The Child-Friendly Healthcare Initiative (CFHI) : Healthcare Provision in Accordance With The UN Convention On The Rights of The Child

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The Child-Friendly Healthcare Initiative (CFHI): Healthcare Provision in

Accordance With the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Implemented by Child Advocacy International with the technical support of the Department of Child and
Adolescent Health and Development of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Royal College of
Nursing (UK), the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (UK), and in collaboration with the
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

David P. Southall, OBE, MD, FRCP, FRCPCH*; Sue Burr, OBE, RN, FRCN‡;
Robert D. Smith, CMG, MA, FRSA§; David N. Bull, MSc§; Andrew Radford储;
Anthony Williams, MBBS, DPhil, FRCPCH¶; and Sue Nicholson, MB, FRCP, FRCPCH, FRIPHH, DCH#

ABSTRACT. Objective. Although modern medical implementation of the pilot scheme in 6 countries. In
technology and treatment regimens in well-resourced hospitals providing maternity and newborn infant care,
countries have improved the survival of sick or injured the program will be closely linked with the Baby
children, most of the world’s families do not have access Friendly Hospital Initiative of WHO/UNICEF that aims
to adequate health care. Many hospitals in poorly re- to strengthen support for breastfeeding. Pediatrics 2000;
sourced countries do not have basic water and sanitation, 106:1054 –1064; United Nations Children’s Fund, United
a reliable electricity supply, or even minimal security. Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, child pro-
The staff, both clinical and nonclinical, are often under- tection, breastfeeding, pain control, palliative care, child
paid and sometimes undervalued by their communities. abuse.
In many countries there continues to be minimal, if any,
pain control, and the indiscriminate use of powerful
ABBREVIATIONS. UNICEF, United Nations Children’s Fund;
antibiotics leads to a proliferation of multiresistant WHO, World Health Organization; BFHI, Baby Friendly Hospital
pathogens. Even in well-resourced countries, advances in Initiative; CFHI, Child Friendly Healthcare Initiative; UNCRC,
health care have not always been accompanied by com- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child; CAI, Child
mensurate attention to the child’s wider well-being and Advocacy International; EACH, European Association for Chil-
sufficient concerns about their anxieties, fears, and suf- dren in Hospital.
In accordance with the United Nations Convention on

the Rights of the Child,1 the proposals set out in this
n 1991 the United Nations Children’s Fund
article aim to develop a system of care that will focus on (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization
the physical, psychological, and emotional well-being of (WHO) introduced the Baby Friendly Hospital
children attending health care facilities, particularly as Initiative (BFHI)2 to improve the care given to moth-
inpatients. ers and infants and to increase the prevalence of
Design of the Program. To develop in consultation breastfeeding. Breastfeeding, particularly in disad-
with local health care professionals and international vantaged countries, reduces malnutrition and infec-
organizations, globally applicable standards that will tion and, thereby, infant mortality and morbidity.3,4
help to ensure that practices in hospitals and health The Child Friendly Healthcare Initiative (CFHI)
centers everywhere respect children’s rights, not only to
has broader concerns and will build on the BFHI to
survival and avoidance of morbidity, but also to their
protection from unnecessary suffering and their in- facilitate a process by which child health services, in
formed participation in treatment. both hospital and other health care institutions, will
Child Advocacy International will liase closely with become more child-focused and subject to sustain-
the Department of Child and Adolescent Health and able improvements. In many parts of the world, ef-
Development of the World Health Organization (WHO) forts to improve the clinical management of child-
and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the hood illnesses are only just getting underway. The
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness pro-
From *Child Advocacy International and the Department of Paediatrics,
gram of WHO/UNICEF is an excellent example of
Keele University, Keele, United Kingdom; ‡Department of Paediatric Nurs- one approach to improving child survival, particu-
ing, Royal College of Nursing, London, United Kingdom; §United Kingdom larly applicable to programs in the community.5 This
Committee, United Nations Children’s Fund, London, United Kingdom; article focuses on the development of a pilot project
储United Nations Children’s Fund United Kingdom Baby Friendly Initiative,
that aims to establish minimum standards of health
London, United Kingdom; ¶Department of Neonatal Paediatrics, St
Georges Hospital Medical School, London, United Kingdom; and the care in hospitals and other institutions, particularly
#Child Friendly Healthcare Initiative, Child Advocacy International. those where children are inpatients.
Received for publication Jun 11, 1999; accepted Feb 3, 2000. We recognize that a health facility cannot imple-
Reprint requests to (D.P.S.) Child Advocacy International, 79 Springfield ment these standards unless there is security in the
Rd, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 6RY, United Kingdom. E-mail:
surrounding area, clean water, a reliable power sup-
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2000 by the American Acad- ply, adequate waste disposal systems, supportive
emy of Pediatrics. financial strategies, and the necessary human re-

1054 PEDIATRICS Vol. 106 No. 5 November 2000

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sources. These are priorities and advocacy for their (see reference 17 for the report of CAI on the care
presence, before attempting an introduction of the available in the primary Children’s Hospital in Af-
standards of this initiative, may be mandatory. How- ghanistan). The present initiative is funded by the
ever, much can be done with the better use of exist- National Lotteries Board of the United Kingdom.
ing resources. Unnecessary suffering caused by lack
of respect for human rights, inadequate pain control, Examples of Limitations in the Health Facility
or hospital-acquired infection can be alleviated with Lack of security, including, for example, the pres-
additional staff training, a change in attitude, and a ence of arms within hospital wards
redistribution and/or more effective use of existing Lack of water and sanitation or failure, despite
resources. these, to keep the hospital clean
Even in well-resourced countries, advances in Absence of safety policies, for instance, with re-
medical and surgical knowledge have not always spect to fires
been accompanied by an equivalent attention to the Lack of basic drugs and medical supplies needed
child’s broader physical and psychosocial needs (the to provide a minimum standard of care
needs of the child as a whole).6 –16 There can be a
tendency to focus on systems of the body ignoring Examples of Limitations in the Performance of Staff
the effects of the treatment and associated experi-
Inadequate basic nursing and medical training
ences (for instance, separation from family in an
with respect to the needs of children
unfamiliar environment) on the child’s physical and
Lack of postgraduate medical education
emotional well-being.
Inadequate salaries for professionals
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of
the Child1 (UNCRC) makes it clear that there is a
duty on states to provide adequate health care for
Examples of Inappropriate Medical Practices
children as well as to ensure that in receiving this
care that they are protected from harmful practices Failure to control pain because of misplaced fears
and discrimination. This pilot initiative is based on of addiction and difficulties in the control of opiates
the UNCRC. (Fig 1)
Poor attention to effective hand-washing practices
BACKGROUND The use of muscle paralysis without sedation/
WHO and other international organizations are analgesia
involved in activities to improve the quality of inpa- Excessive use of intramuscular injections
tient care (for instance in relation to safe mother- Indiscriminate use of powerful antibiotics
hood) in hospitals in poorly resourced countries. In
the field of child health care, appropriately, most Lack of Respect and Sensitivity for the Child
nongovernmental organizations and UNICEF devote Separation of the child from parents after admis-
their attention to community programs. Child Advo- sion and, particularly, during invasive procedures
cacy International (CAI), the implementing agency An environment that is frightening to the child
for the piloting of this initiative, specifically aims to Failure to respect the child’s need for privacy or to
support local pediatricians and nurses in the provi- preserve his/her dignity18
sion of higher standards of hospital care for children Failure to explain the illness and its treatment to
in the state hospitals of poorly resourced countries the child and/or parent18

Fig 1. This child has a neuroblastoma. Some

surgery has been undertaken, but there are no
chemotherapy programs available/affordable
for the vast majority of children with cancer in
this country (it has been estimated that 90% of
children in the world do not have access to
such programs). Of more importance is the
lack of available pain control (paracetamol was
the strongest analgesic available for children
in this extremely poorly resourced state hospi-
tal). There is no palliative care available and
little communication between the hospital and
the poorly developed community health ser-
vices. The mother gave consent for this photo-
graph to be taken.

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The use of devices such as straitjackets, straps, or Kingdom, are at an advanced stage, although the
ties to secure a conscious child for invasive proce- final decision on sites for the pilot is to be confirmed.
dures As the program develops, it will be tracked within
an Internet web site (www.childfriendlyhealthcare.
Regularly mothers are separated from children as
org), thus making the changes in the initiative acces-
they are admitted to the hospital, for example, in
sible and observable to collaborating partners and
many of the countries of Eastern Europe and Asia. A
other interested parties.
study of neonatal intensive care unit policies as re-
To avoid a worsening of morale, particularly with
cently as 1996 in Europe, showed one country where
respect to the impossibility in the short-term of
only 11% of units had unrestricted parental visiting
achieving certain standards because of local or na-
and another where only 19% of units explicitly in-
tional social/economic/political issues, accredita-
volved parents in decision-making.19 Conscious chil-
tion, if that is appropriate, will occur in stages and
dren in many hospitals around the world are tied to
for each individual standard (for example, certifi-
beds in order for care givers to undertake invasive
cates of commitment, progress award, full award).
procedures (albeit procedures that may be essential
Any final accreditation process will depend on the
for treating the child). The WHO Regional Director
progress of the pilot project, during which no actual
for Europe in the Forward to the Report of the WHO
accreditations are anticipated.
commissioned study of “Care of Children in Hospi-
tal” states,20 “The care of children in hospitals ranges In Hospitals With Combined Services for New
from the very good to the horrifying. . . . There is Mothers, Newborn Infants, and Sick Children
clear lack of awareness in a surprisingly large num- The WHO/UNICEF BFHI will be promoted in the
ber of hospitals of the special need, not only to cater maternity unit and the CFHI in those areas con-
for children’s technical, medical, and nursing needs, cerned with providing health services for children.
but also to minimize the adverse effects of being It will be possible for the BFHI to be undertaken
separated from their families and exposed to fright- and assessed independently in such hospitals. How-
ening experiences that are all too often magnified by ever, for a hospital that has a maternity unit within it
the child’s lack of forewarning.” to be designated Child Friendly, it will first be nec-
In many countries, particularly those with good essary for it to have implemented the Ten Steps to
resources, some of the above problems have been Successful Breastfeeding2 in full and be accredited by
addressed. In the United Kingdom this has occurred WHO/UNICEF as Baby Friendly.
primarily through the activities of Action for Sick
Children,21,22 which since 1961 has worked to meet In Hospitals Providing Facilities for Children But
the psychosocial needs of children receiving health Without a Maternity Unit
care.23 Their actions were supported initially by in- Here the CFHI can be developed without the Baby
dividual pediatricians and pediatric nurses and later Friendly program.
by the Royal College of Nursing,24,25 the Audit Com-
mission,26 the United Kingdom Departments of In Community Health Centers
Health,27,28 and the British Paediatric Association.29 Here the CFHI will be implemented alongside the
Similar organizations now exist in 17 European Baby Friendly Initiative’s 7 Point Plan for the Protec-
countries and since 1993 have been strengthened by tion, Promotion, and Support of Breastfeeding in
the establishment of the European Association for Community Health Care Settings (UNICEF UK Baby
Children in Hospital (EACH) and the publication of Friendly Initiative, 1998) or guidelines of an equiva-
its charter.30 Most EACH member countries have lent standard that may already have been produced
sent the charter to hospitals admitting children in in some countries by professional and voluntary or-
their own countries and it has now been translated ganizations.
into 20 languages and this year has been issued in
Japanese and Chinese. Other Institutions
However, in many health care institutions, much Children may also be accommodated in institu-
remains to be done in fully implementing these rec- tions not designated as hospitals but that, neverthe-
ommendations. A multifaceted approach with pro- less, have responsibility for their care and well-being.
fessionals and families working together toward the Such institutions may include residential homes for
same goals can be a powerful force for change. This those with learning difficulties or physical disabili-
initiative requires insight into the needs of individual ties. Children in such institutions may be particularly
children and their families and is in harmony with vulnerable to neglect or abuse. We argue that such
the essential elements of clinical and resource man- institutions are rarely the most suitable places for the
agement. care and treatment of children. However, we cannot
IMPLEMENTATION ignore their existence and should seek to ensure that
The pilot project will research existing situations in they too are able and encouraged to commit them-
each of 6 countries and develop methods for accred- selves to the standards of the CFHI.
iting each participating hospital, using methodology
similar to that successfully developed for the WHO/ Details of the New Initiative
UNICEF BFHI. Discussions with professionals in In collaboration with pediatric colleagues in the
hospitals, with governmental and intergovernmental United Kingdom and a number of disadvantaged
agencies in the 6 countries, including the United countries in which CAI has been working (Uganda,


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Nicaragua, Afghanistan, and Bosnia), the working 8. Developed to identify minimum standards
party of the CFHI has developed 12 provisional stan- 9. Introduced by nominated key workers (coordi-
dards, although these and the means of implement- nators) identified by the health facility within a
ing them are open to adaptation and amendment in framework of individual responsibility and ac-
the light of comments received, discussions with countability and with support as necessary by
partner institutions, and the evaluation of the pilot the project/program team
schemes. The relevant applicable sections of the 10. Sustainable
UNCRC are given in italics next to each standard. 11. Coordinated with and/or harness any existing
The approach that we are developing will encour- internal or external governmental or nongovern-
age each hospital or health center, intending to qual- mental efforts
ify for the awards, first to audit its practices in rela- 12. Advocating for children at all levels
tion to each standard proposed. It could then 13. Aiming to encourage optimal care and care de-
develop a Child Friendly Policy Statement consistent livery, good communication at all levels, and the
with those standards identified/developed as appro- protection of children at the same time as avoid-
priate for the cultural and other socioeconomic cir- ing unnecessary fear and anxiety
cumstances prevalent in each country and indicating
its practical commitment to the principles of the STANDARD 1 (UNCRC, ARTICLES 9, 24, AND 25)
CFHI and UNCRC. The senior children’s nurse and As much health care as possible should be pro-
doctor for the hospital/health center should be fa- vided in the home and community. Children should
miliar with this policy. S/he should be able to de- be admitted to and kept in hospital or other residen-
scribe how staff is made aware of it and trained in its tial health care institution only when this is clearly in
implementation. the best interests of the child.
The policy should be available to all who have
contact with children (including theater and radio- Implementation31
graph staff, ward cleaners). It could be appropriate to
The following criteria are suggested to support
exhibit the policy in all areas of the hospital/health
this standard:
center/institution that serve children, including de-
partments, wards, and diagnostic and waiting areas. 1. A mission statement
These will include medical, surgical, ear, nose, and 2. An admissions policy
throat, orthopedic, ophthalmic, and plastic surgical 3. A daily review policy
areas, outpatients, accident and emergency, and the 4. A discharge policy
radiograph department. The policy would be dis- 5. A discharge plan for each individual child de-
played in the language(s) most commonly under- signed for community health professionals
stood by children, parents, and staff. It should be (when present)
written in ways appropriate for children and parents 6. A discharge plan for each individual child de-
of different educational attainments. Training that signed for the parents
ensures that all staff are aware of and can practice the 7. A rapid-response outpatient service that assesses
finally agreed standards should be in place. and only admits the child when absolutely es-
sential for their well-being. There should be open
PROPOSED STANDARDS AND PRELIMINARY access to inpatient facilities, independent of the
CRITERIA FOR THEIR ADOPTION parent’s ability to pay for care
The 12 standards need to be implemented in con- 8. Day care facilities for treatment and observation
cordance with the UNCRC and tested as such. Poli- with children able to go home if their condition is
cies within the standards will need to be: satisfactory
9. Community/hospital outreach care32
1. Within existing state legislation 10. The development of social welfare provision
2. Within the resources of the country linked to the hospital that includes a safe foster-
3. Acceptable to religious and ethnic wishes of the ing service for abandoned children or those in
community need of protection and care (if a parent or other
4. In a language and at a level of understanding, family member cannot safely provide this)
appropriate to the recipients 11. Continuing advocacy by health professionals to
5. Developed and owned jointly in each health fa- government and other authoritative bodies to
cility by project members, health care workers, phase out institutions that provide long-term
and families. In many disadvantaged countries health care for children (particularly those with
where there is poor access to health care services disabilities), moving instead to supported care
there is a need to strengthen linkages with fam- within the home, extended family home, or fos-
ily- and community-based integrated efforts to ter home
improve the health of children (refer to a recent 12. Financial strategies to support these criteria,
workshop in Durban, South Africa, 20 –23 June preferably within existing budgets if at all possi-
2000 entitled “Improving Children’s Health and ble
Nutrition in Communities”).
6. Readily available to all involved The key workers include lead children’s doctor,
7. Linked to training of existing health care workers lead children’s nurse, and manager (if different) of
and those in training children’s services.

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STANDARD 2 (UNCRC, ARTICLE 3) • Hygienic food preparation
The environment in the health care facility should • That appropriate clothing is worn by staff for
be secure, safe, scrupulously clean, and child- and differing venues and situations (to ensure that
family-centered avoiding the inducement of fear and uniforms/other clothing/jewelry do not cause
anxiety in the child. or spread infection)
• Isolation of specific conditions
8. Specific infection control policies to protect pa-
The following criteria are suggested to support tients and staff from:
this standard: • Human immunodeficiency virus infection and
1. A mission statement hepatitis
2. A child centered/friendly environment (décor, • Outbreaks of communicable infection
facilities, attitudes—see also standards 3 and 8) • Antibiotic-resistant organisms
3. A security policy to cover: 9. High-quality food taking account of dietary pref-
• Grounds erences, including those linked to cultural, reli-
• Hospital entrances gious or moral commitments, and special foods
• Wards for children with malnutrition or failure to thrive
• All other areas used by children, families, and 10. Policies regarding the routes of administration of
staff medication that should be discussed with par-
4. Safety policies to cover: ents and the child. Intramuscular injections
• Fire should only be given in emergency. When given
• Stairs rectally, verbal consent should be obtained from
• Windows parent and child (if appropriate)
• Hazards associated with poor maintenance of
buildings, internal decoration, fixtures, and To provide the above, systems to ensure provision
fittings and maintenance of electricity (and backup) and ap-
• Protection from cigarette smoke propriate and adequate temperature control in the
• Adverse effects that may be associated with facility are paramount.
the promotional activities of drug, food, and The key workers include managers of utilities, fa-
equipment manufacturers cilities and hotel services, hygiene promotion coor-
• Waste disposal (see hygiene/sanitation) dinator, and microbiologist/infection control coordi-
• Safe disposal of needles and needle stick inju- nator.
• Safe storage and usage of drugs—see standard STANDARD 3 (UNCRC, ARTICLES 9 AND 31)
The health care facility will permit and encourage
• Antimalarial measures (where appropriate)
a parent to stay with their child and accompany and
• Vetting of all staff suitability to work with
support their child during procedures. The facility
children (see standard 10)
will involve the parent in all aspects of the care and
5. Effective cleaning policies (that include methods,
keep them informed about the child’s illness.
frequency, materials, appropriate disinfectants
and dilutions, and sterilization where necessary)
to cover: Implementation
• Rodent and pest control in all areas The following criteria are suggested to support
• Grounds this standard:
• Buildings— entrances, corridors, wards, labo-
ratories, theaters, and all other areas (floors, 1. A mission statement encouraging parents to stay
walls, ceilings, fittings, and fixtures) with and support their child
• Sinks, toilets, baths, showers, etc 2. Written advice on the facilities available and any
• Kitchens and food storage facilities policies for their use (for instance in a ward book
• Equipment and/or leaflets)
• Laundry 3. Achievable minimum standard facilities for the
6. Maintenance systems to cover: resident parent/care taker that include:
• Buildings • A bed to lie down on at night
• Décor • A dedicated, private area for relaxation, and/or
• Fittings and fixtures for breaking bad news (see also standard 4)
• Utilities • A storage facility for personal possessions
• Equipment • Food and drink provision
7. Hygiene/sanitation/infection control policies to • Facility for safe storage of own food and drink
ensure: • Facility to heat up own or hospital-prepared
• Adequate and safe water food
• Adequate and safe sanitation • Facility to prepare hot or cold drinks
• Adequate and safe waste disposal • Financial assistance for hospital prepared food
• Effective and appropriate hand-washing for or drinks where necessary
all professional and nonprofessional staff, res- • A health care worker with responsibility for
ident parents, visitors, and patients coordinating the needs of families


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4. Verbal and written information and advice for ries and illnesses (eg, IMCI guidelines, WHO),5
parents explaining specific procedures and how “management of the child with a serious infection
they can help their child during these (venepunc- or malnutrition” (WHO),34 “a manual of health
ture, insertion of venous catheters, etc)—for in- care for children in hospitals; provision of mini-
stance in a ward book (see also standard 4) mum standards” (Child Advocacy Internation-
5. Written policies for parents to explain what will al)35
happen to their child before and after surgery and 3. Regarding health care professionals, the health
how they can help their child—for instance in a care facility should have systems in place to:
ward book (overlap standard 4) • Facilitate/provide continuing professional
6. Consent policies for investigations, procedures, education and development, including inter-
and surgery active scenario-based teaching programs (see
7. A breastfeeding policy for parents who are still Fig 2)
breastfeeding their child or a sibling, and the fa- • Identify all health care workers and their posi-
cilities and human resource to support this (see tion (eg, all staff to have badges displaying
also standard 12) name, area of work, profession, and grade if
8. Assistance for travel where financial circum- applicable)
stances prevent a parent/caregiver staying with • Ensure validation of professional qualifications
or visiting their child33 • Provide ongoing performance monitoring with
The key workers include the coordinator of family measures in place to detect and correct any
needs, lead children’s doctor and nurse, manager of poor practice
children’s service, and the breastfeeding coordinator. • Support staff and sustain their morale
• Facilitate peer review and professional audit of
STANDARD 4 (UNCRC, ARTICLES 6, 24, AND 31) medical practice
The health facility will provide the highest possi- 4. With regard to drugs, the health facility should
ble standard of care for the child. have in place and available to parents (see also
standard 6):
Implementation • An essential children’s drug list (for instance of
The following criteria are suggested to support WHO or CAI35)
this standard: • General guidelines for drug administration
• Guidelines for the administration of specific
1. A mission statement drugs (eg, opiates)
2. Use of international and evidence-based guide- 5. Compliance with minimum internationally ac-
lines for the management and treatment of inju- cepted standards for the provision of nutrition

Fig 2. Two midwives from the labor ward at Mulago Hospital in Kampala, Uganda undergoing training in bag and mask ventilation as
part of a neonatal resuscitation course run by pediatricians from the hospital (one of whom is Dr Margaret Nakakeeto, right).

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6. An ethics committee to ensure that all research of access into and out of hospital buildings/
and selected aspects of clinical care are subject to departments and appropriate aids
scientific and ethical review 6. Systems to explain to children the care being
7. Clinical support services, staffed and maintained given in an appropriate way for age, understand-
to a standard recommended by WHO ing, and language
8. Minimum statistical data collection as recom- 7. Policies to seek the child’s views on, and to con-
mended by WHO firm their understanding of, the care given in a
9. Information for parents/child. The health facility language and manner that they can understand
should keep parents and the child if appropriate 8. Specific policies for adolescents that recognize
informed in a language and way that they can their different needs
understand by: 9. Identified named health professional staff re-
• Using interpreters when necessary (avoiding sponsible for each individual child’s care at all
the use of relatives/friends to translate where times
possible) 10. Systems to ensure that staff are aware of, and
• Having standards for communication that in- provide support for, if appropriate, any specific
clude written guidelines/policies on communi- personal tragedies or life events affecting a child
cating with parents and ongoing staff training 11. A process that ensures confidentiality of medical
in communication records as well as spoken information disclosed
• Explaining the reasons for and the results of by the parent or child
investigations, and interpreting any results 12. A process that ensures that any child admitted
• Explaining the reasons for a chosen route of because of illness or injury from a place of cus-
drug administration tody is treated in accordance with the UNCRC
• Providing verbal and written information on
different medical problems The key workers include lead senior children’s
• Providing verbal and written advice on home doctor and nurse, manager of children’s service, ad-
management of different medical problems olescent coordinator, and the psychologist if avail-
• Ensuring communication among different able.
health professionals
• Avoiding unnecessary delay in sharing infor-
mation and any other concerns A multidisciplinary team should establish and
maintain standards and guidelines for the assess-
The key workers include lead children’s doctor ment and control of pain and discomfort (psycholog-
and nurse, manager of children’s service, personnel ical as well as physical) in children.
officer, senior pharmacist, and the child psychologist
(if available). Implementation
The following criteria are suggested to support
STANDARD 5 (UNCRC, ARTICLES 2, 3, 7, 12, 23, this standard:
AND 30)
1. A mission statement
All staff should approach children as individual 2. A multidisciplinary pain control team with coor-
people with their own needs and rights to privacy dinator to develop, supervise, and monitor guide-
and dignity, involving them in decisions affecting lines (using internationally accepted, evidence-
their care. The standard of care and treatment pro- based material) for:
vided should be in the best interest of the child, • Assessment of pain
without discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, • Control of pain—pharmacological and non-
religion, or otherwise. pharmacological
• Safe storage and use of opiates (see also stan-
Implementation dards 2 and 7)
The following criteria are suggested to support • Palliative care, including the continuation of
this standard: such care in the home
• Individual pain control plans developed with
1. A mission statement the child and parent
2. A policy to ensure that the name the child is • Policies on cultural issues that should be re-
known by is always used in any contact with or spected providing the child’s best interests re-
reference to the child. Reliable systems for label- main paramount (see also standard 7)
ling each child, especially infants and pre-verbal
children and for registering all births should ex- The key workers include lead senior children’s
ist. doctor and nurse, manager of children’s service, pain
3. Systems to ensure that dignity and privacy is coordinator, and the senior pharmacist.
protected whenever possible
4. Systems for the prevention, detection, and cor- STANDARD 7 (UNCRC, ARTICLE 19)
rection of discrimination against patients or the All invasive procedures must be accompanied by
employment of staff adequate analgesia and, when systemic analgesia/
5. Systems and facilities to provide care for children sedation is used, personnel experienced in the resus-
with disabilities, including the ready provision citation of children should be immediately available.


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Implementation • Supervision of play at the bedside where a child
The following criteria are suggested to support is well enough to play or learn but unable to
this standard: leave their bed
• Introducing specific play activities to prepare
For Analgesia for Procedures individual children for procedures, including
1. A mission statement surgery, to aid their understanding about what
2. The use of internationally accepted, evidence- is going to happen to them and, thereby, to help
based pain control measures (see standard 6) that reduce possible fear and anxiety
are regularly monitored and reviewed by the pain • Formulation of individual plans for play jointly
team with parents, health professional staff-written
3. Written guidelines for pain relief and/or sedation play preparation ideas for parents to introduce
for specific procedures at home before a planned stay
4. Written guidelines for the use and practice of
invasive procedures For Education
5. Written guidelines for use of restraint 1. A separate, safe, clean area for education for chil-
6. Consent procedures for invasive procedures (see dren well enough to learn away from their bed
standard 3) 2. Provision of basic, culturally acceptable, and ap-
propriate educational materials
For Resuscitation 3. A trained teacher who has responsibility for:
1. A mission statement • The selection of basic, culturally acceptable,
2. A named resuscitation coordinator/officer who and appropriate educational materials available
has overall responsibility for the training of staff, for all ages and levels of understanding
the resuscitation equipment, the standard of the • Supervision of education in the designated area
service provided, and the policies used. These • Supervision of learning at the bedside where a
should conform with internationally accepted, child is well enough to play or learn but unable
evidence-based existing policies (for example, to leave their bed
neonatal resuscitation and pediatric life support • Individual plans for the child’s education after
courses; see Fig 2) consultation with the child’s parents and com-
3. Resuscitation equipment that is adequate, suitable munity teacher (if a child is likely to remain in
for all ages, and regularly checked in close prox- the health facility for more than a few days)
imity to wherever resuscitation may be needed • A record of school work undertaken during the
4. Appropriate in-date resuscitation drugs kept with child’s stay that could be shared with the
resuscitation equipment child’s parents and community teacher after
5. Regular updating of all health care professionals discharge
in basic life support
6. Regular updating of doctors and some nurses (for The key workers include play leader, teacher, lead
instance, those working in intensive care or the- senior children’s doctor and nurse, and the manager
ater) in advanced life support of children’s service.

The key workers include pain control coordinator, STANDARD 9 (UNCRC, ARTICLES 17, 23, AND 24)
resuscitation coordinator, lead senior children’s doc- Admission to/attendance at the health facility will
tor and nurse, and the manager of children’s service. be regarded as an opportunity to promote health
through example, education, immunization, and
STANDARD 8 (UNCRC, ARTICLES 28 AND 31) growth monitoring.
Children should be able to play and learn while in
hospital or other health care institutions. Implementation
All health care staff have a responsibility to pro-
mote health. Particular attention should be paid to
When a child is resident in a health facility or good personal hygiene and hygiene promotion, es-
institution for more than a few days and is well pecially adherence to hand-washing and no touching
enough to be able to play and/or learn, the following policies (see standard 2). To promote children’s
criteria are suggested: health the following criteria are suggested:
For Play 1. A mission statement to support this standard
1. A mission statement to support this standard 2. A personal, parent-held child health record con-
2. A separate safe, clean play area available for chil- taining health promotion advice
dren well enough to play away from their bed 3. Easily and always available health promotion ad-
3. Provision of basic, clean, culturally acceptable vice and literature. This could be adapted as nec-
play materials for children of all developmental essary from international existing material to suit
levels, including play materials to mimic hospital the local culture and religious beliefs. It should be
activities in a language that children and parents can un-
4. A trained play leader attached to the health facil- derstand and ideally should be available for par-
ity who has responsibility for: ents and for children of differing ages and levels
• Supervision of play in the play area of understanding

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It should include advice on: STANDARD 10 (UNCRC, ARTICLES 3, 19, 34,
• Breastfeeding AND 39)
• Home management of diarrhea and the use of oral Staff should be familiar with the signs and symp-
rehydration solutions toms of child abuse and be capable of instigating
• Immunization appropriate and clearly defined procedures to pro-
• Nutrition tect the child.
• Child development
• Management of common behavioral problems and Implementation
mental health It is recognized that the legal framework required
• Accident prevention to institute child protection is likely to vary within
• Child protection different countries. In some there may be no frame-
4. Health promotion advice and literature specifi- work despite ratification of the UNCRC.
cally for adolescents covering, where appropriate: It should be acknowledged by states that a child
• Immunization protection program must be in place, even if, for
• Sexual health example, there is armed conflict or inadequate water
• Sexually transmitted diseases, including hu- and sanitation.
man immunodeficiency virus and acquired im- Child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms
munodeficiency syndrome of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual
• Reproductive health abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, or commercial
• Smoking or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential
• Alcohol and other substance abuse harm to the child’s health, survival, development, or
• Eating disorders dignity in the context of a relationship of responsi-
• Mental health bility, trust, or power (WHO definition of child
• Disability abuse, 1999).
5. An immunization coordinator responsible for all The following criteria are suggested:
aspects of immunization including the overseeing
of policy implementation and staff training 1. A mission statement to support this standard
6. A written immunization policy and, if possible, 2. A designated child protection coordinator
facilities to procure, store, and administer immu- 3. Tertiary and some secondary prevention activities
nizations as necessary according to internationally (report of the Consultation on Child Abuse Pre-
accepted standards and protocols vention WHO; March 29 –31, 1999; Geneva, Swit-
zerland) that include:
The policy should include: • Health promotion advice (see standard 9)
• Systems to identify at-risk families
• Recommended immunizations and age at which • Clearly defined procedures to diagnose child
they are best given abuse
• Taking an immunization history from every child • Guidelines for the recording of suspected abuse
who is seen • Guidelines for the management of suspected
• Immunizing every child who is not immunized or abuse
not up-to-date with the immunizations recom- • Medical treatment and support for victims
mended by the country, before leaving the health 4. A social worker or other similar health profes-
facility if their health permits sional to support families when abuse is sus-
• A management/resuscitation policy for reactions pected, has occurred, or there are multiple risk
(see standard 7) factors
• Giving a written record of any immunizations to 5. Systems to ensure that staff having access to chil-
the child’s parents (preferably immunizations dren are screened for a previous history of abuse
should be recorded in the child’s personal health or violent crime
record) The key workers include the child protection co-
7. The measurement, recording, and plotting on an ordinator, senior children’s doctor and nurse, and
appropriate percentile chart of the height and the manager of children’s service.
weight of each child, every time he/she attends.
The parent should be informed of these measure- STANDARD 11 (UNCRC, ARTICLES 3 AND 24)
ments and of any concern (preferably measure- When possible, children should be treated in areas
ments should be recorded in the child’s personal dedicated to children and should be cared for by
health record) professionals with training in their particular health
8. Systems in place to identify children with poor and development needs. Care for adolescent girls
growth and to investigate, treat if necessary, should be particularly sensitive to their vulnerabili-
and/or provide intervention (nutritional and psy- ties and needs.
chosocial) when malnutrition is the likely cause
The key workers include immunization coordina- The following criteria are suggested:
tor, adolescent coordinator, lead senior children’s
doctor and nurse, and the manager of children’s 1. A mission statement that supports this standard
service. 2. A formal review of:


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• Where children are looked after within the munity Health Care Settings” (UNICEF UK BFI,
health facility 1998)
• The qualifications, training, experience, and
suitability of the health professional staff it em- DISCUSSION
ploys to look after children in all areas of the
health facility (see standard 4) Inevitably, there will be difficulties in attaining
• The staffing levels it aims to achieve some of the standards that comprise this initiative,
particularly in countries where there are very limited
Followed by recommendations for changes, where resources and low morale in staff. One of the most
necessary, to comply, if possible, with internationally difficult will be standard 10. Most countries in the
accepted standards that include ensuring that: world lack the resources or social services structure
necessary to protect children from abuse within the
• Children’s trained health professional staff are in- family, even if the legal frameworks exist. Pediatri-
volved in the care of all children, including those cians and children’s nurses based in hospitals and
looked after on adult wards when there is no health centers are natural advocates for the needs
reasonable alternative placement and protection of children. This initiative aims to
• Children looked after on adult wards are in a encourage governments to develop systems and
separate area from adults
laws to protect children from abuse and exploitation.
• Children on adult wards have access to all the
In some countries, particularly those in Eastern
same facilities and standards of care, particularly
Europe, there are problems with respect to the in-
play and educational opportunity, as children on a
volvement of parents in child health care. However,
dedicated children’s ward (see all standards)
at least one such country (the Czech Republic) has
3. Dedicated and child-centered emergency services
made considerable advances in this area (O. Stark, P.
(have or be in the process of developing these)
Belson, personal communication, 1999).37
4. Adolescent facilities and resources (have or be in
The specific recommendations made within the 12
the process of developing these)
standards will need to take into account local cul-
5. Facilitation of the ongoing professional training
tural norms,38 concepts about illness and death, and
and development of staff caring for children (see
educational practices. The Convention on the Rights
standard 4)
of the Child enshrines the principle that decisions
The key workers include senior children’s doctor affecting children should be made in the best inter-
and nurse, manager of children’s service, adolescent ests of the child. (“In all actions concerning children,
coordinator, and those responsible for nursing train- whether undertaken by public or private social wel-
ing. fare institutions, courts of law, administrative au-
thorities, or legislative bodies, the best interests of
STANDARD 12 (UNCRC, ARTICLES 17 AND 24) the child shall be a primary consideration”). The
The health care facility should comply with the principle of non-discrimination is included in all the
appropriate best practice standards on the support of basic human rights instruments and has been care-
breastfeeding: fully defined by the bodies responsible for monitor-
ing their implementation. The Convention on the
Implementation Rights of the Child states frequently that States need
1. A mission statement to support this standard to identify the most vulnerable and disadvantaged
2. Breastfeeding should be permitted, encouraged, children within their borders and take affirmative
and fully supported in all public and private areas action to ensure that the rights of these children are
of the hospital. Private areas should be available realized and protected. (“States Parties shall respect
for those mothers who require them. The toilet is and ensure the rights set forth in the present Con-
not acceptable for this. Signs indicating infant care vention to each child within their jurisdiction with-
facilities should not feature a feeding bottle out discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the
3. If the child’s mother is breastfeeding another child’s or his or her parent’s or legal guardian’s race,
child, provision must be made for this latter child color, sex, language, religion, political or other opin-
to remain with the mother or to be brought to the ion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, dis-
mother for feeding ability, birth or other status.”) These principles are
4. Hospitals should implement the Breastfeeding fundamental and should be applied by health care
Guidance for Pediatric Units of the United King- institutions and their staff in all of their interactions
dom Royal College of Nursing or guidelines of an with children. They should be stated in the policy of
equivalent standard that may already have been the institution and mechanisms and procedures
produced in some countries by professional and should exist to safeguard the rights of children to be
voluntary organizations free from discrimination.
5. Hospitals providing maternity services should The cost implications engendered by this initiative
implement the “Ten Steps to Successful Breast- will be complicated but are unlikely to be excessive.
feeding”2 and hold UNICEF Baby Friendly ac- Implementation of standard 1 should reduce hospital
creditation costs but will require strengthening/establishment
6. Facilities providing community services should of community health care systems with close integra-
comply with the “7 Point Plan for the Protection, tion of hospital and community health care. The cost
Promotion, and Support of Breastfeeding in Com- of the others should be small and improvements in

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The Child-Friendly Healthcare Initiative (CFHI): Healthcare Provision in
Accordance With the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Implemented by Child Advocacy International with the technical support of the
Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development of the World Health
Organization (WHO) the Royal College of Nursing (UK) the Royal College of
Paediatrics and Child Health (UK) in collaboration with the United Nations Children's
Fund (UNICEF)., David P. Southall, Sue Burr, Robert D. Smith, David N. Bull,
Andrew Radford, Anthony Williams and Sue Nicholson
Pediatrics 2000;106;1054
DOI: 10.1542/peds.106.5.1054
Updated Information & including high resolution figures, can be found at:
Services /content/106/5/1054.full.html
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PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published,
and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk
Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2000 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All
rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.

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The Child-Friendly Healthcare Initiative (CFHI): Healthcare Provision in
Accordance With the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Implemented by Child Advocacy International with the technical support of the
Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development of the World Health
Organization (WHO) the Royal College of Nursing (UK) the Royal College of
Paediatrics and Child Health (UK) in collaboration with the United Nations Children's
Fund (UNICEF)., David P. Southall, Sue Burr, Robert D. Smith, David N. Bull,
Andrew Radford, Anthony Williams and Sue Nicholson
Pediatrics 2000;106;1054
DOI: 10.1542/peds.106.5.1054

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned,
published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point
Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2000 by the American Academy
of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.

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