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Tank Calculation

Inlet Flow of liquid 32.9 m3/hr

Inlet flow of N2 through PV-A 70 m3/hr
Inlet flow of N2 through PV-B 70 m3/hr
Total Inlet Flow 172.9 m3/hr
Outlet flow from Tank 60 m3/hr
Max Temp of Tank 55 ⁰C
Latitude 27⁰
3100 m3 Max.
Capacity of Tank
2600 m3 Working
Flash point 57.5 ⁰C
Molecular Weight 73 C3H7NO

In-Breathing Calculations
As per Annex A, for a liquid flash point > 38 ⁰C, from table A.1

Normal In-breathing for liq movement out 0.94 Nm3/hr of air per m3/hr of liquid flow

Outlet flow from Tank 60 m3/hr

As it is for 1 m3/hr of liquid flow so for this case, so liquid movement out will be

51.7 Nm3/hr of air

For thermal Effects, as per A.3 table, column 2, as flash point is > 38 C so

Thermal Inbreathing 525.9 Nm3/hr

577.6 Nm3/hr of Air

Total In-breathing

Out - Breathing Calculations

As per Annex A, for a liquid flash point > 38 ⁰C, from table A.1
Normal Out-breathing for liq movement in 1.01 Nm3/hr of air per m3/hr of liquid flow
Inlet Flow of liquid + Nitrogen lines 172.9 m3/hr
As it is for 1 m3/hr of liquid flow out, so liq. 174.629 Nm3/hr of air
movement in this case will be
For thermal Effects, as per A.3 table, column 4,
Thermal Inbreathing 322 Nm3/hr of Air

496.629 Nm3/hr of Air

Total Outbreathing 313.0182 Nm3/hr of H/C
Total Outbreathing

m3/hr of H/C

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