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A1 level 3

Long term plans

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

< Warm-Up

Nice to see you again !

Now, it´s my turn to guide you through this new

learning material.

This time, we will have the chance to learn useful

vocabulary and grammar to talk about our future
taking into account arrangements, plans and
long-term expectations.

Let´s explore this material together !

Yesterday, my good friend Susan and I had a very interesting conversation about
our future careers. We will graduate from high school in a couple of years so we
need to start thinking about what we want to do with our lifes.

Tim: Hey, Susan! What do you want to study after we finish high

Susan: Well, my parents say I should study a medical career, but

I´m not sure about it.

Tim: Well, I’m a little bit confused because I want to study to

become a musician, but my parents say that I might be a very
good doctor.

Susan: So, what about you, Tim? Did you figure out what you
want to study when you go to college?

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< Warm-Up

Tim: On the other hand, my math teacher says that

I’m probably going to be a business man because I’m
very good at his subject.

Susan: Wow, you have a lot of good options. You just

have to make the right decision.

Tim: That´s the problem. Hahaha! I still have a couple

of years to think about that. What about you? Have
you already made a decision?

Susan: Well, I want to go to a good university to

become a graphic designer. I love drawing things in
my notebooks.

Tim: That´s right. You seem to have a very special

talent for design.

Susan: That´s why I want to get a bachelor degree in

Graphic design and a major in web and multimedia

Tim: As I´m so good at math, I think I’m going to be

a business manager. I hope my parents approve my
decision no matter what it is.

Susan: I don’t want to pursue a medical career, so I

am going to follow my real passion for design. What
about you?

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< Warm- Up

Tim: I hope so. I don`t want to disappoint them.

Susan: They will, Tim. You`ll be a great college student

and your parents will be very proud of you.

Tim: I hope so. I don`t want to disappoint them.

Susan: They will, Tim. You`ll be a great college student

and your parents will be very proud of you.

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< Let´s analize

Planning our steps and setting goals for the future is very important to
structure our lives.

Let’s learn how to talk about those future plans and projections all of us have.
Follow me!

When someone decides to do something at the
moment of speaking
When we want to talk
about our future plans Be going to
or intentions, we can When someone already has a plan or intention to
use the following do something

Other verbs
Verbs such as would like, plan, want, hope, expect,
among others.

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< Let’s Analize

Let’s review how to use this structure to make simple sentences.


(will) + (verb)

I will buy a House


(am/is/are) + (going to)+ (verb)

She is going to study arts


(want/hope/plan) + ( to)+ (verb)

They want to go to college

Talking about future plans and intentions in English is very easy. You just need to practice all you just learned in
order to improve your language skills.

Let’s keep moving !

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< Let’s Talk

Keep in mind

In English, you usually find sounds that can be very difficult to pronounce for Spanish speakers
because we don’t have these sounds in our own language.

Mastering the pronunciation of these difficult sounds is very important in order to sound more
native-like. This time, we’ll check a couple of these problematic sounds.

/dz/ and /j/ are sounds that can be difficult to pronounce. Look at each
picture and focus on the way each sound is articulated.

Sounds like the letter "ll" in the
Spanish word llamar.

Sounds like the letter "y" in the
Spanish word vaya.

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< References

British Council. (s.f.). Talking about the future. British Council. Retrieved on June 29th 2013, from http://learnenglish.

 Study Zone, University of Victoria (2008). Future forms. Retrieved on June 29th 2013, from

 BBC World Service, Learning English (2011). May/might. Retrieved on June 29th 2013, from

 English Club (2013). Future simple tense. Retrieved on June 29th 2013, from

 A guide to learning English (2013). Future tenses. Retrieved on June 29th 2013, from

 The University of Iowa. (s.f.). Phonetics: the sounds of American English. Retrieved on June 29th 2013, from http://


Pedagogical Direction Script composition

Paul Cifuentes Ingrid Florez
Carlos Amaya
Content support
Direction of Art Jefrey Alexander Christopher Pomare
Cesar Páez
Multimedia development
ICT Leadership Luis Carlos Arevalo
Carlos Amaya Miguel Guevara Avila
John Jiménez Dïaz
Direction of Technology
Yeison Ospina Voices
Equipo Regional San Andrés
Quality management

Juan Carlos Rojas

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