Mathematics-Form 3-Chapter 5 Indices by Kelvin

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Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 5 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

Form 3 - Chapter 5 – Indices [Notes and Exercise Completely]

Level discussion on activity
L=Level Discussion L1-L8
A=Activity A01-A05
Issued by learning lesson standard.
Review Form 2 - Chapter 2 – Square
2.1 Square + 5.1 Indices
( ) L1A01- review and enable to know indices and power
( ) L1A02- enable to state the index notation
( ) L1A03- enable to state the repeated multiplication
1. Indices is know as ____________.
2. Indices include ___________ (x ) and _______ (x ).
3. Index notation and repeated multiplication.
Example: (a) From repeated multiplication to index notation. 5x5x5x5x5x5=56
(b) From index notation to repeated multiplication. 34=3x3x3x3
*(c) From whole number to index notation with lowest base. 729 = 36
*(d) From index notation to whole number. 44=256
1. Express each of the following as index notation with lowest base.
(a) 3125= (b) 625= (c) 7776= (d)15625=
= = = =
(e) 625= ( )4 (f) 512= ( )9 (g) 729= 9( )
= 25( ) = 8( ) = ( )6
2. Find the value of the following indices.
(a) 72= (b) 45= (c) 73= (d)154=
4 5
(e) 2.4 = (f) (- ) = (g) ( 3 )7= (h) (-3.1)5=
Revision Form 2 - Chapter 2 (Exercise)
1. Simplify the following.
(a) 22÷

3 −8 =
(b) (
√ 16 -1)3=
(c) (
√ 81 )3=

(d) (2.4÷ √3 64 )2= (e) (25- √ 121 )2= (f) Find the sum of all the
perfect squares from 30 to
___2, ___2, ___2 =36,49,64
Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 5 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

Review Form 3 - Chapter 5 – Indices

5.2 Multiply of Numbers in Index Notation + 5.3 Division of Numbers in Index Notation
(+ unknown) (same as F2 Chp3.2 Algebraic)
( ) L2A01- enable to simplify the multiply of numbers in index notation
( ) L2A02- enable to simplify the division of numbers in index notation
1. Simplifying the multiplication of the following.
a) 45×44×43= b) x3×x8×x5=
2 4 5 4
c) 1.2 ×3.3 ×1.2×3.3 ×1.2 = d) x4×y2×x5×y7=
4 6 5
e) 5x×y ×7x ×8y = f) -3c5×5d×c3×(-8d5)=
9 3 5
g) -6k ×2h ×(-3h )×5k = 7
h)( 2 ) 2  ( 2 ) 5 
5 5
2. Simplifying the division of the following. (division in fraction type.)
a) 209÷44= b) x19÷x8=
13 5
c) -8x ÷2x = d) 15y28÷5y12=
5d × (-8d 13 ) 4d 6
 13

e) 4d 6 f) 6d × (-8d )
h)( 2 )18 ÷ ( 2 ) 5 
32 a 7
 5 5

5.4 Raising Numbers and Algebraic Terms in Index Notation to a Power

( ) L3A01 - enable to know multiplicaton of power, eg: (52)3=56
( ) L3A02 - enable to simplify the equation of multiply and division in order.
( ) L3A03 - enable to simplify the combination equation including multiply,
division, raising number and algebraic terms
( ab ) p  ab p
Notes: a. (am)n=amn e. (a÷am)n=an ÷amn=an-mn
m n n mn= n+mn m n p mp np mp -np
b. (a×a ) =a ×a a f. (a ÷a ) =a ÷a =a
c. (am×an)p=amp ×anp=amp +np g. (am÷bn)p=amp ÷bnp OR
n )  np
am p a mp
m n p mp
d. (a ×b ) =a ×b np ( b b
1. Derive (am)n=amn.
(63)2= (x8)7= [(-85)6]= [(-y5)0]=

2. Simplifying of the following.

(p5)6×p4= 45×(46)3= (-2u4v5)3= (k2)3x(2k5)2=
4 6 4
(p ) ÷p = (124)2÷(122)3= (2h3k5)3÷(h2k3)2=
3 16 3 2
27a b ÷(3b ) = ( 4 2 ) 3  25 8

4 2 3 3
(e f ) ÷(3ef) = 45
 4 m 3n 5
 5mp 

Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 5 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

5.5 Negative Indices (Indices+Integers)

( ) L4 A01- verify a-n= 1
( ) L4A02 - verify 1 =a-n
( ) L4A03 - perform computation involving negative indices
1. Verify a-n= 1 OR 1 =a-n
5 = 3-6 k-6
 1
 1

2. Simplifying of the following.
3-9×312×b4÷b-7= 7-3÷6-2×7-5=
(x-3y2)2×y-3= (44×8-6)5÷3-3=
5 3  4 2 p 2 q 2 ( p 3 ) 2
4 4 55
 
p 5 q 7

5.6 Fractional Indices

1 Fraction to square root.
an  n a

State/Find the value of an  n a

1 1
( a m ) n OR (a n ) m
a n change to n
am n
OR ( a )

State/Find the value of a n

- Perform combined operations of multiplication, division and raising to a power
involving fractional indices on numbers and algebraic terms.
5.7 Computations involving laws of indices
Additional Note - Laws of indices:
am×an=am+n am÷an=am-n (am)n/(an)m=amn
m n n mn= n+mn
(a×a ) =a ×a a (am×bn)p=amp ×bnp (ab)m=am×an
m n p mp np mp +np
(a ×a ) =a ×a =a a0=1
m n n mn= n-mn
(a÷a ) =a ÷a a (a ÷a ) =a ÷anp=apmp -np
m n p mp
(am÷bn)p=ammp ÷bnp
( )  ( ab n ) p  abnp
a p a
b bp
a-n= 1 an  n a
1 1
( a m ) n OR ( a n ) m

Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 5 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin
am OR (n a ) m
- Perform combined operations of multiplication, division and raising to a power
involving fractional indices on numbers and algebraic terms.

Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 5 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 5 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 5 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin
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