Sample of Band 6 Analyzing and Describing Data/Information Given

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Sample of Band 6 Analyzing and Describing Data/Information Given


The pie chart illustrates the genre of books chosen by form one
and form two students.

Obviously, the most popular genre of books among form one

students is scientific fiction with 40% students which is in contrast with
form two students who prefer romance genre at most with 36%
students choose it. The least favourite genre of books among form one
students is poetry which is different to form two students who choose
mystery genre the least. Both of them have the same percentage that is
10%. The second most famous genre among form one students is
romance with 18% students choose it while horror is the second most
preferred genre among form two students with 21% students like it.
The third one out of five genres of books most preferred by form one
students belongs to mystery whereas the third for form two students
goes to scientific fiction. The second last or the fourth one is horror
genre for form one students with 15% students choose to read it which
is distinct to form two students which is poetry genre. Both genres
share the same percentage that is 15%.

Based on the pie chart, it shows that the age of students affect
their favourite books to be chosen to be read.

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