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Section Four: Alignment to Curriculum & Professional Standards


Section four is where I get to align the artifacts to the standards I have presented to you

above in section three. Within this section, there is the introduction, curriculum & professional

educational standards, curriculum & professional standard chart, and the conclusion.

The professional standards apply to any other workplace that have employees. Employers

expect their staff to act accordingly so they reflect what the business or workplace stands for.

This is no different to what are expected of teachers. Teachers are held to a higher professional

standard along with the curriculum standards they must know in order to teach their students.

The artifacts I have presented in section three shows my understanding of both the

professional and curriculum standards as is required for both the state of New York and Province

of Ontario. As mentioned in the previous section, these artifacts show my preparedness and

readiness to become a professional teacher. These artifacts also show that I possess the

competencies a professional teacher have, these are planning, instructional pedagogy,

assessments, best teaching practices, learner accommodations, culturally responsive teaching,

classroom management, professional collaboration, and curriculum standards.

Curriculum & Professional Educational Standards

INTASC Standards.

The Interstate New Teacher Assessment Support Consortium Standards (INTASC) help

teachers teach today’s learners and the strategies the teacher can employ to improve their

practice individually to help the students succeed at a much higher rate. INTASC has ten
standards but split up into four sections. The four sections are as follow: The Learner and

Learning, Content, Instructional Practice, and Professional Responsibility. The ten standards are

as follow: Learner Development, Learning Differences, Learning Environments, Content

Knowledge, Application of Content, Assessment, Planning for Instruction, Instructional

Strategies, Professional Learning and Ethical Practice, and Leadership and Collaboration.

Below will list the artifacts that align with the INTASC Standards and they are:

Artifact #1: Crisis Prevention Intervention Instructor. Standard #3: Learning

Environment. 3(r) The teacher is a thoughtful and responsive listener and observer. As a Crisis

Prevention Intervention Instructor, I am not only making sure the students are learning what they

need to learn but also making observations and listening to them. This is a big characteristic of a

professional teacher as they use this technique to assess students throughout the day.

Artifact #2: DASA Certificate. Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice.

9(o) The teacher understands the expectations of the profession including codes of ethics,

professional standards of practice, and relevant law and policy. This artifact shows that I

understand what is right and because of this training, will not tolerate unacceptable behavior.

Artifact #3: Educational Survey. Standard #3: Learning Environments. 3(a) The teacher

collaborates with learners, families, and colleagues to build a safe, positive learning climate of

openness, mutual respect, support, and inquiry. 3(n) The teacher is committed to working with

learners, colleagues, families, and communities to establish positive and supportive learning

environments. 3(q) The teacher seeks to foster respectful communication among all members of

the learning community. This artifact shows that I am able to reach out, specifically to parents on

how they would like to communicate regarding their child. This specific survey tells me how and

what method I should use to reach out to the parents.

Artifact #4: Math Lesson Unit. Standard #4: Content Knowledge. Standard #5:

Application of Content. Standard #6: Assessment. Standard #7: Planning for Instruction.

Standard #8: Instructional Strategies. This math unit shows that I am capable of creating,

implementing, and assessing students at a high level. This math unit keeps the students engaged

from the anticipatory to the exit ticket.

Artifact #5: Newsletter. Standard #3: Learning Environments. 3(a) The teacher

collaborates with learners, families, and colleagues to build a safe, positive learning climate of

openness, mutual respect, support, and inquiry. 3(n) The teacher is committed to working with

learners, colleagues, families, and communities to establish positive and supportive learning

environments. 3(q) The teacher seeks to foster respectful communication among all members of

the learning community. This artifact shows that I am committed to the learner’s success by

sending out monthly newsletter to inform the students and remind the students what is coming up

during the month. This shows my commitment to the students and their family.

Artifact #6: Pecha Kucha Presentation. Standard #1: Learner Development. 1(e) The

teacher understands that each learner’s cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical

development influences learning and knows how to make instructional decisions that build on

learners’ strengths and needs. As a professional teacher, I will be tasked to teach students of

various abilities and skills. This artifact shows that I will be able to teach to any disability type.

Artifact #7: School Violence Prevention and Intervention/Identification and

Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment Certificates. Standard #9: Professional Learning

and Ethical Practice. 9(o) The teacher understands the expectations of the profession including

codes of ethics, professional standards of practice, and relevant law and policy. This artifact
shows that I understand my ethical and professional standards. This training gives me insight as

to what to look for and I am obligated to report abuse and mistreatment.

Artifact #8: Wolf Hyperdoc. Standard #5: Application of Content. 5(c) The teacher

facilitates learners’ use of current tools and resources to maximize content learning in varied

contexts. 5(l) The teacher understands how to use digital and interactive technologies for

efficiently and effectively achieving specific learning goals. This artifact shows that I am aware

of what the contents the students should be learning. This artifact also shows that my artifacts are

modern in that it requires technology to complete.

NYS Code of Ethics for Educators.

This New York code of ethics for educators is a professional guide for teachers. This

standard holds teachers to a higher standard when they are working with their students to their

image in the community they serve. This standard has six principles. The principles are:

Principle 1: Educators nurture the intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and civic potential of

each student, Principle 2: Educators create, support, and maintain challenging learning

environments for all, Principle 3: Educators commit to their own learning in order to develop

their practice, Principle 4: Educators collaborate with colleagues and other professionals in the

interest of student learning, Principle 5: Educators collaborate with parents and community,

building trust and respecting confidentiality, and Principle 6: Educators advance the intellectual

and ethical foundation of the learning community. Below will list the artifacts that align with the

NYS Code of Ethics for Educators and they are:

Artifact #1: Crisis Prevention Intervention Instructor. Principle 5: Educators

collaborate with parents and community, building trust and respecting confidentiality. This
artifact is all about building trust and with this training to be an instructor, it is my job to build

rapport with my students even when dealing with a difficult situation.

Artifact #2: DASA Certificate. Principle 5: Educators collaborate with parents and

community, building trust and respecting confidentiality. The Dignity for All Students Act

(DASA) aligns with principle five because it is all about collaborating with the community and

building trust. The DASA training I received not only gives me the insight into what to look for

but also for me to be mindful of my actions at all times.

Artifact #3: Educational Survey. Principle 3: Educators commit to their own learning

in order to develop their practice. This artifact shows that I have the ability to conduct surveys,

specifically aimed at parents to gather information about how they would like to be contacted

should anything come up with their child(ren).

Artifact #4: Math Lesson Unit. Principle 2: Educators create, support, and maintain

challenging learning environments for all. This artifact expresses the care and length I went to, to

create a week long math unit that challenges the students to do their best. It is my responsibility

that the lesson(s) is culturally responsive, relevant, and aligning to the standards.

Artifact #5: Newsletter. Principle 5: Educators collaborate with parents and community,

building trust and respecting confidentiality. This newsletter artifact is inclusive of the parents

and keeps the students accountable to their work. Because of this, this builds trust between the

teacher and myself.

Artifact #6: Pecha Kucha Presentation. Principle 1: Educators nurture the intellectual,

physical, emotional, social, and civic potential of each student. This Pecha Kucha artifact shows

that I care about all aspects of my students from the normal students to students with disabilities.

Artifact #7: School Violence Prevention and Intervention/Identification and

Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment Certificates. Principle 5: Educators collaborate

with parents and community, building trust and respecting confidentiality. This artifact shows

that trust is placed on me and with this trust, should I see any wrongdoings, it is my

responsibility to report. The duty to report is an obligation that I will adhere to when I see

anything that is out of line such as and not limited to abuse, harassment, and bullying.

Artifact #8: Wolf Hyperdoc. Principle 6: Educators advance the intellectual and ethical

foundation of the learning community. This artifact is collaboration within a group. Students in

groups is a learning community. This artifact challenges the students to work together to get the

group work completed.

Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards.

The Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards is a standard for teachers in Ontario but applies to

teachers globally in how they should act. The Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards has four

components and they are; CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance,

interest and insight for developing students' potential. Members express their commitment to

students' wellbeing and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy

in practice, RESPECT: Intrinsic to the ethical standard of Respect are trust and fair-mindedness.
Members honor human dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive development. In their

professional practice, they model respect for spiritual and cultural values, social justice,

confidentiality, freedom, democracy and the environment, TRUST: The ethical standard of Trust

embodies fairness, openness and honesty. Members' professional relationships with students,

colleagues, parents, guardians and the public are based on trust, and INTEGRITY: Honesty,

reliability and moral action are embodied in the ethical standard of Integrity. Continual reflection

assists members in exercising integrity in their professional commitments and responsibilities.

Below will list the artifacts that align with the Ontario Teacher Ethical Standards and they are:

Artifact #1: Crisis Prevention Intervention Instructor. Care: The ethical standard

of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and insight for developing students' potential.

Members express their commitment to students' well-being and learning through positive

influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice. The Crisis Prevention Intervention

Instructor training gives me the responsibility to show compassion and empathy to all the

students I come across when I have to deal with a difficult situation. This shows that I am ethical

in how I act and preform.

Artifact #2: DASA Certificate. Respect: Intrinsic to the ethical standard of Respect are

trust and fair-mindedness. Members honour human dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive

development. In their professional practice, they model respect for spiritual and cultural values,

social justice, confidentiality, freedom, democracy and the environment. This artifact shows that

I respect others and their human dignity by watching out for and reporting unacceptable

behaviors such as bullying and harassment.

Artifact #3: Educational Survey. Integrity: Honesty, reliability and moral action are

embodied in the ethical standard of Integrity. Continual reflection assists members in exercising
integrity in their professional commitments and responsibilities. When conducting surveys such

as this artifact, I conducted myself in a professional way where all involved are respected and the

integrity stays in contact because their wishes and comments are respected.

Artifact #4: Math Lesson Unit. Care: The ethical standard of Care includes

compassion, acceptance, interest and insight for developing students' potential. Members express

their commitment to students' well-being and learning through positive influence, professional

judgment and empathy in practice. Within this math lesson unit, I was able to demonstrate their

interest in a subject matter that is not often liked and opened their potential to learn the subject

matter. My commitment to the students is clear when I have them engaged to learn the content to

their full potential.

Artifact #5: Newsletter. Trust: The ethical standard of Trust embodies fairness,

openness and honesty. Members' professional relationships with students, colleagues, parents,

guardians and the public are based on trust. This newsletter artifact shows that I am open to

parent-teacher relationship by sending newsletter home so parent know what is going on during

for the month and what my expectations are. This also give parents an idea what their child

should be doing so they can also keep them accountable to do their work.

Artifact #6: Pecha Kucha Presentation. Care: The ethical standard of Care includes

compassion, acceptance, interest and insight for developing students' potential. Members express

their commitment to students' well-being and learning through positive influence, professional

judgment and empathy in practice. Respect: Intrinsic to the ethical standard of Respect are trust

and fair-mindedness. Members honour human dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive

development. In their professional practice, they model respect for spiritual and cultural values,

social justice, confidentiality, freedom, democracy and the environment. This artifact covers two
standards because this artifact shows I care about my students regardless of their abilities and I

respect them, again, regardless of their abilities.

Artifact #7: School Violence Prevention and Intervention/Identification and

Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment Certificates. Trust: The ethical standard

of Trust embodies fairness, openness and honesty. Members' professional relationships with

students, colleagues, parents, guardians and the public are based on trust. This Pecha Kucha

artifact shows that I can be trusted with your child, especially ones with a disability and know I

will also teach them because they also deserve an education.

Artifact #8: Wolf Hyperdoc. Care: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion,

acceptance, interest and insight for developing students' potential. Members express their

commitment to students' well-being and learning through positive influence, professional

judgment and empathy in practice. This Hyperdoc artifact shows that I am willing to use

technology to challenge the student’s ability and unlock their full potential. This also shows my

commitment to the students learning and want them to succeed.

P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards (ELA, Math and Social Studies).

The New York State Common Core Learning Standard is a set of curriculum that

develops and transforms the way students think and the content learned has set them up for

further education in post-secondary education. A professional teacher must teach the students the

grade level they are at so they benefit can benefit from it and take what they have learned and

apply it in their daily lives or in post-secondary education. Below will list the artifact that align

with the P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards and it is:
Artifact #4: Math Lesson Unit. NYS 3.0A.7 Fluently multiply and divide within 100,

using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8

× 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from

memory all products of two one-digit numbers. This math lesson unit is a four-day lesson where

skip counting is conducted so students are set up to learn multiplication and division. This is the

prerequisite to higher level of counting because this has a pattern that the students will be able to

figure out which will come in handy when working on more complicated math problems where

students do not have to waste too much time figuring out simple or even hard multiplication and

division problems.

NYS Learning Standards.

The New York State Learning Standards is an important part of the curriculum because it

sets out how teachers are to teach their students in terms of that common core. It is not the

common core but still examines what is still needed for the teacher and the students. Below will

list the artifact that align with the NYS Learning Standards and it is:

Artifact #4: Math Lesson Unit. Standard 3: Mathematics (Revised 2005)

Students will understand the concepts of and become proficient with the skills of

mathematics; communicate and reason mathematically; become problem solvers by using

appropriate tools and strategies; through the integrated study of number sense and operations,

algebra, geometry, measurement, and statistics and probability. This artifact will touch standard

three for mathematics when learning this four-day learning segment. The students will

understand by the end of the segment the concept and become proficient in skip counting and

will be ready for more complex math problems needed later with multiplication and division.
Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum Expectation.

The Ontario Ministry of Education has set standards for the students to complete within

their grade and the set standards the teachers are to teach the students. These set of standards will

help develop the student’s skills that will help them become successful within society. Within the

elementary education, their focus is to build a foundation in key areas that will help unlock each

student’s potential and as they move into the higher grades, build a stronger literacy and

numeracy skills set that will help them become successful. After completion of the standards, the

student can apply their skills in their everyday life or further their education in post-secondary

education. Below will list the artifact that align with the Ontario Ministry of Education

Curriculum and it is:

Artifact #4: Math Lesson Unit. Ontario Curriculum Standard: Grade 3: Counting

- Count forward by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, and 100’s to 1000 from various starting points, and by

25’s to 1000 starting from multiples of 25, using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., skip count

with and without the aid of a calculator; skip count by 10’s using dimes);

- Count backwards by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s from 100 using multiples of 2, 5, and 10 as starting

points, and count backwards by 100’s from 1000 and any number less than 1000, using a variety

of tools (e.g., number lines, calculators, coins) and strategies.

This math lesson unit artifact shows that I am capable of teaching the students curriculum within

the Ontario Curriculum Standard. This skip counting lesson unit teaches and assess the students

when they are conducting skip counting which directly leads into much more complicated math

problems such as multiplications and division.

DOE Claims & CAEP Standards.

These claims and CAEP standards details what a quality and qualified teacher should

possess after graduating. The claims and standards shows the preparedness and readiness to

become a professional teacher. Below will list the artifacts that align with the DOE Claims &

CAEP Standards and they are:

Artifact #1: Crisis Prevention Intervention Instructor.

 Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification area(s)

 Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through

effective pedagogy and best teaching practices.

 Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators.

This artifact delivers on three claims and shows that I know my subject matter, an

effective teacher, and a caring educator.

Artifact #2: DASA Certificate.

 Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification area(s)

 Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through

effective pedagogy and best teaching practices.

 Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators.

This artifact delivers on three claims and shows that I know my subject matter, an

effective teacher, and a caring educator.

Artifact #3: Educational Survey.

 Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through

effective pedagogy and best teaching practices.

 Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators.

This artifact delivers on two claims and shows that I am an effective teacher and a caring


Artifact #4: Math Lesson Unit.

 Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification area(s)

 Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through

effective pedagogy and best teaching practices.

 Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators.

This artifact delivers on three claims and shows that I know my subject matter, an

effective teacher, and a caring educator.

Artifact #5: Newsletter.

 Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators.

This artifact delivers on one claim and shows that I am a caring educator.

Artifact #6: Pecha Kucha Presentation.

 Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators.

This artifact delivers on one claim and shows that I am a caring educator.

Artifact #7: School Violence Prevention and Intervention/Identification and

Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment Certificates.

 Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification area(s)

 Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through

effective pedagogy and best teaching practices.

 Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators.

This artifact delivers on three claims and shows that I know my subject matter, an

effective teacher, and a caring educator.

Artifact #8: Wolf Hyperdoc.

 Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification area(s)

 Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through

effective pedagogy and best teaching practices.

 Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators.

This artifact delivers on three claims and shows that I know my subject matter, an

effective teacher, and a caring educator.

International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and Students (ISTE).

The International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and Students (ISTE)

standard pertains to technology and how to use technology in the classroom to enhance the

students learning. In today’s age, technology is important to learn so the teacher and student is

not left behind as the world makes its push towards a more digital world. Below will list the

artifacts that align with the International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and

Students and they are:

Artifact #4: Math Lesson Unit. Designer: Educators design authentic, learner-driven

activities and environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability. Educators:

5a: Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent

learning and accommodate learner differences and needs. 5b: Design authentic learning

activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to

maximize active, deep learning. This math lesson unit has a component in it which I developed

as part of the lesson plan to review skip counting. I used nearpod to go through examples to
solidify their understanding and concepts of skip counting. I believe nearpod enhanced their

learning as it is fun and another way for the students to learn.

Artifact #5: Newsletter. Facilitator: Educators facilitate learning with technology to

support student achievement of the ISTE Standards for Students. Educators:

6a: Foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in

both independent and group settings. This newsletter artifact has a part where technology needs

to be used in order for the students to know what they need to do for the assignment of the

month. The Quick Response (QR) code takes the student to the set website I want them to learn

from and build their essay from. I have created a way for students to take ownership of their

learning by having them independently accessing the QR code to do their research.

Artifact #8: Wolf Hyperdoc. Designer: Educators design authentic, learner-driven

activities and environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability. Educators: 5a.

Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent

learning and accommodate learner differences and needs. 5b. Design authentic learning

activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to

maximize active, deep learning. This Hyperdoc artifact is interactive as the students will be in

groups and collaborate with each other in completing this assignment meant outside of the

classroom. This artifact is designed to foster independence and provide the students to work

within a team to accomplish the required work together.

International Literacy Association (ILA) Professional Standards.

The International Literacy Association (ILA) Professional Standards sets forth the criteria

for developing and evaluating programs for reading professionals to apply to their students.
There are six standards and they are as follow: Foundational Knowledge, Curriculum and

Instruction, Assessment and Evaluation, Diversity, Literate Environment, and Professional

Learning and Leadership. Below will list the artifact that align with the International Literacy

Association (ILA) Professional Standards and it is:

Artifact #5: Newsletter. Standard 6: Professional Learning and Leadership

 Effective professional learning is inclusive and collaborative across parents or guardians,

the community, and all school staff, including education support personnel, classroom

teachers, specialized personnel, supervisors, and administrators.

 Effective professional learning is focused on content determined by careful consideration

and assessment of the needs of students, teachers, parents or guardians, and the larger

community of stakeholders.

This artifact is inclusive to the student and parents/guardian so all are on the same page to

better support the student in their academics.

Council for Exceptional Children (ECE).

The Council for Exceptional Children (ECE) advocates for students with exceptionalities

and disabilities. The Ethical Principles and Professional Practice Standards for Special Educators

have twelve standards that direct how educators are to teach these students. Below will list the

artifacts that align with the Council for Exceptional Children (ECE) and they are:

Artifact #2: DASA Certificate. Professional special educators are guided by the

CEC professional ethical principles, practice standards, and professional policies in ways that

respect the diverse characteristics and needs of individuals with exceptionalities and their

families. They are committed to upholding and advancing the following principles:
9. Practicing within the professional ethics, standards, and policies of CEC; upholding

laws, regulations, and policies that influence professional practice; and advocating improvements

in the laws, regulations, and policies. This DASA artifact shows that I am a caring educator that

will also advocate for children with exceptionalities.

Artifact #6: Pecha Kucha Presentation. Ethical Principles and Professional Practice

Standards for Special Educators. 1. Maintaining challenging expectations for individuals with

exceptionalities to develop the highest possible learning outcomes and quality of life potential in

ways that respect their dignity, culture, language, and background. 2. Maintaining a high level of

professional competence and integrity and exercising professional judgment to benefit

individuals with exceptionalities and their families. This artifact is an example of how dedicated

to helping students with exceptionalities. It is the teacher’s responsibility to support and educate

these students as well.

Curriculum and Professional Standards Chart

The graphic organizer below will provide you, as the reader/viewer a breakdown of what

I have put into writing in section three and section four. The artifacts that I have developed will

show my best practices, preparedness, and readiness to be a professional teacher. Each artifact

listed in the chart will match the standard it belongs to.

Section Four: Alignment to Curriculum & Professional Standards Chart

Artifact Title INTASC NYS Code NYS NYS DOE ISTE ILA CEC Ontario Ontario
Standards of Ethics P-12 Learning Claims & Standards International Standards Curriculum Teacher
Standards Common Standards CAEP for Literacy Standards Ethical
for Core Standards Teachers Association Standards
Educators Learning and/or Professional
Standards Students Standards
Artifact #1: Standard Principle 5: N/A N/A Claim 1: N/A N/A N/A N/A Care: The
Crisis #3: Educators Medaille ethical
Prevention Learning collaborate College standard
Intervention Environm with parents graduates of Care incl
Instructor ent and know udes
community, the subjec compassion,
building t acceptance,
trust and matter in interest and
respecting their insight for
confidential certificatio developing
ity n area(s) students'
Claim 2: Members
Medaille express their
College commitment
graduates to students'
meet the well-being
needs of and learning
diverse through
learners positive
through influence,
effective p professional
edagogy a judgment
nd best
teaching and empathy
practices. in practice

Claim 3:
are caring
Artifact #2: Standard Principle 5: N/A N/A Claim 1: N/A N/A 9. N/A Respect:
DASA #9: Educators Medaille Practicing Intrinsic to
Certificate Profession collaborate College within the the ethical
al with parents graduates profession standard
Learning and know al ethics, of Respect ar
and community, the subjec standards, e trust and
Ethical building t and fair-
Practice trust and matter in policies of mindedness.
respecting their CEC; Members
confidential certificatio upholding honour
ity n area(s) laws, human
regulation dignity,
Claim 2: s, and emotional
Medaille policies wellness and
College that cognitive
graduates influence development
meet the profession . In their
needs of al practice; professional
diverse and practice,
learners advocating they model
through improvem respect for
effective p ents in the spiritual and
edagogy a laws, cultural
nd best regulation values,
teaching s, and social
practices. policies justice,
ty, freedom,
Claim 3: democracy
Medaille and the
College environment
are caring
Artifact #3: Standard Principle 3: N/A N/A Claim 2: N/A N/A N/A N/A Integrity:
Educational #3: Educators Medaille Honesty,
Survey Learning commit to College reliability
Environm their own graduates and moral
ents learning meet the action are
in order to needs of embodied in
develop diverse the ethical
their learners standard
practice through of Integrity.
effective p Continual
edagogy a reflection
nd best assists
teaching members in
practices. exercising
integrity in
Claim 3: their
Medaille professional
College commitment
graduates s and
are caring responsibilit
educators. ies
Artifact #4: Standard Principle 2: NYS 3.0A.7 Standard Claim 1: Designer: N/A N/A Ontario Care: The
Math Lesson #4: Educators Fluently Medaille Educators ethical
Unit Content create, multiply and 3: College design Curriculum standard
Knowledg support, and divide within graduates authentic, of Care incl
e maintain 100, using Mathemati know learner- Standard: udes
challenging strategies the subjec driven compassion,
Standard learning such as the cs t activities acceptance,
#5: environmen relationship matter in and interest and
Applicatio ts for all between their environme insight for
n of multiplicatio (Revised certificatio nts that Grade 3: developing
Content n and n area(s) recognize students'
division (e.g., 2005) and Counting potential.
Standard knowing that Claim 2: accommod Members
#6: 8 × 5 = 40, Students Medaille ate learner Count express their
Assessme one knows 40 will College variability. forward by commitment
nt ÷ 5 = 8) or understand graduates 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, to students'
properties of the meet the 5a 10’s, and well-being
Standard operations. concepts needs of 100’s to and learning
#7: By the end of of and diverse 5b 1000 from through
Planning Grade 3, become learners various positive
for know from proficient through starting influence,
Instruction memory all with the effective p points, and professional
products of skills of edagogy a by 25’s to judgment
Standard two one-digit mathemati nd best 1000 and empathy
#8: numbers cs; teaching starting in practice
Instruction communic practices. from
al ate and multiples of
Strategies reason Claim 3: 25, using a
mathemati Medaille variety of
cally; College tools and
become graduates strategies
problem are caring
solvers by educators. Count
using backwards
appropriat by 2’s, 5’s,
e tools and and 10’s
strategies; from 100
through using
the multiples of
integrated 2, 5, and 10
study of as starting
number points, and
sense and count
operations, backwards
algebra, by 100’s
geometry, from 1000
measurem and any
ent, and number less
statistics than 1000,
and using a
probability variety of
tools (e.g.,
coins) and
Artifact #5: Standard Principle 5: N/A N/A Claim 3: Facilitato Standard 6: N/A N/A Trust: The
Newsletter #3: Educators Medaille r: Professional ethical
Learning collaborate College Educators Learning and standard
Environm with parents graduates facilitate Leadership of Trust emb
ents and are caring learning odies
community, educators. with fairness,
building technolog openness
trust and y to and honesty.
respecting support Members'
confidential student professional
ity achieveme relationships
nt of the with
ISTE students,
Standards colleagues,
for parents,
Students. guardians
and the
6a public are
based on
Artifact #6: Standard Principle 1: N/A N/A Claim 3: N/A N/A 1. N/A Care: The
Pecha #1: Educators Medaille Maintainin ethical
Kucha Learner nurture the College g standard
Presentation Developm intellectual, graduates challengin of Care inclu
ent physical, g des
emotional, are caring expectatio compassion,
social, and educators. ns for acceptance,
civic individual interest and
potential of s with insight for
each student exceptiona developing
lities to students'
develop potential.
the highest Members
possible express their
learning commitment
outcomes to students'
and well-being
quality of and learning
life through
potential positive
in ways influence,
that professional
respect judgment
their and empathy
dignity, in practice.
culture, Respect:
language, Intrinsic to
and the ethical
backgroun standard
d. 2. of Respect a
Maintainin re trust and
g a high fair-
level of mindedness.
profession Members
al honour
competenc human
e and dignity,
integrity emotional
and wellness and
exercising cognitive
profession development
al . In their
judgment professional
to benefit practice,
individual they model
s with respect for
exceptiona spiritual and
lities and cultural
their values,
families social
ty, freedom,
and the
Artifact #7: Standard Principle 5: N/A N/A Claim 1: N/A N/A N/A N/A Trust: The
School #9: Educators Medaille ethical
Violence Profession collaborate College standard
Prevention al with parents graduates of Trust emb
and Learning and know odies
Intervention and community, the subjec fairness,
/Identificatio Ethical building t openness
n and Practice trust and matter in and honesty.
Reporting of respecting their Members'
Child Abuse confidential certificatio professional
and ity n area(s) relationships
Maltreatme with
nt Claim 2: students,
Certificates Medaille colleagues,
College parents,
graduates guardians
meet the and the
needs of public are
diverse based on
learners trust
effective p
edagogy a
nd best

Claim 3:
are caring
Artifact #8: Standard Principle 6: N/A N/A Claim 1: Designer: N/A N/A N/A Care: The
Wolf #5: Educators Medaille Educators ethical
Hyperdoc Applicatio advance the College design standard
n of intellectual graduates authentic, of Care inclu
Content and ethical know learner- des
foundation the subjec driven compassion,
of the t activities acceptance,
learning matter in and interest and
community their environme insight for
certificatio nts that developing
n area(s) recognize students'
and potential.
Claim 2: accommod Members
Medaille ate learner express their
College variability. commitment
graduates to students'
meet the 5a well-being
needs of and learning
diverse 5b through
learners positive
through influence,
effective p professional
edagogy a judgment
nd best and empathy
teaching in practice
Claim 3:
are caring

As section four concludes, I took the artifacts from section three and showed you how

they aligned to the standards by way of an explanation and graphic organizer. These artifacts

highlighted the connection to the professional and curriculum standards which demonstrated my

competencies as a professional teacher candidate. These competencies include planning,

instructional pedagogy, assessments, best teaching practices, learner accommodations, culturally

responsive teaching, classroom management, professional collaboration, and curriculum

standards. All of these connections have demonstrated my preparedness and readiness to become

a professional teacher. I will provide a reflection in section five which will go over what I have

done over my time at Medaille College in the M.S. Ed program, life experience, and as I wrap up

this Portfolio Project.

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