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Screening stocks on liquid assets depicts steep undervaluation Thursday, July 19, 2018

 We screen stocks based on Net Liquid Assets (NLA) to understand the extent of
KSE100 Index chart undervaluation post 15% correction in KSE-100 index since Jan’17.
Vol (mn sh.) KSE100 Index  Our work throws up interesting insights where our top ten picks based on NLA/market
56,000 700 cap screening are PSMC, THALL, ATLH, HINO, KOHC, PPL, MTL, INDU, HABSM, & AKZO.
52,000  We make three important observations: (i) most of the companies in the list are
48,000 500
either under-researched or under-owned (six out of ten are well covered while four
stocks are rated Buy at BMA), (ii) earnings visibility for the group is not significantly
40,000 200 low, and (iii) valuations (in terms of P/E, P/BV) appear exciting.
36,000 100
 Most of the auto stocks rank highly on the yardstick with NLA accounting for as much
32,000 0
as 41-64% of market cap of the stocks. We particularly highlight PSMC, THALL, ATLH, &





HINO which occupy top four positions with NLA of 64/44/41/41% of market cap.
 KOHC represents an interesting case with significant investment in Investment
Source: BMA Research Property (real estate investment, IP). KOHC’s ranking improves to #2 if we include IP.
Screening stocks on Net Liquid Assets highlight steep undervaluation: We screen stocks
based on Net Liquid Assets (NLA) to understand the extent of undervaluation post 15%
correction in KSE-100 index since Jan’17. Our definition of NLA incorporates cash and near
cash heads (short-term investment, LT liquid investment and finished goods) adjusted down
by debt & financial liabilities (short + long), and advances from customers. Finished
products constitute a significantly large chunk of auto companies’ stocks and as such needs
to be included to yield a better picture given presence of significant amount of advance
payment against finished goods on balance sheet. Our work throws up interesting insights:
 Our top ten stocks screened on NLA/Market cap are PSMC (64%), THALL (44%), ATLH
(41%), HINO (41%), KOHC (39%), PPL (34%), MTL (33%), INDU (32%), HABSM (31%), &
AKZO (25%). The undervaluation is quite widespread as a significant portion of market
cap of companies is reflected in net liquid assets, highlighting market is paying
increasingly low price for profitable continuation of business activity. Market reaction to
possible dent to earnings power due to combination of exchange rate devaluation or
policy rate hike appears overdone.
 We make three important observations on top ten stocks, (i) most of the companies in
the list are either under-researched or under-owned of late (six out of ten are well
covered; four stocks out of ten are rated Buy at BMA), (ii) earnings visibility for the
group is not significantly low, (iii) valuations (in terms of P/E, P/BV) appear exciting to us
(see table below). In-fact select names come with respectable near-term D/Y of 3-11%
for FY18/CY18.
 Most of the auto stocks rank highly on the yard-stick with NLA accounting for as much as
41-64% of the market cap. We particularly highlight PSMC, THALL, ATLH, & HINO which
occupy top four positions.
 KOHC represents an interesting case with significant investment in Investment Property
(real estate investment, IP). Company’s ranking improves to #2 if we include IP.
 Relative to 2008, balance sheets of most of the stocks are strongly positioned with
significant amount of liquid assets on debt free balance sheet in most cases.
Muhammad Fawad Khan  ENGRO & LUCK carry 13/25% of NLA/Market cap. Our calculation takes into account consolidated numbers as market cap is presumed to be for consolidated company.
+9221-111-262-111 Ext: 2061 Selection bias remains: The list of stocks included in the table below does not represent a
comprehensive list of companies with meaningful NLA/Mkt Cap ratio. We acknowledge
presence of selection bias as the stocks included in the list are limited by the understanding
BMA Capital Management Ltd. 801 Unitower, I.I.Chundrigar Road, Karachi, 74000, Pakistan For further queries, please contact: or call UAN: 111-262-111
on covered or ancillary sectors. Possibility of finding a stock with better ranking than
presented below remains, particularly in under-owned sectors like textile, sugar, technology
and insurance.

Stock screening based on Net NLA/Market Cap (PKR)

Stocks NLA/sh Price NLA/Price P/BV P/E D/Y
3-mth 6-mth
PSMC 224 350 64% 1 8.5 3% -24% -28%
THALL 170 388 44% 1.2 8.9 4% -23% -25%
ATLH 181 438 41% 2.8 9.7 6% -22% -17%
HINO 292 721 41% 1.7 7.8 10% -38% -39%
KOHC 40 103 39% 0.9 6 7% -29% -29%
PPL^ 72 208 34% 1.8 7.5 5% -3% -2%
MTL 339 1,041 33% 6.9 8.7 11% -20% -17%
INDU 415 1,290 32% 2.9 8.6 9% -30% -26%
HABSM 13 40 31% 0.8 10 9% 7% 25%
AKZO 41 166 25% 2 13.5 4% -20% -17%
LUCK 114 463 25% 1.4 10.2 3% -28% -18%
OGDC^ 24 149 16% 1.2 7.3 6% -10% -14%
ENGRO 40 308 13% 0.9 13.6 8% 0% 5%
MARI^ 167 1,450 12% 3.8 6.9 0% -5% -4%
HCAR 31 277 11% 2.3 6.1 5% -42% -45%
POL^ 35 635 6% 2.6 9 0% -8% 3%
RMPL 285 7,933 4% 6 16.7 5% -2% 9%
AVN* 2 71 3% 3.6 16.7 3% 45% 102%

^Data based on FY18 forecasts *based on CY17 accounts, Source: BMA Research, Company Accounts

BMA Capital Management Ltd. 801 Unitower, I.I.Chundrigar Road, Karachi, 74000, Pakistan For further queries, please contact: or call UAN: 111-262-111

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Stock Rating
Investors should carefully read the definitions of all rating used within every research reports. In addition, research reports carry an analyst’s independent view and investors
should ensure careful reading of the entire research reports and not infer its contents from the rating ascribed by the analyst. Ratings should not be used or relied upon as
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three tier rating system: i) Buy, ii) Neutral and iii) Underperform (new rating system effective Jan 1’18) with our rating being based on total stock returns versus BMA’s index
target return for the year. A table presenting BMA’s rating definitions is given below:

Buy >20% expected total return

Neutral 0%-20% expected total return
Underperform <0% expected total return
*Total stock return = capital gain + dividend yield

Old rating system

Overweight Total stock return > expected market return + 2%

Marketweight Expected market return ± 2%
Underweight Total stock return < expected market return - 2%

Valuation Methodology
To arrive at our period end target prices, BMA Capital uses different valuation methodologies including
• Discounted cash flow (DCF, DDM)
• Relative Valuation (P/E, P/B, P/S etc.)
• Equity & Asset return based methodologies (EVA, Residual Income etc.)

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