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tiānyá guòkè

作词:方文山 zuòcí: Fāng wénshān

作曲:周杰伦 zuòqǔ: Zhōujiélún
编曲:黄雨勋 biān qǔ: Huángyǔxūn

风起雁南下 景萧萧 落黄沙

fēng qǐ yàn nánxià jǐng xiāoxiāo luò huáng shā
The wind picks up and the geese head south The scenery is that of rustling falling yellow sand
独坐沏壶茶 沏成一夜 灯下
dú zuò qī hú chá qī chéng yīyè dēng xià
brew a pot of tea infusing alone, all night long under the light
你在 几里外 的人家 想着他
nǐ zài jǐ lǐ wài de rénjiā xiǎngzhe tā
You are thinking of him whilst at somebody else's house a few miles away
一针一线 绣着花
yī zhēn yīxiàn xiùzhe huā
Embroidering a flower with a needle and thread

晨霜攀黛瓦 抖落霜 冷了茶

chén shuāng pān dài wǎ dǒu luò shuāng lěngle chá
The morning frost climbs on the black tiles The frost is shaken down, the tea gets cold
抚琴欲对话 欲问琴声 初落下
fǔqín yù duìhuà yù wèn qín shēng chū luòxià
Gently touching the zither, want talk to her want to ask when the sound of the guqin first came down
弦外 思念透窗花 而你却什么也不回答
xián wài sīniàn tòu chuānghuā ér nǐ què shénme yě bù huídá
Beyond the cords, my thoughts pass through the paper-cut window pattern Yet you don't respond at all

琴弦断了 缘尽了 你也走了

qín xián duànle yuán jǐnle nǐ yě zǒule
The strings of the guqin snap Our fate has ended You leave
爱恨起落 故事经过 只留下我
ài hèn qǐluò gùshì jīngguò zhǐ liú xià wǒ
Love and hate rise and fall The story passes by only leaving me behind
几番离愁 世事参透 都入酒
jǐ fān líchóu shìshì cāntòu dōu rù jiǔ
Numerous parting sorrows, I've fully grasped the ways of the world yet I still drink
问你是否 心不在这 少了什么
wèn nǐ shìfǒu xīn bùzài zhè shǎole shénme
I ask you whether there's something missing if your heart is not here

琴弦断了 缘已尽了 你也走了

qín xián duànle yuán yǐ jìn le nǐ yě zǒule
The strings of the guqin snap Our fate has already ended You have left too
你是过客 温柔到这 沉默了
nǐ shì guòkè wēnróu dào zhè chénmòle
You are a passing traveller, the tenderness stops here You become silent
拱桥斜坡 水岸码头 谁记得
gǒngqiáo xiépō shuǐ àn mǎtóu shéi jìdé
The slope of the arch bridge The port at the waterside Who remembers them
渡江扁舟 我伤依旧 临行回头
dù jiāng piānzhōu wǒ shāng yījiù lín xíng huí tóu
Crossing the river in a small boat My old wound is still the same as always I look back on departure
yuǎnfāng shéi huīshǒu
In the distance who is that waving

古刹山岚绕 雾散后 北风高

gǔchà shānlán rào wù sàn hòu běi fēng gāo
The mist swirls around the old temple After the fog dissipates The northern wind blows strong
禅定我寂寥 我身后风 呼啸
chándìng wǒ jìliáo wǒ shēnhòu fēng hūxiào
I meditate with my loneliness The wind roars behind me
笛声 半山腰 而你在 哪座桥
dí shēng bàn shānyāo ér nǐ zài nǎ zuò qiáo
The sound of the flute resonates halfway around the mountain Which bridge are you on?
远远对他 在微笑
yuǎn yuǎn duì tā zài wéixiào
You smile at him from far away

亭外芦苇花 白茫茫 细雨轻轻打 秋风刮

tíng wài lúwěi huābái mángmáng xì yǔ qīng qīng dǎqiūfēng guā
The reed flowers outside the pavilion are a vast expanse of whiteness The rain gently falls and the autumn
breeze blows
将笔搁下 画不出 谁在潇洒
jiāng bǐ gē xià huà bù chū shéi zài xiāosǎ
Placing the pen down, I cannot draw whomever is looking aloof
情愫 竟短暂犹如 骚人墨客笔下的烟花
qíngsù jìng duǎnzàn yóurú sāorén mòkè bǐxià de yānhuā
The feelings are unexpectedly short lived like the fireworks under the pen of a poet

琴弦断了 缘已尽了 你也走了

qín xián duànle yuán yǐ jìn le nǐ yě zǒule
The strings of the guqin snap Our fate has already ended You have left too
爱恨起落 故事经过 只留下我
ài hèn qǐluò gùshì jīngguò zhǐ liú xià wǒ
Love and hate rise and fall The story passes by only leaving me behind
门前竹瘦 清风折柳 你要走
mén qián zhú shòu qīngfēng zhé liǔ nǐ yào zǒu
The thin bamboo in front of the door, the breeze breaks off a willow branch You have to leave
风不停留 何苦绕来 摇晃灯火
fēng bù tíngliú hékǔ rào lái yáohuàng dēnghuǒ
The wind does not stay, why go around, the candle light flickers

琴弦断了 缘已尽了 你也走了

qín xián duànle yuán yǐ jìn le nǐ yě zǒule
* The strings of the guqin snap Our fate has already ended You have left too
你是过客 温柔到这 沉默了
nǐ shì guòkè wēnróu dào zhè chénmòle
You are a passing traveler, the tenderness stops here You become silent
轻解绳索 红尘放手 面对着
qīng jiě shéngsuǒ hóngchén fàngshǒu miàn duìzhe
Gently untying the rope Letting go of the worldly affairs Facing it Following my ferry
随我摆渡 离岸东流 蓦然回首
suí wǒ bǎidù lí àn dōng liú mòrán huíshǒu
Leaving the shore and moving east Suddenly I look back
nǐ zài dùchuán kǒu
You are at the ferry port

琴弦断了 缘尽了 你也走了

qín xián duànle yuán jǐnle nǐ yě zǒule
The strings of the guqin snap Our fate has already ended You have left too
你是过客 温柔到这 沉默了
nǐ shì guòkè wēnróu dào zhè chénmòle
The strings of the guqin snap Our fate has already ended You have left too
拱桥斜坡 水岸码头 谁记得
gǒngqiáo xiépō shuǐ àn mǎtóu shéi jìdé
The port at the waterside Who remembers them
随我摆渡 离岸东流 蓦然回首
suí wǒ bǎidù lí àn dōng liú mòrán huíshǒu
Leaving the shore and moving east Suddenly I look back
nǐ zài dùchuán kǒu
You are at the ferry port

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