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Members: Stephanie Nicole Cruz, Victorena II Diesta, Neil Arwin Mercado,

Jennifer Milante, Isabel Qui​ñones


Topic:​ Cooperation of the officers of Gawad Kalinga-Los Banos, Laguna

Objectives:​ After the session, the GK officers must be able to:
1. Explain the mechanics of at least one (1) of the activities conducted
2. Discuss at least two (2) reasons why they think the activity was conducted
3. Enumerate at least two (2) things that they have learned from the activity
1) Telepathy Game
2) Blindfold Game
1) Telepathy Game
● whiteboard or paper
● marker
● whiteboard eraser (if available)
2) Blindfold Game
● pieces of paper
● large handkerchiefs (blindfold)
1) Telepathy Game
a) The goal of the game is to test how much the officers know each other by asking
them specific questions based on either of the following a) profile of their
co-officers, and b) function of their co-officers. The officers will be given at least
10 questions. If the officers answer at least 7 of them ​unanimously AND correctly​,
they win the game. Otherwise, they lose.
b) The game will need the following materials: small whiteboard, marker and
whiteboard eraser. However, if there are none, a marker and a paper will do.
c) The facilitators will give the materials to every officer. Hence, every officer must
have one of each of the materials needed. For example, officer A should have 1
whiteboard, 1 marker, and 1 eraser. This goes the same for officer B and so on.
d) The facilitators shall make sure that the officers have a considerable distance from
each other so that they cannot see the answers of their seatmate when the game
finally starts.
e) The facilitator will ask a specific question addressed to all of the officers.
f) The officers will be given at most 20 seconds to answer the question. They are not
allowed to copy the answer of their seatmates or other officers for that matter.
g) When the facilitator says “time’s up!”, all of the officers must raise their
whiteboards and markers.
Members: Stephanie Nicole Cruz, Victorena II Diesta, Neil Arwin Mercado,
Jennifer Milante, Isabel Qui​ñones

h) The facilitator shall help the recorder tally the number of times that the officers
win the round or the number of times they have answered a question unanimously
and correctly without copying each other’s answers.
i) The facilitator then announces if the officers won the game or not based on the
number of ​unanimous AND correctly-answered questions.​ (Won - 7 and above;
lose otherwise.)
2) Blindfold Game
a) The activity area will be filled with pieces of paper scattered on the floor that will
serve as “bait” for the players to challenge them from going to the other side.
b) The goal of the game is for all of the members to reach the other side of the room
without stepping on the scattered pieces of paper while being blindfolded. Once a
member steps on a piece of paper, the member will have to go back to the starting
c) The facilitator shall divide the participants into groups of three. (In case of a small
number of participants, they may be grouped into two (2) or three (3) with 3-5
members each)
d) The first player in each group will be blindfolded.
e) The rest of the team will serve as the current player’s guide.
f) The players are only allowed to go left and right.
g) To instruct the current player, the group will choose a unique word in replacement
of “LEFT” and ”RIGHT” (ex. ALDUB for LEFT, PASTILLAS for RIGHT).
h) The first group to completely finish the task and reach the other side of the
activity area will win the game.

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