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Name : Naheeda bibi

Class: bcs4rd(semester) 16

Section: A

project: library management system in hci

Submitted by: Mam Anam

Superior university depalpur


Library is the collection of different types of books. It provides books for large
number of readers. Thus we need software for managing the library. Library
management system software provides the systematic handling the recodes of
books and readers.
A college library management is a project that manages and stores books information electronically
according to students needs. The system helps both students and library manager to keep a constant
track of all the books available in the library. It allows both the admin and the student to search for the
desired book. It becomes necessary for colleges to keep a continuous check on the books issued and
returned and even calculate fine. This task if carried out manually will be tedious and includes chances
of mistakes. These errors are avoided by allowing the system to keep track of information such as issue
date, last date to return the book and even fine information and thus there is no need to keep manual
track of this information which thereby avoids chances of mistakes.
Thus this system reduces manual work to a great extent allows smooth flow of library activities by
removing chances of errors in the details.

Justification means convincing stakeholders that a certain development makes sense and that it
should be supported. The main justification for the transition towards digital libraries is that it is
inevitable. The entire information scene is moving towards digital, networked distribution of
information. Libraries cannot lag behind or they will be at risk of extinction.

Is this sufficient justification, however? Certainly not, for it could be argued that in the
networked world of the digital information society there is no need any more for libraries. More
thorough justification is therefore required, and this should be directed towards the various
stakeholders of the library:

Requirements analysis

In this topic ,we will discuss and analysis about the developing process of library
management system including software requirement specification(SRS) and data
flow diagram (DFD).The functional and non functional requirements is including in
SRS part to provide complete description and overview of system requirement
before the developing process is carried out. Besides that DFD provides a view of
how the system or business flows that able to increase the efficiency and
effectiveness to achieve system objective.
Functional requirements:

Book entry: In this module we can store the details of the book.

Register student: In this module we can keep the details of new student.

Book issue: this module is used to keep a track of book issue details.

Book return: this module enable to keep a track of return the book.

Non Functional:

1. Safety requirement:

The database may get crashed at any certain time due to viruses or operating
system failure. Therefore it is required to take the database backup.

2. Security requirement:

We are going to develop a secured database for the university. Depending upon
the category of user the access rights are decided. it means if the user is an ad
minis tractor then he can be able to modify the data delete append etc.all other
user other than library staff only have the rights to retrieved the information
about database.

3. Hardware constraints:

The system required a database in order to store persistent data the database
should have backup capabilities.

Data Requirements

Library computer systems tend to fall into two categories of software:

 That purchased on a perpetual license

 That purchased as a subscription service.

With distributed software the customer can choose to self-install or to have the system installed by the
vendor on their own hardware. The customer can be responsible for the operation and maintenance of
the application and the data, or the customer can choose to be supported by the vendor with an annual
maintenance contract. Some vendors charge for upgrades to the software. Customers who subscribe to
a web (hosted) service upload data to the vendor's remote server through the Internet and may pay a
periodic fee to access their data

Environmental Requirements

In developing library management system we will need to use some hardware,

software tools, and other resources such as programming language.


The hardware that use to develop the project include standard

personal computer. It is the basic requirement for developing the library
management system. In addition bar code reader is also compulsory to make
the process more efficiency and reliability. User may not accidentally key in
wrong information when make a book transaction.


The following is the software and tools that use to develop the
project because these can help the project to be build.

1) Microsoft visual studio 2008

This software can use to design the system interface. Besides that we can
write some coding to allow the button function. After developed the system
we can generate the installer to let user install the system.

2) SQL server 2008

The SQL server 2008 will act as the database server in our system.

User Requirement

1.The user provide good graphical interface for the user any administrator can
operate on the system performing the required task such as create update
viewing the details of the books.
2. Allows user to view quick report like books issues/returned etc in between
particular time.

3. Stock verification in different criteria or according to different –different


4. Search facility based on different criteria in depth.

System requirement

Software requirement:

The system should promot for the user and administrator to login to the
application and for proper input criteria

Hardware requirement:

1. Operating system: window

2. Hard disk: 40 GB

3. RAM: 256 MB

4. Processor: pentum (CR) dual core cup


1. While deleting the student record does not research for the information that if
the student has submitted all the book or not.

2. Accessing number doe’s auto increment.

3.It does not record fine.

4. Without care of fine it issues the book.

 Justifying

1. A library has books, videos, and CDs that it issues to its users and is available at the premises
of the library for the authorized users.
2. For systematic arrangements, all library material has id # and a title.
3. Books have one or more authors, videos have one producer and one or more actors, while CDs
have one or more entertainers.
4. Due to high demand of library resources, the library maintains one or more copies of each
library item (book, video or CD).
5. Copies of all library material can be issued to users but with some rules and restrictions.
6. References-only material is issued for 2hrs and can’t be removed from the library. Other
material can be issued for 2 weeks.
7. For every item issued, the library records the user information, issue date and time, as well as
return date and time.
8. For users, the library maintains their name, address and phone number. Keeping in view the
above scenario: a. Design use case diagram of the given scenario. b. Draw the class diagram of
the given scenario. For simplicity there is no need to show method of the classes.
Use case scenarios:

The actors which are participating in the case are 6 namely

The one who manages the library and its database and rapidly keeps on updating
the students or people records for issuing books and etc.

You can say this as an assistant librarian.
As this project is being made for the UNIVERSITY LIBRARY so obviously the main
user for this would be the student itself.

A guest who don’t have the membership of the library comes to it and wants to
have membership.

The one who can borrow DVD games etc other accessories in the library

A regular user is the one who is not the VIP or but a student who wants to get VIP


The entry condition for accessing the ULMS is just to log in the system.



For searching books .
Extended case:
Invalid search.

2-Add record:
Adding the records of new arrivals or maintaining the old ones by renewing them.

Included case:
He has to maintain the database after doing this.
3-Delete books:
For deleting the old books which have been eliminated from the library.
Extended case:
The ID of the books is invalid.

4-Update the books status:

After the issuing of book to users maintains the status of book to issued.
Extended case:
Invalid id.
Included case:
Update id.


He has to prepare the database for the library.


Authenticate his self by giving username and password of his library ID.
Extended case:
Invalid username or password.

2-Search books:
he searches his required books.
Extended case:
Invalid id or name.

3-Reserve books.
He reserves books which he see is issued earlier and he needs it too.
Extended case:
Report the status ID.

4-RE-issuing of books:
He needs the issued book for more time then allowed by library so he has to re
issue it.
Extended case:
Invalid id.

5-Check accounts:
For checking his record of books.


1-Borrows DVD,Games:
2-home delivery.
3-request new books.


After the books are issued,reissued, etc.


Use case ID Use case name Primary actor Scope Complexity Priority
1 Search books Librarian,student In High 1
2 Add record Librarian In High 2
3 Update record Librarian In High 2
4 Delete book Librarian In High 2
5 Prepare library database Asst.Librarian In High 1
6 Register for membership Guest In Low 1

7 Authentication Student In High 1

8 Reissue Student In High 2
9 Check accounts Student In Low 2
10 Borrow dvd’s VIP USER In Low 1

Use-Case Diagrams for Library Management System

1. Actors of the Library Management System  Member  Administrator 

Librarian  Guest 2. Use cases of Library Management System  Login  View
User Details  View Books  View Members  Reserve Books  Search Books 
Issue Books  Return Books  Add/Remove Books  Add/Remove Members

Use Case diagram for Library Management System

4. Use Case Scenarios


Introduction To interact with the system, LMS will validate its
registration with this system. It also defines the
actions a user can perform in LMS.
Actors Administrator Librarian Member
Pre conditions User must have proper client installed on user
Post conditions System should transfer control to the user main
screen to proceed desired further actions.
Basic flow System show login screen Enter user Id & password
Acknowledge the entry.
Alternative flow user Id or password is incorrect, user will be
prompted a message regarding the error. Transfer
control back to login screen.
Special requirnments User should acquire user Id & password before
login to the system
Relatinships The base case includes checking the database case.

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