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Nine Unknown Men.Secret Society,The Nine Books.

Elite global leaders

have pushed the NWO agenda down our throats

The New World Order is coming! Are you ready?

Once you understand what this New

World Order really is, and how it is
being gradually implemented, you will
be able to see it progressing in your
daily news!!
There is a power somewhere so
organized, so subtle, so watchful, so
interlocking, so so complete, so
pervasive, that they had better not
speak above their breath when they
speak in condemnation of it.”Secret
Records Revealed”, the likes of Bill
Clinton, Walter Mondale, the
Rockefellers, Gerald Ford, Tony Blair,
Henry Kissinger, Peter Jennings, Colin L. Powell, WilliamMcDonough,The Bush’s and
about 115 powerful people.” ["Secret Societies and their Members”, Footnotes
Over dozens of years, generations of generations, Elite global .
The role of the Secret Society is not only secret, it is overwhelming.
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready ? Once you understand what this New
World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see
it progressing in your daily news!!
There is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocking, so
complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak
in condemnation of it.”Secret Records Revealed”,
“Beneath the broad tides of human history there flow the stealthy undercurrents of the
secret societies, which frequently determine in the depth the changes that take place upon
the surface.”
The pulsing, squeezing beat of the living organism called the Elite—those in influential
positions who are making unwanted decisions for us—have succeeded in bringing forth a
global government or New World Order (NWO). They pulled out their entire armory, and
over dozens of years, generations of generations, they have pushed the NWO agenda
down our throats, and we’ve meekly accepted it.
They have used and still are using both overt and covert methods to make us accept the
dissolution of the American Constitution, and, in irony, be grateful for it. They have
invaded our churches, our schools, our culture, our economy, our history our political
strongholds, and even our minds. And with barely a whimper, we have condoned the loss
of our country, the loss of our values and mores, the loss of free thinking, and the loss of
the control of our own minds. They own our economy, our political system, our children
and, most of all, they own us—we, who years ago, should have fought back to prevent
the downfall of our beloved America and our freedoms.
Some of their means for achieving their goals are blatant; others are camouflaged and
done behind closed doors, but however they accomplish their goals, the result is the
same: They have planned well, implemented admirably, and shattered us conclusively.
Their techniques have been varied and effective, but one of the most effective, behind-
the-scenes methods is the use of the secret societies.
You’ve heard of this one major vehicle—the secret societies–haven’t you? They’re real–
those shadow or underground groups that control the world by powerful members that
hide the truth from us, that wield a force greater than hundreds of megatons of bombs.
There isn’t any one article or any one particular book that can cover the entire gamut of
what secret societies are all about, who their members are, what they have done and what
they plan to do, so certainly this short article alone can not possibly envelop it all. What
is known is that their members—commanding, wealthy elite men, some women—hold
sway over us and network all the way to the top of nations’ governments and schools to
ascertain that their desired people and agenda are put into place and enforced. Since this
can’t be told in an all-encompassing article on secret societies, only the basics are offered
Arrogant Pride = members parlay a sense that they are above and superior to others, an
elite class, and specifically are chosen because of their innate and rare knowledge of the
“Truth” while the rest of the world are mere peons. The secret truth they believe they
possess is never to be revealed to any nonmember.
Dual Personalities = Those in secret societies behave one way when they’re with their
fellow members and then put on a front for others when out in public they consider
themselves the high form of life . . . higher than the everyday man Society members prize
teaching their ways to new members but doing so only in small bits of information at a
time until that member meets the requirements to be part of the upper Eschelon in the
organization. Oral teaching was sacred, as only through verbalization could the secrets be
shared without them becoming written records and then publicized.
secret societies claim, that man is inherently good and should be told the secrets through
membership, providing the potential initiate meets the criteria to be considered worthy
enough to be a society fellow.
two antitheses will hold combat to gain power over humankind.
Secret societies aren’t adolescent clubs but rather they’re serious, dire, organizations that
are out to uproot all governments and particularly America as we know it, wiping out our
very roots of religious freedom and sovereign rights. Said President Woodrow Wilson, “.
. . there is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better
not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” For those who do
not believe that secret societies exist to undermine our sovereignty and our lives, watch
the History and Discovery channels, order some videos, find former members of these
groups who will talk to you, read the ever growing field of books, articles, pamphlets.
Research them; follow them in the media, though the media are the least reliable resource
since they are owned by the very Elite who created the secret societies. This is a real
conundrum in itself.
Though not all of the societies are given here, this list offers some of the major and most
influential ones;

The Bilderbergers
This powerful group secretly meets every year to discuss plans for every citizen on earth,
as to how to foster and implement the one-world-government goal. As a clandestine
order, each member has vowed not to reveal the nature of the issues covered in the
meetings, or to give attribution to what was said. Additionally, members of this
organization hold major, high-profile, and influential positions throughout the world.
Some of those who have attended and do attend these secret meetings are the likes of Bill
Clinton, Walter Mondale, the Rockefellers, Gerald Ford, Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger,
Peter Jennings, Colin L. Powell, William McDonough,The Bush’s and about 115
powerful people.” [”Secret Societies and their Members”,
The puissant and illegal Federal Reserve Board formed this organization in 1921, right
after WWI, to shepherd their plans through to the unsuspecting public, primarily of which
is to obliterate national boundaries and form a one-world government of which they are
loyal to. It boasted the likes of Rockefeller, Richard Nixon, Dean Rusk, and many other
past leaders, as well as hundreds of today’s media hot-dogs, politicians, educators, and
numerous journalists. Secrecy is paramount. The CFR is in New York City.
The Trilateral Commission (TLC)
Countries in Trilatérale Commission
Believed to be founded in 1973 by Brezezinski, with Jimmy Carter, this shadow
association is thought to exist to create a multinational commerce and banking group
through the entrapment of the American government, and the formation of a one-world
government. In addition to the founders, others members include Henry Kissinger, Bill
Clinton, Bruce Babbitt, Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker and many others. The TLC
consists of a global network of plutocrats. Surveillance of everyone’s actions is a key
goal, and, to that end, they have developed (and still are developing) the most high-tech
surveillance equipment ever in existence

The Circle
This group is the world’s money-holders who want global governance and are using
chaos to make people submissive and compliant through crime, monetary problems,
disobedient children and the take-over of education and economy, as well as
religion.”The circle, the clique which controls the direction of the world, are genetic
hybrids, the result of interbreeding . . . and that this is why European royal and
aristocratic families have interbred so obsessively, as do the so-called Eastern
Establishment families of the United States, which produce the
c46e223c91604f420f00e317e74dac09ers of America. Every presidential election since
and including George Washington in 1789 has been won by the candidate with the most
European genes.”[”"Who’s Controlling Who?”

Skull and Bones

This Yale organization’s goal is to help propagate a one-world society with the hope of
one of its members becoming the head of that system. Former President Bush, his father,
Preston, and Bush Sr.’s son, President George W. Bush are all noted members of this
organization, among many other renowned constituents, as well as John Kerry who is
distantly related to Bush, both of whom are distantly related to the Queen.
The society engages in secrecy and the dark arts, and performs ritualistic acts. An article
in Conspiracy Nation states “. . . new evidence that the Skull and Bones Society and the
CIA conspired together in 1963 to assassinate President John F. Kennedy.”

This fraternal organization was originally

located in England but has since been,
established in America as well. Albert Pike,
Grand Commander of Freemasonry and a
Satanist, stated in his book, Morals and
Dogma, that “Freemasonry is a search for
Light.That search
back us directly back . . . to the
Kabbalah.”Pike, Albert. Morals and Dogma;
Besides Pike, other noted Freemasons who
were also of the circles were Helena
Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Annie Besant,
Manly P. Hall, and now many others who are
alive and well and worshipping Satan,
knowingly or unknowingly. Secrecy is so
much encouraged that Freemasonry’s own lower-level members don’t know what’s really
going on. Though the Masons claim they are a Christian organization, they are in reality
the opposite of that.
The Federal Reserve
This is a ruthless secret society because its actions and plans are known only by a handful
of the Elite—the central, national, and international bankers. Its out to gather more
power, fame, and control. Contrary to what most Americans think, the Federal Reserve
System is privately held, and not government-owned, which is in violation of the 16th
Amendment. This system was started by the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Warburgs, and
several others, for the sole purpose of gaining monetary power throughout the world.
Since their origination, they have culled so much wealth that they rule the United States,
as well as some other countries through their international dealings. Rothschild’s famous
words that he can govern any country if given control of that country’s economy, has
been put into play through the Federal Reserve System, the owners of America and her
people, and her economy, as well as her ideologies and group thought. The originators of
the Federal Reserve are the founders of the Council on Foreign Relations, and have
helped initiate the other cryptic societies for their own gain.
Bohemian Grove
The Bohemian Club (founded in 1872) and the Bohemian Grove enlist top male dancers
for scandalous and depraved sexual activities. “Every Republican president since Herbert
Hoover has belonged. . . Here is a small sampling of some of the prominent members:
Stephen Bechtel, Jr. . . Joseph Coors . . . Et al.”
Of its near 3000 members, other participants include(d) the Bushes, Richard Nixon,
George Schultz, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell, Merv Griffin, Newt Gingrich, Ronald
Reagan, Caspar Weinberger, Dick Cheney, Danny Glover and others. “. . .some of the
most powerful men on earth doing despicable sexual things . . . nude and semi-nude men
worshiping a giant idol of an owl in a deeply occult ritual, and what appeared to be an
actual human sacrifice of a burning, screaming white man . . . .”

And they choose who will be allowed to run for the high office of president and the vice
president of the U.S.A.”[”Expose of the Bohemian Grove
The Black Nobility

This is an extremely powerful group which some Europeans decree to be the core of all
societies because they claim to possess “The Truth” (that from the Tree of Knowledge in
Eden) and to be genetically linked to Christ through their bloodline with David, creating
the Davidic Covenant while those who are descendants of Abraham belong to the
Abrahamic Covenant which points up the difference between Jews, Christians and
Muslims. This organization has been able to remain in power “through the maintenance
of bloodlines. For instance . . . Queen Elizabeth II . . . carries the bloodline of the Black
Nobility in Germany, back via to the Black Nobility Venetians through the Phoenicians,
the Egyptians to the Sumerians, and no doubt, Atlantis. Prince Charles can trace 3,000
years of descent from Edward III . . . the monarch who formed the elite Satanic
Brotherhood group, the Order of the Garter.”[”Who’s Controlling Who?”
The Vatican

“The Vatican is now thoroughly controlled by these Secret Societies as they move to
complete the New World Order Religion, which they feel is an indispensable part of their
New World Order . . . an occultic religion, one that will revive the Old Mysteries
Religions of Babylon and Egypt, and one that will totally destroy Christianity. And the
Vatican is now c46e223c91604f420f00e317e74dac09ing the charge.”[”Vatican and
Secret Societies in Pursuit of a New World Order Pope John Paul II issued a Papal Bull
legalizing membership of Catholics in secret societies. Bay says the Pope was of the
circle, and that he is the most traveled pope in history in response to the Order’s doctrine
of creating a singular global religion. Of note is that thecircle had actually taken over
most of Italy in the mid to late-800s. Today’s Pope Ratzinger is following in PJPII’s
footsteps and allowing the ongoing infiltration of secret societies.
This too is a shadow organization, as it reveals its true self only to its members who rise
to a certain level. Over the years, Wiccans have attempted to legitimize themselves by
founding satanic schools, establishing websites, presumably promoting the white witches
vs the black witches rumors, and even outright denying that witchcraft is demonic.
Instead, they say that they don’t believe in any God, and that their existence is for man to
search for the truth through their practices.
The Roundtable
This is associated with the Holy Grail of Arthurian Legend. The “round table” is the
ritualistic ceremony for the Order of the Garter that is to hail a more modern Circle of the
Round Table of this era., “The inner elite of this Round Table in the US and UK . . . work
together to engineer the circumstances that back to . . . global conflict. Through their
technique of “create-the-problem-then-offer-the-solution,” they want to destroy the
global status quo with . . . war and therefore have the opportunity to re-draw the world in
their agenda’s image when the conflict was over.”
William Cooper, privy to highly confidential military documents, claims that a group of
people have long planned the destruction of our country in order to form a socialist
totalitarian government referred to as the “Majestytwelve” (with no space; and “MAJIC”
and “MJ12”) which parallels the twelve disciples. That these people will help initiate a
one-world order with a dictator makes this sole c46e223c91604f420f00e317e74dac09er
the antithesis to Christ, and that all our freedoms will be zapped
Other Secret Societies

Other covert groups exist and impact our lives as much as much as the Illuminati,
Freemasons, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergs, Skull and Bones, TLC, or Council on
Foreign Relations. Examples of some of these lesser known elite groups are:
The Club of Rome;
The Committee of 300 (controls finance, insurance, drug trade, politics, industry,
Philosophers of Fire,
the Group of Eight (G-8);
Rhodes Scholar program;
Black Lodge;
Aspen Institute;
Knights of Malta; World Federalists;
The Circle of Initiates;
Nine Unknown Men;
Lucis Trust;
Tavistock Institute;
British Quator Coronati;
Mumma Group;
Nasi Princes;
Milner Group-Round Table;
World Economic Forum;
Opus Dei;
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn; Rosicrucians;
Knights of the Garter;
the Priory of Zion” (who believe they are of the bloodline of Jesus);
Prince Charles and the Black Nobility of Europe20;
the Thule Society–based on a fifth dimension;
Theosophical Society;
Anthroposophic Society;
The Witches League for Public Awareness;
the Guardians;
Key Fraternity;
Brotherhood of the Snake, and several others not listed here because of space limitations.

World War III is being fought NOW sic. It is being fought with “information warfare”
using various types of warfare already discussed and sophisticated mind control
techniques, propaganda, misinformation, intimidation, manipulation . . . that the old order
be . . . destroyed thoroughly before the “new order”, the Third Wave, the Third
Way.{planet of the apes who took away all freedom from mankind(every see the
movies?) that is the wave we are now in.}
It’s up to each of us as individuals to be aware of these shadow groups and protect our
civil liberties, maintain America as a free and sovereign company, and enforce that the
people in elected positions reflect our views and enact legislation that pays homage to the
U.S. Constitution, instead of their views; likewise, any existing law created by the Elite,
or those mandates about to arise should be eliminated.
Only we can save ourselves
For although they hold a form of piety (truth), they deny and reject and are strangers to
the power of it their conduct belies the genuiness of their profession. Avoid all such
people; turn away from them.”
Bush enacted the core Circles plan dating back to 1917 to impose Martial Law on the
entire country.
Subtitle: Federal Government Centers For Disease Control continues to beat the drum of
Smallpox attack, even though no terrorist has ever claimed to have this capability. Entire
peoples may be “herded into stadiums” and “entire cities quarantined”!
Bush Administration Plan: “Public health officials want to shut down roads and airports,
herd people into sports stadiums and, if needed, quarantine entire cities in the event of a
smallpox attack, according to a plan being forwarded to all 50 governors this week. The
plan, drafted at the request of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, could give states
sweeping new powers.”
New World Order Plan: “… secret societies were planning as far back as 1917 to invent
an artificial threat … in order to bring humanity together in a one-world government
which they call the New World Order.”
QUARANTINE ENTIRE CITIES!As we stated, above, this C.D.C. scenario has had the
effect already of allowing the Federal Government to draw up draconian plans to “fight”
smallpox. Let us go back to this first paragraph of our feature Boston Herald article and
some additional paragraphs in this article, so we can examine exactly what actions the
Federal Government may be carrying out in the future to respond to a crisis planned for a
long, long time.
• “There are times when you may have to evacuate, control facilities and roads and
the distribution of health supplies, and force people to submit to examinations or
be quarantined,’ he said.”Ibid., Boston Herald, 11/8/01
Public health officials want to shut down roads and airports — Numerous Executive
Orders have been signed by Presidents Clinton and Bush that will allow the President and
F.E.M.A. Federal Emergency Management Agency to wield dictatorial power that
includes the authority to seize all forms of transportation, just as this part of the disease
prevention and cure states. This specific scenario will simply provide the rationale to
energize these Executive Orders.
• ” Public health officials want to … herd people into sports stadiums”. When I
thought of “herding” people, I instantly of the obvious connotation of American
citizens to cattle. Listen to the order as they describe the way in which they view
the average citizen.
herd people into sports stadiums Bush is already haveing this builded from canda border
to the mexican border line.
Public health officials want to … quarantine entire cities ” — Once again, we see the
specter of Martial Law being imposed. In the scenario of Mad Cow Disease, we see much
the same type of plan, where farms will be quarantined. What a mess this country would
be in if the farms were quarantined to “protect” against Mad Cow Disease at the same
time the cities were quarantined to “protect” against smallpox!
Furthermore, if these disasters were foisted on the American people simultaneously, the
people might become so distracted they might not notice dissidents being swept up by the
police. In fact, such a sweep just might be made to appear part of the precautions against
the disease. This would be a very slick way in which to dispose of your opposition
without unduly alarming the general population

The overall gist of the plan to take away our liberties

Absolute Panic. We stand on the precipice of planned unmitigated disaster, a disaster so
sweeping and hitting so close to home that the vast majority of Americans will
absolutely, completely panic. This scenario of total panic will consist of a World War III,
Arab Oil Embargo, Economic Collapse, Terrorism in our Cities, Terror in the
Countryside, Natural Disasters, Martial Law throughout the land, and perhaps, even
assassination of our key ership that is so total that the Director of F.E.M.A. might be
“required” to take control.
To combat these terrors, these threats from within and without, we are going to be told
that our liberties and our Constitutional Government are going to have to be temporarily
suspended. But, of course, we will be “assured” that we will get them back just as soon as
these multiple crises are “solved”.
This is a short article we hope every Mason will read before he begins to read any of our
other articles. There is a Masonic organization out there most of you know nothing of,
even if you are a 33rd Degree Mason.
How, you ask, can we both be right? Simply put, Freemasonry is an organization within
an organization. One organization is deliberately lied to and with false interpretations,
while the inner organization knows the spiritual Truth of Freemasonry, and embraces it
with heart, soul, and mind.
Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity — an outer organization concealing an
inner brotherhood of the elect … it is necessary to establish the existence of these two
separate and yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible
society is a splendid camaraderie of ‘free and accepted’ men enjoined to devote
themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The
invisible society is a secret and most August >defined as ‘of majestic dignity, grandeur’
fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcannum
arcandrum >defined as ‘a secret, a mystery’.” Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy
Did you hear these key words from Pike? Masonry is a religion after all, after the order of
the Satanic Mysteries, the equally Satanic Hermetic Philosophy, and Alchemy! Masonry
conceals its secrets from the brethren in the outer visible society, no matter their rank;
only the Elect in the inner invisible society ever know the truth. The poor brethren in the
visible society are spoon-fed “false explanations and misinterpretations” of its symbols”
— for what reason? — those poor guys in the visible society “deserve only to be misc”.
The Totalitarian State, Emphasis was in the original
Notice that this supernatural author described the Freemasons of the Outer, Visible
Fraternity as “Gentile Cattle” which had been deliberately drawn into the Fraternity for
“show” so as to “throw dust in the eyes of their fellows”. It turns out that the Masons of
the Invisible Fraternity think quite lowly of the Masons of the Visible Fraternity!
“Hence the significancy of the phallus, or of its inoffensive substitute, the obelisk, rising
as an emblem of the resurrection by the tomb of buried Deity …” [Morals and Dogma,
Now, you know why you see so many obelisks atop the graves of Freemasons, for it is
“an emblem of the resurrection of buried Deity”; the Invisible Mason believes he is
becoming a god throughout his life, so the obelisk at his grave is simply the visible
manifestation of that belief.
The obelisk was originally created by the Egyptian Mysteries of the Pharaohs
Serpent Worship This is the Invisible Fraternity of Freemasonry, a city must be built by
the Serpents of Wisdom and continually receive their spiritual power if that city is ever to
be great. Masonic American Forefathers built Washington, D.C., to be THE capitol in
world history, unparalleled in occult power and influence. Serpent symbols in our Federal
Mall tell the story!
If this theory is correct then the secret society that I think is most likely to be the one
behind these events is the Nine Unknown Men who were founded in 270 BCE by the
Indian Emporer Asoka. Asoka had founded the Nine Unknown Men to stop technology
from falling into the wrong hands, and to stop society from being destroyed again just
like Atlantis and the Rama Empire.The Nine Unknown Men consist of 9 Ascended
Masters (people who are enlightened spiritually, extremely intelligent, and want to assist
in humanity’s spiritual growth). Alvar Hanso matched this perfectly. The Nine Unknown
Men are also supposed to have 9 books, one book for each member, that has information
on 9 different subjects. These 9 books studied:
1. Propaganda and Psychological Warfare
2. Physiology
3. Microbiology (including advanced biotechnology)
4. Alchemy
5. Communication (especially with extra-terrestrial life)
6. Gravitation (including the construction of the Vimana, an interstellar saucer type
vehicle, and UFOs)
7. Cosmology
8. Light
9. Sociology (including rules concerning evolution of societies and how to predict
The 8 subjects that the Hanso Foundation fund are:
1. Life Extension
2. Electromagnetic Research
3. Quest for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
4. Mathematical Forecasting
5. Cryogenics development
6. Juxtapositional Eugenics
7. Accelerated Remote Viewing
8. The DHARMA Initiative.
The 9th subject (Alchemy) is being studied by Alvar Hanso which is how he funds these
operations.They look kind of similar dont they.The Nine Unknown Men are heavily
immersed in Buddhism and other religions which explains the DHARMA Initiative
(DHARMA comes from Buddhism), the use of the number 108, the I-ching prominence,
the hieroglyphics, and all the culture clash.According to theory in the Buddhist religion,
there is a secret lost land where the Nine Unknown Men conduct their research for the
benefit of mankind as well as keeping it hidden from them. There is also a prophecy
determined by one of the Dharmic wheels (the wheel of time) that refers to an
Armageddon-like cosmological spiritual challenge. It’s a rapture-esqe event that is said to
bring about the end of the world, except for the realm of Shambala is supposed to emerge
and save the world from it. Shambala is the land in Buddhism that is said to be the place
where people of higher life are gaining knowledge and power for this event. Recent belief
speculate that this may be a lost land anywhere in the world, instead of just on top of the
Himalayan mountains. This mystical place is describing the Island, and the Armageddon
like event has huge ties to the Valenzetti equation.The names on the list that the Others
made are probably the people that could become Ascended Masters.
If you think this theory is completly idiotic then try to remember J.J. Abram’s other show
Alias, and how it had stuff to do with secret organizations, a prophecy about the end of
the world, etcThere is a secret society that is said to be the most secretive society in
history. They are also the most powerful and most influencial on humanity. A society
founded by the Indian Emporer Asoka after his conversion to Buddhism. It is called the
“Nine Unknown Men”.
“Nine Unknown Men” was founded to protect and develop knowledge and technology
that would be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands, and have been doing so ever since
270 BCE. The Nine were also charged by Asoka with manipulating the culture of India to
present an image of a backwards and mystically-oriented people to the outside world in
order to conceal the advanced scientific knowledge that was being accumulated within.
Another motivation for Asoka to create this society was because of the alleged distruction
of the Rama Empire (which is similar to Atlantis) by advanced weaponry thousands of
years ago.
The Nine Unknown Men still exist today, sporadically but anonymously assisting
humanity, such as providing the cure for Cholera. It is said to be a secret society that
works quietly for the good of humanity.
Here’s the kicker. Each of the Nine Unknown Men are said to be Ascended Masters.
It gets better. They each have a book to keep. Each book is an accumulation of potentially
hazordous information in nine specific fields. The 9 subjects of these books are as
Propganda and Psychological Warfare
Microbiology (including advanced biotechnology)
Communication (especially with extra-terrestrial life)
Gravitation (including the construction of the Vimana, an interstellar saucer type vehicle)
Society (including rules concerning evolution of societies and how to predict
downfalls)Sound Familiar? I think it does. What are the projects that the Hanso
Foundation is funding again?Life Extension
Electromagnetic Research
Quest for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
Mathematical Forecasting
Cryogenics development
Juxtapositional Eugenics
Accelerated Remote Viewing
The DHARMA Initiative.

The DHARMA initiative is an intentional study of these aspects that the Nine Unknown
Men have to collect data on. The only one of the subjects that the NUM aren’t studying
on the island is Alchemy. That is because Alchemy is Hanso’s book. That’s why he has
unlimited resources and is able to fund an operation like this.The Nine Unknown Men are
also heavy in the Buddhism and other worldly religions. This explains the I-ching
prominance, the use of 108 (as it is a sacred number in Buddhism) and also the
DHARMA ideals. This explains the Heiroglyphics. This explains all the culture clash on
the island.According to theory in the Buddhist religion, there is a secret lost land where
the Nine Unknown Men conduct their research for the benefit of mankind as well as
keeping it hidden from them. There is also a prophecy determined by one of the Dharmic
wheels (the wheel of time) that refers to an armageddon-like cosmolical spiritual
challenge. It’s a rapture-esqe event that is said to bring about the end of the world, except
for the realm of Shambala is supposed to emurge and save the world from it. Shambala is
the land in Buddhism that is said to be the place where people of higher life are gaining
knowledge and power for this event. Recent belief speculate that this may be a lost land
anywhere in the world, instead of just on top of the Himalayan mountains. The Island is
the protectorate of this information, and also the prophecized land referred to in Buddhist
belief. That’s why there is a security system to it, because the survivors arent supposed to
be allowed to venture towards the secrets being held there.Reviewing the mission
statement with the congruencies highlighted…Driven by a need for privacy and a deep-
seated sense of humility, Alvar Hanso has released few details of his personal life to the
public. He first made his mark during the Second World War, providing munitions to
various resistance movements around Europe. After the War, Hanso became the purveyor
of high-technology armaments for NATO.
After decades of keeping the world safe through the development of sophisticated
weapons systems, Hanso turned his attention to critical areas of science and technology -
always searching for new ways to improve the human experience, and create a brighter
future for all humanity.
The Vimana is an ancient flying craft said to have been used in ancient India/Egypt. It is
also said to be one of the secrets contained in book 6 (gravitation) held by the Nine
Unknown Men. An ancient manuscript describes how to build the Vimana is said to is
said to build a device that gives…
“The secret of constructing aeroplanes,
which will not break, which cannot be
cut, will not catch fire, and cannot be
The secret of making planes motionless.
The secret of making planes invisible.
The secret of hearing conversations and
other sounds in enemy planes.
The secret of receiving photographs of
the interior of enemy planes.
The secret of ascertaining the direction
of enemy planes approach.
The secret of making persons in enemy
planes lose consciousness.
The secret of destroying enemy planes.
Sound like a Vimana has the ability to protect the island, but it also has the means to
bring planes and other mediums down. I bet what we saw in the preview for “Lockdown”
where Locke hears talking in the speaker is the Vimana detecting communication in a
craft coming close to the island, and the “hatch” starts acting up because it is going to do
whatever is necessary to protect the island from this nearby threat.
It is said to run off of the propulsion of electromagnetism.
The hatch is a Vimana…It has all the elements of being so, including the airtight seal to
it. The Vimana is supposed to be able to travel through air, space, and underwater. After
all, it does have a “hatch”, which any vessel meant to travel through a different medium
than land has. Hanso let DHARMA use it as a lab until someone contacted the outside
world revealing some of the secrets held NUM, causing whatever to happen that
dismantled DHARMA entirely. The geodesic dome that the computer is in would be the
“bridge” of the Vimana, like it is said to have in ancient writings.
Some other specific intentions are unclear, but that is what the island is, what the
DHARMA initiative is, and who Alvar Hanso is. If you think it sounds idiotic, picture
And if you think its idiotic, think about Alias, J.J. Abram’s other brain child. What did it
involve plot wise that was completely out of the ordinary.
-A prophecy of the end of the world
-The prophecy coming from a dead man who predicted events perfectly 500 years in
-secret organizations and societies hiding it
-huge historical congruencies.
This sounds like an idea that J.J. Abrams would definitely come up with.
Do the Nine Unknown Men exist today?.

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