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Short et al.

designing engaging online behaviour change interventions

original article
Designing engaging online behaviour change
interventions: A proposed model of user
Camille E. Short Background modes).
University of Adelaide Engagement in this context refers to a quality of
Central Queensland The potential of online user experience, characterised by increased attention,
University behaviour change positive affect, sensory and intellectual satisfaction
Amanda L. Rebar interventions for and mastery (O'Brien & Toms, 2008). Whilst there
Central Queensland improving public health in have been calls as early as 2009 (Ritterband & Tate,
University both a primary and 2009) to consider determinants of user engagement
Ronald C. tertiary prevention setting when designing online interventions, very few studies
Plotnikoff is well recognised (Davies, have incorporated this into their conceptual
University of Newcastle Spence, Vandelanotte, framework. Rather, the development of online
Corneel Caperchione, & Mummery, interventions has been guided predominantly by
Vandelanotte 2012; Kuijpers, Groen, theories of behaviour change, which focus on the
Central Queensland Aaronson, & van Harten, psychosocial determinants of behaviour (e.g., self-
University 2013). Due to this, and the efficacy, intentions). Theories offering insight into
growing popularity of the how to foster user engagement in online
Internet, the last decade has seen a substantial interventions have been largely ignored, an oversight
increase in the number of online behaviour change which may explain why issues with user engagement,
interventions developed and evaluated. Several well- such as low use of intervention features, few logins,
conducted systematic reviews and meta-analyses have and poor retention rates are consistently reported in
synthesised the literature regarding this research, the literature (Davies et al., 2012; Kelders, Kok,
providing insight into the effectiveness of these Ossebaard, & Van Gemert-Pijnen, 2012).
interventions, as well as the factors associated with A notable exception is research investigating the
intervention success (e.g., Brouwer et al., 2011; efficacy of computer-tailored interventions.
Davies et al., 2012; Kuijpers et al., 2013; Webb, Computer-tailoring is a technique that utilises
Joseph, Yardley & Michie, 2010). In general, these expert-system technology and individual assessments
reviews have shown that online interventions can be to provide individuals with customised health
effective (albeit effect sizes are in general small), and behaviour advice and feedback via an automated
that effectiveness is mediated by factors related to process (Kreuter, Farrell, & Olevitch, 2000). The
health behaviour change (e.g., the use of behaviour Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM; Petty, Barden, &
change theory and the type and number of behaviour Wheeler, 2009), an information processing theory, is
change techniques employed) as well as intervention often cited as the theoretical rationale for computer-
characteristics related to user engagement in the tailoring (Kreuter et al., 2000; Short, James, &
intervention (e.g., whether intervention content is Plotnikoff, 2013). According to the ELM, people
tailored to match individual characteristics, website process information elaborately (i.e., in an active and
interactivity, frequency of website updates and deliberate manner) if they are motivated and have
reminders and the use of supplementary delivery the resources (e.g., time), tendency and capabilities

volume 1 7 issue 1 The European Health Psychologist 32 ehp
Short et al. designing engaging online behaviour change interventions

to do so. Otherwise, information is processed with efficacy and should therefore be considered when
little or no consideration of central information and designing and evaluating online interventions. In line
attitudes are formed or reinforced based on simple with best practice, these factors should be considered
periphery cues (e.g., number of arguments made, within a conceptual framework that is both evidence-
credibility of the source) and heuristics (e.g., based and guided by theory (Michie, Johnston,
presumptions that experts are generally correct) Francis, Hardeman & Eccles, 2008). While this has
rather than thoughtful consideration of the message been done to some extent in computer-tailoring
content. Information processed in either way can lead studies, it should be noted that even in these studies
to persuasion, however for long-lasting effects, the ELM has not been operationalized in full. Other
thoughtful processing of the message is necessary factors thought to impact on whether information is
(Petty et al., 2009). In a behaviour change context, processed elaborately, such as an individual’s
this means that intervention strategies that increase resources (e.g., time), tendency and capability to
an individual’s motivation, tendency and ability to process information have not yet been considered.
elaborately process intervention content are more Nor have factors that may influence motivation (e.g.,
likely to result in actual and sustained attitudinal expectations and goals of the program) or the role of
changes (Petty et al., 2009). According to the ELM, a peripheral cues (e.g., aesthetic appeal) that may help
key factor that influences motivation to process to enhance engagement in the initial stages of the
information elaborately is the perceived personal intervention. The purpose of this paper is to propose
relevance of the message (Petty et al., 2009). a new model that can be used to guide the
Whereby, motivation is heightened when the message consideration of these factors when developing and
is perceived as personally relevant. Since computer- evaluating online behaviour change interventions.
tailored interventions provide customised advice,
likely to be perceived as personally relevant, pioneers
in this technique asserted that individual’s receiving Model of user engagement in online
computer-tailored interventions would be more interventions
motivated to process them elaborately than if they
received a generic ‘one size-fits all’ intervention. Research stemming from multiple disciplines,
Previous evaluations of computer-tailored including social psychology, information science and
interventions have provided support for this, showing marketing, suggests that factors relating to the
that computer-tailored intervention materials are individual’s environment, the individual and the
more likely to be read, remembered, discussed, and intervention interact to influence how users engage
perceived by the reader as interesting compared to with the intervention program and how persuasive it
non-tailored (i.e. generic) intervention materials is (Petty, Wheeler & Tormala, 2003; O'Brien & Toms,
(Kreuter et al., 2000). Furthermore, personal 2008; Petty et al., 2009; Ritterband & Tate, 2009;
relevance has been found to enhance the Kelders et al., 2012; Short et al., 2014; Crutzen,
persuasiveness of messages when perceived personal Ruiter & de Vries, 2014). Our model based on this
relevance is high (Dijkstra & Ballast, 2012) and at research is presented in Figure 1. The pathways of
least partially mediate intervention effects on influence depicted for each hypothesised determinant
behaviour (Oenema, Tan, & Brug, 2005; Jensen, King, of user engagement are based on information drawn
Carcioppolo & Davis, 2012). from existing models, including the ELM (Petty et al.,
Taken together, these studies support the notion 2009), Obrien and Toms’ conceptual model of user
that intervention techniques directed at influencing engagement with technology (O'Brien & Toms, 2008),
user engagement have an impact on intervention

volume 1 7 issue 1 The European Health Psychologist 33 ehp
Short et al. designing engaging online behaviour change interventions

Figure 1 . Model of user engagement in online interventions.

Ritterband and Tate’s (2009) model of internet tendency to process information elaborately (need for
interventions, as well as the Persuasive Systems cognition), user expectations and the perceived
Design Model (Oinas-Kukkonen & Harjumaa, 2009) as usability of the intervention (Crutzen et al., 2014;
applied by Kelders and colleagues (Kelders et al., O'Brien &Toms, 2008; Petty et al., 2003; Petty et al.,
2012). 2009). When intervention content is matched to the
In this model, the environment is composed of user’s demographic, psychosocial and behavioural
external factors that impede or facilitate intervention characteristics the intervention content is perceived
use, such as the length of time available to the user as personally relevant by the user, who is then
and the user’s access to the Internet. The online motivated to consider the intervention content
environment, relating to the tone, feel and function elaborately and engage in the intervention (Petty et
of what is currently accessible online, also fits within al., 2003; Petty et al., 2009). Increased motivation to
this domain. These environmental determinants engage in the intervention also occurs when
influence engagement indirectly by shaping a user’s intervention content and the way information is
expectations of the intervention, internet self- presented is matched to the participants need for
efficacy and internet behaviour, which in turn cognition (i.e., the extent to which people enjoy in
influences the user’s perception of intervention depth thinking) and encourages a positive affect. For
usability and how persuasive it is to them (Ritterband individuals with low need for cognition, the presence
et al., 2009). of motivating periphery cues (e.g., several arguments
The user’s individual characteristics are related to presented, the website is published by a credible
perceived personal relevance of the intervention, the source) and information presented in an accessible

volume 1 7 issue 1 The European Health Psychologist 34 ehp
Short et al. designing engaging online behaviour change interventions

and visual manner (e.g., via video or graphics) is Operationalization of the proposed
likely to initiate engagement in the intervention. For model alongside health behaviour
individuals with a high need for cognition, in depth change theory
information that can be read at the users’ own pace
may be more appreciated (Petty et al.,2003; Petty et The proposed model is congruent with current
al., 2009). Disengagement can be motivated by the psycho-social and ecological models of health
experience of negative emotions, resulting from behaviour change. As in these models, multiple and
incongruence between the user’s expectations of the interacting levels of influence on the individual are
website and the website itself (Crutzen et al., 2014) recognised, including individual, social and
or the intervention being perceived as irrelevant, environmental factors. Indeed, intervention
cumbersome (i.e. low usability) or unlikely to be developers may wish to utilise health behaviour
effective in terms of the user’s personal goals (O'Brien change models to determine which psycho-social and
&Toms, 2008). Importantly, disengagement in the environmental factors may be important to consider
intervention can also occur due to the experience of in the context of engagement as well as behaviour
positive emotions, such as satisfaction with the change. Overall, these models can be operationalised
program due to the achievement of personal goals alongside each other to inform a more comprehensive
(O'Brien & Toms, 2008). approach to intervention development. That is, one
Intervention features, such as the aesthetics, that focuses not only on what psychosocial and
interactivity, intended frequency of use, delivery ecological factors to target in order to influence
mode of intervention content (e.g., video or text) and behaviour, but on how these factors are likely to
the content itself, exert a strong influence on user influence engagement and which intervention
engagement. Engagement is most likely to be features are likely to be effective in the target
initiated when the intervention is perceived as population. As is recommended for the
relevant, novel, and aesthetically appealing. operationalization of behaviour change theory, the
Sustained engagement is likely when the intervention proposed model should be operationalised by mapping
proves usable and offers ongoing learning and the proposed determinants of engagement to
interacting opportunities that are relevant and intervention strategies, preferably with known
motivating to the user (O'Brien & Toms, 2008). This efficacy (Michie, Fixsen, Grimshaw & Eccles, 2009).
can be achieved using persuasive design features, To inform this process, experimental studies focusing
such as interaction with a counsellor and by on the impact of intervention strategies on
frequently updating content (Kelders et al., 2012). determinants of user engagement and engagement
Disengagement occurs when the user experiences itself are needed (Crutzen et al., 2014). While little
negative emotions relating to intervention features, work has been done in this area within the behaviour
such as frustration or boredom. change field, there are some notable exceptions. For
Importantly, these factors operate within a example, Crutzen and colleagues (2014) have recently
feedback loop, whereby they influence each other conducted experiments investigating user perceptions
and engagement reciprocally (Figure 1). as determinants of engagement in online
interventions. These studies show that altering the
users affect (by arousing interest) is a promising
intervention strategy for enhancing engagement in
online interventions and provide important insights
into how to manipulate intervention features to

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Short et al. designing engaging online behaviour change interventions

achieve this aim. to assess both determinants and outcomes, and clear
links between the determinants of engagement
targeted and the techniques selected to address them
Implications for Future research must be made (Michie et al., 2009). Furthermore, in
accordance with Crutzen and colleagues (2014), we
Overall, the presented model suggests that online agree that experimental studies examining the impact
interventions are likely to be most engaging when of specific intervention features on user engagement
they are well matched to the user’s characteristics is an essential next step for building ‘a science of user
(demographics, behaviour, psycho-social profile), engagement’ in our field.
needs (need for cognition), skill level (internet self-
efficacy) and expectations (related to goals and
previous internet experience). The use of persuasive Conclusion
design characteristics helps to sustain engagement,
especially when techniques promote patterns of use Evidence from systematic reviews and meta-
that reflect the users’ available resources (in terms of analyses suggests that the effectiveness of online
time and internet access), meet or exceed the users’ interventions is mediated by factors associated with
expectations for the program, and create a positive user engagement in interventions and psychosocial
user experience. health behaviour change determinants. However,
While this model may be an oversimplification of current intervention approaches strongly focus on
the processes involved with engagement in online influencing determinants of health behaviour change
interventions (Ritterband et al., 2009), it provides a and fail to address determinants of engagement. This
useful foundation to help intervention developers is due to a reliance on behaviour change theories to
identify and map their assumptions about how the guide the development and evaluation of online
intervention will work against each of the model’s interventions, which provide little or no insight into
domains. In doing so, intervention developers can how to deliver intervention content in an engaging
identify which environmental, individual and way. If we are to fully understand the active
intervention features related to engagement have not mechanisms of online interventions, future studies
yet been considered, and which should be addressed, need to consider both sets of determinants and their
examined and measured in the context of their interactive effects. The model presented in this paper
intervention. can be operationalised alongside behaviour change
As the model is utilised and tested by researchers theory to help guide this research.
in the future, it can be adapted to better explain and
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Theory-and evidence-based development and is a National Health and Medical
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breast cancer survivors. International Journal of
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Short, C. E., Vandelanotte, C., Dixon, M. W.,
Rosenkranz, R., Caperchione, C., Hooker, C., . . . Amanda L. Rebar
Duncan, M. J. (2014). Examining participant Is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at
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Research Protocols, 3 (1), e2.
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(2010). Using the internet to promote health Ronald C. Plotnikoff
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Corneel Vandelanotte
is an Associate Professor at the
School of Human, Health, and Social
Sciences, Central Queensland
University, Rockhampton, Australia

volume 1 7 issue 1 The European Health Psychologist 38 ehp

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