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Self-Hypnosis for Management of Chronic Dyspnea in Pediatric Patients

Ran D. Anbar
Pediatrics 2001;107;e21
DOI: 10.1542/peds.107.2.e21

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PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned,
published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point
Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2001 by the American Academy
of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.

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Self-Hypnosis for Management of Chronic Dyspnea in Pediatric Patients

Ran D. Anbar, MD

ABSTRACT. Introduction. Hypnotherapy can be use- complained of dyspnea both at rest and with activity.
ful in the management of anxiety, discomfort, and psy- Nine patients reported that they frequently needed to
chosomatic symptoms, all of which may contribute to a discontinue their physical activity because of dyspnea.
complaint of dyspnea. Therefore, instruction in self-hyp- The mean duration of their dyspnea before learning self-
nosis was offered to 17 children and adolescents with hypnosis was 2 years (range: 1 month to 5 years). The
chronic dyspnea, which had not resolved despite medical dyspnea was of <6 months duration for 4 of the patients.
therapy, and who were documented to have normal lung For 9 of the 17 patients a potential psychosocial asso-
function at rest. This report documents the result of this ciation with their dyspnea was identified: 3 developed
intervention. symptoms at school only; 2 with exercise during compet-
Methods. A retrospective chart review identified all itive races only; 3 after a major disagreement between
patients followed by a single pediatric pulmonologist their parents; and 1 developed symptoms each time his
(R.D.A.), with a chief complaint of chronic dyspnea from family moved to a new neighborhood.
April 1998 through December 1999. These patients had Before presentation, 7 of the 17 patients received
been evaluated and treated for medical diseases accord- chronic inhaled antiinflammatory therapy, and 3 were
ing to their history, physical examination, and laboratory using inhaled albuterol, as needed.
investigations. The pulmonologist offered to teach self- All 17 patients had normal physical examinations, with
hypnosis to all of these patients, who comprise the cohort the exception of healed scars on the chest and abdomen
in this report. of 1 patient, a repaired cleft palate in 1 patient, and
Chronic dyspnea was defined as recurrent difficulty rhinitis in another. Four of the 17 underwent pulmonary
breathing or shortness of breath at rest or with exertion, function testing before and after exercise, 6 had chest
which had existed for at least 1 month in patients who radiographs, and 3 had electrocardiograms. All of these
had not suffered within a month from an acute pulmo- tests were normal.
nary illness. A patient with a history of psychogenic cough declined
The pulmonologist was trained in hypnosis through to learn self-hypnosis. Thirteen of the remaining 16 pa-
his attendance at three 20-hour workshops. tients were taught to use self-hypnosis in 1 session. A
Hypnosis was taught to individual patients in 1 or two second session was provided to 3 patients within 2
15- to 45-minute sessions. Patients were taught hypnotic months.
self-induction techniques and imagery to achieve relax- Thirteen of the 16 patients reported their dyspnea and
ation. Additionally, imagery relating to dyspnea was de- any associated symptoms had resolved within 1 month of
veloped by coaching patients to change their imagined their final hypnosis instruction session. Eleven believed
lung appearance from a dyspneic to a healthy state. Pa- that resolution of their dyspnea was attributable to hyp-
tients were encouraged to practice self-hypnosis regu- nosis, because their symptoms cleared immediately after
larly and to use lung imagery to eliminate dyspnea if it they received hypnosis instruction (5 patients) or with its
occurred. regular use (6). Two did not attribute resolution of dys-
Results. Seventeen patients (13 males and 4 females) pnea to hypnosis because they did not use it at home. The
with chronic dyspnea were documented to have normal remaining 3 reported that their dyspnea had improved.
pulmonary function at rest. Their mean age was 13.4 Patients were followed for a mean 9 months (range:
years (range: 8 –18 years). Twelve of the 17 previously 2–15 months) after their final hypnosis session. Ten of
were diagnosed with other conditions, such as allergies, the 16 regularly used self-hypnosis at home for at least 1
asthma, and gastroesophageal reflux. Fifteen of the 17 month after the final hypnosis session. There was no
manifested at least 1 other symptom associated with their recurrence of dyspnea, associated symptoms, or onset of
dyspnea, including an anxious appearance (4 patients); new symptoms in patients in whom the dyspnea re-
chest tightness or pain (5); cough (4); wheeze (3); diffi- solved.
culty with inspiration (2); hyperventilation (1); inspira-
Under supervision of the pediatric pulmonologist, 2 of
tory noise, such as stridor, gasping, rasping, or squeak
7 patients discontinued their chronic antiinflammatory
(8); dizziness (1); feeling something is stuck in the throat
therapy when they became asymptomatic after hypnosis.
(2); parasthesias (4); and tachycardia (3).
Subsequently, their pulmonary function remained nor-
Of the 17 patients, 2 complained of dyspnea at rest
only, 13 complained of dyspnea with activity only, and 2
Discussion. Use of self-hypnosis was associated with
resolution of dyspnea in 13 of 16 patients who had nor-
mal pulmonary function. The improvement may have
From the Department of Pediatrics, State University of New York Upstate been attributable to physiologic effects of hypnosis. Fur-
Medical University, Syracuse, New York. thermore, some of the dyspnea-associated symptoms in
Received for publication Jun 23, 2000; accepted Sep 5, 2000.
Reprint requests to (R.D.A.) Department of Pediatrics, State University of
these patients were suggestive of anxiety disorders,
New York Upstate Medical University, 750 E Adams St, Syracuse, NY which are amenable to therapy with hypnosis.
13210. E-mail: Ten patients complained of difficulty with inspiration
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2001 by the American Acad- or made an inspiratory noise when they were dyspneic. It
emy of Pediatrics. was suspected that many of these patients were suffering PEDIATRICS Vol. 107 No. 2 February 2001 1 of 4

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from vocal cord dysfunction, which is amenable to ther- after administration of 180 ␮g of albuterol by meter dosed inhaler
apy with hypnosis. Because use of hypnosis was associ- (eg, a ⬎10% improvement in forced vital capacity or forced expi-
ated with rapid resolution of symptoms of most of these ratory volume in 1 second, or a ⬎20% improvement in forced
patients, there was no need to undertake additional in- expiratory flow, 25% to 75% vital capacity). Spirometric testing
was performed according to published standards.7 Predicted val-
vestigations involving provocation of symptoms or la- ues were calculated based on sex, race, height, and age.8
ryngoscopic evaluation. The pulmonologist was trained in hypnosis through his atten-
Although resolution or improvement of dyspnea can- dance in three 20-hour workshops sponsored by the Society for
not be attributed solely to hypnosis in this report, it Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics and the American Soci-
seems that introduction of hypnosis was a key factor in ety of Clinical Hypnosis.
view of the average 2-year duration of symptoms before Hypnosis was taught to individual patients in one or two 15- to
its utilization. For the 4 patients who were symptomatic 45-minute sessions. The hypnosis instruction was not standard-
for a short duration (ie, for <6 months), it is possible that ized and hypnotizability was not formally assessed. In the first
their improvement was caused by factors independent of session, patients were taught a hypnotic self-induction technique,
imagery to achieve relaxation, and imagery intended to help re-
hypnotherapy, such as change of weather. lieve their dyspnea. For example, induction was achieved by the
Conclusion. A controlled prospective study using se- technique of arm levitation4; and relaxation was accomplished by
rial objective measures is recommended to substantiate asking patients to imagine what might be perceived by each of the
this reported dramatic improvement of chronic dyspnea 5 senses in a relaxing place. Specific imagery relating to the
in pediatric patients who were taught self-hypnosis. dyspnea was developed with the assistance of the patients: they
Pediatrics 2001;107(2). URL: were asked to describe the imagined appearance of their lungs
cgi/content/full/107/2/e21; dyspnea, hypnosis, spirometry, when dyspnea was present and absent. They then were coached to
anxiety disorder, vocal cord dysfunction. change their lung appearance from a dyspneic state to how they
imagined their lungs to appear in a normal, healthy state. Patients
were encouraged to practice the self-hypnosis relaxation tech-

he most common causes of chronic dyspnea niques on a daily basis and to use lung imagery to reduce or
are respiratory disorders, such as asthma, cys- eliminate dyspnea if it occurred. A second session was requested
by some patients for whom the dyspnea only partially resolved
tic fibrosis, and interstitial lung disease.1 Non- after initial instruction in self-hypnosis. At the second session,
pulmonary causes of dyspnea include decondition- self-hypnosis techniques were reviewed and additional imagery
ing, gastroesophageal reflux, cardiovascular disease, to help control dyspnea was developed with the patients’ input.
and psychological factors.1,2 Because this report describes a retrospective chart review with-
Children and adolescents sometimes have incom- out identification of patients, it was exempt from review by an
institutional review board.
plete resolution of chronic dyspnea despite receiving
appropriate medical therapy. Because such patients RESULTS
can respond to psychological interventions,1 since Seventeen patients (13 males and 4 females) with
April 1998 such patients presenting to a pediatric chronic dyspnea were documented to have normal
pulmonary center were offered the opportunity to pulmonary function at rest during the 20-month re-
learn self-hypnosis to help control their symptoms. view period. Their mean age was 13.4 years (range:
Although there is no generally accepted definition 8 –18 years). Twelve of the 17 patients previously
of hypnosis,3– 6 in practice it can be useful to think of were diagnosed by their referring physicians with
hypnosis as an altered state of consciousness and other conditions, including 4 who had more than one
hypnotherapy as a treatment modality using hypno- diagnosis (Table 1). Fifteen of the 17 patients mani-
sis to achieve a therapeutic goal.3 Hypnosis is useful fested other symptoms associated with their dys-
in altering thoughts, feelings, expectations, attitudes, pnea, including 9 patients with more than one addi-
behavior, and perception.4,6 Therefore, hypnother- tional symptom (Table 2).
apy can be useful in the management of anxiety, Of the 17 patients, 2 complained of dyspnea at rest
discomfort, and psychosomatic symptoms,6 all of only, 13 complained of dyspnea with activity only,
which may contribute to a complaint of dyspnea. and 2 complained of dyspnea both at rest and with
This report summarizes the efficacy of self-hypno- activity. Nine of the patients reported that they fre-
sis for pediatric patients with chronic dyspnea who quently needed to discontinue their physical activity
were found to have normal lung function at rest. because of dyspnea. The mean duration of their dys-
METHODS pnea before learning self-hypnosis was 2 years
A retrospective chart review identified all patients followed by
a single pediatric pulmonologist (R.D.A.), with a chief complaint
of chronic dyspnea from April 1998 through December 1999, who TABLE 1. Diagnoses of Patients With Normal Baseline Lung
were documented to have normal baseline pulmonary function at Function
rest. These patients had been evaluated and treated for medical
diseases according to their history, physical examination, and Number of
laboratory investigations. The pulmonologist offered to teach self- Patients
hypnosis to all of these patients, who comprise the cohort in this
Acute lymphocytic leukemia 1
Allergies 5
Chronic dyspnea was defined as recurrent difficulty breathing
Asthma 5
or shortness of breath at rest or with exertion, which had existed
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 1
for at least 1 month in patients who had not suffered within a
Cleft palate 1
month from an acute pulmonary illness.
Cystic fibrosis 1
Patients were defined as having normal pulmonary function at
Gastroesophageal reflux 2
rest if their hemoglobin saturation as measured by pulse oximetry
Growth hormone deficiency 1
was ⬎95%; if their forced vital capacity and forced expiratory
Hereditary spherocytosis 1
volume in 1 second were ⬎80% of predicted; if their forced expi-
Sinusitis 1
ratory flow, 25% to 75% vital capacity was ⬎60% of predicted; and
Wilm’s tumor 1
if they did not demonstrate significant bronchodilation 10 minutes


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TABLE 2. Symptoms Associated With Dyspnea Ten of the 16 patients regularly used self-hypnosis at
Number of home for at least 1 month after the final hypnosis
Patients session. There was no recurrence of dyspnea, associ-
Anxious appearance 4
ated symptoms, or onset of new symptoms in pa-
Chest tightness/pain 5 tients in whom the dyspnea resolved.
Cough 4 Two of 7 patients discontinued their chronic anti-
Dizziness 1 inflammatory therapy when they become asymp-
Feeling something is stuck in the throat 2 tomatic after hypnosis, and another discontinued her
Difficulty with inspiration 2
Hyperventilation 1 albuterol therapy, under supervision of the pulmo-
Inspiratory noise* 8 nologist. Subsequently, their pulmonary function re-
Tachycardia 3 mained normal.
Tingling of extremities 4
Wheeze 3
* Including stridor, gasping, rasping, and a squeak. DISCUSSION
In this report, use of self-hypnosis was associated
with resolution of dyspnea in 13 of 16 patients who
(range: 1 month to 5 years). The dyspnea was of ⬍6 had normal pulmonary function. The improvement
months duration for 4 of the patients. may have been attributable to physiologic effects of
For 9 of the 17 patients a potential psychosocial hypnosis.9 Further, some of the dyspnea-associated
association with their dyspnea was identified: three symptoms in these patients were suggestive of a
developed symptoms at school only; 2 with exercise panic attack or choking phobia because of an anxiety
during competitive races only; 3 after a major dis- disorder,10,11 both of which are amenable to therapy
agreement between their parents; and 1 developed with hypnosis.3,4 For example, some patients com-
symptoms each time his family moved to a new plained of symptoms characteristic of anxiety, such
neighborhood. as chest tightness/pain, dizziness, something stuck
Before presentation, 7 of the 17 patients received in the throat, tachycardia, and tingling of extremities
chronic inhaled antiinflammatory therapy, and 3 (Table 2). Also, the patients who had experienced
were using inhaled albuterol, as needed. serious medical conditions, such as cancer or asthma,
All 17 patients had normal physical examinations, were at increased risk of developing an anxiety dis-
with the exception of healed scars on the chest and order.10,12
abdomen of the patient with Wilm’s tumor, a re- Ten patients complained of difficulty with inspira-
paired cleft palate in 1 patient, and rhinitis in an- tion or made an inspiratory noise when they were
other. Four of the 17 patients underwent pulmonary dyspneic. It was suspected that many of these pa-
function testing before and after exercise, 6 had chest tients may have been suffering from vocal cord dys-
radiographs, and 3 had an electrocardiogram. All of function, which also is recognized as being amenable
these tests were normal. to therapy with hypnosis.13 However, most of these
A patient with a history of psychogenic cough patients were taught self-hypnosis without a defini-
declined to learn self-hypnosis, speech therapy, or tive diagnosis of vocal cord dysfunction, which is
undergo counseling. She was subsequently lost to typically made definitively by visualization of ad-
follow-up. Thirteen of the remaining 16 patients ducted cords using nasopharyngeal fiber-optic laryn-
were taught to use self-hypnosis in 1 session. A goscopy during an acute episode.14 Because use of
second session was provided to 3 patients within 2 hypnosis was associated with rapid resolution of
months. symptoms of most of these patients, there was no
Thirteen of the 16 patients reported that their dys- need to undertake additional investigations, such as
pnea and any associated symptoms had resolved exercise pulmonary function testing for provocation
within 1 month of their final hypnosis instruction of symptoms and/or laryngoscopic evaluation.
session. Eleven believed that resolution of their dys- Although resolution or improvement of dyspnea
pnea was because of hypnosis, because their symp- cannot be attributed solely to hypnosis in this report,
toms cleared immediately after its use at the center (5 it seems that introduction of hypnosis was a key
patients) or with regular use (6). Two did not at- factor in view of the average 2-year duration of
tribute resolution of dyspnea to hypnosis because symptoms before its utilization. For the 4 patients
they did not use it at home. The remaining 3 reported who were symptomatic for a short duration (ie, for
that their dyspnea had improved. ⬍6 months) it is possible that their improvement was
Patients were followed for a mean 9 months caused by factors independent of hypnotherapy,
(range: 2–15 months) after the final hypnosis session. such as change of weather or the conclusion of a
Nine of the patients were seen for medical manage- sports season. Future studies are required to delin-
ment by the pediatric pulmonologist approximately eate whether, for example, reassurance of dyspneic
every 3 months after their final hypnosis session. The patients without use of hypnosis is sufficient to
remaining 7 patients were not seen and were con- achieve resolution of the symptom. Additionally, fu-
tacted by telephone on one occasion by the author for ture studies might use objective scales to assess hyp-
follow-up. Other than the pulmonologist’s acknowl- notizability and to measure changes in dyspnea or
edgment of their successful use of hypnosis, patients anxiety and standard diagnosis and management
received no further reinforcement of their hypnosis protocols before introduction of hypnotherapy.
skills during either personal or telephone follow-up. These studies also might control for the patients’ 3 of 4
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Self-Hypnosis for Management of Chronic Dyspnea in Pediatric Patients
Ran D. Anbar
Pediatrics 2001;107;e21
DOI: 10.1542/peds.107.2.e21
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PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published,
and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk
Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2001 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All
rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.

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