Anfis Analysis

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Table 1.

ANFIS information

Item Description

Training RMSE 0.038868

No. of nodes 193

No. of linear parameters 405

No. of nonlinear parameters 36

Total no. of parameters 441

No. of training data pairs 21

No. of checking data pairs 0

No. of fuzzy rules 81

Optimization tool hybrid

Fig 1. ANFIS Model Structure

Figure 1 shows the ANFIS Model structure. It is modeled based on the number of input
membership functions. inputmf corresponds to the membership function of the input while outputmf
corresponds to the output membership functions.
Fig 2. 4 Input Fuzzy Inference System

Figure 2 displays the fuzzy inference system used in this study. Each component of the YCbCr was used
together with the pixel count for inputs.

Figures 3 – 5 shows the membership functions for each input. This type of membership function was
used because it yields the lowest error.

Fig 3. Y input with 3 Membership Functions

Fig 4. Cb input with 3 Membership Functions.

Fig 5. Cr input with 3 Membership Functions.

Fig 6. Pixel Count input with 3 Membership Functions.

Figures 7 – 9 shows the response of the system based on two parameters. Figure 7 displays Y vs Cb,
Figure 8 displays Cb vs Cr and Figure 9 displays Cr vs Y. Figure 10 shows the response of the system
based on the pixel count alone.
Fig 7. Y vs Cb vs Output Surface Plot

Fig 8. Cb vs Cr vs Output Surface Plot

Fig 9. Cr vs Y vs Output Surface Plot

Fig 10. Pixel Count vs Output plot.

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