Chemistry: Renewable Energy

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Chemistry Renewable energy

Objectives 5 2.51 Play the recording for students to check their
• read about renewable sources of energy. answers to the quiz questions in Exercise 4. Find out if any pairs
• make a poster to encourage people to recycle and save energy. scored 4 out of 4.

Preparation Audioscript
• Ask students to bring in photographs and pictures to use to Speaker: Ok, so let’s see what you know. First of all – and
make their posters. I’m sure you know this already – you should unplug
your TV when you’re not watching it because it uses
Warm-up power even when it’s not on. In fact, about 85% of
all the energy used by TVs is when they’re on standby.
• Books closed. Introduce the topic of energy by writing the names
And the same thing happens with other electrical
of different objects on the board, e.g. watch, car, TV, and asking appliances. If you leave your battery charger plugged
students to note down what makes each object work: in, it uses power even when it’s not charging a
watch – battery, car – petrol, TV – electricity. battery. So, unplug the battery charger, the computer
• Check answers. and the DVD player, too.
So, what about those aluminium cans? Well, the
1 • Ask students to open their books at page 122. energy that’s used to produce a new aluminium can
• Put students into pairs and ask them to make a list of could power a PlayStation for two hours! And did
different types of renewable energy. you know that if we recycled all our used aluminium,
we would never need any new aluminium at all?
So get recycling.
2 2.50 Ask students to read the text to check their answers
Looking now at biodiesel, we can make it from
to Exercise 1. Encourage weaker students to look up new
almost any animal or vegetable oil. Of course, not
vocabulary online using their smartphones. all vegetables contain oil, like potatoes or carrots,
• Check answers. but many do. Biofuels are a sustainable energy
source, but they aren’t classed as an alternative
Suggested answers energy because burning them releases CO2. They are
better for the environment than fossil fuels, though.
sun, wind, water, tides and waves, biofuel and nuclear power They release much less CO2 and they’re cheaper and
So finally, what about the Sun? If we could convert
3 • Focus on the phrases in the box describing different sources
just 15 minutes of the Sun’s energy into electricity,
of energy. Ask students to underline these phrases in the we would have enough electricity for one whole year.
text and try to work out their meaning from the context. And with more people using solar panels, we are a bit
• Put students into pairs to match the phrases with the closer to doing that.
• Check answers.
Answers 1 D 2 C 3 C 4 B
1 alternative energy 2 renewable energy
3 sustainable energy 4 bio fuel 5 fossil fuels
Your turn
4 • Tell students they are going to do a quiz about energy
6 • Read out the information. Check students understand what
they have to do.
• Put students into pairs to answer the questions.
• Put students into pairs to make their posters. This is a
challenging activity and students may require guidance.
Encourage students to use the text for information or to
look online for it.

8.4 Driving into the future

See page 137 for activities you can do with this video.

Ask students to play this renewable-energy game:

CLIL 8 145

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