Carbon Cycle Graphic Organizer Rubric

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Carbon Cycle Graphic Organizer Grading Rubric 

  4  3  2  1 

Processes  I have at least four  One or two of my  Three or four of my  I am missing 
  processes branching  descriptions are  descriptions are  processes. 
  from each sphere to  inaccurate..  incorrect.   
  any other.      Almost all of my 
___/20    I inaccurately or  I inaccurately or  descriptions are 
Photosynthesis and  unclearly indicate  unclearly indicate  incorrect. 
cellular respiration  the direction of  the direction of   
are two of my  carbon movement in  carbon movement in  I incorrectly indicate 
processes.  one or two of my  three or four of my  the directions of 
  processes.  processes.   carbon movement 
I have a correct,    for almost all of my 
brief description of  I do not include  processes.  
each process.  photosynthesis and 
  cellular respiration 
I correctly and  as two of my 
clearly specify the  processes. 
direction of the 
movement of 

Spheres  I include all four  One of my sphere  Two of my sphere  I am missing any 
  spheres.  definitions is  definitions are  amount of spheres.  
    inaccurate or  unclear.   
  I have an accurate,  unclear.    All of my spheres 
___/10  one sentence    Two of my sphere  contain incorrect 
definition of each  One of my sphere  images are poor  information and 
sphere.  images is not a good  representations or  poor image choices 
  representation of  infringe copyright.  or no images at all.  
I include an accurate  the sphere or it 
image that was  infringes copyright. 
obtained for each 

Visuals,  I organize the layout  The layout of my  The layout of my  The layout of my 
Spelling, and  of my concept map  concept map is  concept map is  concept map is so 
Grammar  so that it is pleasing  slightly unorganized,  unorganized,  unorganized that it 
  to the eye with  but still  making it difficult to  is not able to be 
  minimal overlapping  interpretable.   interpret.   interpreted. 
___/5    I make minor  I make some  I make significant 
I do not make any  spelling or grammar  spelling or grammar  spelling or grammar 
spelling or grammar  errors that do not  errors that interfere  errors. 
errors.  affect the meaning  with the meaning of 
of my concept map.  my concept map.  

Collaboration   I contribute evenly  I contribute enough  I contribute  I fail to do my part in 

  and fairly to the  to the required  minimally to the  the required 
  required research.   research.  required research.  research. 
  I listen actively to my  I listen to my  I often get distracted  I do not listen to my 
___/5  teammates and  teammates when  when my  teammates when 
encourage them to  they share their  teammates share  they share 
share information  ideas and  their ideas and  information and 
and ideas.  information.  information.  ideas. 
I communicate  I communicate  I communicate  I am reluctant and 
information and  information and  information and  ineffective in 
ideas clearly to my  ideas to my  ideas to my  communicating my 
teammates.  teammates when  teammates but it is  ideas to the team. 
  prompted.  often unclear.   
I show respect for      I am not respectful 
my teammates’  I contribute to the  There are times  to my teammates’ 
ideas and feelings.  creation of the  when I do not show  feelings and ideas. 
  popples.   respect for the   
I contribute evenly  team.  I fail to do my part in 
to the popples as    creating popples.  
shown by the  I contribute 
names.  minimally to the 
creation of the 

Grade: ___/40 

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