag; 40%, large, euhedral Cl-Ep -Qtz-Py>>Cp±Mo >>disseminations
Qtz; 15%, large, anhedral -very low grade and medium volume
Kfs; 10%, large, euhedral -sub-rounded stocks
Bt; 4%, large, subhedral
Hbld; 1% large, euhedral
*Bold indicates distinguishing features of the rock units
Petrochemistry and Zircon Chemistry of Quellaveco Igneous Rocks
Porphyry intrusions at Quellaveco are characterized by depleted high field strength
elements with continental volcanic arc affinities (Chapter 4). Compositions range from diorite to
granodiorite and fall within the calc-alkaline to high-K calc-alkaline series fields. The rocks in
general increase in adakitic signatures with time and display minor fluctuations in MREE to
HREE ratios, possibly indicating variable influences of hornblende through the development of
the igneous systems at Quellaveco. Moreover, all rocks show that hornblende played a role in
their fractionation indicating the rocks were hydrous and the lack of negative Eu anomalies
coupled with evident plagioclase phenocrysts indicate that the rocks were also relatively
oxidized. Thus, relatively oxidized and hydrous magmas with possible fluctuations in magmatic
sources through time and potential crustal thickening are coincident with the formation of the
Quellaveco porphyry Cu deposit.

Zircon is a robust mineral that survives hydrothermal alteration and weathering

processes. Using the mineral chemistry of zircon may yield important insights to the magmatic
development of intrusive rocks associated with the formation of porphyry copper deposits.
Zircon geochemistry from Quellaveco suggests that QIC intrusions are derived from
fractionating and cooling magmatic systems which were subject to periodic geochemical
disturbance. The high degree of spread in the data of Th/U, Yb/Gd, EuN/EuN*, CeN/CeN*, Hf and
Y indicate that mixed magmas came from distinctive reservoirs. Divergent trends on many plots
may be explained by mixing of magmas with different fractionation histories or source areas as
well as rejuvenation (Chapter 3). Flat or shallow trends in EuN/EuN* with the growth of the
zircons indicate plagioclase fractionation or possibly oxidation effects, specifically injections of
magma with increased oxidation.

The study of zircon geochemistry at Quellaveco indicates that magma chamber

processes, source heterogeneity, oxidation state and magma mixing are related to the
formation of the Cu-Mo porphyry system at Quellaveco. We propose a high energy magma
chamber capable of mixing magmas thoroughly to create discordant trends and changes in
temperature and Hf content with the growth of individual zircons (Figure 7-4). Mixing of
magmas, particularly mafic, may have contributed to a bulk increase in the S and Cu budgets of
the system. Intrusive rocks from pre- to post mineral intrusions, particularly all of the
porphyritic intrusions associated with the porphyry Cu-Mo system, show very little to no
inheritance from wall rocks, indicating that magma contamination via remelting of wall rock was
not a major component to the formation of the Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo system.

A Sample Qu-210 (Intermineral Porphyry) Explanation
Grain Center
4.1 1.3
Grain Middle
Grain Edge
7.5 4.2

Temperature (°C)

3.2 7.1
1.4 8.2 9.2
1.1 9.3


650 4.4

Temperature Error
(±10°C) 7.3

9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000
Hf (ppm)

B Sample Qu-050 (Late Porphyry)


800 3.1
Temperature (°C)


10.2 11.2 6.3 7.1
9.1 5.1
10.1 11.1 1.1 6.1
12.1 3.3

700 10.4 9.3

8.1 11.3
9.2 7.3

Temperature Error
8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000
Hf (ppm)

Figure 7-3: Plots of minimum temperature of crystallization versus Hf content in zircon from a)
Intermineral Porphyry and b) Late Porphyry. Note: plots show grain traverses from grain
centers to edges for individual zircons. #.#, Denotes zircon number and spot number.

Vein and Hydrothermal History of Quellaveco
The timing of veins relative to each other and relative to intrusion types were recorded
at the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry deposit. Observations of the mineral assemblages within the
veins and the selvages were also recorded. From these observations a paragenesis of veins and
vein sequencing was developed and shows that vein types and mineral assemblages have been
repeated six times, four of which introduced significant amounts of copper and molybdenum.
These repeated sequences are associated with separate hydrothermal systems which are
bracketed in time by intrusions that crosscut the veins and correspond to time periods
immediately following the emplacement of the Earliest, Early, Intermineral, Monzodiorite and
Late Porphyry intrusions. Nine basic veins types have been described within the repeatable vein
sequencing, from oldest to youngest: Early Biotite, Molybdenite-Quartz, Magnetite-Chalcopyrite
Net-Texture, Late Biotite, Early Quartz Sulphide, Sulphide, Molybdenite-bearing Quartz, Late
Quartz Sulphide and Quartz Sulphide with Quartz Sericite Selvages. Not all hydrothermal
systems show exact repeatability; however the general progression and timing of veins within
each hydrothermal system are consistent (Chapter 5; Table 7-2; Figure 7-5). These
observations demonstrate that veins that are more typical of being early in the life cycle of a
hydrothermal system related to a porphyry deposit may crosscut veins that are typical of being
later in the vein sequencing. Therefore, prior to developing the paragenesis of veins and their
associated mineral assemblages it is critical to first establish the paragenesis and relative timing
of the porphyry intrusions associated with the formation of the porphyry copper deposit.

Table 7-2: Vein types and timing relative to porphyry intrusion types


Post Mineral

Late Mineral


Vein Type

1: Early Biotite (EB) x x x x x x

Oldest Æ Youngest


2: Molybdenite-Quartz (MoQ) x
3: Magnetite-Chalcopyrite Net-texture (MCN) x x x
4: Late Biotite (LB) x x

5: Early Quartz-Sulphide (eQS) x x x x x x

6: Sulphide (S) x x x
7: Molybdenite-bearing Quartz (QSMo) x x x x x x
Low T

8: Late Quartz-Sulphide (lQS) x x x

9: Quartz-Sulphide w/Quartz-Sericite Selvage (D) x x x x x
Notes: Bold indicates the vein type constitutes a volumetrically significant vein type; light grey indicates the vein type occurs
primarily at shallow depths (>3400m elevation); dark grey indicates the vein type occurs primarily at moderate depths (between
3000m and 3400m elevation); and pink indicates the vein type primarily occurs at greater depths (<3000m elevation). Numbers
referred to in the first column correlate back to vein group columns in previous tables.

Post Late~54.5Ma Monzodiorite Intermineral ~56.3Ma Early ~56.7Ma Earliest
~54Ma ~56Ma ~58Ma



Vein Types EB MoQ MCN LB EQS S QSMo LQS D Strong Moderate Weak
Figure 7-4: Model for intrusion, vein and alteration paragenesis for the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry from elevations >3400m. Veins in color are

associated with the rock type indicated above, those in grey are associated with younger porphyry intrusions.
Post Late~54.5Ma Monzodiorite Intermineral ~56.3Ma Early ~56.7Ma
~54Ma ~56Ma



Vein Types EB MoQ MCN LB EQS S QSMo LQS D Strong Moderate Weak
Figure 7-4 cont’d: Model for intrusion, vein and alteration paragenesis for the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry from elevations between 3000m-

3400m. Veins in color are associated with the rock type indicated above, those in grey are associated with younger porphyry intrusions.
Post Late~54.5Ma Monzodiorite Intermineral ~56.3Ma Early ~56.7Ma
~54Ma ~56Ma



Vein Types EB MoQ MCN LB EQS S QSMo LQS D Strong Moderate Weak
Figure 7-4 cont’d: Model for intrusion, vein and alteration paragenesis for the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry from elevations below 3000m.

Veins in color are associated with the rock type indicated above, those in grey are associated with younger porphyry intrusions.
Recommendations for Future Work
Although this study adds significantly to the knowledge of southern Peruvian porphyry
systems, there are a number of outstanding issues that may be resolved from additional work
that would both compliment and build off of the conclusions of this study. This additional work
is summarized below:

1. A comprehensive and detailed study of fluid inclusions from all vein types from all
generations of hydrothermal systems would greatly expand upon the conclusions of
this thesis. This work should utilize the paragenesis of vein and vein mineral
assemblages described in this study and use the samples that were collected by A.
Simmons of all of the vein types for consistency with across the studies. This future
work should include a more in depth microscopic description of veins,
microthermometry of fluid inclusions and Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-
Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) of the fluid inclusions. Linking the hydrothermal
evolution and geochemistry of the fluid inclusions may better support the idea of
multiple magmatic and hydrothermal systems that were emplaced in the same
volume of crust over an approximate time span of 2-5m.y.

2. Currently the Toquepala Group volcanic rocks, which host the Quellaveco, Toquepala
and Cuajone porphyry copper systems, are not well defined. This lack of definition
includes general descriptions of the rocks, a lack of stratigraphic description, little
geochemical definition and no geochronology has been completed on these rocks.
Understanding the host rocks to the porphyry systems in southern Peru is a critical
step in understanding the geological setting that led to the formation of the
porphyry copper systems, yet they have never been studies in any great detail.
Minimal work by Bellido (1979) provides an estimated section through the Toquepala
Group with sparse and scatted geochemical data throughout. The suggested
approach would be to locate areas where the oldest and youngest parts of the
Toquepala Group are exposed on surface and traversing up section from oldest to
youngest. Special emphasis should be placed on areas where continuous sections
can be walked up through the section. Since the Toquepala Group rocks are tilted
and faulted and considering the current topography there is no current place where
a continuous section can be traversed. Thus multiple sections will have to be
traversed and compiled together. Descriptions of the volcanic facies should be made
continuously in conjunction with taking samples for geochemical analysis throughout

the stratigraphic section at changes in lithofacies. Geochronological samples should
be taken at major unconformities throughout the stratigraphic section.

3. Further whole rock geochemical analyses are recommended to compliment those of this
study. Due to the highly altered nature of the rocks associated with the Quellaveco
porphyry system and the low amount of samples analyzed in this study for particular
rock types further sampling should be done particularly with the Monzodiorite and
Earliest porphyry units where they are least altered and mineralized. Expanded
geochemical work could include the utilization of molar element ratios to potentially
aid in the identification of components being mixed together in the deeper magmatic
systems. While the zircon geochemistry is a potentially good tool for process
identification it cannot pinpoint potential source magmas that have been mixed or
wall rock that has been incorporated into the parent magmatic system. If the
components could be identified it may lead to some insight on the overall sulphur
budgets of the porphyry system and how it is transported through to the
hydrothermal systems in the upper crust.

4. Studies on the magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of the remaining southern

Peruvian porphyry systems at Cuajone, Toquepala and Cerro-Verde should be
conducted. These studies would provide direct comparisons to the Quellaveco
system described in this study and provide a better understanding of the evolution,
formation and geological setting for Paleocene-Eocene porphyry copper systems in
southern Peru and northern Chile. As of the date of this study, no
magmatic/hydrothermal studies have been conducted at other southern Peruvian
porphyry copper systems. Compilation of such studies could provide a basis for
further exploration within the belt and around currently known Paleocene-Eocene
porphyry systems in southern Peru.

5. Globally, as further studies are completed on zircon mineral chemistry, a comparison of

and compilation of data should be completed to better establish potentially
distinctive mineral chemistry of economically productive hydrothermal systems
related to intrusions versus those that are not productive. In the future any
geochemical distinctions could be used as an exploration tool.

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Appendix 1: Geochronologic Results of Intrusive and
Extrusive Rocks and Hydrothermal Alteration

U-Pb Sensitive High Resolution Ion Micro Probe Reverse

Geometry (SHRIMP) Zircon Geochronology
Twenty-eight samples of Late Cretaceous and Paleogene rocks age were analyzed using
the Stanford-U.S. Geological Survey Sensitive High-mass Resolution Ion MicroProbe-Reverse
Geometry (SHRIMP-RG) by a combination of Adam Simmons, Richard Tosdal, and Daniel
MacNeil. Of the 28 samples, eighteen are from Quellaveco, 6 from Cuajone and 4 from
Toquepala. In addition to these samples, thirteen samples from the Late Cretaceous volcanic
Toquepala Group were analyzed for U-Pb geochronology, but were not presented in Chapters 1-
7. The Toquepala Group samples are summarized below. The SHRIMP-RG was chosen to for U-
Pb analysis primarily due to its high spatial resolution point data in exchange for lowered
analytical precision offered by other techniques which lack high spatial resolution (e.g. ID-
TIMS). Coordinates of samples listed below are given in Peruvian Coordinate System (UTM),
PSAD56, Zone 19S.

The samples were prepared at the University of British Columbia using the methods
outlined for U-Pb TIMS analysis. The populations of zircons obtained from these samples were
dated using the SHRIMP-RG at Stanford University, California. The SHRIMP-RG has a reverse
geometry design and has improved mass resolution compared to conventional SHRIMP designs
(Williams, 1998; Bacon et al.,, 2000). Bacon et al., (2000) summarize the operational conditions
for the SHRIMP-RG. Reviews on the ion microprobe technique and data interpretation are
provided in Ireland and Williams (2003). Compositions for initial common Pb compositions were
based on the measured Pb and the model of Cumming and Richards (1975). Zircon and Pb
isotope data were reduced using the SQUID program (Ludwig, 2001) and ISOPLOT (Ludwig,
1999). Spot U-Pb analyses are provided in Table 2-1 and are plotted on concordia and weighted
mean diagrams in figures 2-4 and 2-5. All errors are given at the 1σ level. For detailed
descriptions of the methodology see Chapters 1 and 2.

Rocks from Quellaveco

Sample Qu-709 (8108748 mN, 326123 mE): Zircons in this sample range form long prismatic to
short stubby crystals and are often broken, with occasional dark inherited cores. The zircons

commonly contain inclusions of other minerals and are sector and oscillatory zoned. Zircons
either extremely light or dark in CL were avoided, as were zircons with irregular zoning. No
correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal centers and edges,
respectively. Spots 709-15, 709-18 and 709-20 are interpreted to have undergone post
crystallization Pb-loss and are not considered in the statistical analysis. Spots 709-4 and 709-6
have been interpreted to either have an inherited components or in the very least antecrystic.
Spot 709-5 is interpreted to be inherited, presumably part of the Achaean Arequipa Massif and
yielded a spot age of 2709 Ma. Ignoring these spots yields a weighted mean average of 71.1 ±
0.5 Ma (Table 2-3; Figure 2-5a) from 14 of 20 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 75 - 400 µm in
the long dimension and 40 - 150 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-283 (8109355 mN, 326617 mE): Zircons in this sample form short stubby crystals
and are often broken. The zircons commonly contain inclusions of other minerals and are sector
and oscillatory zoned. No correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal
centers and edges, respectively. Spot 283-4 has been interpreted to either have an inherited
component or in the very least antecrystic. Ignoring this spots yields a weighted mean average
of 59.7 ± 0.7 Ma (Table 2-3; Figure 2-5b) from 13 of 14 zircons. Zircon sizes ranged from 100 -
300 µm in the long dimension and 60 - 200 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-008 (8108526 mN, 328420 mE): Zircons in this sample form stubby crystals where
the long axis is not much longer than the short axis (aspect ratio of less than 2:1) and are often
broken. The zircons commonly contain inclusions of other minerals and are sector and
oscillatory zoned. Two zircons contained dark, presumably inherited cores with dissolution rims
and oscillatory zoning cut by later zircon growth. These cores were avoided in the analysis. No
correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal centers and edges,
respectively. Spot 008-2 has been interpreted to have undergone post crystallization Pb-loss
and is not considered in the statistical analysis. Ignoring this spot yields a weighted mean
average of 60.0 ± 0.9 Ma (Table 2-3; Figure 2-5c) from 12 of 13 zircons. Zircon sizes ranged
from 100 - 300 µm in the long dimension and 60 - 200 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-335 (8109349 mN, 326843 mE): Zircons in this sample form prismatic, euhedral
crystals occasionally elongated in the long axis and are rarely broken. The zircons commonly
contain inclusions of other minerals, however less than and larger than those in the
granodiorite, and are sector and oscillatory zoned. No inherited cores are evident and the
zircons are on average darker in CL than those of the granodiorite. No correlation was noted
between older and younger ages to crystal centers and edges, respectively. Spots 335-4, 335-8

and 335-14 have been interpreted to undergone post crystallization Pb-loss and are not
considered in the statistical analysis. Spot 335-1 is interpreted to either have an inherited
component or in the very least antecrystic, whereas spot 335-10 is interpreted to be inherited
from Toquepala Group volcanic rocks, which yielded a spot age of 79.8 Ma, these are not
considered for the statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots yields a weighted mean average of
57.8 ± 0.8 Ma (Table 2-3; Figure 2-5d) from 9 of 14 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 70 - 500
µm in the long dimension and 40 - 150 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-396 (8108312 mN, 327933 mE): Zircons in this sample form prismatic, euhedral
crystals are rarely stubby and broken. The zircons commonly contain inclusions of other
minerals, however less than and larger than those in the granodiorite, and are sector and
oscillatory zoned. No inherited cores are evident, though thin younger zircon growth on the
outer layers of the zircons were occasionally observed and avoided. The zircons are on average
darker in CL than those of the granodiorite. No correlation was noted between older and
younger ages to crystal centers and edges, respectively. Spots 396-1 and 396-2 were not
included in the statistical analyses due to high U contents. Spot 396-6 is interpreted to either
have an inherited component or in the very least antecrystic, this spot is not considered for the
statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots yields a weighted mean average of 58.2 ± 0.8 Ma
(Table 2-3; Figure 2-5e) from 9 of 12 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 90 - 300 µm in the long
dimension and 40 - 150 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-395 (8108049 mN, 328933 mE): Zircons in this sample form prismatic, euhedral
crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and oscillatory
zoned. No inherited cores are evident and the zircons are on average lighter in CL than those of
the Earliest Porphyry. No correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal
centers and edges, respectively. Spots 395-1, 395-5 and 395-7 have been interpreted to
undergone post crystallization Pb-loss and are not considered in the statistical analysis. Ignoring
these spots yields a weighted mean average of 56.1 ± 0.5 Ma (Table 2-3; Figure 2-5f) from 10
of 13 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 60 - 400 µm in the long dimension and 30 - 175 µm in the
short dimension.

Sample Qu-138 (8108264 mN, 327760 mE): Zircons in this sample form prismatic, euhedral
crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and oscillatory
zoned. No inherited cores are evident and the zircons are on average lighter in CL than those of
the Earliest Porphyry. No correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal
centers and edges, respectively. Spot 138-7 has been interpreted to undergone post

crystallization Pb-loss and is not considered in the statistical analysis. Ignoring this spot yields a
weighted mean average of 57.5 ± 1.0 Ma (Table 2-3; Figure 2-5g) from 9 of 10 spots. Zircon
sizes ranged from 60 - 300 µm in the long dimension and 40 - 150 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-507 (8108841 mN, 327686 mE): Zircons in this sample form prismatic, euhedral
crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and oscillatory
zoned. On average they zircons are darker in CL than other Early Porphyry zircons from other
samples. No inherited cores are evident. No correlation was noted between older and younger
ages to crystal centers and edges, respectively. All spots yield a weighted mean average of 56.5
± 1.7 Ma (Table 2-3; Figure 2-5h) from 10 of 10 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 50 - 300 µm in
the long dimension and 25 - 125 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-242 (8109238 mN, 327371 mE): Zircons in this sample form prismatic, euhedral
crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and oscillatory
zoned. No inherited cores are evident and the zircons are on average darker in CL than those of
the Early Porphyry. No correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal
centers and edges, respectively. Spots 242-4, 242-6, 242-7 and 242-11 have been interpreted
to either have an inherited component or in the very least antecrystic, these spots are not
considered for the statistical analysis. Spot 242-9 is interpreted to have undergone post
crystallization Pb-loss and is not considered in the statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots yield
a weighted mean average of 56.4 ± 0.6 Ma (Table 2-3; Figure 2-5i) from 10 of 15 spots. A
second, older population is formed from spots 242-4, 242-6, 242-7 and 242-11 of
approximately 59 Ma and may be inherited from either the granodiorite or Earliest Porphyry.
Zircon sizes ranged from 100 - 400 µm in the long dimension and 50 - 200 µm in the short

Sample Qu-327 (8108224 mN, 327601 mE): Zircons in this sample form prismatic, euhedral
crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and oscillatory
zoned. No inherited cores are evident and the zircons are on average darker in CL than those of
the Early Porphyry. No correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal
centers and edges, respectively. Spot 327-2 has been interpreted to either have an inherited
component or in the very least antecrystic, this spot is not considered for the statistical analysis.
Spots 327-9 and 327-12 are interpreted to have undergone post crystallization Pb-loss and are
not considered in the statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots yield a weighted mean average of
56.4 ± 0.7 Ma (Table 2-3; Figure 2-5j) from 9 of 12 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 50 - 500
µm in the long dimension and 25 - 200 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-327 (8108224 mN, 327601 mE): Zircons in this sample form prismatic, euhedral
crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and oscillatory
zoned. No inherited cores are evident and the zircons are on average darker in CL than those of
the Early Porphyry. No correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal
centers and edges, respectively. Spot 327-2 has been interpreted to either have an inherited
component or in the very least antecrystic, this spot is not considered for the statistical analysis.
Spots 327-9 and 327-12 are interpreted to have undergone post crystallization Pb-loss and are
not considered in the statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots yield a weighted mean average of
56.4 ± 0.7 Ma (Table 2-3; Figure 2-5j) from 9 of 12 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 50 - 500
µm in the long dimension and 25 - 200 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-210 (8109063 mN, 327537 mE): Zircons in this sample form prismatic, euhedral
crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and oscillatory
zoned. No inherited cores are evident and the zircons are on average darker in CL than those of
the Early Porphyry. No correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal
centers and edges, respectively. Spots 210-2, 210-13, 210-14, 210-15 and 210-16 are
interpreted to have undergone post crystallization Pb-loss and are not considered in the
statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots yield a weighted mean average of 57.2 ± 0.9 Ma
(Table 2-3; Figure 2-5k) from 11 of 16 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 100 - 400 µm in the long
dimension and 50 - 170 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-448 (8109282 mN, 327270 mE): Zircons in this sample form prismatic, euhedral
crystals and are rarely stubby and broken. The zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and
oscillatory zoned. No inherited cores are evident and the zircons are on average the same tone
in CL as those of the Intermineral Porphyry. No correlation was noted between older and
younger ages to crystal centers and edges, respectively. Spots 448-1, 448-2, 448-3, 448-7 and
448-8 are interpreted to have undergone post crystallization Pb-loss and are not considered in
the statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots yield a weighted mean average of 56.8 ± 1.4 Ma
(Table 2-3; Figure 2-5l) from 11 of 16 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 75 - 350 µm in the long
dimension and 50 - 125 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-461 (8108841 mN, 327686 mE): Zircons in this sample form prismatic, euhedral
crystals and are rarely stubby and broken. The zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and
oscillatory zoned. No inherited cores are evident and the zircons are on average the same tone
in CL as those of the Intermineral Porphyry. No correlation was noted between older and
younger ages to crystal centers and edges, respectively. Spot 461-12 has been interpreted to

either have an inherited component or in the very least antecrystic, this spot is not considered
for the statistical analysis. Spots 461-2 and 461-13 are interpreted to have undergone post
crystallization Pb-loss and are not considered in the statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots
yield a weighted mean average of 57.2 ± 0.7 Ma (Table 2-3; Figure 2-5m) from 10 of 13 spots.
Zircon sizes ranged from 100 - 350 µm in the long dimension and 30 - 125 µm in the short

Sample Qu-362 (8108641 mN, 328062 mE): Zircons in this sample form prismatic, euhedral
crystals and are rarely broken. In general, zircon yield was low in this sample, recovering only
17 zircons from >10kg of sample material. The zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and
oscillatory zoned. No inherited cores are evident and the zircons are on average darker in CL
than those of the Monzodiorite Porphyry. No correlation was noted between older and younger
ages to crystal centers and edges, respectively. Spot 362-11 has been interpreted to either
have an inherited component or in the very least antecrystic, this spot is not considered for the
statistical analysis. Spots 362-1 and 362-12 are interpreted to have undergone post
crystallization Pb-loss and are not considered in the statistical analysis. Additionally, spot 362-12
contained high U. Ignoring these spots yield a weighted mean average of 55.1 ± 0.6 Ma (Table
2-3; Figure 2-5n) from 12 of 15 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 125 - 250 µm in the long
dimension and 40 - 125 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-168 (8108375 mN, 327808 mE): Zircons in this sample form prismatic, euhedral
crystals and are rarely broken. In general, zircon yield was low in this sample, recovering only
31 zircons from >10kg of sample material. The zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and
oscillatory zoned. No inherited cores are evident and the zircons are on average darker in CL
than those of the Monzodiorite Porphyry. No correlation was noted between older and younger
ages to crystal centers and edges, respectively. Spots 168-1 and 168-7 have been interpreted
to have an inherited from the Toquepala Group volcanic rocks yielding spot ages of 67.9 Ma
and 74.6 Ma, respectively. Spots 168-6 and 168-11 are interpreted to have undergone post
crystallization Pb-loss and are not considered in the statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots
yield a weighted mean average of 57.4 ± 0.9 Ma (Table 2-3; Figure 2-5o) from 10 of 14 spots.
Zircon sizes ranged from 75 - 400 µm in the long dimension and 25 - 150 µm in the short

Sample Qu-393 (8108630 mN, 327462 mE): Zircons in this sample range form prismatic,
euhedral, large crystals to small and stubby crystals and are rarely broken. In general, zircon
yield was low in this sample, recovering only 30 zircons from >10kg of sample material. The

zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and oscillatory zoned. One zircon contained an
inherited zircon that was overgrown in the interior to another zircon; this zircon was avoided for
analysis. The zircons are on average lighter toned in CL than those of the dacite dykes. No
correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal centers and edges,
respectively. Spots 393-5 Spot 393-9 have been interpreted to either have an inherited
component or in the very least antecrystic, this spot is not considered for the statistical analysis.
Spot 393-13 is interpreted to either have an inherited from either the Toquepala Group volcanic
rocks or granodiorite, yielding a spot age of approximately 64 Ma. Spot 393-1 is interpreted to
have undergone post crystallization Pb-loss and is not considered in the statistical analysis.
Ignoring these spots yield a weighted mean average of 53.7 ± 0.9 Ma (Table 2-3; Figure 2-5p)
from 11 of 15 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 50 - 500 µm in the long dimension and 25 - 150
µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-050 (8108055 mN, 327846 mE): Zircons in this sample form prismatic, euhedral
crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and oscillatory
zoned. No inherited cores are evident and the zircons are on average lighter toned in CL than
those of the dacite dykes. No correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal
centers and edges, respectively. Spots 050-3 and 050-6 are interpreted to either have an
inherited component or in the very least antecrystic, this spot is not considered for the
statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots yield a weighted mean average of 56.0 ± 0.8 Ma
(Table 2-3; Figure 2-5q) from 7 of 9 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 60 - 300 µm in the long
dimension and 40 - 150 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-394 (8108049 mN, 327933 mE): Zircons in this sample range form prismatic,
euhedral, large crystals to small and stubby crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are
inclusion poor and are sector and oscillatory zoned. No inherited cores are evident and the
zircons are on average lighter toned in CL than those of the dacite dykes. No correlation was
noted between older and younger ages to crystal centers and edges, respectively. Spots 394-6
and 394-10 are interpreted to either have an inherited component or in the very least
antecrystic, this spot is not considered for the statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots yield a
weighted mean average of 54.7 ± 0.8 Ma (Table 2-3; Figure 2-5r) from 10 of 12 spots. Zircon
sizes ranged from 30 - 225 µm in the long dimension and 20 - 125 µm in the short dimension.

Rocks from Cuajone

Sample Qu-701 (8116626 mN, 316290 mE): Zircons in this sample are short stubby crystals
with lesser more prismatic, euhedral crystals and are often broken. The zircons commonly

contain inclusions of other minerals and are sector and oscillatory zoned. Zircons either
extremely light or dark in CL were avoided. No correlation was noted between older and
younger ages to crystal centers and edges, respectively. Spots 701-1 has been interpreted to
have undergone post crystallization Pb-loss and is not considered in the statistical analysis.
Ignoring this spot yields a weighted mean average of 65.1 ± 0.8 Ma (Table 6-2; Figure 6-4a-b)
from 8 of 9 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 125 - 600 µm in the long dimension and 75 - 250
µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-700 (8114974 mN, 315535 mE): Zircons in this sample form two morphological
populations; large, stubby crystals and smaller, prismatic, euhedral crystals, both are often
broken. The zircons commonly contain inclusions of other minerals and are sector and
oscillatory zoned. Zircons either extremely light or dark in CL were avoided. No correlation was
noted between older and younger ages to crystal centers and edges, respectively. All spots
from this sample were used for the statistical analysis, which yields a weighted mean average
of 64.2 ± 0.9 Ma (Table 6-2; Figure 6-4c-d) from 10 of 10 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 75 -
600 µm in the long dimension and 50 - 250 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-696 (8115023 mN, 318694 mE): Zircons in this sample form small and stubby
crystals with lesser long, euhedral, prismatic crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are
inclusion poor and are sector and oscillatory zoned. Zircons either extremely light or dark in CL
were avoided. No correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal centers and
edges, respectively. Spots 696-5 and 696-9 have been interpreted to either have an inherited
component or in the very least antecrystic, these spot is not considered for the statistical
analysis. Spots 696-6, 696-7, 696-8 and 696-11 are interpreted to have undergone post
crystallization Pb-loss and are not considered in the statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots
yield a weighted mean average of 55.6 ± 0.6 Ma (Table 6-2; Figure 6-4e-f) from 6 of 12 spots.
Spots 696-6, 696-7, 696-8 and 696-11 form a chord with a lower intercept on the inverse
isochron of 53.1 ± 0.7 Ma. Zircon sizes ranged from 75 - 200 µm in the long dimension and 40
- 125 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-695 (8115385 mN, 317984 mE): Zircons in this sample form small and stubby
crystals with lesser long, euhedral, prismatic crystals and are rarely broken. Zircon yield from
this sample was poor with only 26 zircons recovered from a >10kg sample. The zircons are
inclusion poor and are sector and oscillatory zoned. Zircons either extremely light or dark in CL
were avoided. No correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal centers and
edges, respectively. Spots 695-4 and 695-10 have been interpreted to either have an inherited

component or in the very least antecrystic, these spot is not considered for the statistical
analysis. Spots 695-5 695-6 and 695-8 are interpreted to have undergone post crystallization
Pb-loss and is not considered in the statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots yield a weighted
mean average of 55.9 ± 0.5 Ma (Table 6-2; Figure 6-4g-h) from 7 of 12 spots. Zircon sizes
ranged from 50 - 175 µm in the long dimension and 25 - 125 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-697 (8115509 mN, 318586 mE): Zircons in this sample form small euhedral,
prismatic crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and
oscillatory zoned. Zircons either extremely light or dark in CL were avoided. No correlation was
noted between older and younger ages to crystal centers and edges, respectively. Spots 697-2
has been interpreted to either have an inherited component or in the very least antecrystic, this
spot is not considered for the statistical analysis. Spot 697-5 is interpreted to have undergone
post crystallization Pb-loss and is not considered in the statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots
yield a weighted mean average of 55.9 ± 0.5 Ma (Table 6-2; Figure 6-4i-j) from 10 of 12 spots.
Zircon sizes ranged from 75 - 225 µm in the long dimension and 25 - 100 µm in the short

Sample Qu-699 (8116376 mN, 316778 mE): Zircons in this sample form large, long, euhedral,
prismatic crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are inclusion poor and are sector and
oscillatory zoned. Zircons either extremely light in CL were avoided. In general these zironcs are
much darker in CL than zircons from other samples at Cuajone and rarely contained light cores.
No correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal centers and edges,
respectively. Spots 699-2 and 699-7 were rejected from the statistical analysis because they are
discordant. Spots 699-12 is interpreted to have undergone post crystallization Pb-loss and is not
considered in the statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots yield a weighted mean average of
53.5 ± 0.5 Ma (Table 6-2; Figure 6-4k-l) from 9 of 12 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 100 - 500
µm in the long dimension and 75 - 150 µm in the short dimension.

Rocks from Toquepala

Sample Qu-705 (8092833 mN, 327942 mE): Zircons in this sample form small and stubby
crystals that are rarely broken. The zircons are inclusion poor and are oscillatory zoned with
rare sector zoning. Zircons are extremely dark in CL with very little contrast. No correlation was
noted between older and younger ages to crystal centers and edges, respectively. In general,
zircon recovery was poor in this sample recovering 29 zircons from >10kg of sample. Two
populations are apparent, however, the preferred age is the older population as it fits with more
regional data from other locations and forms the strongest chord with a lower intercept in the

inverse isochron plot. Spots 705-1, 705-3, 705-4, 705-7 and 705-12 are interpreted to have
undergone post crystallization Pb-loss and are not considered in the statistical analysis. Ignoring
these spots yield a weighted mean average of 61.4 ± 0.8 Ma (Table 6-3; Figure 6-7a-b) from 7
of 12 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 25 - 150 µm in the long dimension and 25 - 100 µm in the
short dimension.

Sample Qu-704 (8093013 mN, 328529 mE): Zircons in this sample range from small and stubby
crystals to long, euhedral, prismatic crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are inclusion
poor and are sector and oscillatory zoned. Zircons either extremely light or dark in CL were
avoided. No correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal centers and
edges, respectively. Spots 704-4 and 704-10 were rejected from the statistical analysis because
they are discordant. Ignoring these spots yield a weighted mean average of 56.8 ± 0.6 Ma
(Table 6-3; Figure 6-7c-d) from 11 of 13 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 75 - 300 µm in the
long dimension and 25 - 125 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-708 (8093861 mN, 328813 mE): Zircons in this sample form large, long, euhedral,
prismatic crystals with lesser stubby crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are inclusion
poor and are sector and oscillatory zoned. Zircons either extremely light or dark in CL were
avoided. No correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal centers and
edges, respectively. Spots 708-8 and 708-9 have been interpreted to either have an inherited
component or in the very least antecrystic, these spots are not considered for the statistical
analysis. These spots form a lower intercept on the inverse isochron plot of 57.8 ± 0.7 Ma.
Spots 708-4, 708-7 and 708-11 are interpreted to have undergone post crystallization Pb-loss
and are not considered in the statistical analysis. These spots form a lower intercept on the
inverse isochron plot of 53.5 ± 1.0 Ma. Ignoring these spots yield a weighted mean average of
56.2 ± 0.6 Ma (Table 6-3; Figure 6-7e-f) from 7 of 12 spots. Zircon sizes ranged from 100 - 300
µm in the long dimension and 50 - 100 µm in the short dimension.

Sample Qu-706 (8093469 mN, 328291 mE): Zircons in this sample range from large, long,
euhedral, prismatic crystals to stubby crystals and are rarely broken. The zircons are inclusion
poor and are sector and oscillatory zoned. Zircons either extremely light or dark in CL were
avoided. No correlation was noted between older and younger ages to crystal centers and
edges, respectively. Spots 706-1, 706-2, 706-7, 706-8, 706-13, 706-14, 706-15 and 706-16
have been interpreted to either have an inherited component; these spots are not considered
for the statistical analysis. These spots form a lower intercept on the inverse isochron plot of
58.5 ± 0.7 Ma. This is not the preferred age of emplacement for this rock as this age is more

similar to the regional premineral batholith in the area of Toquepala and this unit is known to
cross cut it. It also cross cuts all other intrusive units on at Toquepala and therefore must be
younger than them. Spots 706-3 and 706-11 are interpreted to have undergone post
crystallization Pb-loss and are not considered in the statistical analysis. Ignoring these spots
yield a weighted mean average of 54.3 ± 0.6 Ma (Table 6-3; Figure 6-7g-h) from 6 of 16 spots.
Zircon sizes ranged from 75 - 200 µm in the long dimension and 40 - 100 µm in the short

Ar/39Ar Geochronology
A total of six altered samples were analyzed by the Ar/39Ar method from rocks that
were subjected to Paleocene-Eocene hydrothermal alteration and later supergene altered
minerals. Four of six samples did not produce interpretable ages due to either extreme Ar-loss
or complications related to particular minerals (e.g. recoil in some sericite samples).
Additionally, there may have been samples where there minerals picked contained mixtures of
hypogene sericite and supergene alunite, as discussed below. All samples were analyzed by
Thomas Ullrich at the University of British Columbia between January 1, 2008 nd January 3,

Each sample was crushed by rubber mallet, while the sample was in a plastic sample
bag. Mineral separates were hand-picked, wrapped in aluminium foil and stacked in an
irradiation capsule with similar-aged samples and neutron flux monitors (Fish Canyon Tuff
sanidine, 28.02 Ma (Renne et al., 1998)).

The samples were irradiated at the McMaster Nuclear Reactor in Hamilton, Ontario, for
56 MWH, with a neutron flux of approximately 3x1016 neutrons/cm2. Analyses produced errors
of <0.5% in the J value.

The samples were analyzed at the Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. The samples were step-heated at
incrementally higher powers in the defocused beam of a 10W CO2 laser (New Wave Research
MIR10) until fused. The gas evolved from each step was analyzed by a VG5400 mass
spectrometer equipped with an ion-counting electron multiplier. All measurements were
corrected for total system blank, mass spectrometer sensitivity, mass discrimination, radioactive
decay during and subsequent to irradiation, as well as interfering Ar from atmospheric
contamination and the irradiation of Ca, Cl and K (Isotope production ratios: (40Ar/39Ar)
K=0.0302, (37Ar/39Ar) Ca=1416.4306, (36Ar/39Ar) Ca=0.3952, Ca/K=1.83(37ArCa/39ArK)). The
plateau and correlation ages were calculated using ISOPLOT version 3.09 (Ludwig, 2003).
Errors quoted are at the 2-sigma (95% confidence) level are propagated from all sources,
except mass spectrometer sensitivity and age of the flux monitor.

The best statistically-justified plateau and plateau age were picked based on the following
1. Three or more contiguous steps comprising more than 50% of the Ar;

2. Probability of fit of the weighted mean age greater than 5%;

3. Slope of the error-weighted line through the plateau ages equals zero at 5% confidence;

4. Ages of the two outermost steps on a plateau are not significantly different from the
weighted-mean plateau age (at 1.8σ, six or more steps only);

5. Outermost two steps on either side of a plateau must not have nonzero slopes with the
same sign (at 1.8σ, nine or more steps only)

Results of this data are presented above in Table A1-1 and Figure A1-1 below. There are
a number of reasons to explain steps that are deviated from the plateau, including: mineral
inclusions, dirty sample (i.e. contains multiple minerals), fluid inclusions, degrees of alteration,
Ar-loss/addition at crystal grain boundaries,

Ar/39Ar Samples Not Used in Thesis
Sample Qu-337 (8108467 mN, 327934 mE): The sample submitted contained fine grained
sericite±alunite. The fine grained minerals were extracted from the rock by knife and tweezers.
No isochron developed from analysis, may be a result of heterogeneity of the sample.

Sample Qu-414 (8108049 mN, 327933 mE): The sample submitted contained fine grained
sericite±alunite. The fine grained minerals were extracted from the rock by knife and tweezers.
No isochron or plateau developed from analysis may be a result of heterogeneity of the sample.
Low temperature steps may reflect young alunite and high temperature steps may reflect

Sample Qu-374 (8108030 mN, 327216 mE): The sample submitted contained fine grained
sericite. The fine grained minerals were extracted from the rock by knife and tweezers. No
plateau was formed however the isochron indicates an age of approximately 75Ma. This likely
reflects hydrothermal sericite formed during alteration of the rock. Sample contained high
atmospheric Ar and low K.

Sample Qu-412 (8108261 mN, 327381 mE): The sample submitted contained coarse grained
alunite. The mineral was extracted from the rock by knife and tweezers. A good plateau and

isochron correlate with each other indicating an age of approximately 10.66Ma. This likely
reflects the age of supergene oxidation when paleo-water tables passed through the sulphide
bearing porphyry system.

Sample Qu-413 (8108049 mN, 327933 mE): The sample submitted contained fine grained
sericite±alunite. The fine grained minerals were extracted from the rock by knife and tweezers.
No plateau was formed however the isochron indicates an age of approximately 63Ma. This
likely reflects hydrothermal sericite formed during alteration of the rock. Sample contained
excess Ar.

Sample Qu-415 (DDH MQ-70, 203.2 m deep): The sample submitted contained fine grained
sericite. The mineral was extracted from the rock by knife and tweezers. A good plateau and
isochron correlate with each other indicating an age of approximately 55.8Ma. This likely
reflects the age of hypogene alteration during the waning stages of one of the hydrothermal



Age (Ma)





Age (Ma)


0 20 40 60 80 100
Cumulative Ar Percent

Figure A1-1: Ar-Ar plateaus and inverse isochrons for sample a) Qu-337 plateau of muscuvite+alunite;
and b) Qu-414 plateau of alunite. Plateau steps are filled grey, rejected steps are open.
Box heights are 2σ.
Plateau age = 64.3±8.7 Ma
80 (2σ, including J-error of 0.5%)
MSWD = 1.9, prob. = 0/055
includes 99.99% of the Ar

Age (Ma)



0 20 40 60 80 100
Cumulative 39Ar Percent


0.0034 Age = 75±12 Ma

40 36
Initial Ar/ Ar =290.5±4.8
MSWD = 1.7
Ar/ Ar



0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03
39 40
Ar/ Ar

Figure A1-1 cont’d: Ar-Ar plateaus and inverse isochrons for sample a) Qu-374 plateau of alunite; and
b) Qu-374 inverse isochron of alunite. Plateau steps are filled grey, rejected steps are
open. Box heights and data error ellipses are 2σ.
Plateau age = 10.66±0.11 Ma
(2σ, including J-error of .5%)
MSWD = 1.5, probability=0.22
20 39
Age (Ma) Includes 98.8% of the Ar



0 20 40 60 80 100
Cumulative Ar Percent


Age = 10.67±0.36 Ma
0.003 Initial 40Ar/ 36Ar =293.5±7.2
MSWD = 2.0
Ar/ Ar



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
39 40
Ar/ Ar

Figure A1-1 cont’d: Ar-Ar plateaus and inverse isochrons for sample e) Qu-412 plateau of alunite; and
f) Qu-412 inverse isochron of alunite. Plateau steps are filled grey, rejected steps are
open. Box heights and data error ellipses are 2σ.


Age (Ma)



0 20 40 60 80 100
Cumulative Ar Percent


0.0008 Age = 62.9±1.0 Ma

Initial 40Ar/ 36Ar =366±26
MSWD = 1.6

Ar/ Ar



0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12
39 40
Ar/ Ar

Figure A1-1 cont’d: Ar-Ar plateaus and inverse isochrons for sample g) Qu-413 plateau of alunite;
and h) Qu-413 inverse isochron of alunite. Plateau steps are filled grey, rejected steps are
open. Box heights and data error ellipses are 2σ.


Age (Ma)

Plateau age = 55.89±0.41 Ma
(2σ, including J-error of .5%)
MSWD = 1.5, probability=0.18
20 Includes 94.2% of the Ar

0 20 40 60 80 100
Cumulative Ar Percent

0.0014 J

0.0012 Age = 55.65±0.50 Ma

Initial 40 Ar/36 Ar =307±14
0.0010 MSWD = 1.2
Ar/ Ar





0.07 0.09 0.11 0.13 0.15
39 40
Ar/ Ar

Figure A1-1 cont’d: Ar-Ar plateaus and inverse isochrons for sample i) Qu-415 plateau of alunite;
and j) Qu-415 inverse isochron of alunite. Plateau steps are filled grey, rejected steps are
open. Box heights and data error ellipses are 2σ.
Table A1-1: 40Ar/39Ar data from samples not used in the thesis
Isotope Ratios

Laser %40Ar
Power(%) Ar/39Ar 38
Ar/39Ar 37
Ar/39Ar 36
Ar/39Ar Ca/K Cl/K atm f39Ar 40
Ar*/39ArK Age
Sample=Qu-337 Mineral=Sericite+Alunite
2 426.702±0.020 0.3781±0.0413 .0467±0.2940 1.4247±0.0316 0.148 0.022 98.88 0.38 4.620±10.644 37.08±84.5
2.2 125.324±0.013 0.1329±0.0244 .0128±0.0859 0.4040±0.0239 0.103 0.01 95.49 7.01 5.594±3.063 44.80±24.2
2.4 30.140±0.0068 0.0389±0.0399 .0087±0.0842 0.0727±0.0218 0.074 0.003 71.33 16.63 8.550±0.474 68.04±3.70
2.6 11.477±0.0084 0.0190±0.0397 .0047±0.1030 0.0117±0.0339 0.04 0.001 29.53 31.64 7.984±0.139 63.61±1.09
2.8 8.859±0.0109 0.0166±0.0389 .0043±0.1023 0.0051±0.0414 0.035 0 15.61 21.63 7.325±0.107 58.44±0.84
3 8.7929±0.0180 0.0178±0.0559 .0302±0.0515 0.0059±0.0615 0.268 0.001 17 10.46 7.031±0.179 56.13±1.41
3.4 8.7720±0.0231 0.0223±0.1209 .1487±0.0389 0.0069±0.0636 1.364 0.002 19.95 10.33 6.763±0.222 54.03±1.75
3.6 14.243±0.0135 0.0371±0.1207 .0187±0.2397 0.0274±0.0866 0.117 0.004 51.77 1.92 6.106±0.709 48.84±5.60

Total.Av 22.7±0.0030 0.0316±0.0086 .1156±0.0033 0.0517±0.0072 0.212 0.005 100 7.493± 0.122
Volume 39ArK =170.38
Integrated Date =59.77±1.92
Sample=Qu-414 Mineral=Alunite
2 75.1912±0.02 0.5463±0.0251 .0112±0.0396 0.2577±0.0263 0.09 0.111 101.5 9.89 -1.147±2.019 -9.32±16.45
2.2 38.7912±0.01 0.3147±0.0233 .0107±0.0686 0.1302±0.0255 0.094 0.064 99.39 22.85 0.205±0.883 1.66±7.15
2.4 27.3067±0.01 0.3137±0.0155 .0115±0.0462 0.0908±0.0222 0.102 0.065 98.47 26.28 0.384±0.572 3.11±4.63
2.6 53.4094±0.02 0.4113±0.0314 .0117±0.0772 0.1683±0.0272 0.091 0.084 93.27 8.31 3.528±1.393 28.36±11.1
2.8 32.9311±0.02 0.1448±0.0578 .0043±0.2383 0.0926±0.0407 0.022 0.026 83.06 7.85 5.456±1.074 43.67±8.49
3 8.7897±0.015 0.0315±0.0408 .0019±0.2751 0.0132±0.0366 0.011 0.003 43.11 20.77 4.856±0.172 38.92±1.37
3.3 11.1682±0.01 0.0171±0.1633 .0112±0.2919 0.0108±0.0914 0.061 0 20.21 3.39 7.942±0.337 63.23±2.64
3.6 21.1896±0.01 0.0206±0.4785 .1814±0.1230 0.0500±0.0729 1.469 - 57.3 0.66 6.452±1.111 51.54±8.75

Total/Avg 32.485±0.003 0.2610±0.0052 .0439±0.0045 0.1028±0.0058 0.08 0.044 100 2.076±0.183

J =0.004491±0.000008
Volume 39ArK =124.94
Integrated Date =16.74±2.93
Sample=Qu-374 Mineral=Alunite
2 1012.5±0.008 3.4416±0.0204 .0714±0.1223 3.4000±0.0182 0.633 0.643 99.44 13.4 5.635±16.569 45.21±131
2.1 486.72±0.009 1.1502±0.0259 .0393±0.1834 1.6010±0.0195 0.352 0.192 97.42 31.78 12.509±8.479 98.87±65.2
2.2 461.85±0.025 6.7067±0.0286 .4033±0.0909 1.5456±0.0324 3.628 1.483 98.65 2.76 6.125±10.104 49.08±79.8
2.3 495.36±0.016 7.9482±0.0245 .3886±0.0496 1.6952±0.0228 3.553 1.758 101.2 11.97 -6.019±12.841 -49.57±107
2.5 266.81±0.026 3.8851±0.0256 .3067±0.0560 0.9029±0.0300 2.798 0.855 99.93 7.84 0.167±6.386 1.35±51.84
2.7 158.21±0.016 1.9362±0.0244 .1530±0.0999 0.5154±0.0233 1.389 0.421 96.04 9.08 6.148±3.510 49.27±27.7
2.9 111.75±0.018 1.1446±0.0397 .1017±0.0840 0.3573±0.0387 0.919 0.245 94.08 9.48 6.471±3.859 51.82±30.4
3.2 88.713±0.027 0.8910±0.0409 .1085±0.1340 0.2723±0.0338 0.979 0.19 89.82 7.4 8.742±1.945 69.66±15.2
3.6 43.069±0.016 0.4228±0.0375 .0659±0.2320 0.1178±0.0509 0.585 0.089 77.53 6.28 8.961±1.732 71.37±13.5

Total/Avg 415.76±0.002 2.6461±0.0055 .6900±0.0039 1.3848±0.0051 1.263 0.653 100 6.577± 2.035
J =0.004503±0.000008
Volume 39ArK =15.26
Integrated Date =52.65±32.11
Sample=Qu-412 Mineral=Alunite
2 48.955±0.010 0.0899±0.0336 .0120±0.1642 0.1625±0.0248 0.092 0.01 98.29 0.61 0.799±1.138 6.48±9.22
2.2 9.6674±0.004 0.0569±0.0124 .0110±0.0225 0.0282±0.0185 0.1 0.009 86.22 13.54 1.298±0.153 10.52±1.24
2.4 2.0176±0.006 0.0417±0.0108 .0115±0.0236 0.0023±0.0185 0.105 0.006 32.6 53.32 1.324±0.016 10.74±0.13
2.6 1.7887±0.007 0.0356±0.0153 .0115±0.0156 0.0016±0.0267 0.105 0.005 24.99 31.28 1.303±0.017 10.56±0.14
2.8 8.1842±0.009 0.0347±0.0559 .0175±0.0623 0.0209±0.0286 0.148 0.004 74.37 0.9 1.984±0.178 16.06±1.44
3 44.803±0.014 0.0618±0.2431 .0222±0.1939 0.1377±0.0356 0.09 0.005 90.27 0.09 4.016±1.359 32.36±10.8
3.2 105.59±0.020 0.0938±0.1064 .0172±0.2460 0.3473±0.0318 0.078 0.003 97.36 0.13 2.689±2.770 21.73±22.2
3.4 130.20±0.014 0.1009±0.1450 .0119±0.6267 0.4271±0.0242 0.024 0.002 97.13 0.12 3.633±2.961 29.30±23.6

Total/Avg 3.6275±0.001 0.0422±0.0037 .0570±0.0022 0.0077±0.0054 0.104 0.006 100 1.324±0.013

J = 0.004507±0.000008
Volume 39ArK = 1709.5
Integrated Date = 10.73±0.21

Volumes are 1E-13 cm3 NPT

Neutron flux monitors: 28.02 Ma FCs (Renne et al., 1998)
Isotope production ratios: (40Ar/39Ar)K=0.0302, (37Ar/39Ar)Ca=1416.4306, (36Ar/39Ar)Ca=0.3952,
*=Radiogenic 40Ar

Table A1-1: Continued
Isotope Ratios

Laser %40Ar
Power(%) Ar/39Ar 38
Ar/39Ar 37
Ar/39Ar 36
Ar/39Ar Ca/K Cl/K atm f39Ar 40
Ar*/39ArK Age
Sample=Qu-413 Mineral= Alunite
2 53.014±0.020 .4341±0.0499 0.0230±0.1217 0.1806±0.0303 0.203 0.089 100.6 2.36 -0.350±1.639 -2.84±13.28
2.2 34.994±0.021 .3452±0.0416 0.0272±0.0531 0.1138±0.0358 0.243 0.071 96.14 7.07 1.312±1.176 10.58±9.46
2.4 20.689±0.016 .2924±0.0264 0.0344±0.0731 0.0559±0.0232 0.307 0.062 79.62 8.65 4.148±0.398 33.24±3.16
2.6 16.347±0.012 .1545±0.0194 0.0187±0.0603 0.0289±0.0222 0.167 0.031 51.9 15.48 7.781±0.223 61.85±1.74
2.8 12.945±0.018 .0562±0.0230 0.0027±0.0706 0.0132±0.0244 0.024 0.009 29.78 23.62 9.007±0.218 71.42±1.69
3 11.241±0.013 .0303±0.0194 0.0012±0.3840 0.0088±0.0421 0.01 0.003 22.24 14.78 8.627±0.164 68.45±1.28
3.2 10.057±0.008 .0224±0.0636 0.0008±0.2860 0.0062±0.0425 0.007 0.002 16.79 11.32 8.226±0.109 65.33±0.85
3.4 9.8343±0.013 .0196±0.0922 0.0008±0.6190 0.0055±0.0530 0.006 0.001 14.27 7.08 8.220±0.145 65.29±1.13
3.7 8.7225±0.009 .0131±0.0846 0.0008±0.2704 0.0023±0.0704 0.006 0 5.41 8.59 8.055±0.095 64.00±0.74
4 10.691±0.029 .0124±0.3200 0.0021±1.7923 0.0089±0.2033 0.011 - 10.3 1.06 8.358±0.608 66.36±4.74

Total.Avg. 15.301±0.003 .1066±0.0065 0.0456±0.0041 0.0268±0.0064 0.083 0.027 100 7.343±0.061

J =0.004483±0.000010
Volume 39ArK =211.01
Integrated Date =58.43±0.97
Sample=Qu-415 Mineral=Sericite
2 134.81±0.028 .2492±0.0896 0.0930±0.1135 0.4377±0.0372 0.826 0.035 95.53 0.73 5.878±3.181 46.96±25.0
2.2 36.595±0.012 .0571±0.0575 0.1180±0.0296 0.1046±0.0231 1.066 0.005 84.1 5.06 5.719±0.713 45.71±5.63
2.4 11.205±0.021 .0212±0.0971 0.1560±0.0259 0.0144±0.0412 1.411 0.001 35.95 11.47 7.023±0.251 55.97±1.97
2.6 8.0752±0.013 .0156±0.0612 0.1114±0.0383 0.0034±0.0846 1.008 0 10.31 18.84 7.105±0.136 56.62±1.07
2.8 7.5012±0.006 .0146±0.0898 0.0855±0.0231 0.0018±0.0404 0.774 0 5.6 27.78 6.972±0.050 55.57±0.39
3 7.8847±0.021 .0173±0.0605 0.1147±0.0400 0.0029±0.0517 1.038 0.001 8.44 17.18 7.070±0.162 56.34±1.27
3.2 8.0879±0.005 .0206±0.0822 0.1328±0.0497 0.0038±0.0727 1.202 0.001 10.04 9.56 7.040±0.092 56.11±0.72
3.4 9.0584±0.008 .0247±0.1123 0.1930±0.0439 0.0070±0.1291 1.747 0.002 15.67 4.13 7.170±0.274 57.12±2.15
3.7 11.184±0.019 .0405±0.0949 0.2789±0.0493 0.0139±0.0895 2.526 0.005 28.06 2.36 7.367±0.399 58.67±3.13
4.1 11.344±0.015 .0399±0.0520 0.3327±0.0314 0.0154±0.0360 2.984 0.005 33.05 2.9 7.074±0.209 56.37±1.64

Total/Avg 10.597±0.002 .0219±0.0137 0.6218±0.0027 0.0123±0.0073 1.138 0.006 100 6.975±0.035

J =0.004487±0.000008
Volume 39ArK =139.42
Integrated Date =55.60±0.55

Volumes are 1E-13 cm3 NPT

Neutron flux monitors: 28.02 Ma FCs (Renne et al., 1998)
Isotope production ratios: (40Ar/39Ar)K=0.0302, (37Ar/39Ar)Ca=1416.4306, (36Ar/39Ar)Ca=0.3952,
*=Radiogenic 40Ar

Appendix 2: Sample Description and Locations
The following table is a compilation of the samples collected over two field seasons in
the Quellaveco area from 2007-2008.

Abbreviations used in table

ts=Thin section
Ar=Ar-Ar geochronology
U/Pb=U-Pb Geochronology
Geochem=Whole rock geochemistry
Pima=Terraspec short wave infrared analysis
sem=Scanning electron microscope
flinc=fluid inclusion sample
Zircon chem=zircon mineral chemistry
Vein chemistry=fluid inclusion sample/thick section

Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions  
Sample Location RockType SampleType Purpose
Easting Northing
Qu-001 327575 8109062 Intermediate Porphyry Grab ts, U/Pb, geochem, Ar, pima, sem
Qu-002 326829 8109097 Granodiorite Grab ts, pima, sem
Qu-003 328249 8108677 Granodiorite Grab flinc, ts, sem, pima
Qu-004 328160 8108694 Early Monzonite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-005 328592 8108532 Granodiorite Grab flinc, ts, sem, pima
Qu-006 328544 8108543 Early Monzonite Grab U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc
Qu-007 328415 8108530 Early Monzonite Grab U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc
Qu-008 328420 8108526 Granodiorite Grab U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc
Qu-009 328466 8108553 Granodiorite Grab Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc
Qu-010 328388 8108557 Early Monzonite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-011 328197 8108570 Granodiorite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-012 328188 8108568 Early Monzonite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-013 328033 8108539 Granodiorite Grab Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc
Qu-014 328033 8108539 Granodiorite Grab Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc
Qu-015 328033 8108539 Granodiorite Grab Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc
Qu-016 328059 8108522 Granodiorite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-017 328038 8108465 Dacite Dyke Grab U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc
Qu-018 327872 8108497 Granodiorite Grab Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc
Qu-019 327824 8108531 Early Monzonite Grab U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc
Qu-020 327800 8108617 Early Monzonite Grab U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc
Qu-021 327800 8108617 Early Monzonite Grab Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc
Qu-022 327800 8108617 Early Monzonite Grab Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc
Qu-023 327800 8108617 Early Monzonite Grab Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc
Qu-024 328413 8108513 Granodiorite Grab Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc
Qu-025 328573 8108412 Granodiorite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-026 328593 8108413 ?Late Monzonite? Grab U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc
Qu-027 328572 8108451 Early Monzonite Grab U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc
Qu-028 328513 8108506 Granodiorite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-029 328283 8108497 Granodiorite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-030 328135 8108529 Dacite Dyke Grab U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc
Qu-031 328105 8108526 Early Monzonite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-032 328393 8108530 Dacite Dyke Grab U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc
Qu-032a 327949 8108363 ?Early Monzonite? Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-033 327897 8108346 Early Monzonite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-034 327927 8108463 Granodiorite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-035 327923 8108287 Granodiorite Grab Ar-Ar, ts, sem, pima
Qu-036 327912 8108286 Xenolith of Granodiorite Grab U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc
Qu-037 327912 8108286 Granodiorite Grab Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc
Qu-038 327912 8108286 Granodiorite Grab Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc
Qu-039 328156 8108359 Granodiorite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-040 328252 8108414 Dacite Dyke Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-041 328258 8108415 Granodiorite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-042 328424 8108445 Granodiorite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-043 328495 8108439 Early Monzonite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-044 328532 8108399 Granodiorite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-045 328590 8108331 Granodiorite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-046 328316 8108378 Granodiorite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-047 328281 8108385 Granodiorite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-048 327967 8108274 Hauylillas Formation Grab Ar-Ar, ts, sem, pima
Qu-049 327904 8108155 Early Monzonite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-050 327846 8108055 Late Monzonite Grab U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc
Qu-051 327858 8108051 Early Monzonite Grab U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc
Qu-052 328218 8108405 Dacite Dyke Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-053 328161 8108257 Early Monzonite Grab U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc
Qu-054 328483 8108327 Granodiorite Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-055 328478 8108329 ?Dacite dyke? Grab ts, sem, pima
Qu-056 328181 8108202 Granodiorite Grab Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc
Qu‐058  328618  8108566  Granodiorite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐059  328491  8108627  ?Early Monzonite?  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions  
Sample Location RockType SampleType Purpose
Easting Northing
Qu‐060  327945  8108813  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐061  327838  8108822  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐062  327754  8108778  Early Monzonite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐063  327754  8108778  Early Monzonite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐064  327621  8108851  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐065  328323  8108365  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐066  328317  8108364  Dacite Dyke  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐067  328441  8108403  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐068  328553  8108347  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐069  328216  8108172  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐070  328234  8108043  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐071  328137  8108103  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐072  328367  8108246  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐073  328393  8108275  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐074  328736  8108153  Quellaveco Conglomerate  Grab  Detrital Zircon 
Qu‐075  327784  8108013  Early Monzonite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐076  327915  8107988  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐077  327859  8107992  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐078  328228  8107917  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐079  327902  8107901  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐080  327812  8107838  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐081  327956  8107800  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐082  327956  8107800  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐083  328211  8107756  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐084  327952  8107605  Quellaveco Rhyolite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐085  327959  8107597  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐086  328336  8107791  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐087  328308  8107864  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐088  328408  8107978  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐089  327776  8107915  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐090  327788  8107841  Granodiorite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐091  327686  8107992  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐092  327667  8108071  ?Granodiorite?  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐093  327643  8108102  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐094  327631  8108112  ?Early Monzonite?  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐095  327401  8108143  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐096  327466  8108005  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐097  327456  8108209  ?Granodiorite?  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐098  327466  8108049  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐099  327484  8108251  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐100  327478  8108151  ?Early Monzonite?  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐101  327550  8108197  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐102  327377  8108326  Granodiorite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐103  327553  8108116  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐104  327572  8107968  ?Dacite dyke?  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐105  327564  8107979  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐106  327641  8107899  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐107  327641  8107899  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐108  327582  8108043  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐109  327461  8108292  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐110  327698  8108136  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐111  327540  8108275  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐112  327370  8108175  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐113  327398  8108037  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐114  327502  8107846  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐115  327331  8108405  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐116  327253  8108457  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 

Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions  
Sample Location RockType SampleType Purpose
Easting Northing
Qu‐117  327270  8108364  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐118  327310  8108254  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐119  327336  8108063  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐120  327305  8108127  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐121  327291  8108202  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐122  327295  8108191  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐123  327428  8108368  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐124  327542  8108813  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐125  327418  8108839  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐126  327275  8108806  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐127  327127  8108812  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐128  327053  8108784  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐129  326920  8108796  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐130  326646  8108798  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐131  327456  8108342  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐132  327547  8108337  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐133  327656  8108272  Early Monzonite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐134  327758  8108173  ?Granodiorite?  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐135  327729  8108100  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐136  327721  8108334  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐137  327601  8108358  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐138  327760  8108264  Early Monzonite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐139  327804  8108153  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐140  327515  8108400  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐141  327686  8108389  Dacite Dyke  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐142  327694  8108392  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐143  327772  8108372  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐144  327813  8108312  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐145  327808  8108320  Dacite Dyke  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐146  327409  8108448  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐147  327332  8108782  Intrusion Breccia  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐148  327338  8108783  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐149  327221  8108761  Intrusion Breccia  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐150  327211  8108759  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐151  327136  8108737  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐152  327050  8108724  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐153  326920  8108683  Granodiorite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐154  326866  8108673  Granodiorite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐155  326912  8108740  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐156  326796  8108762  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐157  327352  8108583  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐158  327398  8108504  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐159  327349  8108515  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐160  327239  8108513  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐161  327205  8108558  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐162  327264  8108583  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐163  327273  8108582  Dacite Dyke  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐164  327492  8108478  Early Monzonite  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐165  327559  8108479  Late Monzonite  Grab  Ar‐Ar, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐166  327693  8108475  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐167  327731  8108440  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐168  327808  8108375  Dacite Dyke  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐169  327803  8108369  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐170  327611  8108444  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐171  327606  8108444  Late Monzonite  Grab  Ar‐Ar, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐172  327654  8108495  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐173  327708  8108555  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 

Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions  
Sample Location RockType SampleType Purpose
Easting Northing
Qu‐174  327628  8108535  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐175  327567  8108524  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐176  327508  8108530  Late Monzonite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐177  327457  8108570  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐178  327494  8108573  Late Monzonite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐179  327447  8108633  Late Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐180  327401  8108666  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐181  327305  8108659  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐182  327188  8108654  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐183  327077  8108653  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐184  327607  8108548  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐185  327625  8108590  Late Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐186  327752  8108652  Late Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐187  327740  8108587  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐188  327736  8108649  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐189  327769  8108584  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐190  327507  8108709  Late Monzonite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐191  327440  8108732  Late Monzonite  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐192  327417  8108751  Early Monzonite  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐193  327288  8108730  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐194  327218  8108725  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐195  327186  8108705  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐196  327416  8109015  Intermediate Porphyry  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐197  327408  8108972  ?Early Monzonite?  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐198  327343  8109005  Early Monzonite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐199  327272  8109006  Early Monzonite  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐200  327095  8108989  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐201  327002  8108992  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐202  328160  8109023  Granodiorite  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐203  328139  8109052  Granodiorite  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐204  327952  8109107  ?Grano or E. Monzo?  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐205  327986  8109177  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐206  327820  8109069  Late Monzonite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐207  327683  8109055  Late Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐208  327818  8109215  Granodiorite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐209  327646  8109050  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐210  327537  8109063  Intermediate Porphyry  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐211  327439  8109044  Intermediate Porphyry  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐212  327219  8108927  Early Monzonite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐213  326680  8109212  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐214  326735  8109158  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐215  326664  8109155  Granodiorite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐216  326778  8109134  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐217  326839  8109075  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐218  327161  8109237  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐219  327159  8109237  Quellaveco Conglomerate  Grab  Detrital Zircon 
Qu‐220  327166  8109158  Late Monzonite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐221  327113  8108905  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐222  326987  8108916  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐223  326917  8108944  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐224  326823  8108969  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐225  326704  8109041  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐226  326578  8109076  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐227  327256  8109129  Early Monzonite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐228  327337  8109103  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐229  327400  8109170  Intermediate Porphyry  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐230  327489  8109131  Intermediate Porphyry  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 

Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions  
Sample Location RockType SampleType Purpose
Easting Northing
Qu‐231  327687  8109130  Early Monzonite  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐232  327738  8109126  Late Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐233  327770  8109132  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐234  327480  8109322  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐235  327317  8109485  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐236  327187  8109540  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐237  327360  8109307  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐238  327338  8109195  ?Hauylillas Formation?  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐239  327342  8109198  Quellaveco Conglomerate  Grab  Detrital Zircon 
Qu‐240  327346  8109198  Early Monzonite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐241  327368  8109232  Dacite Dyke  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐242  327371  8109238  Intermediate Porphyry  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐243  327516  8109218  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐244  327706  8109258  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐245  327365  8109196  Intermediate Porphyry  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐246  327325  8109160  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐247  327312  8109060  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐248  326980  8108979  Granodiorite  Grab  Vein chemistry, ts, flinc, etc 
Qu‐249  327000  8108976  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐250  327122  8108961  Early Monzonite  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐251  326557  8109737  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐252  326754  8109874  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐253  326509  8109018  ?Hauylillas Formation?  Grab  ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐254  326347  8109826  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐255  326872  8109843  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐256  327029  8109850  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐257  327231  8109853  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐258  327333  8109720  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐259  326762  8109744  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐260  326963  8109716  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐261  326859  8109722  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐262  327166  8109710  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐263  327375  8109617  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐264  327639  8109631  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐265  327302  8109633  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐266  327164  8109620  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐267  326967  8109627  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐268  326616  8109598  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐269  326494  8109508  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐270  326746  8109610  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐271  326577  8109492  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐272  327373  8109507  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐273  327509  8109443  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐274  327752  8109480  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐275  327813  8109455  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐276  327681  8109385  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐337  327934  8108467  Granodiorite  Grab  Ar‐Ar, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐371  327151  8106762  Upper Serie Alta  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐372  327191  8106818  Plag megacrystic dyke  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐373  327559  8106715  Basaltic dyke  Grab  Geochem, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐374  327216  8108030  Granodiorite  Grab  Ar‐Ar, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐375  324466  8107434  Serie Alta X‐tall Tuff  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐376  323877  8107115  ?Huaylillas?  Grab  Ar‐Ar, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐377  322067  8106703  Regional Granite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐378  317770  8104472  Diorite Intrusion  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐379  317775  8104470  ?Yarito Fm?  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐380  329115  8096512  Regional Granite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 

Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions  
Sample Location RockType SampleType Purpose
Easting Northing
Qu‐381  329115  8096512  Aplite Dyke  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐382  331642  8097920  Serie Alta  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐383  334942  8099830  Serie Alta  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐384  336307  8101541  ?Serie Alta?  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐405  314539  8111729  Granite to Monzogranite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐406  316798  8112247  Serie Alta  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐407  317888  8111852  Basaltic dyke  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐408  317888  8111852  Andesite flow  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐409  323406  8110371  Serie Alta  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐410  324891  8111074  Tinajones Rhyolite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐411  334655  8104460  Granodiorite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐412  327381  8108361  Granodiorite  Grab  Ar‐Ar, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐553  327483  8107740  Granodiorite  Grab  ts, pima, sem 
Qu‐554  327209  8108022  Granodiorite  Select  Ar‐Ar   
Qu‐555  327142  8108263  Granodiorite  Grab  Ar‐Ar, ts, sem, pima 
Qu‐556  326939  8108775  Granodiorite  Select  Ar‐Ar 
Qu‐557  326637  8108779  Granodiorite  Select  Ar‐Ar 
Qu‐558  326637  8108779  Granodiorite  Select  Light Stable Isotopes 
Qu‐559  326495  8108755  Granodiorite  Select  Light Stable Isotopes 
Qu‐560  326368  8108712  Granodiorite  Select  Light Stable Isotopes 
Qu‐561  326260  8108688  Granodiorite  Select  Light Stable Isotopes 
Qu‐562  326157  8108697  Quellaveco Rhyolite  Select  Light Stable Isotopes 
Qu‐563  326055  8108694  Quellaveco Rhyolite  Select  Light Stable Isotopes 
Qu‐564  325892  8108653  Quellaveco Rhyolite  Select  Light Stable Isotopes 
Qu‐565  326888  8108383  Aplite Dyke  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐572  329113  8108449  Granodiorite  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐573  328029  8107475  Quellaveco Rhyolite  Select  Light Stable Isotopes 
Qu‐574  328039  8107320  Quellaveco Rhyolite  Select  Light Stable Isotopes 
Qu‐575  328069  8107230  Quellaveco Rhyolite  Select  Light Stable Isotopes 
Qu‐576  328030  8107121  Quellaveco Rhyolite  Select  Light Stable Isotopes 
Qu‐577  328077  8107024  Quellaveco Rhyolite  Select  Light Stable Isotopes 
Qu‐578  328272  8106875  Quellaveco Rhyolite  Select  Light Stable Isotopes 
Qu‐579  328282  8106844  Serie Alta  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐623  328513  8096812  Serie Toquepala  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐624  328607  8096709  Serie Toquepala  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐625  328715  8096760  Serie Toquepala  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐626  328921  8096561  Serie Toquepala  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐627  329420  8096570  Serie Alta  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐628  329505  8096685  Serie Alta  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐629  329635  8096912  Serie Alta  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐630  329795  8097002  Serie Alta  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐631  330222  8096996  Serie Alta  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐632  330204  8096902  Serie Alta  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐633  330177  8096812  Serie Alta  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐634  332195  8098046  Serie Alta  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐635  332653  8098223  Serie Alta  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐636  333227  8098400  Serie Alta  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐637  333528  8098823  Serie Alta  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐638  335122  8099852  Serie Alta  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐639  340540  8099432  ?Barrosso?  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐640  319146  8097605  Yarito Formation  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐641  320705  8097026  Yarito Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐642  322450  8095697  Yarito Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐643  321937  8095399  Yarito Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐644  321868  8095317  Yarito Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐645  321777  8095196  Yarito Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐646  324934  8111138  Tinajones Rhyolite  Grab  Chem; ts 

Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions  
Sample Location RockType SampleType Purpose
Easting Northing
Qu‐647  324004  8111220  Tinajones Rhyolite  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐648  324766  8111219  Tinajones Rhyolite  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐649  324570  8111310  Tinajones Rhyolite  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐650  324375  8111333  Tinajones Rhyolite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐651  324129  8111253  Tinajones Rhyolite  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐652  292705  8103582  Toquepala Formation  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐653  292583  8103790  Toquepala Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐654  292351  8103876  Toquepala Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐655  292347  8103916  Toquepala Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐656  292276  8103957  Toquepala Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐657  292109  8104384  Toquepala Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐658  292094  8104439  Toquepala Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐659  292104  8104511  Toquepala Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐660  292134  8104588  Toquepala Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐661  292172  8104665  Toquepala Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐662  292636  8104808  Toquepala Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐663  292577  8104897  Toquepala Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐664  292497  8104937  Toquepala Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐665  292436  8105013  Toquepala Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐666  299519  8107809  Toquepala Formation  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐667  299530  8108049  Inogoya Formation  Grab  ts, pima, sem 
Qu‐668  301758  8113868  Paralaque Formation  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐669  302114  8113836  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐670  302413  8113976  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐671  302772  8113766  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐672  302642  8114006  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐673  303059  8113713  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐674  303858  8113920  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐675  304212  8114218  Paralaque Formation  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐676  304417  8114422  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐677  304577  8114757  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐678  304834  8114247  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐679  305344  8114324  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐680  305274  8114810  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐681  305614  8114810  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐682  305928  8115302  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐683  306256  8115493  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐684  306503  8115702  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐685  306351  8115270  Paralaque Formation  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐686  306356  8115260  Serie Alta  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐687  307397  8115981  Serie Alta  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐688  303323  8108621  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐689  314332  8111560  Serie Alta  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐690  314332  8111560  Hauylillas Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐691  319173  8086874  Granodiorite  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐692  318666  8086251  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐693  318265  8085711  Paralaque Formation  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐694  300374  8132937  Quellaveco Rhyolite  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐695  317984  8115385  BLP Porphyry  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐696  318694  8115023  LP1  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐697  318586  8115509  Intrusive Andesite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐698  318298  8115987  Basaltic andesite  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐699  316778  8116376  LP3  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐700  315535  8114974  Diorite Intrusion  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐701  316290  8116626  Granodiorite  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐702  328805  8092819  Angular Breccia  Grab  TS, slab 
Qu‐703  328712  8092817  Angular Breccia  Grab  Moly; Re‐Os 

Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions  
Sample Location RockType SampleType Purpose
Easting Northing
Qu‐704  328529  8093013  Dacite Porphyry  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐705  327942  8092833  Diorite Intrusion (Regional)  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐706  328291  8093469  Latite Porphyry  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐707  328285  8093471  Quellaveco Porphyry  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐708  328813  8093861  Dacite Aglomerate  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐709  326123  8108748  Quellaveco Porphyry  Grab  U/Pb, ts, sem, zircon chem, etc 
Qu‐710  326107  8108592  Quellaveco Porphyry  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐711  326094  8108521  Quellaveco Porphyry  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐712  326066  8108382  Quellaveco Porphyry  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐713  326104  8108114  Quellaveco Porphyry  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐714  326215  8107990  Quellaveco Porphyry  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐715  326171  8107782  Quellaveco Porphyry  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐716  326160  8107775  Serie Alta; Basalt  Grab  Chem; ts 
Qu‐277  326861  8109521  Hauylillas Fm  Drill Core Pet 
Qu‐278  327030  8109478  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐279  326763  8109478  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐280  327257  8109448  Granodiorite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐281  326804  8109416  Granodiorite  Drill Core Pet 
Qu‐282  326720  8109347  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐283  326617  8109355  Granodiorite  Drill Core U/Pb 
Qu‐284  326746  8109283  Granodiorite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐285  327177  8109381  Hauylillas Fm  Drill Core Pet 
Qu‐286  327055  8109363  Hauylillas Fm  Drill Core Pet 
Qu‐287  326851  8109338  Hauylillas Fm  Drill Core Pet 
Qu‐288  326851  8109275  Quellaveco Cong  Drill Core Pet 
Qu‐289  327290  8109287  Hauylillas Fm  Drill Core Pet 
Qu‐290  327193  8109070  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐291  327617  8108734  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐292  327668  8108683  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐293  327065  8109093  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐294  327022  8109206  Hauylillas Fm  Drill Core Pet 
Qu‐295  326952  8109126  Hauylillas Fm  Drill Core Pet 
Qu‐296  327989  8108773  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐297  328062  8108641  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐298  327957  8108614  Granodiorite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐299  328004  8108383  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐300  328245  8108245  Hauylillas Fm  Drill Core Pet 
Qu‐301  328310  8108232  Hauylillas Fm  Drill Core Pet 
Qu‐302  328005  8108239  Hauylillas Fm  Drill Core Pet 
Qu‐303  327942  8108209  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐304  327943  8107937  L. Monzonite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐305  328079  8108112  Granodiorite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐306  327399  8108266  Granodiorite  Drill Core Pet; Alteration 
Qu‐307  327463  8108010  Granodiorite  Drill Core D‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐308  327463  8108010  Granodiorite  Drill Core Ar‐Ar 
Qu‐309  327463  8108010  Granodiorite  Drill Core D‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐310  327463  8108010  Granodiorite  Drill Core B‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐311  327463  8108010  Granodiorite  Drill Core D‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐312  327463  8108010  Granodiorite  Drill Core  B Vn Chem 
Qu‐313  327463  8108010  Granodiorite  Drill Core B and D Vn Chem 
Qu‐314  327601  8108224  E. Monzonite  Drill Core D‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐315  327601  8108224  E. Monzonite  Drill Core D‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐316  327601  8108224  E. Monzonite  Drill Core B‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐317  327601  8108224  E. Monzonite  Drill Core D‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐318  327601  8108224  E. Monzonite  Drill Core B‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐319  *327601  *8108224  E. Monzonite  Drill Core D‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐320  *327601  *8108224  E. Monzonite  Drill Core B‐Vn Chem 

Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions  
Sample Location RockType SampleType Purpose
Easting Northing
Qu‐321  *327601  *8108224  E. Monzonite  Drill Core B‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐322  *327601  *8108224  E. Monzonite  Drill Core D‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐323  *327601  *8108224  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core B‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐324  *327601  *8108224  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Ar‐Ar; B‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐325  *327601  *8108224  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core D‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐326  *327601  *8108224  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vn‐Chem 
Qu‐327  *327601  *8108224  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core U/Pb 
Qu‐328  327510  8108106  Granodiorite  Drill Core D‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐329  327510  8108106  Granodiorite  Drill Core B‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐330  327510  8108106  Granodiorite  Drill Core D‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐331  327510  8108106  Granodiorite  Drill Core B‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐332  327510  8108106  Granodiorite  Drill Core D‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐333  327510  8108106  Granodiorite  Drill Core D‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐334  327510  8108106  Granodiorite  Drill Core B‐Vn Chem 
Qu‐335  326843  8109349  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core U/Pb 
Qu‐336  327933  8108312  Granodiorite  Drill Core B and D Vn Chem 
Qu‐338  326737  8109741  Granodiorite  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐339  326737  8109741  Porphyry Dyke  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐340  326737  8109741  Granodiorite  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐341  327592  8108898  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐342  327592  8108898  Early Porphyry  Drill Core Re‐Os; Moly 
Qu‐343  327592  8108898  Early Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐344  327592  8108898  Porphyry Dyke  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐345  327592  8108898  Early Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐346  327592  8108898  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Re‐Os; Moly 
Qu‐347  327592  8108898  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Re‐Os; Moly 
Qu‐348  327592  8108898  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐349  327310  8108232  Granodiorite  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐350  327310  8108232  Porphyry Dyke  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐351  327310  8108232  Porphyry Dyke  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐352  327310  8108232  Granodiorite  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐353  327443  8109151  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Re‐Os; Moly 
Qu‐354  327443  8109151  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐355  327443  8109151  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐356  327443  8109151  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐357  327608  8109336  Early Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐358  327608  8109336  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core TS 
Qu‐359  327608  8109336  Early Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐360  327608  8109336  Early Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐361  328062  8108641  Early Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐362  328062  8108641  Porphyry Dyke  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐363  328062  8108641  Early Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐364  328062  8108641  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐365  328062  8108641  Early Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐366  328013  8108531  Granodiorite  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐367  328013  8108531  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐368  328013  8108531  Early Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐369  328013  8108531  ?Early Monzo?  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐370  327451  8108732  Post Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐385  328460  8108223  Porphyry Dyke  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐386  328460  8108223  Granodiorite  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐387  327289  8108030  Granodiorite  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐388  326861  8108684  Porphyry Dyke  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐389  326861  8108684  Granodiorite  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐390  326861  8108684  Porphyry Dyke  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐391  326193  8109070  Post Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐392  327842  8109078  ?Post Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 

Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions  
Sample Location RockType SampleType Purpose
Easting Northing
Qu‐393  327462  8108630  Post Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐394  327933  8108049  Post Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐395  327933  8108049  Early Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐396  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core U/Pb 
Qu‐397  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core TS 
Qu‐398  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core TS 
Qu‐399  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core TS 
Qu‐400  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core TS 
Qu‐401  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core TS 
Qu‐402  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core Probe/ts 
Qu‐403  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core TS 
Qu‐404  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core TS 
Qu‐413  327933  8108049  Post Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐414  327933  8108049  Post Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐415  MQ-70 203.2m Post Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐416  MQ-70 203.6m Post Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐417  MQ-76 333.0m Post Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐418  MQ-76 340.6m Post Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐419  MQ-144 230.2m ?Post Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐420  MQ-144 228.0m ?Post Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core U/Pb or chem 
Qu‐421  327969  8108417  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐422  327969  8108417  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐423  327969  8108417  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐424  327969  8108417  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐425  327969  8108417  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core U/Pb or chem 
Qu‐426  327969  8108417  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐427  328117  8108131  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐428  328117  8108131  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐429  328117  8108131  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐430  328117  8108131  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐431  328117  8108131  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐432  328117  8108131  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐433  328117  8108131  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐434  328117  8108131  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐435  328117  8108131  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐436  328117  8108131  Late Mineral Porphyry  Drill Core U/Pb or chem 
Qu‐437  328117  8108131  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐438  328117  8108131  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐439  328117  8108131  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐440  328117  8108131  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐441  328117  8108131  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐442  328117  8108131  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐443  327827  8108700  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐444  327827  8108700  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐445  327827  8108700  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐446  327827  8108700  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐447  327827  8108700  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐448  327270  8109282  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core U/Pb or chem 
Qu‐449  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐450  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐451  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐452  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐453  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐454  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐455  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐456  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐457  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 

Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions  
Sample Location RockType SampleType Purpose
Easting Northing
Qu‐458  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐459  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐460  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Geochem 
Qu‐461  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core U/Pb or chem 
Qu‐462  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐463  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐464  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐465  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐466  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐467  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐468  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐469  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐470  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐471  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐472  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐473  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐474  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐475  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐476  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐477  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐478  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐479  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐480  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐481  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐482  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐483  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐484  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐485  327827  8108700  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core U/Pb or chem 
Qu‐486  327538  8109294  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐487  327538  8109294  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐488  327538  8109294  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐489  327538  8109294  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐490  327538  8109294  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐491  327538  8109294  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐492  327686  8108841  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐493  327686  8108841  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐494  327686  8108841  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core U/Pb or chem 
Qu‐495  327686  8108841  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐496  327686  8108841  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐497  327443  8109151  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐498  327443  8109151  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐499  327443  8109151  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐500  327443  8109151  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐501  327270  8109282  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐502  327270  8109282  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Re‐Os; Moly 
Qu‐503  327270  8109282  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐504  327270  8109282  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐505  327270  8109282  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐506  327686  8108841  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐507  327686  8108841  E. Monzonite  Drill Core U/Pb or chem 
Qu‐508  327686  8108841  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐509  327686  8108841  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core U/Pb or chem 
Qu‐510  327686  8108841  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐511  327686  8108841  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐512  327686  8108841  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐513  327686  8108841  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐514  328117  8108131  E. Porphyry and Reg Grano   Drill Core Vein Chem 

Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions  
Sample Location RockType SampleType Purpose
Easting Northing
Qu‐515  328117  8108131  E. Porphyry and Reg Grano   Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐516  328117  8108131  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐517  328117  8108131  E. Porphyry and Reg Grano   Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐518  328117  8108131  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐519  328117  8108131  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐520  328117  8108131  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐521  328117  8108131  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐522  327827  8108700  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐523  327827  8108700  E. Monzonite  Drill Core U/Pb or chem 
Qu‐524  327827  8108700  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐525  327827  8108700  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐526  327827  8108700  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐527  327827  8108700  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐528  327686  8108841  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐529  327686  8108841  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐530  327686  8108841  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐531  327686  8108841  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
E. Porphyry and 
Qu‐532  327686  8108841  Monzodiorite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐533  327686  8108841  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐534  327686  8108841  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐535  327827  8108417  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐536  327827  8108417  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐537  327827  8108417  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐538  327827  8108417  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐539  327827  8108417  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐540  327827  8108417  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐541  327827  8108417  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐542  327827  8108417  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐543  327827  8108417  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐544  327827  8108417  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐545  327827  8108417  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐546  327827  8108417  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐547  327827  8108417  E. Monzonite  Drill Core Vein Chem 
Qu‐548  327204  8109015  Igneous Breccia  Drill Core Thin Section 
Qu‐549  327204  8109015  Pebble Breccia  Drill Core Thin Section 
Qu‐550  327204  8109015  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core Ar‐Ar; TS 
Qu‐551  327204  8109015  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core Thin Section 
Qu‐552  327204  8109015  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core Ar‐Ar; TS 
Qu‐566  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐567  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐568  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐569  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐570  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐571  327933  8108312  Earliest Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐580  327270  8109282  Early Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐581  327270  8109282  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐582  327270  8109282  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐583  327270  8109282  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐584  327270  8109282  Igneous Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐585  327270  8109282  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐586  327270  8109282  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐587  327270  8109282  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐588  327270  8109282  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐589  327270  8109282  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐590  327270  8109282  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐591  327270  8109282  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core ts 

Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions  
Sample Location RockType SampleType Purpose
Easting Northing
Qu‐592  327270  8109282  ?Late Mineral Porphyry?  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐593  327270  8109282  Early Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐594  327270  8109282  Crackle Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐595  327270  8109282  Igneous Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐596  327270  8109282  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐597  327270  8109282  Monzodiorite Porphyry  Drill Core FLINCS 
Qu‐598  327270  8109282  Crackle Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐599  327113  8109607  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐600  327113  8109607  Granodiorite  Drill Core Re‐Os; Moly 
Qu‐601  327113  8109607  2 Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core Re‐Os; Moly 
Qu‐602  327113  8109607  1 Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐603  327113  8109607  1 Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐604  327113  8109607  Granodiorite  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐605  327113  8109607  Granodiorite  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐606  327113  8109607  2 Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐607  327113  8109607  Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐608  327113  8109607  2 Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐609  327113  8109607  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐610  327113  8109607  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐611  327113  8109607  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐612  327113  8109607  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐613  327113  8109607  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐614  327113  8109607  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐615  327113  8109607  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐616  327113  8109607  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐617  327113  8109607  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐618  327113  8109607  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐619  327113  8109607  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐620  327113  8109607  1 Intermineral Porphyry  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐621  327113  8109607  Igneous Breccia  Drill Core ts 
Qu‐622  327113  8109607  Hydrothermal Breccia  Drill Core ts 

Appendix 3: Geochemistry Analytical Methods
Collection, Crushing and Analytical Methods
One hundred and eighty eight samples were selected for major, trace and rare-earth
element geochemistry. The following is a breakdown of the sample distribution with respect to
rock type: 15 regional granodiorite, one Earliest Porphyry, 15 Early Porphyry, six Intermineral
Porphyry, four Monzodiorite Porphyry, 20 Late Porphyry, 12 Post Mineral Porphyry, 16
Chuntacalla Formation volcanic rocks, one Barrosso Group volcanic rocks, one Hauylillas
Formation volcanic rock, 21 Paralaque Formation volcanic rocks, 15 Huaracanne Formation
volcanic rocks, one Inogoyo Formation volcanic rock, eight Quellaveco Member volcanic rocks,
29 Alta Member volcanic rocks, seven Yarito Formation volcanic rocks, two Tinajones Formation
volcanic rocks, three gabbroic intrusive dykes and 11 rocks from Toquepala and Cuajone.
Samples are a combination of rocks from outcrop and drill core. Results of these data are
presented in Table 4-2 above. Analyses from rocks not directly in the vicinity of the Quellaveco
were not used in the thesis, including many older and younger volcanic rocks and rocks from
Toquepala and Cuajone.

Samples were prepared for processing by cutting away weathered edges and veins with
a diamond embedded saw and were sent to Acme Labs in Vancouver, Canada. The samples
were then crushed and pulverized to approximately 150 mesh in tungsten-carbide. Tantalum
contamination during tungsten-carbide crushing is problematic and therefore all samples
processed by this method likely have excess Ta. Thus all Ta values are viewed suspect and
were not used in geochemical analysis. In addition, because of the tungsten-carbide grinding
media, tungsten and cobalt may have been carried over to the samples. Typical ranges of
contamination for granite range between 30 and 300 ppm for tungsten and between 10 and 30
ppm for cobalt. The pulverized sample was then dried over night at 105°C.

All samples were analyzed for major, trace and rare earth-element abundances. Major
elements were measured using the G4A Acme Labs method described as follows: A classical
whole-rock analysis for 11 major oxides and several minor elements by ICP emission
spectrometry following a lithium borate fusion and dilute acid digestion of a 0.2g sample pulp.
Package includes loss on ignition (LOI) by sintering at 1000°C and Leco analysis for total carbon
and sulphur. Trace and rare-earth elements by Acme Labs analysis G4B as follows: incorporates
two separate ICP-MS analyses to optimize determination of a 45-element suite of trace
elements. Rare earths and refractory elements report from a lithium borate decomposition

(same as that used in Group 4A) to give total abundances. Precious metals, base metals and
their associated pathfinder elements are generated from an aqua regia digestion. Some
additional elements by method G1F as follows: ICP Mass Spectrometry analysis of 30g sample
after Aqua Regia digestion. Pt, Pd and Au by method 3BMS as follows: lead-collection fire-
assay fusion for total sample decomposition, digestion of the Ag dore bead and ICP-MS
analysis. Detection limits for major, trace and rare-earth elements are listed in Table A3-1.

Duplicates and Standards

Duplicates of samples were completed once every 30 samples while known reference
materials were supplied by Acme Labs as part of their internal QA/QC. Standards and duplicate
analysis passed the QA/QC standards of Acme labs. Examples of duplicate analysis are shown in
Figure A3-1, below.

Table A3-1: Detection limits for major, trace and rare-earth elements at Acme Labs.

Element Method Lower Limit Upper Limit Element Method Lower Limit Upper Limit
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
Mo 1F 0.01 2000 Ce 4B 0.1 50000
Cu 1F 0.01 10000 Pr 4B 0.02 10000
Pb 1F 0.01 10000 Nd 4B 0.3 10000
Zn 1F 0.1 10000 Sm 4B 0.05 10000
Ni # 1F 0.1 10000 Eu 4B 0.02 10000
Co 1F 0.1 2000 Gd 4B 0.05 10000
Mn 1F 1 10000 Tb 4B 0.01 10000
As 1F 0.1 10000 Dy 4B 0.05 10000
Cd 1F 0.01 2000 Ho 4B 0.02 10000
Sb 1F 0.02 2000 Er 4B 0.03 10000
Bi 1F 0.02 2000 Tm 4B 0.01 10000
Cr 1F 0.5 10000 Yb 4B 0.05 10000
B# 1F 1 2000 Lu 4B 0.01 10000
Tl 1F 0.02 1000
Se 1F 0.1 100 Element Method Lower Limit Upper Limit
Te 1F 0.02 1000 (ppb) (ppb)
Ge 1F 0.1 100 Ag 1F 2 100000
In 1F 0.02 1000 Au 1F 0.2 100000
Be 1F 0.1 1000 Hg 1F 5 100000
Li # 1F 0.1 2000 Re 1F 1 1000
Ba 4A 5 50000 Pd 1F 10 100000
Ni 4A 10 1000000 Pt 1F 2 100000
Sc 4A 1 10000 Au 3BMS 1 10000
Cs 4B 0.1 10000 Pt 3BMS 0.1 1000
Ga 4B 0.5 10000 Pd 3BMS 0.5 1000
Hf 4B 0.1 10000
Nb 4B 0.1 50000 Element Method Lower Limit Upper Limit
Rb 4B 0.5 10000 (%) (%)
Sn 4B 1 10000 SiO2 4A 0.02 100
Sr 4B 0.5 50000 Al2O3 4A 0.03 100
Ta 4B 0.1 50000 Fe2O3 4A 0.04 100
Th 4B 0.1 10000 MgO 4A 0.01 50
U 4B 0.1 10000 CaO 4A 0.01 60
V 4B 5 10000 Na2O 4A 0.01 50
W 4B 0.1 10000 K2O 4A 0.04 50
Zr 4B 0.5 50000 TiO2 4A 0.01 100
Y 4B 0.1 50000 P2O5 4A 0.01 50
La 4B 0.1 50000 MnO 4A 0.01 50
Cr2O3 4A 0.002 100
LOI 4A 0.1 100
TOT/C 4A 0.01 100
TOT/S 4A 0.01 100
SUM 4A - -

Figure A3-1: Duplicate analyses (selected elements)

Zr (ppm)





Duplicate 300





0 100 200 300 400 500

TiO2 (%)









0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Appendix 4: Veins Recorded to Cut Intrusive Contacts
Below are other vein types and mineral assemblages that were recorded to have cross-
cut the contacts between the two control (in terms of timing) units being observed, and thus
are from younger hydrothermal systems that have overprinted the hydrothermal system
associated with a specific porphyry intrusion. Figure 5-10 describes those veins that crosscut
the Late and Post Mineral Porphyry contact while observing the veins within the Late
Porphyries. These veins are associated with a younger hydrothermal pulse, most likely the Post
Mineral Porphyries.

Table A4-1: Veins within Late and Post mineral porphyries (above 3400m)
# Minerals Selvage Notes
1 Drusy Qtz None Straight
Old Æ Young

2 Qtz»Py-Mo±Cp None straight; Py in voids; Mo concentrated on vein

3 Qtz-Py-v tr Cp None Straight
4 Qtz-Py-Cp±Kfs±Cl Discontinuous Kfs Straight

Notes: Qtz=Quartz, Py=Pyrite, Cl=Chlorite, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Mo=Molybdenite, Kfs=K-feldspar, Bt=biotite, Anhy=anhydrite,

Mag=magnetite, Act=actinolite, ==equal to, ≥=greater than or equal to, >=greater than, »=much greater than, ±=trace to rarely
occurring, tr.=trace, trace, (mineral)=secondary after mineral to left

Figure 5-11 describes those veins that crosscut the Monzodiorite and Late Porphyry
contact while observing the veins within the Monzodiorite Porphyries. These veins are
associated with younger hydrothermal pulse/s.

Table A4-2: Veins within Monzodiorite and younger porphyries (various elevations)
# Minerals Selvage Notes
>3400m elevation
1 Drusy Qtz None straight
2 Py»Qtz None straight
3 Py»Qtz±Cp Qtz-Ser wavy
4 Qtz>Py-Mo-Cl±Cp Kfs ±wavy
5 Py-Qtz±Cp Kfs straight
6 Qtz>Py±Cl Kfs straight
>3000m and <3400m elevation
1 Drusy Qtz None straight
2 Qtz=Mo>Cp-Py None straight
3 Qtz»Py-Cp None several Qtz growth stages
4 Qtz>Cp-Kfs Kfs wavy
<3000m elevation
1 Drusy Qtz None straight
2 Qtz»Mo±Py±Cp Kfs straight
3 Py»Qtz Qtz-Ser straight
4 Qtz-Cl-Py None straight
5 Qtz-Mo±Py Kfs straight; sulphide concentrated on vn edge
6 Qtz»Cp-Py Kfs wavy; sulphide concentrated on vn edge; several
Qtz generations
7 Qtz»Py-Bt Kfs straight; Bt on vn edge; several Qtz generations
8 Qtz>Cl-Py±Cp Kfs wavy
Notes: Qtz=Quartz, Py=Pyrite, Cl=Chlorite, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Mo=Molybdenite, Kfs=K-feldspar, Bt=biotite, Anhy=anhydrite,
Mag=magnetite, Act=actinolite, ==equal to, ≥=greater than or equal to, >=greater than, »=much greater than, ±=trace to rarely
occurring, tr.=trace, trace, (mineral)=secondary after mineral to left

Figure 5-12 describes those veins that crosscut the Intermineral and Monzodiorite
Porphyry contact while observing the veins within the Intermineral Porphyries. These veins are
associated with younger hydrothermal pulse/s.

Table A4-3: Veins within Intermineral and younger porphyries (various elevations)
# Minerals Selvage Notes
>3400m elevation
1 Cp-Py>Qtz Qtz-Ser straight; coarse crystalline Qtz; tr Az coating Qtz
2 Qtz-Cl±Py None wavy
3 Qtz>Cp-Py±Mo None straight; sulphide disseminated in Qtz
4 Qtz>Py±Cp Qtz-Ser straight; several generations Qtz
5 Qtz>=Cp-Py>Mo None wavy
6 Qtz-Py±Cp None straight
7 Qtz-Py None straight; coarse Qtz coated with Mal
8 Qtz±Cp±Py None wavy; coarse crystalline Qtz; very tr sulphide
disseminated in Qtz
9 Qtz-Py None straight; coarse crystalline Qtz; discontinuous
10 Qtz>Py-Cl None straight
11 Qtz-Kfs±Cp None wavy
12 Cp-Py-Qtz Qtz-Ser straight; grainy Qtz
13 Bt=Qtz»Py-Cp Qtz-Bt wavy
14 Bt-Cp-Py±Qtz±Kfs None Wavy
15 Mag-Cp>Qtz-Py None wavy
>3000m and <3400m elevation
1 Drusy Qtz None straight
2 Qtz-Py-Cp>Mo±Cl None wavy
3 Qtz>Py-Cp±Cl None wavy; several generations Qtz
4 Qtz>Py-Cp±Cl Kfs wavy
5 Qtz-Cl=Cp-Mo-Py Kfs straight
6 Qtz>Cp-Py±Cl Kfs wavy
7 Qtz-Bt-Cp-Py None straight
<3000m elevation
1 Drusy Qtz None straight
2 Qtz»Py-Cp±Mo None straight; Mo concentrated at vein edge; coarse
crystalline Qtz
3 Qtz>Py-Cp±Cl None wavy; several generations Qtz
4 Qtz»Bt±Cp±Py Kfs straight
5 Qtz>Mo-Cp±Py Kfs straight; Mo on edge and within vein; coarse
crystalline Qtz
6 Qtz>Cl±Py None straight
7 Cp>Qtz±Py None wavy; discontinuous
8 Qtz-Py-Cp None straight
9 Qtz=Py-Cp-Cl None wavy; discontinuous
10 Qtz-Cp>Cl None wavy
11 Qtz-Cp-Mo>Cl None wavy
12 Qtz-Cp>Bt(Cl) None straight
13 Bt=Qtz±Cp±Py None wavy; diffuse
14 Bt-Cp±Py±Qtz None straight
Notes: Qtz=Quartz, Py=Pyrite, Cl=Chlorite, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Mo=Molybdenite, Kfs=K-feldspar, Bt=biotite, Anhy=anhydrite,
Mag=magnetite, Act=actinolite, ==equal to, ≥=greater than or equal to, >=greater than, »=much greater than, ±=trace to rarely
occurring, tr.=trace, trace, (mineral)=secondary after mineral to left

Figure 5-13 describes those veins that crosscut the Early and Intermineral Porphyry
contact while observing the veins within the Early Porphyries. These veins are associated with
younger hydrothermal pulse/s.

Table A4-4: Veins within Early and younger porphyries (various elevations)
# Minerals Selvage Notes
>3400m elevation
1 Qtz None straight; drusy Qtz
2 Qtz-Py-Cl±Cp Kfs straight; interlocking Qtz; last stage of Qtz inward
growing in open space
3 Qtz»Py±Cp Kfs straight
4 Qtz>Kfs>Cp-Py-Mo Kfs straight; Mo on vn edge; Kfs center line; minor Cl
in selvage
5 Qtz±Cp±Mo Kfs straight
6 Qtz=Py-Cp±Cl Qtz-Ser straight
7 Qtz>Py-Cp-Mo Kfs straight; sulphide on vn edge
8 Qtz-Cp-Py±Cl None wavy
9 Bt>Qtz±Cp±Py Kfs wavy
10 Qtz>Cp-Py-Mo Discontinuous Kfs wavy
11 Qtz-Bt>Cp-Py Kfs wavy
>3000m and <3400m elevation
1 Qtz>Cp-»Mo weak Qtz-Ser over wavy; coarse Qtz; sulphide on edge and within
Kfs vein
2 Qtz-Cp>Py Kfs wavy; coarse Qtz; sulphide on vein edge
3 Cl-Bt-Cp>Qtz None wavy
4 Qtz>Bt-Cp-Py-Cl Kfs straight
5 Qtz>=Py-Cp Qtz-Ser wavy; coarse open space Qtz
6 Qtz-Kfs>Mo-Cp-Py Kfs straight; Mo in vn and selvage
7 Py-Qtz±Cp None wavy; minor open space Qtz
8 Qtz-Cl>Cp-Py None wavy; grainy Qtz; Cl and sulphide form foliation in
9 Qtz=Mo-Cp-Py None wavy
10 Qtz»Bt-Cp-Py Kfs straight; coarse Qtz; sulphide on vn edge
11 Qtz>Mo-Py-Cp Kfs straight; grainy Qtz
12 Qtz>Py-Cp Kfs>Cl wavy
13 Qtz>=Mo-Py-Cp Kfs wavy
14 Py-Cp=Qtz Kfs straight
15 Qtz>Cp-Py>Cl Kfs wavy
16 Qtz-Py>Cl-Cp Kfs straight
17 Qtz>Bt-Cp-Cl±Py None wavy; diffuse
18 Qtz>Bt±Cp±Py Kfs straight; diffuse; grainy Qtz
<3000m elevation
1 Qtz-Cp-Py-Mo±Cl None wavy; open space Qtz
2 Qtz>=Mo>Cp±Py Kfs straight; Mo on edge»in vn
3 Qtz-Cp-Py None ±wavy
4 Py-Cp None ±straight
5 Qtz=Cp-Py>Cl Qtz-Ser wavy; Cp in vn and disseminated in selvage
6 Qtz-Cl>Cp-Py±Mo ±Kfs wavy; several Qtz generations; sulphide and Cl at
vein edge
7 Qtz>=Cp-Mo>Py Kfs wavy
8 Qtz»Cp-Py Kfs straight
9 Qtz>Mo-Cp Kfs straight; grainy Qtz; sulphide disseminated in vein
10 Qtz-Cl>Cp-Py±Bt None straight
11 Qtz>Bt±Cp±Py Kfs straight
12 Mag-Cp±Py None straight; Mag-Cp net texture
Notes: Qtz=Quartz, Py=Pyrite, Cl=Chlorite, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Mo=Molybdenite, Kfs=K-feldspar, Bt=biotite, Anhy=anhydrite,
Mag=magnetite, Act=actinolite, ==equal to, ≥=greater than or equal to, >=greater than, »=much greater than, ±=trace to rarely
occurring, tr.=trace, trace, (mineral)=secondary after mineral to left

Figure 5-14 describes those veins that crosscut the Earliest and Early Porphyry contact
while observing the veins within the Earliest Porphyries. These veins are associated with
younger hydrothermal pulse/s.

Table A4-5: Veins within Earliest and younger porphyries (above 3400m)
# Minerals Selvage Notes
1 Qtz>Cp»Bt Qtz-Ser straight
2 Qtz-Cp>Py ±Kfs wavy; thin
3 Cp-Py>Qtz Kfs straight
4 Qtz±Py ±Kfs straight; weak centerline
5 Qtz>Cp-Py±Mo ±Kfs ±wavy; coarse, open space Qtz
6 Qtz-Bt»Py-Cp None straight; grainy Qtz
7 Bt-Qtz>Py±Cp Bt wavy
8 Qtz-Bt=Cp None wavy; grainy Qtz
Notes: Qtz=Quartz, Py=Pyrite, Cl=Chlorite, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Mo=Molybdenite, Kfs=K-feldspar, Bt=biotite, Anhy=anhydrite,
Mag=magnetite, Act=actinolite, ==equal to, ≥=greater than or equal to, >=greater than, »=much greater than, ±=trace to rarely
occurring, tr.=trace, trace, (mineral)=secondary after mineral to left

Appendix 5: Zircon Geochemistry Data
Below are the normalize data used in chapter 3, for the zircon geochemistry. All in ppm
unless as age or ratio.

Table A5-1: Zircon mineral chemistry data U-Pb routine

Spot 6/38 age 8/32 age Th U La Ce Nd145 Nd146 Nd(tot) Sm
QU393-11 47.28691 49.06997 270.74821 285.00216 0.06635 44.71092 1.08623 0.92190 2.00813 3.15364
QU393-3 48.10031 53.82087 53.40657 140.44740 0.01295 21.13011 0.58516 0.36915 0.95430 1.46861
QU393-1 49.23251 56.80708 79.68988 181.23267 0.01353 26.54761 0.49181 0.28499 0.77680 1.19276
QU393-14 49.69270 59.44266 101.02092 238.70302 0.10737 28.36855 0.73108 0.51106 1.24214 2.14887
QU393-12 51.81785 59.07952 51.27813 125.05130 0.01537 15.11992 0.61183 0.41101 1.02285 1.48619
QU393-6 52.87315 55.68635 155.95233 228.76493 0.01373 25.95211 0.54930 0.31456 0.86386 1.32080
QU393-8 54.03683 59.61353 107.48812 191.78258 0.01411 31.70197 0.82843 0.50582 1.33425 1.73330
QU393-15 54.62750 60.04807 107.18939 170.47062 0.03621 29.87658 1.65849 1.27962 2.93811 3.49932
QU393-5 56.09659 63.18371 70.49202 135.98737 0.10399 18.76383 0.88978 0.90561 1.79539 2.31501
QU393-2 56.97344 58.57464 182.72998 280.56548 0.02087 33.02085 0.61124 0.39692 1.00816 1.53855
QU393-10 56.97414 63.10225 92.88281 178.29107 0.01719 27.66439 1.08534 0.78841 1.87375 2.41082
QU393-4 58.72820 61.60608 40.40985 61.70270 0.02521 14.38866 1.33735 1.21252 2.54988 3.28581
QU393-9 60.53971 61.08062 193.45318 345.97217 0.02067 38.23942 1.36915 0.84216 2.21131 3.34166
QU393-7 62.03125 68.10439 77.06684 87.35822 0.03036 13.22246 1.93842 1.68496 3.62338 3.39878
QU393-13 65.81500 65.34186 187.75034 228.30138 0.02899 10.99699 1.31079 1.41179 2.72259 3.67016
QU395-7 37.97868 52.01484 66.21849 175.06199 0.15933 9.77999 0.33848 0.23899 0.57746 0.53395
QU395-5 49.18188 83.89578 19.84096 57.16345 0.01164 8.09181 0.52609 0.31996 0.84605 0.98829
QU395-1 49.72599 67.92334 34.90089 117.83215 0.01168 10.19935 0.34644 0.05980 0.40624 0.25919
QU395-9 52.16836 65.31833 63.19106 160.11677 3.74024 31.04969 2.71246 2.17780 4.89026 3.09828
QU395-6 52.75846 62.50661 106.97490 147.77072 0.03532 18.88941 1.40255 1.30226 2.70481 3.06171
QU395-13 53.23456 58.61621 173.35535 270.12114 0.03793 49.88729 2.40701 2.16287 4.56988 6.19962
QU395-2 53.32334 71.99000 56.59520 98.13418 0.03509 16.09317 1.86310 1.58717 3.45027 3.59499
QU395-8 53.83609 57.38602 323.84929 399.52470 7.16081 70.95926 3.84804 4.77319 8.62123 6.82951
QU395-12 54.78255 65.14776 116.84149 216.82851 0.01910 33.87667 0.61373 0.47716 1.09089 1.75898
QU395-3 56.52061 56.30447 304.73527 516.15990 0.02291 55.05877 0.81247 0.71034 1.52281 3.39964
QU395-10 58.35580 59.82194 83.87812 175.41618 0.01407 31.70460 0.72485 0.50853 1.23338 2.13716
QU395-11 58.63744 55.52984 223.10651 290.47732 0.02551 36.04759 0.67808 0.67138 1.34946 2.59409
QU395-4 60.80721 87.97715 28.94993 40.73324 0.02409 12.71952 1.02051 0.89185 1.91237 2.39028
QU-283-3 52.36268 61.27867 53.41854 100.67723 0.01635 13.30250 0.63223 0.43771 1.06994 1.28262
QU283-11 55.07235 58.40541 218.33557 288.43989 0.02175 34.31407 1.36009 1.34274 2.70282 3.74385
QU283-12 55.87380 59.83114 101.37821 129.71934 0.03902 17.57416 1.44498 1.49470 2.93968 3.78728
QU-283-1 55.89130 61.17026 113.43941 129.86109 0.03979 15.52049 2.78302 2.47476 5.25778 4.81138
QU283-14 56.98669 65.98749 82.69178 120.84901 0.02666 16.23179 0.94046 0.97584 1.91630 2.57484
QU-283-5 57.57398 68.56339 48.38341 87.38037 0.01428 13.64093 0.80044 0.61445 1.41489 1.79182
QU283-10 57.82354 62.39642 62.38397 100.79063 0.01470 13.14508 1.05686 0.94858 2.00544 2.35271
QU283-6 59.46074 65.06463 175.04207 183.32632 0.02799 24.78541 3.15358 3.01189 6.16547 6.50170
QU-283-2 60.46735 71.70243 51.91440 92.39749 0.01071 14.43107 0.64311 0.51537 1.15848 1.55699
QU283-9 60.60766 73.05813 50.32037 94.78396 0.01284 13.99757 0.44412 0.28415 0.72827 0.95222
QU283-13 60.71470 68.90323 79.00482 114.10632 0.01064 13.74292 0.84811 0.82304 1.67115 1.88516
QU-283-4 61.86154 62.58472 770.80828 486.97102 0.25750 116.3811 14.69239 16.94436 31.63675 30.2938
0 6
QU283-8 62.28067 83.34298 33.82859 73.71547 0.01572 12.24307 0.36822 0.17318 0.54140 0.63510
QU283-7 66.15496 64.92946 204.39619 197.37508 0.05512 24.49413 2.47080 2.99758 5.46838 6.99854
QU242-1 50.20312 65.92644 39.15689 88.37386 0.01124 22.35485 0.68928 0.62027 1.30955 1.87647
QU242-9 50.75880 54.18225 198.90712 232.03603 0.02060 43.20280 0.79994 0.76683 1.56677 2.82971
QU242-8 51.29163 62.98740 51.20116 127.20685 0.03132 17.17608 0.47105 0.32910 0.80015 1.28576
QU242-2 52.26825 71.54468 43.09978 95.63198 0.05887 12.68002 0.31873 0.23254 0.55127 0.76618
QU242-12 54.97619 60.96880 102.80183 208.58682 0.02378 23.08746 0.67355 0.58711 1.26066 1.97761
QU242-5 55.10873 56.25465 249.61884 305.41008 0.01140 36.04326 0.56210 0.47882 1.04091 1.65385
QU242-15 55.24655 57.17570 143.49942 194.11374 0.76304 27.09719 1.14517 1.19668 2.34184 2.62194
QU242-13 55.56901 64.50303 46.35275 103.18354 0.01603 20.94058 0.72603 0.45385 1.17989 1.50754
QU242-14 55.70329 61.77971 162.05223 251.70865 0.05604 39.01474 0.71279 0.56404 1.27683 2.04300
QU242-3 55.84450 59.73913 237.86091 288.99962 0.04048 34.01830 0.69209 0.58824 1.28033 1.89998
QU242-6 56.84833 59.33505 101.80386 176.97937 1.86182 23.38170 1.42980 1.30336 2.73316 2.16393
QU242-4 56.98805 58.24391 102.04188 182.94943 0.21440 26.39980 0.82205 0.71598 1.53803 2.32471
QU242-7 57.67667 66.39083 88.76108 186.22780 0.15390 22.57442 0.98160 0.73627 1.71786 2.04855
QU242-10 58.83209 65.19707 133.32583 196.02508 0.02131 29.27855 1.03702 0.86966 1.90668 2.72121
QU242-11 59.13479 61.81238 228.22773 252.18350 0.08168 36.24386 3.56664 3.36235 6.92899 7.92773
QU335-8 52.07171 57.54598 95.59404 192.92935 0.00886 18.38592 0.40983 0.25607 0.66589 0.87542
QU335-6 53.92877 73.96413 40.03265 87.53711 0.01047 12.36389 0.38634 0.30961 0.69595 1.07503
QU335-7 55.24698 57.82959 114.04430 129.14794 0.03353 17.58703 2.24468 2.46686 4.71154 5.02789
QU335-4 55.28496 66.27802 59.64922 106.01669 0.24383 16.34151 0.70695 0.53666 1.24361 1.64234
QU335-2 55.40584 65.42852 62.90015 158.18938 0.01201 21.93441 0.43055 0.29582 0.72637 1.08069
QU335-3 55.66897 60.23026 47.89499 147.92389 0.01004 10.37175 0.31412 0.13263 0.44676 0.51454
QU335-5 58.97406 65.89495 136.52597 155.18002 0.02927 20.57832 2.12275 2.28655 4.40930 5.21331
QU335-1 66.06130 100.76131 68.06399 113.67026 0.27714 15.63276 0.65076 0.70105 1.35182 1.75394
QU335-9 59.38451 71.50280 23.96268 48.32321 0.01271 8.77171 0.30971 0.20127 0.51097 0.61815
QU335-10 101.1893 83.45390 223.46451 1005.38775 8.15660 31.14097 6.73494 6.04690 12.78184 4.78104

Spot 6/38 age 8/32 age Th U La Ce Nd145 Nd146 Nd(tot) Sm
QU335-11 57.12945 59.75221 149.44221 246.60635 0.00856 24.83350 0.51289 0.37787 0.89076 1.32773
QU335-12 57.69738 62.74285 57.59889 87.26399 0.01477 11.97970 0.81911 1.04946 1.86857 2.58893
QU335-13 55.70508 65.50152 33.73028 76.36473 0.01074 9.64395 0.36034 0.17711 0.53746 0.61800
QU335-14 53.58693 56.55844 217.14188 240.63828 0.08551 43.82274 7.81558 4.45744 12.27302 9.11155
QU362-1 51.93162 60.63675 55.45603 126.31651 0.03435 23.10008 0.54715 0.39977 0.94692 1.44475
QU362-2 53.17069 64.36021 143.65579 242.54174 0.01638 42.35506 0.86355 0.74180 1.60536 2.91026
QU362-3 56.99034 76.50440 51.38076 128.07991 0.05115 13.54592 0.48481 0.38706 0.87187 0.99063
QU362-4 58.40370 61.87477 101.83521 191.41690 0.01533 32.52455 0.95790 0.85273 1.81063 2.83556
QU362-5 55.82431 71.95704 114.49993 181.65207 7.42023 36.82880 5.73885 5.76270 11.50156 5.85761
QU362-6 59.76535 65.94781 100.99766 224.13752 0.01924 44.30355 0.66614 0.64060 1.30674 2.54454
QU362-7 52.81676 64.86840 180.48062 257.95274 0.05570 45.63110 2.69684 2.71338 5.41022 6.19914
QU362-8 52.06724 56.58659 179.95378 251.64012 0.01999 34.55221 0.75057 0.56935 1.31992 2.01572
QU362-9 54.82924 60.15051 145.88801 239.97681 0.02204 38.77531 0.66618 0.52258 1.18875 2.13953
QU362-10 56.96697 61.49573 223.08028 379.01642 0.01741 55.59119 0.70908 0.62396 1.33304 2.93411
QU362-11 58.80614 62.68035 197.01057 194.09395 0.01982 31.10792 0.84958 0.98870 1.83828 3.02042
QU362-12 52.27083 58.95422 74.40948 114.52099 0.04351 17.48115 0.71347 0.62008 1.33355 1.79638
QU362-13 58.95448 61.18260 247.62015 321.02966 0.01215 38.62411 0.67742 0.54825 1.22567 2.00396
QU362-14 52.83035 55.49815 330.27820 302.46057 0.06853 57.69302 3.46123 3.57566 7.03689 10.7374
QU362-15 55.64791 108.37058 23.93759 87.73273 0.02117 8.70601 0.32774 0.10895 0.43669 0.47385
QU327-1 56.02862 75.15082 49.80181 131.51280 0.02283 17.10704 0.50026 0.38587 0.88613 1.35833
QU327-2 61.97728 86.87779 59.89720 150.84117 0.02007 23.33861 0.49920 0.29948 0.79867 1.20360
QU327-3 55.53816 69.05007 69.30622 151.97769 0.01863 19.45094 0.63791 0.49430 1.13221 1.61610
QU327-4 54.03286 74.58961 82.49551 160.54779 16.9446 45.39093 5.81985 6.84921 12.66906 3.82714
QU327-5 55.52526 60.81115 140.41882 195.78118 0.02612 30.23259 1.83222 2.37831 4.21053 5.25319
QU327-6 53.65636 66.11462 117.95817 200.17534 0.04263 34.72395 0.59477 0.62087 1.21565 2.28045
QU327-7 55.10388 82.09580 48.87004 97.38253 0.02108 14.59304 0.99993 0.75372 1.75365 2.03760
QU327-8 59.35779 57.94668 556.91271 664.88553 0.01732 68.78270 1.04956 0.90518 1.95474 3.41126
QU327-9 54.72780 61.75468 70.38975 146.42822 0.05710 22.69582 0.58901 0.52048 1.10949 1.70482
QU327-10 58.17155 105.99937 79.73511 142.75946 0.88494 22.45630 0.96015 0.68724 1.64739 1.80045
QU327-11 57.69830 73.64751 59.00922 124.64479 0.02593 16.91727 1.10591 0.94334 2.04925 2.57906
QU327-12 51.65861 73.73765 75.08313 140.81947 0.01800 22.54864 1.49552 1.40300 2.89852 3.58668
QU008-1 63.94415 91.49096 27.30474 47.86311 0.01398 12.79687 0.48116 0.35077 0.83193 1.17296
QU008-2 59.61239 83.07144 64.89304 92.23505 3.26538 23.66054 2.24909 1.92520 4.17429 2.61746
QU008-3 62.02332 86.44584 41.99750 64.22420 3.09700 18.90058 2.00988 1.39724 3.40712 1.80236
QU008-4 67.31291 171.57841 12.43704 30.56114 0.02028 7.32823 0.26331 0.13129 0.39460 0.39266
QU008-5 65.58101 129.22701 20.35192 40.08992 0.03038 9.47494 0.42794 0.21116 0.63910 0.68935
QU008-6 60.64170 93.56101 38.68919 64.42307 0.77936 18.17643 0.94529 0.76104 1.70633 1.76381
QU008-7 58.87096 72.17186 85.16054 119.45759 0.09005 24.04913 0.89490 0.75242 1.64732 2.24497
QU008-8 58.03962 72.59310 68.90120 100.25428 0.98846 24.02136 0.99667 1.25916 2.25583 2.80672
QU008-9 59.46271 73.56870 133.28333 126.44280 0.12790 46.16771 4.56722 4.76303 9.33025 10.7263
QU008-10 58.35675 68.41328 124.30919 159.40781 0.08045 30.93611 0.86522 0.75969 1.62491 2.60682
QU008-11 56.94524 71.68300 56.83563 75.97715 0.08564 21.06239 0.65800 0.60933 1.26733 2.00028
QU008-12 60.41485 59.48281 473.53843 305.88094 0.04764 76.35344 4.63226 4.55611 9.18836 15.5174
QU008-13 63.66970 79.34415 71.54669 116.53242 1.61718 24.61497 1.30347 1.39241 2.69587 2.75397
QU396-1 62.28997 88.87300 40.47426 72.56008 0.01926 10.59328 0.46472 0.38807 0.85279 1.03458
QU396-2 55.86657 81.03945 35.72451 85.27138 0.02892 12.60282 1.49947 1.45140 2.95087 2.91154
QU396-3 61.87869 64.95249 553.80197 448.10806 0.25710 71.42001 5.64229 8.33164 13.97394 18.1456
QU396-4 60.76002 87.21306 42.53455 72.09890 0.01760 12.31665 0.46058 0.44638 0.90696 1.35959
QU396-5 59.42026 70.32646 96.13510 141.66927 0.60514 24.98066 1.40813 1.23681 2.64494 3.15613
QU396-6 60.11992 74.84527 83.69092 153.01368 0.00674 19.28227 0.60050 0.55057 1.15107 1.98326
QU396-7 62.35185 97.26803 66.06866 118.71480 0.18884 17.04896 1.03806 0.77400 1.81206 2.18138
QU396-8 45.98000 67.39062 55.33853 102.42715 0.09320 12.42152 0.66735 0.52863 1.19598 1.42268
QU396-9 59.62487 66.58587 121.74649 204.36055 0.03038 31.93561 2.02566 1.73535 3.76101 5.95491
QU396-10 56.78431 64.67551 125.40869 173.10603 0.04622 23.75680 1.44301 1.34676 2.78977 3.46878
QU396-11 58.03456 79.09845 136.68405 148.67036 4.20073 27.08660 2.42585 2.61626 5.04211 3.72683
QU396-12 56.70150 66.40396 114.63847 136.35116 0.03527 18.06191 1.49529 1.27401 2.76930 2.94916
QU084-1 70.56706 73.75406 166.24978 636.73282 0.08009 12.23139 0.39305 0.38815 0.78120 1.70129
QU084-2 79.10142 96.29221 78.66978 205.74925 0.44179 7.79812 2.01625 2.03739 4.05364 5.52012
QU084-3 77.98287 81.08028 300.85024 817.67743 0.02131 15.77567 0.74471 0.51018 1.25489 2.35835
QU084-4 70.57621 75.65432 349.19752 574.59530 0.01264 25.35982 0.80566 0.65244 1.45810 2.52553
QU084-5 72.44550 71.18493 434.13670 1009.90654 0.02705 20.60555 0.39240 0.35639 0.74879 1.70293
QU084-6 64.79531 69.176220 262.184867 1114.74574 0.05402 10.79249 0.821971 0.593012 1.41498 3.07227
9 8 3 9 2
QU084-7 75.60319 81.605446 177.087247 196.296887 0.02134 21.53398 0.653302 0.73296 1.38626 2.17138
4 6 6 1 4
QU380-1 55.88532 59.557366 85.6027427 97.4947341 0.0159 12.73821 2.18528 4.10899
30 8 6 5 8
QU380-2 58.79652 68.198313 85.3676278 93.9093374 0.01093 14.45226 1.266122 3.67480
65 0 4 5 1
QU380-3 59.12934 65.098056 68.711889 79.6228028 0.01192 11.37135 1.535568 2.97056
96 5 6 6 2
QU380-4 63.23797 65.796913 127.178783 131.322486 0.01752 15.32893 2.185237 4.18553

Spot 6/38 age 8/32 age Th U La Ce Nd145 Nd146 Nd(tot) Sm
27 3 4 9
QU380-5 57.40638 60.574260 41.2771037 59.0964954 0.00671 10.47906 0.489066 1.37471
81 5 7
QU380-6 56.27586 56.656971 78.5762923 86.2199921 0.01053 13.08651 1.578599 3.82665
61 6 4 3 9
QU380-7 57.00549 59.398636 40.7912169 62.3022954 0.00402 9.939703 0.455656 1.24461
25 7 4 3 6
QU380-8 52.51030 54.708065 54.8507441 72.2158745 0.00824 10.78025 1.164551 2.65109
52 9 7 3 1
QU380-9 55.96964 63.055429 107.282416 108.722487 0.01281 14.04412 2.271714 4.69238
37 7 6 6
QU380-10 60.01929 61.369047 102.608694 102.870508 0.0174 14.09406 2.028289 4.65148
87 8 3
QU380-11 59.33400 59.105039 199.503901 193.697112 0.0423 16.76874 3.299657 6.45020
34 0 7 8 5
QU380-12 55.67280 68.451452 41.258614 69.7594222 0.00692 11.73732 0.226415 0.70254
92 6 9 3 4
QU380-13 52.80739 53.737395 105.763463 122.777663 0.01688 14.16665 1.663522 3.5599
01 0 1 2
QU380-14 59.07155 67.666454 29.9561925 53.5324125 0.00206 8.550559 0.34076 0.91265
14 4 6 5 8
QU380-15 60.14972 62.870020 79.457581 82.8394381 0.01125 12.65492 1.353504 3.61046
82 8 1 2 6
QU380-16 61.25699 64.328060 99.4417985 110.317968 0.0179 14.38169 2.044268 3.79285
80 4 1 8 5
QU381-1 59.87839 59.144637 67.4827152 96.1648790 0.00753 14.18584 0.523053 1.54645
35 6 7 2
QU381-2 60.21154 60.091861 60.8699174 82.2438087 0.01119 10.93887 0.763858 1.94851
20 4 3 2 1
QU381-3 60.13325 70.548925 19.6199191 37.0917000 0.00459 6.18823 0.221611 0.61948
58 8 1 7
QU381-4 61.27301 57.914259 99.5880051 157.749789 0.04216 13.35668 2.073082 3.64685
64 5 5 5 4
QU381-5 59.40322 60.887728 103.907023 108.339624 0.00728 14.77445 1.399165 3.68059
89 2 8 6 5
QU381-6 61.61845 61.418384 63.7335661 139.606397 0.00763 11.68449 0.961222 2.11110
23 9 5 5 8
QU381-7 62.77710 66.922864 61.3478687 94.2464169 0.00603 14.02889 0.350171 0.96336
86 6 5 2 6
QU381-8 61.71708 63.257090 61.5385665 85.8790447 0.00577 11.93769 0.51306 1.45125
82 0 1
QU381-9 59.79640 61.489542 115.307241 132.654407 0.03673 14.56455 2.940324 5.15122
50 0 7 2
QU381-10 62.42773 67.414999 113.737885 121.065367 0.01687 16.57629 2.255438 4.80046
45 7 3 9 2
QU381-11 59.04584 59.604323 85.9212746 91.2460801 0.01719 13.80848 1.033489 2.80428
87 2 1 7 9
QU381-12 59.74459 62.414338 129.892662 139.580063 0.02692 13.35998 2.502806 4.68660
49 0 9 1 5
QU381-13 58.06321 60.517888 94.9710912 163.092898 0.00877 16.39386 1.007007 2.50108
51 3 7 3 2
QU381-14 57.95973 55.456982 74.7556222 82.6608667 0.00407 12.10664 1.053848 2.88412
96 2 4 9
QU384-4 58.82117 60.707169 215.50982 279.133964 0.03606 18.96782 2.366482 4.62985
7 1 8 1 6
QU384-11 60.69625 63.429745 199.900694 341.249403 1.12724 18.42977 0.687277 0.90503
9 5 6 8 5
QU384-1 63.84827 79.529978 243.181935 300.881522 266.082 385.0395 95.36366 18.2348
5 4 6 3 7
QU384-12 64.26960 63.876779 2461.6809 2039.35652 0.1471 116.0881 2.243212 6.16958
4 5 5
QU384-5 66.40920 67.389043 145.711316 291.503477 0.00716 19.63405 0.293775 0.89784
3 9 6
QU384-7 67.41637 71.564704 219.565609 368.989242 0.00576 19.90278 0.260014 0.80908
8 8 3 4
QU384-6 67.83325 68.244755 348.245803 565.200725 0.20046 37.99283 0.704149 1.56954
4 7 6 4
QU384-14 68.03939 71.266782 98.0405224 189.393662 2.64745 22.49150 1.316243 0.82917
4 1 3 5 7
QU384-10 68.25674 67.645979 418.676274 576.134023 23.8065 50.19393 7.913784 2.40340
6 7 3 5 1
QU384-9 68.77664 65.890936 270.519324 428.646711 2.68076 31.58283 1.340837 1.32975
7 6 1 4 3
QU384-3 70.75050 75.380962 301.294317 420.323629 5.61104 28.62429 2.094687 1.48514
6 8 4 2 2
QU384-8 71.62364 76.059542 35.9442416 75.0180397 0.00172 5.969910 0.095335 0.29911
4 7 9
QU384-2 72.74043 70.738158 594.656762 653.425696 0.02939 31.99639 0.671847 1.87662
9 1 1 8 4

Spot 6/38 age 8/32 age Th U La Ce Nd145 Nd146 Nd(tot) Sm
QU384-13 640.9402 679.88681 10.8162892 60.1816512 0.01023 1.035057 0.355507 0.94425
5 9 6 1 6
QU409-9 63.94374 68.721042 208.692236 369.985671 1.52335 26.24427 1.257067 1.88492
9 7 5 2 9
QU409-11 64.95378 69.216813 169.948355 381.570983 0.12834 23.24048 0.409241 1.12074
6 8 7 3
QU409-1 65.06417 67.567433 260.492554 377.020234 0.036 23.79449 1.773029 4.21242
7 7 6 8
QU409-4 66.74918 65.111228 157.321261 254.092904 0.01581 24.12170 0.554106 1.55449
7 8 3 1 9
QU409-2 68.35149 69.732505 274.585386 577.745626 0.00692 34.11947 0.559603 1.88772
5 2 8 3 7
QU409-3 69.27423 65.865072 240.565551 553.638977 0.01185 31.93942 0.532473 1.39172
1 2 6 8 6
QU409-5 69.64009 71.958917 398.043836 603.849613 0.24606 39.18527 1.761338 4.0388
1 1 6 8
QU409-8 69.74008 70.658925 1775.99044 911.661438 0.90406 198.4051 37.91053 53.8619
2 1 5 7 3
QU409-6 70.86871 70.758606 516.623622 579.340044 0.97433 38.93011 1.918344 3.54065
5 4 6 1
QU409-7 73.00123 71.536010 583.770318 666.421254 0.05156 55.20108 3.691894 7.57713
3 3 2 3
QU409-10 84.16565 177.84602 351.777388 448.354064 7.06099 56.44876 3.213817 2.81842
7 5 5 4
QU383-1 79.33896 77.100862 372.424528 820.014579 0.05165 19.32479 0.747318 2.04265
7 3 4 1 8
QU383-2 73.93912 74.500448 175.500861 304.805171 0.00924 24.33358 0.872553 2.21127
5 3 6 5 5
QU383-3 0.371001 1.0538509 186.162793 283.237766 0.00824 40.05948 0.610556 1.67480
6 7 6 8 2
QU383-4 66.82032 68.309265 190.667827 766.387266 0.01666 5.980941 0.229059 1.59125
9 3 7 4 1
QU383-5 68.69165 69.662009 1604.45342 1142.96562 0.01601 66.49640 1.366718 7.75297
4 4 4 2 9
QU383-6 90.28736 77.827348 657.90386 707.790581 0.01556 45.19287 1.23566 5.15739
9 8 9 1
QU383-7 69.91237 69.612576 816.21562 2477.44238 0.07929 56.25148 1.335796 8.80416
1 3 8 9 9
QU383-8 74.48714 72.402429 1657.70075 3840.87024 0.04718 20.42090 1.288222 9.00574
8 2 2 3 8
QU168-1 63.41603 68.454264 243.493788 285.785431 0.05183 13.97722 2.9139 5.23698
4 7 3 8
QU168-2 56.52238 87.960787 45.6767731 98.5021973 0.11224 14.23395 0.420352 1.02963
5 2 2 9
QU168-3 60.56120 62.225822 134.951096 173.968103 0.02375 27.11467 1.274511 3.45628
1 3 7 9
QU168-4 55.98671 62.537991 135.450063 259.997195 0.01076 47.65149 0.591162 2.21797
1 6 6 3 7
QU168-5 56.65262 58.717607 63.0997536 170.539733 0.00651 34.96131 0.456638 1.47053
9 3 2 1
QU168-6 51.58717 54.720712 81.5454567 150.899432 0.10785 23.42412 0.604205 1.74146
8 6 2
QU168-7 74.90365 71.968881 322.990314 530.522990 0.20664 45.41254 0.93051 2.48023
8 6 6 1 6
QU168-8 56.05037 60.438830 38.4822003 150.601007 0.00673 8.563459 0.068081 0.21071
1 9 4 4
QU168-9 51.98552 52.336529 275.182127 293.562946 0.00566 37.65157 0.691225 2.02130
9 1 9 7 7
QU168-10 51.34101 55.727816 178.141045 244.798558 0.01514 37.71418 1.105468 2.88448
4 2 5 2
QU168-11 45.26079 49.061663 294.227199 233.653373 3.64296 45.76588 3.50989 6.13758
9 4 4 8
QU168-12 59.40999 59.331134 105.738904 214.288392 0.03797 30.70289 1.002775 2.51261
9 5 8 5 5
QU168-13 54.90460 59.361041 188.93043 230.880760 0.18343 31.18126 1.835058 5.17544
4 4 5 1
QU168-14 46.91993 49.904666 139.323241 185.412804 0.02027 28.69853 0.809424 2.17297
4 6 2 2 4
QU210-1 42.94036 48.468546 168.527261 271.319737 0.00439 55.52187 0.892743 3.57624
9 5 9 8 6
QU210-2 48.29530 52.319909 67.4062146 121.708635 0.21341 21.67301 0.558116 1.26564
4 4 5 5 6
QU210-3 54.12496 56.075218 104.079584 214.369050 0.0096 41.84220 0.460977 1.70772
1 6 1 9
QU210-4 55.65844 62.691297 41.0888265 113.235176 0.01027 12.79356 0.153587 0.50758
2 4 9 1 6
QU210-5 53.68766 58.268413 234.580959 286.762651 0.00603 37.18769 0.528876 1.61888
5 4 3 2
QU210-6 56.69746 59.972934 34.4755653 121.826538 0.00612 9.562462 0.073116 0.33372

Spot 6/38 age 8/32 age Th U La Ce Nd145 Nd146 Nd(tot) Sm
4 4 3 4 1
QU210-7 52.16220 53.031825 113.5772 237.408999 0.0049 47.58035 0.542185 1.90882
5 2 3 6
QU210-8 54.08981 56.410989 80.1655523 136.179757 0.47038 17.54413 0.566577 0.96631
8 2 3 1 8
QU210-9 56.34720 55.334270 87.6534154 158.591600 0.00742 21.20063 0.566796 1.37002
7 9 1 8 8
QU210-10 56.88659 57.570407 213.188069 307.193609 0.0105 44.95875 0.982274 3.15729
3 6 2 1
QU210-11 49.17355 52.560239 299.721497 357.559127 0.59637 45.94698 1.124972 2.50882
5 9 4 7
QU210-12 52.26573 57.762943 219.335035 310.973820 0.00788 48.40493 0.69853 2.29883
6 9 5 9
QU210-13 53.39118 52.586428 162.56507 259.11496 0.18426 42.60477 1.024742 2.41377
1 9 3
QU210-14 46.22689 58.257690 73.4470382 130.452979 0.02274 19.49161 1.397498 2.68860
5 3 9 3 8
QU210-15 49.58471 53.104354 48.1658946 116.892759 0.00758 14.29430 0.441552 1.11794
8 1 4
QU210-16 52.84512 55.532200 712.401948 630.035848 0.03768 124.2348 4.634055 18.6126
8 5 7 1
QU394-1 48.19917 50.394744 110.158458 180.025568 0.00909 24.59626 0.467759 1.41145
5 9 8 7 3
QU394-2 54.94569 57.610604 149.32722 256.969439 0.70773 53.24726 1.076697 2.65629
3 5 9 4 4
QU394-3 61.95196 61.653608 507.214215 677.889479 0.00421 44.03599 0.647208 2.09311
1 4 5 6 4
QU394-4 56.86249 59.291819 202.005832 264.332778 0.00499 39.00461 0.621404 1.96399
9 8 9 1 3
QU394-5 49.22011 58.378925 440.255096 387.453311 0.76731 52.31706 3.108796 5.92088
8 4 3 5 1
QU394-6 53.84524 57.885534 297.412613 438.706435 2.9828 47.32402 1.970188 2.36243
9 3 4 8 4
QU394-7 53.05862 55.123483 328.881502 339.426204 0.00474 40.15982 0.607967 1.73353
8 1 2 1
QU394-8 51.66135 58.403512 127.947834 178.859625 0.13177 26.38905 1.720753 3.65226
3 3 9 7 1
QU394-9 56.12861 58.716803 116.008931 208.984176 0.03665 31.66208 0.906152 2.37577
6 6 1 8 8
QU394-10 51.27323 57.382193 121.059065 222.935928 0.01164 35.26495 0.805282 2.49965
9 5 4 1
QU394-11 49.98272 51.288594 190.691823 201.496948 0.09159 40.70348 5.558694 10.4829
6 2
QU394-12 55.65358 60.650632 35.6062193 95.9605083 0.00623 13.99363 0.27753 1.02415
6 2 3 4 2
QU382-1 68.72836 77.050591 85.7561563 159.104203 0.01442 8.875324 0.646025 1.47879
2 6 1 3
QU382-3 69.36999 75.866734 1152.46212 801.911563 0.0195 34.95513 1.499331 4.12969
9 9 1 8 1
QU382-2 67.98036 71.347297 167.155502 199.780316 0.0446 11.82438 2.450685 5.11661
2 7 6
QU382-4 69.15354 73.771479 158.425549 288.391980 0.00687 16.31207 0.530451 1.51254
2 8 3 3
QU382-5 70.09066 67.152603 4675.67339 3451.12085 18.771 143.7097 17.86414 15.2267
4 2 6 4 8
QU382-6 72.99613 74.931572 241.604805 322.704319 0.01477 27.29756 0.726163 2.14584
2 5 6 5
QU382-7 68.96478 71.724805 120.436597 226.804812 0.01775 12.30972 0.42146 1.31300
7 5 1 3 5
QU382-8 66.29977 67.802212 405.206297 655.925828 0.05572 33.80191 0.587384 1.63103
7 2 8 8 4
QU382-9 69.46363 71.624998 346.808193 291.391004 0.09154 20.24898 3.597099 6.96523
1 2 6 8 1
QU382-10 75.76074 78.125591 384.544268 446.830211 0.04133 52.58744 2.364579 5.61830
9 3 3 3 2
QU382-11 67.67249 68.917766 854.088571 651.903300 0.14923 38.31600 6.650672 13.7227
8 1 5 5 3
QU382-12 70.09173 73.631862 1108.51324 1007.57686 0.02455 70.45726 1.693485 4.35055
7 1 2 2
QU382-13 73.79658 79.947708 315.717092 619.436696 0.26779 47.25000 0.632277 1.71975
3 2 8 5
QU411-1 71.37647 64.207366 200.114345 229.381616 0.01589 17.87360 0.40124 1.07424
1 9 2 5 9
QU411-2 71.95350 73.782749 689.758065 519.562309 0.08644 50.38401 4.45194 7.6933
1 1 2
QU411-3 75.51104 95.802501 2575.30304 1925.04718 1.58706 60.70003 4.225812 4.40881
7 3 9 6 7
QU411-4 76.11493 78.843998 131.395068 233.885777 0.01013 14.35146 0.601386 1.3813
5 7 6

Spot 6/38 age 8/32 age Th U La Ce Nd145 Nd146 Nd(tot) Sm
QU411-5 1834.657 1676.3424 94.2602706 219.012348 0.99361 27.71113 1.05316 2.01476
9 3 4 3
QU411-6 76.25876 76.879415 307.612078 427.482686 0.03658 31.52725 0.523822 1.28869
7 3 9 4 2
QU411-7 65.50583 68.563001 424.932434 532.836024 0.00922 25.36226 0.425563 1.16799
9 4 9 3 4
QU411-8 72.82386 75.678602 510.592984 590.527628 5.63023 58.30959 2.748443 2.34106
7 3 8 3
QU411-9 71.67002 77.226798 754.850731 931.690953 0.34512 40.55752 4.31013 8.74178
8 5 4
QU411-10 74.96946 76.399363 177.552832 348.666509 0.00544 20.45419 0.327045 0.88547
4 1 4 1
QU411-11 74.03499 83.632666 73.7676006 100.413583 0.01379 11.03585 0.738356 1.62233
4 4 5 9 2
QU411-12 72.22474 74.294991 202.085362 325.113181 0.00934 26.49260 0.527406 1.53904
2 4 9 1 5
QU411-13 75.40018 77.148852 93.2623964 110.659416 0.04401 7.596908 3.028914 5.65957
6 4 7 2 2
QU411-14 77.67988 78.529275 507.986308 878.693101 0.00253 59.23205 0.610799 1.97289
1 6 3 3 8
QU411-15 64.29015 69.973441 310.892944 315.813087 0.04044 5.459229 0.525203 1.01409
4 9 6 1
QU411-16 69.03851 69.593090 64.4598996 102.786596 0.00953 4.201089 0.525575 0.78105
5 6 4 7 2
QU411-17 73.52540 77.465222 445.86145 596.344862 13.2485 77.06094 5.284024 3.26119
9 3 3 4 8
QU371-1 71.5882 73.840715 304.927108 582.005567 0.01225 37.36265 0.574124 1.89231
3 5 2 4
QU371-2 72.25973 71.796721 118.488222 236.692871 0.00739 10.21418 0.304593 0.73269
6 6 2 5 8
QU371-3 76.61262 76.236589 1202.65585 898.995829 0.15142 77.34396 8.216177 14.5674
4 8 9 2
QU371-4 79.38148 80.469906 496.253321 838.846933 0.03514 46.58773 0.762245 2.29622
2 5 5
QU371-5 70.18404 75.498221 256.75624 485.366880 14.7786 40.49513 6.128699 2.23373
9 5 4 8
QU371-6 71.47491 71.988520 593.925623 834.318694 0.03383 51.80184 2.087324 5.13226
1 6 4 2 5
QU371-7 71.92282 78.448557 535.477735 829.183905 0.0718 36.55536 0.605527 1.77458
5 8 7 7 9
QU371-8 68.16194 72.740809 483.459552 564.688214 0.01337 43.16101 1.141343 2.92199
8 4 3 1 9
QU371-9 73.49929 76.502386 194.651827 422.616461 0.37601 26.71927 0.484358 1.23699
3 4 1 8
QU371-10\ 63.80924 69.018252 291.406734 493.077750 0.00882 36.13554 0.447807 1.43826
6 5 3 4 1
QU371-11 73.63129 76.627839 348.206124 677.000297 0.01499 39.66870 0.640983 1.83595
8 2 1 3 2
QU371-12 73.10207 77.839116 187.942545 389.177372 0.00612 14.72925 0.655928 1.55557
6 9 1 3 8
QU371-13 69.24025 68.255504 257.23739 437.314139 0.01409 30.08738 0.805813 2.18151
2 4 4 3 3
QU371-14 68.71409 70.129849 436.728864 663.338338 2.80634 45.14718 2.226869 3.50511
5 4 6 8 9
QU410-1 1.002334 9.6667791 72.2875327 119.434717 0.07417 23.23080 0.340894 0.82161
6 1 6 7 2
QU410-2 79.05000 82.156848 1717.35321 2563.58177 0.01199 49.29620 1.657803 5.47181
9 4 5 5 6
QU410-3 78.72987 79.798024 1706.68369 1229.16467 0.26534 106.7707 11.63768 23.4931
5 2 3 2
QU410-4 72.25208 79.035161 2107.38217 1780.55863 5.0654 91.29393 10.41522 15.2081
7 8 9 5
QU410-5 79.09774 78.784061 1118.28965 1718.81955 0.01517 30.98420 0.868165 5.57230
5 5 9 7
QU410-6 999.3657 1065.7018 12.0797999 19.1427866 0.11743 18.88388 7.079652 10.9927
9 2 6 4
QU410-7 67.77769 75.271381 123.171601 163.564974 0.03414 16.76554 0.455215 1.21411
5 9 7 4 1
QU410-8 75.15487 84.777188 52.73771 109.714871 0.00579 19.46663 0.291665 0.87987
2 7 2 5 3
QU410-9 65.52634 71.0663 1413.21466 966.479149 0.03202 63.72966 1.271391 6.86673
7 6 3 6
QU410-10 262.4598 358.42675 1386.9543 522.861465 109.67 290.7659 41.83969 37.2172
3 9 4 9
QU410-11 67.36860 74.658539 199.249923 651.681196 0.00542 11.03561 0.357934 1.55419
2 1 4 2
QU410-12 72.54773 87.917973 31.2675137 57.8810107 0.01494 4.356907 1.216203 2.73661
1 1 5 9 9
QU410-13 73.17817 75.240706 765.553443 1286.63688 0.00587 30.50687 0.557379 1.85037

Spot 6/38 age 8/32 age Th U La Ce Nd145 Nd146 Nd(tot) Sm
7 3 9 2 4
QU410-14 70.06219 70.998863 644.804361 946.504992 1.2437 82.39669 1.613558 3.00097
4 1 2 6 3
QU410-15 75.42492 77.092802 220.673715 415.820583 0.02854 20.91157 0.433466 1.19072
1 9 1
QU405-1 68.88639 67.911209 2917.42411 2954.00117 0.07709 117.8005 4.411386 9.28817
6 6 6 2 3
QU405-2 3492.509 3050.7888 58.9727958 142.933751 0.04854 9.105102 0.800261 1.97533
2 2 5 9 9
QU405-3 70.82849 87.580706 65.1427095 116.139666 0.08062 5.091011 0.451371 1.11841
8 3 5
QU405-4 66.19850 68.273356 50.4805574 84.3847078 0.01437 14.64201 0.974585 2.20887
3 2 5 9 7
QU405-5 67.10378 74.467823 165.255537 239.059270 0.08763 20.85514 2.370602 4.54564
2 2 6 3 4
QU405-6 71.26721 76.139164 106.063981 187.275006 2.3195 24.99473 1.859403 2.16237
9 7 5
QU405-7 69.57956 68.542331 1473.84668 1033.64523 11.3293 142.2197 10.36146 13.8013
1 3 1
QU405-8 68.58770 72.470378 275.420126 459.395903 0.007 13.94846 0.733354 1.95212
5 4 1 5
QU405-9 75.23148 75.292814 3196.76474 3481.29646 0.13445 206.9721 6.745973 13.5834
1 6 9 8 2
QU405-10 78.09440 80.892925 233.29694 360.007457 0.04825 22.38815 1.038636 2.66430
1 3 4 4 3
QU405-11 72.94478 72.769143 4668.72219 4009.29685 0.19486 169.5034 8.839603 17.8324
2 5 8 5
QU405-12 70.54747 69.684084 129.973537 189.487570 0.10683 16.63099 2.227413 4.57554
7 5 7 3 5
QU405-13 86.35778 84.745052 1403.21828 737.517871 0.16285 88.51243 3.637326 8.03268
4 6 5 7
QU405-14 68.15585 68.999373 155.565215 175.636259 2.00084 25.09881 3.17614 4.90194
8 4 3 3
QU405-15 71.91654 69.832018 480.647431 469.381604 0.08705 35.75488 7.005697 13.3750
6 5 7 4 2
QU405-16 70.41222 70.421099 1520.14515 1702.55475 0.27058 56.66908 16.3845 34.7993
2 3 6 3 1
QU-448-1 51.05964 54.379568 62.7040943 149.106503 0.00613 28.08046 0.365659 1.04260
3 4 7 1 7
QU-448-2c 58.35288 58.466532 98.1369530 106.156528 0.06716 46.46094 7.126481 15.2354
7 4 8 7 5
QU-448- 56.98003 56.488787 114.180149 179.001475 0.01425 27.08635 1.242578 2.90831
3NEEDLE 7 9 2 5 4
QU488-4c 42.54192 48.246049 228.706624 214.140143 0.02258 42.36215 2.515102 4.88441
6 8 4 9 6 4
QU488-5r 52.77777 61.818463 81.1835275 138.242487 0.00361 33.01385 0.4143 1.36277
8 6 7 6 4
QU488-6c 55.98661 69.788841 27.2366181 50.4716297 0.01615 8.148826 0.663824 1.51568
1 3 1 4
QU448-7c 50.60519 75.216925 35.8097993 61.6141278 14.3283 31.46543 6.608021 2.45425
6 9 5 4
QU448-8c 54.15931 60.040756 93.5969397 105.311765 0.04219 23.65507 3.502059 5.52108
6 2 9
QU448-9r 63.85289 67.793635 168.357405 241.291368 0.00662 44.16653 0.767035 2.39566
2 2 7 9 2 9
QU488-10c 52.74971 52.121169 160.793625 137.169123 0.10571 25.65976 2.238216 4.22878
7 5 7 0 6 4
QU488-11c 56.50838 56.019024 90.4736344 152.225057 0.00301 22.38848 0.244363 0.75286
3 7 4
QU488-12r 62.90618 57.202811 57.7593534 108.581874 0.04412 21.18735 0.36161 1.05545
6 2 2 9 6
QU488-13r 49.98081 53.138887 198.339976 278.799225 0.00942 65.71725 0.745923 2.29377
7 7 3 3 7
QU448-14r 54.51054 64.099953 46.4985920 125.479580 0.00104 17.86420 0.185783 0.55402
3 2 1 3
QU448-15c 63.42224 63.895911 98.3929220 117.761079 0.01899 19.67440 1.16906 2.78773
5 2 5 9 1
QU448- 57.88079 58.660484 138.178775 218.103810 0.00504 42.07762 0.871973 2.31807
16outC 3 8 6 5 4 5
QU652-1 78.78615 77.196046 134.681487 198.714373 0.00738 12.78759 2.043614 4.45150
7 0 9 7 6
QU652-2c 93.21366 90.714605 862.048782 702.543849 0.01901 46.89363 2.123045 5.54386
6 6 5 1 5
QU652-3r 83.58567 82.624261 295.637402 325.329703 0.0094 17.16250 0.886246 2.38107
3 3 7 4 5 7
QU652-4c 83.60001 92.973208 123.695784 205.472122 0.03371 17.87829 0.421725 1.17790
6 8 8 2 9
QU652-5R 94.36166 94.281728 922.950123 786.190081 0.01428 32.69025 1.740093 4.78995
4 6 0 4 4

Spot 6/38 age 8/32 age Th U La Ce Nd145 Nd146 Nd(tot) Sm
QU652-6C 78.67907 78.920691 178.429927 249.421478 0.02039 18.61693 2.780939 6.01394
7 9 2 7 9 2
QU652-7C 97.16635 92.221217 504.208961 1086.82233 0.0093 26.79471 0.841596 3.42888
4 6 0 65 5 1
QU652-8C 96.29264 104.13354 1846.80327 1271.00242 2.97695 85.08746 11.66818 23.1231
4 3 12 44 8 5
QU652-9C 81.25720 82.633962 130.151083 169.654224 0.0292 12.27222 3.231753 6.83259
2 8 3 2 3 6
QU652-10C 92.93333 89.008873 84.5784287 103.143995 0.02333 9.082624 2.779775 4.87059
2 8 1 5 1
QU652-11R 80.79080 84.222295 227.842732 303.702683 0.00976 17.30754 0.761199 1.67381
4 4 1 0 1 1
QU652-12C 85.81885 86.468056 144.928945 243.340936 0.67076 23.19243 0.87285 1.77182
7 7 9 1 4 6
QU652-13R 89.69892 92.127693 208.314766 331.656278 0.00201 25.76995 0.689263 1.67518
1 2 3 4 2 2
QU652-14R 81.62886 86.326292 140.738624 204.743575 0.01212 15.80097 2.15849 5.28152
5 5 7 5 3 1
QU652-15R 81.41054 83.163477 136.624561 350.054698 0.00362 16.46927 0.445728 1.26309
9 4 8 4
QU652-16C 65.93548 75.574549 1975.25371 2832.31898 0.03127 68.65942 1.835823 4.82530
9 5 80 23 5 3
QU652-17C 97.64360 95.948245 557.742137 1076.03907 0.01567 48.57350 1.171601 3.74211
6 5 2 51 6 8
QU652-18R 85.48667 87.718161 61.2428862 92.2418429 0.00993 11.93819 0.862797 2.11136
5 3 2
QU652-19C 91.72695 92.415510 882.926216 1365.13947 12.7904 72.58908 8.953207 7.32227
5 6 3 30 9
QU652-20C 79.18692 78.964512 350.585276 456.924922 0.33313 36.80209 1.36678 3.61934
8 8 1 8 7
QU652-21C 97.98225 94.758760 279.733936 456.791697 0.03016 27.96110 1.310142 3.44439
8 8 2 8 3 4
QU461-1R 49.36443 50.456037 168.750992 224.399004 0.01032 21.23006 0.372752 0.94089
1 1 8 5 9 9
QU461-2C 57.35401 55.636200 79.3670281 143.535356 0.00582 20.20785 0.297375 0.74777
7 6 4 7 3
QU461-3C 44.40382 50.694289 58.2188319 89.0940217 0.07273 14.22537 0.503113 1.32708
8 3 3 5
QU461-4R 57.58918 60.693743 156.480109 244.114474 0.00463 34.40955 0.40037 1.03780
5 6 8 8 6 1
QU461-5C 55.18103 53.870546 93.8469868 120.211105 0.00837 17.81793 0.594299 1.66599
3 5 3 8 9
QU461-4C 52.77636 57.857929 118.277512 203.314614 0.011 29.83148 0.509398 1.72770
5 6 2 6 7
QU461-6R 59.1539 67.016159 48.8507110 120.740217 0.00519 17.82288 0.157907 0.59821
1 0 1 3
QU461-8R 59.20447 59.513069 133.409062 189.038966 0.00438 22.46152 0.295841 0.87891
3 6 9 1 1
QU461-9C 56.97262 55.545201 77.4450690 100.113471 0.01274 16.36337 1.240014 2.47529
1 4 9 5
QU461-10r 61.26323 66.835543 46.1606842 122.533142 0.00375 12.87222 0.137218 0.39414
3 4 9 5 2
QU461-11r 57.74612 58.046448 47.8013275 107.036573 0.01001 21.56063 0.418539 1.13904
1 6 3 5 6
QU461-12r 62.12584 65.204492 448.283115 362.906363 0.00541 51.93043 0.838229 2.41431
9 1 9 9 1 2
QU461-13r 46.09954 57.421564 89.0735868 131.573315 0.0078 15.16649 0.360663 0.94762
3 4 3 5 2
QU666-1r 68.44783 72.053391 146.932529 259.970595 0.16755 23.67319 0.532641 1.41102
3 4 6 8 4
QU666-2r 56.21335 67.173516 210.522765 357.379629 1.21222 57.84528 2.344883 2.52764
3 9 3 6 5 6
QU666-3c 65.83245 66.664269 96.4362447 164.736753 0.00597 13.42460 0.778254 2.03870
3 6 6 7 1
QU666-4r 69.39880 72.299068 279.107615 383.966741 0.0073 31.86272 0.838329 2.32074
2 8 9 1 7
QU666-5c 63.41757 70.431801 167.688979 376.822785 0.00579 27.19738 0.764702 2.23685
8 1 2 9 1 1
QU666-6c 67.96270 69.217422 258.001607 244.953047 0.05839 29.77731 4.569133 8.38486
5 5 1 7 5 6
QU666-7Cc 71.19400 67.563351 138.497416 336.143666 0.00557 22.70471 0.721459 2.05847
8 6 4 8 1
QU666-8c 57.61107 65.463833 65.1961746 83.5013294 0.0224 7.632562 2.379898 4.14092
3 2 1 9
QU666-9c 60.17128 64.328004 315.161299 365.341725 0.02624 34.41870 2.869935 6.62722
8 6 8 6 2 8
QU666-10c 70.17634 69.662567 118.219276 134.961416 0.02573 12.15456 2.729856 4.73893
2 2 3 6 5
QU666-11C 70.89724 72.313382 335.372693 450.769270 0.0057 30.17911 0.734529 2.20892

Spot 6/38 age 8/32 age Th U La Ce Nd145 Nd146 Nd(tot) Sm
4 6 2 8 7
QU507-1c 50.67135 58.632156 104.312939 134.477704 0.09722 26.50641 1.590292 3.37876
2 3 5 0 5 8
QU507-2r 59.50223 66.124460 209.502532 237.895064 0.27334 43.41569 1.03085 2.60120
6 1 6 6 5
QU507-3c 60.24461 65.958896 117.981534 155.639100 0.04617 25.23218 2.479378 4.87741
2 8 7 7 1
QU507-4C 52.48704 65.126887 61.5139581 110.368694 0.02704 18.15934 0.338506 1.05954
4 4 4 3 8
QU507-5c 55.34189 56.511324 198.667130 213.222237 0.01652 40.78194 1.401946 3.22657
5 3 8 1 4
QU507-6c 50.61394 51.793355 127.458202 185.696666 0.02171 32.23437 1.003229 2.33565
8 4 9 8 1
QU507-7c 53.41809 53.562299 63.6099577 139.660789 0.03831 22.03221 0.410971 1.16994
5 2 6 3
QU507-8r 53.16413 56.692343 54.7915343 100.149659 0.00469 21.54411 0.570637 1.56579
1 2 9 2 9
QU507-9r 51.11600 53.711566 141.664320 275.798143 0.00546 20.60917 0.239656 0.76108
9 8 8 0 2 2
QU507-10r 57.44759 58.577315 44.5838427 101.696830 0.00765 13.84228 0.273733 0.79686
6 1 5 8 8
QU668-1 71.89462 69.022961 633.856847 998.869936 2.54462 34.75680 1.514073 2.03863
7 2 6 8 1
QU668-2 68.60712 68.003032 186.692569 159.503735 0.0161 32.69091 1.22627 3.17905
3 7 4 3
QU668-3 69.12144 72.448383 187.010106 149.657525 0.01132 30.39732 1.236245 3.11431
9 3 1 6
QU668-4 62.75730 66.236008 243.95233 201.400267 0.02285 47.16807 1.618852 4.18433
8 9 9 7
QU668-5 67.60371 71.099997 430.936529 306.277506 0.02343 75.05665 2.021138 5.67341
4 4 8 1 8
QU668-6 70.16976 74.662449 239.880327 215.003969 0.02831 47.99086 1.730969 4.37648
6 8 3 5 1
QU668-7 67.73324 72.578805 193.721655 164.695988 0.23363 32.22476 1.282309 3.22642
9 5 4 3
QU668-7 69.75587 69.923024 117.35537 138.196663 0.01698 31.01241 1.223828 3.19417
8 9 9 8
QU668-8 72.52008 75.326495 334.477896 617.899596 0.00955 29.15198 0.423706 1.52067
3 6 2 9 3
QU668-9 64.29836 67.233512 383.99107 396.773203 0.05261 22.06431 2.601149 5.75880
8 6 6 4 1
QU668-11 74.63919 73.864707 837.762788 783.172378 0.0078 30.85117 0.664711 1.95704
9 8 9 6 1
QU668-12 65.62384 67.491511 700.598569 1050.58451 0.00888 47.71024 0.859728 2.73998
5 9 5 5
QU668-13 69.08946 70.170354 472.901963 1092.92015 0.00821 33.89640 0.498419 1.94715
6 3 7 8
QU668-14 68.17944 75.813358 78.5492279 35.2735268 0.02532 44.20862 1.297495 2.69129
5 4 6 7
QU687-2 58.33756 60.321468 541.988847 469.363012 0.32179 28.34056 1.692296 3.98415
7 7 1 6 6
QU687-5 67.41575 69.679161 478.762669 347.468199 0.06327 66.87981 1.879401 5.13939
6 1 6 5
QU687-3 69.12808 76.602937 733.567621 753.225554 0.65356 28.31885 0.787509 2.05583
2 3 7 6
QU687-18 69.68225 71.047451 148.63128 178.889390 0.00905 24.51409 0.34537 1.00784
7 1 2 9 5
QU687-9 70.90100 72.719772 260.768809 180.430009 0.0546 31.63154 3.43027 6.08313
3 9 3 4 1
QU687-11 70.90830 70.157007 342.809629 560.562443 0.15822 25.82883 0.482883 1.37821
9 2 3 4 6
QU687-16 71.32771 74.430836 260.245991 368.966950 0.20057 26.46743 1.748034 3.50490
6 5 9 4 3
QU687-15 72.45981 72.231858 595.922351 1034.61399 0.49043 31.65442 0.713775 1.85138
5 3 9
QU687-8 73.13867 88.214161 72.9259229 119.058846 0.00697 14.28877 0.204516 0.73086
3 5 4 3 5
QU687-1 73.23756 69.907005 180.017185 283.241251 0.14321 17.09308 0.505062 1.13915
8 4 6 5
QU687-10 73.27620 74.549491 532.624749 847.426898 0.01449 48.18789 0.555233 1.93988
9 2 4 6
QU687-13 73.62586 80.735213 98.586006 172.728730 0.00485 15.52769 0.191187 0.81661
3 4 3 5 6
QU687-12 74.76601 77.212629 146.534646 226.213729 0.15884 19.58364 0.356722 1.00462
4 6 8 8 5
QU687-14 75.91934 77.750526 356.46488 744.384322 0.01593 31.07195 0.41579 1.61347
6 2 9
QU687-19 144.7470 147.52793 480.207068 347.479990 0.06061 23.45470 3.124248 6.24712
8 4 7 5 2

Spot 6/38 age 8/32 age Th U La Ce Nd145 Nd146 Nd(tot) Sm
QU687-6 557.6554 528.54632 84.5161827 96.9956297 0.01055 27.06206 0.784876 2.30117
9 3 2 6 1
QU687-7 827.3060 789.185 228.649765 229.198420 0.0095 89.50975 1.192374 2.91195
6 1 2 5
QU687-17 1083.622 1042.7405 34.8111065 49.0042889 0.01671 16.26006 1.30536 2.98145
4 1 2 8 1
QU687-4 2191.243 2028.5806 478.663102 257.836729 0.07721 45.58677 0.667725 1.45399
6 2 7 3
QU709-15 54.56168 64.404062 93.4879215 161.687665 0.05396 21.11101 0.212362 0.80490
9 4 5 4
QU709-20 63.91555 66.313707 821.582544 854.469281 0.09702 67.27768 0.772348 2.27216
4 8 2 4 7
QU709-8 64.19050 67.708513 179.561831 264.578462 0.16552 21.08885 0.39776 0.80777
5 3 4 7 3
QU709-7 65.68307 75.494016 131.772066 126.338790 0.67985 36.68029 0.998876 2.31283
3 5 1 4 9
QU709-10 66.49381 66.056592 436.033168 353.156239 0.07603 26.5918 3.753499 7.26526
1 5 5 3
QU709-3 68.34143 69.191303 337.332263 371.781353 0.01175 32.73170 0.70352 2.09866
9 7 6 9 5
QU709-19 68.50417 69.312440 2302.12012 1110.94725 0.27951 224.4924 9.822805 19.6191
5 4 5
QU709-1 68.76624 71.166407 313.498421 196.249790 0.07358 44.18341 4.419058 9.33907
9 4 4
QU709-18 68.85512 68.292000 2829.17757 1745.8368 0.70756 107.3388 8.247182 16.6182
7 1 1
QU709-14 69.05767 71.287274 294.148121 368.257339 0.05902 23.95089 2.490349 4.65343
6 8 1 4
QU709-13 69.86799 71.013163 516.519823 533.235282 0.01684 34.25981 1.055377 3.02652
2 2 3 8 1
QU709-6 70.26253 73.248357 524.990389 494.840005 0.00777 29.33002 0.365487 1.13818
1 7 7 9 5
QU709-11 70.40578 73.944128 343.59773 391.448154 0.07076 34.89899 1.838637 4.52844
7 6 6
QU709-17 70.97249 74.268284 61.3671875 80.3707508 0.01987 6.600224 1.180743 2.61812
7 4 8 4 2
QU709-16 71.16826 73.572872 284.198147 387.699996 0.19944 43.44622 0.469987 1.34025
4 5 4 8 7
QU709-12 73.31504 72.741931 564.912749 306.098020 0.05934 29.36681 2.58751 4.61213
7 1 2 9
QU709-2 74.32669 73.063983 306.758888 198.989791 0.04807 52.30823 3.222999 7.24740
1 7 5 4 2
QU709-4 76.79436 73.268679 1452.71832 1041.60292 0.18191 101.4222 7.397248 14.3236
1 3 3 5
QU709-9 78.70555 74.743524 1044.74615 569.202228 0.13983 111.7417 6.255069 13.0091
7 4 5 7 4
QU709-5 2839.536 3126.0539 97.3830868 365.492464 0.00763 10.72289 0.287533 0.99875
3 8 2 2 8

Table A5-1 (cont’d): Zircon mineral chemistry data U-Pb routine
Spot Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu* Y Lu
QU393-11 1.13039 24.89821 94.27078 176.28855 347.13062 11616.16503 135.71659 0.3873684
QU393-3 0.60262 12.50412 58.61022 127.86058 284.39580 12154.52663 258.62726 0.4270193
QU393-1 0.48543 10.41624 45.47224 93.36518 211.15060 12334.47942 343.9653 0.4181982
QU393-14 0.74747 18.80920 90.47774 191.30436 407.66876 12849.63966 76.051287 0.3570184
QU393-12 0.56152 12.06361 49.60961 107.30448 253.01069 10934.86759 159.30133 0.4026934
QU393-6 0.53081 11.55300 47.31138 94.87133 204.72074 12565.87280 322.23353 0.4126271
QU393-8 0.67236 13.69638 53.48268 102.44709 222.80030 12587.73210 329.91223 0.4190295
QU393-15 1.33285 24.70165 97.20803 186.81059 381.37372 10795.81588 121.72776 0.4353235
QU393-5 0.83090 15.79975 63.34958 137.32765 316.14147 10660.94308 42.46369 0.4171899
QU393-2 0.59930 12.93032 55.99010 107.80950 227.00228 12239.85052 286.99956 0.408012
QU393-10 0.98727 17.99550 82.95770 174.02445 382.41003 10461.33496 217.66762 0.4551526
QU393-4 1.93343 23.08926 81.42389 141.44697 274.68700 7981.43227 75.993292 0.6740455
QU393-9 1.52890 28.41433 118.87199 241.44652 518.50104 11793.39608 260.27719 0.476447
QU393-7 1.36521 20.60542 64.78817 106.77599 201.37060 9792.10422 55.2769 0.4953728
QU393-13 0.75873 25.26002 104.03042 191.46497 346.82119 9872.69810 50.293682 0.2392851
QU395-7 0.21803 3.40684 15.39145 37.74730 102.83947 7598.02477 25.963266 0.4908869
QU395-5 0.49418 7.41432 30.03681 68.22999 166.41651 9945.69464 111.51411 0.5543565
QU395-1 0.12754 2.30340 11.91468 32.90661 99.15152 13863.44442 245.3541 0.5012356
QU395-9 0.74954 15.77480 70.80460 153.27777 342.04828 11320.31679 4.8134573 0.3255669
QU395-6 1.17741 20.03956 64.49554 116.69781 247.80650 12777.15931 77.8008 0.4564458
QU395-13 2.13570 44.80474 167.55689 310.28917 616.54310 11523.01268 165.46132 0.3891179
QU395-2 1.45361 23.09548 76.26843 137.32503 277.68035 10063.02201 62.326914 0.4844196
QU395-8 1.70363 34.87158 121.23979 222.30959 458.98356 11476.14139 5.4924974 0.3352197
QU395-12 0.66671 14.41616 62.41256 122.87203 261.22783 11922.43169 293.8016 0.4020415
QU395-3 1.22896 31.74730 143.91771 278.75101 559.89181 13111.33052 370.40487 0.3592148
QU395-10 0.79527 18.70201 84.95514 175.87229 381.13606 12576.04653 329.99973 0.3819797
QU395-11 1.15350 21.76635 89.79335 175.28729 364.32948 12308.26411 229.99277 0.4661409
QU395-4 0.74740 16.70396 54.82757 89.82177 167.86786 9780.11822 76.693887 0.3591748
QU-283-3 0.43850 9.37226 37.46819 78.26229 161.47858 10113.64280 131.66605 0.3840459
QU283-11 1.08563 26.68541 102.15544 198.06604 373.39115 9256.16714 193.29814 0.3298148
QU283-12 1.13200 25.73388 83.04594 141.79945 256.28407 10093.20913 64.68575 0.3481911
QU-283-1 1.64647 28.63711 89.30021 146.97825 278.58672 9459.05076 47.668845 0.4259329
QU283-14 0.69234 17.85360 61.68088 117.23886 234.43730 10712.83574 88.794937 0.3100751
QU-283-5 0.61394 13.06139 51.75041 97.91436 198.56381 9645.88186 131.96322 0.3853611
QU283-10 0.65276 15.81643 54.30044 95.31411 187.54704 12008.74041 107.93889 0.3249371
QU283-6 1.59511 40.77677 139.67642 235.06332 398.16042 10769.69783 90.145008 0.2974788
QU-283-2 0.53812 11.55209 43.23362 81.72465 160.98446 10553.78794 179.33873 0.3852906
QU283-9 0.29492 7.44081 30.64093 60.62219 131.73989 11265.17949 188.00931 0.3364407
QU283-13 0.61910 12.17873 46.47973 91.54073 197.87012 11388.70200 146.77429 0.3923472
QU-283-4 15.34810 172.90638 449.04413 625.97916 1048.74873 8969.42476 54.203419 0.6439585
QU283-8 0.22588 5.19167 22.67032 45.55180 95.98827 11221.12898 169.50475 0.3777405
QU283-7 2.04014 45.64747 152.76822 240.15915 418.51243 10059.62829 56.79203 0.346604
QU242-1 0.85071 13.93196 59.77911 127.92071 282.87496 10891.06586 252.99401 0.5052325
QU242-9 1.03065 23.20349 97.33809 196.29611 404.12718 10820.45685 304.12 0.386232
QU242-8 0.50075 10.84855 46.22045 102.11464 237.63673 11338.72163 121.22382 0.4071389
QU242-2 0.29510 5.93664 29.17338 73.25133 190.88354 11418.08882 65.971116 0.4201663
QU242-12 0.77797 15.49330 65.12113 137.37863 315.61263 11480.10187 161.42058 0.4267818
QU242-5 0.63924 13.12060 55.71081 113.49690 252.58243 11838.21735 440.3248 0.4166982
QU242-15 0.88291 16.56673 65.81633 132.20422 282.61694 9806.55035 14.799247 0.4067927
QU242-13 0.78251 11.72836 45.42921 85.86490 177.38814 12642.17006 207.49309 0.5650992
QU242-14 0.73514 16.59737 73.52344 161.48341 362.23029 11778.42042 156.12029 0.3833557
QU242-3 0.74564 14.57596 59.22769 121.88875 272.22552 11806.82372 166.74679 0.430253
QU242-6 0.59257 11.90210 50.79042 108.24105 246.83982 11336.48087 6.8480616 0.35456
QU242-4 0.78691 17.88110 88.06294 196.11224 451.31541 10842.99829 39.885839 0.3706203
QU242-7 0.81699 14.58622 63.25249 135.77533 322.55179 12390.97825 42.148981 0.4538436
QU242-10 1.10123 20.54750 84.86195 173.15924 377.77782 11115.28766 193.21986 0.4472004
QU242-11 3.65663 51.96290 163.81106 271.38363 524.89751 10053.79021 62.223082 0.5470731
QU335-8 0.35482 6.90939 29.83901 64.33543 156.71575 12751.82971 327.30603 0.4380906
QU335-6 0.39319 8.55097 36.37532 78.08121 185.54644 10799.54495 184.9082 0.3937958
QU335-7 1.28093 30.64064 100.11629 166.23676 289.53664 10133.58465 60.607466 0.3133775
QU335-4 0.44874 12.26415 51.50354 102.60018 206.24035 11594.81329 24.946548 0.3036169
QU335-2 0.46670 8.81716 40.48462 94.12272 240.49375 13183.23720 303.87376 0.4591047
QU335-3 0.24650 4.32614 21.74796 61.05154 191.50431 14047.58453 211.54596 0.5016879
QU335-5 1.53748 33.60243 110.39440 185.58539 331.45967 10773.15957 79.629269 0.3527382
QU335-1 0.54140 11.84234 47.49920 94.64058 195.65674 9476.30344 20.044291 0.360726
QU335-9 0.17907 4.62428 19.67135 38.78967 80.11395 10165.96368 133.04988 0.3216213
QU335-10 0.55911 18.14717 82.84189 184.12132 426.95322 12402.85038 2.0424584 0.1822716

Spot Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu* Y Lu
QU335-11 0.64158 10.62392 45.37347 93.43271 212.72109 12865.78872 397.40808 0.518725
QU335-12 0.83203 17.35761 59.08068 105.87666 203.99939 9942.71520 94.815177 0.3768942
QU335-13 0.19499 4.92778 21.51253 46.72023 111.65359 11754.22680 170.79798 0.3392928
QU335-14 4.40477 55.60799 170.21489 278.77047 536.92117 10332.34621 66.425571 0.5942162
QU362-1 0.54697 11.72403 50.86490 108.17370 239.37994 11029.52931 143.66697 0.4035657
QU362-2 1.16749 24.60617 105.18094 215.47474 456.43886 11179.84228 351.23794 0.4189404
QU362-3 0.37252 6.76498 29.25426 69.60856 205.03147 14202.09397 65.314204 0.4369607
QU362-4 1.28961 22.07213 99.95015 203.58055 431.47887 10495.21631 269.13465 0.4949976
QU362-5 1.56719 25.20920 84.52886 158.16491 334.16603 11498.75532 2.6144022 0.391623
QU362-6 0.98142 21.64780 103.10722 219.28359 469.83223 12291.34308 346.615 0.4015405
QU362-7 2.42502 39.99754 143.31157 260.79601 535.45750 11658.95111 108.60873 0.4676478
QU362-8 0.82042 16.18995 62.22980 119.06397 252.65492 11872.13897 274.01681 0.4360964
QU362-9 0.73707 18.47964 79.39389 167.30263 364.90056 12559.98550 296.54021 0.3559509
QU362-10 1.11163 27.16001 129.47166 265.34545 561.41186 12272.27136 468.98529 0.3781322
QU362-11 0.98444 22.53520 85.99944 168.40587 354.81452 11130.73632 206.44533 0.3623366
QU362-12 0.69802 13.05164 52.94635 109.46887 238.23019 9687.14234 80.239325 0.4377465
QU362-13 0.77666 16.35450 68.99949 133.69121 277.88685 12252.41386 432.40963 0.4119569
QU362-14 4.83434 79.42638 249.83685 398.84781 715.85992 9681.27915 109.07908 0.5026788
QU362-15 0.23068 4.21840 20.92952 52.32384 141.20005 13573.14688 115.3424 0.4954479
QU327-1 0.55966 10.87883 50.34320 108.24232 254.00594 11580.73309 141.35801 0.4420939
QU327-2 0.50126 10.29983 50.10739 111.96309 261.49747 12436.83587 228.68034 0.4323087
QU327-3 0.63605 12.47378 53.99985 117.76845 276.07577 11628.29737 169.46387 0.4301716
QU327-4 0.79553 12.21187 45.52622 92.27124 200.94997 11255.26232 1.754173 0.3533565
QU327-5 1.80486 33.32665 103.72585 182.09514 369.30326 11384.71610 124.58077 0.4142127
QU327-6 0.84169 18.65611 76.26378 156.93273 336.96214 11870.39134 161.50429 0.3918458
QU327-7 0.89134 14.30100 52.28058 100.46799 216.21330 10437.79931 101.74208 0.5014036
QU327-8 1.39555 28.26804 110.61502 195.73173 385.28012 12746.70538 514.32238 0.4315461
QU327-9 0.68336 13.17074 58.30491 122.41407 279.05631 12301.57982 92.129591 0.4379139
QU327-10 0.63531 12.43975 50.94911 102.10123 215.72134 11284.61785 13.36697 0.4076367
QU327-11 1.04633 18.20324 76.51668 156.58683 357.58038 9993.42720 95.340777 0.4637138
QU327-12 1.48730 24.47938 82.58544 151.84987 315.59498 11633.06227 141.97694 0.4819892
QU008-1 0.37023 9.15590 38.09752 75.25019 163.03851 10578.30293 151.39645 0.3430559
QU008-2 0.57744 13.02789 60.71217 131.39186 289.94352 10288.09073 4.1839046 0.300272
QU008-3 0.36917 8.73814 36.28716 75.17165 162.47909 10766.77129 3.8526694 0.2824798
QU008-4 0.13295 2.89868 15.87940 36.06368 92.09781 12190.51363 93.888431 0.3784192
QU008-5 0.21502 5.31672 23.59381 50.98882 116.81030 10762.37119 79.119913 0.3410567
QU008-6 0.40574 11.46215 48.84554 99.67556 214.92542 10673.09968 11.382044 0.2740118
QU008-7 0.70970 16.55305 75.30179 159.41823 347.96667 10490.55267 63.722498 0.353524
QU008-8 0.84048 17.88747 75.71101 155.38877 307.63062 9667.11685 10.854311 0.3601976
QU008-9 3.48741 68.71089 189.50203 267.92795 442.42462 9044.75343 52.335967 0.3900778
QU008-10 0.84400 20.61291 95.90299 199.61548 416.80707 10337.25751 88.083621 0.3496257
QU008-11 0.61830 15.47035 66.67702 140.08045 298.46243 9887.52662 61.910186 0.3375126
QU008-12 10.01591 122.24330 337.28139 485.24861 859.80529 9421.41829 169.69858 0.6983191
QU008-13 0.76793 16.53283 76.82429 164.62054 364.86047 10700.73989 7.7465742 0.3455832
QU396-1 0.44906 7.21079 25.13642 51.68384 117.15988 9932.68941 97.864527 0.4992531
QU396-2 1.67480 17.60280 55.46943 100.26981 208.38800 9445.42228 57.201394 0.7103903
QU396-3 7.76626 114.31043 347.87690 543.80822 976.13358 9499.73898 42.187327 0.5178075
QU396-4 0.49438 10.12864 37.76927 68.55630 137.38444 10325.44497 115.34185 0.4045439
QU396-5 0.96769 21.52149 90.53422 186.30537 397.32781 10761.31241 15.749644 0.3565392
QU396-6 0.68980 16.06775 71.97046 157.98707 364.14091 11006.45998 319.35866 0.3710602
QU396-7 0.77184 15.63216 70.11516 146.83479 329.18700 10762.71213 27.314211 0.401361
QU396-8 0.57925 9.96274 37.26999 75.32161 162.66202 9335.95446 36.185419 0.4672036
QU396-9 3.47452 47.08805 168.43253 293.19841 559.35316 8904.39938 132.14975 0.6300696
QU396-10 1.25464 23.76356 89.94325 175.01479 363.58043 10311.11817 80.874666 0.4196257
QU396-11 0.93996 18.98718 72.22280 144.69061 306.41000 10281.72807 3.6558032 0.3393106
QU396-12 1.26520 19.15370 69.34288 126.11690 258.82674 10678.68927 75.009289 0.5111753
QU084-1 0.12537 15.20401 104.21023 259.15514 607.48126 12001.75008 43.695105 0.0748521
QU084-2 0.88515 38.78614 158.37949 300.52617 575.63911 8528.63620 5.1344462 0.1836926
QU084-3 0.17489 21.64417 127.66143 294.29079 650.72779 11931.07828 124.34903 0.074333
QU084-4 0.70965 21.21047 113.14799 276.60197 642.67453 9070.90611 260.90905 0.2944293
QU084-5 0.12953 15.89005 99.02222 229.09592 506.52691 13931.72585 156.16805 0.075613
QU084-6 0.05799 29.850332 208.76452 469.3434 1068.4991 14002.2344 43.525985 0.0183868
QU084-7 0.76859 15.95352 68.659532 150.9892 327.66005 8763.49074 150.29601 0.3965364
QU380-1 1.16919 28.352169 90.377508 146.2725 252.12181 10286.523 67.154824 0.3311959
QU380-2 1.06105 28.440219 92.670223 150.395 255.04598 10640.379 117.36425 0.3173315
QU380-3 0.83627 20.503319 71.297074 123.3034 219.23437 9823.71995 81.721349 0.3276249
QU380-4 1.01372 29.161493 102.36387 174.5335 305.33375 10628.5213 75.754919 0.2805429
QU380-5 0.39902 12.603969 48.793051 92.70316 181.25298 10343.1705 161.74846 0.2930834
QU380-6 1.04819 26.634763 85.3902 139.9378 245.26101 10546.1353 101.23229 0.3174432

Spot Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu* Y Lu
QU380-7 0.34109 10.661871 44.747351 84.37191 167.3703 10268.6572 221.13393 0.2862858
QU380-8 0.81202 18.627764 63.780005 110.3095 202.68643 10441.2356 108.63483 0.3532923
QU380-9 1.26698 32.33734 105.93672 170.8461 287.19992 9924.8088 84.403388 0.3144711
QU380-10 1.22162 31.992415 106.32432 169.1898 288.81341 9978.95432 71.730698 0.3061808
QU380-11 1.78247 50.65348 173.92779 280.1396 467.78225 9570.29126 40.13651 0.3015028
QU380-12 0.16212 6.7334282 29.567206 59.4092 122.93912 11062.31 229.30952 0.2279042
QU380-13 0.86446 25.870581 91.869665 160.6411 287.2524 9817.45555 78.606661 0.275412
QU380-14 0.29598 8.5005183 36.728661 72.13649 144.65798 10812.0543 327.39187 0.3249019
QU380-15 1.00338 27.670958 93.738341 152.6393 258.87097 10298.6771 98.555643 0.3069253
QU380-16 1.05714 27.732267 97.692793 170.6507 304.08491 10358.4432 71.638071 0.3151495
QU381-1 0.41673 12.356991 48.657794 89.9275 170.64947 10135.8563 221.97219 0.2894751
QU381-2 0.55562 14.175224 53.643016 97.62536 181.59273 9611.52836 115.79854 0.321032
QU381-3 0.19958 5.5890352 24.349194 47.58354 96.187767 10419.3874 179.24968 0.3257009
QU381-4 1.08481 26.023996 94.859011 184.041 356.18472 10054.6278 41.870501 0.3381373
QU381-5 0.88224 29.480869 104.49258 169.9434 298.67799 10235.1934 170.24125 0.2571831
QU381-6 0.55584 16.900276 66.255921 138.3402 296.8676 9164.93803 147.85764 0.2825726
QU381-7 0.26266 9.8566367 42.266681 83.2344 164.38994 11189.6078 291.00316 0.2588352
QU381-8 0.39559 12.307212 48.683922 90.04582 170.69165 10027.0953 224.45338 0.2842391
QU381-9 1.34104 33.000522 109.55687 189.2454 335.72757 9574.55793 44.547059 0.3123299
QU381-10 1.16417 32.780543 111.29631 187.0055 320.53305 11290.4076 93.034783 0.2818073
QU381-11 0.66624 22.971198 81.396158 137.8855 244.93656 10332.0852 99.268119 0.2520668
QU381-12 1.22126 34.064368 117.15662 192.2571 329.62697 10062.0031 53.038577 0.293505
QU381-13 0.76983 20.533331 83.294103 166.9028 321.61176 9071.79967 186.18178 0.3262014
QU381-14 0.74188 22.850053 80.725685 135.7131 236.54183 10154.049 225.79777 0.2775029
QU384-4 2.01186 29.368261 104.43233 198.9184 417.09022 8407.37936 63.141449 0.5239159
QU384-11 0.31684 6.9917946 37.226614 90.15409 226.37771 9216.65428 9.3354935 0.3824754
QU384-1 2.50746 33.194627 66.387573 132.7464 303.06258 9297.4715 0.9863674 0.3094818
QU384-12 2.28198 52.993469 219.34376 469.2351 1062.2126 7981.18326 154.08821 0.3832302
QU384-5 0.27509 9.1187821 50.892282 130.2472 334.74882 10948.1093 385.01379 0.2919418
QU384-7 0.32151 7.4605309 39.600393 96.47413 245.65729 12854.5464 470.09112 0.3973684
QU384-6 0.53834 15.252094 82.619671 218.9087 560.5811 10690.1315 60.367478 0.3341132
QU384-14 0.167 7.3305022 40.022722 99.53649 239.33424 11638.0606 5.1922995 0.20569
QU384-10 0.52963 12.680536 59.163909 140.6945 347.05222 11306.1268 1.4736634 0.2913262
QU384-9 0.41459 11.478067 56.751909 137.7898 342.29022 11088.6732 7.1860853 0.3222432
QU384-3 0.44714 10.438726 51.624998 123.8716 306.33221 10689.9822 3.4303442 0.3448446
QU384-8 0.16068 2.6520219 15.585839 39.33709 104.32226 9413.6306 441.18999 0.547817
QU384-2 0.5925 16.601405 79.377074 178.2076 412.55377 9835.78307 185.71187 0.3223386
QU384-13 0.12873 9.3978378 42.828722 82.10952 157.11171 9833.73253 15.01623 0.1312179
QU409-9 0.4593 16.143594 82.141948 185.9227 423.9668 10974.6023 8.8930898 0.2528317
QU409-11 0.20045 12.579817 68.058251 164.3696 379.46508 11777.5998 59.568908 0.1621045
QU409-1 1.44581 33.147292 141.77469 288.4034 607.18458 9572.31447 87.309785 0.3715412
QU409-4 0.74912 15.834813 83.041821 200.0636 454.29353 9049.62128 225.68607 0.4584991
QU409-2 0.3546 19.32084 105.93026 252.6387 574.71858 11746.8438 551.9515 0.1782979
QU409-3 0.42966 16.976736 94.803193 245.2155 598.24094 10908.3254 367.1103 0.2684129
QU409-5 1.19054 34.560596 164.52959 363.9868 789.1633 10133.0732 40.008261 0.3059941
QU409-8 22.3578 307.26774 943.50657 1489.879 2657.4634 7425.75444 30.584784 0.5277351
QU409-6 1.24088 28.116508 128.95685 276.5289 595.89691 10304.7764 15.435131 0.3776538
QU409-7 2.78132 58.531906 242.36302 489.2227 1017.0163 9742.61003 124.83654 0.40104
QU409-10 0.66352 21.50652 100.14639 221.7437 486.14345 11137.6028 5.0320139 0.2587911
QU383-1 0.34112 23.972236 133.05451 304.1611 675.26797 10135.2042 74.338029 0.1480273
QU383-2 0.45741 20.169033 95.669318 212.0236 461.58023 9705.983 280.1033 0.2079812
QU383-3 0.77819 13.823714 60.150691 126.9563 286.79497 10813.8813 560.60253 0.4911103
QU383-4 0.02567 28.64201 262.05946 606.2693 1276.3411 16124.7463 72.549507 0.0115485
QU383-5 0.53186 102.8676 556.28352 1048.691 1802.2469 11034.8215 456.63098 0.0571883
QU383-6 0.85413 66.69102 381.12233 761.547 1415.8215 10241.1519 327.12372 0.1398499
QU383-7 0.07747 138.68827 1065.9087 2249.51 4525.6322 16169.2384 133.99602 0.0067323
QU383-8 0.08553 132.71652 975.60419 1950.99 3849.7424 13975.9403 69.591706 0.0075129
QU168-1 1.14242 34.172669 122.82909 224.8081 383.73396 9985.86207 34.082042 0.2593171
QU168-2 0.51489 9.0785939 35.717785 73.77525 171.59123 10208.8509 39.539267 0.5113904
QU168-3 1.69616 28.428319 109.32222 202.2696 404.5872 9595.91818 146.55658 0.5196039
QU168-4 0.96428 25.338749 114.25023 232.6528 476.521 11669.295 564.19292 0.3905867
QU168-5 0.69114 14.318459 70.946966 161.3691 361.30984 12590.9079 630.44654 0.4573679
QU168-6 0.84723 15.46701 71.775332 149.9449 332.25706 10706.1038 59.208037 0.4957117
QU168-7 1.07289 24.896289 129.05273 307.3696 676.26275 9302.35281 64.437093 0.4145972
QU168-8 0.13978 1.9537747 10.756713 33.69116 118.10458 14133.3311 284.78432 0.6615287
QU168-9 1.00974 18.610137 71.18331 126.9127 256.37685 11528.5531 649.4022 0.4999268
QU168-10 1.36183 26.344022 106.72988 201.3508 409.48493 10669.7029 288.54259 0.4743872
QU168-11 2.50703 44.654227 136.79488 235.079 440.67927 8028.31949 6.1585629 0.4598495
QU168-12 1.45996 25.154236 114.80556 234.2672 501.9123 9959.98584 131.46261 0.5576444

Spot Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu* Y Lu
QU168-13 3.46553 49.125601 169.4447 310.0645 621.81837 8045.84084 38.198123 0.659976
QU168-14 1.07122 18.934697 73.243756 143.9405 300.72595 9850.50653 200.56088 0.5071189
QU210-1 1.5115 36.42002 131.61095 231.586 415.38782 12254.5693 1041.9742 0.4021703
QU210-2 0.61948 11.731567 52.253705 115.8537 266.95385 8853.5174 35.689188 0.488182
QU210-3 0.69941 18.013227 87.011246 190.1953 415.80407 11766.7335 580.50079 0.3829222
QU210-4 0.30805 4.9974279 24.754562 59.45506 172.70387 12648.0224 244.87234 0.587317
QU210-5 0.67691 14.680402 59.513265 118.3863 251.06828 11499.3365 671.69514 0.4216389
QU210-6 0.19887 3.0917468 14.330372 35.89999 115.38497 13526.2954 330.99158 0.5945042
QU210-7 0.84549 18.949368 95.773304 210.122 466.67386 11374.5792 979.56865 0.4268857
QU210-8 0.47885 8.3635171 31.823621 64.69457 144.74171 10535.2805 16.972785 0.5114798
QU210-9 0.66601 12.690384 59.196959 131.1681 290.62683 10230.7247 325.93531 0.4850241
QU210-10 1.79409 34.178725 136.84891 254.8919 490.37738 10148.1704 456.67763 0.5244389
QU210-11 1.23936 22.060286 78.860539 147.4679 305.9881 10718.5364 30.190555 0.5058749
QU210-12 1.07817 24.395607 98.285645 185.8646 369.29759 11892.3281 666.83679 0.4371832
QU210-13 1.07678 22.283184 100.6788 216.6691 482.33028 11090.0293 63.188157 0.445835
QU210-14 1.21649 19.556885 66.657193 121.9355 249.8297 10330.4079 105.16445 0.5094243
QU210-15 0.63863 11.23886 46.844354 100.8877 236.34117 11071.1237 235.45025 0.5471003
QU210-16 10.6056 160.40528 441.0095 587.8663 898.40926 10770.3151 320.99767 0.5893998
QU394-1 0.60413 12.291665 48.510831 99.78071 211.49199 11793.9749 352.11942 0.4404288
QU394-2 1.21286 28.072622 122.71447 241.3563 495.56662 11204.6702 31.673115 0.4264989
QU394-3 0.95309 22.044584 96.438473 216.3598 539.96785 12779.9021 945.04509 0.4260615
QU394-4 0.90799 18.787907 73.690179 138.7396 288.20864 11677.0931 757.68134 0.4538981
QU394-5 2.01486 50.967879 173.21045 295.4341 553.70481 10834.5062 20.707933 0.3522009
QU394-6 0.96862 22.653103 93.67945 167.0716 321.09131 11320.9424 8.8206688 0.4020639
QU394-7 0.819 16.813558 65.283184 122.3767 251.34003 11487.7563 813.63791 0.4606515
QU394-8 1.66997 27.961045 102.6343 188.5855 392.94345 9250.83222 41.175808 0.5018085
QU394-9 1.18242 20.720234 85.171406 174.5887 379.42392 11200.9622 143.56806 0.5117508
QU394-10 1.06234 22.968867 92.038818 182.7697 384.67604 12341.1964 357.33909 0.4257338
QU394-11 5.08363 66.117911 184.76238 282.6775 520.87418 9173.20866 54.75359 0.5863534
QU394-12 0.41106 9.4086103 41.646328 89.66141 208.69643 10367.8182 306.89337 0.4021151
QU382-1 0.31712 13.138862 53.66996 104.273 209.83972 9117.58353 83.923077 0.2184597
QU382-3 1.95976 34.714222 134.51835 264.9327 571.76607 7562.56007 204.13061 0.4970226
QU382-2 1.21806 36.481519 126.53786 213.9092 373.68288 9171.16112 33.762639 0.2707246
QU382-4 0.70451 16.209368 88.844483 211.4218 497.35091 9125.22138 269.85946 0.4320518
QU382-5 2.80225 89.577915 314.91486 536.4997 959.15842 9456.44834 3.7685338 0.2304029
QU382-6 0.93454 20.931029 107.68025 249.1017 559.52143 8965.30225 244.25213 0.423438
QU382-7 0.21733 12.025416 51.751259 106.0903 209.23409 10437.4567 116.83578 0.1660854
QU382-8 0.32402 16.048913 84.186939 199.0992 452.88401 11496.2162 133.96186 0.1923084
QU382-9 3.96785 54.521421 199.60929 370.2658 735.75978 8285.18911 31.50272 0.6182871
QU382-10 1.5827 48.508469 216.35261 430.1772 803.44247 9286.51934 159.88323 0.2911212
QU382-11 6.94855 97.573475 367.01067 694.7342 1422.7053 8003.57691 35.064375 0.5766256
QU382-12 2.15963 50.356701 267.95856 571.9023 1128.6421 9208.47777 338.83574 0.4430616
QU382-13 0.44602 18.20756 106.41985 260.9083 602.20876 11248.9977 64.156014 0.2420354
QU411-1 0.49383 9.3056422 44.931355 106.4944 257.79163 10446.5177 185.62751 0.4742877
QU411-2 4.46151 52.610946 190.62582 370.3035 794.79617 7070.1282 75.850764 0.6734012
QU411-3 0.72225 30.383154 123.00771 260.5619 560.6023 11209.6625 13.360662 0.1894948
QU411-4 0.79101 11.675685 53.98081 129.3619 303.15219 8536.83893 175.84094 0.5981133
QU411-5 0.9543 15.219018 63.23503 131.2027 282.29646 10318.6862 13.243909 0.5233179
QU411-6 0.39367 12.879436 69.112133 160.8649 366.66134 11260.8122 171.8299 0.2934225
QU411-7 0.39194 10.691077 55.132779 134.5059 321.42156 9542.81677 371.28314 0.3368056
QU411-8 0.62921 20.706017 101.69829 223.0554 476.75432 11122.2739 6.3684257 0.2744262
QU411-9 1.57191 63.231004 242.45848 443.9286 800.65636 9713.61026 24.524639 0.2030244
QU411-10 0.32187 9.3059144 53.992938 147.9003 392.33307 11158.4398 464.7979 0.3404841
QU411-11 0.60137 14.381727 62.547728 130.5459 262.0806 9303.20727 102.8144 0.3780546
QU411-12 0.27951 14.980051 70.031598 150.6751 314.27569 13225.3392 357.97843 0.1767677
QU411-13 2.74444 38.736984 121.3103 191.908 321.752 7886.15185 20.395786 0.562841
QU411-14 0.30318 21.434425 112.39853 260.3792 564.34877 12208.8221 1819.8743 0.1415712
QU411-15 0.86598 6.7127062 27.087148 58.3417 145.51383 6669.52106 27.805701 1.007879
QU411-16 0.5164 5.3814012 21.176941 47.44721 125.16043 7348.21517 56.077865 0.7648593
QU411-17 0.82151 26.456766 133.6925 320.2286 711.23072 10705.8405 3.8259648 0.2685617
QU371-1 0.61672 19.491419 112.45892 292.534 696.20603 10932.5337 409.57287 0.3083596
QU371-2 0.57291 7.1980279 41.286162 110.6098 293.25247 8591.01388 193.76646 0.7575314
QU371-3 5.50807 103.36525 388.01294 721.3157 1439.087 10093.359 65.32627 0.4310296
QU371-4 0.52175 24.423136 138.36716 325.5483 731.62118 11367.8565 230.15346 0.2115631
QU371-5 0.28278 13.001784 64.976764 156.5682 357.71644 12305.1786 1.7790803 0.1593397
QU371-6 0.86424 47.475856 211.38271 434.6569 879.81517 11498.9392 187.63117 0.1681241
QU371-7 0.31517 17.968442 96.974053 219.1143 481.6666 11529.8037 121.10305 0.1694838
QU371-8 1.49575 31.758058 155.84745 341.4723 719.26029 8853.07691 354.90189 0.4714966
QU371-9 0.16935 12.653822 73.261113 175.8095 406.62871 12189.5445 31.621188 0.129976

Spot Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu* Y Lu
QU371-10\ 0.2896 13.840043 72.574831 165.1465 362.54632 9931.84115 535.56315 0.1971034
QU371-11 0.34693 19.32975 102.46614 232.387 509.78358 12047.8404 366.40513 0.1768433
QU371-12 0.68563 14.606464 76.994006 182.9643 446.42243 9779.64314 245.42531 0.4367738
QU371-13 0.50354 22.354113 106.36529 238.8567 525.61448 12060.493 268.37637 0.2189588
QU371-14 0.6797 30.249118 142.28482 307.6754 655.92793 11706.9215 8.4135155 0.200444
QU410-1 0.49178 8.7945144 41.842669 89.71853 188.90138 11414.174 91.212631 0.5555411
QU410-2 0.22002 60.18294 277.01948 515.6831 894.8263 11532.2084 384.87072 0.036817
QU410-3 8.28668 165.13473 596.55136 1046.735 1979.4279 8656.0957 55.245876 0.4039957
QU410-4 2.49969 106.31063 393.619 711.3252 1332.1096 8573.38787 6.862486 0.1887754
QU410-5 0.23637 83.845639 578.88006 1176.849 2177.4699 13077.0006 256.66528 0.0332063
QU410-6 4.71109 63.755609 175.54043 234.1705 346.14608 8260.71024 19.856792 0.540375
QU410-7 0.55711 10.657653 48.11737 105.3616 222.90388 7957.4672 100.26176 0.4702891
QU410-8 0.68392 9.9043571 53.736167 122.7916 262.21432 8043.32552 440.86159 0.7035109
QU410-9 0.57865 92.001215 497.29977 947.4803 1613.6961 9969.44371 282.49789 0.0699089
QU410-10 22.6367 147.46595 299.05927 297.823 435.70265 5751.4074 1.7699459 0.9278545
QU410-11 0.09333 19.081587 100.49716 217.9287 429.83403 11077.302 243.92091 0.0520416
QU410-12 0.7182 18.470583 62.925345 109.1205 199.54937 6945.51912 32.574192 0.3067512
QU410-13 0.25356 19.816539 104.52023 231.9002 501.36611 11271.0042 551.70176 0.1271535
QU410-14 1.01388 32.542754 176.00983 415.8278 907.401 11197.808 29.410904 0.3115398
QU410-15 0.34164 12.46033 62.769919 142.6893 318.94914 10048.2628 143.26942 0.2693277
QU405-1 0.07831 75.516506 316.19184 552.4471 964.28625 11298.3038 191.99596 0.0089785
QU405-2 0.39787 17.460851 70.018585 123.5562 211.41437 9075.49315 35.686887 0.2057164
QU405-3 0.2369 10.700176 42.383982 82.97273 163.51667 9138.32662 17.218281 0.2079451
QU405-4 1.08126 19.389595 85.801016 191.4028 424.23467 9587.97804 120.96437 0.5017027
QU405-5 1.86626 37.085822 168.09106 353.0883 728.85157 8930.7921 38.385802 0.4364728
QU405-6 0.70925 16.996738 83.076104 197.5079 445.56674 10010.153 5.6165059 0.3552517
QU405-7 3.8426 98.307548 379.62344 727.2191 1412.5285 8620.97527 6.2616485 0.31678
QU405-8 0.23689 17.25462 75.638166 146.8035 282.43409 11806.9369 204.56464 0.1239459
QU405-9 0.09099 105.48145 423.52049 720.1016 1266.5949 10780.5598 202.08176 0.0072992
QU405-10 0.61749 22.352811 104.3845 227.5102 492.8085 9743.34132 80.756393 0.2429748
QU405-11 0.09857 136.55463 522.57859 867.4885 1489.2726 11195.9629 118.09144 0.0060655
QU405-12 1.82499 35.875548 150.93846 306.2164 620.07494 8882.06111 27.385744 0.4325405
QU405-13 2.43421 63.216638 255.76426 485.9331 926.88622 8561.88243 93.446929 0.3280184
QU405-14 1.87439 37.219558 147.81303 292.739 590.98347 8883.98468 5.2065582 0.4213818
QU405-15 1.61339 89.6788 312.16671 507.0722 836.71605 7948.27346 46.06164 0.1414602
QU405-16 1.59508 237.04872 724.05275 920.4817 1214.2359 8313.7306 25.82311 0.0533291
QU-448-1 0.53832 11.900651 55.492291 125.9383 298.68601 13635.8289 567.94622 0.4640679 683.623578 64.1085685
QU-448-2c 9.93526 97.071055 235.87792 323.7355 531.39492 9053.5183 70.747149 0.7844995 1991.96751 99.9534578
QU-448-3NEEDLE 1.19569 20.998115 76.416364 141.8326 301.87777 13625.3556 207.515 0.4646173 794.340324 61.5355709
QU488-4c 1.92462 36.737733 106.42118 183.9595 380.89368 10557.9135 188.77402 0.4362841 1115.79137 79.6016849
QU488-5r 0.59153 13.490037 60.64366 126.8075 277.00724 12231.8892 911.82186 0.4189342 739.373542 57.4471798
QU488-6c 0.91916 10.835667 36.448772 70.7888 162.18343 8855.21818 70.799902 0.6887268 411.49096 35.4789332
QU448-7c 0.90444 13.073101 45.154232 89.30755 198.5261 9512.13505 1.3762119 0.4848608 516.428194 43.7363269
QU448-8c 2.44057 37.190662 110.93435 173.0975 324.48763 9659.65986 62.228904 0.5171877 1076.24479 63.4181808
QU448-9r 1.10516 25.016801 115.22233 213.1532 430.29289 12488.4194 662.56751 0.4334939 1244.05123 83.9702571
QU488-10c 1.7689 29.722452 86.31542 143.8499 283.64008 11050.7918 42.483337 0.4791152 923.288576 57.906761
QU488-11c 0.3882 7.5802792 31.15255 66.47108 161.17544 14765.5926 831.13767 0.4934417 388.912015 34.9227993
QU488-12r 0.49031 9.8392488 40.804366 88.57456 201.10084 12965.9634 115.32341 0.4620179 502.395818 42.9864457
QU488-13r 1.11798 25.968736 108.83464 221.008 461.18611 12150.9586 786.84322 0.4398628 1341.96681 93.5151294
QU448-14r 0.33152 6.2028104 26.931966 60.7587 149.70482 15643.9106 1479.2398 0.5430551 345.225397 33.1835734
QU448-15c 1.09511 19.923115 69.666359 124.8467 262.05071 11246.5467 127.03748 0.4462103 749.508172 54.2399214
QU448-16outC 1.12488 23.18724 99.392705 206.4125 439.26154 11359.6687 725.13026 0.4659118 1183.31966 90.9354563
QU652-1 1.28718 33.251465 128.85882 241.7568 463.42528 10842.5463 128.76826 0.321267 1393.6462 90.7087842
QU652-2c 1.87715 59.658902 245.65506 462.1125 832.12324 11224.5329 248.04319 0.3134305 2627.62366 155.180866
QU652-3r 0.71257 21.113974 89.753122 177.8189 348.74669 10772.9351 194.22509 0.3051709 1007.94962 67.7582177
QU652-4c 0.27749 11.315399 54.092378 114.1439 236.2694 11887.8384 110.6246 0.2308027 640.074998 45.1684936
QU652-5R 1.2618 47.313298 193.11547 349.0858 609.46056 10453.9147 223.61329 0.2545177 1995.70879 111.201391
QU652-6C 1.62807 50.925609 200.70447 362.2565 612.41808 9539.49571 85.873046 0.2824948 2083.02813 113.723781
QU652-7C 0.41599 42.844439 229.11405 492.9243 974.23564 13321.2875 310.63148 0.104219 2674.25703 183.090895
QU652-8C 5.20318 178.49876 611.56673 988.3927 1595.0573 9753.01491 8.7771801 0.2459313 5970.87765 279.448162
QU652-9C 2.35624 52.980022 174.15112 300.6207 525.02339 9241.17463 42.386035 0.3760603 1809.02167 96.9297046
QU652-10C 1.68975 37.674567 139.57992 238.2938 407.14337 9733.78414 38.304541 0.3787858 1356.00283 74.3259936
QU652-11R 0.55066 17.121623 75.915129 158.8759 322.26244 11335.9007 200.97662 0.3123528 923.815504 63.3723387
QU652-12C 0.35021 16.189251 70.215645 149.384 296.32341 11896.2287 15.334171 0.1985577 832.640151 57.5516265
QU652-13R 0.2852 15.89493 73.835205 156.8973 314.74364 12310.5906 887.95406 0.1678323 863.709926 61.2616415
QU652-14R 1.42969 45.759483 167.81487 289.2289 496.14274 11441.9898 112.19741 0.2792598 1680.89962 90.6259911
QU652-15R 0.26347 16.242245 84.676079 198.6103 428.58587 13211.7279 442.46731 0.1766373 1069.97488 85.6912047
QU652-16C 0.25523 56.115129 225.08473 456.0415 877.39423 12534.4442 273.50755 0.0470992 2972.82321 172.416663
QU652-17C 0.47839 40.526838 208.45187 423.2244 793.95958 13120.8265 356.19367 0.1179616 2248.62116 146.890576

Spot Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu* Y Lu
QU652-18R 0.47616 17.697522 68.005587 125.7116 227.76219 9967.88505 131.39982 0.2365388 732.587876 42.0319024
QU652-19C 0.53182 63.207997 277.52609 556.7502 1039.2362 12183.6537 3.0947653 0.0750656 3265.81116 193.53008
QU652-20C 1.18523 38.416248 171.58046 350.6393 658.56836 10451.9905 33.41174 0.3052222 1956.8815 126.615066
QU652-21C 0.75373 31.234146 146.82992 302.7003 597.10576 12178.7901 127.68544 0.2206622 1639.24354 113.7
QU461-1R 0.49093 9.1991678 34.616892 74.92371 178.4671 12946.5761 301.29485 0.5067057 460.552362 41.2778303
QU461-2C 0.32507 6.9125973 29.907847 62.98075 147.40803 13363.3397 452.85182 0.4341612 350.293627 31.5110803
QU461-3C 0.64283 10.698282 38.82603 77.39751 171.03488 9031.03554 49.703532 0.5180541 466.044483 37.497277
QU461-4R 0.51167 10.470201 49.831318 127.0423 345.15224 13372.9134 813.32519 0.4713432 709.544501 81.902984
QU461-5C 0.80296 13.906523 55.416425 115.3387 262.02662 10298.59 248.81422 0.5065622 635.39667 57.0357199
QU461-4C 0.79348 18.439537 75.758274 166.2816 378.05316 11480.6542 365.67758 0.4268867 964.164291 80.6329356
QU461-6R 0.35031 7.0036476 33.028665 79.30012 205.01363 12762.9362 532.45435 0.5196986 440.4002 46.8341975
QU461-8R 0.45217 8.2264398 33.515382 67.67632 154.98356 12626.6021 609.92625 0.5106378 397.402939 33.5612685
QU461-9C 1.1122 16.659186 55.404728 100.8389 217.48756 11730.4567 135.1815 0.5259302 592.75919 45.2533705
QU461-10r 0.20902 4.2252859 19.24276 45.88781 119.57916 14072.4248 500.75556 0.4918267 252.975937 26.7104172
QU461-11r 0.51792 11.403809 47.316969 103.302 236.69125 12605.0822 300.49158 0.4363672 579.863336 49.4747694
QU461-12r 1.19192 21.48239 78.934327 139.7059 280.42958 12493.4004 865.77978 0.5025683 832.82985 55.1942901
QU461-13r 0.4192 7.3215096 27.015015 52.274 114.17326 11137.7949 262.40803 0.4832648 306.287558 23.766188
QU666-1r 0.30059 14.462505 74.414837 170.758 372.11939 11140.0227 46.524181 0.202058 910.541786 74.7608144
QU666-2r 0.49011 18.77535 79.420095 175.1818 369.55423 10008.3571 18.542916 0.2160387 1034.35322 73.3830944
QU666-3c 0.58279 18.174485 79.081557 164.3863 346.04089 9978.3666 214.80686 0.2907286 898.849719 69.0707921
QU666-4r 0.35101 21.363276 102.39194 209.2784 419.9176 10859.6178 434.90796 0.151376 1164.48462 79.0321756
QU666-5c 0.24592 23.201021 114.80084 259.9233 550.50551 11336.4177 446.7981 0.1036571 1432.98988 109.447598
QU666-6c 3.00654 54.657218 191.04506 336.8401 633.0046 8853.58054 57.729005 0.4264625 1915.63611 119.391362
QU666-7Cc 0.2602 20.007178 103.3786 232.6349 512.9445 10865.3852 390.09015 0.123121 1229.65033 102.147648
QU666-8c 1.74604 29.430551 92.212784 161.2694 302.9613 7868.9485 34.835135 0.4802783 917.87168 59.0674421
QU666-9c 1.22613 49.379326 186.68699 355.2211 661.81201 11190.5062 132.80456 0.2058178 2070.82683 125.570627
QU666-10c 1.74019 34.129205 121.29754 216.6486 401.84946 8830.14097 48.316535 0.4155072 1223.99499 77.2673122
QU666-11C 0.31393 19.762356 92.44992 191.6585 383.00449 11679.2374 507.31191 0.144281 1057.32132 72.4154501
QU507-1c 1.52879 26.584997 87.604475 162.6079 325.43879 10215.6396 52.002771 0.4898204 987.867207 66.8798948
QU507-2r 1.26789 25.536665 105.98296 204.7587 415.44731 11264.198 49.406402 0.4723884 1194.55538 83.5655503
QU507-3c 1.93587 32.247533 94.705224 162.6141 324.05767 10814.019 70.13988 0.468726 997.216527 65.4746887
QU507-4C 0.50392 9.523701 42.127837 88.08025 202.89462 11881.5314 140.03381 0.4817058 502.465149 42.9370804
QU507-5c 1.55207 28.093969 100.73313 190.5988 390.51361 11322.4085 272.00238 0.4950172 1112.76076 79.7388097
QU507-6c 1.02939 20.660108 72.038809 135.9949 291.14737 12876.16 200.35407 0.4499815 833.833736 62.5414637
QU507-7c 0.53384 12.521769 53.720342 118.3117 277.53775 12389.716 126.25519 0.423524 671.881132 60.0242445
QU507-8r 0.91062 15.356218 67.493901 136.5167 286.83138 10435.3099 448.79334 0.5639111 791.052185 59.5387961
QU507-9r 0.43346 7.2796927 32.971318 73.15722 178.84035 13206.079 518.37446 0.5591992 422.09806 40.5110551
QU507-10r 0.46885 8.6344309 33.741134 71.64803 175.09409 13579.5973 265.76932 0.5427683 427.513659 39.4495983
QU668-1 0.24084 20.588753 99.004157 218.2435 466.2067 11530.4382 7.8628621 0.1128814 1166.57043 92.9820119
QU668-2 1.32783 28.652405 114.05363 227.7432 412.80837 8097.78226 231.88965 0.422472 1253.10027 79.6816591
QU668-3 1.35368 27.59393 108.87318 207.9808 378.94892 8188.28721 272.01083 0.4434179 1158.93137 72.2914575
QU668-4 1.83321 39.219185 164.60398 337.6979 609.90205 7858.7749 241.53043 0.4345456 1864.58202 116.324147
QU668-5 2.32739 55.510026 242.72952 489.8974 858.2845 7971.51044 350.9843 0.3982423 2706.43967 160.784222
QU668-6 1.93979 41.010553 183.53934 386.0334 714.30426 8487.59739 208.34948 0.4396743 2063.03025 135.071642
QU668-7 1.39756 28.81062 112.71516 225.2885 414.43457 8115.61684 37.859284 0.4401677 1247.87388 79.5449014
QU668-7 1.40015 29.146542 126.51534 264.6625 507.51257 8672.11077 212.50976 0.4406442 1406.09531 98.9148504
QU668-8 0.28581 15.683798 83.705696 200.943 468.84459 9989.81786 417.47855 0.1777152 1061.34128 95.8147374
QU668-9 2.35556 40.86902 136.37881 258.406 528.29956 7568.38625 55.328676 0.4662488 1465.75244 105.748958
QU668-11 0.6729 21.252239 93.430984 198.5224 423.0917 9784.72285 435.32633 0.3168363 1091.81312 84.0764557
QU668-12 0.43541 29.053883 142.32843 319.7653 690.0882 10314.8081 566.56601 0.148185 1721.95707 136.665855
QU668-13 0.15854 22.10553 126.48158 323.3602 761.01116 11362.431 508.52659 0.0733771 1704.88232 157.611978
QU668-14 1.44858 19.847377 66.633983 140.5849 290.05874 6643.59023 227.58184 0.60186 758.557639 62.0149625
QU687-2 0.69446 32.484429 121.23995 235.6249 445.99422 9493.76791 24.521165 0.1853639 1368.41907 87.2284925
QU687-5 1.28255 46.151992 174.45218 324.4035 589.29232 6405.83425 165.26578 0.2528779 1871.37882 109.766085
QU687-3 0.68438 21.165917 86.34014 178.602 367.65417 7823.16451 19.71538 0.3150418 1010.60422 71.6936581
QU687-18 0.37933 10.378075 52.388481 121.3445 276.58827 9833.30855 389.41689 0.3561662 649.73175 56.4696922
QU687-9 2.72473 43.158225 141.26753 254.4569 482.60577 7751.31744 70.555579 0.510639 1438.11524 93.1220481
QU687-11 0.27572 14.204788 69.510713 156.0371 334.56653 10390.5865 54.491582 0.1892268 837.746592 67.7412468
QU687-16 0.70068 23.757007 88.996967 187.1215 418.17071 8974.90441 31.046953 0.2331695 1008.24256 85.4347103
QU687-15 0.16951 20.231679 101.86797 226.2407 485.38222 11408.7766 27.576032 0.0841064 1242.99725 96.7731919
QU687-8 0.15724 7.4532444 35.997674 81.41294 183.7162 11064.3381 321.71611 0.2045799 425.74399 37.4240008
QU687-1 0.32135 11.02752 51.365963 121.4643 292.10336 9727.25593 37.966179 0.2753179 635.239193 61.0732244
QU687-10 0.36146 21.572309 117.36506 288.9867 668.07543 10148.9626 477.71482 0.1696714 1534.26242 135.531491
QU687-13 0.1636 8.2381683 40.793387 96.48248 223.51597 9781.31146 455.28889 0.1915358 512.3869 46.4519437
QU687-12 0.23489 9.1046702 43.541237 98.70776 224.32769 9536.82488 45.58428 0.2358395 545.906848 44.9643756
QU687-14 0.28533 17.876741 97.265638 245.1676 574.99174 10515.9286 318.40533 0.1613295 1276.97299 117.654914
QU687-19 1.78801 50.206795 156.99687 270.3357 466.32463 9036.1494 50.343148 0.3065731 1606.52819 87.4565215
QU687-6 0.49678 17.938796 57.456482 90.64422 148.26353 8996.45351 295.38098 0.2347906 530.412088 27.1634593
QU687-7 0.84416 25.822831 96.419168 176.6404 310.64683 9797.59193 911.16102 0.2956087 992.769335 57.4389815

Spot Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu* Y Lu
QU687-17 0.3415 22.865933 61.934606 78.94544 108.40002 9637.8243 110.20019 0.1255923 495.793937 18.5959579
QU687-4 0.56473 11.030556 34.182313 56.28915 105.37451 9097.2215 139.27416 0.4282026 356.133336 19.5172031
QU709-15 0.27592 8.3469502 40.848346 97.08971 219.26172 9282.72425 119.98443 0.3232492 531.232269 43.9498157
QU709-20 0.71484 23.529236 114.90442 273.5025 619.87673 9339.51951 168.14463 0.2968718 1496.93563 128.148544
QU709-8 0.33496 7.4659744 36.328356 88.77747 208.62548 10083.431 46.056007 0.4141797 467.174805 44.3143232
QU709-7 1.22338 22.267089 99.214565 206.5079 400.38539 8353.1165 22.978736 0.5176584 1145.72552 76.5881545
QU709-10 3.60405 55.375404 186.14432 329.379 613.67297 7814.92716 46.163845 0.5456226 1912.73498 118.362931
QU709-3 0.4722 19.382156 84.115129 175.7122 352.11496 9362.6075 344.70211 0.2248224 967.936936 68.8702945
QU709-19 7.89142 141.41136 464.03159 781.5502 1405.2335 8068.25832 118.72208 0.4549457 4758.44282 260.368821
QU709-1 4.97876 72.279279 234.83561 407.9144 729.92134 7590.26826 74.240836 0.5818998 2351.15006 137.610196
QU709-18 4.29508 117.1939 370.0948 612.3942 1046.9652 9602.31408 32.395466 0.2955378 3646.0024 188.089111
QU709-14 0.41609 32.375944 104.76658 176.5455 296.83474 10787.3158 56.440858 0.1029385 1033.82469 54.4973298
QU709-13 0.97452 27.008705 104.16648 199.6582 385.54856 10359.3758 247.96703 0.3273056 1154.6725 74.2536349
QU709-6 0.43047 10.965053 52.572689 122.0459 284.91597 9948.03545 506.47665 0.3700093 661.349984 59.8040042
QU709-11 1.34586 36.703409 141.59171 281.5991 548.6203 9002.56507 80.621343 0.3169999 1554.19493 108.080414
QU709-17 0.49031 18.690526 57.901074 98.48088 168.12443 7898.87834 41.209487 0.2128383 566.90956 31.0056333
QU709-16 0.41607 13.915878 66.115773 146.8305 313.30921 10907.3766 79.260761 0.2925493 774.430607 61.9739267
QU709-12 1.77154 34.341327 124.85981 245.8391 529.72009 8521.59815 68.080027 0.4274409 1321.41407 103.078228
QU709-2 3.54218 58.491037 201.63533 353.8089 637.92352 7635.22884 129.68603 0.5224218 2016.2324 118.76181
QU709-4 5.29876 99.491364 330.72835 577.7774 1044.5282 7963.9636 78.500049 0.4262264 3394.9284 192.666293
QU709-9 4.7764 98.512251 346.09178 602.7637 1081.6624 8825.7775 108.99476 0.4051512 3494.68184 195.75866
QU709-5 0.28153 11.620888 60.345959 144.1027 339.03729 9968.31706 202.98535 0.2509348 745.139006 68.7577146

Table A5-2: Zircon mineral chemistry data Trace Element routine
Spot Temp. °C Li Be9 B11 F19 Na Mg Al27 P31 S32
QU242-1.1 797 0.00168 0.07836 0.00537 7.39713 1.32516 0.25044 14.27166 559.54853 0.39014
QU242-1.2 738 0.00329 0.01166 0.02807 6.14148 0.64796 0.20545 13.07996 186.53838 0.34011
QU242-1.3 730 0.00310 0.02351 0.02420 6.93290 0.54323 0.20854 12.29770 210.80505 0.23996
QU242-3.1 702 0.00747 0.02024 0.15226 5.07202 0.86929 0.47429 13.79736 183.10070 0.49568
QU242-3.2 672 0.00501 0.00163 0.02972 6.15221 0.71414 0.23908 9.36002 84.53196 0.24930
QU242-4.1 720 0.00269 0.05957 0.01722 5.65025 0.44861 0.32138 8.67945 367.44938 0.53641
QU242-4.2 628 0.00473 0.00497 0.03488 5.80045 0.51955 0.23319 10.35693 59.68307 0.25360
QU242-5.1 725 0.00550 0.03275 0.02974 6.21258 0.41459 0.13591 10.96237 280.59677 0.29490
QU242-5.2 713 0.01061 0.24539 0.02259 7.26546 0.37947 0.22381 7.27240 217.67024 0.24634
QU242-6.1 742 0.02849 0.11030 0.00709 6.36216 0.59539 0.21613 11.25513 301.30662 0.42967
QU242-6.2 767 0.00506 0.02479 0.00000 7.01584 0.37327 0.18441 8.04707 250.33596 0.09036
QU242-8.1 719 0.00444 0.03584 0.03870 5.08098 1.55089 0.29147 15.70695 368.30728 0.65656
QU242-8.2 737 0.01788 0.44047 0.02464 9.11754 0.67140 0.36353 9.96827 395.01375 0.16288
QU242-10.1 732 0.00570 0.02921 0.08658 6.28126 1.04256 0.42096 18.27333 251.06418 0.33129
QU242-10.2 663 0.00770 0.00000 0.02461 16.96585 2.95844 0.41239 19.20764 83.34094 0.00000
QU242-14.1 696 0.01065 0.01455 0.05900 5.66016 1.65983 0.32259 18.63038 126.20558 0.82488
QU242-14.2 765 0.01060 0.01206 0.03386 9.72310 1.15852 0.45580 20.58755 171.67025 0.30769
QU283-1.1 779 0.00833 0.00000 0.02366 6.40562 0.48632 0.23001 17.10910 211.40339 0.21499
QU283-1.2 773 0.00843 0.00000 0.00598 5.89118 0.41319 0.17470 11.40821 153.98970 0.32625
QU283-10.1 781 0.00935 0.00426 0.02689 4.51017 0.42709 0.16158 16.03820 225.43817 0.00000
QU283-10.2 750 0.02610 0.00669 0.04698 51.65513 1.05951 0.52509 15.90239 572.29304 0.25618
QU283-11.1 849 0.01058 0.02038 0.01300 10.07147 0.53774 0.20103 9.87428 431.03463 0.09453
QU283-11.2 792 0.00272 0.00089 0.03730 6.85529 0.50244 0.14640 12.48639 189.29300 0.27117
QU283-11.3 710 0.01412 0.00851 0.03981 5.05183 0.43261 0.23881 10.06939 81.03828 0.38589
QU283-15.1 798 0.04374 0.02231 0.05783 5.85235 0.60057 0.22607 12.64301 272.47936 0.52557
QU283-2.1 794 0.01103 0.00386 0.04336 8.89505 2.71011 0.23805 46.16616 216.73755 0.19704
QU283-2.2 813 0.01178 0.00000 0.03114 5.45062 0.48387 0.23040 12.41228 188.40571 0.28299
QU283-2.3 765 0.02992 0.00358 0.01006 8.42268 0.61883 0.24206 12.70474 126.89200 0.18292
QU283-3.1 791 0.00438 0.01395 0.02237 4.95689 0.51970 0.20617 10.59999 186.50381 0.30501
QU283-3.2 749 0.00502 0.00176 0.02962 6.80572 0.65667 0.21564 14.61122 74.70801 0.35895
QU283-5.1 803 0.00630 0.00765 0.02148 7.22617 0.54536 0.22556 13.06882 207.78368 0.48802
QU283-5.2 719 0.00426 0.00484 0.03537 6.25010 0.52368 0.22137 10.98291 74.73359 0.19779
QU283-6.1 804 0.00641 0.01460 0.01261 7.24387 0.36566 0.14262 8.98763 208.65722 0.57309
QU283-6.2 788 0.02675 0.00751 0.03278 6.91627 0.55780 0.18829 11.46690 177.18076 0.51069
QU283-8.1 777 0.00756 0.00764 0.01610 6.16345 0.48549 0.21252 14.30641 246.11115 0.29257
QU283-8.2 795 0.00228 0.00000 0.01942 5.89641 0.53320 0.18942 14.82283 152.30686 0.08825
QU393-2.1 817 0.38887 0.13849 0.00894 7.62744 4.58324 0.28238 55.55940 591.45776 0.16246
QU393-2.2OSC_OR 677 0.00725 0.00450 0.01686 4.97885 0.57206 0.16741 10.47474 153.30503 0.45954
QU393-4.1SZ_UC 843 0.00708 0.00896 0.00503 6.93407 0.49306 0.16012 14.09912 482.70531 0.36572
QU393-4.2SZ_LC 780 0.00322 0.00183 0.00000 2.36698 0.43405 0.18123 29.89266 424.06798 0.00000
QU393-4.3OSC_OR 785 0.00078 0.00179 0.01504 5.26461 0.57278 0.17995 25.96215 159.77447 0.36444
QU393- 708 0.00882 0.01095 0.02563 3.02820 0.47891 0.15089 10.86828 462.84722 0.37266
QU393- 721 0.02251 0.07970 0.00533 3.49699 0.52498 0.17085 8.71207 346.67219 0.77464
QU393- 654 0.02097 0.00477 0.04467 8.50319 0.67724 0.91192 7.85252 108.03145 0.16238
QU393-6.1OSC_DC 769 0.05038 0.05733 0.05813 6.75064 10.75764 0.62603 89.67126 319.19068 0.00000
QU393-6.2OSC_DR 676 0.02351 0.01041 0.00417 9.86188 0.97288 0.56432 13.64452 131.82792 0.15171
QU393-7.1OSC_DC 771 0.00657 0.00374 0.01750 6.43313 0.41463 0.14995 9.88832 188.03175 0.76342
QU393- 703 0.07610 0.00379 0.00355 3.96105 0.34049 0.13423 8.89572 252.28660 0.00000
QU393-7.3OSC_DR 706 0.05725 0.01448 0.00938 4.31034 0.47859 0.11450 7.54205 279.06054 0.11367
QU393-9.1OSC_LC 770 0.01340 0.01743 0.00816 3.21279 3.86052 0.15911 46.67101 443.99989 0.59307
QU393-9.2OSC_DC 703 0.13891 0.03274 0.00951 5.20229 0.32652 0.12898 8.32590 273.40675 0.00000
QU393- 718 0.03103 0.00867 0.01391 5.47950 9.44198 0.72006 155.4000 204.56083 0.63219
QU393-9.4OSC_LR 697 0.04529 0.00364
0.02724 4.24630 0.43901 0.16786 10.68889 235.52898 0.37130
QU395-1.1 725 0.03192 0.00295
0.01378 12.84494 4.10785 0.26715 39.90231 267.26879 0.70132
QU395-1.2 688 0.00091 0.00208
0.00584 4.21462 0.49029 0.27241 14.48670 183.85023 0.42437
QU395-1.3 689 0.00576 0.00374
0.00526 3.10576 0.70818 0.33342 17.47954 320.45182 0.57332
QU395-3.1 697 0.00577 0.02629
0.00000 4.23887 0.58872 0.30689 22.80215 334.30509 0.67070
QU395-3.2 683 0.00126 0.00000
0.02409 3.16259 0.74499 0.56886 27.93762 161.66285 0.58381
QU395-4.1 799 0.00219 0.00000
0.02332 3.36743 0.70830 0.41186 21.12438 234.54607 0.16953
QU395-4.2 717 0.01546 0.00480
0.00449 5.00944 0.69179 0.24389 19.97620 213.58171 0.32638
QU395-6.1 767 0.02850 0.21949
0.06071 6.37640 0.85724 0.46570 19.12793 788.57284 0.44140
QU395-6.2 737 0.00405 0.03072
0.05749 7.17003 1.10478 0.39626 21.22955 205.19690 0.94043
QU395-7.1 720 0.19423 0.14348
0.26954 7.58290 146.8215 0.51183 593.6961 251.03699 0.10768
1 7
QU395-7.2 712 0.02198 0.00319 0.01793 5.10000 0.64220 0.23172 10.72222 246.46606 0.21726
QU395-9.1 720 0.01301 0.01269 0.00891 7.01873 0.62312 0.24311 10.23390 234.47858 0.10797
QU395-9.2 759 0.06032 0.09551 0.15418 7.70051 42.34225 0.30242 349.6010 228.73258 0.24368
QU395-13.1 709 0.00942 0.00677 0.01583 7.89951 0.47849 0.14249 11.71574 451.11863 0.80586
QU395-13.2 715 0.02778 0.00479 0.01883 7.76932 0.52734 0.24078 11.72655 206.87697 0.39114
QU335-2.1 796 0.00896 0.00000 0.01908 6.26207 0.67380 0.26256 10.99648 321.29698 0.34679

Spot Temp. °C Li Be9 B11 F19 Na Mg Al27 P31 S32
QU335-2.2 690 0.01600 0.00000 0.01227 6.71263 0.65877 0.27803 11.50178 152.96100 0.14870
QU335-3.1 759 0.00348 0.01427 0.04007 5.84573 0.72003 0.22166 12.82476 271.76935 0.00000
QU335-3.2 686 0.01499 0.00682 0.03832 5.65910 0.84290 0.78177 12.70072 155.52543 0.34822
QU335-4.1 777 0.00550 0.00000 0.03952 6.05295 0.86599 0.25117 15.37841 173.61163 0.63849
QU335-4.2 809 0.00149 0.00000 0.01899 7.47854 0.85720 0.23859 12.52875 213.09136 0.17257
QU335-5.1LTRIM 791 0.00994 0.00453 0.07201 9.17647 0.49683 0.17033 9.15916 175.13974 0.00000
QU335-5.2LTCORE 773 0.01139 0.00682 0.02681 9.05195 0.54011 0.19986 9.25421 140.95250 0.27849
QU335-5.3DKSEC 772 0.07261 0.02626 0.04336 8.82336 0.84661 0.27189 13.63991 170.53543 0.31525
QU335-6.1LTCORE 756 0.00995 0.01066 0.05236 8.10144 0.75621 0.24168 16.43812 213.30367 0.67978
QU335-6.2DKRIM 642 0.02379 0.01289 0.03258 7.12856 0.80404 0.58913 11.24733 49.83938 0.52637
QU335-10.1CORE 828 0.02192 0.00809 0.04542 8.44699 0.89274 0.50545 15.98340 276.67091 0.41275
QU335-10.2grrim 776 0.00973 0.00554 0.03888 6.63500 0.79931 0.26052 16.19157 160.72768 0.56529
QU335-12.1c 807 0.01016 0.00000 0.06491 6.51695 0.76108 0.27691 18.43528 258.55039 0.69405
QU335-12.2dkrim 720 0.12028 0.00149 0.09189 7.67711 1.25289 0.55882 29.45624 172.68833 0.75920
QU050-1.1C 713 0.02197 0.03386 0.02129 12.38940 1.98932 1.41125 10.81090 231.58858 0.25612
QU050-3.3C 721 0.00000 0.00000 0.19818 7.17495 2.51085 4.66800 35.64609 330.97603 0.43356
QU050-5.1C 742 0.01157 0.19660 0.23325 9.34381 129.0936 10.6810 359.0678 368.84000 2.15885
1 4 9
QU050-6.4C 726 0.00000 0.03612 0.06813 5.21750 2.98530 6.11372 17.78310 287.92897 1.22959
QU050-7.2C 862 0.20412 12.3443 0.90645 39.88477 357.6267 7.79038 503.0454 1327.0138 0.00000
0 5 0 5
QU050-8.2C 1891 0.02704 0.27611 0.03810 5.25276 1.40227 153.046 26.96094 412.95569 0.45848
QU050-9.1C 728 0.01150 0.04411 0.03565 6.55327 2.43029 3.84738 16.81496 484.68507 0.00000
QU050-10.1C 728 0.03685 0.03786 0.16068 6.01611 2.49261 6.91381 21.54665 418.53892 2.14818
QU050-11.3C 721 0.01306 0.02385 0.05060 6.20081 2.78168 4.26747 30.66777 330.60951 0.81185
QU050-12.1C 721 0.02068 0.00000 0.14427 7.36612 2.53408 2.88159 33.43768 353.24364 0.77154
QU050-3.1E 694 0.00000 0.00859 0.07292 4.46761 3.57185 24.8939 55.49691 150.35676 7.60406
QU050-6.1E 715 0.00000 0.00000 0.03784 5.21635 1.88066 10.3185 14.59957 232.22061 0.45531
QU050-7.3E 692 0.04312 0.01181 0.09192 7.93551 1.90217 3.61151 12.65278 195.11466 0.60327
QU050-8.1E 693 0.02103 0.04482 0.07246 2.21972 2.70782 8.00002 15.77741 174.98295 0.00000
QU050-9.3E 699 0.02862 0.14477 0.06826 6.27340 2.80562 2.55637 14.29548 229.14269 0.82135
QU050-10.4E 700 0.03187 0.09357 0.07059 7.56859 4.06629 40.5052 108.9045 151.92029 4.24683
4 7
QU050-11.1E 685 0.04008 0.09248 0.03270 5.00921 3.20113 26.6447 22.18749 124.16254 0.78700
QU050-12.3E 663 0.01731 0.01395 0.08680 7.49360 2.43091 2.18458 18.26078 112.24339 0.00000
QU050-3.2I 796 0.00918 0.16776 0.21357 6.54254 4.58554 144.664 28.82427 523.33698 0.57106
QU050-5.2ID 771 0.00249 0.05790 0.02891 6.19903 1.67438 1.44881 12.03536 368.46159 0.23189
QU050-6.2IL 670 0.00000 0.01245 0.10565 8.09103 1.93284 3.12609 17.84456 142.24817 0.00000
QU050-6.3ID 733 0.00219 0.10190 0.08479 6.23389 3.22544 2.38033 16.65680 221.35577 0.81618
QU050-7.1I 735 0.05348 0.03663 0.05182 9.52460 2.82665 2.23290 21.49756 320.54908 0.00000
QU050-8.3ID 743 0.27514 0.06079 0.17199 9.48351 2.92320 5.97324 17.82767 331.88090 0.00000
QU050-9.2ID 690 0.00000 0.06356 0.03596 8.26263 2.58781 1.26698 21.88353 93.13306 0.86544
QU050-10.2ID 747 0.05949 0.15136 0.06588 6.55877 2.59930 3.78284 17.58980 294.04374 0.39633
QU050-10.3IL 798 0.04538 0.09608 0.07995 6.85731 2.74188 2.35964 19.12208 376.96979 0.00000
QU050-11.2ID 735 0.04252 0.15944 0.06939 7.44022 2.09300 6.13107 16.04329 324.95573 0.00000
QU050-12.2I 679 0.03038 0.01110 0.06280 7.21388 3.24806 1.87264 20.96303 120.95409 0.75559
QU138-1.1C 723.328484 0.02675 0.15705 0.10367 10.88895 4.85856 3.34432 22.67993 297.14378 1.06924
QU138-2.1C 634.264523 0.00674 0.09493 0.05968 9.82696 2.03405 1.71352 10.17685 78.70692 0.35905
QU138-5.1C 703.220793 0.00000 0.01809 0.07675 9.79686 3.39079 2.12206 23.42373 127.89692 0.30784
QU138-6.1C 697.887739 0.00000 0.01403 0.11910 8.91816 2.71435 1.76199 20.70755 203.31469 0.63688
QU138-6.3C 675.20337 0.00000 0.00000 0.06298 7.33095 4.49179 3.45201 23.35774 90.64529 0.30310
QU138-8.1C 761.022508 0.00000 0.01492 0.02813 8.18691 1.28786 0.80379 19.79503 366.57919 0.00000
QU138-10.1C 736.556628 0.00000 0.04797 0.05429 3.74188 2.63634 2.32672 19.23073 218.86341 0.32661
QU138-11.1c 724.512186 0.00000 0.00955 0.09455 7.03417 4.31138 2.25564 31.47876 285.90976 0.32504
QU138-1.3E 694.558512 0.02006 0.06496 0.05655 11.25998 2.95350 2.33733 16.17954 144.93282 0.68041
QU138-2.4R 718.295069 0.00000 0.57748 0.07658 10.16584 2.78918 3.09450 18.12812 323.71340 0.61430
QU138-5.3R 699.708984 0.00000 0.09064 0.12147 7.85551 2.65920 4.48525 16.93752 221.25017 0.64957
QU138-8.3R 669.502647 0.00346 0.06645 0.09400 9.05012 3.72250 2.98010 22.23589 208.05729 0.96946
QU138-10.4r 687.454044 0.00000 0.06702 0.18959 6.70150 3.03949 23.1250 18.04084 165.55702 0.00000
QU138-11.2rIM 723.586448 0.00000 0.29108 0.11935 5.84966 3.36874 2.35060 18.56131 219.88378 0.28720
QU138-1.2I 733.54187 0.03385 0.11336 0.02916 8.03822 2.59938 2.08663 24.15366 215.73208 0.70161
QU138-2.2ID 731.907371 0.35433 0.23765 0.92980 14.89901 7.39162 4.85701 62.50951 144.03762 1.37695
QU138-2.3ID 749.220296 0 0.40848 0.05313 9.76569 3.030339 3.52993 19.43558 319.43498 1.91787
1 7 2 9
QU138-5.2IG 728.600351 0 0.04666 0.01320 4.852664 2.767875 3.13459 19.06834 229.21827 0.31767
1 7 6 1 1
QU138-6.2DI 724.588482 0 0.04195 0.13187 7.271695 3.348805 2.21689 16.87549 243.78833 0.63470
5 7 2 2 4
QU138-8.2ingrey 679.604543 0 0.00953 0.10783 9.910206 2.342185 1.82473 15.09027 88.304150 0.32437
5 2 6 2 7
QU138-10.2indark 714.564408 0 0.00985 0.13929 8.9611 8.279478 2.51940 32.8474 272.33507 0.67042
7 3 8 3 5

Spot Temp. °C Li Be9 B11 F19 Na Mg Al27 P31 S32
QU138-10.3outgrey 709.755788 0 0.06366 0.05541 8.487501 3.304110 2.37491 20.17284 243.63180 0.33337
3 8 8 1
QU138-11.2ingrey 660.34721 0 0.04346 0.08607 4.143361 2.009026 1.76002 15.39566 106.06856 1.18358
1 5 4 9 2
QU-168-3.1c 724.209961 0.01006 0 0 1.194355 2.264771 1.75209 18.12056 297.31630 0.62549
8 3 7
QU-168-4.1c 681.244674 0.00747 0 0 10.64004 3.226984 2.07473 18.42753 378.81678 0.55722
1 9 6 5
QU-168-5.1c 688.416944 0 0 0 9.520809 1.035575 0.70471 9.299329 250.10280 0
4 4 7
QU-168-6.1c 687.64219 0.00604 0 0 7.528963 3.809671 2.12325 17.33155 368.54769 0.28164
6 8
QU-168-7.1c 734.779056 0.00311 0 0 7.758674 2.720985 3.31885 13.46111 429.74369 0.58046
8 5 6
QU-168-9.1c 702.914858 0.01336 0 0 3.52449 3.288272 2.89156 16.60425 436.90755 0.55373
4 7 4 8
QU-168-10.1c 675.78557 0.00948 0 0 5.468256 2.985102 3.13415 15.03919 102.83054 0
8 9 9
QU-168-11.1C 809.220195 0.10214 0.01835 0.12978 9.939558 83.74939 3.49226 2439.986 467.07774 4.06021
5 1 8 8 2
QU-168-12.1C 741.451209 0.02388 0 0.01234 6.80483 1.829091 6.88781 32.50169 380.97840 0.29697
1 7 7 2 7
QU-168-3.3r 696.722022 0.00312 0 0 7.033413 2.879098 3.51303 16.86148 157.24967 1.16319
3 6 1
QU-168-4.3r 651.788638 0 0 0 6.569508 3.380056 2.20424 18.04998 99.326052 0.54323
8 9 6 5
QU-168-5.3r 677.558185 0.00157 0 0 5.95782 3.280385 4.85555 18.02597 167.16357 0.29251
2 3 9 3
QU-168-6.4r 726.254001 0.00315 0 0 6.353599 2.425417 1.96971 15.28867 225.86447 0
5 2 2
QU-168-7.3r 690.492862 0.0285 0.00868 0 3.383623 2.567071 1.43668 13.32452 257.75684 0
6 2 8
QU-168-9.2r 721.362016 0.04404 0 0 3.098541 1.471018 1.30472 10.91661 244.71131 0
8 5
QU-168-11.2E 714.666714 0.00313 0.01285 0.01211 6.682332 2.804592 2.19185 16.6294 208.48618 0.58326
9 2 6 1 2
QU-168-12.2E 713.424715 0.07122 0 0.01150 7.399092 2.199247 3.32457 23.07893 183.52826 0.83034
2 2 9 5
QU-168-10.2r 698.963401 0.03185 0 0 7.563227 3.377479 10.1600 16.62209 159.28736 1.03327
9 8 3 9
QU-168-3.2ingrey 756.604558 0.00155 0 0.01199 9.555457 3.183073 2.72232 17.17066 355.51498 0.28870
7 4 7 5 6
QU-168-4.2ingrey 645.143247 0.00149 0 0 7.091287 2.851327 2.51079 16.09906 57.061045 0
6 2 5
QU-168-5.2indk 717.609282 0 0 0 3.396179 2.763533 1.87256 23.92005 174.88935 0.29643
5 7 3
QU-168-6.2dfin 693.356767 0 0 0 3.852897 2.376298 1.45838 17.57917 178.90368 0
7 6 1
QU-168-6.3grin 705.64999 0.00162 0 0 6.144183 2.590354 2.28116 18.31606 349.69780 0.60332
9 6 8 7
QU-168-7.2ingrey 647.256641 0.00152 0 0 4.338144 2.737065 2.04930 17.84734 78.360538 0
3 2 9
QU210-1.4C 723.694174 0.02471 0.0127 0.03591 6.601584 25.16039 10.3286 66.70052 308.39046 0.57621
7 6 8 8 4
QU210-3.2C 726.523141 0.03583 0 0 9.572326 3.623826 2.35645 26.11711 413.51141 0.27850
6 2 7 4
QU210-4.1C 766.125498 0.00618 0 0.02393 7.332513 2.11589 1.62013 35.45904 304.17795 0
6 6 2
QU210-7.5C 750.529571 0.03516 0.01853 0.03145 6.101798 2.235243 3.04189 31.91359 329.75426 0.25228
5 8 1
QU210-8.1C 696.280375 0.02267 0 0 7.915655 2.995880 1.55974 13.31234 406.03330 0.24872
7 8 4 8
QU210-9.1C 777.429857 0.03631 0 0 7.662735 1.800471 1.72895 13.78163 308.62131 0.25081
9 1 3 3
QU210-4.4E 654.789802 0.02296 0 0 5.451083 2.413476 4.68937 14.58154 77.810099 0.26763
8 7 6 4
QU210-1.1E 676.706746 0.02303 0.01803 0.01275 9.375313 3.263984 14.5457 28.74719 130.38974 0.92060
2 6 6 7
QU210-3.4E 660.846219 0.0299 0.0041 0.02317 8.518352 6.552532 2.69980 20.64319 91.330240 0.55763
3 6 5 4 8
QU210-7.1E 723.014642 0.02758 0 0 10.18724 19.03897 62.0116 624.3049 144.50272 4.57295
7 1
QU210-8.3E 672.665513 0.00707 0.00387 0.01096 4.029922 2.115597 18.1733 10.55409 128.20564 0.52762
3 4 4 9 3
QU210-9.3E 680.529035 0.03877 0.01831 0 7.936078 2.733652 26.0437 13.92593 173.42819 0.24937
4 1 2
QU210-1.2IL 663.754837 0.01148 0.01797 0.01270 5.449476 2.005415 2.64360 13.85171 100.16062 0.30577
6 6 7 3 7
QU210-1.3ID 768.089021 0.09319 0.1231 0.01289 7.507749 2.335942 2.29005 14.86639 593.40806 0.62081

Spot Temp. °C Li Be9 B11 F19 Na Mg Al27 P31 S32
9 8 9 8
QU210-3.1ID 720.262458 0.0489 0.0134 0 5.418506 2.192142 7.57732 10.76086 265.46451 0.91211
2 7 9 8
QU210-3.3IL 680.181887 0.02852 0.00822 0.01163 8.909825 11.86431 2.25264 33.60128 107.81973 0.55993
4 7 8 5
QU210-4.2IL 748.346433 0.03011 0.00825 0 6.791139 2.180853 2.32392 13.69311 264.90236 0
5 6 2
QU210-4.3ID 710.645721 0.02072 0.00406 0 4.920534 2.240239 1.87778 11.64218 219.30114 0.27609
9 1 1 7
QU210-7.2IL 646.069573 0.03655 0.00801 0 5.901001 2.926143 4.13029 11.06801 66.106638 0.54536
2 4 5 2
QU210-7.3ID 629.061801 0.01748 0.03592 0.02258 4.842315 2.481634 3.67707 9.795642 41.885820 0.54341
2 7 4 7
QU210-7.4ID2 702.005495 0.01365 0.01247 0 7.204085 2.322699 1.98969 13.67412 168.82659 0.84888
9 8 4
QU210-8.2ID 712.735996 0.05873 0.00748 0 8.108244 2.517142 2.18508 12.27371 290.44541 0.76434
6 5
QU210-9.2ID 712.569907 0.04878 0 0 4.695458 2.768019 2.55116 12.42261 204.51103 0.24590
9 2 7 4
QU394-1.1C 648.643039 0.00328 0.00899 0.03814 4.284421 2.209272 3.11083 15.95616 231.70324 0.30596
3 5 4 4 9
QU394-1.2ID 717.137017 0.0193 0 0.01150 20.44842 3.335872 1.71121 12.97696 272.05685 0.27695
9 4 8 6
QU394-1.3E 636.103424 0.05572 0 0.01107 5.088706 2.055915 4.90909 14.75 69.194379 0.79949
4 5 8 1 5
QU394-2.1E 727.103806 0.05291 0.00805 0 8.37572 2.264782 5.35976 15.2002 264.43095 3.01565
5 3 9 6
QU394-2.2C 711.68228 0.02373 0.0153 0.02164 6.298837 2.813798 9.99076 15.88544 355.58417 0.26042
4 2 9 4 6
QU394-2.3ID 723.264767 0.02104 0.01153 0.01087 6.993788 2.702960 2.70215 13.21659 265.27205 0
2 9 3
QU394-4.1E 677.287638 0.03132 0.0039 0 5.070794 2.168696 5.62650 12.7414 141.63666 0.26556
6 9 5
QU394-4.2C 700.407486 0.00699 0 0 0.995252 2.821252 2.21705 13.6526 328.10219 0.52121
4 7 2 9
QU394-5.1E 717.14233 0.03571 0 0.01025 5.652319 2.364514 4.73169 16.14756 204.65384 1.48007
1 9 1 5
QU394-5.2C 691.503978 0.04795 0.20397 0.22494 6.591439 528.9655 5.63783 1188.166 187.16297 0.47072
9 8 8 3
QU394-5.3I 702.083967 0.07081 0.02116 0.02993 5.808328 3.144912 1.90456 15.3022 212.47764 0.72043
8 8 6 9
QU394-6.1C 726.029984 0.04613 0.04694 0.02043 7.198011 2.775121 2.26716 16.22581 401.78300 0
2 6 7 3
QU394-6.2IL 729.3088 0.01256 0.00382 0 3.976441 2.292716 1.22428 12.737 261.92058 0.26031
6 4 8
QU394-6.3ID 735.757954 0.10887 0.0155 0.03287 7.721636 44.44711 13.9480 354.8135 615.15832 0.26373
8 6
QU394-6.4E 713.388235 0.05853 0 0 9.050122 3.578641 6.08791 17.38328 225.07586 0
9 5
QU394-7.1C 727.616038 0.08565 0 0 6.560321 22.09658 4.56835 81.78969 360.88866 0.77302
3 9 7 7
QU394-7.1I 737.360728 0.01848 0 0.01023 8.148936 2.339316 2.20808 12.74665 282.08849 0.49242
1 9 6 3
QU394-7.3E 715.471288 0.03815 0 0 9.059009 2.895643 3.43953 13.73741 225.10875 0
1 4 3
QU394-8.1E 687.334666 0.0179 0 0 8.498408 3.039718 2.57804 16.81298 162.86230 0.23842
7 9 6 8
QU394-8.2C 818.501322 0.03954 0.02446 0.03954 8.479296 3.355423 1.53567 10.75081 600.76436 0
2 7 3

Table A5-2 (cont’d): Zircon mineral chemistry data Trace Element routine
Spot Temp. °C K39 Ca40 Sc45 48/49 Ti48 Ti49 V51 Cr Mn
QU242-1.1 797 1.93085 1.12328 253.5710 13.8367 13.580976 13.38559 0.21675439 0.0528281 0.170667
0 0 5
QU242-1.2 738 0.19974 0.75953 127.5573 13.8313 7.1659297 7.065576 0.07624657 0.0460537 0.05801543
3 4 3
QU242-1.3 730 0.23979 0.89594 164.3573 13.7649 6.5479317 6.487387 0.05925245 0.0649854 0.04489338
3 1 8
QU242-3.1 702 0.73902 1.23081 73.43018 13.2142 4.4649205 4.607965 0.0762286 0.0559323 0.22001669
9 7
QU242-3.2 672 0.20201 0.55775 32.80451 12.9608 3.0115945 3.168861 0.02807878 0.0348819 0.03109313
QU242-4.1 720 0.14408 0.61356 139.8736 14.5779 6.1531245 5.756253 0.08481656 0.0217903 0.03640325
6 0 3
QU242-4.2 628 0.21243 0.73432 54.98099 14.8989 1.8856786 1.726041 0.05932386 0.0629552 0.04093256
5 5
QU242-5.1 725 0.27857 0.58070 115.0204 13.6670 6.1255085 6.112327 0.21589786 0.05058 0.0367808
8 5
QU242-5.2 713 0.13738 0.55692 99.72845 14.2646 5.5178389 5.27529 0.13232648 0.0333564 0.03614645
7 6
QU242-6.1 742 0.16314 0.83429 120.3122 13.2819 7.2226258 7.416048 0.09716224 0.0407267 0.04823131
7 5 6
QU242-6.2 767 0.12772 0.66982 120.3123 13.4815 9.6466147 9.758298 0.12799568 0.0379283 0.02784245
8 5 7
QU242-8.1 719 1.23166 1.01605 201.4879 13.3990 5.5858892 5.685348 0.27913833 0.0381012 0.17753872
6 6 2
QU242-8.2 737 0.26027 1.06801 313.8676 13.5400 6.9663055 7.016514 0.11642237 0.0540347 0.03316089
5 5 9
QU242-10.1 732 0.30541 1.76504 117.2902 14.6583 7.1187153 6.623008 0.20666014 0.0538307 0.05833324
0 6 4
QU242-10.2 663 0.99091 6.82709 30.13163 13.3901 2.7502793 2.801112 0.0387635 0.0444272 0.12473469
5 4
QU242-14.1 696 0.80438 1.31125 47.20698 14.0299 4.4314978 4.307575 0.09648189 0.0781870 0.06536066
7 7
QU242-14.2 765 0.29836 1.63155 51.76355 13.9920 9.8372338 9.588089 0.11996255 0.0687451 0.05079212
1 4
QU283-1.1 779 0.15856 0.94732 56.38935 13.2578 10.840046 11.15054 0.15926112 0.0436676 0.03075806
9 5
QU283-1.2 773 0.15446 0.73403 48.02009 13.8168 10.613551 10.4759 0.14557145 0.0515395 0.05026537
4 5
QU283-10.1 781 0.20245 0.51753 65.20018 14.2409 11.819356 11.31863 0.11431618 0.0441141 0.03465783
6 2
QU283-10.2 750 0.27815 130.2997 44.04009 14.0425 8.3824548 8.140757 0.16091424 0.0474071 1.20474502
9 4 6
QU283-11.1 849 0.17559 0.64915 223.8273 13.3349 21.734816 22.22817 0.78259717 0.0332817 0.0478561
9 5 2
QU283-11.2 792 0.20431 0.59327 65.97994 13.3430 12.489497 12.76522 0.26196247 0.0379428 0.03680583
7 1
QU283-11.3 710 0.17523 0.75169 26.44051 13.4591 5.0599035 5.126997 0.0677022 0.0574771 0.05839186
7 6
QU283-15.1 798 0.25182 0.61739 68.80530 13.4979 13.464861 13.60422 1.6711383 0.0450716 0.05976662
4 6
QU283-2.1 794 11.0205 1.30394 42.96202 13.3122 12.66453 12.97407 0.71316757 0.0640340 0.05963205
8 6 9
QU283-2.2 813 0.19711 0.80894 70.04744 13.4246 15.524579 15.77085 0.306474 0.0395957 0.03425691
8 8
QU283-2.3 765 0.21547 1.09212 31.64493 14.2692 9.9876676 9.54557 0.07607084 0.0594446 0.0342214
6 9
QU283-3.1 791 0.27493 0.86455 62.91988 14.1105 12.999926 12.56425 0.30257894 0.0302872 0.04027971
4 3
QU283-3.2 749 0.24818 0.96144 21.82640 13.7109 8.061862 8.018733 0.1131239 0.0486044 0.04740286
9 7
QU283-5.1 803 0.22128 0.89563 89.27766 13.7923 14.474129 14.31179 0.36658962 0.0422927 0.04833653
3 5
QU283-5.2 719 0.21205 1.09458 20.66852 13.8975 5.8075624 5.698957 0.07839831 0.0508855 0.03047302
QU283-6.1 804 0.18706 0.47453 72.01399 13.2802 13.967793 14.34366 0.5705049 0.0496642 0.03531826
7 9
QU283-6.2 788 0.22842 0.70092 63.97168 13.9722 12.519856 12.22003 0.22233791 0.0461010 0.04496135
5 8
QU283-8.1 777 9.96593 0.67340 85.11085 12.7123 10.140993 10.8791 0.82254215 0.0435773 0.04292933
7 7
QU283-8.2 795 0.24830 0.67033 52.32344 13.1075 12.624709 13.13527 0.20530368 0.0525811 0.03496446
5 4
QU393-2.1 817 6.19382 1.61736 198.0576 14.2298 17.053263 16.34355 0.18580022 0.0241985 0.10012263
2 4 8
QU393-2.2OSC_OR 677 0.23326 0.67819 73.48451 12.9935 3.229222 3.389289 0.07564815 0.0642998 0.05057275
7 6
QU393-4.1SZ_UC 843 0.20478 0.59539 163.1107 13.8442 21.275718 20.95828 0.04752877 0.0198084 0.04225971
0 0 4

Spot Temp. °C K39 Ca40 Sc45 48/49 Ti48 Ti49 V51 Cr Mn
QU393-4.2SZ_LC 780 0.18158 0.67925 130.7927 13.9822 11.542044 11.25757 0.03893809 0.0557841 0.03503355
1 5 6
QU393-4.3OSC_OR 785 0.21651 0.84356 57.81869 13.1277 11.430985 11.87499 0.05446682 0.0444130 0.03810118
3 2
QU393- 708 0.17432 0.59397 120.9189 14.0588 5.1110981 4.957976 0.05327482 0.055508 0.04511309
16.1OSC_ILC 6 2
QU393- 721 0.17060 0.57139 275.4376 14.2517 6.0617535 5.800538 0.23154771 0.0445795 0.02557494
16.2OSC_IDC 9 8
QU393- 654 0.18961 2.19727 56.76530 13.1822 2.3896779 2.472232 0.06119838 0.0505712 0.01786992
16.3OSC_OLR 4 1
QU393-6.1OSC_DC 769 34.8679 1.54696 138.9871 12.8291 9.4207025 10.01443 0.36121933 0.0352150 0.47402515
0 3 0 6
QU393-6.2OSC_DR 676 0.36259 1.04901 95.17509 14.9352 3.6524248 3.335087 0.0729486 0.0534099 0.03839933
8 5
QU393-7.1OSC_DC 771 0.16508 0.67986 57.00168 13.6726 10.200789 10.17471 0.0777177 0.0465178 0.03920674
0 3
QU393- 703 0.12953 0.57332 83.45071 12.5410 4.322316 4.700272 0.06204706 0.0454283 0.02982081
QU393-7.3OSC_DR 706 0.21268 0.53126 164.1204 12.8344 4.5511654 4.835981 0.10783823 0.0400181 0.02626938
3 5 3
QU393-9.1OSC_LC 770 9.61450 0.88176 105.2527 13.6453 10.058419 10.05275 1.05401243 0.0260996 0.22517394
5 3 9
QU393-9.2OSC_DC 703 0.17155 0.48388 196.9013 13.4639 4.6056652 4.665072 0.09435243 0.0390109 0.04311934
5 7 2
QU393- 718 25.0629 0.89145 65.13380 14.8475 6.1013163 5.60414 0.06079798 0.0513620 0.15445112
9.3OSC_LINT 5 1 5
QU393-9.4OSC_LR 697 0.23665 0.80231 67.49986 14.6369 4.6591368 4.341052 0.0868577 0.0335180 0.05312021
2 1
QU395-1.1 725 3.49539 0.84642 86.28669 12.9542 5.7754826 6.080148 0.18228867 0.0420559 0.0915146
QU395-1.2 688 0.21879 0.99466 41.11461 14.1085 4.0292069 3.894727 0.0992719 0.0344777 0.07005284
3 3
QU395-1.3 689 0.30537 1.32393 130.3190 14.1349 4.0725835 3.929298 0.13163138 0.1164473 0.08202171
6 5 8
QU395-3.1 697 0.29312 1.32869 135.9186 14.9505 4.7602862 4.342252 0.56221169 0.0363273 0.05904876
6 5 5
QU395-3.2 683 0.36677 2.24257 38.00625 11.1647 2.9923116 3.655073 0.0531102 0.1501990 0.11243424
7 3
QU395-4.1 799 0.26627 1.40156 76.76672 13.2159 13.207929 13.62938 0.17846342 0.0780506 0.0578371
3 9
QU395-4.2 717 0.28305 0.93973 64.25494 14.2536 5.7881254 5.537968 0.05514065 0.0707102 0.06824373
7 1
QU395-6.1 767 0.35040 1.76548 174.2534 13.0000 9.354723 9.813563 0.61236601 0.0866652 0.07772197
3 0 1
QU395-6.2 737 0.37604 1.62737 64.67461 13.8559 7.1301317 7.017799 0.05160349 0.0636709 0.06209689
3 9
QU395-7.1 720 ##### 13.62240 144.9952 13.3196 5.6413937 5.776083 0.56254159 0.0408244 0.17893124
# 7 3 4
QU395-7.2 712 0.26334 1.26806 76.01987 13.2327 5.0917518 5.247568 0.06917527 0.0397147 0.04184114
0 8
QU395-9.1 720 0.21971 0.88189 126.4277 13.4784 5.6483623 5.715053 0.07717498 0.0438600 0.03683462
6 9 1
QU395-9.2 759 ##### 2.34236 72.56172 19.8617 13.053913 8.963206 1.54546493 0.0346467 1.2121557
# 0 3
QU395-13.1 709 0.19025 0.71100 145.2060 12.6013 4.6316495 5.012556 0.3141909 0.0405304 0.06968152
6 1 4
QU395-13.2 715 0.25041 0.93058 73.94547 12.9280 5.1309107 5.412545 0.06989581 0.0715016 0.03874107
2 1
QU335-2.1 796 0.22260 1.31106 127.1354 12.8537 12.557174 13.32302 0.18478188 0.0446100 0.06106272
8 0 5
QU335-2.2 690 0.20511 0.99712 56.51852 14.8218 4.3230857 3.977698 0.07923085 0.0463096 0.04418296
1 9
QU335-3.1 759 2.69481 1.01765 112.3469 13.9588 9.1704491 8.959412 0.16197841 0.0394523 0.05344023
6 7 2
QU335-3.2 686 0.19380 1.17261 49.40803 13.1437 3.6531645 3.790423 0.08145829 0.0636546 0.04406982
9 6
QU335-4.1 777 0.24416 1.09138 51.13848 14.2934 11.438266 10.91346 0.26553118 0.0497126 0.03864639
4 6
QU335-4.2 809 0.57034 1.02280 64.22206 14.0453 15.615547 15.16226 0.25790594 0.0303766 0.04367893
4 9
QU335-5.1LTRIM 791 0.15143 0.71814 67.76650 12.6721 11.707463 12.59943 0.11407601 0.0375340 0.0237262
7 6
QU335-5.2LTCORE 773 0.15404 0.98583 63.10475 13.7954 10.582588 10.46153 0.08324447 0.0226262 0.03524569
5 4
QU335-5.3DKSEC 772 0.33475 1.34866 57.23783 13.1124 9.9735434 10.37302 0.2007503 0.0490898 0.04857008
3 4
QU335-6.1LTCORE 756 0.25809 1.16912 80.64862 13.2047 8.3727213 8.647236 0.11838075 0.0533872 0.04937429
0 9
QU335-6.2DKRIM 642 0.25520 1.14523 51.32769 13.2433 2.0546565 2.115827 0.0547253 0.0623648 0.04778953

Spot Temp. °C K39 Ca40 Sc45 48/49 Ti48 Ti49 V51 Cr Mn
6 4
QU335-10.1CORE 828 0.33823 1.52008 58.59297 13.6417 18.172794 18.16738 0.06615802 0.0447121 0.06207908
0 6
QU335-10.2grrim 776 0.20845 1.52940 55.20756 13.7511 10.918798 10.82866 0.23876395 0.0708044 0.06532138
6 8
QU335-12.1c 807 0.25214 1.44968 90.14545 13.3009 14.466892 14.83311 0.22008411 0.0375917 0.04277279
3 4
QU335-12.2dkrim 720 5.59185 1.17525 45.44122 12.8198 5.41257 5.757825 0.07103956 0.0740174 0.04845922
9 1
QU050-1.1C 713 4.95974 3.00982 76.85786 15.4704 6.0295734 5.25499 0.09029756 0.0500594 0
8 8
QU050-3.3C 721 0.56362 3.21704 125.6247 14.9650 6.4506544 5.811866 0.02431814 0.0579809 0.12621398
1 1
QU050-5.1C 742 64.8566 7.25869 138.6429 15.0997 8.333763 7.441486 1.4634309 0.0932739 0.48058643
6 6 7 8
QU050-6.4C 726 0.50401 3.01055 88.91399 15.3463 7.0009266 6.150908 0.07717678 0.0632440 0.14738877
5 2
QU050-7.2C 862 5.95000 11.43493 861.5998 13.4555 25.058415 25.10966 2.48827533 0.0652778 2.21401501
2 6 8
QU050-8.2C 1891 0.27921 3.03937 149.0154 13.3424 3338.4364 3373.63 15.8115344 0.7310428 168.813394
7 2 5
QU050-9.1C 728 0.34416 2.59851 192.9049 14.1223 6.6028042 6.30392 0.024062 0.0529571 0.09549998
3 4 1
QU050-10.1C 728 0.42769 4.05418 133.7130 13.5306 6.318738 6.296513 0.06712962 0.0441966 0.12507048
1 7 1
QU050-11.3C 721 0.53007 2.72901 87.80188 14.6820 6.3570973 5.837954 0.00650509 0.0584603 0.10426563
QU050-12.1C 721 0.55570 3.24763 98.00952 13.4675 5.7976679 5.804359 0.04482005 0.0317470 0.15193521
3 7
QU050-3.1E 694 0.61996 4.75818 88.61176 12.9230 3.9876584 4.160456 0.13826185 0.0842398 0.16026055
8 9
QU050-6.1E 715 0.42925 2.73559 68.81899 12.8085 5.1218293 5.391543 0.05837154 0.0889906 0.06237312
8 1
QU050-7.3E 692 0.38152 2.40384 66.08938 13.6858 4.1640067 4.102319 0.09748214 0.0434408 0.11363443
2 6
QU050-8.1E 693 0.40588 2.69737 47.06196 13.9221 4.2923155 4.156951 0.06985955 0.0807193 0.07464868
3 6
QU050-9.3E 699 0.42565 2.47359 156.3758 12.0860 4.0138965 4.477873 0.03290625 0.0633693 0.09142142
8 2 1
QU050-10.4E 700 2.24063 5.27921 94.35981 13.2915 4.4339169 4.49782 0.15653138 0.0830054 0.26907391
1 4
QU050-11.1E 685 0.81570 3.27105 75.46021 12.2231 3.3738385 3.721606 0.0693663 0.0728631 0.1212899
4 1
QU050-12.3E 663 0.51261 2.86753 48.83486 14.0526 2.9391859 2.82006 0.09661827 0.0664161 0.15283037
3 7
QU050-3.2I 796 0.98981 4.89988 224.0880 13.5101 13.283293 13.25672 0.18760495 0.1057407 0.13690356
4 0 3
QU050-5.2ID 771 0.37613 2.27924 225.1399 13.6775 10.40678 10.2588 0.19138073 0.0572508 0.09927212
8 6 1
QU050-6.2IL 670 0.51114 2.92933 71.26752 15.5459 3.532305 3.063585 0.06450935 0.0523069 0.09432758
5 8
QU050-6.3ID 733 0.55918 3.20878 121.2226 12.1626 6.0136824 6.666535 0.12425626 0.0461781 0.08385756
8 8 7
QU050-7.1I 735 0.47708 3.06621 134.6937 13.6579 6.9278552 6.839148 0.1482145 0.0384842 0.13524168
9 6 1
QU050-8.3ID 743 0.44836 2.94051 108.0382 13.0559 7.2830572 7.521343 0.17576366 0.0723788 0.06378551
5 1 2
QU050-9.2ID 690 0.48904 2.68161 30.52120 13.1702 3.8819035 3.974119 0.05547583 0.0756732 0.0963282
QU050-10.2ID 747 0.50593 2.99999 168.9896 13.3182 7.7875606 7.883926 0.13972953 0.0570785 0.08822774
9 7 5
QU050-10.3IL 798 0.52047 3.26069 141.8741 13.5747 13.671059 13.57873 0.09865798 0.0395814 0.13177667
2 5 4
QU050-11.2ID 735 0.26891 2.13168 100.9980 13.6428 6.9337707 6.852564 0.11707997 0.0214730 0.06434034
4 6 6
QU050-12.2I 679 0.57740 2.70672 72.16790 13.5726 3.4778823 3.45493 0.11654532 0.0505227 0.14879497
5 3
QU138-1.1C 723.32848 0.67203 3.13610 83.99270 12.8927 5.7139367 5.975552 0.04426528 0.0549961 0.13427045
4 7 3
QU138-2.1C 634.26452 0.38056 1.54625 42.22002 13.3568 1.8696702 1.887335 0.07120536 0.0350889 0.05533581
3 8 6
QU138-5.1C 703.22079 0.75710 3.09058 56.31411 13.6410 4.7469568 4.691991 0.0752321 0.0570013 0.14760045
3 3 7
QU138-6.1C 697.88773 0.50907 2.42687 64.05515 12.6147 4.1101935 4.393122 0.04975582 0.0458613 0.07088901
9 3 4
QU138-6.3C 675.20337 0.55198 4.65694 37.99344 12.6115 3.0801774 3.293044 0.02671506 0.0810674 0.11418591
1 1
QU138-8.1C 761.02250 0.27948 1.51725 132.6276 13.1140 8.9164449 9.167388 0.16815695 0.0417843 0.07535165
8 6 0 6

Spot Temp. °C K39 Ca40 Sc45 48/49 Ti48 Ti49 V51 Cr Mn
QU138-10.1C 736.55662 0.60244 3.01496 89.99290 14.0439 7.2591648 6.969252 0.10206313 0.0369578 0.0671138
8 6 2
QU138-11.1c 724.51218 0.65285 3.68729 110.7381 13.6079 6.1155103 6.059383 0.05599629 0.0401246 0.1558494
6 3 7 7
QU138-1.3E 694.55851 0.48409 2.99396 59.87303 14.8233 4.6336881 4.214728 0.07769015 0.0559951 0.08738535
2 4 5
QU138-2.4R 718.29506 0.48202 2.96887 278.9989 14.6055 6.0984216 5.629744 0.20427005 0.0568733 0.18408607
9 7 4 1
QU138-5.3R 699.70898 0.49258 3.09171 140.7699 14.8672 4.9546285 4.493347 0.11841013 0.0701626 0.06673981
4 5 3 7
QU138-8.3R 669.50264 0.65474 3.57715 122.6997 15.3181 3.4722503 3.056277 0.18772675 0.0432156 0.14387582
7 4 8 3
QU138-10.4r 687.45404 0.49323 3.16157 52.72203 13.1067 3.7466178 3.854188 0.08717643 0.0433239 0.10216746
4 6 5
QU138-11.2rIM 723.58644 0.59199 3.32123 124.4041 13.1198 5.8322713 5.993739 0.08859884 0.0590890 0.11311532
8 5 5 1
QU138-1.2I 733.54187 0.49301 2.54481 65.06055 13.3177 6.6489894 6.731545 0.05902871 0.0360872 0.10812916
2 2
QU138-2.2ID 731.90737 18.6980 6.04763 111.4452 13.8737 6.7968852 6.605501 0.1779077 0.0779053 3.90818253
1 9 3 3 1
QU138-2.3ID 749.22029 0.51286 3.391527 170.5000 13.5062 8.0587566 8.044952 0.20745952 0.0558993 0.09852516
6 5 4
QU138-5.2IG 728.60035 0.5934 3.196187 132.7331 13.373 6.3045812 6.356453 0.12217909 0.0588216 0.0870366
1 6 9
QU138-6.2DI 724.58848 0.51104 2.715651 118.7403 13.3763 6.0167817 6.06482 0.08772814 0.0391751 0.09781796
2 7 3
QU138-8.2ingrey 679.60454 0.45207 2.37381 32.56982 12.6764 3.2775984 3.486182 0.08577131 0.0500528 0.09442854
3 9 4
QU138-10.2indark 714.56440 3.68634 9.788744 146.5608 13.0292 5.2030554 5.384306 0.26993846 0.0620698 0.1492445
8 4 3
QU138-10.3outgrey 709.75578 0.63054 3.136734 144.5812 14.2051 5.3532378 5.08113 0.13222443 0.0480113 0.11417283
8 7 5
QU138-11.2ingrey 660.34721 0.42624 2.575864 66.84574 15.7521 3.1613483 2.705963 0.06520027 0.0365264 0.10133816
1 4
QU-168-3.1c 724.20996 0.28386 2.663054 89.66349 13.8806 6.2158888 6.037887 0.04385376 0.0450408 0.12853054
1 1
QU-168-4.1c 681.24467 0.51391 2.914125 108.1367 13.6177 3.5961003 3.560539 0.05915953 0.0487233 0.12881572
4 5
QU-168-5.1c 688.41694 0.2742 1.422247 87.69257 13.7622 3.9822604 3.901488 0.03908354 0.0301061 0.05011543
QU-168-6.1c 687.64219 3.69092 3.325781 118.2052 14.094 4.0384499 3.863393 0.03046536 0.0550472 0.14950664
2 3
QU-168-7.1c 734.77905 0.49626 2.701658 159.9838 13.1728 6.6711138 6.828269 0.10232401 0.0686692 0.05963928
6 2
QU-168-9.1c 702.91485 0.53178 2.58027 151.6677 12.2037 4.2308596 4.6744 0.11979721 0.1082295 0.11852753
8 1 6
QU-168-10.1c 675.78557 0.55191 2.748676 28.50646 13.9315 3.4284316 3.318066 0.0374566 0.0285929 0.10384703
3 3
QU-168-11.1C 809.22019 1829.04 8.459206 127.6960 17.5809 19.783132 15.17204 1.62540978 0.0514059 3.94699308
5 1 1
QU-168-12.1C 741.45120 0.28346 2.474719 112.6813 13.7181 7.4984195 7.369948 0.03331421 0.0336049 0.08645232
9 7 7
QU-168-3.3r 696.72202 0.41208 3.234785 58.27395 14.5722 4.6797097 4.329955 0.05941681 0.0807685 0.10955145
2 9 6
QU-168-4.3r 651.78863 0.52646 3.033975 53.24009 13.5066 2.413839 2.409633 0.0609388 0.0530883 0.09767456
8 4 1
QU-168-5.3r 677.55818 0.52928 3.139804 56.65636 14.8721 3.7449988 3.395234 0.06914265 0.0421270 0.10017983
5 2 9
QU-168-6.4r 726.25400 0.38338 2.951563 129.4527 12.4416 5.7067831 6.184513 0.08704208 0.0453031 0.08546784
1 6 3
QU-168-7.3r 690.49286 0.39949 2.314182 85.72833 13.8674 4.1192861 4.005113 0.05797785 0.0303812 0.1314909
2 8 4
QU-168-9.2r 721.36201 0.34921 1.73878 85.22850 14.2668 6.1777792 5.838411 0.07313836 0.0469488 0.06773195
6 3 1
QU-168-11.2E 714.66671 0.40643 2.81215 76.17961 13.0021 5.1986144 5.390916 0.06893412 0.0600000 0.09987769
4 6 5
QU-168-12.2E 713.42471 0.70989 2.376378 98.49918 13.8697 5.4634024 5.311125 0.04989974 0.0455559 0.17062576
5 5 6
QU-168-10.2r 698.96340 0.57934 3.160261 60.37613 13.4218 4.4318453 4.452089 0.06519984 0.0372026 0.14155077
1 9 1
QU-168-3.2ingrey 756.60455 0.46322 2.911828 157.7013 14.5452 9.4209843 8.73303 0.12954563 0.0683080 0.15820166
8 6 6
QU-168-4.2ingrey 645.14324 0.45016 2.781573 92.71053 12.6238 2.0586959 2.198834 0.04686742 0.0458438 0.1001607
7 8 5
QU-168-5.2indk 717.60928 0.4843 3.124683 56.36934 12.751 5.2807733 5.583943 0.08432048 0.0335433 0.07106553
2 8
QU-168-6.2dfin 693.35676 0.43245 2.588756 78.54997 13.8433 4.2627629 4.151838 0.05335396 0.0529300 0.1036574
7 3 5
QU-168-6.3grin 705.64999 0.50874 3.126123 214.5108 14.3634 5.1492341 4.833635 0.12206529 0.0527544 0.08781648

Spot Temp. °C K39 Ca40 Sc45 48/49 Ti48 Ti49 V51 Cr Mn
5 5
QU-168-7.2ingrey 647.25664 0.43569 3.536416 64.63912 14.5539 2.4439363 2.264117 0.07509194 0.0730346 0.08753429
1 2 2
QU210-1.4C 723.69417 3.71156 3.393147 131.2113 12.3246 5.4856973 6.001347 0.10619159 0.0296375 0.14800618
4 4 1
QU210-3.2C 726.52314 1.22313 3.972162 107.9918 13.4754 6.2005241 6.204038 0.04463138 0.0286496 0.3910664
1 1 8
QU210-4.1C 766.12549 0.44354 2.512268 76.85986 13.259 9.5300184 9.691073 0.06346177 0.0562914 0.09863608
8 8 6
QU210-7.5C 750.52957 2.97376 3.199485 86.39164 13.3164 8.0626743 8.163576 0.09702912 0.0311423 0.20304159
1 6 6
QU210-8.1C 696.28037 0.42675 2.283541 102.4525 14.9391 4.7712318 4.306222 0.07174737 0.0409385 0.08518434
5 6 9
QU210-9.1C 777.42985 0.42298 1.773105 108.4584 14.276 11.582433 10.93913 0.20398361 0.0541823 0.04294924
7 6
QU210-4.4E 654.78980 0.5109 2.450566 95.87321 13.2125 2.4598915 2.510267 0.04717828 0.0468034 0.10082504
2 7 4
QU210-1.1E 676.70674 0.44564 3.472349 49.53314 12.9464 3.2243299 3.357983 0.0491769 0.0568215 0.09984149
6 5 5
QU210-3.4E 660.84621 2.81312 3.0557 66.96328 12.888 2.6039149 2.724145 0.08266139 0.0544959 0.44402786
9 2 2
QU210-7.1E 723.01464 11.1463 7.191962 36.68550 14.015 6.188364 5.953487 0.13397101 0.1705266 2.887575
2 9 8
QU210-8.3E 672.66551 0.37693 2.233118 43.32071 14.3528 3.3912982 3.185809 0.02959376 0.0379935 0.05421003
3 1 2
QU210-9.3E 680.52903 0.44975 2.572351 57.51291 13.5994 3.5583829 3.527933 0.04196062 0.0359136 0.11102536
5 3 9
QU210-1.2IL 663.75483 0.35632 2.267195 30.76164 15.346 3.2234948 2.832181 0.05635225 0.0408917 0.11519466
7 9 9
QU210-1.3ID 768.08902 0.2981 2.509465 331.3269 14.4914 10.639328 9.899019 0.12311698 0.0351248 0.12225507
1 5 8
QU210-3.1ID 720.26245 0.28486 2.05602 113.2663 13.6619 5.839288 5.762874 0.08282989 0.0437870 0.07809545
8 8 4
QU210-3.3IL 680.18188 6.16746 3.05573 51.04589 12.3925 3.2281288 3.512207 0.07515028 0.0374402 0.26367854
7 5 3
QU210-4.2IL 748.34643 5.40768 2.14328 94.95133 14.1763 8.3761741 7.966572 0.13723835 0.0404373 0.71640433
3 3 8
QU210-4.3ID 710.64572 0.32658 2.166803 116.7810 13.5819 5.1737999 5.136142 0.11061419 0.0227216 0.11346929
1 7 7
QU210-7.2IL 646.06957 0.76165 4.474124 87.89827 11.9187 1.9688264 2.22725 0.01310946 0.0252455 0.40156714
3 6 8
QU210-7.3ID 629.06180 0.48368 2.320269 70.76673 12.7394 1.6554446 1.752084 0.05442791 0.0279505 0.09305462
1 2 9
QU210-7.4ID2 702.00549 0.41755 2.171843 81.05326 11.5622 3.9638987 4.622437 0.03741015 0.0669487 0.09690848
5 2 8
QU210-8.2ID 712.73599 0.41475 2.386526 112.1129 13.5444 5.29127 5.267304 0.12044686 0.0497973 0.08725689
6 5 7
QU210-9.2ID 712.56990 0.4939 2.266296 63.59538 14.0951 5.4953832 5.256781 0.07684364 0.0252960 0.09684952
7 7 5
QU394-1.1C 648.64303 0.34221 2.937523 52.50109 14.5544 2.4911974 2.307824 0.04290364 0.0786874 0.08383057
9 9 6
QU394-1.2ID 717.13701 0.46545 95.48736 98.76063 13.7232 5.6514687 5.552582 0.08432804 0.0598297 0.49797092
7 7 3
QU394-1.3E 636.10342 0.75998 2.258033 68.76746 12.9301 1.8577537 1.937202 0.00427074 0.0575706 0.0867067
4 9
QU394-2.1E 727.10380 0.51692 2.38247 117.6515 12.6621 5.8659972 6.246336 0.08786735 0.0789650 0.11736371
6 6
QU394-2.2C 711.68228 0.44377 10.80329 125.3758 14.3288 5.5270503 5.200841 0.06573156 0.0401850 3.46505972
6 1
QU394-2.3ID 723.26476 0.40291 2.495745 131.6942 11.9486 5.2915277 5.971067 0.11110298 0.0376779 0.05823975
7 7 5
QU394-4.1E 677.28763 0.49295 3.106676 50.25404 14.2025 3.5638763 3.38336 0.05426022 0.0546362 0.09094894
8 1 3
QU394-4.2C 700.40748 0.59211 2.77575 103.1066 14.2404 4.7868772 4.532288 0.06368954 0.0616602 0.11602937
6 1 8
QU394-5.1E 717.14233 0.43046 2.512753 75.77491 12.474 5.1373346 5.552934 0.10475787 0.0583644 0.07603431
QU394-5.2C 691.50397 50.5183 45.31689 143.9465 14.263 4.2910656 4.056412 0.14332694 0.0677925 0.24181975
8 3
QU394-5.3I 702.08396 0.60608 3.275965 92.23843 14.1684 4.8620658 4.626902 0.04810544 0.0444668 0.09869421
7 4 2
QU394-6.1C 726.02998 0.51682 2.981936 159.1382 13.3287 6.0976589 6.168301 0.12705771 0.0531092 0.09682677
4 2 3
QU394-6.2IL 729.3088 0.39175 2.450357 130.1661 12.5746 5.9773001 6.40914 0.10116067 0.0589117 0.08469345
9 6
QU394-6.3ID 735.75795 33.8872 15.36148 250.4487 14.8761 7.6190862 6.905612 0.14897976 0.0596856 1.35483278
4 1 9
QU394-6.4E 713.38823 0.4728 2.774052 68.21457 13.4972 5.3143563 5.308796 0.0651033 0.0652983 0.11739324
5 2 8

Spot Temp. °C K39 Ca40 Sc45 48/49 Ti48 Ti49 V51 Cr Mn
QU394-7.1C 727.61603 66.1672 13.20436 138.7718 13.8446 6.4523143 6.283847 0.13936558 0.0556647 0.53390431
8 7
QU394-7.1I 737.36072 0.40945 2.704344 139.5373 13.3324 6.9552204 7.033813 0.10258587 0.0506551 0.07588973
8 2 5
QU394-7.3E 715.47128 0.66526 2.761927 107.1531 14.1898 5.7284333 5.443135 0.07331314 0.0549045 0.10445202
8 6 1
QU394-8.1E 687.33466 0.62828 2.947363 57.58965 13.8596 3.955816 3.848358 0.06400015 0.0882974 0.10615387
6 4 3
QU394-8.2C 818.50132 0.4402 2.480134 244.9221 13.768 16.98403 16.63252 0.23064487 0.0318134 0.09776783
2 4 8

Table A5-2 (cont’d): Zircon mineral chemistry data Trace Element routine
Spot Temp. Fe56 Ge74 Y89 Nb93 Zr94H Zr96/Si3 La139 Ce140 Pr141
°C 0
QU242-1.1 797 13.1848856 0.114842 1347.187 3.5542355 2.8706005 2.255976 0.012902 34.86113 0.187696
4 4
QU242-1.2 738 0.73677593 0.244727 521.5291 2.0529662 2.5371952 2.275364 0.007498 16.43579 0.057079
QU242-1.3 730 0.7264784 0.209290 687.3078 2.9445843 2.4973368 2.240345 0.00529 24.21856 0.032217
5 3
QU242-3.1 702 1.97924216 0.194545 499.8586 1.7976619 2.6296051 2.261729 0.04098 20.56529 0.077641
QU242-3.2 672 0.53035624 0.184816 268.3962 1.6162588 2.697427 2.236489 0.003664 16.28884 0.048346
9 9
QU242-4.1 720 0.686897 0.339190 1106.799 2.0453221 2.6433935 2.265250 0.009855 23.46467 0.108028
6 6
QU242-4.2 628 0.6121349 0.342835 216.2743 1.1842926 2.6580198 2.262499 0.001864 11.59504 0.034048
QU242-5.1 725 0.76249713 0.282925 962.7346 3.3989531 2.7762444 2.350171 0.013003 32.39982 0.052791
6 3
QU242-5.2 713 0.64500719 0.279309 1127.933 5.3603696 2.8547854 2.249574 0.006336 55.97837 0.055123
9 5
QU242-6.1 742 0.79947882 0.247336 1068.871 5.6034031 2.5279463 2.298020 0.006631 68.55274 0.069225
9 4
QU242-6.2 767 0.56114984 0.200958 802.4912 2.5182914 2.6243752 2.294316 0.006972 24.0956 0.020219
QU242-8.1 719 6.55942762 0.269957 1187.12 3.4388612 2.5925698 2.258971 0.010339 27.20779 0.054568
QU242-8.2 737 0.92358153 0.223743 1890.524 8.1323136 2.4802662 2.223804 0.007182 71.97902 0.058315
8 4
QU242-10.1 732 0.83354459 0.281719 1141.231 4.4684778 2.1006959 2.188241 0.007304 47.96228 0.059305
4 7
QU242-10.2 663 0.64431047 0.253643 181.8326 0.9113232 2.0536738 2.245088 0.098639 10.67076 0.040046
9 8
QU242-14.1 696 0.89903326 0.302168 324.4384 0.7868262 2.2540877 2.208573 0.010912 10.79223 0.02215
6 4
QU242-14.2 765 0.88746617 0.161017 316.3244 1.0318166 2.2749594 2.215668 0.008479 13.8846 0.04131
2 2
QU283-1.1 779 0.82856018 0.210952 309.8707 0.7289737 3.2099637 2.279850 0.008295 9.124221 0.028865
2 5
QU283-1.2 773 0.81152531 0.241866 380.5894 1.4263208 3.2037781 2.387584 0.002398 12.87236 0.038935
6 4
QU283-10.1 781 0.71974054 0.142072 390.5043 0.6878713 3.0273753 2.314717 0.016759 11.79913 0.0486
7 3
QU283-10.2 750 2.43988275 0.223431 290.3883 1.0054237 2.4960807 2.226409 1.882608 15.24059 0.248402
5 2
QU283-11.1 849 0.7379305 0.222617 1585.399 4.2831963 2.7538415 2.239689 0.011463 46.15041 0.126921
QU283-11.2 792 0.749964 0.248337 393.9425 1.138378 2.6778046 2.281148 0.004982 16.3186 0.048543
QU283-11.3 710 2.59069221 0.214558 177.2915 1.3659291 2.6479329 2.333880 0.008508 12.34979 0.034539
6 1
QU283-15.1 798 8.10834784 0.183355 699.7235 1.5078699 2.7787483 2.248652 0.127457 23.24579 0.082323
6 4
QU283-2.1 794 1.53567608 0.296450 1362.682 1.8501311 3.1338204 2.249872 0.077108 40.4299 0.171955
5 5
QU283-2.2 813 0.6575995 0.222133 382.6218 0.8997651 2.9646837 2.257965 0.009358 16.49784 0.016886
5 5
QU283-2.3 765 1.02374687 0.191446 239.5416 0.9814457 2.7742995 2.222206 0.008066 12.34194 0.040931
QU283-3.1 791 0.6438911 0.239421 488.3605 1.401653 3.026512 2.274272 0.011207 13.66589 0.054601
8 1
QU283-3.2 749 0.84146391 0.164360 111.6574 0.6352897 2.7227029 2.243866 0.002968 7.093161 0.028112
9 6
QU283-5.1 803 0.97993017 0.268157 753.6717 0.7782724 2.8195342 2.249272 0.013987 14.9803 0.144149
3 8
QU283-5.2 719 0.70884162 0.297572 139.1818 0.6853704 2.9112767 2.286062 0.005451 7.226689 0.044258
4 6
QU283-6.1 804 0.61616102 0.224926 922.23 0.9822544 3.0827999 2.345916 0.021479 17.86875 0.112849
QU283-6.2 788 0.84617851 0.178166 379.6971 1.3129657 2.8244419 2.228646 0.004691 16.77441 0.049519
2 8
QU283-8.1 777 1.25918259 0.191378 726.517 1.0029011 2.7913016 2.278835 0.0172 17.84857 0.087289
QU283-8.2 795 0.83188719 0.242466 264.318 0.9273173 2.6429375 2.247680 0.007783 12.58824 0.027648
1 5
QU393-2.1 817 10.612017 0.212545 2170.755 4.2615911 3.778668 2.196712 0.010745 54.07066 0.09452
3 3
QU393-2.2OSC_OR 677 0.47001769 0.160321 559.1004 2.4884948 3.4673553 2.208954 0 21.75273 0.020566
8 1

Spot Temp. Fe56 Ge74 Y89 Nb93 Zr94H Zr96/Si3 La139 Ce140 Pr141
°C 0
QU393-4.1SZ_UC 843 0.63290014 0.454535 1322.04 2.779856 4.3080589 2.288242 0.034267 26.331 0.098202
9 1
QU393-4.2SZ_LC 780 0.84578885 0.146992 639.0548 1.0466017 4.5847207 2.327916 0.018578 11.7532 0.075424
1 8
QU393-4.3OSC_OR 785 0.49202414 0.143035 228.0892 0.7196903 4.542212 2.320583 0 6.168519 0
4 7
QU393- 708 0.43909654 0.268151 911.2281 1.8051288 4.6340767 2.374489 0.006162 21.57369 0.050034
16.1OSC_ILC 3
QU393- 721 0.26621357 0.430714 1688.249 11.256745 4.2907392 2.311850 0.006404 67.92148 0.060669
16.2OSC_IDC 6 1
QU393- 654 0.37069299 0.212436 401.7303 2.0208029 5.0046458 2.180300 0.00716 11.6668 0.065403
16.3OSC_OLR 9 5
QU393-6.1OSC_DC 769 7.20180863 0.276443 981.0258 2.9070444 4.1867252 2.191511 0.123631 32.43232 0.116388
4 7
QU393-6.2OSC_DR 676 0.66286443 0.158779 542.1385 2.4193268 4.3052506 2.208614 0.001672 21.72951 0.027157
QU393-7.1OSC_DC 771 0.31232846 0.199752 550.5991 0.4551231 3.1762055 2.232997 0.011221 11.70252 0.068331
1 9
QU393- 703 0.48145153 0.286983 785.4222 3.6828482 3.3772718 2.345506 0.007112 47.44198 0.051973
7.2OSC_DINT 1 3
QU393-7.3OSC_DR 706 0.37110005 0.252805 1184.179 6.158144 3.3494914 2.261846 0.008771 53.2001 0.040696
6 8
QU393-9.1OSC_LC 770 1.85253187 0.174577 1773.151 3.4362468 3.5387744 2.322627 0.145463 39.86853 0.145981
7 6
QU393-9.2OSC_DC 703 0.50918376 0.256300 1286.346 13.173569 3.7621949 2.307952 0.008892 57.07631 0.030944
5 2
QU393- 718 7.17881204 0.330830 487.5371 1.6865765 3.4460009 2.372211 0.054357 23.0066 0.03961
9.3OSC_LINT 4 4
QU393-9.4OSC_LR 697 0.6045847 0.178112 722.2943 3.4402417 3.4379021 2.398292 0.006822 45.13144 0.066468
8 8
QU395-1.1 725 1.16081534 0.262149 527.0061 1.2617808 3.3971191 2.196144 0.026506 16.71233 0.062773
8 7
QU395-1.2 688 0.48959974 0.360873 446.8113 2.2769415 4.6038971 2.778198 0.007017 24.64421 0.085464
6 5
QU395-1.3 689 0.68958914 0.225016 946.7623 5.9813391 4.3586517 2.737811 0.00632 47.71854 0.094079
3 6
QU395-3.1 697 0.79849353 0.394857 1761.078 11.820528 5.9459323 3.206121 0.025877 55.96133 0.045024
7 9
QU395-3.2 683 1.15362666 0.190944 415.1848 2.8713716 5.4368758 3.181113 0.032178 20.56647 0.026127
8 9
QU395-4.1 799 0.78236885 0.177436 579.9762 0.85909 3.8277832 2.655557 0.022426 14.82263 0.068284
2 2
QU395-4.2 717 0.87326192 0.213494 431.4539 3.0158919 3.7674953 2.563781 0.010793 14.00276 0.014606
4 2
QU395-6.1 767 1.06725679 0.303173 4029.102 5.2464971 3.4129157 2.314357 0.176382 111.0361 0.819796
QU395-6.2 737 0.81566545 0.232398 370.61 1.1213043 2.9885647 2.294534 0.009215 11.40875 0.037411
QU395-7.1 720 6.43337193 0.225391 1131.847 5.2878552 3.371842 2.232650 0.442732 50.52395 0.101196
QU395-7.2 712 0.59996622 0.298443 813.495 4.2013387 3.3246693 2.352118 0.00958 48.9541 0.082645
4 7
QU395-9.1 720 0.53272051 0.211881 919.2139 4.1597761 3.5929046 2.266435 0.003571 33.38926 0.101472
5 9
QU395-9.2 759 6.86107636 0.223164 1185.528 4.4036889 3.6671433 2.290142 0.155801 57.61568 0.169038
QU395-13.1 709 1.13885611 0.271103 1068.418 3.1485162 3.5696148 2.316127 0.01269 31.92943 0.056674
3 1
QU395-13.2 715 0.72251099 0.230276 559.9571 1.8582075 3.2764282 2.331040 0.008623 27.88614 0.043763
1 7
QU335-2.1 796 0.64270543 0.294901 1008.618 2.8039535 2.3877231 2.309275 0.005734 28.53256 0.06208
4 7
QU335-2.2 690 0.68986124 0.175081 510.5514 2.5596935 2.4362711 2.242740 0.008196 26.89404 0.026619
8 4
QU335-3.1 759 0.87016184 0.296471 1310.827 1.6766668 2.5210696 2.302469 0.051745 35.81282 0.282518
QU335-3.2 686 0.7393812 0.250561 447.0495 1.8683612 2.4998061 2.259274 0 25.27893 0.023376
QU335-4.1 777 0.90512183 0.208830 357.0988 1.3798412 2.6164383 2.256915 0.008798 15.80325 0.035718
QU335-4.2 809 0.88955395 0.225762 394.0541 1.2602454 2.6901784 2.359605 0.01712 15.0992 0.046337
3 8
QU335-5.1LTRIM 791 0.79761151 0.161174 479.3359 1.1705371 2.8296666 2.232020 0.008488 15.51676 0.062026
9 4
QU335-5.2LTCORE 773 0.86820204 0.273260 402.0746 1.2452151 2.6294618 2.249753 0.001535 15.5358 0.043622
5 9
QU335-5.3DKSEC 772 1.04854945 0.164971 915.8294 1.0336615 2.3929032 2.332641 0.012163 20.50215 0.141083
2 4

Spot Temp. Fe56 Ge74 Y89 Nb93 Zr94H Zr96/Si3 La139 Ce140 Pr141
°C 0
QU335-6.1LTCORE 756 0.61072665 0.142293 452.1528 1.0739343 2.6451791 2.225485 0.002997 11.99505 0.036507
2 5
QU335-6.2DKRIM 642 0.6363468 0.361530 200.0726 1.2159771 2.5819502 2.217742 0.004352 10.79416 0.047113
9 2
QU335-10.1CORE 828 1.11113338 0.269997 698.2107 1.8967849 2.588213 2.244228 0.00455 13.53016 0.055416
7 9
QU335-10.2grrim 776 1.04419452 0.295824 247.0245 0.8109269 2.5806241 2.263256 0.001558 9.530755 0.018974
QU335-12.1c 807 0.967691 0.236080 394.7993 0.7654664 2.4522072 2.267837 0 10.15739 0.037273
5 6
QU335-12.2dkrim 720 4.09250849 0.377432 453.9485 4.4242541 3.1216923 2.283518 0.314673 20.0873 0.095135
5 5
QU050-1.1C 713 0.86368592 0.261604 727.1079 2.8190011 5.2268993 1.927303 0.003915 35.16108 0.111527
QU050-3.3C 721 0.76995979 0.136260 377.2089 1.1160418 3.3519433 1.864209 0.006628 7.901544 0.062931
5 8
QU050-5.1C 742 2.2744772 0.203545 1649.91 4.8672741 3.7068042 1.824873 0.056107 48.74752 0.250684
2 4
QU050-6.4C 726 1.03046954 0.096609 797.5834 1.3278894 3.4031524 1.845384 0.028196 17.86789 0.059491
QU050-7.2C 862 15.2418878 0.155806 10997.03 14.574284 3.6222573 1.792965 0.090948 341.1617 0.851987
1 5
QU050-8.2C 1891 5469.65753 0.180114 1910.894 5.046307 3.6738849 1.975501 0.238311 46.80571 0.292812
8 4
QU050-9.1C 728 0.96729261 0.337063 810.8385 2.3418494 3.5837037 1.942974 0.003279 17.1204 0.049815
2 6
QU050-10.1C 728 0.96873247 0.236295 623.3771 1.5444891 3.3970132 1.825169 0.01642 14.0433 0.099778
5 4
QU050-11.3C 721 0.97196508 0.223254 550.9053 1.2971086 3.3963551 1.942791 0.006206 13.10624 0.070703
QU050-12.1C 721 1.47022388 0.242477 505.1027 1.0101283 3.2030734 1.853123 0.029487 12.10354 0.022397
QU050-3.1E 694 6.02248689 0.275746 435.3597 2.4142572 5.1554979 1.987846 0.102835 24.69935 0.033961
QU050-6.1E 715 1.20831072 0.393506 651.0103 2.7077353 3.8289042 1.949076 0.00348 33.0353 0.039652
2 8
QU050-7.3E 692 0.83861339 0.189595 595.3128 2.9094274 4.1070507 1.907079 0.004611 28.25597 0.046701
8 9
QU050-8.1E 693 1.03511496 0.308259 445.0496 1.9540579 3.270497 1.911139 0.006664 18.99595 0.012655
2 4
QU050-9.3E 699 1.01612192 0.258134 923.6784 6.2151689 3.2318063 1.848901 0.003139 54.88833 0.059609
5 2
QU050-10.4E 700 18.7530016 0.066734 678.813 3.4680202 2.446078 1.804730 0.051939 26.97187 0.049314
6 7
QU050-11.1E 685 3.24281148 0.247339 713.7019 3.1784652 3.1950613 1.855061 0.018047 24.10915 0.03427
5 1
QU050-12.3E 663 0.95105372 0.179037 473.8776 2.9749554 3.7773021 1.904196 0.007258 21.80356 0.033075
7 9
QU050-3.2I 796 5.60623551 0.179472 1754.737 4.10578 4.1278023 1.905276 0.004365 40.66354 0.132622
6 9
QU050-5.2ID 771 0.85138229 0.200415 1623.285 6.3087263 4.8607234 1.974930 0.012408 50.54585 0.094244
5 7
QU050-6.2IL 670 0.9469627 0.233047 573.8391 2.9524933 3.6028372 1.914091 0.003239 21.79809 0.049203
7 3
QU050-6.3ID 733 0.92015061 0.320636 879.6193 3.5136349 3.169112 1.852438 0.015597 28.05849 0.047387
1 2
QU050-7.1I 735 1.27731263 0.163297 1291.029 8.7259366 3.5409585 1.934605 0.022241 72.06584 0.084468
1 3
QU050-8.3ID 743 0.98275663 0.227629 1018.004 5.3084935 3.3484087 1.845450 0.003164 59.14692 0.036045
7 6
QU050-9.2ID 690 0.83753188 0.135994 184.8666 0.7489773 3.4340442 1.978346 0.003308 6.611514 0.012562
6 5
QU050-10.2ID 747 1.20205661 0.186837 1130.187 3.9928373 3.3561471 1.878661 0.012118 33.31299 0.069032
QU050-10.3IL 798 0.73705397 0.272083 1058.575 2.4590365 3.1538626 1.835655 0.005882 22.74801 0.089359
7 8
QU050-11.2ID 735 0.95798392 0.459219 1118.37 5.6511215 3.7085131 1.921703 0.003191 48.4987 0.072716
5 9
QU050-12.2I 679 0.98753209 0.296832 567.6733 3.3030913 3.4886512 1.912143 0 23.74984 0.010967
8 1
QU138-1.1C 723.328 1.14499389 0.196023 579.842 1.6450726 3.2381057 1.821818 0.013622 15.3548 0.072426
5 1 2
QU138-2.1C 634.264 0.42628522 0.084632 298.4365 1.2509138 1.7671689 0.989224 0.004117 9.030723 0.03127
5 4 6
QU138-5.1C 703.220 0.85995794 0.241869 325.0884 1.6121506 3.0482358 1.820984 0.007059 11.13862 0.035746
8 5 9
QU138-6.1C 697.887 0.69259859 0.150119 326.8353 1.3850186 3.2438704 1.880929 0.009736 9.004785 0.046222
7 9 7
QU138-6.3C 675.203 0.7862356 0.261959 242.508 1.2779309 3.0343564 1.846919 0.006951 10.58117 0.061592
4 4 7

Spot Temp. Fe56 Ge74 Y89 Nb93 Zr94H Zr96/Si3 La139 Ce140 Pr141
°C 0
QU138-8.1C 761.022 0.59436279 0.212760 1157.359 1.9529302 3.5759534 1.879309 0.043985 25.26712 0.206351
5 4
QU138-10.1C 736.556 0.82114647 0.230953 528.8444 1.8119012 3.0672403 1.873794 0.00749 14.46176 0.085332
6 5 3
QU138-11.1c 724.512 3.04186171 0.204309 369.4 0.8366986 2.9911639 1.893279 0.012423 8.493459 0.037744
2 5 1
QU138-1.3E 694.558 1.09293104 0.213839 489.4781 1.8873451 3.6266801 1.948961 0.005201 25.67332 0.069133
5 9 5
QU138-2.4R 718.295 1.27478145 0.361989 1720.375 10.278226 3.3420945 1.880893 0.009391 60.74538 0.044582
1 2 1
QU138-5.3R 699.709 1.07579951 0.280703 925.3171 4.7423497 3.2756694 1.982492 0.004965 35.22463 0.028285
5 5
QU138-8.3R 669.502 1.60558504 0.457023 925.0793 6.3821705 2.8284785 1.812831 0.00741 38.3146 0.046905
6 3 9
QU138-10.4r 687.454 2.30398212 0.275749 469.3729 2.7881149 2.8533798 1.934311 0.018779 27.93887 0.010188
QU138-11.2rIM 723.586 1.21492363 0.338482 818.1611 4.333776 2.8087407 1.868410 0.004391 31.86889 0.025012
4 6 9
QU138-1.2I 733.541 1.26697606 0.275627 412.0863 1.6503275 3.2188894 1.846010 0.005363 14.83988 0.030551
9 8
QU138-2.2ID 731.907 8.39367276 0.270466 693.0965 4.4916156 3.4672444 1.947913 0.018419 24.66906 0.069952
4 6
QU138-2.3ID 749.220 1.29476277 0.175802 2076.216 9.0224754 3.3692377 1.931418 0.009773 86.93803 0.139189
3 1 7
QU138-5.2IG 728.600 1.09659825 0.299512 728.9372 2.791522 3.3703858 1.960196 0.002428 20.00038 0.04611
4 3 2
QU138-6.2DI 724.588 1.06383657 0.224408 720.6445 3.2253403 3.0993672 1.903225 0.002426 25.47445 0.036851
5 9 3
QU138-8.2ingrey 679.604 0.79612086 0.254862 238.6007 1.6123761 3.189546 1.863773 0.002479 13.91916 0.075333
5 4 7
QU138-10.2indark 714.564 1.42470225 0.210700 949.8389 6.1144972 3.234559 1.959655 0.020498 28.1822 0.097311
4 9 1
QU138-10.3outgrey 709.755 1.15744817 0.157157 1068.808 5.2967534 3.0465062 1.927833 0.012741 38.17022 0.067744
8 6 9
QU138-11.2ingrey 660.347 0.79706971 0.325478 425.7571 2.0092242 3.147229 1.887781 0.009047 11.74671 0.025769
2 6
QU-168-3.1c 724.21 1.33545232 0.196578 1024.842 6.8428333 2.9170881 1.855247 0.009562 59.45114 0.136184
7 1
QU-168-4.1c 681.244 0.94509082 0.175124 799.3644 2.0155179 2.718057 1.849860 0.004259 23.71488 0.016176
7 3 2
QU-168-5.1c 688.416 0.67481048 0.434339 589.2741 1.7606893 3.7424673 2.009102 0.004971 17.32773 0.094399
9 5 8
QU-168-6.1c 687.642 2.01749638 0.331926 584.0435 1.4249433 2.502579 1.814049 0.012917 16.71497 0.081759
2 2 3
QU-168-7.1c 734.779 1.88794046 0.296446 1593.324 9.4159143 2.7518921 1.954873 0.011092 53.77626 0.058978
1 2 7
QU-168-9.1c 702.914 1.55792967 0.304550 2314.539 7.0900448 2.7806013 1.878231 0.012698 61.89166 0.120562
9 1 4
QU-168-10.1c 675.785 0.8369711 0.178680 212.1309 1.1999429 2.345451 1.827647 0.005794 11.16453 0.022006
6 4 6
QU-168-11.1C 809.220 8.55034486 0.269931 1275.634 3.146515 2.9945897 1.898087 0.82125 43.67215 0.408001
2 8 8
QU-168-12.1C 741.451 0.95405437 0.140000 602.147 0.9753341 2.5527438 1.916868 0.00681 10.27715 0.103454
2 8 3
QU-168-3.3r 696.722 1.32296949 0.228479 454.2104 2.3488798 2.8887657 1.865777 0.008891 19.9608 0.033767
3 2
QU-168-4.3r 651.788 1.27364838 0.234750 360.3348 2.6158681 2.7300252 1.878520 0.008305 16.98732 0.03154
6 4 9
QU-168-5.3r 677.558 1.24322411 0.137896 499.2683 2.4406308 2.7190409 1.924408 0.008944 25.5874 0.067933
2 4 5
QU-168-6.4r 726.254 0.93733176 0.207609 920.1851 3.9741807 2.9431152 1.999550 0.006733 31.89751 0.025569
8 7
QU-168-7.3r 690.492 1.17861472 0.162432 844.9194 4.9545942 2.905573 1.990842 0.006773 44.27709 0.008574
9 1 7
QU-168-9.2r 721.362 0.88031433 0.239057 709.9088 2.9842587 3.320385 1.999720 0.004651 36.78567 0.097159
1 9
QU-168-11.2E 714.666 1.05326242 0.274961 616.0463 2.4720987 2.49748 1.917092 0.004458 24.50711 0.016932
7 4
QU-168-12.2E 713.424 1.70655421 0.282707 705.232 2.9849861 2.8194863 1.853523 0.044429 23.43282 0.048209
7 2 7
QU-168-10.2r 698.963 1.32469197 0.284146 407.7556 2.0177571 2.4843518 1.874892 0.011847 18.22729 0.022497
4 1 1
QU-168-3.2ingrey 756.604 1.34225949 0.226836 1305.748 5.2021279 2.5983974 1.822333 0.00662 53.8336 0.067049
6 3 7
QU-168-4.2ingrey 645.143 0.92258341 0.306377 332.1529 1.6193595 2.6602045 1.855070 0.006387 10.96737 0.024257
2 9 8
QU-168-5.2indk 717.609 1.11792407 0.302779 336.536 1.210355 2.5709351 1.976025 0.009064 9.897774 0.017211
3 7

Spot Temp. Fe56 Ge74 Y89 Nb93 Zr94H Zr96/Si3 La139 Ce140 Pr141
°C 0
QU-168-6.2dfin 693.356 0.76699677 0.237805 553.0094 2.8074403 2.7828293 1.972926 0.004627 19.84952 0.043932
8 4 5
QU-168-6.3grin 705.65 0.95707007 0.355524 1406.82 6.8547402 2.747113 1.977045 0.002306 54.07689 0.096329
QU-168-7.2ingrey 647.256 0.72532925 0.267755 357.3822 1.6132795 2.6314899 1.939542 0.010854 12.96324 0.024732
6 5 9
QU210-1.4C 723.694 1.66140669 0.090546 674.4195 1.50881 2.3676584 1.805071 0.048449 19.14101 0.025091
2 2 8
QU210-3.2C 726.523 1.50600167 0.218820 772.0197 1.5944845 2.3509817 1.932440 0.038319 18.60888 0.105104
1 5 4
QU210-4.1C 766.125 0.75282946 0.294171 400.5344 0.9714341 2.4334858 2.024263 0.004403 8.352089 0.025082
5 5 2
QU210-7.5C 750.529 2.38104608 0.178394 425.3302 0.9293069 2.1973961 1.876128 0.013499 11.50623 0.073236
6 3
QU210-8.1C 696.280 1.03727896 0.332223 660.8056 2.0973809 2.2835854 1.862410 0.009506 20.92069 0.057764
4 3 9
QU210-9.1C 777.429 0.84578842 0.197063 834.5964 2.1817527 2.4321793 1.836961 0.011503 22.65946 0.080092
9 8 5
QU210-4.4E 654.789 0.98261425 0.210279 332.815 1.8291966 2.577489 2.002084 0 11.90135 0.007769
8 6 8
QU210-1.1E 676.706 3.4779659 0.337549 412.1357 2.0973559 2.4050978 1.800017 0.007037 22.29444 0.026725
7 1 2
QU210-3.4E 660.846 2.33109948 0.175254 385.1034 1.8437731 2.4678719 1.945672 0.029837 16.65354 0.064752
2 3 3
QU210-7.1E 723.014 67.7911561 0.359296 334.5108 1.9026831 2.5008502 1.906147 0.327702 16.73974 0.182533
6 2 4
QU210-8.3E 672.665 1.34759023 0.248731 443.3051 2.2948187 2.5027775 1.927451 0.010083 25.52828 0.030634
5 6 2
QU210-9.3E 680.529 2.41826917 0.254708 595.6521 3.0545826 2.3345902 1.900692 0.001906 31.9975 0.050674
6 4
QU210-1.2IL 663.754 0.64064656 0.240248 274.6959 1.6013477 2.4542993 1.848101 0 15.85799 0.017753
8 7 8
QU210-1.3ID 768.089 1.69091284 0.243888 3037.597 10.662866 2.4989094 1.901968 0.014236 102.2168 0.090111
QU210-3.1ID 720.262 1.49241328 0.334436 1067.948 4.844209 2.3392428 1.948892 0.016268 41.62392 0.026479
5 7 1
QU210-3.3IL 680.181 3.8155075 0.241967 404.1122 1.8140903 2.3104492 1.897665 0.0428 19.03119 0.024382
9 9
QU210-4.2IL 748.346 102.0742 0.264730 894.4569 3.5888753 2.5024147 1.969788 0.012877 32.22877 0.057057
4 9
QU210-4.3ID 710.645 1.04674339 0.216929 1042.411 5.0361989 2.470225 1.987221 0.004221 38.93192 0.04809
7 5 8
QU210-7.2IL 646.069 1.19158038 0.235669 330.3739 1.5490435 2.4403844 1.876376 0.043771 11.48842 0.015832
6 7
QU210-7.3ID 629.061 0.6993864 0.320221 243.656 1.1938152 2.4945686 1.870538 0.006231 8.96897 0.023663
8 6 4
QU210-7.4ID2 702.005 0.7339976 0.222322 605.4987 2.4739558 2.4232336 1.861635 0 22.28903 0.024643
5 4 9
QU210-8.2ID 712.736 1.08793522 0.240216 918.3002 4.9978815 2.3018656 1.897365 0.005842 44.96556 0.066566
3 9
QU210-9.2ID 712.569 0.95189898 0.386412 512.7282 1.8662064 2.2471853 1.843839 0.007519 20.83265 0.04997
9 4 1
QU394-1.1C 648.643 0.67768039 0.264439 428.8817 1.6023536 2.5934073 1.945591 0.014033 13.82704 0.026647
QU394-1.2ID 717.137 1.14946972 0.239364 913.946 4.6339354 2.53611 1.963906 0.256157 44.10558 0.06432
QU394-1.3E 636.1030.75510429 0.314081 228.1371 1.3246802 2.726785 1.986697 0.006111 11.30896 0.007736
4 1 2
QU394-2.1E 727.1030.94636669 0.301559 1225.817 6.1930637 2.4951085 1.930748 0.046102 53.33365 0.031834
8 7 6
QU394-2.2C 711.682132.489442 0.204616 827.0899 2.253815 2.5344046 1.932655 0.023888 22.28571 0.219243
3 7 9
QU394-2.3ID 723.264 0.7099611 0.164443 1214.266 6.2467244 2.4729417 1.951394 0.007999 57.73715 0.030379
8 8 6
QU394-4.1E 677.2870.72595171 0.271245 450.6409 2.6400345 2.6161576 1.990493 0.010149 24.10276 0.038546
6 4 8
QU394-4.2C 700.4070.72281792 0.286664 720.6518 1.6423922 2.5708507 1.966049 0.017928 19.58736 0.030262
5 6 1
QU394-5.1E 717.1421.12225477 0.232578 558.6332 2.3866434 2.5791238 1.927645 0.009428 26.85658 0.028644
3 6 4
QU394-5.2C 691.5043.23108573 0.295877 884.1141 5.807768 2.3493401 1.828052 0.041379 36.97628 0.047827
5 3
QU394-5.3I 702.084 0.9583628 0.358497 700.4651 3.7409465 2.2993486 1.869947 0.003671 31.7906 0.041828
QU394-6.1C 726.03 0.69168162 0.347689 1078.463 2.5313345 2.3277596 1.879066 0.030067 26.70045 0.064232
5 2
QU394-6.2IL 729.308 0.70640646 0.204525 992.9464 4.81755 2.5672098 2.056913 0.007959 38.75878 0.052897
8 6 3

Spot Temp. Fe56 Ge74 Y89 Nb93 Zr94H Zr96/Si3 La139 Ce140 Pr141
°C 0
QU394-6.3ID 735.758 22.2862692 0.248655 1733.727 9.9372467 2.4381577 1.946187 0.058461 49.04109 0.030624
QU394-6.4E 713.388 0.96261462 0.259342 602.4653 2.4114988 2.3500457 1.867449 0.007763 30.35043 0.036854
2 8
QU394-7.1C 727.616 6.51953805 0.101227 642.2326 1.5781602 2.7071213 1.891936 0.078785 15.0234 0.074803
7 3
QU394-7.1I 737.360 0.71727034 0.367549 926.4089 3.3436889 2.5467088 1.908587 0.00941 30.23048 0.021442
7 2 9
QU394-7.3E 715.471 0.91791763 0.499225 956.4157 4.2863059 2.3144887 1.953532 0.005828 34.17655 0.029512
3 8 7
QU394-8.1E 687.334 0.72790284 0.393398 554.1378 2.9523009 2.69013 1.997474 0.00729 31.69458 0.048451
7 9 2
QU394-8.2C 818.501 0.75949379 0.355132 2220.232 6.5459149 2.2568807 1.821477 0.016366 66.25749 0.138119
3 7

Table A5-2 (cont’d): Zircon mineral chemistry data Trace Element routine
Spot Temp. Nd146 Sm147 Eu153 Ho165 GdO173 TbO175 DyO179 ErO182 TmO185
QU242-1.1 797 1.6067966 3.452465 2.09065 48.20216 31.22538 10.389238 118.3635 223.12236 50.49362
8 8 9 5 5 4
QU242-1.2 738 0.553884 1.361146 0.82623 19.28534 11.82156 3.8429668 43.44997 91.841800 21.576045
8 7 6 1 3
QU242-1.3 730 0.6920504 1.767587 1.07840 26.51659 14.86267 5.3131339 65.66972 136.39405 32.560393
5 9 9 1 8 3
QU242-3.1 702 0.4799759 1.195171 0.59788 19.33470 10.39325 3.9700697 47.81265 101.49444 24.196823
2 1 6 8 7 8
QU242-3.2 672 0.1442121 0.512276 0.26556 9.608569 4.859318 1.7772302 22.58421 49.988906 12.500958
8 4 3 9
QU242-4.1 720 1.7696213 3.709041 1.41543 43.15222 29.26653 9.6844663 109.8491 210.32208 48.823491
4 2 5 9 4
QU242-4.2 628 0.0786657 0.292077 0.16291 6.939814 2.762635 1.044117 15.37343 41.599337 11.390657
1 9 6 7
QU242-5.1 725 0.6081974 1.842385 0.75297 33.23727 15.52552 5.5495996 69.79127 154.74707 36.63811
1 5 1 1 2 5
QU242-5.2 713 0.6939244 2.757579 1.09705 43.05230 26.80877 9.3188960 107.0388 200.47661 45.385337
5 7 7 8 9 2
QU242-6.1 742 0.8991236 3.037563 1.42063 42.05611 29.2116 9.8719915 107.0897 184.97808 41.157313
2 4 7 4 5
QU242-6.2 767 0.5340532 1.695756 0.67816 28.50439 13.27348 4.9863243 63.42263 144.63858 34.360359
7 8 8 2 3
QU242-8.1 719 0.7360146 2.210242 1.00446 35.75699 21.01621 7.3719595 84.92233 155.80649 33.870447
7 2 8 3 4 4
QU242-8.2 737 0.845944 3.105393 1.35624 69.23906 37.39496 14.519328 178.4736 334.10895 73.44409
9 1 6 2 2 8
QU242-10.1 732 0.6957445 2.149332 0.92266 39.76964 21.54513 7.7924441 93.31124 192.19554 43.84387
6 1 3 5 2
QU242-10.2 663 0.1537888 0.374422 0.13339 6.703742 2.868946 1.1461122 15.56464 36.366779 8.7287839
9 7 1 3 2 7
QU242-14.1 696 0.2697084 0.729963 0.33538 10.91504 5.229353 2.0999766 24.89788 54.260556 12.744439
2 6 3 8 7 4
QU242-14.2 765 0.2979429 0.829854 0.41783 12.26598 8.424591 2.7556505 32.00310 63.098247 14.382978
7 2 9 5 4 2
QU283-1.1 779 0.3109214 0.876448 0.35489 11.56345 6.955739 2.3203719 26.69855 54.899905 13.444922
2 7 6 6 1
QU283-1.2 773 0.456776 1.116443 0.45984 13.12666 7.417204 2.4532424 28.45626 63.212438 15.724731
2 5 9 6 2 4
QU283-10.1 781 0.3496073 1.036577 0.34615 15.55269 8.997225 3.3382343 37.10149 72.207814 16.288916
8 6 2 1 2
QU283-10.2 750 1.2585542 0.933956 0.36801 10.34271 6.262759 2.0806268 24.34316 54.917 13.378782
7 2 4 8
QU283-11.1 849 1.7404348 3.917256 1.40136 59.51831 32.64112 11.920534 140.7573 277.75022 59.029942
5 7 9 4
QU283-11.2 792 0.4683271 1.107716 0.40573 14.95740 9.257431 3.3422355 37.46213 69.264706 15.372919
2 4 6 3 9 7
QU283-11.3 710 0.1407294 0.270979 0.12551 6.1613 2.699390 1.0728035 12.73718 32.818952 8.6895631
5 2 2 7
QU283-15.1 798 1.3108444 2.519226 0.83052 25.32887 16.39105 5.5818635 62.12861 123.57706 28.59445
1 8 1 3 7 6
QU283-2.1 794 2.5720628 5.441616 2.31766 65.87455 57.47120 18.554578 194.2769 322.66881 68.202883
5 4 5 8 6 4
QU283-2.2 813 0.5575314 1.50769 0.52389 15.24261 11.64030 3.7144926 39.87203 68.698296 14.973368
1 3 8 8 8
QU283-2.3 765 0.305941 0.725231 0.31756 8.749397 5.708093 1.9088162 22.56945 44.455481 10.555941
5 6 2 3 7 9
QU283-3.1 791 0.5242095 1.374832 0.50431 18.66989 11.46831 3.6563253 43.77756 90.178014 21.398646
2 2 5 6
QU283-3.2 749 0.0677098 0.260985 0.09778 4.015897 2.148045 0.8785221 10.01793 21.280704 5.5142373
1 1 4 4 6
QU283-5.1 803 1.9000766 3.872244 1.26592 28.19006 23.07573 7.3614003 75.45166 126.97569 25.851601
8 4 5 5 6 6
QU283-5.2 719 0.079593 0.297447 0.12705 5.024190 2.875247 0.8228374 10.83839 24.754244 6.5109281
7 7 3 3 5 7
QU283-6.1 804 2.0236973 4.421807 1.18180 34.41641 26.70942 8.2461664 83.53129 137.12304 27.848652
5 3 5 9 7
QU283-6.2 788 0.3938974 1.112886 0.43603 15.13934 10.19635 3.5325385 38.54366 70.702766 15.974923
8 7 8 2 6
QU283-8.1 777 1.1282858 2.649605 0.85010 27.13540 19.27208 6.2416143 69.36040 123.52198 27.299891
8 6 2 7 4
QU283-8.2 795 0.2952182 0.717363 0.27988 9.896904 6.453369 2.3396351 26.55982 49.571611 11.11059
2 9 5 4 5 2
QU393-2.1 817 1.834669 5.795127 3.45991 79.83446 58.83038 19.347317 197.7753 333.71227 70.712747
1 9 6 9 3 9
QU393-2.2OSC_OR 677 0.3005087 0.997616 0.4534 20.37161 10.24667 3.9148614 48.35421 103.47277 24.283196
5 2 5 5 4

Spot Temp. Nd146 Sm147 Eu153 Ho165 GdO173 TbO175 DyO179 ErO182 TmO185
QU393-4.1SZ_UC 843 1.4717173 3.568155 2.59470 49.79996 36.89563 11.913955 123.7469 205.24477 43.194057
4 4 4 3 7 4
QU393-4.2SZ_LC 780 0.9137012 2.238964 1.30192 23.29676 15.28945 4.7672268 52.45343 98.497709 21.151926
7 4 3 4 2 1
QU393-4.3OSC_OR 785 0.4628853 0.783606 0.53194 8.595775 6.273811 2.0625393 21.27941 35.617695 7.7614946
2 7 3 3 1
QU393- 708 0.707659 2.000924 0.98638 31.54034 17.39297 6.0386879 67.93945 140.75725 34.157714
16.1OSC_ILC 4 6 4 8 1 1
QU393- 721 0.7306203 2.474362 0.96848 61.10059 24.13093 9.83731 123.6044 272.51291 62.686881
16.2OSC_IDC 7 7 8 6 6
QU393- 654 0.1225211 0.492435 0.24295 13.75905 5.661732 2.2797356 31.05715 73.130897 17.969748
16.3OSC_OLR 5 8 1 9 9 1
QU393-6.1OSC_DC 769 1.0097635 2.072716 1.04019 35.52731 20.51982 7.4722092 84.73210 172.27839 38.822846
7 5 3 2 7
QU393-6.2OSC_DR 676 0.2518297 0.991787 0.43793 18.58038 9.418467 3.3198615 43.94748 96.813916 23.95398
5 8 7 2 5
QU393-7.1OSC_DC 771 1.4336657 2.473297 1.08016 19.83610 15.53430 4.6818838 48.16348 84.095322 18.38082
1 8 9 3 6
QU393- 703 0.5322445 1.982236 0.78170 30.14804 17.91182 5.7422817 68.78727 129.02548 29.322788
7.2OSC_DINT 3 3 8 8 6 8
QU393-7.3OSC_DR 706 0.7518885 2.585345 1.06110 44.19222 24.99738 8.8889147 105.7796 200.69965 45.563754
3 8 3 9 1 3
QU393-9.1OSC_LC 770 1.6370832 4.009911 2.27628 62.92386 32.89812 10.932173 122.5698 243.87937 55.480281
3 1 5 4 7 4
QU393-9.2OSC_DC 703 0.6753304 2.801553 1.27256 48.64241 28.78163 10.080489 115.6618 203.29318 42.806911
1 4 3 8 9
QU393- 718 0.3657069 1.304317 0.51509 17.76533 10.68276 3.5929422 39.81143 76.075263 17.278581
9.3OSC_LINT 9 9 4 9 3
QU393-9.4OSC_LR 697 0.5914472 1.753626 0.80111 26.96496 14.77249 5.0752540 58.23062 111.04060 25.151874
3 2 7 6 8 8
QU395-1.1 725 0.4208196 1.182967 0.60695 19.13289 10.50187 4.2496782 48.37257 102.59014 24.534258
1 8 1 2 9
QU395-1.2 688 0.4002514 0.965211 0.44170 16.01644 7.259134 2.4691336 32.56795 62.789111 14.965896
2 8 8 4 9 4
QU395-1.3 689 0.538331 1.876412 0.75213 34.47510 17.94293 6.1743933 67.54458 128.95218 29.088121
3 4 3 3 5
QU395-3.1 697 0.7591026 2.284064 0.96806 69.51827 23.53216 8.9768344 106.2460 203.88112 43.959286
5 6 5 6 4
QU395-3.2 683 0.2055681 0.558712 0.34180 14.79828 5.806815 1.9592495 26.78921 47.201016 11.341608
5 9 1 9 7
QU395-4.1 799 1.1256826 2.499001 0.77751 22.62592 16.28807 4.8848898 51.06571 82.506970 17.434895
6 6 4 3 7
QU395-4.2 717 0.233949 0.766669 0.37553 14.22852 7.027671 2.3494147 29.37407 53.898925 12.079953
5 2 5 7 6 8
QU395-6.1 767 12.664309 25.20571 10.9401 154.4131 154.2057 44.799403 436.3736 639.80657 134.80472
7 1 8 9 3 3
QU395-6.2 737 0.3679352 0.828578 0.43334 13.08852 6.749935 2.3862527 29.71420 60.548441 15.029375
3 1 6 8 1 3
QU395-7.1 720 0.8043274 2.192098 0.94124 39.34902 19.99579 7.4067831 87.03672 180.20679 42.228776
6 7 5 7 6
QU395-7.2 712 0.6447845 2.168292 0.99020 29.98046 18.93791 6.4541570 71.89456 132.90462 29.590167
8 6 5 7 6 8
QU395-9.1 720 0.5241058 1.562012 0.81914 32.40872 15.83737 5.6924803 74.36913 161.64261 37.710245
6 9 6 4
QU395-9.2 759 2.1022351 5.394121 2.14205 52.70401 41.81727 13.392144 137.5439 226.51068 48.147469
6 6 1 4 6 8
QU395-13.1 709 0.5559342 1.86868 0.79571 38.21243 17.99397 6.5771436 84.99245 180.80095 42.631921
8 3 2 6 3 9
QU395-13.2 715 0.5164825 1.456005 0.73631 20.82937 13.52059 4.5924323 52.40618 99.019149 22.380163
8 4 1 5 8 3
QU335-2.1 796 0.7849931 1.978362 0.87418 35.71909 17.64460 6.5352903 77.27475 171.41196 38.678518
4 9 3 4 8 8
QU335-2.2 690 0.3478093 1.16431 0.54532 17.98332 11.24691 3.6673739 48.58672 93.536493 22.05698
2 9 1 6
QU335-3.1 759 3.6640109 6.405558 3.31427 48.93438 43.68217 12.561576 127.4239 218.29805 46.896707
1 9 9 4
QU335-3.2 686 0.3503246 0.895882 0.40491 14.91654 8.202132 2.9146306 32.93011 67.67596 15.669442
6 7 3 8 9
QU335-4.1 777 0.3292056 0.924504 0.29853 13.12172 8.287353 2.9320437 31.13851 61.331562 13.342174
8 4 6 8 5 7
QU335-4.2 809 0.381939 1.192493 0.42517 14.58158 10.07213 3.2246031 36.08086 63.323200 14.417375
9 8 3 9 6 3
QU335-5.1LTRIM 791 0.4686544 1.408688 0.53094 18.07616 11.04180 3.8164291 43.36802 89.000756 21.182693
7 4 3 2 1 7
QU335-5.2LTCORE 773 0.3817437 1.02802 0.39970 15.23804 9.253752 3.1605813 37.96753 80.266732 18.638471
4 2 4 1 2
QU335-5.3DKSEC 772 2.1843868 4.666479 1.46117 35.91031 33.26818 9.5654770 102.4899 172.46364 37.371326
4 1 9 6

Spot Temp. Nd146 Sm147 Eu153 Ho165 GdO173 TbO175 DyO179 ErO182 TmO185
QU335-6.1LTCORE 756 0.3898154 1.125377 0.53065 16.58980 9.881995 3.3504352 39.95107 89.192671 22.278949
6 5 1 1 2 8
QU335-6.2DKRIM 642 0.092671 0.245328 0.15729 6.585547 2.588972 1.1445516 14.79541 41.388414 10.961483
7 9 1 9
QU335-10.1CORE 828 0.7370691 1.857069 0.53142 26.39601 16.57215 5.7702930 69.80689 138.62128 31.430998
3 4 9 2 2 4
QU335-10.2grrim 776 0.2274852 0.572612 0.23443 9.730570 5.730810 2.2507276 25.21291 49.904223 11.486296
4 5 2 1 4
QU335-12.1c 807 0.3875249 1.093794 0.45036 15.44338 9.042568 3.3325626 39.86662 74.824099 17.215607
8 5 8 3 4 3
QU335-12.2dkrim 720 0.3780774 1.037954 0.19137 15.95771 6.754743 2.7770297 36.75615 86.810336 23.175339
9 7 5 8 3 8
QU050-1.1C 713 0.4694252 1.785417 0.90418 26.86455 17.05678 6.1001519 68.98931 137.35860 31.611122
7 4 4 3
QU050-3.3C 721 0.4200287 1.153416 0.51639 17.72380 11.52296 4.4317729 58.76709 129.98637 30.658347
8 3 4 3 8 1
QU050-5.1C 742 3.5837373 7.317287 2.93388 59.26413 50.11497 14.993273 154.9001 284.25015 65.25184
2 3 6 4 8
QU050-6.4C 726 1.706322 3.462922 1.93863 33.36457 26.59119 8.1432625 79.98745 147.52908 33.608824
3 6 7 1 3 9
QU050-7.2C 862 20.124982 60.64824 37.7426 462.5861 527.5695 151.09423 1458.178 1814.0002 328.7381
1 8 9 3 2 5
QU050-8.2C 1891 5.9062511 9.452725 4.33719 72.43485 58.95625 17.843123 182.8169 296.01151 64.549909
2 3 7 6 4
QU050-9.1C 728 0.8424419 1.733035 0.90428 28.33185 15.32500 5.6095030 66.24950 139.63247 31.877715
7 5 7 8 6 1
QU050-10.1C 728 0.607461 1.608618 0.97926 22.47345 13.92379 4.8478935 56.96363 120.50595 28.22271
2 5 6 4 2
QU050-11.3C 721 0.5633062 1.449845 0.78260 19.23085 10.81328 4.0594326 43.45209 92.652984 21.396438
7 7 2 4 8
QU050-12.1C 721 0.4747306 1.49188 0.89249 20.43993 13.85173 4.9034034 55.65521 111.72043 26.574887
5 1 8 9 7
QU050-3.1E 694 0.2297294 0.950942 0.33079 15.64235 7.898545 2.8471236 34.95507 75.292461 17.688829
7 6 6 4 6
QU050-6.1E 715 0.6795182 1.772018 0.79978 23.44917 17.01933 5.1073125 60.03020 111.33864 26.153729
4 4 1 9 3
QU050-7.3E 692 0.4633375 1.41666 0.74954 22.31119 14.09548 5.0252679 56.65486 113.76978 25.892891
3 8 1 5 5 7
QU050-8.1E 693 0.4451491 0.901997 0.50053 16.18322 9.311489 3.1924720 40.21581 81.180400 18.057496
9 9 4 5 5 4
QU050-9.3E 699 0.8387219 2.336792 1.24571 33.92055 22.83760 7.6551116 87.55708 159.55937 37.268752
7 8 4 3 6
QU050-10.4E 700 0.3891855 1.495924 0.79693 25.80151 16.26568 5.6893284 68.51476 151.60039 35.755736
9 1 1 7 7
QU050-11.1E 685 0.2472761 1.027452 0.67773 26.49511 13.93624 5.4674998 66.33644 139.48589 33.421758
4 1 4 3 9 3
QU050-12.3E 663 0.3182076 0.898083 0.47837 18.13020 10.37336 3.7349997 46.58068 94.205456 22.483261
7 4 4 6 1
QU050-3.2I 796 1.3905558 3.544792 2.32919 64.94307 43.77911 15.066837 172.3495 316.48734 71.523408
1 9 3 6 2 6
QU050-5.2ID 771 1.2811161 3.952728 2.42215 62.34568 38.54372 13.442051 153.6237 281.63192 61.648448
7 8 9 8 1
QU050-6.2IL 670 0.3661239 1.033318 0.57367 21.87768 11.20960 4.1812601 53.02588 113.32376 28.484468
2 7 7 9 6 4
QU050-6.3ID 733 0.41672 1.497789 0.86021 31.87817 14.97890 5.8056243 74.32909 162.47014 38.199116
6 9 1 9 3 4
QU050-7.1I 735 1.730505 4.392561 2.02309 51.51331 39.21467 12.001747 136.1104 241.99841 53.808824
7 3 7 4 4 9
QU050-8.3ID 743 0.9536323 3.313343 1.78739 39.93607 31.88166 10.237603 106.6473 186.42093 40.349378
9 3 8 6 1 5
QU050-9.2ID 690 0.1132997 0.362404 0.15943 7.135671 3.373118 1.3882097 15.98059 35.905280 8.1100355
7 8 6 7 3 9
QU050-10.2ID 747 0.695273 2.245397 1.16823 41.91611 22.93988 8.5451690 102.2032 210.97338 49.157099
9 2 9 9
QU050-10.3IL 798 1.0981301 2.464254 1.37485 38.89506 22.74325 8.9004011 101.7459 204.27497 45.140074
2 3 5 1 9 3
QU050-11.2ID 735 0.7105146 2.971955 1.50603 39.19998 25.88094 8.4839290 96.33579 183.04948 43.128251
2 8 1 8 3
QU050-12.2I 679 0.2571891 1.070192 0.57622 23.00761 12.59151 4.5680155 56.34907 126.38723 31.029022
5 6 4 2 1
QU138-1.1C 723.3285 0.7838913 2.054363 0.83374 19.13159 11.96638 4.1399403 44.79490 79.955018 19.361367
2 4 3 3 2 4
QU138-2.1C 634.2645 0.2021255 0.570462 0.30151 10.66400 5.134965 1.9879931 25.13929 56.067811 13.496769
7 3 1 6 1
QU138-5.1C 703.2208 0.161205 0.811366 0.37192 12.50983 6.877789 2.6017767 31.26783 67.269708 16.275191
9 7 3 9 3
QU138-6.1C 697.8877 0.1667571 0.729495 0.33289 10.8053 6.352384 2.1418357 25.04362 55.105510 13.712704
5 1 9 9 9

Spot Temp. Nd146 Sm147 Eu153 Ho165 GdO173 TbO175 DyO179 ErO182 TmO185
QU138-6.3C 675.2034 0.190467 0.507694 0.25452 9.703272 5.004491 1.8776942 25.60048 57.570572 14.133667
3 4 1 2 4 7
QU138-8.1C 761.0225 3.1551367 5.711413 2.42185 43.68317 40.16049 12.091062 128.0439 206.64621 46.367455
1 7 8 3 3
QU138-10.1C 736.5566 0.4703401 1.190682 0.69965 19.57442 10.82535 4.0141318 47.82863 102.17894 25.029099
2 9 5 3 6 8
QU138-11.1c 724.5122 0.4255356 1.088904 0.46234 12.32348 7.661188 2.5637970 30.25868 62.221940 14.942151
5 6 2 4 7 1
QU138-1.3E 694.5585 0.4899241 1.27378 0.71420 18.46458 11.63108 3.8576092 46.11297 88.847811 21.295875
8 8 9 9 4
QU138-2.4R 718.2951 0.7640033 3.049028 1.41594 66.87950 35.40513 13.846101 169.6028 344.47563 75.249797
5 9 7 2 4 7
QU138-5.3R 699.709 0.552759 1.640065 0.77646 33.47538 17.82210 6.2445409 75.04245 169.48826 41.090635
7 1 7
QU138-8.3R 669.5026 0.3638326 1.7751 0.96915 36.26582 21.14411 7.9326584 95.41073 186.08263 40.277506
6 9 2 9 1 5
QU138-10.4r 687.454 0.4227078 1.236241 0.60446 17.02861 10.77088 3.6728385 42.67344 84.708113 20.076471
5 5 8 9 3
QU138-11.2rIM 723.5864 0.6617517 1.605917 0.85395 28.95347 15.77736 5.4202539 70.04041 154.10568 35.576426
4 4 4 3 7
QU138-1.2I 733.5419 0.3582232 1.252973 0.61321 14.91178 9.603354 3.2365578 41.40906 75.378467 17.573002
4 4 9 6 7 9
QU138-2.2ID 731.9074 0.3064496 1.144718 0.59878 25.96351 11.0716 4.7296599 58.01420 132.00094 32.740771
2 6 6 6
QU138-2.3ID 749.2203 2.1593007 7.039077 2.87317 89.02608 67.64873 22.337395 249.6180 437.78092 95.126675
1 2 9 4 4 9
QU138-5.2IG 728.6004 0.5156944 1.643254 0.85199 26.96059 14.15586 4.8847656 62.24590 131.81684 30.407231
6 3 3 9 4
QU138-6.2DI 724.5885 0.432084 1.368005 0.71517 26.03832 13.98583 5.1852967 59.35126 129.13285 30.762629
6 5 4 7
QU138-8.2ingrey 679.6045 0.28877 0.599265 0.31686 8.967422 5.435441 1.8839123 21.94368 45.129507 10.538352
2 7 5 1 1
QU138-10.2indark 714.5644 0.5705019 1.420224 0.59744 33.82042 14.27914 5.6291622 74.77364 163.76200 41.284224
7 7 7 5 8 8
QU138-10.3outgrey 709.7558 0.602283 2.184329 1.02265 39.32550 20.35980 7.6007734 91.93451 191.92089 45.216946
7 8 1 5 1
QU138-11.2ingrey 660.3472 0.108465 0.670555 0.32960 14.84334 7.428209 2.5630187 37.29107 79.155007 20.219481
8 4 3 9 1 1
QU-168-3.1c 724.21 0.9990189 2.703994 1.19788 38.27369 24.89733 8.7219772 96.62432 181.01853 40.848525
2 9 6 3 5
QU-168-4.1c 681.2447 0.4522885 1.358857 0.69949 29.60094 15.71587 5.6557236 71.18746 156.31117 37.929644
4 4 8 1
QU-168-5.1c 688.4169 0.4171995 1.28961 0.58514 21.60134 10.93773 3.9786074 48.14877 105.99518 24.971321
1 3 6 9 2
QU-168-6.1c 687.6422 0.3539638 1.082248 0.58643 20.16631 11.85879 4.4210782 57.65767 154.26068 44.781729
3 9 3 5 9
QU-168-7.1c 734.7791 0.9423053 2.566547 0.89280 60.52019 23.39018 9.7380184 130.2963 315.05166 73.345841
6 6 8 3 1 1
QU-168-9.1c 702.9149 1.6310997 4.698963 2.11619 68.34215 41.82237 14.125880 160.2958 300.76971 67.085012
4 2 5 5 4
QU-168-10.1c 675.7856 0.1257058 0.379679 0.21002 7.498696 4.079025 1.3836780 18.71344 40.021220 10.173003
3 7 4 9 6 9
QU-168-11.1C 809.2202 5.2664096 7.677929 3.10173 60.76177 46.25781 14.611496 156.5836 268.90413 58.36257
6 2 6 4 9
QU-168-12.1C 741.4512 0.8708924 1.850767 1.08659 22.26981 14.54616 4.7111170 54.48643 112.45421 26.76216
3 4 2 2 4 3
QU-168-3.3r 696.722 0.4263853 1.296515 0.65782 16.322 10.20961 3.6705244 40.56293 82.782167 20.024866
6 3 7 3
QU-168-4.3r 651.7886 0.1920192 0.595464 0.31420 13.35837 6.902085 2.5870947 32.50371 71.357280 18.108133
1 2 1 9
QU-168-5.3r 677.5582 0.3829473 1.196085 0.57899 19.02108 11.31119 3.9931209 46.93197 96.256292 22.462747
3 7 9 7 5 7
QU-168-6.4r 726.254 0.5150476 1.721212 0.88553 33.08111 15.29957 5.6643139 72.25075 156.94051 36.531244
9 6 3 7 4 9
QU-168-7.3r 690.4929 0.6186302 2.066066 0.94140 32.07288 18.23635 6.4493582 76.04316 143.06414 33.671947
5 6 9 7 8 3
QU-168-9.2r 721.362 0.75682 1.723779 0.95681 25.24373 17.23732 5.8700762 63.89382 118.21374 26.614202
4 2 1 3 2
QU-168-11.2E 714.6667 0.4734226 1.192477 0.50477 22.51295 12.11839 4.3553120 53.03107 113.46450 26.380616
9 4 1 1 1 6
QU-168-12.2E 713.4247 0.4927989 1.554463 0.78976 25.37761 14.59328 5.1255981 62.94081 132.20562 31.549121
5 6 5 2 7 8
QU-168-10.2r 698.9634 0.3246551 0.871739 0.49139 14.54487 8.910793 3.0919789 35.15380 73.746063 17.13284
5 5 6 4 8
QU-168-3.2ingrey 756.6046 1.1036533 3.306873 1.53378 48.53010 31.59586 11.127207 129.1128 246.15090 56.353275
4 3 1 8 1 6
QU-168-4.2ingrey 645.1432 0.1531497 0.425376 0.33890 11.39960 5.111719 2.0859971 25.57164 68.261442 19.275875
5 7 6 5 7 3

Spot Temp. Nd146 Sm147 Eu153 Ho165 GdO173 TbO175 DyO179 ErO182 TmO185
QU-168-5.2indk 717.6093 0.3104629 0.839716 0.41910 12.02716 6.586540 2.3151689 27.62445 57.826597 14.990371
8 7 4 6 8 1
QU-168-6.2dfin 693.3568 0.3011429 0.849921 0.51610 18.88123 8.248425 3.4989166 41.66646 94.975672 22.282398
1 5 7 2 9 1
QU-168-6.3grin 705.65 0.7266641 2.244076 1.02102 52.34195 26.12593 9.9112983 121.9668 246.84316 56.123246
3 3 9 4 8 4
QU-168-7.2ingrey 647.2566 0.1041004 0.517656 0.28471 12.59804 6.240315 2.1174472 28.80321 64.801734 16.04267
8 3 8 6 7
QU210-1.4C 723.6942 0.5506812 1.795489 1.14301 28.53375 16.95879 6.0970614 74.05379 159.02937 37.561946
2 6 6 2 2 7
QU210-3.2C 726.5231 0.9698555 2.16098 1.14548 29.14052 18.59873 6.2573950 72.46440 145.33578 35.036344
5 7 2 6 4 1
QU210-4.1C 766.1255 0.4072099 0.900976 0.5602 14.18293 9.369134 3.0968421 35.65771 69.960765 16.574126
6 3 3 7
QU210-7.5C 750.5296 0.4689907 1.199356 0.68958 15.49798 9.228926 3.4159819 38.54869 76.368634 17.919308
7 5 9 4 7 3
QU210-8.1C 696.2804 0.4689009 1.427543 0.70971 24.63372 13.0073 4.7216528 58.60946 128.75529 30.895956
7 7 9 8 5
QU210-9.1C 777.4299 0.6961136 1.797844 0.97141 31.47482 18.22741 6.4648498 78.19512 162.39084 37.234801
6 1 2 3 5 8
QU210-4.4E 654.7898 0.1331429 0.369179 0.26831 10.72065 4.353207 1.6343000 20.95546 56.856238 15.889927
4 3 8 8 5
QU210-1.1E 676.7067 0.2089054 0.725658 0.40756 15.18605 8.023888 3.1469091 36.54059 80.162118 18.71421
8 6 2 6 3 2
QU210-3.4E 660.8462 0.2263121 0.885973 0.43721 14.02717 7.547161 2.8037427 34.01166 75.020229 18.654596
4 8 9 9
QU210-7.1E 723.0146 2.0354898 1.816371 1.13389 12.44385 6.999579 2.2037435 26.84585 53.861648 13.96962
7 6 6 4 7
QU210-8.3E 672.6655 0.3039274 0.864278 0.43176 15.95549 8.517299 3.1693864 37.98238 76.615149 18.738398
1 7 5 9 3
QU210-9.3E 680.529 0.4244055 1.099526 0.54274 22.84820 12.75004 4.5848684 54.18672 113.14744 26.1899
3 4 3 4 3 1
QU210-1.2IL 663.7548 0.2161684 0.62516 0.33537 9.581976 5.517912 2.0972411 23.76111 54.236150 12.738912
5 1 6 9 9 7
QU210-1.3ID 768.089 3.3973016 12.13443 5.94467 113.9534 106.7904 32.773022 330.8379 470.81168 92.377611
3 6 7 4 9 5
QU210-3.1ID 720.2625 0.6925841 1.902268 0.93006 39.24220 18.86702 6.9185610 88.85265 197.71515 47.121684
7 9 6 5 1 6
QU210-3.3IL 680.1819 0.3665227 0.834451 0.41262 14.51818 8.076584 2.8865229 35.84965 79.718017 19.560308
2 4 7 2 9 7
QU210-4.2IL 748.3464 0.6248987 1.673751 0.83004 31.07145 16.26903 5.5692822 68.86185 150.37507 34.350393
6 7 3 5 2 9
QU210-4.3ID 710.6457 0.5783302 1.82946 0.77834 39.62348 18.25158 6.9852231 87.91563 199.22671 47.199391
9 1 6 9 1
QU210-7.2IL 646.0696 0.3855425 0.577646 0.43225 11.20414 5.506471 1.9607402 25.84128 66.017091 18.34484
8 4 7 9 3 5
QU210-7.3ID 629.0618 0.0497995 0.220864 0.17694 7.704118 3.051946 1.2774499 16.82668 50.524992 14.185397
3 2 5 6 1
QU210-7.4ID2 702.0055 0.2741273 1.010656 0.53826 23.79131 11.51497 4.4637339 56.15632 130.35828 32.246027
5 8 8 5 4
QU210-8.2ID 712.736 0.5870447 2.064758 0.92565 33.78373 20.39225 7.0603215 82.72304 165.18271 37.87078
6 4 2
QU210-9.2ID 712.5699 0.4313832 1.308359 0.61316 18.55881 11.54646 4.1729384 47.49240 96.587251 23.505228
2 6 6
QU394-1.1C 648.643 0.2163042 0.783825 0.44045 15.42759 7.455739 2.8127455 35.01535 79.120814 19.597572
7 8 6 8 6 8
QU394-1.2ID 717.137 0.7396625 2.060275 1.11775 33.83128 20.05924 7.3408864 86.48188 167.47078 36.444836
6 1 7 6
QU394-1.3E 636.1034 0.0628001 0.288839 0.1804 7.131096 2.666272 1.0318442 14.32275 38.877791 11.250464
4 2 5 7
QU394-2.1E 727.1038 0.7895966 2.768734 1.23798 43.86049 27.56293 9.6685009 108.5316 195.96942 43.540176
6 9 6 2 2
QU394-2.2C 711.6823 1.7728901 2.655789 1.18047 28.84002 19.83715 6.5368904 72.29347 141.51538 33.244005
5 2 1 5 2
QU394-2.3ID 723.2648 0.6370563 2.609965 1.39212 48.91964 29.32207 10.832855 124.4555 240.22239 53.535223
8 5 7 9 5
QU394-4.1E 677.2876 0.2781291 0.935421 0.54839 16.59635 9.633252 3.4254150 38.48293 81.734591 18.701149
8 2 7 8 7
QU394-4.2C 700.4075 1.0303631 2.330262 1.03392 30.86411 19.65912 6.8932047 83.03525 159.4883 37.896811
1 9 6
QU394-5.1E 717.1423 0.600674 1.482622 0.78630 21.38886 13.4755 4.7591630 56.21704 107.00941 23.501106
6 7 2 6 5
QU394-5.2C 691.504 0.4067272 1.362423 0.66956 33.81153 17.30673 6.5742908 83.47406 172.93373 41.031912
1 2 5 7 6 6
QU394-5.3I 702.084 0.4904489 1.56758 0.79634 26.63287 15.74234 5.8179710 66.59271 134.12993 31.163045
8 3 7 6 7 2
QU394-6.1C 726.03 1.0106157 2.682717 1.47460 36.66109 22.58953 7.8380601 89.65313 176.08539 39.772735
9 5 1 2 8 7

Spot Temp. Nd146 Sm147 Eu153 Ho165 GdO173 TbO175 DyO179 ErO182 TmO185
QU394-6.2IL 729.3088 0.5725248 2.000573 0.95689 37.89913 19.07736 7.2394990 86.08461 183.84232 42.587598
6 6 4 5 2 6
QU394-6.3ID 735.758 1.0565125 3.410572 1.67453 65.83864 39.67578 14.771322 170.1528 294.78292 63.559844
4 4 7 3 2 6
QU394-6.4E 713.3882 0.5119044 1.507301 0.72884 22.62132 15.63140 5.2075814 62.39623 120.85052 27.887963
6 7 7 1 8
QU394-7.1C 727.616 0.8096141 1.859727 0.77940 24.12424 14.02876 5.0140758 60.88297 125.95239 28.431314
7 9 6 5 2 4
QU394-7.1I 737.3607 0.8316086 1.922531 1.00211 35.04453 18.31601 6.9917094 82.45351 171.20559 39.655927
9 2 9 3 2
QU394-7.3E 715.4713 0.4791339 2.091008 1.06058 35.93386 20.20194 7.0627244 89.35032 183.80656 42.212309
6 5 3 5 3
QU394-8.1E 687.3347 0.4682119 1.23922 0.58839 21.69579 11.95645 4.5129392 52.42047 102.43134 23.717183
1 4 2 2 1
QU394-8.2C 818.5013 1.843721 4.857835 2.76003 84.19515 56.68368 19.853332 226.4998 418.57720 92.422954
6 3 3 3 8 5

Table A5-2 (cont’d): Zircon mineral chemistry data Trace Element routine
Spot Temp. °C YbO188 LuO191 Hf Th U Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu*
QU242-1.1 797 450.87923 89.917341 9333.965 121.87196 151.586346 261.97213 0.61223979
9 9
QU242-1.2 738 199.42618 40.563245 10608.884 22.346917 52.651531 252.93731 0.62628534
5 5 5
QU242-1.3 730 307.64763 63.665011 11055.49 46.798532 96.5919338 436.63296 0.63973486
5 5
QU242-3.1 702 236.82648 49.85207 11998.847 94.113994 166.042553 106.99156 0.51580041
6 4 1
QU242-3.2 672 121.86414 25.898373 13334.514 49.345949 124.541857 632.77453 0.51177686
6 6 8
QU242-4.1 720 441.43338 89.399747 10855.488 137.87494 165.875002 204.33925 0.41307622
9 5 4
QU242-4.2 628 125.67925 29.972631 13748.766 50.098410 150.232164 865.17217 0.55143735
4 5 5
QU242-5.1 725 348.14994 74.785289 11004.193 118.24332 185.938699 334.83830 0.42807724
1 7 5
QU242-5.2 713 408.15843 79.79141 12372.508 289.21052 309.93253 894.06695 0.38795657
3 2
QU242-6.1 742 360.34315 72.372459 10951.36 584.76698 468.14856 974.32403 0.45856216
4 1
QU242-6.2 767 320.50807 68.091348 10317.965 104.55681 172.711655 394.00434 0.43462972
4 2 9
QU242-8.1 719 298.83662 56.295366 11460.66 114.85361 171.41866 307.42875 0.44812121
9 5
QU242-8.2 737 640.46059 120.82792 12669.776 256.44119 383.240166 989.93236 0.38267647
7 1 8
QU242-10.1 732 393.41527 79.439724 10773.028 174.25684 216.583058 696.18111 0.41226139
4 3
QU242-10.2 663 87.105108 18.006394 13353.727 17.445758 52.7822356 45.171056 0.39135104
9 4 6
QU242-14.1 696 122.97575 26.194296 10760.341 32.586240 57.2943583 164.39656 0.52194151
2 1
QU242-14.2 765 136.52408 28.154313 10269.416 73.110457 96.8026009 242.05578 0.48049466
3 3 7
QU283-1.1 779 126.12938 27.500244 10202.377 40.468229 70.671635 159.14008 0.43703789
2 8 5
QU283-1.2 773 148.86245 33.557621 10278.218 59.575901 100.395802 451.76611 0.48587757
2 9 8
QU283-10.1 781 143.66273 29.228732 10919.439 48.413911 72.373782 123.82985 0.34464873
2 3
QU283-10.2 750 135.21721 29.045391 11630.32 53.518710 101.842091 4.4827319 0.46267827
4 7 7
QU283-11.1 849 505.11959 95.476609 9238.0108 349.87276 345.476785 365.39667 0.37682081
7 3 1
QU283-11.2 792 138.86814 27.418913 10888.235 62.733525 98.1395694 348.79190 0.38524468
3 8 9
QU283-11.3 710 94.975321 22.19932 11590.337 55.26833 529.3726 275.84687 0.44622265
4 8
QU283-15.1 798 260.24391 52.598099 10806.045 210.23469 201.323088 40.605955 0.39298034
8 5 3
QU283-2.1 794 568.25501 101.32988 11011.391 1034.3437 566.745419 78.864514 0.39849111
2 3 7
QU283-2.2 813 126.03737 24.117019 10936.637 65.389929 90.3858038 218.54578 0.38024111
9 6 3
QU283-2.3 765 106.15331 22.168021 10859.327 62.419291 99.4615205 220.50653 0.47457549
1 6 5
QU283-3.1 791 198.28849 40.576104 10097.701 68.012439 109.873283 163.85890 0.38617252
6 6
QU283-3.2 749 51.234498 11.214912 11723.726 19.278855 46.7587665 408.02733 0.3970824
4 4
QU283-5.1 803 223.07186 42.858165 9851.3142 73.427255 87.4312253 100.87469 0.4071991
3 4 2
QU283-5.2 719 66.319980 14.246688 11994.942 25.857225 63.196422 262.63495 0.41774803
7 9 2
QU283-6.1 804 225.07011 42.577804 10250.379 91.580321 89.4627415 88.520101 0.3306516
3 1
QU283-6.2 788 138.32326 26.184207 11047.533 65.904432 97.2819111 395.36399 0.39358019
6 4 7
QU283-8.1 777 233.50854 45.353636 10842.914 96.049024 117.033714 124.57878 0.36172316
7 7
QU283-8.2 795 99.976322 19.506067 11110.66 45.187619 75.5738103 233.07595 0.39552005
8 4
QU393-2.1 817 611.11438 120.34266 8967.934 256.86346 230.742066 439.17253 0.56975699
2 3 5
QU393-2.2OSC_OR 677 226.90982 45.412292 12886.863 45.301539 112.32894 0 0.4311872
1 8
QU393-4.1SZ_UC 843 365.44637 70.706747 8177.7963 96.200074 105.695451 106.23757 0.68759955
7 5

Spot Temp. °C YbO188 LuO191 Hf Th U Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu*
QU393-4.2SZ_LC 780 189.75853 40.277778 7574.198 28.086895 42.4113296 83.603788 0.67658771
8 5 7
QU393-4.3OSC_OR 785 67.068855 13.599138 7935.5452 10.058020 12.8756356 0 0.72946918
2 2
QU393-16.1OSC_ILC 708 318.90107 68.418185 10040.706 80.448798 144.334941 348.74287 0.50839469
2 2 5
QU393- 721 560.31594 113.79314 11011.817 164.88513 302.181159 1058.7576 0.38109387
16.2OSC_IDC 7 7
QU393- 654 173.54914 37.628353 12826.45 26.771639 96.1126224 306.16068 0.44241862
16.3OSC_OLR 3 8 9
QU393-6.1OSC_DC 769 358.40556 73.18426 10253.076 173.67612 218.693541 63.070276 0.48497113
8 2 2
QU393-6.2OSC_DR 676 237.68595 53.825423 12298.014 62.434198 164.899792 1182.5151 0.43567951
QU393-7.1OSC_DC 771 162.11814 33.010899 9269.8617 53.339019 66.9059336 100.25931 0.52986028
3 8 2
QU393- 703 257.28074 52.133757 11838.61 384.12204 417.484369 766.42328 0.39888803
7.2OSC_DINT 7 8 8
QU393-7.3OSC_DR 706 400.75590 80.214458 11587.053 165.68185 276.942209 666.03742 0.40133606
3 9 8
QU393-9.1OSC_LC 770 506.13494 105.28227 8956.464 214.13515 219.078898 59.216618 0.6026017
4 2 6
QU393-9.2OSC_DC 703 368.84796 71.515552 14233.273 686.55462 945.183302 733.85915 0.43090156
5 1 4
QU393-9.3OSC_LINT 718 156.63705 32.83048 11321.795 131.15350 159.282322 108.55321 0.41957998
6 7 2
QU393-9.4OSC_LR 697 220.65852 44.551193 11874.273 252.9927 289.757982 723.74699 0.47858067
7 5
QU395-1.1 725 240.52969 49.10058 11342.258 64.853204 113.987993 121.46344 0.52358958
7 5
QU395-1.2 688 137.08582 30.097612 12587.856 122.24907 191.962825 441.74991 0.50737969
1 6 5
QU395-1.3 689 253.48656 52.165194 13248.834 127.22007 241.255582 830.87698 0.39413142
7 3 9
QU395-3.1 697 377.27689 80.992194 13120.916 415.76062 523.624744 339.50929 0.40149153
7 9
QU395-3.2 683 107.37408 23.696431 14125.846 79.771799 117.121429 166.77995 0.57699528
7 8 5
QU395-4.1 799 145.15117 29.183677 9761.1483 35.382165 40.285573 86.754548 0.37055114
1 8
QU395-4.2 717 107.79415 21.777326 11420.608 59.800140 123.708166 225.29043 0.49192427
8 9 2
QU395-6.1 767 1123.6456 207.15649 9465.9519 965.15123 543.60978 73.334023 0.53355758
3 3 3
QU395-6.2 737 137.12326 29.692084 10387.689 31.637608 71.8016034 175.38535 0.55714973
9 3 3
QU395-7.1 720 398.41483 84.47362 13766.576 189.10194 295.451396 45.282532 0.43227553
9 8 8
QU395-7.2 712 263.18728 52.282518 11778.661 319.27825 345.03283 608.26146 0.46984902
6 9 2
QU395-9.1 720 361.44930 74.583777 11582.42 85.344017 166.820453 858.31420 0.50076587
6 2 2
QU395-9.2 759 429.07909 88.414015 12273.574 796.35457 585.914534 75.209262 0.43366037
1 1 3
QU395-13.1 709 394.42350 81.203649 11711.356 105.09873 199.385414 345.57034 0.41723924
2 7 3
QU395-13.2 715 204.59968 41.62512 12014.727 132.08124 188.885466 400.17822 0.50459523
2 4 4
QU335-2.1 796 359.89197 75.178743 9134.9791 133.60194 172.341896 467.45900 0.44988481
9 5 6
QU335-2.2 690 201.23825 40.9956 12733.855 118.15257 185.560658 455.50312 0.45820418
1 8 8
QU335-3.1 759 423.17869 84.445948 9650.7785 226.35758 208.265453 80.998918 0.60244094
QU335-3.2 686 144.81442 29.94133 11958.689 95.365861 165.045902 0 0.45418528
6 3
QU335-4.1 777 118.33468 22.970893 11497.574 49.395016 73.9133477 260.02161 0.32793963
4 3 1
QU335-4.2 809 124.61000 24.384703 10158.587 57.633376 78.548038 151.68911 0.37302714
2 8 6
QU335-5.1LTRIM 791 197.71204 39.567927 10728.837 65.348547 108.541409 232.44836 0.40933686
7 8
QU335-5.2LTCORE 773 174.34956 35.150891 11504.051 66.336543 103.650783 779.25661 0.39403565
1 4
QU335-5.3DKSEC 772 323.03763 62.147814 11663.541 151.80179 163.85905 144.65718 0.35657317
1 1 5
QU335-6.1LTCORE 756 216.73001 47.252272 10742.04 44.903633 90.6316931 382.43783 0.48383706
4 1 9
QU335-6.2DKRIM 642 125.47111 28.770406 14299.203 35.759721 124.159379 433.28179 0.60012439
5 6

Spot Temp. °C YbO188 LuO191 Hf Th U Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu*
QU335-10.1CORE 828 274.9964251.774819 10198.34 150.79446 279.595125 264.12005 0.29126864
2 9
QU335-10.2grrim 776 106.4477721.257486 11196.477 26.920069 51.6545394 562.50780 0.39349592
2 8 4
QU335-12.1c 807 151.1216929.605257 11109.641 33.752473 59.8809018 0 0.4354226
6 5
QU335-12.2dkrim 720 240.7473252.884415 18409.781 278.07221 1142.18301 29.073246 0.21976523
8 6 2
QU050-1.1C 713 291.7297957.435756 12055.146 169.53857 257.070117 881.76749 0.49819212
6 9 9
QU050-3.3C 721 265.1610856.206678 9867.5752 42.293165 94.5938479 144.77505 0.43069189
1 9 2
QU050-5.1C 742 575.57621111.51164 10434.482 248.01745 303.115126 105.23726 0.46584445
6 1 3
QU050-6.4C 726 305.8797061.489987 9988.9463 78.471192 125.405776 78.149893 0.61427416
7 1 9
QU050-7.2C 862 2391.3369386.77055 8597.4545 2089.2824 1049.48159 300.27980 0.64156408
6 4
QU050-8.2C 1891 552.21358 109.06356 10840.192 212.32999 258.295032 32.616502 0.55862717
8 6 4
QU050-9.1C 728 298.73008 62.499417 9661.4617 63.145761 125.059589 397.64412 0.5335307
1 2
QU050-10.1C 728 267.85563 55.400151 9306.0322 56.665220 102.974473 124.27379 0.62914479
3 7 2
QU050-11.3C 721 209.79537 46.638354 9806.2079 43.562698 89.2682562 227.53268 0.60098187
4 8 2
QU050-12.1C 721 255.19864 56.242405 9838.7833 47.571969 86.7465876 78.706418 0.59695793
7 4
QU050-3.1E 694 168.18338 39.121041 13109.885 76.155393 192.472151 88.95918 0.36700193
QU050-6.1E 715 231.97674 48.749344 12474.957 210.04132 253.900445 792.20941 0.44281711
3 1 4
QU050-7.3E 692 238.18265 47.931535 12870.656 195.31676 283.379241 638.16563 0.5100126
6 9 3
QU050-8.1E 693 175.83342 37.068434 12057.081 55.170339 131.065765 340.14039 0.52514986
8 3 8
QU050-9.3E 699 348.92314 72.957032 14194.032 354.30097 501.966672 1314.4319 0.51849061
4 7 6
QU050-10.4E 700 345.44408 70.743424 13258.828 71.105093 193.662621 128.48905 0.49123751
2 5
QU050-11.1E 685 316.70277 62.575065 13227.906 61.235868 175.926718 270.30421 0.54458157
4 2
QU050-12.3E 663 206.89693 40.825069 14308.418 56.829435 165.507117 412.51184 0.47655105
5 2
QU050-3.2I 796 620.05914 123.7606 10169.601 174.11895 251.780205 660.41724 0.56850355
4 2 3
QU050-5.2ID 771 524.49636 103.94227 10224.22 159.08206 227.479645 420.43571 0.59666979
3 8 3
QU050-6.2IL 670 266.55522 57.582088 12671.671 65.306388 176.262346 673.92665 0.51251735
8 1 8
QU050-6.3ID 733 370.23152 77.928108 11774.655 68.754085 168.755612 291.35963 0.55220343
1 5
QU050-7.1I 735 446.92735 87.275067 12856.362 533.46317 524.951386 367.48163 0.46869517
1 9
QU050-8.3ID 743 360.23764 67.500895 11322.093 635.32312 546.339714 1350.0586 0.52877963
4 2 7
QU050-9.2ID 690 87.201340 19.693254 11970.959 19.325865 51.6466231 298.00147 0.43846492
5 4 2
QU050-10.2ID 747 442.89523 92.253437 11186.695 102.6088 204.658153 345.10218 0.49493299
1 1
QU050-10.3IL 798 417.54677 85.118771 9381.3341 83.697816 138.145579 327.61733 0.55839813
5 6
QU050-11.2ID 735 390.08962 78.532364 11572.297 260.53497 341.887287 1214.0753 0.52213188
6 9 4
QU050-12.2I 679 296.92495 62.802026 13466.945 55.872589 151.847715 0 0.47728621
9 1
QU138-1.1C 723.32848 170.35300 35.969746 10200.092 40.683106 71.3355747 141.36463 0.51129174
4 1 2 7
QU138-2.1C 634.26452 128.45920 27.960786 6437.2056 25.521380 64.2357871 290.05430 0.53564367
3 4 3 3
QU138-5.1C 703.22079 160.30332 32.755461 12072.145 23.952641 65.1826606 269.28064 0.47872296
3 4 3 3
QU138-6.1C 697.88773 146.48816 32.951342 12228.425 18.809393 70.3387787 173.71952 0.47020192
9 8 1 4
QU138-6.3C 675.20337 137.96349 29.976216 12663.386 16.603833 65.9900251 244.48577 0.48551561
3 7 7
QU138-8.1C 761.02250 393.52825 77.420513 10011.864 114.08943 139.455166 66.939822 0.48622018
8 4 7 9
QU138-10.1C 736.55662 224.11714 49.32092 10009.264 51.851443 108.338507 235.20680 0.59254316

Spot Temp. °C YbO188 LuO191 Hf Th U Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu*
8 2 3 4
QU138-11.1c 724.51218 136.0795 29.38691 10409.52 16.007551 36.0562081 101.92836 0.48672174
6 1 4
QU138-1.3E 694.55851 194.09823 41.034442 12310.032 74.427562 144.245815 525.27655 0.56418874
2 3 9
QU138-2.4R 718.29506 683.01878 130.60487 11878.281 187.60810 372.350412 722.78098 0.41437131
9 6 9 5
QU138-5.3R 699.70898 389.81668 79.749589 12147.167 66.148948 174.382752 714.02340 0.43668295
4 4 6 9
QU138-8.3R 669.50264 361.07129 70.481425 12810.086 201.26652 437.090285 683.66029 0.48099962
7 9 9 4
QU138-10.4r 687.45404 179.96410 37.306372 12531.464 112.78262 180.62093 255.12601 0.50367542
4 4 7 8
QU138-11.2rIM 723.58644 332.33373 68.189642 11421.522 63.118191 150.594908 660.36890 0.51583731
8 4 5 3
QU138-1.2I 733.54187 167.67268 35.861289 10608.204 92.973209 153.540965 330.20171 0.53750989
9 8 2
QU138-2.2ID 731.90737 307.62641 65.643053 12968.623 61.599417 178.126944 254.0157 0.51141237
1 7 6
QU138-2.3ID 749.22029 825.62101 153.62276 11383.557 408.45644 442.761127 712.44190 0.40034169
6 8 9 8
QU138-5.2IG 728.60035 294.10112 61.245141 11285.689 46.347413 114.605575 668.42584 0.53712343
1 1 1 4
QU138-6.2DI 724.58848 281.32272 60.896544 11437.716 78.966254 164.361472 903.68794 0.49714402
2 1 5 4
QU138-8.2ingrey 679.60454 101.47029 20.408595 12886.053 40.987665 90.0382506 556.57879 0.5338271
3 4 7 8
QU138-10.2indark 714.56440 378.73059 80.498394 12489.07 93.886871 188.368911 219.65766 0.40339183
8 7 4 8
QU138-10.3outgrey 709.75578 420.51812 85.645857 11560.215 90.911819 182.788309 401.16500 0.46627098
8 5 3 9
QU138-11.2ingrey 660.34721 196.39168 41.422856 12749.632 26.858009 95.8088009 274.67436 0.44905083
8 4
QU-168-3.1c 724.20996 378.82937 73.82951 10919.269 480.82455 436.507753 639.14494 0.4439067
1 1 4 4
QU-168-4.1c 681.24467 357.48987 72.185893 11537.571 92.574476 204.942106 569.28035 0.46024067
4 9 3 3
QU-168-5.1c 688.41694 231.56401 50.481495 11877.387 53.116108 128.823732 385.46801 0.47372227
4 2 3 3
QU-168-6.1c 687.64219 462.00536 89.580671 11142.403 152.19100 192.440101 207.81956 0.49772521
1 6 5
QU-168-7.1c 734.77905 673.67273 136.41218 9852.3227 383.12386 593.452315 533.96535 0.35036651
6 3 3 3
QU-168-9.1c 702.91485 587.55058 118.00963 11834.261 312.24008 366.992044 467.71947 0.45899416
8 2 6 2
QU-168-10.1c 675.78557 95.097016 20.961914 12680.945 22.734264 64.2149804 334.49267 0.51314094
9 6 7
QU-168-11.1C 809.22019 512.09618 102.42418 9247.5862 436.94507 312.987072 13.858659 0.50043448
5 6 1 6
QU-168-12.1C 741.45120 250.42007 55.350701 8489.4238 41.907181 78.2164301 145.02809 0.63675724
9 4 2
QU-168-3.3r 696.72202 188.83201 39.942992 12299.706 112.14732 178.974714 299.18565 0.54976153
2 2 2 4
QU-168-4.3r 651.78863 179.64182 37.677133 13442.469 85.850092 181.707744 347.63940 0.47124452
8 5 6 1
QU-168-5.3r 677.55818 197.25175 39.929536 12296.731 95.31245 170.962664 395.94968 0.478625
5 4 9
QU-168-6.4r 726.25400 328.77745 69.011928 11124.392 68.532856 145.025124 540.37027 0.52469637
1 5 8 2
QU-168-7.3r 690.49286 288.45317 57.583828 12147.148 295.85194 338.091472 702.86753 0.46632908
2 8 4 5
QU-168-9.2r 721.36201 244.35569 48.116515 11529.956 204.83201 247.629681 701.39310 0.53371452
6 1 9 6
QU-168-11.2E 714.66671 243.77254 46.941996 12075.637 65.981096 118.958453 562.03566 0.4037483
4 9 4
QU-168-12.2E 713.42471 294.35221 61.899583 12095.799 112.57788 319.691443 114.50582 0.50418271
5 4 8 2
QU-168-10.2r 698.96340 170.36320 36.196944 12308.398 67.676589 145.819484 247.08102 0.53608327
1 5 8 6
QU-168-3.2ingrey 756.60455 496.04016 95.316719 11089.825 302.96738 374.764513 715.35471 0.4562441
8 9 6
QU-168-4.2ingrey 645.14324 211.82252 52.261085 13477.034 38.901559 131.083039 288.31341 0.69881887
7 5 7
QU-168-5.2indk 717.60928 140.71300 30.602861 11573.12 24.069824 63.6150916 162.80739 0.54186171
2 2 6
QU-168-6.2dfin 693.35676 218.31978 45.021056 11564.073 41.654080 106.81235 516.36816 0.59267538
7 2 2 2
QU-168-6.3grin 705.64999 500.50258 97.314333 11960.158 143.05765 248.627939 1668.5898 0.4054505

Spot Temp. °C YbO188 LuO191 Hf Th U Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu*
QU-168-7.2ingrey 647.25664 157.90156 35.410052 13329.312 31.623484 102.990778 272.17361 0.48165515
1 8 2 1
QU210-1.4C 723.69417 362.88175 74.929584 9840.066 103.01021 185.440955 85.076779 0.62982392
4 6 9
QU210-3.2C 726.52314 344.91784 72.076363 10276.988 116.54085 200.111939 80.083985 0.54938808
1 7 3 1
QU210-4.1C 766.12549 153.9311 33.174494 9510.7857 25.711192 45.7886708 203.09488 0.58626475
8 7 1
QU210-7.5C 750.52957 168.90014 36.445025 9378.5955 38.227999 146.571607 126.48007 0.63022644
1 2 6 8
QU210-8.1C 696.28037 309.01182 62.841207 11350.093 65.994399 148.890695 290.54691 0.50078833
5 4 3 5
QU210-9.1C 777.42985 347.97367 70.497193 9844.1551 109.16667 162.7818 242.93238 0.51596924
7 1 6 6
QU210-4.4E 654.78980 174.45886 46.078055 13168.99 38.406809 116.71478 #DIV/0! 0.64354161
2 1 4
QU210-1.1E 676.70674 181.11356 35.878141 12115.704 72.197192 151.221276 495.40612 0.51356924
6 1 9 6
QU210-3.4E 660.84621 186.23288 39.744689 13700.904 57.064636 144.675203 137.54162 0.51409652
9 8 9 6
QU210-7.1E 723.01464 123.53529 26.258101 12955.203 54.264159 135.34051 13.454818 0.96692416
2 1 4 8
QU210-8.3E 672.66551 174.10858 35.660535 12022.176 66.708946 153.527375 393.90049 0.48386298
3 1 2 5
QU210-9.3E 680.52903 241.41677 47.712108 12565.721 128.83652 244.766943 1340.9842 0.4407501
5 3 6 4
QU210-1.2IL 663.75483 119.46958 25.911587 12790.649 39.231875 103.31855 #DIV/0! 0.54904126
7 6 7
QU210-1.3ID 768.08902 749.67381 127.86897 12549.261 616.76396 541.380852 560.46849 0.50212168
1 3 2 5
QU210-3.1ID 720.26245 444.21902 91.510294 12022.755 128.66576 223.14882 354.78421 0.47204511
8 4 8 3
QU210-3.3IL 680.18188 191.58851 39.088738 13044.443 39.409201 97.3859032 105.22961 0.48327525
7 1 2
QU210-4.2IL 748.34643 326.39245 65.409394 11524.985 112.98680 165.49638 332.21978 0.48365216
3 6 6 3
QU210-4.3ID 710.64572 449.16406 92.278145 11431.606 109.42327 199.313194 866.26268 0.40956197
1 6 5 3
QU210-7.2IL 646.06957 203.92605 50.48856 13852.451 42.936850 132.702823 61.534300 0.73694025
3 3 8
QU210-7.3ID 629.06180 163.45811 43.033748 13870.772 35.253559 104.40706 348.59032 0.65529793
1 7 3 5
QU210-7.4ID2 702.00549 312.40807 63.469864 12307.616 67.545660 133.659451 #DIV/0! 0.47975546
5 7 6
QU210-8.2ID 712.73599 340.86943 69.625267 11581.054 199.01568 278.65122 801.54777 0.43374735
6 9 3 3
QU210-9.2ID 712.56990 217.64039 44.188913 11785.902 94.000291 164.493115 347.83303 0.47967062
7 2 2 7
QU394-1.1C 648.64303 197.58536 41.701192 11599.933 36.801082 108.39949 191.69853 0.55399402
9 2 1 3
QU394-1.2ID 717.13701 321.77294 63.316823 12029.959 211.92012 255.124469 58.544047 0.52866937
7 7 5 1
QU394-1.3E 636.10342 124.54827 31.562425 13627.862 61.756044 184.503141 412.11910 0.62504987
4 4 1
QU394-2.1E 727.10380372.69103 73.904633 12221.799 246.98407 338.312313 217.29799 0.43089302
6 1 4 3
QU394-2.2C 711.68228296.95917 61.430171 10777.842 71.889175 126.087248 107.48611 0.49451257
7 5 4
QU394-2.3ID 723.26476 472.94322 92.877532 11819.877 269.18369 358.858237 812.28009 0.4838619
7 9 2 2
QU394-4.1E 677.28763 173.35585 35.988795 12713.699 101.36869 188.559881 381.38184 0.55547306
8 5 2
QU394-4.2C 700.40748 354.89270 74.068994 11016.29 97.530332 176.832451 137.07392 0.46447191
6 7 2 8
QU394-5.1E 717.14233 209.70151 42.260231 11769.859 171.24406 220.167016 345.32938 0.5348854
QU394-5.2C 691.50397 361.43829 70.263295 12605.397 90.709592 183.98201 201.98095 0.41926003
8 9 9 8
QU394-5.3I 702.08396 300.29907 57.969425 12466.217 128.29656 216.727832 820.15190 0.48742761
7 4 7 7
QU394-6.1C 726.02998 361.38240 72.320105 10962.389 87.569216 172.063234 133.22898 0.57596089
4 5 9 6
QU394-6.2IL 729.3088 388.45521 82.269929 12071.328 122.25318 227.759986 566.93717 0.47096166
3 5 9
QU394-6.3ID 735.75795 536.98487 99.087329 15376.081 304.32405 541.039017 154.77258 0.43769806
4 8 5 9
QU394-6.4E 713.38823 245.61091 51.614326 11859.811 125.85234 202.356069 468.53578 0.45655546
5 2 1 9
QU394-7.1C 727.61603 264.86261 54.821822 10399.36 47.792370 88.5526795 42.466907 0.46396669

Spot Temp. °C YbO188 LuO191 Hf Th U Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu*
8 2 3 8
QU394-7.1I 737.36072 360.49576 73.954025 11049.812 114.64924 198.372069 349.20908 0.51347628
8 2 8 1
QU394-7.3E 715.47128 404.70185 79.912341 12450.696 98.181162 208.201143 652.96792 0.49616779
8 3 4 6
QU394-8.1E 687.33466 219.77039 42.553696 13152.089 120.96110 235.110964 525.64152 0.46478056
6 8 9 1
QU394-8.2C 818.50132 816.35351 157.49221 9810.3284 376.73542 442.496374 405.86871 0.50573307
2 4 3 2


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