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Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior, according to the American Psychological

Association. It is the study of the mind, how it works, and how it affects behavior.

Psychology is mental processes by which knowledge about oneself, others, and the environment
is gained and interpreted. It includes thought processes such apperception, problem solving, and
creativity. That is higher mental processes, including understanding, reasoning, knowledge, and
intellectual capacity. Psychologies are mental processes by which knowledge about one, others,
and the environment is gained and interpreted. It includes thought processes such as perception,
problem solving, and creativity. That is higher mental processes, including understanding,
reasoning, knowledge, and intellectual capacity.

Psychology is an abstract property of advanced living organisms; therefore, it is studied as a

direct property of a brain or of an abstract mind on sub symbolic and symbolic levels. In
psychology and in artificial intelligence, it is used to refer to the mental functions and mental
processes with a particular focus toward the study of such mental processes as comprehension,
inference, and decision-making, planning and learning. Recently, advanced cognitive researchers
have been especially focused on the capacities of abstraction, generalization,
concretization/specialization and meta-reasoning which descriptions involve such concepts as
beliefs, knowledge, desires, preferences and intentions of intelligent
individuals/objects/agents/systems. The term “Psychology" is also used in a wider sense to mean
the act of knowing or knowledge, and may be interpreted in a social or cultural sense to describe
the emergent development of knowledge and concepts within a group that culminate in both
thought and action.
In organization different people have different cognitive concepts regarding things in general.
Some people may have different Psychology concepts like perception, thinking, learning
memory and Intelligence. People derive implications from a set of assumptions that they know to
be true. The mental images also differ from person to person and different people have different
mental capability and representation of different ideas and views in the organization. Different
people may have different Psychology concepts. In an organization different people have
different mental capability in acquiring knowledge on Perception, intelligence, memory, thinking
and learning? The world is diverse the one people is different from another so as there
Psychology concepts or their mental process involved in them. Decision making can be regarded

as an outcome of mental processes leading to the selection of a course of action among several
alternatives. Every decision making process produces a final choice. The output can be an action
or an opinion of choice. Problem solving forms part of thinking. Considered the most complex of
all intellectual functions, problem solving has been defined as higher-order cognitive process that
requires the modulation and control of more routine or fundamental skills. It occurs if an
organism or an artificial intelligence system does not know how to proceed from a given state to
a desired goal state. It is part of the larger problem process that includes problem finding and
problem shaping. Reasoning is the cognitive process of looking for reasons for beliefs,
conclusions, actions or feelings. Although reasoning was once thought to be a uniquely human
capability, other animals also engage in reasoning. It begins with the series of assumptions or
premises that are thought to be true. If assumptions are true then conclusion must be true. The
mind is the idea while thinking processes of the brain involved in processing information such as
when we form concepts, engage in problem solving, to reason and make decisions.
In an organization the people comes from different culture, races, religions and
background. There perception, thinking, memory or other cognitive processes are different. The
decision making and problem solving are also different from people to people in an organization.
Due to the different people made decisions in the organization it may leads to the errors in
organization. The different people have different knowledge on the different cognitive concepts
so due to the difference in mental ability or mental representation on certain concepts may lead
errors in the organization as a result organizations fails. As we know that all the people have
different Psychology ability to think and to do any work in an organization due to which can
create any conflict at any time at any topic. So to control them we have to think it very deeply
that how to tackle it in an organization. There are different element that can prove different
people have different cognitive concepts regarding things in general, mental processes are the
main focus on cognitive psychologists which create different in Psychology concepts lead to
errors in the organization. Some of the main points are:-Attention, Memory, Perception and
As the globalization is increasing, cultural differences are bound to be found in workforce. It
becomes very important for a manager to deal with complex issues arising out of the cultural
differences and mould the differences into benefits. The managers and employees in an
organization should respect the other cultures prevailing in the workforce. This will enable them

to eradicate the differences and unite them which further leads to attain the organizational
objectives smoothly. The resources and potentials of the organization could be utilized optimum
when there are no such differences.


In any organization the terms “Management” matter much. Management is the process of
managing individual or group of people in order to achieve organizational goal efficiently and

Rockledge Corporation is multinational company which is based on producing garment items

like: T-shirts, paints, shirts and other garment items. The company export the garment items to
other countries like: India, China, and Bangladesh and even in Europe and America. In foreign it
is well known for famous brand i.e. John Player (J.P).
However, at present context, the company has shutdown. The main reason for this is due to lack
of proper communication between Top-Level, Middle-level, and low-level management. Peter, a
senior manager of Rockledge Corporation possessed Ego personality. Because of this he had
optimistic thinking and attitude towards future. He was positive minded and he analyzed the pros
and cons future event happening. Similarly, he had conscious part of personality that mainly
focused on reality of anything happening. So, it reduces gratification of id impulse. All and all,
he was highly confident about future result and had positive feelings.
Similarly, Ram a Middle-Level manager of Rockledge Corporation possessed Id personality. He
had unconscious psychic energy that strives aggressive instincts and highly react able in any
minor situation. He did not care about the future results; only he cares was that activity to
perform and results in short time. Moreover, he had less risk bearable ability and seeking
immediate gratification. All and all, he had less stability but more reactive behavior and has less
patience about future result.
Moreover, Kelvin a Low-level manager of Rockledge Corporation possessed superego
personality. He focused mainly on morality principal i.e. sets standards between right and wrong.
This type of knowledge is provided by family or society and believes on conscience.
Unfortunately, the corporation was encounter by serious problem. Gradually, the market shares
of company starts fall down and there aroused a conflict between employees working due to lack

of proper salary. So, due to this the corporation had face serious problem. Moreover, different
level of management made different decision towards this problem.
Peter made a decision that employee would be paid only if they work efficiently and properly.
Similarly, he also quote that employee would be paid on the basis of their performance. But
unfortunately, all the working staffs and employee were against his decision because they were
not paid since two month.
However, Ram made said that if they did not work, we were guaranteed that we won’t get paid
even a single cent. Moreover, he wants to suppress the worker and made a decision on his
personal behalf On the other hand, Kelvin a low-lever made a decision that the employee need to
be paid. He also believed that the entire employee should be treated as the assets of the company
not ht liability. So, in order to maximize their efficiencies they should be provided with different
incentives like: bonus, holiday’s package. All and all, he made the decision the behalf of
employee and wanted to fix the problem as soon as possible.
But due to lack of proper environment in Rockledge Corporation, the different level failed to
communicate with each other’s. Hence, finally conflict aroused and company had to shut down.

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Industrial and organizational psychology (also known as I-O psychology, industrial-
organizational psychology, work psychology, organizational psychology, work and
organizational psychology, industrial psychology, occupational psychology, personnel
psychology or talent assessment) applies psychology to organizations and workplaces. These
organizations and workplaces include for-profit businesses, non-profits, government agencies,
colleges, universities, and graduate and professional school programs. Industrial-organizational
psychologists contribute to an organization's success by improving the performance and well-
being of its people. An I-O psychologist researches and identifies how behaviors and attitudes
can be improved through hiring practices, training programs, and feedback systems. In the
academic context, an I-O psychologist's research might similarly focus on improving admissions
systems, learning outcomes, academic achievement, degree completion, and teaching and
assessment methodologies.
There are a multitude of issues that come up within the workplace that require a good
understanding of human behavior. It is essential to focus on goodness of fit, including getting the

right people in the right places within the organization. Executives and managers need to
understand human motivation. Conflicts arise and need to be resolved. The organization must
strive to promote and support excellence in performance. In a stressful business environment,
workers must have the ability to be resilient. There are workplace behaviors that will contribute
to the bottom line, but others that will interfere with good outcomes. It is important to promote
the behaviors associated with positive outcomes while limiting the negative behaviors. Having a
psychologist will help to ensure that these vital workplace issues are addressed.
There are also ways to promote good connections and retention of customers. Human beings
need to connect on both emotional and intellectual levels in the process of making decisions
about accepting what an organization has to offer. To gain a usable understanding of this
extraordinarily complex human behavior, it is helpful to have a psychologist involved.
Human behavior is difficult to understand. It is often driven by multiple and contradictory factors
that result in actions that are sometimes rational and sometimes emotional. Human beings make
systematic errors in decision making. They also can be incredibly innovative, hard working and
effective. All of this can be confusing. Yet it is critical to the success of any organization. A
psychologist is uniquely positioned to work with a business in addressing and maximizing the
potential for working with human behavior to improve the bottom line.

What Does An Industrial Organizational Psychologist Do?

Workplace psychologists use psychology research strategies to assess workplace environments,
identify areas in need of improvement, and develop strategies to address those issues. They may
conduct surveys and individual assessments, and evaluate programs for effectiveness.
Industrial organizational psychology jobs may touch on many different areas of the workplace.
Some company psychologists may instead choose to focus on one specific area of need. This
could include issues like talent acquisition, management, and retention, leadership, and
workplace productivity.

Importance of Industrial and organizational psychology/ psychologist
With businesses having to focus on making profits, it may seem frivolous to give attention to
psychological matters. Yet organizational psychology can actually improve your bottom line by
resolving issues that may be hindering productivity, growth, problem-solving abilities and
employee morale.
 Productivity

Organizational psychologists address productivity issues in several ways. For example, offering
manufacturing staff variety in their jobs can increase productivity and reduces burnout, reported
Linda Mullins in Applications of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Production
employees can be moved to different process in the production chain. In addition, organizational
psychologists have found that providing opportunities for social interaction with fellow
employees and management also improves productivity. An eye on psychological issues can help
you increase productivity while taking care of employees' needs.

 Team Building

Organizational psychology offers many techniques for team building. From icebreakers to
bonding experiences, you can benefit from activities that help your employees see themselves as
part of a group working toward a common goal. For example, involving employees in charity
work can provide them with an opportunity to pitch in together to achieve a worthy goal. You
can also encourage team building through rewards to department’s instead of individuals, asking
groups to set their own sales and production goals, and empowering groups to suggest solutions
to employee problems.

 Recruiting

You can use organizational psychology to improve recruiting methods. You do this by enhancing
your focus on skills and experience with an evaluation of how well an applicant fits into your
company culture. Examples include devising interview questions that ask about attitudes toward
creative problem-solving, working as a team member, creating value for the customer and
maintaining ethical standards.

 Resolving Conflicts

A solution you offer to employee conflicts and concerns may seem reasonable to you but be met
with employee resistance. If you stymied in resolving a conflict, you can hire an organizational
psychologist to evaluate the situation. Unlike a mediator, the psychologist will not focus
exclusively on the issues but will include psychological concerns such as the needs for respect,
dignity, empowerment and effectiveness.

 Organizational restructuring and planning for the future

This may include working with management to make changes within the company that improve
worker productivity. Top-down restructuring, where officials and management are placed in new
roles based on successful business models at other companies in the same industry may be
necessary. Once a new plan is implemented, psychologists are tasked with helping communicate
it to employees and aiding in the transition itself. Industrial and organizational psychologists who
work as consultants may be given project work. This can run the gamut in terms of scope; they
may be hired to simply observe interview employees and make recommendations. Based on
those suggestions, they could be brought on to help carry out a larger plan. Sometimes they are
hired to ease major transitions, such as when corporate mergers take place. As you can see, the
role of an industrial and organizational psychologist is diverse. Every day presents a different set
of goals and challenges, which is likely a reason why this occupation is so interesting and
growing so quickly within the broader field of general psychology.

In a Nutshell,

To Sum up, Psychology is the study of people's behavior, performance, and mental operations. It
also refers to the application of the knowledge, which can be used to understand events, treat
mental health issues, and improve education, employment, and relationships. The subject lies at
the intersection of applied, educational, and theoretical science. “Workplace psychology” refers
to the practice of applying psychological principles and practices to a work environment. The
goal is to identify and solve problems, increase employee satisfaction, and improve workplace



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