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AUGIWorld September 2016 Issue

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And the (Salary) Survey Says...

It is well known that AUGI members are always willing to
share information with their fellow members. Often this
peer-to-peer sharing comes in the form of tips for making
the most of the software you use, workarounds to employ
until the next software releases solve product limitations,
and other sage advice. Recently, more than 4,200 AUGI
members shared something more—and all AUGI members
will benefit.

The results of the 15th Annual AUGI Salary Survey are in!

Created, organized, and analyzed by long-time AUGI
volunteer and member of the Board of Directors, Melanie
Perry, the AUGI Salary Survey presents interesting cuts of
data which go far beyond what you earned last year.

Insights into job satisfaction, what industries are experiencing heavy workloads and what industries could be a little busier,
what percentage of respondents got a raise, what percentage didn’t, and a whole lot more are included in this year’s survey.

Thank you to the AUGI members who participated!

Also in the September 2016 AUGIWorld…

Revit MEP Families Simplified — Todd Shackelford breaks down Revit families and presents methods and other practical

Max Efficiency — Time to hit the library, and Brian Chapman shows you how to create and manage content libraries for use in
3ds Max.

Leveraging Corridors and Feature Lines within Civil 3D 2017 — Shawn Herring demonstrates how AutoCAD Civil 3D is 2/3
improving corridor modeling.
7/29/2018 AUGIWorld September 2016 Issue | AUGI - Autodesk User Group International

Shared Coordinates Help Achieve Project Success — Elizabeth Byrne and Tim Kivisto show the benefits of the powerful
Shared Coordinates feature in Revit.

Working with Roofs — The topic is roofs. The software is AutoCAD Architecture. Melinda Heavrin steps you through styles,
editing, roof tool creation, and more.

Also in this issue...

• Putting the Q in the QAT — In this comprehensive article, Sam Lucido explores the Quick Access Toolbar in AutoCAD 2017.

• Configuring Your Workstation for Autodesk Software — In this month’s Tech Insights article, Robert Green presents some
key considerations for determining how to get maximum performance from your workstation.

• Inside Track — Brian Andresen with three new AEC-related software offerings. This month: Archetris Schema, a cloud-based
app for early-stage architectural design tasks; Tracing Paper, a drawing tool for the iPad, iPad Touch, and iPhone; and Sweets,
a building product resource for searching, selecting, and annotating manufacturer building product data directly into

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