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d. Could
1. Rossa: ” Linda, why do you look happy today?”
e. Would
Linda: “ Because today is my birthday.”
Rossa: “ Is it true?..”
7. 7. Mahatma Gandhi ……. Born in porbandar.

a. Your Welcome
a. Is
b. Im Fine
b. Are
c. Happy Birhtday
c. Was
d. Im Happy
d. Were
e. Thank You
e. Am

2. Bagas: You look so unhappy, Nata what’s the

8. 8. They ……. Fast.
Nata: My father….. his job
a. Run
b. Ran
a. Has just lost
c. Running
b. Have just lost
d. Is run
c. Losing
e. Runs
d. Loses
9. 9. We …. Soccer match.
3. Fadhil…… in that company for 2 years
a. Do
a. Serve
b. Watching
b. Have served
c. Watches
c. Serving
d. Watch
d. Has served

4. I ….. french at school.

10. 10. Gina cooks fried rice. It … amazing.
a. Studied
a. Does
b. Studying
b. Do
c. Study
c. Are
d. Student
d. Is
e. Is study

11. 11. My brother rides a bike to school

5. Ashoka ….. a mauryan king.

a. Every day
a. Was
b. Do
b. Were
c. Are
c. Is
d. Is
d. Am
e. Are

6. She …… not marry the person of her choice.

a. Can
b. Was
This text is for questions 12 to 16 ANNOUNCEMENT

A shepherd boy, tending his flock not To: all employees

far from a village, liked to amuse himself by There will be a blackout each Saturday
crying out “Wolf! Wolf!” His trick succeeded
during this month. Consequently, we will use
two or three times. The whole village came
the generator as the electric source. So, please
running to his assistance, only to be laughed at
for falling for his joke. do not use air conditioners on Saturdays.
Then, one day, the wolf came for real. Please don’t forget to turn off the
The boy cried out in earnest, but his lights, computers, printers during the break as
neighbours, thinking he was tricking them,
ignored his cries, and the wolf devoured the
sheep. 17. Where can you read the announcement?

12. The genre of the text above is .... A. At school

B. In a bank
A. descriptive D. report
B. procedure E. narrative C. In a company
C. recount
D. In a library
13. Then, one day, the wolf came for real.(Paragraph2). 18. According to the text, what should the
This part of the text is called .... employees turn off each Saturday?

A. steps D. events A. Computers

B. complication E.resolution
B. Air conditioners
C. identification
C. Lamps
14. The phrase “cried out” in paragraph 3 is closest
meaning to .... D. Printers

A. wept D. busted
B. desperate E. screamed Thursday is August 17th, the Independence
C. hurt day .Don't miss the Independence Day
festival!. The festival begins at 08.00 in every
15. The shepherde boy’s personality was a/an ....
district In Jakarta.Gather in front of our school
at 07.30 to see the parade with the principal.
A. happy-go-lucky-boy D. annoying boy
B. caring boy E. intellegent boy Don't miss it! And Join many contests at school.
C. decisive boy
Free registration, full of prizes!
16. Pronoun “them” in paragraph 3 refers to ….
17. 19. What does the text tell about?
A. The shepherd boy A. Independence day festival
B. caring boy
C. decisive boy B. Gathering in school
D. annoying boy
C. Parade with the principal
E. intellegent boy
D. School contest
From: a. Good afternoon d. Good morning
b. Good evening e. Good bye
To: ivan
c. Good Night

3. Philip : “How are you Johan?”

Dear Ivan,
Johan :”..........”
How's life? I know you must be very busy these a. How do you do ? d. Bye bye
days since it's the beginning of the term.
b. Good bye e. Nice to meet you
I hope you are not too tired and still have time c. I am fine thank you
for yourself. I found that the school here is exciting too.
I have made a lot of friends, I'll tell you about them
later on my next e-mail. 4. Teacher: “time is up for student and you may

I have a new hobby now. Planting! You won't go home.........”

believe it, I grow so many kinds of fruit here such as
Students : “good afternoon, sir “
guava, mango, orange, and dragon fruit. I usually buy
the seed at a nearby shop. I'm crazy about planting a. Good afternoon
now. I guess because it's so easy to get the seeds or
b. Good evening
young plants, and the soil here seems so nice to plants.
Everything grows easily here. I own a small farm behind c. Good night
my house. I love my farm. It's about two hundreds
d. Good bye
square meter. My little brother helps me at the farm.
We make a great team. e. Good morning

Well, I promise to send you some fruits when

they are ripe someday and let me now how they taste. 5. nora : “let me introduce myself, my name is
Bye! nora”
Rehan Bima : “hi nora, nice to meet you”
20. Rehan will give some of his crops to Ivan when .... What is dialouge about ?
A. His brother helps him a. introducing yourself
B. The fruit are ripe b. introducing other

C. Ivan visits him c. thanking

D. The plants grow well d. greeting

BAHASA INGGRIS II e. leave king

1. Lita : “ What is your ........ name ?”

Dea : “You can call me Dea” 6. They...studying english right now

a. Long d. Surname a. is
b. Nickname e. Full b. are
c. Short
c. were
2. Lesnar : “ andre” d. was
Andre : “good night lesnar”
e. am
7. Ikke : “good morning, mr.yusuf this is my
father, mr. Taufik
Mr.yusuf: “how do you do”
Mr.taufik: “......................”
a. i’m fine d. Good bye
b. nice to meet you e. How do you do
c. see you

8. i can’t understand ........ when they speak

spain. They seem weird. They should study
a. She b. His c. He d. Them c. Her

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