Methods To Update Progress in Primavera P6: Page 1 of 3

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Regarding roll up durations calculated based on “Default Calendar”; it is also calculated

based on total duration of set baseline. Meaning if you don’t have any attached baseline
and your baseline is set to current project comparing “Duration % of Original” vs. “Duration
% complete” is meaningless because it will show same percent complete. It is a must to
maintain and attached Baseline containing original duration (no progress if possible to
have accurate data) as the current project is frequently changed while it has been
progressed. Once attached it is also need to set from Project Directory under Settings tab
-> Project Settings -> Baseline for earned value calculations (Project Baseline or User’s
primary baseline). Another issue that might encounter is if an activity has a huge lag on
logic and because its calculation base on total baseline duration the output is may not
correct but it depends on the perception of the reader. Using multiple calendars is causing
another error calculation on the duration roll-up summary.
Based on my personal knowledge and experience, the best way to deal with this is using
weighted duration against its activity. Most of us are aware that Primavera 6 is cost
dependent in most cases. The reason I mention this is in order to track on more reliable
and much accurate way using duration % complete type is to weight the activity by cost
using duration numbers. It works on multiple calendars and even default calendar is not
the same as the project calendar especially if you are working on multiple projects with
different calendars. There are 3 options can use as explained below:
Option 1: By entering duration number as cost on Activity Detail-> Status tab under
labor cost (Budgeted, Actual & Remaining).
By entering duration number as cost on Activity Detail-> Status tab under labor cost
(Budgeted, Actual & Remaining). To do this user need to set the Default Price/Unit for
activities without Resource or Roles Price/Unit under Project directory->Calculation tab-
> activities. (i.e.1, 10, 100, 1000 – I recommend whole number which can easily divide by
adjusting the decimal places) or just enter 1 (i.e. 1* duration = duration.). Unfortunately,
these options require manual entry. Global Change and import is not available unless
user has a capability of using SDK, ODBC or any API interfaced to Primavera.
Option 2: By entering duration number as cost on Activity Detail-> Expenses tab.
By entering duration number as cost on Activity Detail-> Expenses tab. This option can
use export/import to spreadsheet (xls)-> Expenses to input duration number into
budgeted, actual, remaining and At completion cost but not global change as the
expenses item need to define first.
Steps for updating budget, actual and remaining using export/import facility (xls).
1) Open the Project that needs to update.
2) Select File-> Export-> Spreadsheet-(xls).
3) Tick Activities & Expenses then click Next.

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4) Tick the project to export then click Next.
5) Click Add or Modify the existing then click Next.
6) Click the Subject Area and select Activities.
7) Select basic fields required (Activity ID, Activity Status, WBS Code, Original duration,
Actual duration and Remaining Duration) then click again subject area and select
8) Select basic fields for Expenses (Activity ID, Activity Status, Budgeted Cost, Actual
Cost, and Remaining Cost, At completion cost [optional]) then click Ok when done then
click Next.
9) Enter the destination directory and filename on Select Excel File textbox then click
Next then click Finish
10) Open the exported excel file (it should contain 3 tabs “TASK, PROJCOST and
11) Click TASK tab and copy all Activity ID and paste it to PROJCOST tab-> Activity
ID. Do the same on Activity Status, Original duration to Budgeted Cost, Actual Duration
to Actual Cost, Remaining duration to Remaining Cost (if At completion is exported write
a formula (i.e. At completion cost = Actual cost + Remaining cost)
12) Enter Expenses Item (i.e. Dur) for all rows contained data then save when done.
13) Go back to Primavera and select File-> Import-> Spreadsheet- (xls) then click Next
(user can leave excel file open or close if doubt)
14) Click … button and select the modified excel file then click Next.
15) Tick only Expenses then click Next
16) Click Import to textbox and select the Project to update then click Next then Finish.
If all input is fine an import successful message will pop up. Check all expenses tab for
each activity if the imported data is all correct.
Option 3: By entering duration number as cost using resource.
1) Define a resource (i.e. Dur) if users don’t want to define rate and use the Default
Price/Unit as I mentioned in Option 1, delete the effective date under Resource-> Unit &
Prices otherwise enter Price/Unit as per example in Option 1 (i.e. 1* duration = duration).
2) Select all activity by pressing Ctrl+A (highlight all) except for milestone. Use filter for
non-milestone activity if necessary then click assign resource icon or select Edit-> Assign-
> Resource from the menu.
3) Select the new created resource and double click. (These will assign resource to all
highlighted activities)

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4) Check number of standard hrs/day set on calendar used (i.e. 8 hrs/day)
5) Use Global Change to transfer duration number to budget, actual and remaining
cost. (Select Tools-> Global Change)
6) Click New and under Select Subject Area combo box, select Activity Resource
Assignment (rename global change for future use)
7) Leave If where condition blank and click then and enter the following criteria:
Budgeted Cost = Original Duration / 8 (as per sample 8 hrs/day)
And Actual Regular Cost = Actual Duration / 8
And Remaining Cost = Remaining Duration / 8
8) Click Ok then Apply Change then Commit Changes then click No when prompt to
save the log.
9) Check all resources if data are correct.
You can also use export/import to excel function using Option 2 procedure but tick
TASKRSRC instead Expenses. SDK, ODBC, SQL and other API interface to primavera
are also can use to update this value.
Note: User can also use Option 3 procedure to enter value in option 1 then delete all
resource assignment using Resource Assignment Module (Select all resource (Ctrl+A
then press delete) but when confirmation dialog box popup, tick Don’t ask me about this
again and click No. All value should be retained on Labour Cost under Activity Detail->
Status tab (see option 1)
For all 3 Option use Schedule % Complete vs. Performance % Complete instead of
Duration % of Original vs. Duration % Complete
Benefit of Using this process:
• More accurate than duration % complete.
• Can be use with or without Baseline (if baseline is used make sure that baseline also
cost loading of duration numbers)
• Can be used for all % Complete type (Duration, Physical & Units)
• Option 1 & 2 can use Activity Usage Spreadsheet and S-Curve
• Option 3 can use Activity Usage Spreadsheet, S-Curve, Early vs. Late Curve and
Resource S-Curve including histogram.
I recommend to practice this process first on a dummy project before using it to live project
to familiarize the process and how it works.

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