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Wh+verb to be+Subject+Complement? -Wh=What,Where,Why,Which,Who,When,How.

Wh+Aux+Subject+verbs? -Aux=Do/Does(He,She,It). Cuando esta, el verbo no se pone s.
Wh+verb to be+Subject?

Esepciones para hacer plural

ss,sh,ch,x,es. (Los que al final de la palabra llevan, envés se s al final de la palabra llevan es)
f,fe. (Los de las terminaciones, se remplaza por ves)
consonante+y. (los de las terminaciones, se remplaza por ies)

Para señalar cuanto cuesta

How much+is/are+this/that/these/those+Complement?

Para comparar
Noun+verb+Comparative abjetives+Than+noun
The gold earrings are more beatiful tan the silver earrings.

Para decir mas que todo el mundo o comparar con mas de 3 cosas
Noun/Wh+verb+the+Superlativos adjetives+Complement/noun
Salaman is the tallest of all/of the group/of the class/of his friends.

Simpre present Questions


Invitaciones Formales
Whould you like to go to the movies we me?
Yes,I would love to…/Yes,I would like to…/Yes,I would. (Para aceptar) (El de abaja es rech)
I would/I’d+Love to,but/like to,but+I need to/I have to/I want to+Complemen (go the movies)

Simple past
Subject+Verb in simple past+Complement (Oracion positiva en pasado)
Subject+Did+Not+Verb in simple present+Complement (Oracion negativa en pasado)
Did+ Subject+Verb in simple present+Complement? (Oracion pregunta en pasado)
Past f be (Remplazar el verbo to be por were-was)
I am=I was; You are=You were; He is=He was; She is=She was; It is=It was;
We are=We were; They are=They were.

Was o Were+Subject+Complement? (Para pregunta)

Subject+Was o Were+Complement (Para positiva)
Subject+Was oWere+Not+Complement (ParanNegativa)
Were you and your cousin on vacation?
-Yes,we were.
How long were you away?
I was away for a week (Cuando es en Wh la respuesta es larga)

There is, There are

Is there a+verb+near here/in that neighborhood?
There is a theater on the cornerl of maple and 1st Street (On es para las calles y of es de )

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