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“You know, Jim, if there’s one thing I love about Blood Bowl it’s
the diversity.” BOB’S LOCKER ROOM BANTER
“How do you mean, Bob?” There are so many teams these days, some more unique
“Well, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a scum-sucking Goblin or a than others. For example, as far as I know, the Darkmoor
deranged Minotaur, a namby-pamby Elf or a stinkin’ Beastman, you Degenerates are the only currently active Fimir
can strap on some pads and be part of the greatest sport around.” team. Then there’s the Southstorm Squids,
“I’ll be honest, Bob, from the way you’re talking, it doesn’t sound who used to be a team of Sea Elves until
like you’re as big a fan of diversity as you make out.” that hostile takeover by a bunch of slimy
“That’s just the way I talk. You should know that by now, you fish-men…
pasty-faced bloodsucker!”
“…I suppose you do have a point, Bob.”

Goblins are cruel, callous and uncouth, with a juvenile sense FAMOUS GOBLIN TEAMS
of humour and a wicked imagination dedicated to discovering The Lowdown Rats: ‘Famous’ is a word that implies a
new ways of hurting others without getting hurt themselves. level of prestige, and as such it’s not normally associated with
This tends to make them better Blood Bowl fans than players, Goblin teams. However, the Lowdown Rats definitely have
and indeed Goblin fans have a solid reputation throughout a certain… erm… notoriety. They approach Blood Bowl in
the Old World for turning up hours before the match, the same way that a pack of mangy wolves might approach
getting drunk, starting fights (as long as they outnumber the a tasty-looking thundertusk – with sneakiness, ferocity and
opposition at least two to one), singing lewd and insulting relentless optimism. Their fans are a loyal bunch, who have
songs at the tops of their voices, and generally causing trouble stuck with the team through thick and thin, and live in
wherever they go. endless hope that one day they might win a game.

As for the teams themselves, well… a Goblin team’s game The Scarcrag Snivellers: The Snivellers made a decision
plan owes much more to hope than potential. Goblins can a long time ago to make an attempt at playing Blood Bowl
make quite good catchers because they are small and agile, without all the sneaky tricks employed by most Goblin
and are therefore able to dodge through gaps in the opposing teams. Eleven Goblins line up at the start of the match –
line where larger players could not get through. Throwing no Trolls, no Secret Weapons – and do their very best to
the ball, on the other hand, is not an art that Goblins have last at least a couple of drives before they’re stomped into
ever really mastered, and so it is not uncommon for a Goblin the ground. Bizarrely, this doesn’t always go as badly as it
receiver to go an entire match without being thrown the ball. probably should! Maybe they’re blessed by Nuffle for their
Most teams improve their throwing game by recruiting one puritan approach, or maybe the other teams take pity on
or more Trolls. Admittedly, these lumbering simpletons aren’t them, or maybe they’re just incredibly lucky – no one knows,
very good at throwing the ball either, but they’re very good but somehow, the Snivellers seem to make it from season to
at picking up Goblins (who may or may not be holding the season without being utterly wiped out. Good for them!
ball) and chucking them into the opposition’s half of the pitch.
Creative solutions are often the best! The Greenboyz: Although most Goblin teams make
hilariously effective use of Secret Weapons to even the
The fact that Goblin teams win even the occasional match odds, the Greenboyz elevated their use to an art form.
can be attributed to one factor: their extensive, flagrant use Unfortunately, the team’s career came to a spectacular
of ‘secret’ weapons. From chainsaws to pogo sticks to satchels end in 2492 with the unveiling of the Monstrous Mangler,
full of explosives, there’s very little a Goblin team won’t use intended to be the last word in Secret Weapons. When it
to gain an advantage on the pitch. They’re also known to be was activated it definitely mangled, and there can be no
incredibly efficient when it comes to fouling – Dirty ’Arris, doubt that what followed was monstrous, but the Greenboyz
who is still looked up to by bribe-happy Gobbos across the were presumably expecting it to roll towards the opposition
land, actually perfected the art of belabouring a downed before it fulfilled its purpose. Still! They ended their career
opponent with a large bag of gold, then releasing it in one doing what they loved, and to this day any number of young
smooth motion so it landed neatly at the ref’s feet… Goblins have a treasured Greenboyz poster on their wall.
Team Colours: Black and purple
Owner / Head Coach: Boz Blacklung
Players: Goblins, Trolls

The Lowdown Rats are one of the least successful famous teams, with an astounding loss streak of 247 games. Their
playbook is legendary – every play is some variant on ‘hit the other team until they fall over, then hit them some more’.

2473 Hapless Gobbo Boz Blacklung, sick of getting kicked around while playing for various Orc teams, decides to
start a team of his own. The Lowdown Rats are born, and – if Blacklung’s power-mad raving is to be believed
– they’re sure-fire winners of Blood Bowl XIV.
2474 The Lowdown Rats are nowhere to be seen at Blood Bowl XIV, having spent the season at the bottom of the
table. Blacklung says their time will come and tells the fans to keep an eye out for next season!
2481 The Rats still have yet to win a game.
2483 The Lowdown Rats beat the Averheim Archers 2-1! Rioting breaks out between confused fans of both teams,
none of whom feel at all comfortable with this turn of events. Following an official review, the result is changed
in the Archers’ favour due to excessive cheating. Both sides’ fans calm down, shake hands and head home.
Present The Lowdown Rats have given up trying to win, devoting themselves instead to becoming the meanest, filthiest
team out there. In a recent game against the famously dirty Orcland Raiders, Orc Blitzer Killgit Toofrippa
actually shook Blacklung’s hand after the game and congratulated him on putting together such a dirty team.
Team Honours: None.
Hall or Fame: Figgit Spleenpuncher, Norgit No-nose, Dug ‘Elbows’ Snitchit
Spike! Magazine Team Rating: 47 points

Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Goblins 40,000 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty A GSP
0-1 Bomma 40,000 6 2 3 7 Bombardier, Dodge, A GSP
Secret Weapon, Stunty
0-1 Looney 40,000 6 2 3 7 Chainsaw, Secret Weapon, A GSP
0-1 Fanatic 70,000 3 7 3 7 Ball & Chain, No Hands, S GAP
Secret Weapon, Stunty
0-1 Doom Diver 60,000 6 2 3 7 Right Stuff, Stunty, Swoop A GSP
0-1 Pogoer 70,000 7 2 3 7 Dodge, Leap, Stunty, A GSP
Very Long Legs
0-1 ’Ooligan 70,000 6 2 3 7 Disturbing Presence, A GSP
Dodge, Fan Favourite,
Right Stuff, Stunty
0-2 Trolls 110,000 4 5 1 9 Always Hungry, Loner, S GAP
Mighty Blow, Really
Stupid, Regeneration,
Throw Team-mate
0-8 Re-roll counters 60,000 gold pieces each


Goblin teams are legendarily unscrupulous, and tend to have to exert their influence on match officials! In league play,
their grubby little fingers in everything from organised crime Goblin teams can purchase Bribe inducements for half price,
to bootleg merchandise. What’s more, they’re not afraid paying 50,000 gold pieces rather than 100,000 gold pieces.

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