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1- Benefits of the convention:

One of the main benefits of this convention is the fact that the documentation minimizes
language difficulties, since they’re easy to understand for officers on board and the autorities that
review them, and they can also be used for electronical data and information delivery to electronic
data processing mechanisms

Other of the benefits that this convention can give: The documentation could give the ship and
officers on board less time on port-duty since its basis gives us an idea to prepare the documentation
to present to port inspections

2- Demanded Documents:

Standarized documents:

Cargo declaration
Provisions declaration
Declaration of the effects on the crew
Crew members list
Passengers list
Declaration of dangerous goods
Correct performance of the powers of each public authority
Information exchange
Joint work
Respect between the functions and competences of each state
Involvement of the company and users

Other conventions related documents:

International Tonnage / 69 tonne certificate

International freeboard certificate
Minimum security provisions SOLAS / 74
Officer, captain, engineering licenses [Titles] STCW
Troubleshooting booklet SOLAS
International certification against hydrocarbon contamination MARPOL
Emergency plan in case of contamination with hydrocarbons MARPOL
Safety certificate for passenger ships SOLAS
3- Authorities involved in this convention:

National Custom authority

Agricultural quarantine
National migration service
Health ministry
Port captaincy
Boarding inspectors
Shipping agents
Ship owners
Cargo owners.

4- Commitments of the states involved in this convention:

Facilitate international maritime traffic

Avoid delays in passenger and cargo ships
Unify procedures, formalities and documents
Minimize modifications of the necessary national requirements

5- Is Panama contracting?

Yes it is, Panama adopted the convention 10 years ago through law no. 44, July 15th 2008

6- Number of documents [5]

Cargo declaration
Provisions declaration
Declaration of the effects on the crew
Crew members list
Passengers list

7- Authorities involved in this convention: [Entrance, departure and staying]

Health, immigration, master’s office, shipping agents, ship owners’ custom authorities,

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