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Exploring the New Energy Potentials

of Sacred Geometry
Featuring Tobias channeled through Geoffrey Hoppe
Moderated by Linda Benyo and Dave Schemel
Denver, Colorado, USA
February 25, 2006

© 2006 Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, Colorado. All rights reserved.

Do not duplicate, copy or distribute without written permission from the copyright owner.
Sacred Geometry

LINDA: Welcome. We’re here in Denver for “Ask Tobias” and we’re quite excited
about this. My name is Linda Benyo. We have Geoff Hoppe here, the channeler. The
topic is “Sacred Geometry” so there has been some debate about who might show up –
whether that’s Tobias or Adamus Saint-Germain or our buddy Kuthumi – so we’ll see
who shows up for the topic of Sacred Geometry. With us we’ve got Dave Schemel here.
Dave is a very well-studied metaphysician. Hi, Dave.

DAVE: Hello.

LINDA: And Dave is quite familiar with Sacred Geometry. He’s going to offer some
questions and some guidance because of his strong background in that. You have a pretty
strong interest in that, is that not correct?

DAVE: Yes, I do.

LINDA: Yeah. What’s your favorite part of Sacred Geometry?

DAVE: I think the most important part, the part that I get excited about it’s from the
smallest subatomic particles to galaxies and the universe – it covers all that is.

LINDA: Ah, okay. Well, it looks like we’re ready to get started. What do you think? I
wonder who’s showing up.

TOBIAS: And so it is, dear Shaumbra, that I, Tobias come in for this discussion. I’m the
one who called for it and, although the energy of Adamus is also very interested in this
subject of Sacred Geometry, I want to take it from a bit different perspective as we go
into this session. I have called specifically for a discussion of Sacred Geometry because it
is not what it always appears to be.

It is time for Shaumbra to understand some of the very basic principles of Sacred
Geometry in order to understand how creation and manifestation work; it is time to offer
a bit different perspective of some of the aspects of Sacred Geometry; and it is time for
Shaumbra to understand that you can begin to integrate some of these very basic tools
into your work as you go from your crystalline creative stages down into your

So while this – how to say – has not been the most popular subject to date, we believe it
will offer some very interesting new insights. And we’re going to begin the discussion by
saying that we don’t want to get brainy or intellectual about this. We don’t want to start
getting so into the mind that we forget the essence. So, some of the questions we literally
are going to pass over from the basis that it is not about getting stuck in your mind.
You’re not trying to re-create the universe right now based on an intellectual knowledge
of this thing called Sacred Geometry.

Sacred Geometry

Before we begin the questions here, just a bit of background. This what is now called
Sacred Geometry began a long, long time ago in the time of Atlantis where we began to
play around with mathematics. It has been brought into your modern culture more by the
Egyptians and the Greeks, who made quite a study of it. And initially it was a method of
measuring land – land measurement – “geo” in your current vocabulary meaning Earth.

But they found out that by using it to measure the Earth, and particularly helping to
measure property on Earth, they could also begin to start applying it to the sky and the
stars. They began to see a certain type of symmetry in basic shapes. They began to
understand that these basic shapes were the building blocks for the material reality, and
they still are. However, we’re going to play with that a bit during this session today.

Let us start with a basic understanding – again, something quite simple – and we’re going
to divide this into four levels of the movement of energy or creation. And again, we’re
going to keep everything today very, very simple so that when you leave here, or you
finish listening to this recording, you have some new tools to work with, and especially
new tools that are going to serve you in a very New Energy way.

You can say at the core of everything, at the core of yourself, at the core of Spirit, is this
thing called Desire. We use the word desire because there is no other human word that
would quite define what is in the very basic nature of Spirit – what you call Home or God
or even Love. But it is desire. Again, understand that the human words are somewhat flat
when we’re trying to explain this. This is not a desire that has to do with want or need but
a desire. You have a very deep, inner desire within you.

We’ll actually take a moment…


…the desire. The desire is also sometimes called your passion. It is often defined as your
light, your beingness. We call it a desire because at the very core of any souled entity is a
desire just to be. Just to be. That desire understands it is fulfilled, but it has a passion or
desire to express that fulfillment.

You look at the very basic energies of Home – what we call the First Circle – Spirit was
fulfilled unto itself. It was All That Is. But there was a desire, perhaps you could say
fueled by love, by passion, but a desire to express Itself. And that’s why you and I and all
the rest of us are here – from the love or the desire of Spirit.

You have a desire within you. The desire, which cannot even be put into a mathematical
formula – let’s not even go there – it is pure. It is already fulfilled, just looking for greater
understanding of itself.

The desire then goes to the next layer or level which we’re going to call the Imagination.
Some of you might call it the Thought. It is the idea, the imagination, and here’s where
the desire now begins to take a type of form. This is where we talk about in the

Sacred Geometry

crystalline realms – these are the idea or the birthing realms. Your pure desire, your pure
soul, now starts imagining. This is where the birthing creative energies take place, and
now it begins to have a type of form or structure around pure desire, pure energy.

Then it moves into the next layer or level – and you can imagine each one of these,
perhaps even coming closer to the Earth dimension. We go from desire to the idea, or the
imagination, now into the Attraction stage. This is where your idea, your inspiration, now
starts to take an even more defined form. And here, in particular, is where the energy of
Sacred Geometry comes into play.

Here is … we call it the attraction level because now the energy – the idea, the desire –
starts to take more form and it literally starts attracting appropriate energies for its
fulfillment. It will literally, like a magnet, draw things to it. In this attraction stage –
which is not yet physical, it is etheric – it starts drawing in all the appropriate resources.

Whether you are creating something that you would consider very positive, such as a new
business or writing a book or painting, it is here where all the energies start coming into
play. It can also be something that you would consider negative, something like a disease
or illness. You’re now in an imbalanced type of energy, but somehow you’re calling it in.
You’re now attracting energies that are going to support an illness, a sickness or anything
else. It doesn’t matter in this stage – actually in any of the stages – what you’re creating.
There’s no value or judgment assigned to what you’re doing.

From the attraction stage here, you’ll pull in people, resources, money, energies,
supporting thoughts and ideas – all in a non-material way at this point – but you’ll pull
them in to support your creations. Here, in particular, Sacred Geometry comes into play
because now you’re going beyond the idea, going beyond the basic architecture. Now
you’re starting to build. The building is taking place in the non-physical realms but
you’re building the energy now.

And finally, you will bring your ideas into Manifestation. You’ll allow them now to come
into matter, into form, and here the Sacred Geometries absolutely come into play. Sacred
Geometries are the building blocks for all this.

But you go from Desire to Idea to Attraction and finally, to Manifestation – a very simple
process. You’re doing it all the time, whether you knew that these were the stages or not.
But you’re doing it constantly in your life, constantly going into the other realms and
creating and imagining. Now with the conscious understanding of how you do this,
you’re going to find that the ability to manifest in a very flowing and synchronistic way is
much easier, much simpler.

By the way, the synchronicity portion, where everything just seems to happen and flow,
is generally done in the attraction stage. The attraction stage is generally also where ideas
that you have, particularly very – how to say – very wide open ideas, this is where they
generally get blown up or fall apart.

Sacred Geometry

So often you, many of you, have had wonderful ideas based on passionate desire. But
when you bring them into the attraction stage sometimes they are sabotaged, sometimes
part of you is not sure you want to bring them into manifestation because of fear or a
wide variety of other reasons, so this is generally also the stage where things get broken
apart. You feel that in your reality here on Earth, in your physical body, in your mind.
You feel that everything just went wrong because it is blown apart in the attraction stage.

So, we’re want to allow plenty of time for questions. Bear with us a moment here. We’re
giving the basics so that when the questions come, you’ll understand the basis for our

Sacred Geometry is about mathematics. Your physical universe is built on pure

mathematics but a mathematics that are not fully understood right now. You think that
math is a science; you think that math is math and there is nothing more to it, but
consider for a moment that the number zero only been around for, in your modern
culture, perhaps 1,500 hundred years. Where was zero before that? (laughter) Who
invented zero? What was the need for zero?

Let us give you a bit of a hint there, by the way. Consciousness couldn’t even
contemplate zero; everything had to have a quantity defined by it, so the mathematical
system started at one. At some point, some very amazing point, you understood the need
for zero, because sometimes before things come into manifestation, they don’t exist.
There had to be a definition of non-physical.

It was approximately 1,500 years ago of time that this zero began coming into your
culture, but actually the seeds of it were brought in, the first discussions of it were
brought in 2,000 years ago during the time of Yeshua, during the time when so many of
you were here on Earth. This is where the first true discussions with the Egyptians, even
into the Babylonians, began discussing the concept of nothing. It took 500 years for it to
actually get into the system by some of the great mathematicians who, by no coincidence,
lived in approximately the same time I, Tobias did in my lifetime as Tobias.

So, we’re trying to get you to understand that mathematics is not even a defined science.
It is not literal, it is very creative. Everything in your 3-D world, in your material world,
can be defined by mathematics. It is quite beautiful. If you get into the whole concept of
Sacred Geometry – not just in shapes – but in music and in vibration, then you can begin
seeing how you build reality.

As our dear moderator Dave said in the beginning of this, it is an amazing, beautiful art.
It is not a science, by the way. We’re going to dispute that if that is even brought up.
Sacred Geometry is a pure art. It helps you to understand how the physical universe was
built and how you can begin building your reality.

And again, for simplicity’s sake – for simplicity’s sake – let us take a look at the very
basics of Sacred Geometry. It starts with nothing. Zero. No physical definition, no

Sacred Geometry

mathematics, a blank, empty nothing. I can’t even call it a space because space does not
exist until you start applying geometry, numbers to it.

So there is nothing. And now we take a dot and put it in nothing. We have just begun to
define what you would call space. We’ve also just begun to define time by putting a dot
in the center of nothingness. Something has now appeared.

Place another dot a short distance away from it and you now have a line. You now begin
to add even more definition to this – what you would call – time-space continuum. You
have a line. The line has an energy associated with it. It flows. Energy now flows across
that line.

You add another dot – not in line with the first two – but you add another dot somewhere
in what used to be nothingness. You now have a triangle. Triangle is the first geometric
pattern to absolutely define space. It gives it its dimension. It lays out its territory. You
could say that the triangle shape now is a very nurturing or birthing shape because it just
gave definition to space.

If you have a pattern with four dots around it, this helps to define a square. A square is
the basic energy of Earth. A square is balanced, solid. It is a vibrational and a
mathematical interpretation of physical energy. And we’re going to show you in our
discussion today how this can work for you, also.

Now if you take a look at the four points of a square, you can also see how it now
defines, if you draw a ring around it, it now defines a circle. In Sacred Geometry circular
energy has often been associated with Heaven but we’re going to associate it with
divinity on Earth. It circles the square – the square representing Earth – we’re going to
say that it represents divinity, or Heaven on Earth.

So those are the basic principles – a dot, a line, a triangle, a square and a circle. Now, you
can start playing with these. You can have two circles that interlock each other in a very
symmetrical way, and some of you will call this the Vesica Pisces. The Vesica is the area
between where the two circles are intersecting.

You can put triangles and boxes and squares in all sorts of different patterns, and what
they tend to do is actually multiple or exaggerate the energy of the original shape. You
can start playing with all of these different shapes and designs, as some of you do, even
in your artwork, but basically remember the building blocks that we have discussed here.
These are the very foundations of Sacred Geometry.

Now, we’re going to add one more element and then we’ll get into the questions.
Sometimes you wonder why we’re calling this “Ask Tobias” when Tobias is talking the
whole time! (laughter) But we wanted to lay down some of these foundations, and more
than anything, what we’re doing right now is working with those who are here and Dave
and those who are listening, literally getting you out of the brain, because although you
consider mathematics a very brainy thing, it’s actually not. It’s an art.

Sacred Geometry

So, on to the point. Mathematics also follows the consciousness of humanity. A long time
ago, there were no mathematics. When numbers and the numbering system and even the
musical scales were developed based on mathematics, it was a reflection of
consciousness. When zero came into being less than 2, 000 years ago, it was a reflection
that consciousness was willing to accept that there is ‘nothing,’ meaning that things go
beyond the physical realms.

A very recent discovery was that there were negative numbers – negative one, negative
two, three, so on and so forth. That was an amazing discovery when consciousness
understood that you could have a negative quantity of something. So you have this very
linear, very horizontal scale of numbers going from the negatives to zero now to the

But numbers are not two-dimensional or even three-dimensional. Numbers are omni-
dimensional, and what the mathematicians and even the Sacred Geometrists have not
studied yet is that numbers go into themselves – they go inside, not just outside.

You take the number two, for instance. It’s an expression of two elements. It’s also an
expression of duality. While it appears to have a force or an energy of two-ness
expressing outwards, two elements, it is also an inverse force of two. These are very
difficult concepts to explain in human words, but we know you’re getting the picture.
Two doesn’t just express outwardly; it goes into itself – and I’m not saying a negative
two – I’m saying an inner two. Not inner tube – inner two. (laughter)

The number two expresses not just horizontally or linearly, but it expresses into other
dimensions. Imagine the number two sitting there. It goes into itself – obviously
expresses outward into this physical reality – but also it has its shadows in non-physical
realities. If you can almost imagine two, the number, just stretching its energy now,
beyond 3-D, into the other realms and the other planes.

Science will debate that. Science will say that it cannot possibly be. How can you have
any other quantity of two other than two itself or its negative – negative two? How can
you have a sideways two or an inside two? And again, the words are so difficult to
explain, but this is going to be an attribute of New Energy.

And the reason why we’re so excited – and perhaps you are not! (audience laughter) –
about talking about Sacred Geometry is that with the understanding of some of these
building blocks of numbers and Sacred Geometry, it’s also going to help create New
Energy, you see.

It’s very difficult to even imagine right now – we know Shaumbra is good at it – but it’s
difficult for a typical scientist or researcher to understand this, although some of them are
making great breakthroughs into the quantum physics. But they haven’t gone into
quantum numbers nearly as much as what can be done.

Sacred Geometry

We – we’ll get with you in just a moment, Dave (laughter) – we get so excited here! We
get very excited because, literally, right now with your understanding, if you’re listening
to this live or in a recording, you’re imaging how numbers can be more than just linear.
How they can go into themselves, how they can spread into other dimensions.

You’re helping to unlock a door right now – right now – unlock a door in mass
consciousness that perhaps some great and famous researcher, or even some amateur
researcher, can tap into what we’re unlocking and begin to use that in their work and
experiments in New Energy.

New Energy can be taken literally or figuratively. New Energy can be a new energy for
this planet. I was talking to Cauldre yesterday in a short discussion about energy sources.
You still rely on things that are very literal – oil, which is very old energy, even relying
on renewable and sustainable energy sources such as crops and corn and waste and that.
These are all wonderful things but they’re still looking at the world through the old

Once you start to understand the potential of new Sacred Geometry, then you begin to
understand how you can create new energy – not just from the sun – how you can bring
new energy into this world. You know what one of the greatest energy sources is? It’s
gravity. It’s always here. Within gravity itself are tremendous volumes of energy.

We’re not talking about dropping a rock off of the top of a cliff; we’re talking about
within the physics and the quantum physics of gravity itself – universal gravity – is a
tremendous amount of energy. But the scientists have to understand first the new
mathematics, the new Sacred Geometry.

You can take a number two and it has its shadows, its counterparts, in the non-physical
realities, in other dimensions. These are potentials of two – the number two – that are
waiting to come in, which can literally help exponentially grow the energy of two.

So, from now on we want Shaumbra to do several things. We want you to understand that
a number is not locked into place. Its energy is very fluid. It’ll always have attributes of
two or four or whatever number you’re happening to look at, but it’s very fluid. It can
expand and contract. Remember how we talk about vibrational energy which has been,
up to now, the energy of Earth? Everything has vibrated and that has created reality. We
said that the New Energy is not about vibration; it is rather about expansion – expansion
outward and inward, sideways, multi-dimensional – all at the same time. A simultaneous
expansion. Again, hard to define in your mind, isn’t it? But in your heart you know what
we’re saying here.

Numbers are the same. They will go from having vibrational or literal mathematical
characteristics, into expansional characteristics. This simple understanding will open
many, many doorways. We’ll talk – after a few questions we’ll talk about how you can
begin integrating some of this in your life.

Sacred Geometry

So now, Dave, let us begin with the questions.

DAVE: Okay. Tobias, would this be a somewhat appropriate definition of Sacred

Geometry, particularly in this 3-D universe, that “Sacred Geometry is the architecture of
the universe”?

TOBIAS: Absolutely. Absolutely. Sacred Geometry, with its combination of numerical

energy and its geometric energy and even a type of musical energy, it is the composition
of the physical universe. You can take any part of the known physical universe and assign
mathematical and even geometrical properties to it. So, you are absolutely correct.

DAVE: Okay. The next question would be in regards to a very ancient symbol called the
Flower of Life. Would you like to expand on what that’s all about?

TOBIAS: Indeed, and we’re going to ask you to share with our listeners. For those who
are not familiar with it, the Flower of Life is an ancient symbol. Perhaps you would like
to explain a bit more.

DAVE: Sure. It’s a circular symbol that I can actually show the audience here, and I’ll
explain it the best that I can for those listening. Many of you have probably seen this
before and it’s a circular symbol on the outside but the inside is all interconnected circles.

When you look at this symbol, and when you analyze this symbol, all the various shapes
of geometric shapes are included in this symbol. All mathematical formulas are included
in this symbol. The Flower of Life and the Tree of Life, the Seeds of Life – pretty much
all that is in the three-dimensional universe – is included in this symbol.

So this is one of the most powerful ones I’ve ever seen and there are a number of books.
This particular one is “The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life” by Drunvalo
Melchizedek. And there are others that have studied the symbol. The symbol is still on
the walls in Abydos in Egypt. I think it’s somewhere around 4,000 years old – that’s the
best estimate – and it’s just an amazing symbol that ties into all of the, like I say, the
physical properties of Earth and also of all three-dimensional creation.

TOBIAS: Excellent. Indeed, and the Flower of Life is one of several what you would
call perfect symbols because it contains the circles, the triangles, the squares, and even
the lines within it.

So, you could say that it is … up until now the Flower of Life … if you go into the very
structure of the atom and even some of the subatomic particles, if you continue going
deeper and deeper and deeper into the composition, you’ll always end up coming up with
these basic symbols – circle, triangle, square, line and a dot. They’re contained in any of
the fabric or the architecture of physical reality. When you put them together in a shape
such as the Flower of Life – and there are also some ancient Eastern Indian symbols with
triangles, many other symbols as well – but some of these contain the very basic energies.

Sacred Geometry

These are a constant reminder that you have built a physical universe. You – all of us –
are non-physical, angelic beings. I have to say that in the highest angelic realms, when
you go beyond the physical universe and the physical dimensions, Sacred Geometry
doesn’t work there. Those realms are not based on math. It is an entirely different type of
… it’s not even a structure. But as you started bringing your energy down to Earth, as
you came through the Order of the Arc as angels, coming to help create this thing called
Earth, you began working with all these Sacred Geometries.

So when you look at the Flower of Life, it is a constant reminder, first that you are not
human, you are just playing this role out; and secondly that you can once again work with
each one of these energies to create your reality. So yes, it is still relevant. But what
you’re going to find out now in New Energy is that the mathematics contained within the
Flower of Life are no longer limited to a two- or three-dimensional perspective.
Everything now, including the Flower of Life, everything opens up into new realms.

Again, I go back to the mathematics. A one is no longer just a one – or its counterpart, a
negative one. It now becomes a left one and a right one and an inner one and an up one
and a down one. It moves all at the same time. That is why we wanted to have this
discussion about Sacred Geometry so you understood that we can go beyond the
architecture of your current physical reality.

Thank you. Next question.

DAVE: I’m going to briefly come back to the three-dimensional aspects. For the people
in the room, I’m holding up what’s called a star tetrahedron; it’s a three-dimensional Star
of David, essentially. That’s what it looks like. My question is – I’ve read some other
articles about this – that this maybe one of the shapes of the three-dimensional building
blocks of the universe. I wanted to check that out.

TOBIAS: Indeed, it is one of the shapes but we’re going to ask everyone here to go back
to the very basic, basic shapes. Again, we have a dot – a dot begins defining out of
nothingness; a line, which begins to define energy flow and to a certain degree space; a
triangle, which is the first true definition of space itself; a square, which represents the
solidness of matter and Earth and also balance; and finally a circle, which brings in the
divine energy into Earth.

Now, if you take these objects and begin to make them three-dimensional – or four-
dimensional, some of you may call it – and then start putting the objects together, you get
things like the tetrahedron. And it is a sacred symbol from the standpoint that it contains
many of these different elements in a three-dimensional form, but again, that’s going to
change in a new math, in a new math. In a new Sacred Geometry the tetrahedron is no
longer just existing in this dimension; it becomes very multi-dimensional.

We don’t want anyone to get hung up that one particular shape has all of the sacred
energies and that you need to adorn yourself with the shapes or anything, because the

Sacred Geometry

shapes itself are only helping to define matter – and energy flow, by the way, energy

Take a look at any one of these basic geometric patterns, a line, for instance. Now
imagine blowing wind along this. See, in certain ways it stops energy. If you’re blowing
straight down on the line it stops it. If you’re blowing along the line, it will tend to form it
and structure it.

Again, with a triangle, how would it look if you were blowing wind or energy to a
triangle? It depends at which angle. There is an energy flow that goes around it. It’s the
same with a square or a circle. So related to any geometric shape or any numbering
patterns are also ways other energies relate to it or flow around it.

So, thank you.

DAVE: Okay. With that answer, we kind of lead to … would this be an appropriate
statement that it’s more about the awareness and the energy, not the specific geometric

TOBIAS: Absolutely. Absolutely. It is about the awareness so that you, Shaumbra, are
all aware of how reality – your physical reality – is built. You tend to take it for granted.
You tend to think that a wall is a wall. It is not at all. It’s a pattern of very complex
mathematics and geometrical patterns.

We’re going to ask every one of you, after listening to this, from henceforth be aware of
shapes and patterns that are symbols in your life. This room obviously has many squares
and rectangles – rectangles being a variation of the square. It is how the architecture is
constructed in here. There are some circular shapes, perhaps a few diamond shapes, many
lines. All of these patterns and shapes come together to create the reality of this meeting
room that you’re in. You just took it for granted. You just happened to walk into a box.

But once you become aware of how it was built, then you can begin translating that down
to the fabric of energy itself or the fabric of reality itself. Everything is built on these
basic building blocks. Like you said, even the Flower of Life – it contains the fingerprint
of all the basic building blocks of numbering patterns that cause reality to take shape.

How does this apply to you? Let’s say that you have an idea. You want to develop a new
type of bicycle, something that is different than other bicycles that are available right
now. Well, you’ll go off into the what you call the crystalline realms, or even beyond that
into the desire, tap back into your desire realms – these are non-mental, by the way – you
tap into desire. Your soul, your identity, always has desire. That desire again is not need
or want – everything is fulfilled – but a desire just to be, just to continue expanding and
expressing. It is an innate love that just continues your being growing.

So you go back into this desire. It is a desire to do something, create something. By the
way, any of you not doing or creating or being are going to feel frustrated because,

Sacred Geometry

particularly as you awaken your consciousness, there is part of you that just desires. If
you’re doing absolutely nothing, it tends to stagnate your desire.

So you go back to the desire state as you’re trying to invent this new bicycle. You tap
back into desire, passion, pure energy, then you bring that down into the idea. This is
where you start what you call thinking or daydreaming but you’re really “idea-ing.”
You’re in a very creative state here.

Sometimes you struggle, you want to try to put it into defined terms right away, but
don’t. Just sit out here in these creative idea realms, the crystalline realms. Absorb,
absorb and birth. You don’t need to be literal right away – this is very important. Many of
you struggle with abundance or you even struggle with things like health issues. Go into
the idea states; in these idea states, you don’t have to define every detail.

You go into these idea states, then when you feel you’ve “idea-ed” enough, then you go
into the attraction. The attraction is somewhere between the crystalline realms and the
physical Earth realm. This is now where all the geometric patterns start working and the
numerical patterns start working.

And then from there into manifestation. This is where your ideas come together and you
get out the hammer and the saw and the glue and start building your prototype. It now
starts manifesting. But it was built on a whole series of steps that involved very sacred

You can literally – when you are doing your “idea-ing,” your creating – you can literally
start calling on the various sacred geometry patterns that we discussed; the line, triangle,
circle, square. Play around with these energies and find out which are appropriate to start
bringing in the ultimate reality. These are very, very simple and you can start playing
with them, feeling them.

When Saint-Germain talks about ‘synchrotizing,’ this program of New Energy hypnosis,
he uses these same tools, and he says to put your idea with one of these patterns. You will
naturally attract in all the rest of the building blocks that you need.

So, we have gone a bit off the course here but we are excited about the potential of these
tools and how they build not only your current reality, but a new reality as well.

LINDA: You know, you see people doing this thing where they think they’re creating by
sitting inside some sort of pyramid they’ve built. Can you give us some sort of feeling of
what that’s all about?

TOBIAS: Indeed. Indeed, there is an energy, for instance, in a pyramid. You can sit
inside of a pyramidal shape and there are very specific energies that flow into it and it
will create certain different types of sensation. It is not about the pyramid – how to say –
having magical properties that are going to change your life; it is about your
acknowledgment that there are specific energies. You can do the same in a circle,

Sacred Geometry

whether it is living in a domed house or literally sitting in the middle of a large circle.
These all have energy patterns.

But the question is how are you, the carpenter or the builder of your new reality, going to
use these? You don’t want to just continue sitting in a pyramid – nothing’s going to
happen. You’re just going to feel the energy of the mathematics of that pyramid. Sit in
the pyramid for a bit and then go out and do whatever you choose to do. Thank you.

LINDA: It feels like this is about some significant potential. Can you be more clear and
specific about that?

Tobias: Hmm. I thought I was! (laughter) I’m teasing with you because this is difficult to
understand and that’s why we are trying to keep it as simple as we can. It is to say that
the physical universe is built, as Dave said, with the Sacred Geometry patterns –
geometric patterns which are nothing more than mathematical equations – and not just
building physical things but even music and sound and all these. Your material reality is
based on numerical patterns and Sacred Geometries.

Understand that you’re not stuck in this. You are just in a series of mathematical
equations. That’s all. Some of you might even call it a matrix. Some of you may say that
you’re in a matrix of mathematical equations – and you are. But by understanding that
you realize, as Saint-Germain has done, you can also walk right out of it. You’re not
trapped in here. A physical body isn’t truly physical body; it’s an expression of Sacred
Geometry patterns. Look down into the smallest cell or molecule – it’s all about Sacred
Geometry patterns.

But what we’re saying here – the significance of our discussion – is that a number is no
longer just a number. A number is no longer sitting in 3-D reality with only its positive
and negative expressions. A number now will change – the consciousness of the number
will change – to have an inner and an outer expression, and expressions in every different

That literally opens the doorway for a rebuilding of matter. Literally. Now it’s going to
happen over a period of time, it’s not going to happen in one day, but we want Shaumbra
to be aware that the mathematics that create your physical reality are now opening and
expanding. Things don’t have to be like they were before. When you are thinking or
creating or daydreaming, in particular, new ideas – Shaumbra, you have so many ideas –
but you limit them into the current Sacred Geometry structures.

Now is a wonderful time to go beyond, to understand that you can blast through the old
mathematics and Sacred Geometries of reality. Go beyond. That is basically what we are
trying to say. Your reality base – your material base – is changing so therefore the
numbers, the mathematics, the Sacred Geometry – all of that is changing also.

Sacred Geometry

DAVE: Tobias, as we move into the next level – the Fifth Dimension, the New
Jerusalem, whatever people would choose to call it – what would be the architecture or
how can we define form in what’s to come?

TOBIAS: We could spend quite a long time answering that but let’s talk about a
practical application that you’re going to experience in this lifetime, because we can
stretch that out forever.

What’s going to happen is form, as you know it, will now start expanding but not within
the structure of its current form – if that makes any sense.

Let us take the form of a square, which is one of the simple Sacred Geometrical or
mathematical patterns. The square isn’t just going to get bigger; the square will expand
itself inward, you see, into itself, sideways, up and down – all different directions.

Generally, you think of a square as being two-dimensional or even three-dimensional and

it just gets bigger or changes its shape into a rectangle. We’re saying now that it begins to
reveal all of its what you might call magical or mystical but hidden potentials that were
never expressed before. A square is generally related to the number four, and the number
four has certain defined characteristics, but let’s go beyond the definition of what four
used to be.

It can be a negative four. It can be an inner four. It can be a – you see again here is where
words fail what we’re trying to explain – the four can go every different way now. Up
until several thousands of years ago, four was simply four – it had one positive
expression – until somebody invented a negative four, or consciousness understood
negative four.

Now we’re saying it’s not just negative four and positive four; it’s four sideways, four
upside down, four backwards. You see, it expands. That will have an implication on what
you call ‘form’ or ‘structure.’ You’re used to things … a table is a table, but within it are
the hidden potentials of so many other things.

For Shaumbra, in particular, you’re going to find that form or structure actually loses
some of its definition. It becomes a little fuzzy, a little bit more etheric, a little bit less
structured. Everything – how to say – could get a bit soft or squishy for awhile because it
won’t have all the hard edges that your reality has right now. It’s softening up as
numbers, as energy itself, expands.

Put this to use in your creations. We understand that Shaumbra is taking many great leaps
and strides right now, individually and as a group. You’re putting together new ideas for
businesses. You’re beginning to invent things. You’re looking at new medical solutions.
And when you do, again, this new Sacred Geometry of expanded and expansional
numbers, is going to come into play.

DAVE: So this would mean non-linear and non-local is where we are moving towards?

Sacred Geometry

TOBIAS: Absolutely.

LINDA: Dave brought up the tetrahedron before and I’d be curious to know about the
significance …there was the comment made about the Star of David being of a form of
that and that there was a potential that it would come back to the diamond. Is that
indicative of any of the energy that is changing or going on right now?

TOBIAS: It is, and the tetrahedron has also been associated with the Merkabah, and the
spinning in different directions, and it gets into the symbology of both a masculine and a
feminine energy in the two of these triangular shapes, or pyramidal shapes, spinning in
different directions. It’s also been associated with Heaven and Earth or what’s above and
what’s below.

It also, as we said in the channel quite a while ago,1 it also represents the split. In the Star
of David, it’s the split of the masculine/feminine energy. But as we said, it’s going to be
re-establishing or re-balancing itself.

What we want everyone here and listening to this to understand, the tetrahedron itself, or
a star, or any shape itself, doesn’t contain the answers for you. They are in your toolbox,
in your toolbox, and you can use them every day.

A very simple example: you’re trying to write a new song and you’re stuck. Well, you’re
literally stuck because you haven’t opened up to all of the various steps that we talked
about before – the desire; the idea or the birthing/nurturing stages; particularly the
attraction stage, you haven’t let the energies be attracted in that could help you with the
song you’re writing; and finally manifestation. So, you have these simple tools to work
with now. You understand the four levels.

When you’re in the idea stage, play around with the very open architecture of a diamond,
for instance. But not a diamond as defined by a two-dimensional drawing, but a diamond
– or a triangle rather – for its math, for its energetic characteristics, its what you would
sacred characteristics. But now go beyond the two-dimensional nature of it and look at
the energy of the triangle literally going into itself. Not just out, not just getting smaller
either, but going into itself. There is energy in there. There is energy as it expands out in
every different direction, you see.

Play around with all the shapes – the circle, square, any of these – in your “idea-ing”
stage. And as we said play – don’t get into the brain – play like a child would play with
these different shapes.

Then as you get down into your attraction stages, the energy of the new Sacred
Geometric shapes is going to help start to attract other related energies. Because you are

Referring to the Shoud and the special Harmonic Concordance channels given in
November, 2003

Sacred Geometry

playing with a new energy sacred triangle, for instance, when you’re in the attraction
stage, what is it going to do? It’s going to attract other New Energy triangles, even
circles, squares – any complementary shapes and mathematical energies. Instead of just
attracting old mathematically-based energies, it’s now going to attract the New Energy
sacred shapes and forms and mathematics.

That is going to make your creative and your manifestation process so much faster.
You’re not going to be struggling in the brain like you’re used to. As a matter of fact,
you’re going to think you’re missing something because you’re not struggling in the
brain. It just starts happening. It just starts happening.

You don’t even have to go through the intellectual exercises that we’re giving here
because what you’re doing right now is just opening your consciousness. You don’t need
to write these steps down on a piece of paper; they’re already being integrated within

So when you paint a painting, write some music, even when you look at some
technology, some existing technology and you’re thinking how to apply it, all of these
New Energy sacred mathematical formulas are going to start coming into your life and
start playing.

Any solution, any problem where you’re looking for a solution, it generally has a
mathematical formula behind it somewhere. But as you open up to basically a new math,
it’s going to draw in new solutions, and when they come in, they’re going to come in
very fast; they’re going to come from a different place from where you normally get your
solutions; and they’re going to be – how to say – they’re going to be dressed or defined in
a totally different way.

So, we get very excited because we see it coming. We know you’re just beginning to
work with it. You don’t even have to know math and geometry but just the understanding
that the reality base is changing is the important thing.

DAVE: This is really a time of birthing which ties into a lot of the mass consciousness
symbology. One that I was going to bring up again goes back to the Vesica Pisces with
the two intersecting circles and it’s everywhere in our society here. You can’t really see
this but if you have a MasterCard with you, you can look at the MasterCard symbol. You
can look at the CBS network symbol – that also is a Vesica Pisces. That shape is the birth
canal, according to the studies that I’ve done and, at least in a three-dimensional sense,
it’s very powerful and it could also be somewhat of a stimulus, I would think, for further

TOBIAS: Indeed. Within any of the shapes, when you have an intersection of any two
energies – in this case, the Vesica Pisces, two intersecting circles – and what you have in
the middle where they intersect, the point of intersection, is the Vesica. Or indeed as you
said, it is often called the birthing area. It is also called the Christ energy area.

Sacred Geometry

We don’t want you to get overly attached to any specific area or geometric pattern
thinking this will give you the answer. It is a tool, not the answer, you see. And we want
you to understand that everything, including the energy of the Vesica itself, is now
changing. The Vesica has been formed and shaped in a very specific way, containing
specific energy attributes, and there are those older-energy metaphysicians who will tell
you it has very specific attributes and you must use it in a very specific way.

We’re saying it’s time to blow all that up. It’s time to understand that the Vesica is no
longer the Vesica; it has just changed. It’s still contains its core energy attributes as the
Vesica but watch out because it now changes tremendously.

To try to define any of these objects in the old energy way – the energy of a square,
rectangle, triangle, any of these, even a spiral, nautilus, even a wave form pattern – to try
to hold it into its own definition is going to be painful on your consciousness, you see.

Even a wave form, a wave form represents the symmetry or the mathematics of energy
flow, and you’ve just always assumed that it has its high point, its low point and its center
point that creates the wave form. But watch out because that changes also. The wave
form is no longer just an up and a down along a horizontal scale; it now starts to move in
every different direction.

Again, I’m going to go back to an application of this. What do you do with all this
information? Do you allow it to overwhelm you and boggle you? No, you simply
understand that nothing is as it was before. You understand that when you decide that you
want to open a business – you want to make a specialty chocolate, for instance – you start
thinking. Well, that’s the first mistake. (laughter) Don’t think.

You see, you just had a desire. You just had a divine feeling. Your soul desired – what a
great thing – your soul desired. Your soul doesn’t care, quite frankly, whether you start a
chocolate shop, whether you go bankrupt, whether you fall over a cliff – it is just
desiring, you see. It is up to you what you want to do with that desire.

So now you go to idea. Don’t think – just go to idea here. You have a desire. You feel it’s
about a chocolate shop but sit in this idea – or also what we call crystalline realm – stage,
and just birth for a while. Just idea for a while. You say “Well, how do I idea? Define
this.” Well, we just lost you because now you’re back to thinking.

You remember how to do it. You remember how to just idea, imagine, birth without
trying to give form or structure right now. You can play around with some of these sacred
geometric and mathematical energies but without trying to define what any of it is. Just
birth for a while.

Then things start flowing in. You start feeling a degree of form or direction and you feel
it – you don’t think it – and all of a sudden you go “It wasn’t about a chocolate shop.” It
was about, for instance, you want to start farming but in a new way. You see, you had a
desire and perhaps you interpret it as one thing, but be open because it could be another

Sacred Geometry

thing. All of a sudden you realize what you really want to do is start farming. You want
to have apple trees but you want to grow them in a different way.

Well, now the attraction starts coming in. The attraction starts bringing in the energy of
everything from the understanding, the vibration of Gaia, the Earth, and how this will
support the trees. You start attracting energy of even how to grow a new type of apple
that is less susceptible to disease, doesn’t need as much water, has a higher energy ratio
than other apples.

Now it starts attracting. See, you’ve always thought “I have to think this all through.” No,
you just have to attract it. Allow attraction to take place. It just starts happening. A long
time ago I said ‘it comes to you,’ and it does, because now the Sacred Geometries start
coming into play. They start helping to attract their – how to say – their relational
energies or their partner energies.

But again, this is all being done outside of the box, outside of the old way of how
mathematics and Sacred Geometry worked. And when it starts manifesting, it will be so
much easier. The right people will come in. The finances will come in. The technology,
even the equipment, all of this is just going to flow in when you get out of the old way of
approaching this. And it all is truly about – the manifestation portion and the attraction
portion – is about Sacred Geometry and it is about mathematics, but a new form of it.

LINDA: You, of course, have done a great job and as a result of this there are a lot of
questions that don’t apply anymore. But there are several here worth sharing.

TOBIAS: Indeed.

LINDA: Tobias, what you explain is what I always felt when I was painting. I do know
that you are not explaining anything new to me but how does it come that I understand so
well how to manifest these energies on canvas, yet I seem to be a total idiot by playing
and bringing these tools into a physical manifestation in my daily life?

TOBIAS: Indeed, because you’ve always felt comfortable at the canvas. You’ve always
felt comfortable creating there, but there’s part of you that doesn’t really want to be here
and doesn’t want to face certain realities of life, and so you haven’t allowed that flow to
also come into your everyday life. There is still an energy around you that feels that the
artist must struggle and suffer. Whoever heard of an extremely rich and wealthy artist?

Artists are supposed to hang out at coffee shops and barely have enough money to pay
the tab! They’re supposed to live in shacks or have no home at all – that has been the
energetic dynamic of an artist. It’s time to get over that. Live wealthy. Have a grand life.
We’re not talking about just for the sake of accumulating wealth but let all the energies
flow into every part of your life.

There’s part of you that fears that if you allow this, you’ll be less artistic, that struggling
and suffering create the art itself or the expression. What if you got over that barrier?

Sacred Geometry

What if you went beyond thinking that the art would suffer but rather it would improve?
It would tell a greater story, have a greater energy with it.

LINDA: What is the correlation between the Field, the crystalline realms and Sacred
Geometry and how is this utilized within the body physical, the oneness of Self? Also,
how does the clear energy, the color clear, enter into this?

TOBIAS: Indeed. These are all interrelated. The Field is the reservoir for all energy in a
neutral state of being, not activated. Once you begin your creative process, the energies
from the Field – from the Source – are activated into a positive and negative.

You could also say it is the mathematics of two and is actually … assume it is the
mathematics of two. We could get into how zero interplays with it, or nothing, but it is a
negative and a positive energy that is then the building blocks. As you start into your idea
stage, these energies come in to support the creation that will ultimately come down into
physical reality.

You can almost see them as like a flow, an energy flow, into the idea stage so that your
desires can begin to take some type of structure or form. And then these energies, now as
you bring in the basic positive/minus – or as some of you call it masculine/feminine –
energies into the idea stage to support your imaginations, your ideas, now these begin to
take even more established forms into lines, into triangles, circles, squares, as you come
into your attraction stage and finally take solid form in your manifestation or 3-D form.
So they are all interrelated. They all work with each other.

The clear energy – and again, that depends how you’re defining it but we’re going to call
the clear energy basically the New Energy – it is clear of having a masculine or feminine,
a negative/positive attribute to it. It is clear. It is expansional energy. It is available, it is
ready to bring into consciousness and reality. But it is important to understand that it
exists. It is there. It is that expansional or open, non-vibrational energy we have talked
about before. It is New Energy and it is ready to come in.

LINDA: How useful is Sacred Geometry in everyday life? Like should I build my next
house in a perfect golden ratio of Flower of Life pattern or something? What does Tobias
have to say about the golden spiral and pi?

TOBIAS: Indeed. It is important to understand that any of these Sacred Geometry

patterns are simply the building blocks. They don’t hold the solution or the answer for
you but you can use them as tools.

Now, if you feel that you have to build your house in an exact Sacred Geometry pattern
or else – well again, you have just lost. If you choose to build your house with a certain
level of Sacred Geometric patterns because you choose to do it as an artistic expression,
well then it will serve you quite well. But whether you live in a box or a circle or pyramid
ultimately doesn’t matter. It’s about what you are doing with all the energies in your life.

Sacred Geometry

So, whether it is a spiraling energy – we see so many who work with the spiraling energy
which is wonderful, it is another Sacred Geometric pattern – but what we’re trying to get
to all of you here with is that you can take any of these and use them as tools to create
your reality.

So many of you feel stuck. You say, “I have great ideas but I don’t know how to bring
them in. I don’t know how to manifest them.” Now you can begin to understand that the
potential is there.

LINDA: How is Sacred Geometry of the New Energy different and what can we learn
from many available sources and how really will we learn this?

TOBIAS: Indeed. There are, as of right now, no books that are available about that and
perhaps that is a blessing because you’re going to have to feel it first. You’re going to
have to breathe it in and bring it into your life. By the way, the first part of that question,
we have already given the explanation of how Sacred Geometry is going to be a bit

Imagine that a circle, which contains wonderful energy, wonderful prototype or

archetypical building block energy, is no longer just a circle. There were potentials of that
circle that have existed in the invisible realms, or in the potential realms, but haven’t been
brought in. Now they are coming in and you can work with a circle now, not just as a
circle but with all of its potentials. So those are the main differences.

LINDA: What happens when we spin our merkabah?

TOBIAS: You could get very nauseous, for one. (laughter) In the case of your merkabah,
it knows how to move on its own. To try to mentally go in and manipulate it and say it
must spin at this speed and rate and that speed and rate in different opposing directions,
you’re simply playing with something that is going to happen naturally.

You’re not trusting in yourself because you’re saying, “I have to go in and control it and
manipulate it. I have to make it do these certain things.” And again, you’re going to
probably feel the energetic effects. Perhaps you might get a bit of a high from it, but
ultimately you’re disturbing something that is occurring at a very natural level and a very
intuitive level. You don’t need to go in and start messing with that. You’re not going to
have a better, happier life just because you’re spinning your merkabah in different
directions. (laughter)

LINDA: What does Sacred Geometry have to do with the way our digestive systems

TOBIAS: The digestive system is based in physical matter so it carries all the
mathematics of the building blocks of life. But to say that there is a Sacred Geometry
that’s going to help to increase the digestive flow is really about going into these other
realms that we have talked about and feeling in there. Is there an energy of a circle, for

Sacred Geometry

instance, that could help balance your digestive tract better? Is there some energy that’s
more compatible with you right now?

But again, we’re not suggesting you start to try to force these geometric patterns or
numbers to try to control a situation, but to understand that the digestive tract is simply
built on the same building blocks as anything else.

LINDA: Several people asked questions as artists. I’ve recently begun channeling
artworks which are composed of sacred geometrical designs. I’m wondering if Tobias
can give me some guidance concerning these, as I believe they are for others and not just
myself. I’m frustrated because I’m not sure specifically of what they are about or about
bringing them to who they are for. What can you tell me about this?

TOBIAS: What you are feeling are the energies of the changing sacred geometric
patterns. You’re intuitively feeling that numbers are changing their characteristics.
You’re feeling desire to express this in your paintings – or for others of you, in your
sculptures or whatever creative endeavors – but you’re running into a mind-block
because your mind, up to now, has had a certain definition of what a sacred geometric
pattern should look like.

As you’re putting these down on your canvas or paper, you’re literally feeling those
blocks and then you start to get into the head and you’re trying to think that you need to
put this on canvas or paper for the sake of others. But first of all, understand that it is for
you. There is something inside of you saying that you have the need to understand that
any number, any sacred geometric pattern is now changing its energy characteristics.
That’s all that’s happening here.

You don’t literally need to try to draw out sacred geometric patterns. You don’t need to
try to define them on paper. You can just understand that they are entering into your life
for any type of creation you want to do, whether it is continuing to paint or do anything.
You’re just feeling this change and this desire. You’re feeling the need to try to draw it
out but it’s for you.

DAVE: You have spoken about the attraction of energy, you have spoken about allowing
the energy to come in, and I think another important component that I’ve noticed in my
work in various fields is knowing that you deserve this, that you’re in a position to accept
that. Because all the rest of it could be available but unless you feel that you deserve this
energy flowing in – the ideas, whatever it is – that creates a break.

TOBIAS: Absolutely. And what happens here is if there is a lack of self-worth or

esteem, you will go back and forth in the idea stage and even bring it into the non-
physical attraction, but then you won’t – you’ll gather together, you’ll kind of harvest a
variety of appropriate energies in the attraction level – but you simply will not allow it to
come into the physical level.

Sacred Geometry

You’re going to be very frustrated because you’re going to continue to wonder why
things don’t come into your life. You can feel them all around you. You can feel
abundance around you. You can feel grand things – books that you want to write or
whatever it is – but then you’ll be frustrated in why they aren’t coming in. Then you’re
going to call out to Spirit or to the angels and want us to bring it in for you. But we can’t,
it’s your creation. You’ve attracted the energies. Now, can you let them come into your

Indeed, an excellent question and it allows us to provide the opportunity to state that your
own emotions and your own core spirit are not based in math, you see. At your core level
you are not just Sacred Geometry. There are those philosophers who have felt that even
God is a mathematical formula and it is not.

There comes a point of transition or energy leap – consciousness leap – where you go
beyond your physical reality, which is made up of numbers, patterns, shapes, and you
beyond that and in your spirit realm, even your emotions, those are not based on
numbers. So we don’t want you to try to define yourself – your true self – as a sequence
of mathematical equations or sacred geometric patterns.

So we use this opportunity to explain that but, yes, you also have to accept your own
worth that you can bring these things into your life, and there have been tremendous
barriers, Shaumbra. You have been living two lives – one as a spiritual being and one as a
physical, material being – and you haven’t brought them together. You’ve had grand
concepts and ideas that exist in the non-physical realms because you haven’t allowed
yourself to bring them into this reality.

The way of Shaumbra right now is bringing together divine and material in this reality,
bringing in anything you want into this existence. Thank you.

LINDA: There were several questions from architects saying that they felt there was
grand importance of incorporating Sacred Geometry in their architecture and what else is
it that they should know to move that forward. There were several Shaumbra.

TOBIAS: Indeed. It is what we talked of earlier. First of all, for an architect it is a sheer
joy and blessing to work with Sacred Geometry because that’s what architecture is – it is
simply about shapes and balances and energy flows and numbers. You are starting
literally on a sheet of paper – or now at your computer – starting with nothing and taking
a series of geometric patterns and numbers and now creating something. It is a wonderful
way of also viewing how you go from idea into attraction and finally manifestation.

You have an idea or ideas for a new building and you start applying some of the patterns
to it. That starts attracting other things – everything from the builders, financing, power,
energy that’s going to make this all happen – it starts attracting all those intangibles,
finally brought into manifestation.

Sacred Geometry

To say that you have to use a certain ratio of triangles to squares or circles is again
getting intellectual about something you don’t need to get intellectual about. But to
understand that the square is no longer just a square; it has elements – expansional
elements – within it. The shapes and the patterns are no longer what they used to be. That
is the important thing to understand now in working with architecture.

LINDA: What is the purpose of creating the structures based on Sacred Geometry? More
so, how do we know what geometries are appropriate for a given situation?

TOBIAS: You can feel the energy of any geometry. Feel for a moment ‘circle.’ Now feel
‘square’ – totally different energies, totally different feelings. Now you take three circles
and intersect them and put them together. You can feel the difference in the energies.
Everything flows different. You can take a whole series of triangles and arrange them in
symmetrical patterns – there are energies in that. You just feel them in there.

So, it depends what you are trying to do with your architecture endeavors and your
buildings. Do you want something that feels very solid, balanced? You tend to go with
more with square patterns and designs. You want something that has movement, that has
seemingly to have purpose and direction? You go with triangles. You want something
that has a sense of completion or fulfillment? You go with something like a circle.

But any person, depending on who they are and what they’re doing with their life, can
use any of these energies in one way or the other.

A circle can be completion, satisfaction and peace. You build a large, round room, for
instance, and it also has a very interesting energy flow in the room. It has an energy, like
I said, of completion. But to an imbalanced going into that same room, it can literally
affect them. It can drive them crazy because, as you know, a circular room, a circular
pattern itself has no particular beginning or end; it just keeps going around and around
and around.

So an imbalanced person will have a very difficult time in a circular room. It can’t find
the corners. It can’t find any place to just rest its energy. So an imbalanced person –
mentally imbalanced, that is – is generally going to need a square room. It’s interesting
that most of the rooms on Earth are square! (laughter)

LINDA: What is the symbol or geometry for the New Energy and the New Earth?

TOBIAS: Indeed. We’re not going to define it as one because you’re going to shoot
straight up to your head right now.

LINDA: Ah, come on. (laughter)

TOBIAS: Imagine if the symbol – imagine what energy for a symbol that represents
openness, expansional – it is difficult to put that into regular terms. Perhaps there needs

Sacred Geometry

to be a new symbol that’s associated with it, but the energy behind whatever symbol is
developed needs to be of openness in all directions.

DAVE: Would that be the geometry of the Fifth Dimension and beyond?

TOBIAS: We don’t like to go into levels such as Fifth Dimension of Sixth or any of
those because any dimension that is associated with a physical realm still continues to use
the basic building blocks of Sacred Geometry – the square, the circle, the triangle and the
line. So we don’t want to say that there is a … there’s no need to even go into geometries
and other planes and levels that aren’t necessarily physical because, in a sense, those
realms don’t even use numbers or math.

It’s a different type of energy sequence and actually quite irrelevant to what any of you
are doing on Earth right now. You can go off in those realms and you will not be able to
bring back any of the information here. What’s important is the steps that we spoke of
before and the work you’re doing here on Earth right now.

The work you’re doing here on Earth, by the way, takes priority or precedence over any
other realm, any other dimension, any other reality. There is no grander existence than
the human on Earth. Now, some of you might be disappointed in that. (laughter)

There are very intelligent realms or dimensions but they don’t necessarily have soul, you
see. They are realms or dimensions of intelligence. What you are doing here on Earth is
you are combining all of the things together. You’re combining matter and Spirit,
intelligence, dreams, soul, passion – all of those right here on Earth. You have the
greatest soup going of any dimension.

So, what I’m saying here is you’re not going to find the answer by going off somewhere
else. It is right here.

DAVE: And it’s show time now.

TOBIAS: It is show time and an excellent way of stating this, because with the advent of
the Quantum Leap coming up … the Quantum Leap is – how to say – it is the true
triggering of this change in how a number defines itself. It is a true change in – words are
so difficult here – physical mathematics.

As we said, isn’t it a surprise that somebody just discovered zero? You know, 2,000 years
ago it was never known. And then after that, it took many centuries to really come to
understand negative numbers. That was never known before.

Now what the world is going to slowly come to know – but Shaumbra can know right
now – is that the number can have its shadows, all of the other representations of that
number. Again, words cannot define it because how can I tell you of an inner four – not a
negative four – but an inner four number? But I know you can feel it.

Sacred Geometry

So yes, it is show time. It is getting ready, and more than anything, I’m telling you that
your ideas, your … let’s talk about your ideas for a moment.

One of the attributes of Shaumbra is great ideas, poor execution. (laughter) You hit the
wall when you get into the attraction stage. You stop cold. Your head comes in and says,
“Who am I to think like this? Who am I to think that I’m going to create this business or
healing modality or New Energy?” So you stop attracting. You shut down your energy
attractions. You shut down your idea and then you get very frustrated because you’re a
desiring being. You desire to continually do something.

You know what happens? You have an idea for a new energy source. You take it into the
attraction stage but then you shut down. Desire continues to operate. Desire doesn’t care
if you’ve just built a new type of fuel source, invented it, desire doesn’t care if you’ve
done that or shot yourself in the foot. It just desires, you see. So it will continue to
operate. You will get very frustrated and you’ll have a sore foot. (laughter)

You still have a mindset that things have to be difficult, that there are barriers, that there
are people out to get you, that you can’t do it, that you don’t have enough intelligence.
You stop in the attraction stage, you see. And we’re saying that it’s all changing now.

We’re actually saying that you’re going to be surprised at how quickly things can start
coming in. It’s no wonder that the whole concept of the Crimson Circle Energy Company
is taking hold right now. It is also a manifestation of what is happening with all the
individual Shaumbra. It’s going to go very quick – you’re going to go very quick right
now – and these things will come in.

The songs – write them down the moment you start feeling them because they’re coming
in quickly like never before. The ideas, the new programming – whatever it is – it’s going
to go very, very fast. And it’s being brought in on the vehicle of the new Sacred
Geometry, the new numbers.

LINDA: You managed to answer all the questions, so how would you like to conclude?

TOBIAS: A toast to Shaumbra. (laughter) I would like to conclude simply by asking you
to take a deep breath. Forget about the details of what we’ve just talked about. Forget
about all the mathematics and the engineering and the mechanics for a moment because,
in a sense, they are irrelevant.

They’re simply a way of explaining to you that a great change is taking place – a change
of potentials, a new way of doing things in your life, a new way of bringing things in, a
new way of attracting the appropriate energies and then allowing them to manifest on
Earth. The basic element of a number, the energy of a number and of a Sacred Geometry
pattern, is changing.

(There is a distant babbling noise, and laughter from audience and Tobias) It has to be
Kuthumi, it has to be. (much laughter)

Sacred Geometry

So take a deep breathe. Let yourself expand as well in a new way, no longer defined by
the definition that you’ve had before of who you are. It’s changing, Shaumbra. Get ready.

And so it is.


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