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T15 The expression of manner, means and instrument

The topic I have chosen is number 15, entitled the expression of manner, means and
instrument. This topic deals with one key aspect of English grammar, the structures we use
when we express the way an action is performed: The manner, means and instruments we
make use to achieve a desired result.

Before going into detail, I would also like to add that According to the new law on Spanish
Education LOMCE 8/2013 Law on the Improvement of Quality of Education December 9th and
the subsequent aragon orders establishing curricula in Secondary Education this and other
parts of English grammar are not left behind in the teaching of English language. It is true that
more aspects like culture, competences like IT , speaking, listening and other factors are taken
into account now when teaching languages, but it is still necessary to know how to use it
correctly so that our students can make a good use of English to express themselves. Linguistic
remains a core aspect when teaching foreign languages.

Thus, my essay will be divided into the before-mentioned introduction and justification, a
central body consisting of process adjunts, which are the main way to express these three
grammatical notions and an insight into them separately. Finally a conclusion and a
bibliography will be included.

As I have just said, process adjuncts are the main way of expressing means manner and
instrument. These notions are related to the wider notion of process, as they answer and give
us info in utterances about how we carry out actions. Adjunct is a type of adverbial and an
adverbial is, acc to Quirk, an element of a clause along with other like subject, verb, object and
complement. This modifies the predicate or the action stated by a verb. It can be realized by
different word classes as prep. Phrases (in a hurry) adverb phrases (rapidly,) noun or noun
phrases. (today), clauses (as he did)

There are four main types of adverbials. Disjuncts and conjuncts, which are peripherical to the
sentence. A conjunct is basically a connector such as What is more, and a disjunct normally
give us info about the tone or the feeling of the speaker (unfortunatedly, I wont be able to
come). Subjuncts and adjunts are normally found in the clause, being the former subordinated
to the predicate ( I really don’t get it) adjunts more directly realted to the verb I understand it
partially. This last one is our main concern today.

Process adjuntcs co-occur with the verb and focuses on how an action is performed. They are
mainly done by prep phrases, which express the three notions (with a fork instrument in a
hurry manner, by bus means), adverb phrases normally means(comfortably) but
homeopathically or miscroscopically (means and instrument) clauses manner (as my mother
told me).

Regarding the position of process adjuncts, they are normally found in the predicate, as if
fronted we can think of them as more subject-oriented (Courteosly I responded him) Order:
process+time and place. However it can be changed depending on end-focus info and longer
adjuncts at the end. In passive sentence / empahtic- can be have medial position (give
examples) He was brutally killed.

Sintactically, there are special features that are worth mentioning to differentiate them
between other types of adverbials: Omission, proforms (so) alternative questions, only and
also Manner (comparative premodified by how or however)

There are some restrictions in their use, especially with copulative verbs like s backwardly is
not correct. However this stative verbs can have other meanings like in He looks angry
intentionally. (imitate meaning)

As for the notions themselves, manner indicates how an action is performed involving certain
charactersitics in contrast with the notions of instrument and means) For example slowly, fast,
cautiously, etc. It can be subclassified into more specific and endless manners such as manner
of behaviour, manner of work, manner of socialising, etc.

The main ways of expressing this notion are through adverb phrases, which is the most
numerous group (adv in ly and adv in wise, adv in -style)

Prep phrases, with diff use of prepositions (in a hurry, like a dream, with care…) in+ adj+way

Clauses that function as adverbials with a more complex structure. We can find diff types, such
as comparison (as or like (American) ; as if…) He speaks as well as I do

You have to live as if it was your last day! He behaves as if he was stupid.

Apart from strictly adverbials, some verbs can express the way an action is done. For example
those who fall into the smile category (smirk, grin, beam, leer) Or look, glare , gaze, glimpse
contemplate, etc.

Adjectives can also give us info about manner when they are in attributive function. His death
was instantaneous.

It is interesting how we make questions to ask about the manner. Questions using how are
inappropriate because of its semantic limitations. This is why it is much preferable to use
alternate questions. For example if we ask how did he run? There are numerous possible
answers for that questions. If we want to focus on the speed it would be better to ask: did he
run fast or not?

The expression of means also points at how an action is performed but it gives more info about
the method, proceudre or technique to complete it without specifiying which instrument or

Adverbials are also the most numerous group to express this notion. It is charactertic the use
of prep phrases: by bus on foot, etc. although we can also find some ly adverbs like in He was
surgically treated. Means can also be closely connected to the notion of place as in He entered
by/through the window. Clauses can be also a method to express means, especially present
participle non-finite ones, for example: He came here driving his car or he got closer pushing
the bushes. Regarding the position, it is usual to find it at the end, but other positions can be
found as we explained above. How can be used to ask a question as in How did he come? By

Last but not least, instrument indicates how an action is performed but with a specific mention
of the tool or instrument that was used to achieve the desired result. The most common way
to express this notion is through prepositional phrases, as the prep introduce the tool in
question: He ate with a fork, without his hands. Also present participle can be used: He
analysed it using the new computer software. It is difficult to find adv phrases but we could
also say: he microscopically analysed the sample. As it is usual for adjuncts instrument
adverbials are found at the end of the sentence and how questions are possible.

In conclusion, we have outlined the main aspects and categories of the notion of process. I
tried to give a brief presentation of those but it goes without saying that there are endless
combinations of adverbials to express how we perform a specific action which give more
detailed information when we and our students communicate in English. It is undeniable that
teaching grammar can be tricky and difficult, as it is normally one of the aspects that annoys
our students the most. However, teaching grammar has changed a lot over the last few
decades and it no longer consists of only memorizing rules and doing tedious exercises by
heart. Through osmosis and induction methods, we can help our students to raise their
awareness of how English works, how we use adverbs and prepositions in English to
communicate how we do things. It is better to make them infer how these rules are used so
that they can actually notice and apply them

Apart from the legislation with which I justified this topic, the main bibliography and
references have used for this dissertation are

A Comprehensive grammar of English by Quirk, R et al

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