25 Uncomfortable Things You Need To Do If You Don't Want To Regret Your Life

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25 Uncomfortable Things You Need To Do If You Don’t Want To Regret Your Life

Life is hard enough without having to live in a constant state of regret over lost opportunities, lost loves,
and lost chances to speak your mind.

If you want to make the most of your life, doing these 25 uncomfortable things will ensure you don’t
regret any part of your life.

1. Speak your mind when something is bothering you. You’ll only get one chance to make a lasting

2. Gather the courage to stick to the things that are important to you. We are all so easily swayed by
what others think.

3. Ask yourself if you are who you wanted to be when you grew up. If you aren’t there yet, keep working
on it.

4. Let go of the things that don’t matter in your life. When you are 20-something, everything seems to
be important.

5. Make sure you are living life outside of social media instead of just painting a picture of your
imaginary life on social media.

6. Check the dramaqueen act at the door. Let your overreacting self take a break once in awhile.

7. Talk about the world, politics, hobbies, food – anything except other people and your judgments of

8. Stop telling yourself you are fat. When you die, no one is going to care how “fat” you were. They’ll
care about you as a person.

9. Be interested in other people and mean it. Learning about others is fascinating and a great way to
learn about ourselves too.

10. Stop trying to be anything other than a kind and empathic person. Being kind will bring you lots of
joy and satisfaction in your life. No one cares about your opinion if you aren’t being nice to people.

11. Give yourself some room to breathe and mess up. Pay attention to things in the moment and allow
yourself to enjoy them.

12. Read. A lot. Don’t limit yourself to what’s on the internet – they still print actual books you know.

13. Be nice. The easiest way to do this is to always put other’s feelings before your own.

14. You aren’t going to trip and fall into your soul mate; you need to go out and find them.

15. Don’t spend money you don’t have; give money away whenever you can; set yourself up for financial
success early on and you’ll be glad you did.

16. Trophies and medals don’t make you a better person, habits do. Work on being better everyday and
you will become the person you see yourself being.
17. Draft a mission statement for yourself as a person. Use it to help you make decisions and guide your

18. Don’t cross people and burn bridges. You think walking out of that job today isn’t going to impact
your life 5 years from now? Think again. Keep it classy and you’ll never have to worry about your life
choices coming back to haunt you.

19. Ask people to be honest with you. Regardless of whether you agree or not, hearing people out is

20. Pay attention to when you feel uncomfortable about something: there’s opportunity to learn and
grow there but many people gloss over it.

21. Don’t blame others for your shortcomings. Identify and accept responsibility for yourself at all turns.

22. Find your purpose and you will find pleasure.

23. Create a home for yourself no matter where you are in life. Whether it’s your parent’s basement or a
high rise in the city, plant your roots and be happy with what you have.

24. Forget what you see online: real life is happening right in front of your eyes. Go out and live it.

25. Make sure you get the most of our your life by never holding back love, thoughts, ideas, and desires.

Whether you have just turned 20 or you are about to roll over into your 30s, there are lots of ways you
can turn your life in a new direction at any given moment.

The first step is to make a list like this one of all the guiding principles you want to use in your life. What
do you expect from yourself? Always expect the most from yourself. Don’t put that responsibility on

When you expect things from other people, you’ll always be disappointed in the results. When you
expect things from yourself, you have an opportunity to become someone new at every turn.

In Hack Spirit’s new eBook, The Art of Resilience, they deliver a practical primer on how you can become
more resilient in a world of instability and narrowing opportunity, whether you’re facing financial
troubles, health setbacks, challenges in your relationships, or any other problem.

We can all have our own resilience breakthrough, and each can learn how to use adverse circumstances
as potent fuel for overcoming life’s hardships.

These 22 Brutal Truths About Life Are Difficult To Hear But They'll Make You A Much Better Person

When someone finally sits you down and tells you the cold hard truth, it can be difficult to hear.

But if you want to get most of our life, you need to get to the heart of the matter and cut the crap out of
your life so you can focus on what’s actually important.

Here are 22 brutal truths about life no one wants to admit but they’ll make you a much better person
when you do.
1) Nobody Cares

Are you in pain? Are you suffering? Have you lost something or someone dear to you?

Guess what? Everything you have ever felt has already been felt by everyone else around you.

It’s time to realize that your pain isn’t special; it’s just part of being alive. No one cares.

2) Don’t Waste Your Talent

We weren’t all born with talent. If there’s anything inside of you that says, “I’m good at doing this,” then
you need to make your life about doing this. If you throw it away, you throw away everything.

3) Stay Responsible

Who controls your thoughts, your words, your actions? You do. If you do something bad or hurtful or
wrong, it’s your fault. Stay responsible for everything you represent.

4) Death is Final

Stop worrying about death or worrying about being remembered. Death is death—when you’re gone,
you’re gone. Live before you have to go.

5) Embrace Your Emotions

Stop running from your fears, anxieties, and pains. Admit that you are flawed and you feel things you
don’t want to feel, and then feel them. The sooner you do, the sooner you can move on.

6) You Can’t Make Everyone Your Friend

Stop trying. Make sure you make the most important person in the world your friend: yourself.

7) Value Comes From Time, Not Money

Don’t let money stand in your way from living your life. You don’t need a wallet full of bills to make the
most out of your day. All you need to give yourself and those around you is time.

8) Don’t Actively Search for Happiness

Happiness is everywhere. In every laugh, every smile, every “Hello”. Stop ignoring the happiness
vibrating all around you in your search for a “greater” happiness. This is it, right here: enjoy it.

9) Money Won’t Bring You Happiness

If you aren’t happy on the inside, no amount of fortunes could make you happy. Happiness comes from
the heart.

10) Everyone Around You Will Someday Die

Don’t make your life about grieving over others and worrying about the day they’ll lay down and die.
Death is a part of life; live life while you have it.

11) Money Won’t Go with You to the After Life

You know all those long nights you spent building your fortune, ignoring your health, your loved ones,
and your life? When you die, those nights will be for nothing, because that money can’t be used after
you die.

12) Don’t Forget Who You Are

Remember the you who lives in the place beyond your anxieties, stresses, and worries. The you who
defines who you really are, surrounded by what makes you smile and what makes you passionate.
Remember that “you” always.

13) Give Time

Time is the most valuable thing you can give another person. By investing you time in the community
around you, you give them so much more than any check ever could.

14) Embrace Gratitude

As tough as your day may be, remember that someone out there will always be living something worse.
Find something to be grateful about, whether it’s a friend who loves you, a skill no one else has, or even
a great dinner. Always remember to be grateful.

15) Your Time Is Your Real-Life Currency

Think of it this way: we give up 40 hours a week so that we can have cash. Time is the true currency of
life, and wasting time is wasting money. Invest your time wisely.
16) Dreaming is for Losers; Start Doing the Work

Anyone can dream, and that’s why so many people do. But how many people actually go out and try to
accomplish their dreams? Not even half as many. Stop sitting around waiting for a genie to give you
everything you ever wanted, and start working towards it.

17) Stop Reacting Negatively

Accept the inevitability of life’s curve balls, and take them as they come. The worst reaction you can
have is acting like everything is on fire when in reality, nothing is. Stay calm.

18) Invest in the Most Important Thing: Yourself

You can only live life from one perspective: yourself. After you are gone, there’s nothing else; your
version of life is done. So why not make you the best version of you that you can be? Invest in yourself,
physically, mentally, and spiritually.

19) Share Knowledge and Experience

Every insight, lesson, and tip you accumulate in the world is worth nothing if you never give others a
chance to learn from you. Let others stand on your shoulders, so they can reach heights you never

20) Live Today

Not yesterday, not tomorrow. Today is the only time that matters. Start living in it right now.

21) Perfection is Impossible

Why is perfection impossible? Because everyone has their own unique version of what “perfect” is. So
stop trying—just be who you are to the best of your ability.

22) You Are Going to Die

Accept it, stop ignoring it. Death is coming and it won’t wait, no matter how many dreams you’ve left
unfulfilled. You better stop waiting, too.

Did you know that at Harvard, the most popular and successful course teaches you how to learn to be
happier? The Positive Psychology class taught by Ben Shahar attracts 1400 students per semester and
20% of Harvard graduates take this elective course.

According to Ben Shahar, the class - which focuses on happiness, self-esteem and motivation - gives
students the tools to succeed and face life with more joy. This 35-year-old teacher, considered by some
to be "the happiness guru", highlights in his class 14 key tips for improving the quality of our personal
status and contributing to a positive life:

🚩Tip 1. * Thank God for everything you have: * Write down 10 things you have in your life that give you
happiness. Focus on the good things!

🚩Tip 2. * Practice physical activity * Experts say exercising helps improve mood. 30 minutes of exercise
is the best antidote against sadness and stress.

🚩Tip 3. * Breakfast: * Some people miss breakfast for lack of time or not to get fat. Studies show that
breakfast gives you energy, helps you think and perform your activities successfully.

🚩Tip 4. * Assertive *: Ask what you want and say what you think. Being assertive helps improve your
self-esteem. Being left and remaining silent creates sadness and hopelessness.

🚩Tip 5. * Spend your money on experiences..a study found that 75% of people felt happier when they
invested their money in travel, courses and classes; While only the rest said they felt happier when
buying things.

🚩Tip 6. * Face your challenges *: Studies show that the more you postpone something, the more
anxiety and tension you generate. Write short weekly lists of tasks and complete them.

🚩Tip 7. * Put everywhere nice memories, phrases and photos of your loved ones *: Fill your fridge, your
computer, your desk, your room, YOUR LIFE of beautiful memories.
🚩Tip 8. * Always greet and be nice to other people *: More than 100 inquiries state that just smiling
changes the mood.

🚩Tip 9. * Wear comfortable shoes *: If your feet hurt you, you become moody, says Dr. Keinth Wapner,
President of the American Orthopedics Association.

🚩Tip 10. * Take care of your posture *: Walk straight with your shoulders slightly backwards and the
front view helps to maintain a good mood.

🚩Tip 11. * Listen to music * (Praise God): It is proven that listening to music awakens you to sing, this
will make your life happy.

🚩Tip 12. * What you eat has an impact on your mood *:- Do not skip meals, eat lightly every 3 to 4
hours and keep glucose levels stable.- Avoid excess white flour and sugar.- Eat everything! Healthy- Vary
your food.

🚩Tip 13. * Take care of yourself and feel attractive *:70% of people say they feel happier when they
think they look good.

🚩Tip 14. * Fervently believe in God *: With him nothing is impossible! Happiness is like a remote
control, we lose it every time, we go crazy looking for it and many times without knowing it, we are
sitting on top of it ...

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