(NST) Subproduct CV - IT

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Place and Date of Birth: Brazil | 17 May 1991

Address: World Street, 1234, City, Brazil

Phone: +55 [ Code + Cellphone ]

Email: [ Here you put your AIESEC mail, name.surname@aiesec.net ]

Skype: [ your Skype account ]

[Year – Year] [College Name] [City, ST]

 Bachelor in Computer Sciente – Graduated in 2012

1. Don’t forget to identify which is your primary computer skill used in each professional
experience. This will show to the TN Manager in which languages you really have experience
and this will make the process more focused and faster.
2. Identify how long did you worked in each place.
3. You don’t need to put just experiences in companies. If you have any experience in projects
in university, cientific iniciation or freelancer add here.

[Year – Year] Exxon Mobil [City, ST]

Software Analyst
 Development of script shells
 Monitoring mailboxes and queues
 Solving user issues
Primary computer skill used: Java

[Year – Year] Siemens Enterprise Communications [City, ST]

Trainee Software Analyst

 Maintenance and special handle of jobs flow in batch scheduling
 Production Support of international credit risk systems which involves
development of scripts shells and queries in SQL
Primary computer skill used: Javascript

[Year – Year] Siemens Enterprise Communications [City, ST]

 Software maintenance and upgrade for one of Siemens’ VoIP load
testing Tools
 Work included optimization of multi-threaded Java code
 Implementation of different network protocols
Primary computer skill used: C++
[Year – Year] [City, ST]

 Front-End, Back-End and Mobile Development
Primary computer skill used: HTML

1. Don’t forget to put your mother language;
2. If you have proficiency in any language put here this information;
3. Just put here the languages that you already studied at least 6 months. Don’t forget that
they can test everything that you put here during your interview.

• Portuguese - Native

• English - Fluent - Upper Proficiency Course in English

• German - Basic Knowledge

1. In this area just put the computer skills that you really have experience working with in
companies or projects in University. Numbers doesn’t matter here, they want to know which
are the languages that you are really specialized.

HTML, SQL, PASCAL, C, C + +, Java and Javascript

Technology, Travelling, Tennis, Movies, Reading and Programming

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