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LISTENING TEST This test examines your listening comprehension. There are three parts to the test. Each
part has its own directions.
PART A : DIRECTIONS : In Part A, you will hear 20 statements. The statements will not be repeated, and will
not be written down for you. Choose the statement in your answer sheet which is closest in meaning to what you
have heard. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

1.- 9.-
(A)- The house doesn’t need painting. (A)- My date is going to arrive by taxi.
(B)- Paint will be cheaper next month. (B)- My date is going to go on until late.
(C)- My son, who is a painter, will be home next (C)- It’s hard to get a taxi on Saturday night.
month. (D)- A late taxi will make me miss my date.
(D)- Someone is going to paint our house soon.
2.- (A)- August is a holiday month in Spain.
(A)- Ted’s new car was expensive. (B)- I’m going to Augusta for my holidays.
(B)- I know Ted bought a new car. (C)- August is when I like taking my holidays.
(C)- How much Ted’s new car cost was no surprise (D)- I am obliged to take holidays in August.
to me.
(D)- Ted was first to buy a new car. 11.-
(A)- I would study harder but I can’t.
3.- (B)- I find it hard to study.
(A)- It is a very hot summer this year. (C)- I study harder than you do.
(B)- Yesterday was a hot day. (D)- I think you should study more.
(C)- It is raining today.
(D)- Yesterday was hotter than Tuesday. 12.-
(A)- John went to a vegetarian restaurant.
4.- (B)- Occasionally, John does eat meat.
(A)- I found my last cheque book. (C)- John is a meat lover.
(B)- I couldn’t find my cheque book. (D)- John is a strict vegetarian. He never eats meat.
(C)- I am still looking for my cheque book.
(D)- I know where my cheque book is. 13.-
(A)- Bill has agreed to help me do my homework.
5.- (B)- Bill has done my homework for me.
(A)- Bill and I caught the same train last week. (C)- Homework is not one of Bill’s strong points.
(B)- Last week’s train to New Jersey was late. (D)- Bill has done a lot of homework.
(C)- Bill was training when I last saw him.
(D)- Bill saw New Jersey when he went to the 14.-
States. (A)- John, Steve and Linda all failed their exams.
(B)- Steve and Linda got better results than John.
6.- (C)- All students found the exam difficult.
(A)- A lot of people have tasted Spanish and French (D)- John’s exam was harder than both Linda’s and
food. Steve’s.
(B)- French cooking uses a lot of butter.
(C)- Spanish ham is similar to French ham. 15.-
(D)- Spanish food is said to be better than French. (A)- Clare gave me a cigarette.
(B)- When we first met she had already quit
7.- cigarettes.
(A)-I prefer expensive restaurants to cheap ones. (C)- I was smoking when I met Clare.
(B)- I suggest we eat in another restaurant. (D)- Clare smokes 25 cigarettes a day.
(C)-All city restaurants are expensive nowadays.
(D)- I’ve booked the expensive restaurant for 16.-
2.00 p.m. (A)- I advise you not to run the marathon if you are not
8.- (B)- 42 kms. is a long way to run.
(A)- I had Helen over for lunch. (C)- I ran 42 kms six days ago.
(B)- Helen and I had lunch together yesterday. (D)- You need to catch the 6:42 train next week.
(C)- At lunch time phone calls are expensive.
(D)- Helen rang yesterday before lunch.

(2)-IN-SLP 3-LIST-04-1
17.- 19.-
(A)- You have many polite friends. (A)- We slept well despite the baby’s coughing.
(B)- You don’t have many friends because you are (B)- We all had a good night’s sleep.
rude. (C)- The baby finds it difficult to sleep at night.
(C)- You make friends easily. (D)- The baby’s persistent coughing made us lose
(D)- Your friends are all very polite. sleep.

18.- 20.-
(A)- This noise is driving me crazy. (A)- The countries have recovered from the cyclone
(B)- Loud noise makes me angry. damage.
(C)- That noise has been going on for a long time. (B)- A hurricane devastated a large part of Central
(D)- He can’t increase the volume any more. America.
(C)- Tornadoes affect many American countries.
(D)- A typhoon has destroyed Central Africa.

Questions 21 to 35 are based on fifteen short conversations between two people. When each conversation
ends, you will be asked a question by a third voice about what was said. You will hear the question only once
and must choose the answer from the four choices given. When you have chosen what you believe to be the
best answer to each question, write your answer on your answer sheet.

21.- 27-
(A)- A supermarket (B)- A chemist’s (A)- That she reads the paper on the train.
(C)- A department store (D)- A restaurant (B)- That she was aware of the new train.
(C)- That she knows a lot about Valladolid.
22.- (D)- That she has read about Valladolid.
(A)- The day of the meeting.
(B)- The starting time of the meeting. 28-
(C)- The time (A)- If he can have a dinner suit.
(D)- The location of the meeting. (B)- If he can have a different suit.
(C)- If there are any dinner suits left.
23.- (D)- If he can change his mind about dinner.
(A)- The lack of snow on her last holidays.
(B)- The distance between Madrid and Sierra 29.
Nevada. (A)- He likes to dream.
(C)- The cold weather. (B)- The class was boring.
(D)- The abundance of snow on her last holiday. (C)- He wasn’t paying attention.
(D)- The duration of the class was long.
(A)- She can have lunch before they go. 30.-
(B)- She has two tickets for the cinema on (A)- She’ll finish her lunch in a minute.
Wednesday. (B)- She’ll leave John in the car for a minute.
(C)- She’s going on holiday. (C)- She’ll join him when she has had her lunch.
(D)- She has time to wash her clothes. (D)- She’ll finish her lunch with John in a minute.

25.- 31.-
(A)- That all the CD’s have been sold. (A)- Bus 32 is not a regular bus.
(B)- That all the CD’s have arrived. (B)- The bus doesn’t run anymore.
(C)- That the woman can copy the CD. (C)- Bus 32 won’t get you to Legazpi on time.
(D)- That he arrived on time. (D)- He thinks that the bus is unreliable.

26. 32.-
(A)- That the woman wanted to live here longer. (A)- They’ll see Beth together.
(B)- That the woman was happy living here. (B)- They’ll visit Beth tomorrow.
(C)- That the woman wanted to relocate her abode. (C)- They get well together.
(D)- That the woman lived here for a long time. (D)- Beth is not well.

(2)-IN-SLP 3-LIST-04
33.- 34.-
(A)- A beverage (A)- Sales have been booming recently.
(B)- To see the price of the fish. (B)- Business is good at the moment.
(C)- A cheaper meal. (C)- Business could be better.
(D)- A paella while she waits. (D)- They’ll be rich in no time.

(A)-Less people travel on Saturdays.
(B)-He is losing his mind.
(C)- Less people mind going out on Saturdays.
(D)-The expo won’t be as crowded on Saturday.
Questions number 36 to 50 will be based on the following conversation among several speakers. The
conversation will be interrupted throughout the text by the questions. Choose the best answer to each question,
and write your answers on the answer sheet.

36. - 42. -
(A)- That his wife is unable to save money (A)-You have better access to the metro and
(B)- That they’ll save time looking for a new flat shopping malls if you live in the centre.
(C)- They’ll have to make more effort to save (B)- The metro doesn’t reach the outer suburbs.
money. (C)- It wouldn’t bother her to live away from the centre
(D)- They’ll have to be confident about their as long as she has transportation and places to shop.
accommodation. (D)-There’s not enough space to build shopping
37. –
(A)-Family (B)- Satisfaction 43. -
(C)- Love (D)- Space (A)- Because Elizabeth doesn’t make any sense.
(B)- Because Elizabeth doesn’t want to move.
38. - (C)- Because Elizabeth changed her mind.
(A)- Not loving each other enough (D)- Because Elizabeth can’t afford to move.
(B)- Not having a bedroom for her mother
(C)- Not having enough space 44. -
(D)- Having to buy new furniture (A)-Happiness is the most important factor.
(B)-You need to live well to be happy.
39. - (C)-If you know the truth you live well.
(A)-She’s pessimistic about finding a good flat. (D)-You should be careful when choosing a new
(B)-She hasn’t found a flat for herself. house.
(C)-She has a nice large flat and is able to invite
her friends over. 45.-
(D)- She thinks it’s easy to find a flat in the area. (A)-That they should all live together since they are
old friends.
40. - (B)-That living in two apartments is a great idea.
(A)- The shops around the area are expensive. (C)-That they look for apartments in the same area so
(B)- They can’t afford a nice flat in a decent zone. that they can live close to each other.
(C)- Nice flats are only found in expensive areas. (D)-That old friends should never live in the same
(D)- There are many schools and shops in the area.
41. - (A)- There are two schools in the area.
(A)- They might need to move to another town. (B)- The children will be able to study together.
(B)- The centre of town is too crowded. (C)- The schools in the area are not all the same.
(C)- Something in the centre will be hard to find. (D)- The children are not the same age.
(D)- Most people live far from the centre.
47. -
(A)- She’d rather live far from her best friend.
(B)- Find a solution to their problem.
(C)- Live near her best friend’s house.
(D)- Solve the problem by living with her best friend.

(2)-IN-SLP 3-LIST-04
48. - 49. -
(A)- That they should forget about looking in the (A)- Prices vary a lot in the centre of town.
north of the city. (B)- Flats are more expensive in the centre of town.
(B)- That they have finished building in the north of (C)- Flats are a lot less expensive in the centre of
the city. town.
(C)- That they build their own flat. (D)- Prices in the centre of the town are outrageous.
(D)- That they begin looking for a flat in the north
of the city. 50.-
(A)- The new building has everything they need.
(B)- They would have everything they need in the
same area.
(C)- They need a new building.
(D)- They have everything in the new building.

(2)-IN-SLP 3-LIST-04

LISTENING TEST This test examines your listening comprehension. There are three parts to the test. Each part
has its own directions.
PART A : DIRECTIONS : In Part A, you will hear 20 statements. The statements will not be repeated, and will not
be written down for you. Choose the statement in your answering sheet which is closest in meaning to what you
have heard. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

1. - We’re having the house painted next week. him eat meat.
2.- I didn’t ask the price of Ted’s new car, but I know. 13.- Don’t worry about helping me with my homework.
3.- I hope today is not as hot as yesterday. Bill has volunteered.
4.- At last I have found my cheque book. 14.- John didn’t do as well in the exam as Steve and
5.- I saw Bill on the train to New Jersey last week. Linda.
6.- Many people say Spanish cooking is better than 15.- Clare had given up smoking when I first met her.
French. 16.- You shouldn’t run a 42km marathon unless you
7.- That restaurant is too expensive. Let’s go train 6 days a week.
somewhere else. 17.- If you were more polite you’d find it easier to make
8.- Yesterday, before lunch, I received a phone call friends.
from Helen 18.- I can’t put up with this noise any longer.
9.- If the taxi doesn’t arrive soon, I’ll be late for my date. 19.- The baby was coughing all night long and we
10.-I prefer taking all my holidays in August. couldn’t sleep.
11.- If I were you I’d study a little bit harder. 20.- Many Central American countries were severely
12.- Although John says he’s a vegetarian, I have seen damaged by a hurricane.


Questions 21 to 35 are based on fifteen short conversations between two people. When each conversation ends,
you will be asked a question by a third voice about what was said. You will hear the question only once and must
choose the answer from the four choices given. When you have chosen what you believe to be the best answer to
each question, write your answer on your answer sheet.

21.MAN. Would you prefer the red or the white wine with your meal?
WOMAN. I’ve ordered fish so I’ll have white , please.
c) Where does this conversation probably take place?

22. MAN. Excuse me, Helen. Do you know at what time the meeting starts?
WOMAN. I’m not 100% sure, but I think it’s 9:30.
c) What is the woman unsure about?

23.WOMAN. The last time I went to Sierra Nevada, there wasn’t any snow.
MAN. That’s because you went at the end of the ski season.
c) What does the woman complain about?

24. MAN. I’ve booked two tickets for Wednesday at 3:30.

WOMAN. Great! I can go to the dry cleaner’s before we go.
c) Why is the woman pleased?

25. WOMAN. By the time I arrived all the copies of the CD had been sold.
MAN. Don’t worry, you can record mine.
c) What does the man suggest?

26.WOMAN The longer I live here, the more I come to like it.
MAN Really! I thought you wanted to move.
c) What did the man think?

27 MAN I hear they’re putting a fast train between Madrid and Valladolid.
WOMAN Yes. I read something about that in the paper.
c) What does the woman mean?

(2)-IN-SLP 3-LIST-04
28 MAN Would you mind if exchanged this suit for another?
WOMAN Of course not. The dinner suits are on the left.
c) What does the man ask ?

29 WOMAN If you had listened to the teacher you wouldn’t have made so many
MAN Sorry, but I was daydreaming during the class.
c) What does the man mean?

30 MAN It’s time we were leaving. John’s waiting in the car.

WOMAN I’ll be there in a minute. I’m just finishing my lunch.
c) What does the woman mean?

31 WOMAN If you catch the 32 bus from Legazpi you’ll get there on time.
MAN I was told that the bus doesn’t run regularly.
c) What does the man mean?

32 MAN I really ought to visit Beth tomorrow. She’s not well.

WOMAN Tell me the time you’re leaving and we’ll go together.
c) What does the woman suggest?

33 WOMAN After seeing the price of the fish, I think I’ll have the paella.
MAN Certainly, Madam. Would you like a drink while you wait?
c) What does the man offer the woman?

34 MAN Sales have really taken off recently. The market is booming.
WOMAN I know. If it continues like this, we’ll be rich in no time.
c) What do the people agree on?

35 WOMAN Are you going to the travel expo on Saturday or Sunday?

MAN We haven’t yet made up our minds, but I think there’ll be fewer people on
c) What does the man mean?


Questions number 36 to 50 will be based on the following conversation among several speakers. The conversation
will be interrupted throughout the text by the questions. Choose the best answer to each question, and write your
answers on the answer sheet.

36 WOMAN I’m not confident that we can find a flat with the quality we want at the
price we can afford.
MAN. I think we could if we saved a little harder.
c) What does the man suggest?

37. WOMAN I’m not so easy to satisfy. I want to have a large flat with space for us and our children in
the future.
MAN. I know what you would like but I don’t know what we can afford. We don’t really need so much space as
long as we love each other.
c) What is more important for the man?

38. WOMAN. It has nothing to do with loving each other. Where will I put all the
furniture my mother gave me? And where will we entertain our friends?
c) What is the woman worried about?

39. MAN. Don’t worry Elizabeth, we will find a nice large flat and we will invite your friends
WOMAN. Don’t think it’s too easy to find a good flat in this area. We’ve been
looking for ages. Look at the result!

(2)-IN-SLP 3-LIST-04
c) What does she mean?

40. WOMAN In fact, a nice flat in an area with good, shops, schools etc.
costs more than what we can pay.
c) What does she mean?

41. MAN. I think that we’ll have to find something away from the centre of town.
c) What is the man suggesting?

42. WOMAN. I wouldn’t mind going far from the centre provided we have the metro and
large shopping centres.
c) What does the woman mean?

43. MAN. That has nothing to do with what you told me earlier.
You always wanted something in the centre.
c) Why is the man upset?

44. MAN. Look. If you want to know the truth, I don’t really care where we live as long as we’re
c) What does the man imply?

45. WOMAN. Why don’t we look for two apartments close together in the same
Old friends should live close together.
c) What does the woman suggest?

46. WOMAN. And the children can go to the same school.

c) What does the woman mean?

47 WOMAN. This is the best solution for all of us. I don’t want to live far from my
best friend.
c) What does the woman prefer?

48 MAN Why don’t we start looking in the north of the city? I’ve heard that they are starting to build there .

c) What does the man suggest?

49 MAN. I’ve read that prices there are a lot less than in the centre of town.
c) What does this mean?

50. MAN. And they are also building everything that we’ll need there.
c) What does the man mean?


(2)-IN-SLP 3-LIST-04


“The house doesn’t need ...”

1.- D 11.-D 21.-D 31.-D 41.-C

2.-C 12.-B 22.-B 32.-A 42.-C

3.-B 13.-A 23.-A 33.-A 43.-C

4.-D 14.-B 24.-D 34.-B 44.-A

5.-A 15.-B 25.-C 35.-D 45.-C

6.-D 16.-A 26.-C 36.- C 46.-B

7.-B 17.-B 27.-B 37.-C 47.-C

8.-D 18.-A 28.-B 38.-C 48.-D

9.-D 19.-D 29.-C 39.-A 49.-B

10.-C 20.-B 30.-C 40.-B 50.-B

(2)-IN-SLP 3-LIST-04

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