Assignment 7

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Assignment-7 (Total points-100)

Due date: Oct 25, 2016

1. The state of plane stress at a point is represented by the element shown in Figure. Determine the
state of stress at the point on another element oriented 30° clockwise from the position shown.

2. Determine the equivalent state of stress on an element at the point which represents (a) the
principal stresses and (b) the maximum in-plane shear stress and the associated average normal
stress. Also, for each case, determine the corresponding orientation of the element with respect to
the element shown and sketch the results on the element.

3. Consider a point in a structural member that is subjected to plane stress. Normal and shear
stresses acting on horizontal and vertical planes at the point are shown. (a) Determine the
principal stresses and the maximum in-plane shear stress acting at the point.

4. A paper tube is formed by rolling a paper strip in a spiral and then gluing the edges together as
shown. Determine the shear stress acting along the seam, which is at 30° from the vertical, when
the tube is subjected to an axial force of 10 N. The paper is 1 mm thick and the tube has an outer
diameter of 30 mm.

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