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Siti Nurbaya

Siti Nurbaya
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Siti Nurbaya she is 18 years old and live with
her parent. She is a beauty and cheerful girl. She like to be at home and do chores. Siti doesn’t
really like to go outside, but her mind is so wide away the skies. Her father’s name is Bahar and
her mother’s Badriah. Their life is just like another people, go to work in the morning and come
back home in the afternoon and have a very polite daughter.

Situation I (at home)

Siti is preparing the things that her parents needs to go to the market for trade. When she
prepared the things, she heard her parents talking about something, but she pretend that she
didn’t hear that.
Mother : (from the room, walking toward father on the eating table) our store rent is on the due
time. But we don’t have much money right now, it is just for our live and our store.
How should I do now? (Holding a book and an amplop of money)
Father : I know, today is the deadline. Our store doesn’t gain so much money now. Omg, im so
confused now.
Mother : hmmm (sit beside father) Maybe we have to think the solution abt this things later. Im
afraid that siti will heard us.
Father : yes, you’re right. Lets talk about it, later. (yelling) siti… have the preparation done?
We have to go now.
Siti : yes father, it’s done. I hope there is so many people will buy this today
Parents : okay, we hope so. we have to go now, be carefull at home. Goodbye darling ….

Situation II (at the market)

When siti’s parents is trading, suddenly their friend tell that the rent had increase 3 times
than before. They become so confused about how to pay the rent, and then their friends come
and tell something….
Parents’s friend : hey Bahar and Badriah, do you know the news?
Mother : what news? I don’t hear any news today
Parent’s friend : You don’t knowwww ? our rent had increase 3 times than before!!
Father : seriously? Don’t be kidding ….
Friend : im not kidding. This is so serious. I’ve heard this from the owner. And im so
shocked about that.
Mother : omg. It can’t be like that. I don’t have the money, even for 1 month. And this
time will be increased ? oh god, just kill me please 
Father : don’t say like that, we have to calm down and think about these thing.
Friend : hmmmm. I think I have a solution for you guys, but it’s not really good solution.
Father : what is that? Tell us
Friend : i suggest you to borrow from Dt. Maringgih. He can help you. But, when you
borrow at him, there are an high loan interest
Parents : hmmm. Thank you for your suggestion. But we don’t want to borrow at him, we
hope we never borrow at him.
Owner : hello mr bahar,and mrs. Badriah. How’s your day ? is you sell much today?
Father : we’re good. Not much hehe There are something that we can help, mr? (with
trembling voice)
Owner : oh that’s good. How’s your store? (going around the store)
Father : so far, so good, mr. btw, whats goin on mr?
Owner : No, nothing. I just come here to ask you about the payment for the rent. In case
you don’t remember that today is the last day (ketawa ngejek)
Mother : Oh we know it mr, today is the due time. But I think we have a problem about
Owner : Oh no, they have a trouble guysss (ketawa slengekan) . so what is the trouble Mr
and mrs bahar? (sambil natap tajam )
Owner : Don’t say it because we triple the rent right? Hahahaha it just a small thing, it
should not be a trouble (nyindir )
Mother : I’am so sorry to say , but , yes mr it because the price. we don’t have money for
now (almost crying)
Owner : haha. I will never accept that answer. I want my money now or I will broke all
of your stuff!!!!! (nunjuk dan natap dengan mendalam)
Parents : don’t do it . please don’t do it (sambil menghentikan owner mengobrak abrik
Owner : come om, !!! don’t make us do that thing!
Father : okay okay mr. don’t do that. Here is your money (giving all of the money with
trembling hand)
Owner : (counting the money) Its not enough
Father : I am so sorry but that’s all that we have, I’ll give you the rest I promise.
Owner : no you don’t have you, just get out off this place and never show your face to
ever againnn. Let’s go guys

Situation III (at the market)

The owner leaving with all of their money and they have nothing left anymore for them
to live, and they can’t even trade anymore . The parents is they’re so sad, and crying. Because
they don’t have money at all, even for the daily life. And then, at the same time….
Aunt : omg. What the hell is going on here? Everything all right ?
Father : oh, dhina. Hmmm nothing, we’re all right
Uncle : don’t be lie to us, just tell the truth
Mother : hmmmmm, how can I say this….. we don’t have money at all. Just now, we
have paid the ren for our store. Ant the rent had increases 3 times than before. And bcs
of that, we don’t have money at all now
Aunt : omg. That was so sad. And now, what will you do?
Father : hmmm, we don’t know for this time. But, our friend suggest us to borrow from
dt maringgih, but he has a loan interest for it. And that’s why we so confused abt that
Uncle : hmmmm. I think….. you don’t have to borrow from dt maringgih. Because, I
heard the loan interest so high, and he is a rude person. You will be in danger if borrow
from him.
Mother : yes you’re right. Btw, I saw that you ahd so many jewelry these day.
Aunt : yes, I have so many jewelry these day, but… wait… do you want to borrow this?
Mother : if you okay with that
Aunt : O o o o o im sorry, I had so many jewelry. But its not for you. What will I wear
if I give it to you? Haha. And I think you have to think abt another solution for your
Parent : okay, we will think abt that later. we hope there are solution. (desperate)

Situation IV (at home)

Finally Siti’s parent came home. At the living room, they are talking about everything,
like the trade and another. And then, siti just reliazed that her parents are hiding about
something. Don’t want to think too much, siti just ask to her parents, but they don’t want to talk
about it, and goes to another topic
Siti is waiting for her parents to come home. When they come Siti realized there is
something on their face, and siti run to their parents
Siti : Mom, dad, is there anything happen? You look just crying
Mother : oh no darling, we just a litte tired today.
Siti : oh oke mom, dad. I’ll put this back and I’ll take drink for you
Siti goes to the kitchen
siti still curios about what happen, and keep asking to her parents
Siti : mom, you could tell me everything mom, I know there is something from your
Mother : nothing honey, everything all right. (ngelus kepala siti)
Siti : why don’t daddy answer me?
Mother : daddy is having a headache, is dinner ready? I’m so hungry and belly need
something (smiling)
Siti : It’s already served queen (smiling) let eat

Situation V
When siti is sitting in her room looking at the skies trough her window, She thinks about
her parents, that looks like hiding something big. And then she seeing her father going to
somewhere. But siti just keep her positive mind, she think that maybe her dad just going for
some fresh air, and she go to sleep
Situation VI
But actually at the night, Mr badri goes to Dt.maringgih house without anyone knowing
it. And then he ask for a loan to the Dt, also had a agreement letter
Father : ass.. anybody home?
Bodyguard 1 : yes, who are you?
Bodyguard 2 : and what do you want ?
Father : hello, I am Badri. I want to meet datuk. I have something important
Bodyguard 1 : what makes it so important at this night?
Father : I want to borrow some money from datuk.
Bodyguard 1 : oh I see. Stand here and wait
Bodyguard 2 : ( go to datuk room) excuse me mr. there is someone in our living room, he is
looking for you
Datuk : looking for me? For what?
Bodyguard 2 : he said, he want to borrow your money
Datuk : oh I see. Lets go

Goin to the living room

Bodyguard 1 : datuk is here, come in
Datuk : hello. Whats goin on?
Father : hello dt. Sorry I disturbing you, may I sit?
Dt maringgih : never mind its okay. Hmm what do you want?
Father : hmm. Datuk… right now, im on a bad situation. I don’t have money at all for
my life, also my family. I came here because I want to ask for a loan.
Dt maringgih : do you want to borrow a money with me? Haha, that’s a good decision. You
come on the right place. But,,,, do you know about the rules here?
Father : yes I know it, I’ve heard before from my friend.
Dt maringgih : ah really? That’s good, so. I don’t have to tell you about that anymore right ?
Father : yes, sir
Dt maringgih : okay, I thought you have thinking too much about this. And, you have to write
an agreement letter about the loan.(give the letter)
Father : okay Datuk. (while writing the agreement letter)
Dt maringgih : so here is your money, don’t forget to pay it on time, if you are not, you will get
punishment. Remember the date, it is 1 week from now.
Father : okay datuk. Thank you so much

Situation VII (at home)

Father arrived at home. And met mother. He gives mother the money.
Father : honey, here is the money. It is for our daily. Dont forget to save it a bit.
Mother : (shocked) money? Whrer did you get this? And where have you been ?
Father : honey, you don’t have to know about that. Just kept it. And make this money
Mother : (doubtfully) hmm okay.

Situation VIII (one week later)

Dt maringgih come to Siti’s house for ask the payment of the loan.
Dt maringgih : Ass, anybody’s home?
Father : waalaikumsalam. Hello datuk. Come in
Dt maringgih : Thank you, I come here to asking about the payment of your loan. Today is the
due date.
Father : omg. Im so sorry datuk. We cant pay it now. We don’t have money at all. Im
really sorry
Mother : yes datuk. Im sorry, we cant pay it now. Im so sorry
Dt maringgih : what???? Are you kidding me? Don’t play with me dude, or something bad will
Parents : we really sorry datuk.
Suddenly, siti come to the room, serve water on the table and leaving,
Parents : (they didnt answer and just looking down)
Datuk : hmmm. I think, I will give you 3 more days. You can pay your loan on that day
Mother : really datuk? Thank you so much..
Datuk : no problem, suddenly, im on a good mood now
On datuk house
Bodyguar : datuk, why are you so kind to them?
Datuk : hmm? What do you mean?
Bodyguard : why did you give them 3 more days?
Datuk : I don’t know. My mood changed that time..
Bodyguard : I have an idea datuk
Datuk : Oh, your brain still usefull ? ahahaha
Badyguard : Come on datuk. Don’t you see their daughter, Siti.she must be yours
Bodyguard : I am thinking the same thing datuk. We can triple the loan on three days, if they
can’t pay it, they have to let siti be yours
Datuak : hmmm. Do you think they will accept it?
Bodyguard : for sure datuak. They will accept that. You are the most powerful man in this
village. So why they don’t want it? And, they can pay their loan to you
Bodyguar : Hahahahahaha. You two can be really supportive sometimes
Dt maringgih : hmm. Okay. And, both of you, go to their house. And tell them about this.

Siti’s house
Bodyguar : ass. Anybody home!! (slam the door)
Father : wss. Whats goin on here? What happen?
Bodyguard : hello bahar. I just want to tell you a massage from datuk
Bodyguard : yes, datuk said, he will make your loan is done, if you let him marry your
daughter or you have to pay 3 days for today with triple loan
Parents : what ????? no..... he cant do that. She’s still a child. She cant marry him.
bodyguard : oh okay, there is up to you. But, if you want something bad happend to your
familly. (evil smile)
bodyguar : yeaaah. You just have 2 choice. Pay the loan triple, or let him marry your
daughter and no more loan to pay
mother : pleaseee how could he do something like this (memohon sambil megang kaki
bodyguard : let off me (nendang mak siti)(and leave)
siti actually hearing all of the conversation, and running with tears

Siti : Mommmmm , you okaaay mom ? you don’t have to do this

Mother : Sitii, just comeback to your room, mommy can’t see you right now
Siti : mom, dad. I’am listening, I know how you feel. But please mom dad I can’t, (
crying) I am still have a future mom, dad.
Parents : sitii.... pleaseee... let me think for a bit,
Siti : no mom, just sell the house, sell our farm, sell everything and we have, but don’t
me mom, noooo
Mother : do you think everything is that easy girl? We love you, it’s very heavy for us
too, don’t be such a selfish
Siti : really mom? A selfish? You don’t want to sell the house? But you been
considering but selling your own daughter, your blood and flesh? (can’t hold back tears)
Father : SITI QUITE!!!!!!! (YELLING)
Siti : (shock) Okay I’ll just leave then, before you two, my mom and dad, sell me ton
and 50 years grandpa

Siti goes to her friend’s house to tell what happen

Siti : my friend. Im so sad today. I dont want to marry him. She is like my
grandfather. I cant do this
Friend 1 : i know that siti, i know what you felt abt this. But, what can we do? That’s the
only choice you and your parents have, maybe it’s hard for you, but don;t you think it is
also hard for them
Friend 2 : thats right siti. I know you don’t really want it, I know you feel you rather die
than you have to marry such a 50 years old granpa, but remember your parents, how
much they have done for you. If you marry him, I think you’ll have a better life
Siti : guys please, how could you not on my side?
Friend 1 : I am on your side siti, for your better future? You think about selling all off you
have, then how you’ll leave after? That’s not good siti, we don’t want you to be like that
Friend 2 : I agree with that siti, just remember that we always be with you
Siti : hmm. I know it. But what if Syamsul know this? And i love him so much. I cant
marry someone that i dont love
Friend 1 : hmmm... you’re right. But Syamsul in Jakarta now. And you dont know when
will he come back. You cant waiting for him forever, siti
Friend 2 : she is right, siti. Even you love syamsul, but you cant waiting for him anymore.
This is for your life. And he’s still a student, he dont have the future.
Friend 1 : yeaaaa. You can see the different between datuk and syamsul. Datuk is a rich
man. And syamsul is still a student.
Friend 2 : thats right siti. For now, dont think abt syamsul anymore and you have to accept
your parent’s decision. And you have to marry datuk t. Dont think too much
Friend 1 : thats right siti. And we have to sleep now. This is so late. we cant be late for the
wedding tomorrow. And siti, dont cry anymore. Can you show us that cheerful girls smile
that will melt everyone heart include a 50 years old grandpa (laughing)
Siti : (laughing) okay, thank you for the advice my friend. I’ll tell mom and da

Siti come back home to tell her mom and dad

Mother : siti where have you been? I’am really worry about you, don’t you ever leave us
like that (hug siti so thigh and crying)
Siti : mom dad, I’ve think about this, and yea, I will accept that offer. I will be you
perfect polite daughter that you love
Mother : (shock)(no more words and just crying)(hug with siti and dad)

3 days later. datuk come to siti’s house.

Datuk : so bahar, whats your decision?
Father : (inhealing) hmmm. Okay datuk. Im okay with that thing. We agree that you will
marry our daughter.
Dt maringgih : okay. We have the agreement then. So, we can prepared for me and siti’s
wedding. Dont forget about the money. I’ll pay for all of it
Parent and siti : (sad and crying) okay datuk. Thank you.
The wedding day
When the wedding is on goin. Syamsul come from jakarta, and entered the wedding place
Syamsul : (yelling) stop. Whats goin on here!!!! What is it? Siti? Why are you here?
Siti : (silent and looking down) syamsul.... im sorry
Dt maringgih : who the hell are you?
Syamsul : im siti’s boyfriend. And who the hell are you?
Dt maringgih : im her husband now, you can go out now. Thats the way(point at the door)
Syamsul : how can... it cant be happen
Dt maringgih : bodyguard. Please. Make this place into the good condition again
Bodyguard 1 : okay sir.
Bodyguard 2 : go away
Syamsul : no!!!! You cant do this to me. Sitiii. Pleaseeee. Tell me. This is a lie right?
Siti : syamsul, please. I sorry
Syamsul : i cant believe this. You still love me right ? we love each other right?
Siti : yes, syamsul. I still love you. But i cant.
Friend 1 : enough syamsul. Leave her alone. This is for her life. For her familly.
Friend 2 : let her go syamsul. You cant do this to her.
Syamsul : but... i love her.
Friend 1 : syamsul. Pleaseeeee.
Dt maringgih : are you done? I dont want to see drama anymore. Bodyguard. Make him get out
of here.
Body guard : okay sir.
Syamsul : okay i will go now. But remeber my name datuk. Im syamsul bahri. I will find
you, i’ll take siti come back to me again1!!!!!
And the, syamsul go, and the wedding begin again.
Dt maringgih : okay mr, we can start it again. I cant wait any more.
Penghulu : okay datuk. Lets start it.
Penghulu pun menikahkan datuak dan siti. Siti dan datuk akhirnya menjadi suami istri
Situation X (datuk’s house)
Datuk and siti are on the bed. And datuk ask siti to making love with him.
Datuk : siti, come on.
Siti : what is going on, datuk?
Datuk : come on, i only ask for my rights as you husband.
Siti : no, datuk. I will never admit you as my husband.
Datuk : damn you, you have to obedient to me!
Siti : but i don’t love you, datuk. (running)
Datuk : Siti! Siti! Kamu harus melayani saya mau tidak mau, kamu harus mau! Karena
aku adalah suami sah, halal untuk kamu setubuhi. (sambil menarik siti ke kamar
penganti. Ingat! Kamu ini sebagai penebus hutang dari kedua orang tua mu. Jadi tolong,
jangan keras kepala.
Sitipun berlari, dan datuk menarik siti secara paksa menuju kamar pengantin. Sehingga
sitipun terpaksa melayani suaminya sambil menangis.
Situation XI
A few months later, siti felt dizzy and felt wierd with the change of her body. And then
siti with her mom goin to midwife’s house to check herself.
Siti : mom, i felt so dizzy. I felt so sick.
Mother : what happend to you honey? Are you okay?
Siti : no mom, i felt not okay. I felt like want to vomit.
Mother : omg honey, we have to check yourself. Lets go to midwife’s house.
Siti : okay mom.
In the midwife’s house
Mother : how is my daughter mom?
Midwife : she is okay mom. And i have good news for you. She is pregnant now!
Mother : really? Omg. Thank you so much. Sitiii, congrats honey, you are a mother now!!
Siti : ha? Im pregnant? (siti looked sad). Oh thank you mom.
Siti looks not happy abt the news. She is so sad. She dont want to be pregnant. But,
becasue it is her baby, she accept it.
Situation XII
Day by day, siti wasnt in a good condition. Her pregnancy become heavier day by day.
Also because, it is her child with someone that she doesnt love. Until she become depression.
When her friend met her, they tried to motivated her.
Friend 1 : siti, why are looked so sick? Are you okay?
Siti : no, im okay. Dont worry
Friend 2 : how’s your pregnancy? All is okay, right ?
Siti : hmm. Yaaa. As you see. My belly still big than before. So yeaaa.
Syamsul : siti, look at me!! Are you okay? Is datuk do something bad to you? Tell me
Siti : okay everyone. Im oke\ay. Dont worry!!
Friends : okay siti, we understand you. We hope you will take care of your baby and
yourself also. Dont hurt yourself. If anythinghappen. Tell us
Syamsul : thats right siti, dont hiding something from us. Tell us everything. And if he do
something bad to you. I will kill him for you.
Siti : okay guys. Thank you so much
Situation XIII
when siti clean her house, suddenly she felt a pain in her stomach. And she felt that the
baby in her belly doesnt move anymore, like usual. She felt so afraid.
Siti : mom, what happen with my stomach? I felt so sick, and i cant felt the movement
of my baby anymore! Im so afraid mom. Help me
Mother : omg honey. What happen? Lets go to the midwife’s house.
Siti : okay mom , i cant handle this anymore
And then, siti and her mom goin to the midwife’s house to check her pregnancy.
Mother : how’s my daughter and her baby?
Midwife : hmmm. Im sorry mam, I think. Her baby doesn’t live anymore. I, sorry
Mother : what do you mean?
Midwife : yes, her baby doesn’t live anymore.’
Siti : mom.!! My baby is died? What? No!!!!!!! it cant be
Midwife : calm down siti. You have to let the baby go.
Siti : no!!!!!
Situation XIV
Day by day, siti’s life become heavier. She’s lost her baby. And she become depression.
She’s act like a crazy women. With that thng. Datuk become so bored and cant handle that
anymore. He become so rude, he always do something bad to siti, she push and pull siti, also
another thing.
Siti cant handle it anymore too, and suddenly, she want to kill datuk. more than 2
days,she prepareding abt everything. And when she get the opportunity, she kill datuk on their
house. Unfortunately, datuk’s bodyguard seeing her, and want to catching her. But siti is run
away from that house.
Situation XV
When she is running, she hit her friend’s mom and midwife’s assistant. They are so
afraid. And wonder why is siti run away like that. They ask siti, but siti don’t answer it. And
then, they bring siti into midwife’s house. And midwife call siti’s parent, and tell them abt siti’s
Her parent feeling so guilty for they have done. They apologise to siti. And they want to
pay their mistake to siti. And they take care of siti, until siti becomes healthy again. And about
the death of datuk, the police forgive her because she was on ungood condition or we can call it
almost crazy. And the police gave a permission to siti can have a rehabilitation for her depression

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