Reflection On Ang Misyon

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Mary Donnabel R.

Gaas July 20, 2018

Reflection Paper on: Ang Misyon: A Marawi Siege Story

“Ang Misyon: A Marawi Siege Story” is a film which aims to commemorate the heroism of all the
Filipinos who fought for Marawi’s peace and freedom. It is socio-political and action packed narrative
drama fil that showcase the current events in the country particularly in Marawi, Mindanao.

It becomes an implication and manifestation of true passion and loyalty to the fatherland as well
as a deep lamentation of the death and loss of our brethren in Marawi. It revolves around the complicated
world of the protagonist-antagonist Muslim registered nurse Sajid Tumawil, who gets into the socio-
political turmoil, instead of just being a staff nurse helping the ill and the sick in his hometown, only to be
discovered by the military men that he belongs to the Extremist groups of Maute Islamiyah having a
bipolar personality. Although his life ended in a misfortunate fate I could tell that he has proven that
anyone could be of help and has the right to live regardless of culture and belief. He’s will to do his duties
as nurse is an act of heroism. Despite of knowing that his father was killed by the latter group, he chose
to help the rebels to get healed. He truly magnifies a man who cares about life of others.

The story line of the film also included the story of brave and great soldier of graciously fight for
freedom and sacrificed the opportunity to be his loved ones. Just like with all the armies who fought with
him, he dedicated his whole self without worrying or thinking what might happen to him during the siege.
Definitely, soldiers are selfless. They are heroes of the nation. Being fed into wars was never a unwanted
responsibility for them but instead, a gratifying mission they wish to accomplish. Shooting bullets and
receiving bullets in return was never an easy task. It is like you are in a bridge of death all the time but
they aren’t selfish. They always choose to show great affection and concern to other people more than

The story reflects the real happening during the siege. It is no secret that men in uniform, media
people and anyone who were there performed their duties amidst flying bullets and faced death but still
chose to fight for peace and to end violence. They have exhibited an act of bravery and great courage. I
was once on the point of thinking what if I was there? Would I be courageous like what they’ve shown?
Will I survive just like our Muslim brothers and sisters and Christians who had escaped and survive? I
believe that Marawi siege is a nightmare that everyone wishes to forget and at the same time to
remember. The great deeds and death of the victims should always be remembered and commemorated.
The victorious end of the siege for our dear heroes – soldiers was truly a rewarding moment for them.
Being able to end the war and help a lot of people was truly a wish-granted for them and for all the

The war has truly stirred a lot of emotions among all Filipinos and stimulate oneness. Help from
private and public sectors and many heroic deeds had happened. While it is true that Filipinos only unite
in times like this. Imagine being like all the time? Our country might be always in the smoothest stae if
ever. As for me, what I really learned from the film is that we are capable of having peace despite cultural
and belief differences because at the end of day, we will always need each other’s helping hands because
we are Filipinos, we are the citizens of the Philippines, we are on the same race and importantly, we are
all humans, we are the same. Differences in beliefs and faith will never hinder or will never be a barricade
to a united nation that is composed with responsible and dedicated citizens. If we continue in the
rebuilding and giving importance to unity, then we will be able attain peace in our community and might
as well, for the whole country.

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