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Hidavatullah National Law University.

RetHNLU: Examsr20l E Date : 24 .07 .20 I 8


l his isto inform the Students of'B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) Semester-ll, IV, vl & vlll who wish to
submit applicalion lbr Rc-Totaling/ Revaluation of End Term Exam, Jan.-April, 2018
papers, that they may submit their application in prescribed form wilh proof of deposit of
requisite fee to the Examination Section on or before 31.07.2018 (Tuesdav). No applications
will be enlenained after due date.

Ilevaluation means to re-evaluale the paper of a particular subject completely. Under this,
Student has to surrender his/her original marks of particular paper and accept the final marks
when declared by the University as a result ofRevaluation.

Sl. \{'. P1lrticulllr Su m, rv

I Applrcauon lbrm availablc al Examination Section and University Website.
2. Fee Structure rRs. 500/- per subject for Revaluation
oRs.250/- per subject for Re-roulling
(Fees may be deposited at IDBI Bank, Universiry
Campus Branch.)
l Documents I{equircd ADolication Form with Iee receiDt
4 Sublnit ilt Examinalion Section between lr00 pm to 5:00 pm

Rules for Revalultion

l) Revaluation shall be available only for the paper ofend rerm examination.
2) Revaluarion for the paper of end term examination shall be senr to lwo extemal
evaluators for evaluation.
3) The averagc of the marks awarded by rwo extemal evaluators shall be taken as final
marks and the original marks obtained by the student shall have no value.

l) Students are advised to go through all rhe terms & condirions before they apply for the
2) Application form is to be completely and correctly filled and signed by the studen(
(concemed) only.
3) Select the pap€r carefully in which yor.r wish to seek revaluation. No second application
for additional papers shall bc accepted.
4) The fees once paid shall not be refunded.
5) The application is to be made by the student in hiyher own hand-writing and under
his/her own signature and not by anyone else on hiVher behalf.
of Examination
Copl l0:-
L P.A. to Hon'blc V.C.: for kind information ofHon,ble V.C. please.
2 Accounts Sec(ion: for information and necessarv action.
J. Notice Board and LT. Section for uploading onihe University Website for informarion of
students and all concemed.
. Date ofReceiving: Application No._

l. Name
2. Student ID/Reg. No.
3. Batch
4. Present Sem./Trim.
5. Contact Number
6. Name ofExam End Term Exam Session: Jan. to April,20l8.
S.No. Name of lhc Paper Secured in
in Sem.
(Etrd Term)


Nole: Sludents ore rcquired lo w le cotecl nome of he popeh

8. Details of Fees Paid (Pls. enclosed Fees Receipt)
(i) Receipt No. :
(ii) Date :
( iii) Amt. Paid :

Date of Application: Signature of the applicant

Application No.

We here by acknowledge the receipt of Application Form for Revaluation/

Re-Totaling of End Term Exam, Jan. to Aprit - 2018 Answer Script from
Mr./ Ms. Studied in Sem./Trim.
For following Paper- i) ii)
iii) iv) v)

Date of Receiving: Exam. Scction

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