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Cambridge CELTA LESSON PLAN – STAGE 1 English World

Name Muhammad Howard TP no 1 2 3

Level Intermediate Day & date 18 Nov. 2017

No. of sts 12 Lesson length 30 mins


 To develop Ss’ skill of reading for detail in the context of a general knowledge quiz.
 To check Ss’ understanding of vocabulary needed for the quiz.

 SB pp6&7: The general knowledge quiz

 Pix of some of the things and people in the quiz.
 Vocabulary matching activity worksheet.
 Whiteboard and marker
 TB pp7&8

Stage 1: Context: Lead-in (Reading) Time 5 min


 Tr. will pair up the Ss.

 Tr. will display pictures of some things and people from the reading quiz and elicit students to
work in pairs and identify the things and people in the picture.
 Tr. will tell Ss that they have 2 minutes to discuss the pictures with their partners
 After the 2 minutes, Tr. will ask some of the Ss to identify each picture. As Ss provide the
correct answers, Tr. will write their responses on the board.
 Tr. will ask additional/extended questions about each pix and elicit Ss response.

Stage 2: SB pg12 ex 2: “General Knowledge” (Vocabulary) Time: 15 min


 Tr. will assign Ss group numbers.

 Tr. will ask all ones to put their hands up. Tr. will then tell them to put their hands down and
will then do the same for the twos, threes, and fours until all Ss are aware of their group.
 Tr. will then tell Ss to move and sit with their group.
 Tr. will give each group a vocabulary matching worksheet and ask Ss to work as a group to
complete the exercises.
 This will last for about 5 minutes.
 Tr. will ask Ss to write their names on their worksheet
 Tr. will ask Ss to give their worksheets to another group.
 Tr. will tell students to move back to their original seats.
 Tr. will display the worksheet on the board and elicit Ss to provide the correct matching
picture that provide the meaning of each word.
 As Ss provide their answer and pronounce each word, Tr. will work on MFP (syllables and
stress points of each word)
 Tr. will have Ss check the worksheets they have as we cover each word.
 At the end, Tr. will ask Ss to return the worksheets to the Ss who names are on the
Stage 3: Reading: Quiz Time: 10-12 min

 Tr. will tell Ss that they will be taking a general knowledge quiz and the first person will
get a prize.
 Tr. will ask Ss. to form their groups again.
 Tr. will pass out the general knowledge quiz to each S. in each group and tell them not to
turn it over.
 After all Ss have received a quiz, Tr. will tell Ss to turn over their quizzes and complete it
as a group.
 Tr. will walk around to make sure Ss are on track if possible.
 Tr. will tell Ss that this will last10 minutes.
 Tr. will tell Ss to stop at the end of the set time, if most of the Ss are not finish, Tr. will
give them an additional 2 minutes.
 Tr. will ask Ss to write their names on their worksheet
 Tr. will ask Ss to give their worksheets to another group.
 Tr. will tell students to move back to their original seats and turn over the worksheet.
 Tr. will tell Ss that Mr. Qasim will be taking over the class.


Tutor Date

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