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Luxury goods and cosmetic marketing 1

2015- 2016

COORDINATOR Danielle Castagnoni

PROFESSOR Romain Lazzarini
COURSE HOURS See timetable section


Assignments (team work)

- Works on several
Students will see this with
brands: Chanel, 30%
the professor
Vuitton, Hermes
- Brand analysis

Participation and presentation 30%

Final presentation
(team work and individual
evaluation). Creation of a Last session 40%
revolutionary product
Luxury goods and cosmetic marketing 2


Course Purpose & Objectives

The objectives of the course are to familiarize the participant with necessary analysis
and communication modelling skills for luxury markets, to develop his/her ability to use
broad skills in communication, particularly in luxury cosmetics, and draw sound implications
for the business at hand. You will gain an understanding of the procedures for using and
presenting a communication plan.

KM2. Developing a strategic perspective

This course will permits to participants to develop a strategic perspective. In fact,
using their creativity and their analysis sense, they would be able to analyse deeply a brand
strategy and think about different recommentions and sources of development. That work will
helps them in their professional life specifically in the aim to develop a deep competitors
strategy analysis.

KM8: Provide Value to the Business Community in a chosen Area of Specialization

Problem solving is a primary skill in the management of small, medium or large
luxury companies. Participants will be provided with examples and methods where marketing
in luxury goods market cases are applied to general business contexts. It will facilitate the
understanding of relationships hidden in communication, provide insight into decision-
making and facilitate responsible management and the management of change in cosmetics
and luxury goods.

Course Description
This course, as explained before, will be divided between theoretical courses and
practice using company games and existing company situations. This course is adapted to the
current needs of the job market because it is directly linked with new communication trends,
which are often used in luxury goods markets and cosmetics.
Luxury goods and cosmetic marketing 3


Some books and power point presentations will be provided. This course does not
require important skills in communication or extensive knowledge of luxury markets. The
course will be more adapted to people who are creative and who wish to work one day in a
communication agency or for a luxury brand.

You can work on the book, innovator, innover face à la crise which describes methods
to fight the economic crisis on crowded markets (like cosmetics or luxury)


List of References
Castarede J., “Le luxe”, que sais je, PUF, 3ème éd., 2003
Gillian C., Wilson R., “Strategic marketing planning », elsevier, 2003
Lipovetsky G., Roux E., « Le luxe eternel », collection le débat, gallimard, 2003
Marchand S., « les guerres du luxe », fayard, 2002
Saucet M., Innovator, innover face à la crise, La tour des vents, 2009
Sicard M.C (several books on luxury)

Let Them Eat Cake : Marketing Luxury to the Masses - As Well As the Classes
Auteur: Danziger, Pamela, Editeur: Dearborn Trade, A Kaplan Professional Company
- 322 pages – 2005
Global Marketing Management 5th edition. Auteur: Quelch, John A., Bartlett,
Christopher, Editeur: Thomson - 688 pages – 2005




1 INTRODUCTION, major Innovator, introduction

trends in luxury markets Participant will define the subject
for his luxury show

2 Luxury and cosmetics : the Sicard M.C, ce que luxe

basics veut dire

3 Creative brief Innovator, chapter 7 Creativity jobs

4 Introduction to the visual Find a new path for a brand in

communication cosmetic
5 Logo creation Marchand S., « les guerres Create a new logo for a cosmetic Brand psychoanalysis
du luxe », fayard, 2002 brand

6 Company game Debriefing and strategy Logo development

7 Pricing strategy in luxury Let Them Eat Cake :

markets Marketing Luxury to the
Masses - As Well As the

8 Distribution strategy in
luxury markets

9 Trashy and provocative

communication in luxury

10 Final show Presentation

Grading will based on
- A participation grade
- Level and quality of participation in discussions
- Quality of presentations (content and communication skills)
- A final presentation (during the last lesson).


Our approach is to teach innovatively. The professor will teach giving a lot of practical
cases and examples. Every week, a luxury market and cosmetic news review will be done by
students and the professor in order to be aware of business news. Beside courses, students have
to read books to understand concepts and use them in practical cases. You will work on fictional
practical cases. There is one assignment, which along with participation are worth 30% of the
final grade; they have to be handled in groups. 30% of the final grade will correspond to the
student’s participation. Then students will have to analyse a luxury good strategy using all the
elements presented during the lectures (40%).

The evaluation of this course emphasizes your understanding of the procedures for
describing and analyzing cosmetic and luxury market data in a business environment and
launching new processes. You have to participate too during the class.

Assignments (team work) 30%

Participation and presentation 30%
Final presentation 40%

Methods Used to Evaluate Student Performance

One assignment and participation are worth 30% of the final grade; the assignment has to be
handled in teams.

Assessments (30 % of the final grade)

Individual evaluation Criteria 1 Criteria 2

Participation of the student Final presentation
to the group work
Superior The student develops a The student realise a good
sense of leadership and oral presentation, and
brings several interesting answers to the different
ideas, participating to the questions asked by the
success of his/her group. professor.
Good enough The student brings some The student realise a good
interesting ideas and oral presentation, but does
participates globally to the not answer to the different
success of his/her group. questions asked by the
Not good enough The student does not bring The student does not realise
ideas and does not really a good presentation and
participate to the success of does not answer to the
his/her group. questions asked by the
Participation and presentation (30% of the final grade)

Individual evaluation Criteria 1

Participation of the student
Superior The student participates to
the course trying to answer
to several questions and
animate the debates.
Good enough The student participates
occasionally to the course,
answered to several
questions. The student also
participates to the debates
during the course.
Not good enough The student does not
participate to the course,
doesn’t try to answer to
questions or to participate
to several debates.
Final Presentation (40 % of the final grade)

The final presentation will be realized by 4 students. This work will deal with the
marketing strategy study of a luxury brand.

Students will have also to imagine the creation of a revolutionary product.

Collective Criteria 1 Criteria 2 Criteria 3 Criteria 4

evaluation 3 points 4 points 7 points 6 points

Concept use and Strategy and Creativity and and
analysis recommendations original participation to
recommendations the group

The group
Many concepts Marketing strategy The realized an
covered in courses and proposed recommendations interesting
actions are perfectly are original and very presentation,
are mobilized; they
Superior consistent and creative; they draw full of
are fully used and relevant for the on other industries dynamism and
provide very company and its or techniques than several
environment those usually used. innovative
detailed analysis.

The group
realized an
Many of the The
Marketing strategy interesting
concepts are used recommendations
Good and proposed presentation
and are placed at the are original and are
enough actions are full of
service of rigorous quite innovative.
appropriate dynamism but
ideas are not so

The group
realized an
Marketing strategy
Some concepts are interesting
is not defined and The
Not good used in making presentation
the proposed actions recommendations
enough unconvincing but with a lack
are not sensitive are very specific
analysis. of dynamism.
Ideas are not

Academic fraud is an act by a student, which may result in a false academic evaluation of that
student or of another student. Without limiting the generality of this definition, academic
fraud occurs when a student commits any of the following offences:
a) Commits plagiarism or cheating of any kind.
b) Submits a work of which the student is not the author, in whole or in part (except for duly
cited quotations or references). Such work may include an academic paper, an essay, a
test, an exam, a research report, and a thesis, whether written, oral, or in another form.
c) Presents research data, which has been falsified or concocted in any way.
d) Attributes a purported statement of fact or reference to a source which has been
e) Submits the same piece of work or a significant part thereof for more than one course, or a
thesis or other work which has already been submitted elsewhere, without written
authorization of the professors concerned and/or of the academic unit concerned.
f) Falsifies an academic evaluation, misrepresents an academic evaluation, uses a forged or
falsified academic record or supporting document, or facilitates the use of a falsified
academic record or supporting document.
g) Undertakes any other action for the purpose of falsifying an academic evaluation.

A student who has committed or attempted to commit academic fraud, or who has been a
party to academic fraud, will receive one of the sanctions below, as determined by the
Disciplinary Committee:
a) A mark of zero for the work concerned;
b) A mark of zero for the course concerned;
c) Suspension from the programme for a period of one year;
d) Withdrawal from the programme.

The Programme Director will decide to convoke a student to a Disciplinary Committee

hearing if there is judged to be sufficient cause due to non respect of the rules & regulations
(such as, for example, cheating in an exam, plagiarism, inappropriate behaviour).
Depending on the nature and seriousness of the problem, the Disciplinary Committee may
decide to:
- impose pedagogical sanctions (zero grade for a test, a subject or all the grades in a session,
banned from all exams, etc)
- give a written warning (recorded in the student's file but with no impact on the final
graduation jury),
- a reprimand (recorded in the student's file. The student will not be given any leeway during
the graduation jury),
- temporary exclusion from the programme,
- expulsion from the programme.

Marketing and Communication Teacher

- “Luxury Marketing” and “New Concepts of Marketing and Communication” in several

Business Schools and universities (ESG Paris, ESGCI Paris, INSEEC Paris, IPAG Nice,
KEDGE Marseille, University of Nice and Millennium University of London, IHE Tunis).
- “Tribal Marketing and Experiential Marketing” (ESGCI Paris, KEDGE Marseille,
Millennium University of London, IHE Tunis).
- “Introduction to communication” (KEDGE Marseille).

Marketing and Communication Consultant

LCA “Les Consultants Associés”, Nice, France

- Development and conceptualization of strategic and marketing tools adapted to several

companies evolving in the luxury market in France, Italy and Tunisia.
- Strategy analysis of organizations and development of optimization tools and processes.
- Creation of communication campaigns using the “new approach of communication” (non
conventional marketing).
- Analysis of brand DNA to develop adapted external communication campaigns.

En gras et rouge les objectifs spécifiques à ce cours.


KM1. Understand and Integrate Core Management Disciplines Master PGE
Master PGE
KM2. Developing a strategic perspective
Master PGE
KM3. Demonstrate Leadership, Interpersonal and
Communications Skills
Master PGE
KM4: Apply high standards of Integrity, Ethics and Social
Master PGE
KM5: Demonstrate critical thinking and the Ability to Perform in
a Culturally Diverse Environment
Master PGE
KM6. Develop, and practice, a sense for innovation,
entrepreneurship and creativity
Master PGE
KM7: Pursue Self-Development and Exhibit a Commitment to
Lifelong Learning
Master PGE
KM8: Provide Value to the Business Community in a chosen
Area of Specialization

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