Hemi Sync Between Worlds

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An extraordinary sojourn into a dreamlike shamanic landscape.
The captivating shamanic music of Don Peyote and Naasko is combined
with Hemi-Sync« to guide your inner journey. Sounds from the rain forest
contribute to the surreal, organic ambience. Vivid images emerge as time
blurs and the world disappears.

For optimum results, listen to this experiential composition in one

session, preferably in a darkened, meditative environment.

Instruments featured: didgeridoo, flutes, mbira, synthesizer, indigenous

chants, shamanic percussion and field recordings.


Hemi-Sync is a trademark for a process developed at the Monroe

Institute, used to create audio patterns containing binaural beats, which are
commercialized in the form of audio CDs.

Hemi-sync is a technology developed by Robert Monroe, founder of the

Monroe Institute. Hemi-sync is short for Hemisphere Synchronization aka
Brainwave synchronization. It is said to synchronize the two hemispheres of
your brain, creating a healthy 'balance'. Hemi-sync can allegedly be used to
reach altered states of consciousness through the use of sound.

Out-of-body experience, Lucid Dreaming, and Astral Projection are

some of the reported effects of listening to hemi-sync meditation CDs.

Hemi-Sync«, according to the hemi-sync website: "helps you safely alter

your brainwaves with multi-layered patterns of sound frequencies". When you
hear these through stereo headphones, your brain responds by producing a third
sound (called a binaural beat) that is believed to encourage the desired
brainwave activity.

The purpose of the binaural beats is to synchronize the brain waves of

both hemispheres of the brain so as to help achieve certain meditative states.

An altered state of consciousness is any state which is significantly
different from a normative waking beta wave state. The expression was coined
by Charles Tart and describes induced changes in one's mental state, almost
always temporary. A synonymous phrase is "altered states of awareness". An
associated body of research has been conducted in trance and this is becoming
the predominant auspice terminology. Trance includes all "altered states of
consciousness" as well as the various forms of waking trance states.


An altered state of consciousness can come about accidentally through,

for example, fever, sleep deprivation, starvation, oxygen deprivation, nitrogen
narcosis (deep diving), or a traumatic accident.

It can sometimes be reached intentionally by the use of sensory

deprivation, Isolation tank, or mind-control techniques, hypnosis, meditation,
prayer, or disciplines (e.g. Mantra Meditation, Yoga, Sufism or Surat Shabda

It is sometimes attained through the ingestion of psychoactive drugs

such as alcohol and opiates, or psychoactive plants and chemicals such as LSD,
DXM, 2C-I, peyote, marijuana, mescaline, Salvia divinorum, MDMA,
psychedelic mushrooms, ayahuasca or datura (Jimson weed).

Another effective way to induce an altered state of consciousness is

using a variety of Neurotechnology such as Hemi-Sync, psychoacoustics, Mind
machines, light and sound stimulation, Cranial electrotherapy stimulation, and
such; these methods attempt to induce specific brainwave patterns, and a
particular altered state of consciousness.

Naturally occurring altered states of consciousness include dreams, lucid

dreams, euphoria, ecstasy, psychosis as well as purported premonitions, out-of-
body experiences, and channeling.


The patented Hemi-Sync« process has been refined with over 40 years
of research and development. Ongoing experimentation, data collection and
analysis are conducted at The Monroe Institute's laboratory facilities to
demonstrate the correlations between subjective experiential reports and
objective electronic measurements.

Such research is indispensable in revealing the influence of specific
Hemi-Sync sound patterns on consciousness. Over the years, these efforts have
resulted in the development of scores of individual products for specific
applications such as focused attention, stress reduction, meditation, sleep
enhancement, and pain control, to name a few.

Thanks to the cooperation of notable medical institutions and

universities, the scientifically and clinically proven Hemi-Sync technology
continues to be the focus of a variety of specialized research projects. In
addition, many therapists, physicians, educators, and other professionals use
Hemi-Sync extensively.

The Hemi-Sync process is internationally acclaimed. Thousands of

people have journeyed from around the world to attend The Monroe Institute's
life-enhancing on-campus programs. These programs, conducted at the
Institute's campus facilities in Virginia, are dedicated to developing, exploring,
and applying expanded states of consciousness using the extraordinary Hemi-
Sync sound technologies.

While many Hemi-Sync products contribute to wellness, they are not

intended to replace medical diagnosis and treatment. As you become familiar
with the Hemi-Sync process, you will discover how you will achieve more and
more with this invaluable, effective consciousness tool.

Use with any type of stereo headphones or with speakers positioned to

provide separation of the sound going to the right and left ear. Do not use
Dolby« or other noise reduction systems. Hemi-Sync simply and effectively
liberates your inherent resources to function at their maximum capability. Don't
listen while driving or operating heavy equipment or if you have a history or
tendency toward seizures. Do not use with light and sound devices.


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