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Million Dollar Arm

1. JB gets into the status report right away after reaching India.
2. Vivek says that everything is running smoothly, but flyers, t-shirt, equipment are not
completely ready.
3. Warehouse guy does not take bribe in office but in the street.
4. Indians good at spreading word.
5. Dont need written contract for tv studio
6. Culture at the winning contestant’s villages. Performances, groups, families, emotions.
7. Contestants nodding heads sideways to denote yes but JB does not understand.
8. Contestants say that why does JB needs to hustle all the time
9. Contestants cannot perform. JB says that a positive environment has to be created for them.
Players become better.
10. JB slept a Brenda’s house. Contestants say that they should marry her. JB says that it is not
like that in America
11. At dinner together, they all pray. Adapt to American culture
12. During morning prayer by players, JB joins them
Gung Ho (1986)

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