Summer Internship Report 1

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(4th June’16-14th july 2016)


Train Control Management System

Submitted by

Prakarti Dev

Under The Supervision of

Mr.Neeraj Singh
(Assistant Manager,Rolling Stock)


Submitted in the partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree


Bachelor of Technology





This report documents the work done during the summer training at Delhi metro
corporation limited, Mukundpur depot, Yamuna Bank depot and Khyber pass depot
under the guidance of various HRs and training teachers .The report first shall give the
overview of tasks performed during the period of training.

Report shall also elaborate about the concept of Train Control Management System used
in DMRC.

I have tried my best to keep the report simple yet technically correct.I hope I succeed in
my attempt.

Prakarti Dev

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 2


A research work owes its success from commencement to completion, to the people in
love with researchers at various stages. Let me in this page express my gratitude to all
those who helped us in various stages of this study.I want to thanks sincerely to the
department of Rolling Stock for guiding, teaching and showing us the latest technology in
the field that encouraged my interest in the development of electronics. Exploring the
laboratories and machinery set up there to visualize. Especially I am thankful to the
teachers for their encouragement, and making sure I stay on the task. For helping us time
to time, whenever it’s necessary. I believe now I would feel much more motivated in my
studies and career choices, knowing that someone believes in what I'm doing.

I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and special thanks to Mr. S.S.
Joshi (DIRECTOR/ROLLING STOCK ) of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd, New

It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards and the deepest sense of
gratitude to Mr. Neeraj Singh, AM/RS and Mr. Nishant Srivastava, Manager/RS for their
skillful guidance which has been extremely valuable for my study both theoretically and

I express my deepest thanks to Mr. Mohit Kumar Rawat (JE/RS) and Mr.Akash Verma
(JE/RS), for giving necessary advices, guidance and for arranging all the facilities to
make my project easier. I choose this moment to acknowledge his contribution gratefully.

Finally, I would like to thank the entire team of RS, DMRC who had been throughout
continuous support and guidance without whom this project wouldn’t be a success. I’m
deeply grateful for pearls of wisdom shared during the course of this project.

I perceive this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to

use gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on
their improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue
cooperation with all of you in the future.

Prakarti Dev


Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 3


S.No Topics Page No.

1. Executive summary 5
2. Introduction 6
-Background note 7
- About Delhi metro 8
3. Project Initiation 10
4. Current routes 11
5. Route Map 12
6. Depot Layout 13
-IBL 13
-Workshop 13
-SBL 13
7. Depot Structure 14
8. Safety Measures 15
9. Administrative Structures 17
10. Rolling Stock 18
-Broad Gauze 19
-Standard Gauze 19
11. Train Formation 20
12. TCMS 21
13. Fault Detection Level 22
14. TCMS Operation Mode 23
15. Maintenance Mode Function 25
16. Main Component of TCMS 26
-CCU-O 27
-CCU-C 28
-VCU-C 29
-HMI 30
17. Communication Interface 31
18. MIO Unit 31
19. Mode Of Operations 32
20. Mobile Communication Gateway 33
21. External Config. Plug 33
22. Multi Vehicle Bus 33
23. References 34

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 4

Executive Summary

 The over burden of traffic in Delhi has forced the govt. to think of alternative plan
for mass rapid transit.

 Providing a MRT system with world class facility and highly technically
advanced MRT such as Delhi Metro is a magnificent example of a successful
project that India has executed.

 There were many challenges faced by the team to deliver the project on time ,
within the budget and maintain the quality standard.

 The project management tools & methodology has been implemented in the Delhi
Metro project in accordance to compliance with the project.

 The execution of the project with the team working with dedication &
commitment has made the project successful.

 Delhi, in terms of air pollution, is ranked among the most polluted cities in the
world. The ambient air quality monitoring is carried out regularly by Central
Pollution Control Board and Delhi Pollution Control Committee and now because
of Delhi Metro ,the pollution is being reduced in the Delhi.

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 5


 Delhi Metro was meant to solve Delhi’s traffic problems, which had become

 Planning for the metro started in 1984 when the Delhi Development
Authority and the Urban Arts Commission came up with a proposal for
developing a multi-modal transport system for the city.

 The first step to build the metro system in the city was taken in early 1990’s.

 In 1995 the Govt. of India(GOI) & the Govt. of the National Capital Territory of
Delhi(GNCTD) formed the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.(DMRC) to
construct the Delhi Metro.

 It was considered as a social sector project.

 E. Sreedharan was appointed the Managing Director(MD)of DMRC the project

Manager for phase 1in November 1997.

 Work on Line 1 of Phase 1 started in October 1998.

 Delhi Metro was certified as the first metro rail and rail-based system in the
world to get "carbon credits for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 6

Background Note

 Metro system were generally considered as a transport option where the

population of the city has crossed 1 million mark.

 By the early 1990’s Delhi had more registered vehicles than Mumbai ,Kolkata &
Chennai put together.

 The automobiles in Delhi contributed more than 2/3rd of the atmospheric

pollution in Delhi.(ICMR,2006).

 There was an urgent need to improve both the quality and availability of mass
transport services in Delhi.

 All the traffic study of Delhi carried out by various entities such as Central Road
Research Institute (CRRI) and 35 more studies recommended Mass rapid transit
system (MRTS) to solve Delhi’s problems.

 The study to develop MRTS for Delhi was undertaken by Rail India Technical &
Economical services Ltd. (RITES) in 1989 and was completed in 1991.

 RITES established in 1974 is the consultancy wing of the Indian Railways. It

largely operates in the fields of transport, infrastructure & related technologies.

 RITES in 1995 submitted a Detailed Project Report(DPR) & recommended the

component transit system comprising rail corridors(surface/elevated),metro

 RITES further recommended sequential construction of the total network because

of the high costs associated with the project.

 The complete network was to have 16 lines sections with higher projected
passenger traffic densities to be constructed first.

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 7

About Delhi Metro

The Delhi Metro is a metro system serving Delhi and its satellite cities
of Faridabad, Gurgaon, Bahadurgarh, Noida and Ghaziabad in the National Capital
Region of India. Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC), a state-owned company
with equal equity participation from the Government of India and the Government of
Delhi, built and operates the Delhi Metro. It is the second oldest metro in India after
the Kolkata Metro.

The Delhi Metro is the world's 10th longest metro system in length and 16th largest in
ridership. A member of CoMET, the network consists of seven colour-coded regular lines
and the faster Airport Express line, with a total length of 288 kilometres (179 mi)
serving 208 stations (including 6 on Airport Express line). The system has a mix of
underground, at-grade, and elevated stations using both broad-gauge and standard-gauge.

The power output is supplied by 25-kilovolt, 50-hertz alternating

current through overhead catenary. The trains are usually of six and eight coaches
length. DMRC operates over 3,000 trips daily, with first trains starting at around 05:00
and last at 23:30. In the financial year 2016–17, the Delhi Metro had an average daily
ridership of 2.76 million passengers and served 100 crore (1.0 billion) riders in total
during the year.

The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation was certified by the United Nations in 2011 as the first
metro rail and rail-based system in the world to get "carbon credits for reducing
greenhouse gas emissions" and helping in reducing pollution levels in the city by 630,000
tonnes every year.

Planning for the metro started in 1984 when the Delhi Development Authority, and the
Urban Arts Commission came up with a proposal for developing a multi-modal transport
system for the city. Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) was incorporated in May
1995, construction started in 1998, and the first section, on the Red Line, opened in
2002. The development of the network was divided into phases, Phase I containing 3
lines was completed by 2006, and Phase II in 2011. Phase III is scheduled for completion
by 2018 (originally planned for 2016).

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 8

 In order to implement the Delhi Metro Project ,the GOI & GNCTD set up a 50:50
joint ventur company called Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.(DMRC) in 1995.

 The company had to complete the phase 1 of the project within 10 years by 2005.

 The proposal for phase 1 of the Delhi Metro Project was approved by the GOI in
September 1996.

 Phase 1 was to connect Delhi’s business education & shopping districts.

 It was to cover 340 hectares of land (of which 58% was govt. land ,39% private
agricultural land & 3% private urban land).

 It involved the construction of 3 lines with total length of 56 km, 50 stations (10
underground) & 3 maintenance depots.

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 9

Project Initiation

 The Project Manager appointed was Mr. E.Sreedharan.

 Elattuvalapil Sreedharan is an Indian civil engineer.

 He was also the Managing Director for DMRC appointed in November 1997.

 He was in the Indian railways till 1990.

 He had earned reputation for completing major projects on time & within the

 He is credited for changing the face of public transport in India.

 He was also known for the success behind Konkan railways.

 After 16 years of service with the Delhi Metro, Sreedharan retired from service on
31 December 2011.

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Current Routes

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Inspection Bay Line

 IBL is the place where train is brought for the maintenance fault detection and
 It also consists of overhead charged 25 kv power supply to energize the train to
check and rectify high voltage equipment installed in train.---
 Instead of conventional tracks(as seen in metro stations),the lower portion of
train is accessible. This enables the technician to reach under the frame and carry
out repair and maintenance.
 It also has stair case that leads to a raised platform at the height of roof of train.
This enables the technician to reach the roof of train and access roof equipment.

 This is the place where major repair works takes place.
 Here various unhealthy parts of the train are dismantled and repair by
 It has various tools ,cranes & jack set. For lifting heavy parts and repairing
 Cleaning of parts also occurs here.

Stabling Bay Line

 It is the place where trains are made to stand i.e. it is the parking for trains.
 This place can be utilized for light repair work ,which does not involve high
tension supply.
 It usually has shed ,but it can be an open area also.

Automatic Train Wash Plant

 It is the place where trains are automatically sprayed with water and other
chemical for complete cleaning of metro trains.
 It can be understood as a long passage with walls having water and chemical
spray capability.
 The system gets activated only when the speed of train is less than 5kmph.When
speed is beyond the range the system is not activates and the train just passes by.

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 13


1. Inspection Bay Line 4 6 4

2. Workshop 4 6 2

3. Stabling Bay Line 24 22 22

4. Automatic Wash Plant 1 1 1

5. Pit Wheel Lathe 1 1 1

6. Test Track 1 1 1

7. Depot Control Centre 1 1 1

8. Substation 1 1 1

9. Cleaning Shed 1 1 1

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 14

Safety Measures

Do not use earphone while entering in the Depot

Always wear the Safety Helmet.

Wear the Gloves while Working with OHE.

Don’t attach the safety belt with OHE.

Wear the protective hard shoes issued by DMRC.

Wear the High Visibility Jacket.

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 15

Fig:Posters used in the Depot for awareness


Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 16

Administrative Structure

• Ministry Of Housing & Urban Affairs


• Chairman

• Managing Director

• Directors


• Deputy HODs(AGM/JGM/DGM)

• Manager/Asst. Manager

• SSE/AE/JE/Techinician

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 17

Rolling Stock

The Metro uses rolling stock of two different gauges. Phase I lines use 1,676 mm
(5.499 ft) broad gauge rolling stock, while three Phase II lines use 1,435 mm
(4.708 ft) standard gauge rolling stock.

Trains are maintained at seven depots at Khyber Pass and Sultanpur for the Yellow Line,
Mundka for the Green Line, Najafgarh and Yamuna Bank for the Blue Line, Shastri Park
for the Red Line, and Sarita Vihar for the Violet Line.

Maglev trains were initially considered for some lines of Phase 3, but DMRC decided to
continue with conventional rail in August 2012.

As on 31 March 2015, the Company has a total of 1306 coaches (220 trains). Apart from
extensions on various existing lines, two new lines viz. Line 7 & 8 are proposed in Phase
III.486 coaches (81 six-car trains) being procured for these two new lines will have an
advance feature in Unattended Train Operation (UTO).

Additional 258 Broad gauge (BG) coaches for Line 1 to 4 and 138 Standard Gauge (SG)
coaches for Line 5 & 6 are proposed to be procured for augmentation/extensions to cater
to the increased traffic. Resultantly, at the end of Phase III, there would be 2188 coaches
(333 trains). Barring a few 4-car trains on Line 5, 93% of the trains would operate either
in 6 car or 8 car configuration at the end of Phase III.

Fig: Parts of Car Comes Under Rolling Stock

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 18

Broad gauze

The rolling stock is manufactured by two major suppliers. For the Phase I, the rolling
stock was supplied by a consortium of companies comprising Hyundai Rotem, Mitsubishi
Corporation, and MELCO. The coaches have a very similar look to MTR Rotem EMU,
except with only 4 doors and use sliding doors. The coaches were initially built in South
Korea by ROTEM, then in Bangalore by BEML through a technology
transfer arrangement.These trains consist of four 3.2-metre-wide (10 ft) stainless steel
lightweight coaches with vestibules permitting movement throughout their length and can
carry up to 1500 passengers, with 50 seated and 330 standing passengers per coach. The
coaches are fully air-conditioned, equipped with automatic doors, microprocessor
controlled brakes and secondary air suspension, and are capable of maintaining an
average speed of 32 km/h (20 mph) over a distance of 1.1 km (0.68 mi). The system is
extensible up to eight coaches, and platforms have been designed accordingly.
The rolling stock for Phase II is being supplied by Bombardier Transportation, which has
received an order for 614 cars worth approximately US$1.1 billion. While initial trains
were made in Görlitz, Germany and Sweden, the remainder will be built at Bombardier's
factory in Savli, near Vadodara. These trains are a mix of four-car and six-car consists,
capable of accommodating 1178 and 1792 commuters per train respectively. The coaches
possess several improved features like Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras with
eight-hour backup for added security, charging points in all coaches for cell phones and
laptops, improved air conditioning to provide a temperature of 25 °C (77 °F) even in
packed conditions and heaters for winter.

Standard Gauze

The standard gauge rolling stock is manufactured by BEML at its factory in Bangalore
(Most of these trains are supplied to BEML by Hyundai Rotem). The trains are four-car
consists with a capacity of 1506 commuters per train, accommodating 50 seated and 292
standing passengers in each coach. These trains will have CCTV cameras in and outside
the coaches, power supply connections inside coaches to charge mobiles and laptops,
better humidity control, microprocessor-controlled disc brakes, and will be capable of
maintaining an average speed of 34 km/h (21 mph) over a distance of 1.1 km (0.68 mi).

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 19

Train Formation

At present each train set consist of four cars .Both ends of the train-set are Driving Trailer
(DT) cars and middle cars are Motor (M) cars.

The train set can be controlled as a complete unit or as separate units for various
maintenance activities at the depot.

1). 4 car - DT-M-M-DT

2). 6 car - DT-M-M-T-M-DT

3) 8 car - DT-M-M-T-M-T-M-DT (Here T car is the non-driving trailer car.)


Fig: Car Configuration

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 20


Train Control Management System (TCMS) provides a centralized function to monitor

the train Borne systems and devices.
It also provides the operators interface via a Video Display Unit Mounted on the operator
desk. This display unit shows relevant information to the operator about The status of On
board equipment as well as commanded functions.
The Train Control Management System interfaces with the following systems located
Throughout the train, these systems are:

 Traction Inverter (CI)

 Auxiliary Power Supply (SIV)
 Brake Electronic Control Unit (Brake System)
 Door Control Units
 Air conditioners
 Train Radio
 ATC System

The Train Control Management System also monitors Train Line status, switch and
circuit breaker positions.

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 21

Fault Detection Levels

Fault detection is classified into five critically levels-

Level 1: Critical Fault

Faults that require the immediate action/attention of the train operator are classified as
critical fault.

Level 2: Operating Event

An event which is triggered by the train operator.

Level 3: Maintenance Event

An event that requires the attention of maintenance staff, after the train has completed the
scheduled service operation.

Level 4: Record

A maintenance record that requires the attention of the maintenance staff during
scheduled routine maintenance

Level 5: Notice

Information or reminder to aid the train operator during normal service under defined

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 22

TCMS Operation Mode

Operator Mode Functions:

The TCMS system has the following functions which are accessible to the driver.

 Train faults that have been detected. System Check Screens - On this screen,
TCMS will display on the main window a list of train faults that have been

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 23

Additional information about other systems can be checked by driver by touching the soft
keys at the bottom of the screen display. The available soft keys and corresponding train
systems are:

DOOR The status of Door system is displayed.

BRAKES The status of the Pneumatic Brake system is displayed.

POWER The status of the High Tension circuit and equipment is display

AUX The status of the Auxiliary Power Supply System is displayed.

AIR CON The status of the Air Conditioning system is displayed.

HISTORY A list of previously record critical faults are displayed.

DEPARTURE The departure check screen is displayed.

MAIN The LOGOFF screen is displayed.

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 24

Maintenance Mode Function

The TCMS system functions available to the operator are also accessible to Maintenance
staff. In addition maintenance staff can also access the following functions.

 Data download / upload by TCMS Maintenance Terminal

 Data and status check on VDU

Fig: Maintenance Menu

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 25

Main Components of The TCMS

 CCO-O (Central Computing Unit-Operational)

 CCU-C (Central Computing Unit-Comfort)


 HMI 410 (Human Machine Interface)



 MCG(Mobile Communication Gateway)


 ECP (External Configuration Plug)

 MVB (Multi Vehicle Bus)

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 26

CCU-O (Central Computing Unit -Operational)

 Contains the vehicle control application.

 Contains the train diagnostic system (TDS).
 One CCU-O in each Car.

Fig: CCU-O

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 27

CCU-C (Central Computing Unit-Comfort)
 Contains the PIS-application
 Operating system :LINUX
 One CCU-C in each DT Car
 Master of the management and control of all visual information.
 All pre-defined messages is controlled by PIS.


Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 28

VCU-C (Compact)

 Fully Compatible with IP-Tech.

 Built in advanced diagnostics.
 Optimized for low costs.
 Used as CCU-O & CCU-C.
 1 MVB Connection.
 4 Serial Communication Channel.
 1 Serial port for monitoring purpose.

Fig: VCU-C

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 29

HMI (Human Machine Interface)

 Provides Graphical User Interface to the TCMS, PIS and CCTV systems.
 Diagnostics and Acknowledge of events.
 Cab controls.
 Touch Screen.
 1.1 Ghz intel processor.
 4 GB flash memory.

Fig: HMI 410

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 30

Communication Interface

X2: Connection for IP Network.

X8:USB connection for External Plug.

Modular Digital Input/Output unit

In our computer systems ,data runs in the packets in the form of 0 and
1s,so digital input /output unit is a module which converts the analog data
into digital form.

Fig: MIO -DX unit

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 31

Fig: Mode of Operations

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Page 32

Mobile Communication Gateway

 Handles train –to-wayside communication between the moving train and fixed wayside
 Can be used for both sending and receiving data.
 Handles GSM and WLAN
 Connected to IP-Network.

MCG Units

Uses GSM
Uses GSM andand
communicationand andEthernet
Uses internal
Uses DC/DC
internal DC/DCconverter to produce
converter required
to produce voltages.
required voltages.
18 18
front panel diagnostis lights.
front panel diagnostis lights


 Is permanently connected to all ring and display units.

 Is Is permanently connected
to a dedicated USBtoport
all on
and display
host unit. units.
 Is attached
 Contains to a dedicated
IP network USB port
or MVB address for on
thethe host
host unit.
 Contains IP network or MVB address for the host unit.


 Data bus used for communication within the vehicles

 administrator
 A bus Data bus usedmust
for communication
be assigned forwithin
MVB the vehicles.

 A bus administrator must be assigned for MVB.

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References maps/delhi/delhi-

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