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present tenses

present tense simple present tense continuous present perfect simple present perfect continuous
A: S+ Vb+ s/es (he/she/it) A: S+ am/is/are+Vb+ING A:S+ have/has+ vb (3rd form) A: S+ have/has+been+ vb+ING
N: S+ do/does+ NOT+ Vb N: S+ am/is/are+NOT+ Vb+ ING N: S + have/has+NOT+ vb (3rd form) N: S+ have/has+ NOT +been+vb+ING
I: Do/Does+ S+ Vb? I: Am/Is/Are+ S+ Vb+ ING? I: Have/Has+ S+ vb (3rd form)? I: Have/has+S+been+vb+ING?
present tense simple present tense continuous present perfect simple present perfect continuous
- situatii, stari permanente (meserii, - situatii temporare (this week/this - actiuni recent terminate/ ale carui - actiuni incepute in trecut care continua
religie, nationalitate) month...) rezultat este vizibil in prezent pana in prezent+ vb cu ING
- adevaruri generale (legi ale naturii, - situatii in tranzitie in prezent (get) - actiuni care au inceput in trecut si - rezultat vizibil in prezent dar al unei
stiinta) care continua in prezent +verbe care actiuni continue fata de present simple
- obicei enervant (always)
- actiuni repetate/ obiceiuri (often, - actiuni care se desfasoara in nu primesc ING (since/for) - pentru a exprima iritarea vorbitorului
always, sometimes, frequently, rarely, momentul vorbirii - actiune pe o perioada de timp + for/since pentru a arata durata actiunii
never, every day/ week/month) neterminata
- actiune viitoare stabilita, aranjata (today/this+morning/week/month)
- pentru comentarii sportive si
naratiuni - actiune trecuta nedeterminata (NU se
mentioneaza timpul actiunii)
- pentru actiuni viitoare oficiale
- in propozitii exclamative:
Here comes the bride!
key words
now, at the moment - for/since+vb+ing - for/ since+ vb +ing
sometimes, usually, always, never, today, this+ week/ month/ Sunday - already, just, yet, lately, recently, so - rezultat in prezent
often, rarely, every+day/week/ far, until now - actiune incompleta
Monday - this+ week/ morning/ today ...
Past tenses

past tense simple past tense continuous past perfect simple past perfect continuous
A: S+ Vb+ ed/ vb forma a 2-a A: S+ was/were+Vb+ING A:S+ had+ vb (3rd form) A: S+ had +been+ vb+ING
N: S+ DID+ NOT+ Vb N: S+ was/were +NOT+ Vb+ ING N: S + had +NOT+ vb (3rd form) N: S+ had + NOT+ been + vb+ING
I: DID+ S+ Vb? I: Was/Were + S+ Vb+ ING? I: Had + S+ vb (3rd form)? I: Had+S+been+vb+ING?
past tense simple past tense continuous past perfect simple past perfect continuous
- actiuni trecute definite mentionam - actiuni privite in desfasurare, in - o actiune trecuta care a avut loc - o actiune inceputa in trecut, care a
cand s-au intamplat progress la un anumit moment din inaintea altei actiuni/ moment din continuat pana la un moment dat din
trecut  accentul se pune pe durata
- obiceiuri in trecut (sinonim cu USED trecut. trecut
TO/ WOULD + vb) They were walking in the park They had lived in Brasov before actiunii
In the past I walked in that park every yesterday at 10. moving to Madrid. They had been living in that flat for 10
evening./ I used to walk... - o actiune trecuta in desfasurare, - o actiune inceputa in trecut, care a years when I met them.
- o insiruire de mai multe actiuni intrerupta de o alta actiune (mai continuat pana la un moment dat din - to show cause and effect :
scurta) trecut cu STATIVE VERBS (verbe Jason was tired because he had been
trecute, una dupa alta
ce nu pot avea forma progresiva)
He entered his room, turned on the I was watching TV when James called jogging.
me. They had known each other for 3 years
lights and started preparing dinner.
- 2 actiuni in desfasurare/ in paralel la before they got married.
un moment dat in trecut
They were walking in the park while
their parents were working.
key words
Yesterday/ the day before yesterday/ As/ while/this time yesterday/ all last - by the time/ after/ before/ until/ just/ - since/ for
night/ at noon yesterday/ between 7 already/ yet/ until then/ when
LAST+ month/week/Sunday/ summer - all morning/ before/ when
and 10 yesterday evening - never/ ever
5 hours AGO
- since/for
When ......

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